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См. также в других словарях:

  • Flow cytometry — Analysis of a marine sample of photosynthetic picoplankton by flow cytometry showing three different populations (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and picoeukaryotes) Flow cytometry (abbreviated: FCM) is a technique for counting and examining… …   Wikipedia

  • Flow cytometry — Analysis of biological material by detection of the light absorbing or fluorescing properties of cells or subcellular fractions such as chromosomes passing in a narrow stream through a laser beam. Flow cytometry can be used with automated sorting …   Medical dictionary

  • flow cytometry — a technique in which cells are tagged with a fluorescent dye and then directed single file through a laser beam. The intensity of fluorescence induced by the laser beam is proportional to the amount of DNA in the cells …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Balanced flow — In atmospheric science, balanced flow is an idealisation of atmospheric motion. The idealisation consists in considering the behaviour of one isolated parcel of air having constant density, its motion on a horizontal plane subject to selected… …   Wikipedia

  • Optical flow — The optic flow experienced by a rotating observer (in this case a fly). The direction and magnitude of optic flow at each location is represented by the direction and length of each arrow. Image taken from.[1] Optical flow or optic flow is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sidoarjo mud flow — The Sidoarjo mud flow or Lapindo mud, also informally abbreviated as Lusi , a contraction of Lumpur Sidoarjo ( lumpur is the Indonesian word for mud), is a since May 2006 ongoing eruption of gas and mud in the subdistrict of Porong, Sidoarjo in… …   Wikipedia

  • Material flow analysis — 3R Concepts Waste Disposal Hierarchy Reduce Reuse Recycle Barter Dematerialization Downcycling Dumpster diving Ecode …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral flow test — Lateral flow tests [ [http://www.devicelink.com/ivdt/archive/99/11/009.html Concurrent Engineering for Lateral Flow Diagnostics (IVDT archive, Nov 99) ] ] also known as Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Assays are a simple device intended to… …   Wikipedia

  • Intraday Intensity Index — A volume based indicator that depicts the flow of funds for a security according to where it closes in its high and low range. Calculated as: This indicator was developed by Dave Bostian. Its goal is to track the activity of institutional block… …   Investment dictionary

  • magnetic intensity — noun the amount of magnetic flux in a unit area perpendicular to the direction of magnetic flow • Syn: ↑magnetic field strength, ↑magnetic induction, ↑magnetic flux density • Hypernyms: ↑field strength, ↑field intensity * * * noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • plastic flow — noun see plastic deformation * * * deformation of a material that remains rigid under stresses of less than a certain intensity but that behaves under severer stresses approximately as a Newtonian fluid. Also called plastic deformation. [1875 80] …   Useful english dictionary

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