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  • 1 muy

    1 very.
    muy bueno/cerca very good/near
    es muy hombre he's very manly, he's a real man
    muy de mañana very early in the morning
    ¡muy bien! OK!, all right!; (vale) very good!, well done! (qué bien)
    eso es muy de ella that's just like her
    eso es muy de los americanos that's typically American
    ¡el muy fresco! the cheeky devil!
    ¡la muy tonta! the silly idiot!
    Muy Sr. mío dear Sir
    te cuidarás muy mucho de hacerlo just make absolutely sure you don't do it
    no cabe ahí, es muy grande it won't fit in there, it's too big
    * * *
    1 very
    muy de mañana very early in the morning
    ser muy hombre/mujer familiar to be a real man/woman
    por muy... no matter how..., however...
    * * *
    1) very
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=mucho) very

    muy bien/tarde/mucho — very well/late/much

    muy bien, que venga — all right, he can come (along)

    muy pero que muy guapo — really, really handsome

    muy de, muy de noche — very late at night

    es muy de sentirfrm it is much to be regretted

    el/la muy, el muy tonto de Pedro — that great idiot Pedro

    ¡el muy bandido! — the rascal!

    por muy, por muy cansado que estés — however tired you are, no matter how tired you are

    2) (=demasiado) too
    3) [con participio] greatly, highly
    SF (=lengua) tongue; (=boca) trap **, mouth
    * * *
    a) very

    muy bien, sigamos adelante — OK o fine, let's go on

    por muy cansado que estéshowever o no matter how tired you are

    b) ( demasiado) too

    quedó muy dulceit's rather o too sweet

    * * *
    = highly, very, eminent + Nombre, deeply, expansively, darn.
    Ex. Even for those items that are designated relevant some may be judged to be highly relevant, whilst others may be regarded as partially relevant or only marginally relevant.
    Ex. I have been very embarrassed at their embarrassment at the kinds of subject headings used.
    Ex. 'I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I've outlined,' he said and started toward the door.
    Ex. I have found in reading extracts from Scott's diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott's words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.
    Ex. Their survey is expansively scripted and probes for a variety of information from the interviewee = Su encuesta está muy detallada y obtiene una gran variedad de información de los encuestados.
    Ex. However, as someone else said, people are pretty darn sensitive about terrorism, and the days of left-luggage may be over.
    * acento muy pronunciado = heavy accent.
    * algo muy agradable de oír = music to + Posesivo + ears.
    * algo muy diferente de = a far cry from.
    * algo muy difícil = a tough sell.
    * algo muy distinto de = a far cry from.
    * algo ya muy conocido y usado = old nag.
    * andar (muy) apurado de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) apurado de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.
    * andar (muy) corto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) corto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.
    * andar (muy) escaso de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) escaso de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.
    * andar (muy) falto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) falto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.
    * apuntar muy alto = reach for + the stars, shoot for + the stars.
    * a un precio muy razonable = at a very reasonable cost, at a very reasonable cost, at very reasonable cost.
    * avanzar muy despacio = creep, creep along.
    * como muy tarde = at the latest.
    * con las manos muy largas = light-fingered.
    * con lazos muy estrechos = close-knit.
    * con medios muy escasos = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con medios muy exiguos = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con muy poca antelación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca anticipación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca frecuencia = all too seldom.
    * con muy pocas excepciones = with a few exceptions.
    * con muy pocos medios = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con un plazo de tiempo muy corto = at (a) very short notice.
    * curva muy abierta = sweeping curve.
    * curva muy cerrada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.
    * curva muy pronunciada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.
    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de muy lejos = from afar.
    * de ritmo muy acelerado = hard-driving.
    * desde muy antiguo = since olden times.
    * desde muy lejos = from afar.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely, crudely.
    * encontrar muy difícil = be hard-pushed to.
    * en muy poco tiempo = before long.
    * en un pasado muy lejano = in the dim and distant past.
    * estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.
    * estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.
    * estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.
    * estar muy bajo = be way down.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.
    * estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.
    * estar muy lejano = be far off.
    * estar muy lejos = be far off.
    * estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.
    * estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.
    * estar muy separado = set + far apart.
    * estar muy usado = be well thumbed.
    * evaluar muy positivamente según unos criterios establecido = rate + Nombre + high on + criteria.
    * gente muy trabajadora = hard-working people.
    * haber de muy diversos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.
    * hablar muy bien de = rant and rave.
    * hacer Algo muy bien = do + an excellent job of.
    * hasta hace muy poco = up until recently.
    * ignorancia es muy atrevida, la = ignorance is very daring.
    * ir muy atrasado = be way behind schedule.
    * ir muy por detrás de = be far behind.
    * llegar muy lejos = go + a long way, come + a long way.
    * lo que es muy importante = importantly.
    * muy abreviado = highly-abbreviated.
    * muy activo = afire.
    * muy a diferencia de = in marked contrast to/with.
    * muy + Adjetivo = extremely + Adjetivo, grossly + Adjetivo, rather + Adjetivo, severely + Adjetivo, tightly + Adjetivo, wildly + Adjetivo, extraordinarily + Adjetivo, incredibly + Adjetivo, ludicrously + Adjetivo, seriously + Adjetivo, disappointingly + Adjetivo, not least + Adjetivo, heavily + Adjetivo, much + Adjetivo, mighty + Adjetivo, prohibitively + Adjetivo, sorely + Adjetivo, supremely + Adjetivo, vastly + Adjetivo, vitally + Adjetivo, immensely + Adjetivo, hugely + Adjetivo, significantly + Adjetivo, most + Adjetivo, impressively + Adjetivo, bloody + Adjetivo.
    * muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio = quite + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * muy + Adjetivo/Participio = keenly + Adjetivo/Participio.
    * muy admirado = much-admired.
    * muy + Adverbio = ever so + Adverbio.
    * muy agustito = snugly.
    * muy alejado de = a long way removed from.
    * muy al principio = in very early days, at the very outset.
    * muy amado = much-loved.
    * muy a menudo = more often than not, very often, most often than not.
    * muy antiguo = centuries-old.
    * muy anunciado = well-publicised [well-publicized, -USA].
    * muy apartado de = a long way removed from.
    * muy a + Posesivo + pesar = to + Posesivo + chagrin.
    * muy apreciado = highly appreciated, long-revered.
    * muy apreciado desde hace tiempo = long-revered.
    * muy arraigado = deep-rooted, well established, long-established.
    * muy a tiempo = in good time.
    * muy atrás = far behind.
    * muy atrasado = in the backwoods.
    * muy avanzado = well-developed, well-advanced.
    * muy beneficioso = high-payoff.
    * muy bien = nicely.
    * ¡muy bien! = the way to go!.
    * muy bien cuidado = well-kept.
    * muy bien pagado = highly paid.
    * muy bien + podría + Verbo = might + well + Verbo.
    * muy bien + puede + Verbo = may well + Verbo.
    * muy bien remunerado = highly paid.
    * muy bien tramado = carefully crafted.
    * muy bien urdido = carefully crafted.
    * muy caliente = piping hot, baking hot.
    * muy cambiado = much-changed, much-changed.
    * muy caro = high priced [high-priced].
    * muy cerca = close-by.
    * muy claramente = in no uncertain terms.
    * muy completo = populated.
    * muy concurrido = well-used [well used], well attended [well-attended].
    * muy condicionado = well-conditioned.
    * muy condimentado = spicy [spicier -comp., spiciest -sup.].
    * muy conseguido = slick, licked, well-crafted.
    * muy criticado = much-criticised [much-criticized, USA].
    * muy crítico = highly critical.
    * muy custodiado = heavily guarded.
    * muy de cerca = not far behind.
    * muy desarrollado = well-developed.
    * muy despacio = very slowly.
    * muy de tarde en tarde = once in a blue moon.
    * muy diferente de = far different... from, in marked contrast to/with.
    * muy difícil de traducir = defy + translation.
    * muy dispuesto a = all ready to.
    * muy divulgado = well-publicised [well-publicized, -USA].
    * muy documentado = well-informed.
    * muy duro = as hard as nails.
    * muy eficaz = powerful.
    * muy endeudado = heavily indebted.
    * muy escandaloso = highly visible.
    * muy especializado = highly specialised.
    * muy estimado = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed.
    * muy estrecho = poky [pokier -comp., pokiest -sup.].
    * muy estructurado = highly-structured.
    * muy extendido = commonly-held, widely held.
    * muy famoso = highly acclaimed, widely acclaimed, well-acclaimed.
    * muy frecuentado = heavily used.
    * muy frecuentemente = so often, most often than not.
    * muy frecuente y rápido = rapid-fire.
    * muy gastado = worn-out.
    * muy generalizado = commonly-held, widely held.
    * muy grande = big time.
    * muy iluminado = brightly illuminated.
    * muy importante = critical, very importantly, big time.
    * muy informado = well-informed.
    * muy leído = widely-read.
    * muy lejano = far off.
    * muy lejos = far away, far off.
    * muy lejos de = a long way from, a long way removed from.
    * muy lejos de conseguir = a long way toward.
    * muy lentamente = very slowly.
    * muy lluvioso = rain-soaked.
    * muy logrado = slickly produced.
    * muy mal tiempo = severe weather.
    * muy mayor = over the hill.
    * muy moderno = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * muy motivado = highly-motivated.
    * muy necesario = much needed [much-needed], long overdue.
    * muy nervioso = in a state of agitation, highly-strung.
    * muy nervioso, histérico = high-strung.
    * muy notorio = highly visible.
    * muy parecido a = much like.
    * muy + Participio = badly + Participio.
    * muy + Participio Pasado = widely + Participio Pasado, extensively + Participio Pasado.
    * muy peculiar = highly distinctive.
    * muy pertinente para = central to.
    * muy poblado = heavily populated.
    * muy poco = minimally.
    * muy polémico = highly controversial.
    * muy popular = widely-read, highly popular.
    * muy por delante de = far ahead of.
    * muy por detrás = far behind.
    * muy por el contrario = in marked contrast.
    * muy por encima de = far beyond.
    * muy por encima de todo = over and above all.
    * muy posiblemente = for all you know, for all we know.
    * muy practicado = much practised.
    * muy preciado = much prized, highly prized.
    * muy preciso = much needed [much-needed].
    * muy probablemente = most likely, most probably.
    * muy pronto = before long, pretty soon.
    * muy propio = highly distinctive.
    * muy provechoso = high-payoff.
    * muy pulido = licked, slick.
    * muy querido = much-loved.
    * muy rápidamente = like a house on fire, in short order.
    * muy rara vez = all too seldom, all too seldom, once in a blue moon.
    * muy recomendado = highly recommended.
    * muy reconocido = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed.
    * muy resistente = heavy-duty.
    * muy respetado = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed, widely-respected.
    * muy sazonado = spicy [spicier -comp., spiciest -sup.].
    * muy similar a = much like.
    * muy sistemático = highly-structured.
    * muy solicitado = in great demand.
    * muy trabajado = well-crafted.
    * muy trabajador = committed.
    * muy unido = close-knit, tight-knit, closely knit, well-connected, tightly knit.
    * muy usado = shabby [shabbier -comp., shabbiest -sup.], high-use, well-used [well used], well-worn, well-worn, heavily used, much-used.
    * muy útil = highly valuable.
    * muy valioso = highly valuable, highly prized.
    * muy valorado = highly valued, highly appreciated.
    * muy venerado = long-revered.
    * muy venerado desde hace tiempo = long-revered.
    * muy vigilado = heavily guarded.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * nombre muy conocido = household name, household word.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.
    * pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * persona muy trabajadora = hard-working person.
    * poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.
    * por muy + Adjetivo + be = Adjetivo + though + Nombre + be.
    * por muy difícil que parezca = difficult though it may seem, difficult as it may seem.
    * por muy extraño que parezca = strangely enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, funnily enough.
    * por muy increíble que parezca = incredible though it may seem, incredibly, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.
    * por muy mentira que parezca = incredibly, incredible though it may seem, strangely enough, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, although it may seem incredible.
    * por muy raro que parezca = strangely enough, oddly enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange.
    * posibilidades muy variadas = rich possibilities.
    * puede muy bien ser = could well be.
    * puede muy bien ser que = it may well be that.
    * regla muy precisa = finely graduated scale.
    * repasar Algo muy detenidamente = go over + Nombre + with a fine toothcomb.
    * sangre muy diluida = thin blood.
    * sentido muy desarrollado de su propio territorio = territoriality.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.
    * ser Algo muy importante = loom + large.
    * ser algo muy obvio = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy raro = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy revelador = be a giveaway.
    * ser muy aconsejable que = be well advised to.
    * ser muy amigo de = be pally with.
    * ser muy antiguo = go back + a long way.
    * ser muy buena señal = bode + well.
    * ser muy conocido por = be well known for.
    * ser muy diferente de = be quite apart from.
    * ser muy difícil, no ser nada fácil = be hard-pushed to.
    * ser muy escaso = be at a premium.
    * ser muy gracioso = be a right laugh.
    * ser muy melindroso = be picky.
    * ser muy necesario = be long overdue.
    * ser muy particular = be picky.
    * ser muy poco probable = be remote.
    * ser muy popular = have + mass appeal.
    * ser muy probable = chances + be.
    * ser muy prometedor = promise + great possibilities, bode + well.
    * ser muy provechoso = pay off + handsomely.
    * ser muy quisquilloso = be picky.
    * ser muy rápido = be quick off + Posesivo + feet.
    * ser muy revelador = speak + volumes, be an eye-opener.
    * ser muy superior a los demás = be way above all the others.
    * ser muy superior a los otros = be way above all the others.
    * ser muy usado = be heavily used.
    * servir muy bien = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * tejido muy delicado = gossamer.
    * tener algo muy vivo en la mente de uno = be strong in + mind.
    * tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tenerse muy en cuenta por = carry + weight with.
    * tener un día muy largo = have + a long day.
    * tiempo muy malo = severe weather.
    * una probabilidad muy alta = a sporting chance.
    * venir muy bien = fit + the bill.
    * verse muy afectado por = have + a high stake in.
    * vigilar Algo muy de cerca = keep + a watchful eye.
    * * *
    a) very

    muy bien, sigamos adelante — OK o fine, let's go on

    por muy cansado que estéshowever o no matter how tired you are

    b) ( demasiado) too

    quedó muy dulceit's rather o too sweet

    * * *
    = highly, very, eminent + Nombre, deeply, expansively, darn.

    Ex: Even for those items that are designated relevant some may be judged to be highly relevant, whilst others may be regarded as partially relevant or only marginally relevant.

    Ex: I have been very embarrassed at their embarrassment at the kinds of subject headings used.
    Ex: 'I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I've outlined,' he said and started toward the door.
    Ex: I have found in reading extracts from Scott's diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott's words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.
    Ex: Their survey is expansively scripted and probes for a variety of information from the interviewee = Su encuesta está muy detallada y obtiene una gran variedad de información de los encuestados.
    Ex: However, as someone else said, people are pretty darn sensitive about terrorism, and the days of left-luggage may be over.
    * acento muy pronunciado = heavy accent.
    * algo muy agradable de oír = music to + Posesivo + ears.
    * algo muy diferente de = a far cry from.
    * algo muy difícil = a tough sell.
    * algo muy distinto de = a far cry from.
    * algo ya muy conocido y usado = old nag.
    * andar (muy) apurado de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) apurado de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.
    * andar (muy) corto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) corto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.
    * andar (muy) escaso de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) escaso de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.
    * andar (muy) falto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) falto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.
    * apuntar muy alto = reach for + the stars, shoot for + the stars.
    * a un precio muy razonable = at a very reasonable cost, at a very reasonable cost, at very reasonable cost.
    * avanzar muy despacio = creep, creep along.
    * como muy tarde = at the latest.
    * con las manos muy largas = light-fingered.
    * con lazos muy estrechos = close-knit.
    * con medios muy escasos = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con medios muy exiguos = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con muy poca antelación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca anticipación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca frecuencia = all too seldom.
    * con muy pocas excepciones = with a few exceptions.
    * con muy pocos medios = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con un plazo de tiempo muy corto = at (a) very short notice.
    * curva muy abierta = sweeping curve.
    * curva muy cerrada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.
    * curva muy pronunciada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.
    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de muy lejos = from afar.
    * de ritmo muy acelerado = hard-driving.
    * desde muy antiguo = since olden times.
    * desde muy lejos = from afar.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely, crudely.
    * encontrar muy difícil = be hard-pushed to.
    * en muy poco tiempo = before long.
    * en un pasado muy lejano = in the dim and distant past.
    * estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.
    * estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.
    * estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.
    * estar muy bajo = be way down.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.
    * estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.
    * estar muy lejano = be far off.
    * estar muy lejos = be far off.
    * estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.
    * estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.
    * estar muy separado = set + far apart.
    * estar muy usado = be well thumbed.
    * evaluar muy positivamente según unos criterios establecido = rate + Nombre + high on + criteria.
    * gente muy trabajadora = hard-working people.
    * haber de muy diversos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.
    * hablar muy bien de = rant and rave.
    * hacer Algo muy bien = do + an excellent job of.
    * hasta hace muy poco = up until recently.
    * ignorancia es muy atrevida, la = ignorance is very daring.
    * ir muy atrasado = be way behind schedule.
    * ir muy por detrás de = be far behind.
    * llegar muy lejos = go + a long way, come + a long way.
    * lo que es muy importante = importantly.
    * muy abreviado = highly-abbreviated.
    * muy activo = afire.
    * muy a diferencia de = in marked contrast to/with.
    * muy + Adjetivo = extremely + Adjetivo, grossly + Adjetivo, rather + Adjetivo, severely + Adjetivo, tightly + Adjetivo, wildly + Adjetivo, extraordinarily + Adjetivo, incredibly + Adjetivo, ludicrously + Adjetivo, seriously + Adjetivo, disappointingly + Adjetivo, not least + Adjetivo, heavily + Adjetivo, much + Adjetivo, mighty + Adjetivo, prohibitively + Adjetivo, sorely + Adjetivo, supremely + Adjetivo, vastly + Adjetivo, vitally + Adjetivo, immensely + Adjetivo, hugely + Adjetivo, significantly + Adjetivo, most + Adjetivo, impressively + Adjetivo, bloody + Adjetivo.
    * muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio = quite + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * muy + Adjetivo/Participio = keenly + Adjetivo/Participio.
    * muy admirado = much-admired.
    * muy + Adverbio = ever so + Adverbio.
    * muy agustito = snugly.
    * muy alejado de = a long way removed from.
    * muy al principio = in very early days, at the very outset.
    * muy amado = much-loved.
    * muy a menudo = more often than not, very often, most often than not.
    * muy antiguo = centuries-old.
    * muy anunciado = well-publicised [well-publicized, -USA].
    * muy apartado de = a long way removed from.
    * muy a + Posesivo + pesar = to + Posesivo + chagrin.
    * muy apreciado = highly appreciated, long-revered.
    * muy apreciado desde hace tiempo = long-revered.
    * muy arraigado = deep-rooted, well established, long-established.
    * muy a tiempo = in good time.
    * muy atrás = far behind.
    * muy atrasado = in the backwoods.
    * muy avanzado = well-developed, well-advanced.
    * muy beneficioso = high-payoff.
    * muy bien = nicely.
    * ¡muy bien! = the way to go!.
    * muy bien cuidado = well-kept.
    * muy bien pagado = highly paid.
    * muy bien + podría + Verbo = might + well + Verbo.
    * muy bien + puede + Verbo = may well + Verbo.
    * muy bien remunerado = highly paid.
    * muy bien tramado = carefully crafted.
    * muy bien urdido = carefully crafted.
    * muy caliente = piping hot, baking hot.
    * muy cambiado = much-changed, much-changed.
    * muy caro = high priced [high-priced].
    * muy cerca = close-by.
    * muy claramente = in no uncertain terms.
    * muy completo = populated.
    * muy concurrido = well-used [well used], well attended [well-attended].
    * muy condicionado = well-conditioned.
    * muy condimentado = spicy [spicier -comp., spiciest -sup.].
    * muy conseguido = slick, licked, well-crafted.
    * muy criticado = much-criticised [much-criticized, USA].
    * muy crítico = highly critical.
    * muy custodiado = heavily guarded.
    * muy de cerca = not far behind.
    * muy desarrollado = well-developed.
    * muy despacio = very slowly.
    * muy de tarde en tarde = once in a blue moon.
    * muy diferente de = far different... from, in marked contrast to/with.
    * muy difícil de traducir = defy + translation.
    * muy dispuesto a = all ready to.
    * muy divulgado = well-publicised [well-publicized, -USA].
    * muy documentado = well-informed.
    * muy duro = as hard as nails.
    * muy eficaz = powerful.
    * muy endeudado = heavily indebted.
    * muy escandaloso = highly visible.
    * muy especializado = highly specialised.
    * muy estimado = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed.
    * muy estrecho = poky [pokier -comp., pokiest -sup.].
    * muy estructurado = highly-structured.
    * muy extendido = commonly-held, widely held.
    * muy famoso = highly acclaimed, widely acclaimed, well-acclaimed.
    * muy frecuentado = heavily used.
    * muy frecuentemente = so often, most often than not.
    * muy frecuente y rápido = rapid-fire.
    * muy gastado = worn-out.
    * muy generalizado = commonly-held, widely held.
    * muy grande = big time.
    * muy iluminado = brightly illuminated.
    * muy importante = critical, very importantly, big time.
    * muy informado = well-informed.
    * muy leído = widely-read.
    * muy lejano = far off.
    * muy lejos = far away, far off.
    * muy lejos de = a long way from, a long way removed from.
    * muy lejos de conseguir = a long way toward.
    * muy lentamente = very slowly.
    * muy lluvioso = rain-soaked.
    * muy logrado = slickly produced.
    * muy mal tiempo = severe weather.
    * muy mayor = over the hill.
    * muy moderno = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * muy motivado = highly-motivated.
    * muy necesario = much needed [much-needed], long overdue.
    * muy nervioso = in a state of agitation, highly-strung.
    * muy nervioso, histérico = high-strung.
    * muy notorio = highly visible.
    * muy parecido a = much like.
    * muy + Participio = badly + Participio.
    * muy + Participio Pasado = widely + Participio Pasado, extensively + Participio Pasado.
    * muy peculiar = highly distinctive.
    * muy pertinente para = central to.
    * muy poblado = heavily populated.
    * muy poco = minimally.
    * muy polémico = highly controversial.
    * muy popular = widely-read, highly popular.
    * muy por delante de = far ahead of.
    * muy por detrás = far behind.
    * muy por el contrario = in marked contrast.
    * muy por encima de = far beyond.
    * muy por encima de todo = over and above all.
    * muy posiblemente = for all you know, for all we know.
    * muy practicado = much practised.
    * muy preciado = much prized, highly prized.
    * muy preciso = much needed [much-needed].
    * muy probablemente = most likely, most probably.
    * muy pronto = before long, pretty soon.
    * muy propio = highly distinctive.
    * muy provechoso = high-payoff.
    * muy pulido = licked, slick.
    * muy querido = much-loved.
    * muy rápidamente = like a house on fire, in short order.
    * muy rara vez = all too seldom, all too seldom, once in a blue moon.
    * muy recomendado = highly recommended.
    * muy reconocido = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed.
    * muy resistente = heavy-duty.
    * muy respetado = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed, widely-respected.
    * muy sazonado = spicy [spicier -comp., spiciest -sup.].
    * muy similar a = much like.
    * muy sistemático = highly-structured.
    * muy solicitado = in great demand.
    * muy trabajado = well-crafted.
    * muy trabajador = committed.
    * muy unido = close-knit, tight-knit, closely knit, well-connected, tightly knit.
    * muy usado = shabby [shabbier -comp., shabbiest -sup.], high-use, well-used [well used], well-worn, well-worn, heavily used, much-used.
    * muy útil = highly valuable.
    * muy valioso = highly valuable, highly prized.
    * muy valorado = highly valued, highly appreciated.
    * muy venerado = long-revered.
    * muy venerado desde hace tiempo = long-revered.
    * muy vigilado = heavily guarded.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * nombre muy conocido = household name, household word.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.
    * pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * persona muy trabajadora = hard-working person.
    * poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.
    * por muy + Adjetivo + be = Adjetivo + though + Nombre + be.
    * por muy difícil que parezca = difficult though it may seem, difficult as it may seem.
    * por muy extraño que parezca = strangely enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, funnily enough.
    * por muy increíble que parezca = incredible though it may seem, incredibly, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.
    * por muy mentira que parezca = incredibly, incredible though it may seem, strangely enough, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, although it may seem incredible.
    * por muy raro que parezca = strangely enough, oddly enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange.
    * posibilidades muy variadas = rich possibilities.
    * puede muy bien ser = could well be.
    * puede muy bien ser que = it may well be that.
    * regla muy precisa = finely graduated scale.
    * repasar Algo muy detenidamente = go over + Nombre + with a fine toothcomb.
    * sangre muy diluida = thin blood.
    * sentido muy desarrollado de su propio territorio = territoriality.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.
    * ser Algo muy importante = loom + large.
    * ser algo muy obvio = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy raro = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy revelador = be a giveaway.
    * ser muy aconsejable que = be well advised to.
    * ser muy amigo de = be pally with.
    * ser muy antiguo = go back + a long way.
    * ser muy buena señal = bode + well.
    * ser muy conocido por = be well known for.
    * ser muy diferente de = be quite apart from.
    * ser muy difícil, no ser nada fácil = be hard-pushed to.
    * ser muy escaso = be at a premium.
    * ser muy gracioso = be a right laugh.
    * ser muy melindroso = be picky.
    * ser muy necesario = be long overdue.
    * ser muy particular = be picky.
    * ser muy poco probable = be remote.
    * ser muy popular = have + mass appeal.
    * ser muy probable = chances + be.
    * ser muy prometedor = promise + great possibilities, bode + well.
    * ser muy provechoso = pay off + handsomely.
    * ser muy quisquilloso = be picky.
    * ser muy rápido = be quick off + Posesivo + feet.
    * ser muy revelador = speak + volumes, be an eye-opener.
    * ser muy superior a los demás = be way above all the others.
    * ser muy superior a los otros = be way above all the others.
    * ser muy usado = be heavily used.
    * servir muy bien = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * tejido muy delicado = gossamer.
    * tener algo muy vivo en la mente de uno = be strong in + mind.
    * tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tenerse muy en cuenta por = carry + weight with.
    * tener un día muy largo = have + a long day.
    * tiempo muy malo = severe weather.
    * una probabilidad muy alta = a sporting chance.
    * venir muy bien = fit + the bill.
    * verse muy afectado por = have + a high stake in.
    * vigilar Algo muy de cerca = keep + a watchful eye.

    * * *
    1 very
    muy poca gente very few people
    soy muy consciente de mis limitaciones I'm very o acutely aware of my limitations
    es muy trabajador he's a very hard worker, he works very hard
    son muy amigos they're great friends
    está muy bien escrito it's extremely o very well written
    su carne es muy apreciada its meat is highly prized
    muy admirado much admired
    muy respetado highly respected
    muy bien, sigamos adelante OK o fine, let's go on
    muy bien, si eso es lo que tú quieres very well, if that's what you want
    estoy muy, pero muy disgustado I'm very, very upset
    es un gesto muy suyo it's a typical gesture of his
    ella es muy de criticar a los demás she's very fond of criticizing others
    por muy cansado que estés however o no matter how tired you are
    ¿sabes lo que hizo el muy sinvergüenza? do you know what he did, the swine?
    te ha quedado muy dulce it's rather o too sweet
    no me gusta sentarme muy adelante I don't like sitting too near the front/too far forward
    * * *


    muy adverbio
    a) very;

    son muy amigos they're great friends;
    muy admirado much admired;
    muy respetado highly respected;
    muy bien, sigamos adelante OK o fine, let's go on;
    por muy cansado que estés however o no matter how tired you are
    b) ( demasiado) too;

    quedó muy dulce it's rather o too sweet

    muy adverbio
    1 (modificando a un adjetivo o adverbio) very: muy pronto llegará, he will arrive very soon
    muy tierno, very tender
    2 (modificando al sustantivo) es muy española, she's a real Spaniard
    3 (demasiado) está muy caliente, it's too hot
    ' muy' also found in these entries:
    - abisal
    - abominable
    - abrigada
    - abrigado
    - acalorada
    - acalorado
    - acaramelada
    - acaramelado
    - accidentada
    - accidentado
    - acertada
    - acertado
    - achacosa
    - achacoso
    - ácida
    - ácido
    - acto
    - actual
    - aferrada
    - aferrado
    - agitada
    - agitado
    - agradecida
    - agradecido
    - ahora
    - alentador
    - alentadora
    - amena
    - ameno
    - amiga
    - amigo
    - ancha
    - ancho
    - antojadiza
    - antojadizo
    - aparte
    - aperreada
    - aperreado
    - apretada
    - apretado
    - apurada
    - apurado
    - arraigada
    - arraigado
    - auspicio
    - avenida
    - avenido
    - baja
    - bajo
    - abject
    - abominable
    - abrupt
    - abysmal
    - actual
    - afield
    - Afro
    - aggressive
    - agony
    - also
    - ambience
    - appealing
    - appreciative
    - arch
    - archaic
    - argument
    - article
    - articulate
    - aware
    - baby
    - bad
    - badly
    - baking
    - be
    - bear
    - beating
    - become
    - behind
    - big
    - blare
    - boiling
    - bolt
    - bookmobile
    - boom
    - boy
    - brilliant
    - burn
    - burning
    - businesslike
    - bustle
    - candid
    - capable
    - celebrity
    - chance
    - charmer
    - chart
    - chirpy
    - civil
    - clever
    * * *
    muy adv
    1. [en alto grado] very;
    muy bueno/cerca very good/near;
    estoy muy cansado I'm very tired;
    es muy hombre he's very manly, he's a real man;
    muy de mañana very early in the morning;
    ¡muy bien! [vale] OK!, all right!;
    [qué bien] very good!, well done!;
    eso es muy de ella that's just like her;
    eso es muy de los americanos that's typically American;
    ¡el muy fresco! the cheeky devil!;
    ¡la muy tonta! the silly idiot!;
    me gusta muy mucho I really, really like it;
    te cuidarás muy mucho de hacerlo just make absolutely sure you don't do it
    2. [demasiado] too;
    no cabe ahí, es muy grande it won't fit in there, it's too big;
    ahora ya es muy tarde it's too late now
    * * *
    1 very;
    muy valorado highly valued;
    Muy Señor mío Dear Sir
    2 ( demasiado) too
    * * *
    muy adv
    1) : very, quite
    es muy inteligente: she's very intelligent
    muy bien: very well, fine
    eso es muy americano: that's typically American
    2) : too
    es muy grande para él: it's too big for him
    * * *
    muy adv very
    muy bien (de acuerdo) OK / fine (para felicitar) very good / well done
    por muy... que however...

    Spanish-English dictionary > muy

  • 2 fuerte

    1 strong (persona, viento).
    un medicamento muy fuerte a very powerful medicine
    está demasiado fuerte it's on too loud
    4 tight (nudo).
    5 strong.
    es una empresa fuerte en el sector the company's strong in this sector
    una moneda fuerte a strong currency
    6 large, considerable (grande) (cantidad).
    una fuerte presencia de artistas europeos a large contingent of European artists
    3 loudly.
    4 strong.
    1 fort.
    2 strong point, forte (punto fuerte).
    su fuerte son las matemáticas mathematics is his forte
    3 fortress, fort, bastille, fortification.
    * * *
    1 (gen) strong
    2 (en asignatura) strong, good
    3 (viento) strong; (lluvia, nevada) heavy; (tormenta, seísmo) severe; (calor) intense
    4 (escena - violento) violent; (- escandaloso) shocking; (- inquietante) disturbing
    5 (dolor, enfermedad) severe, bad
    6 (golpe) hard, heavy
    7 (sonido) loud
    8 (subida) steep, sharp; (bajada) sharp
    9 (discusión) heated, violent; (protesta) violent, vigorous; (polémica) bitter; (aplauso) loud, thunderous
    10 (presión) intense; (influencia) powerful, strong
    13 (color) intense
    14 (contraste) marked, sharp; (tendency) strong, marked
    15 (cosa fija) stiff, tight
    2 (punto fuerte) forte, strong point
    1 (mucho) a lot
    3 (volumen) loud
    ¡abrázame fuerte! hold me tight!
    estar fuerte en algo to be good at something
    ¡habla más fuerte! speak up!
    * * *
    1. adv.
    1) hard
    2. adj.
    2) loud
    3. noun m.
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [persona]
    a) [físicamente] [gen] strong; (=robusto) sturdy, powerfully built; euf (=obeso) large
    b) [emocionalmente] strong, tough

    hemos de ser fuertes ante la adversidadwe must be strong o tough in the face of adversity


    estar fuerte en filosofía/historia — [estudiante] to be strong in philosophy/history

    2) (=intenso)
    a) [sabor, olor, viento] strong; [dolor, calor] intense; [lluvia] heavy; [ejercicio] strenuous
    b) [explosión, voz, ruido] loud; [golpe] heavy, hard; [acento] strong, thick
    c) [color] (=no pálido) strong; (=llamativo) bright
    d) [impresión] strong, powerful; [deseo] strong, deep; [fe, objeción] strong; [discusión] heated
    e) [abrazo, beso] big

    un beso muy fuerte[en cartas] lots of love

    un fuerte abrazo, Carmen — best wishes, Carmen; [más cariñoso] love, Carmen

    3) [bebida, medicamento] strong; [comida] (=pesada) heavy; (=indigesta) indigestible

    nunca toma cosas fuertes, solo cerveza y vino — he never drinks spirits o the hard stuff *, just beer and wine

    4) (=resistente) [cuerda, tela] strong; [economía, moneda, país] strong
    5) (=importante) [aumento, bajada] sharp; [crisis] serious, severe; [pérdidas] large, substantial
    6) (=impactante) [escena] shocking, disturbing

    me dijo cosas muy fuertes que no podría repetir ahorashe said some harsh o nasty * things that I couldn't repeat now

    -lo llamó a la oficina y lo despidió en el acto -¡qué fuerte! — * "he called him at the office and fired him there and then" - "that's outrageous o appalling!"


    hacerse fuerte(=protegerse) to hole up; (=volverse fuerte) to gain strength

    8) [terreno] rough, difficult
    9) Chile (=apestoso) [persona] stinky

    ser o estar fuerte a algo — to stink of sth

    2. ADV
    1) (=con fuerza) [golpear] hard; [abrazar] tight, tightly

    jugar fuerte — (lit) to gamble heavily; (fig) to take a gamble

    2) (=en voz alta) [hablar, tocar] loud, loudly

    ¡más fuerte! ¡que no se le oye aquí atrás! — speak up! we can't hear at the back

    3) (=gran cantidad)
    3. SM
    1) (Mil) fort
    2) (Mús) forte
    3) (=especialidad) forte, strong point
    4) Chile (=bebida) hard liquor, hard stuff *
    * * *
    1) < persona>
    a) ( físicamente) strong

    es un hombre fuertísimo or fortísimo — he's an exeptionally strong man

    b) ( moralmente) strong

    hacerse fuerteto pull oneself together

    c) ( en asignatura) strong

    no estoy muy fuerte en ese tema/en física — I'm not very strong on that topic/in physics (colloq)

    2) ( resistente) <tela/cuerda> strong
    a) < viento> strong; < terremoto> severe; <lluvia/nevada> heavy
    b) < dolor> intense, bad; < resfriado> bad

    un fuerte golpea heavy o hard blow

    c) <abrazo/beso> big
    4) < ruido> loud
    a) <olor/sabor> strong
    b) <licor/medicina> strong
    c) < comida> heavy
    6) < acento> strong, thick
    7) ( violento) < discusión> violent, heated

    me dijo que era un inútil - qué fuerte! — (fam) he said I was useless - that's a bit much (AmE) o (BrE) a bit over the top!

    a) ( poderoso) <nación/empresa/equipo> strong
    b) < moneda> strong
    9) (Ling) < vocal> stressed
    1) <golpear/empujar> hard; <agarrar/apretar> tightly; < llover> heavily
    2) < hablar> loudly
    3) ( mucho)
    4) <jugar/apostar> heavily
    1) (Mil) fort
    2) ( especialidad) strong point, forte
    * * *
    1) < persona>
    a) ( físicamente) strong

    es un hombre fuertísimo or fortísimo — he's an exeptionally strong man

    b) ( moralmente) strong

    hacerse fuerteto pull oneself together

    c) ( en asignatura) strong

    no estoy muy fuerte en ese tema/en física — I'm not very strong on that topic/in physics (colloq)

    2) ( resistente) <tela/cuerda> strong
    a) < viento> strong; < terremoto> severe; <lluvia/nevada> heavy
    b) < dolor> intense, bad; < resfriado> bad

    un fuerte golpea heavy o hard blow

    c) <abrazo/beso> big
    4) < ruido> loud
    a) <olor/sabor> strong
    b) <licor/medicina> strong
    c) < comida> heavy
    6) < acento> strong, thick
    7) ( violento) < discusión> violent, heated

    me dijo que era un inútil - qué fuerte! — (fam) he said I was useless - that's a bit much (AmE) o (BrE) a bit over the top!

    a) ( poderoso) <nación/empresa/equipo> strong
    b) < moneda> strong
    9) (Ling) < vocal> stressed
    1) <golpear/empujar> hard; <agarrar/apretar> tightly; < llover> heavily
    2) < hablar> loudly
    3) ( mucho)
    4) <jugar/apostar> heavily
    1) (Mil) fort
    2) ( especialidad) strong point, forte
    * * *

    Ex: Had he consulted an Indian history, he would have found, for instance, that what the Britannica called the Fort Phil Kearney massacre the Indians call the 'Battle of the Hundred Slain'.

    * defender el fuerte = hold + the fortress.

    2 = robust, strong [stronger -comp., strongest -sup.], sturdy [sturdier -comp., sturdiest -sup.], loud [louder -comp., loudest -sup.], hefty [heftier -comp., heftiest -sup.], tight [tighter -comp., tightest -sup.], forte, brawny [brawnier -comp., brawniest -sup.], buoyant, hard-wearing, strong point, nippy [nippier -comp., nippiest -sup.].

    Ex: Although microcomputers are relatively robust, they do not take kindly to frequent moves from one location to another, particularly on wheeled trollies.

    Ex: In fact, the 1979 index figures show a strong contrast between the hardback and paperback turnovers, with the hardback market being down and the paperback market up.
    Ex: Here came every sort of human ingredient -- sturdy homesteaders, skilled craftsmen, precious scoundrels.
    Ex: Visitors would be surprised by the loud creaking and groaning of the presses as the timbers gave and rubbed against each other.
    Ex: This new font had increased contrast and x-height in the lower case and a hefty set of capitals = Este nuevo tipo de letra había aumentado el contraste y el ojo medio de las minúsculas y las mayúsculas eran voluminosas.
    Ex: The platen was lashed up tight to the toe of the spindle by cords which connected hooks at its four corners to another set of hooks at the four lower corners of the hose.
    Ex: Statistical analysis has long been a forte of sociological & social research.
    Ex: This revolutionary syndicalist union consistently supported the most downtrodden & oppressed, & encouraged a cult of the unspoiled, heroic brawny proletarian with raw courage & 'natural' virtues.
    Ex: The foreign relations of the Community will probably remain a buoyant area.
    Ex: The manufacturers of this type of artificial turf say that while the grass is soft and springy underfoot it is extremely tough and hard-wearing.
    Ex: One of the strong points of the DIALOG service is the documentation.
    Ex: Blend cream cheese with prepared horseradish for a nippy taste.
    * amarillo fuerte = bright yellow.
    * andar pisando fuerte = go from + strength to strength, make + a big impact.
    * apretar fuerte = bear down on.
    * bebida alcohólica fuerte = hard drink, hard liquor.
    * caja fuerte = safe, safety deposit box.
    * combinación de la caja fuerte = safe code, safe combination.
    * con fuertes aspiraciones profesionales = upward-mobile.
    * dar fuerte = pack + a wallop.
    * delgado y fuerte = wiry.
    * demasiado fuerte = over-strong.
    * de olor fuerte = strong-smelling.
    * fuerte como un roble = as strong as an ox.
    * fuerte como un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * fuertes lluvias = heavy rain.
    * fuerte viento = strong wind.
    * golpear fuerte = wallop, whack.
    * golpe fuerte = whack.
    * hacer más fuerte = toughen.
    * hacerse más fuerte = gain in + strength, grow in + strength.
    * iluminación fuerte = task lighting.
    * ley del más fuerte, la = law of the jungle, the, survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * mar fuerte = heavy sea.
    * más fuerte que un roble = as strong as an ox.
    * más fuerte que un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * naranja fuerte = bright orange.
    * olor fuerte y penetrante = tang.
    * pegar fuerte = pack + a wallop.
    * pisar fuerte = go from + strength to strength, make + a big impact, stomp.
    * plato fuerte = main dish, strong point, entrée, main entrée.
    * poner más fuerte = crank up.
    * punto fuerte = strength.
    * sabor fuerte y penetrante = tang.
    * supervivencia del más fuerte = survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * tener una personalidad muy fuerte = be full of character.
    * tener un carácter muy fuerte = be full of character.
    * un fuerte sentimiento de = a strong sense of.
    * viento fuerte = high wind.

    3 = tangy [tangier - comp., tangiest -sup.].

    Ex: The most boring meal can be pepped up with spicy and tangy herbs.

    * * *
    A ‹persona›
    nunca ha sido muy fuerte he has never been very strong
    es un hombre fuertísimo or fortísimo he's an exceptionally strong man
    2 (moralmente) strong
    hacerse fuerte to pull oneself together
    no estoy muy fuerte en ese tema I'm not very strong on o well up on that topic ( colloq)
    anda muy fuerte en física he's doing very well in physics
    B (resistente) ‹tela/cuerda› strong
    una caja bien fuerte a good, sturdy o strong box
    una valla alta y fuerte a tall, sturdy o strong fence
    1 ‹viento› strong; ‹terremoto› severe; ‹lluvia/nevada› heavy
    2 ‹dolor› intense, bad; ‹resfriado› bad
    un fuerte golpe a heavy o hard blow
    3 ‹abrazo/beso› big
    D ‹ruido› loud
    la radio está muy fuerte, bájale el volumen the radio's too loud, turn it down
    1 ‹olor/sabor› strong
    2 ‹licor› strong; ‹medicina› strong
    3 ‹comida› heavy
    F ‹acento› strong, thick
    (violento): tiene escenas muy fuertes it has some very shocking o disturbing scenes
    me dijo que no valía para nada — ¡qué fuerte! ( fam); he said I was absolutely useless — strong o harsh words!
    tuvieron una discusión fortísima or fuertísima they had a violent o heated argument
    1 (poderoso) ‹nación/empresa/equipo› strong
    es algo más fuerte que yo, no puedo dejar de hacerlo it's stronger than I am, I can't stop o give it up
    2 ‹moneda› strong
    (importante): una fuerte suma de dinero a large sum of money
    un fuerte contingente de la policía a strong police contingent
    un fuerte incremento de precio a sharp price increase
    le recetó una fuerte dosis de analgésicos she prescribed a heavy dose of painkillers
    I ( Ling) ‹vocal› stressed
    ( Chi fam) (hediondo): ¡qué fuerte andas! you stink! ( colloq)
    es fuerte de patas his feet stink ( colloq)
    A ‹golpear/empujar› hard; ‹agarrar/apretar› tightly; ‹llover› heavily
    una canción que está pegando fuerte a song that's a big hit at the moment
    B ‹hablar› loudly
    pon la radio más fuerte turn the radio up
    (abundantemente): desayunar fuerte to have a big breakfast
    D ‹jugar/apostar› heavily
    A ( Mil) fort
    B (especialidad) strong point, forte
    C ( Chi fam) (licor) hard stuff ( colloq)
    * * *


    fuerte adjetivo
    1 ( en general) strong;
    un equipo/una cuerda fuerte a strong team/rope

    a) viento strong;

    terremoto severe;
    lluvia/nevada heavy
    b) dolor intense, bad;

    golpe heavy;
    resfriado bad;
    abrazo/beso big
    c)ruido/música loud

    d)olor/sabor/medicina strong;

    comida/dosis heavy
    e) acento strong, thick

    3 ( violento) ‹ discusión violent, heated;
    película/escena shocking
    ■ adverbio
    1golpear/empujar hard;
    agarrar/apretar tightly;
    llover heavily
    2 hablar loudly;

    habla más fuerte speak up
    ■ sustantivo masculino
    a) (Mil) fort

    I adjetivo
    1 strong
    2 (intenso) (dolor) severe
    (color) intense
    3 (excesivo) strong
    (comida) heavy: el café es muy fuerte para la niña, coffee is too strong for the child
    4 (volumen) loud
    5 (impactante) (escenas) violent, grisly
    (comentarios) serious
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 (fortificación) fort
    2 (punto fuerte) forte, strong point
    III adv (con fuerza, con violencia) hard: el viento sopla fuerte, the wind is blowing hard
    (con intensidad, apretadamente) tight: ¡agárrate fuerte!, hold on tight!
    (en cantidad) tienes que desayunar fuerte, you have to have a good breakfast
    (más alto) louder: ¡habla más fuerte!, speak up!
    ' fuerte' also found in these entries:
    - acento
    - agarrarse
    - animal
    - caja
    - campeonato
    - conmoción
    - débil
    - diezmar
    - dirigir
    - espanto
    - estirón
    - férrea
    - férreo
    - frágil
    - fulminante
    - grande
    - hacer
    - opresión
    - pisar
    - plato
    - relumbrón
    - resistente
    - reventar
    - sacudida
    - suave
    - sujetar
    - tirón
    - torta
    - tortazo
    - trompazo
    - viento
    - abrazar
    - agarrar
    - apariencia
    - bajón
    - caer
    - carácter
    - codazo
    - combinación
    - comida
    - constitución
    - crecida
    - dispositivo
    - estridente
    - fortín
    - golpe
    - impulso
    - indignación
    - indignado
    - agony
    - ale
    - aloud
    - backbone
    - bad
    - balance
    - bang
    - bash
    - beat down
    - best
    - blare
    - bond
    - boo
    - break into
    - burly
    - crack
    - dish
    - fluid
    - forte
    - fresh
    - fuck
    - great
    - grip
    - hard
    - hard currency
    - heady
    - heavy
    - high
    - highlight
    - hold
    - hold on
    - hug
    - iron
    - keen
    - liaison
    - loud
    - lung
    - must
    - point
    - potent
    - powerful
    - press
    - resilient
    - robust
    - rugged
    - safe
    - sing up
    - slight
    - slog
    * * *
    1. [persona] [físicamente] strong;
    estar fuerte como un roble to be as strong as an ox
    2. [persona] [psicológicamente] strong;
    tiene un carácter muy fuerte she has a strong character
    hacerse fuerte en Mil to make one's stronghold in;
    el equipo se hizo fuerte en su área the team fell back into their own half
    4. [material] strong;
    necesito un tejido fuerte I need a strong material
    5. [viento] strong;
    [lluvia] heavy
    6. [intenso] [frío, dolor, color] intense;
    [golpe, pelea] hard
    7. [medicamento] powerful
    8. [influyente, sólido] strong;
    es una empresa fuerte en el sector the company's strong in this sector;
    una moneda fuerte a strong currency;
    fuertes razones powerful reasons
    9. [violento, impactante] powerful, shocking;
    lenguaje fuerte strong language;
    un chiste fuerte a crude joke;
    algunas de las escenas son muy fuertes some of the scenes are very shocking
    10. [grande] large, considerable;
    una fuerte cantidad de dinero a large o considerable amount of money;
    una fuerte presencia de artistas caribeños a large contingent of Caribbean artists
    11. [comida] [pesado] heavy;
    [picante] hot
    12. [nudo] tight
    13. [sílaba] accented, stressed
    14. [vocal] strong
    15. [versado]
    estoy fuerte en idiomas I'm good at languages
    16. [alto] [sonido] loud;
    la televisión está demasiado fuerte the television is on too loud
    17. Fam [increíble] astonishing, amazing;
    ¡qué fuerte! [fabuloso] wow!, amazing!;
    [terrible] how awful!, oh no!;
    …y después me insultó – ¡qué fuerte! …and then he insulted me – that's awful o terrible!
    1. [intensamente] hard;
    [abrazar, agarrar] tight;
    está nevando fuerte it's snowing hard o heavily;
    lo ató bien fuerte she tied it tight;
    chuta fuerte he has a powerful kick
    2. [abundantemente] a lot;
    en España se suele almorzar fuerte in Spain, people usually have a big meal at lunchtime
    3. [en voz alta] loudly;
    ¿podría hablar más fuerte? could you speak louder?
    1. [fortificación] fort
    2. [especialidad] strong point, forte;
    su fuerte son las matemáticas mathematics is his forte
    * * *
    I adj
    1 strong
    2 dolor intense; lluvia heavy
    3 aumento sharp
    4 ruido loud
    estoy fuerte en idiomas I’m good at languages
    incredible fam ;
    ¡qué fuerte!, ¡esto es muy fuerte! fam God, this is awful! fam
    II adv hard;
    hablar fuerte speak loudly;
    jugar fuerte bet heavily
    III m MIL fort;
    hacerse fuerte dig o.s. in
    * * *
    fuerte adv
    1) : strongly, tightly, hard
    2) : loudly
    3) : abundantly
    fuerte adj
    1) : strong
    2) : intense
    un fuerte dolor: an intense pain
    3) : loud
    4) : extreme, excessive
    fuerte nm
    1) : fort, stronghold
    2) : forte, strong point
    * * *
    fuerte1 adj
    1. (en general) strong
    2. (dolor) severe
    3. (voz, ruido) loud
    4. (golpe) hard
    5. (comida) heavy [comp. heavier; superl. heaviest]
    6. (imágenes) violent
    ¡qué fuerte! how awful!
    fuerte2 adv
    1. (con fuerza) hard
    2. (hablar) loud / loudly
    3. (sujetar) tight
    fuerte3 n
    2. (punto sobresaliente) strong point

    Spanish-English dictionary > fuerte

  • 3 quanto

    1. adj how much
    tutto quanto il libro the whole book
    tutti quanti pl every single one sg
    quanti ne abbiamo oggi? what is the date today?, what is today's date?
    2. adv: quanto dura ancora? how long will it go on for?
    quanto a me as for me
    quanto costa? how much is it?
    quanto prima as soon as possible
    in quanto since, because
    per quanto ne sappia as far as I know
    3. m: teoria f dei quanti quantum theory
    * * *
    quanto1 agg.interr.
    1 how much; pl. how many: quanto zucchero metti nel caffè?, how much sugar do you put in your coffee?; quanto denaro vi occorre?, how much money do you need?; quanti dischi hai?, how many records have you got?; quante lezioni comprende il corso?, how many lessons does the course consist of?; quanti giorni starai via?, how many days will you be away?; sai quanti spettatori c'erano allo stadio?, do you know how many spectators there were at the ground?; non so quante settimane durerà la mostra, I don't know how many weeks (o how long) the exhibition will last; dimmi quanto pane devo comprare, tell me how much bread I am to get // quanti anni hai?, how old are you?
    2 quanto tempo, how long: quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare alla stazione?, how long does it take to get to the station?; non so quanto tempo mi fermerò qui, I don't know how long I'll stay here // In espressioni ellittiche: quanto è che non lo vedi?, how long is it since you saw him?; da quanto mi aspetti?, how long have you been waiting for me?; quanto dovrai lavorare ancora?, how much longer have you got to work?; di quanto sono in ritardo?, how late am I?; fra quanto saremo a Roma?, how long before we get to Rome?; ogni quanto passa l'autobus?, how often (o how frequently) does the bus run?
    3 ( in espressioni ellittiche non di tempo): quanto costa?, how much is it?; quanto ha di febbre?, what's his temperature?; quanti ne abbiamo oggi?, what's the date today?; quanto c'è da qui alla stazione?, how far is it to the station?; non so quanto valga questo anello, I don't know how much this ring is worth
    agg.escl. what (a lot of); how: quanto gasolio abbiamo consumato quest'anno!, what a lot of oil we've used this year!; quanto tempo ci hai messo!, what a long time you've been!; quanto freddo abbiamo patito!, how cold it was!; quanto interesse ha suscitato!, what a lot of interest it roused!; quanti giorni sono passati!, how long it's been!; quante me ne ha dette!, how he insulted me! // In espressioni ellittiche: quanto tempo sprecato!, what a lot of time wasted!; quante parole inutili!, what a load of rubbish!; quanti complimenti!, what a lot of fuss!
    agg.rel. ( tutto quello che) as... as...: lo puoi tenere quanto tempo vuoi, you can keep it as long as you like; prendi pure quanto denaro ti occorre, take as much money as you need.
    quanto1 avv.
    1 interr. (con un agg.) how; (con un v.) how much: quanto è largo?, how wide is it?; quanto è lontana la chiesa?, how far is the church?; quanto bevi di solito?, how much do you usually drink?; quanto sei alto?, how tall are you?; gli chiesi quanto si fosse divertito, I asked him how much he had enjoyed himself; non so quanto l'abbia apprezzato, I don't know how much he appreciated it; chiedono molto per quella casa, ma non ti so dire quanto, they are asking a great deal for that house, but I can't tell you how much // si è pentito e Dio sa quanto!, God only knows how much he regretted it!
    2 escl. (con un agg.) how; (con un v.) how (much): quanto è bello!, how beautiful it is!; quanto sono felice di rivederti!, how happy I am to see you again!; quanto mi piace!, how I love it!; chissà quanto desiderava di ritornare!, goodness knows how much he longed to return!; non sai quanto ti ho pensato!, you don't know how much I thought about you!; hanno riso, e quanto!, how they laughed!
    3 (in corr. con tanto) as: è ( tanto) studioso quanto intelligente, he is as studious as he is intelligent; è ( tanto) affabile quanto lui, she is as friendly as he is; ho lavorato ( tanto) quanto lui, I worked as hard as he did (o as him); non è ( tanto) facile quanto tu credi, it isn't as (o so) easy as you think; è ( tanto) curioso quanto una scimmia, he's as curious as a cat // quanto più... tanto più, meno più, meno avv. // tanto... quanto, (sia... sia) both... and: tanto io quanto mio fratello, both my brother and I; si è venduto tanto la casa quanto l'automobile, he sold both his house and his car // non tanto per... quanto per, not so much for... but (o as) for: non è stato tanto per negligenza quanto per ingenuità, it wasn't so much for negligence as for naïvety
    4 (in frasi comparative o per rafforzare un superl.): è stimato più di quanto meriti, he's more admired than he deserves; sono arrivato prima di quanto pensassi, I arrived sooner than I expected; si doveva intervenire quanto più rapidamente possibile, it was necessary to intervene as quickly (o as fast) as possible // quanto mai, extremely, very much indeed: mi sono divertito quanto mai, I enjoyed myself very much indeed (o fam. I had a whale of a time); è una persona quanto mai garbata, he's an extremely courteous person // quanto prima prima // quanto meno meno avv. // quant'è vero Dio!, as God's my judge!; quant'è vero che mi chiamo..., as sure as my name is...
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: quanto a, as for; ( circa) as to: quanto a te, as for you; quanto agli altri, non ne so nulla, I don't know anything as to the others; quanto a fermarmi una settimana, dovrò pensarci su, as to staying a week, I'll have to think about it // in quanto ( che), ( poiché) since (o as); ( per il fatto che) because: in quanto minorenne, non ha diritto di voto, since (o as) he is under age, he can't vote; non ti ho telefonato in quanto ( che) credevo che non fossi in casa, I didn't phone you, as I thought you weren't in // in quanto, ( in qualità di) as: solo lui, in quanto medico, fu autorizzato a vedere il paziente, only he, as a doctor, was allowed to see the patient // per quanto (con agg. e avv.) however; ( con verbi) although: per quanto indaffarato sia..., however busy you are...; per quanto camminassi in fretta, non riuscii a raggiungerli, although I walked fast I was unable to catch up with them; per quanto, è pur sempre un affare, it's still a bargain, however // tanto quanto, tanto o quanto, ( pressappoco) more or less: ''Sarà costato qualche milione'' ''Sì, tanto quanto'', ''It must have cost a few million'' ''Yes, more or less'' // oggi non gli si può parlare, da quanto è nervoso, (fam.) you can't say a word to him today as he is so uptight.
    quanto1 pron.interr. how much; pl. how many: quanto ne vuoi?, how much do you want (of it)?; quanti ne hai presi?, how many did you get (of them)?; quanti hanno accettato?, how many have they accepted?; quanti di voi sono d'accordo?, how many of you agree?; non so quanti aderirono alla proposta, I don't know how many agreed to the proposal // quanto c'è di vero in quello che dice?, how much truth is there in what he says?
    pron.escl. what a lot (of): quanto ne hai consumato!, what a lot you've used!; che bei fiori, e quanti!, what a lot of lovely flowers!; quanti sono intervenuti alla cerimonia!, what a lot of people came to the ceremony!
    1 ( ciò che) what; ( tutto ciò che) all (that): ho quanto mi occorre, I have what (o all) I need; ha fatto quanto ha potuto, he did what he could; quanto ho è a tua disposizione, what (o all) I have is at your disposal; non credere a quanto ti dicono, don't believe what they tell you; c'è molto di vero in quanto afferma, there's a lot of truth in what he says; non dire a nessuno quanto ti ho confidato, don't tell anyone what I let you in on; lo deduco da quanto mi avete detto voi, I guess it from what you told me // quanto di meglio, di peggio, the best, the worst: è quanto di meglio si possa trovare sul mercato in fatto di computer, it's the best computer you can find on the market // in risposta a quanto sopra, in reply to the above // quanto basta, ( con riferimento a dosaggio) sufficient... (to) // per quanto io ne sappia, as far as I know // per quanto si sforzi, non riesce a rendersi simpatica, however hard she tries, she isn't very likable // a quanto dicono..., according to what they say... // questo è quanto, that's all (o that's it)
    2 pl. ( tutti coloro che) all those (who), whoever (con costr. sing.): quanti desiderano iscriversi, possono farne richiesta, all those wishing to register can apply to do so; era sempre pronto a dare un consiglio a quanti glielo chiedevano, he was always ready to give advice to whoever asked him for any
    3 ( in correlazione con tanto) as: ha speso ( tanto) quanto ha guadagnato, he spent as much as he earned; ''Quanti moduli occorrono?'' ''Tanti quanti sono i candidati'', ''How many forms are needed?'' ''As many as there are candidates''
    4 ( in correlazione con tanto) as: possiede tanto denaro quanto tu non immagini, he has as much money as you could ever imagine; non ho tanta pazienza quanta ne ha lei, I haven't got as much patience as she has; c'erano tanti posti quanti erano gli invitati, there were as many seats as there were guests; ha tante preoccupazioni quante ne abbiamo noi, he has as many worries as we have; non ho tanti amici quanti ne hai tu, I haven't as many friends as you have // sono partiti tutti quanti, everyone has left; ha perso tutto quanto, he lost everything; si è sporcato tutto quanto, he got all dirty
    5 ( in frasi comparative) than: abbiamo ottenuto più, meno di quanto pensassimo, we got more, less than we expected.
    quanto2 s.m.
    1 ( quantità) quantity: fissare un quanto, to fix a quantity
    2 (fis.) quantum*: teoria dei quanti, quantum theory; quanto d'azione, quantum of action.
    * * *
    ['kwanto] I quanto (-a)
    1. agg
    1) (interrogativo: quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    quanti anni hai? — how old are you?

    quanti metri desidera? — how many metres would you like?

    quanti soldi ti hanno chiesto? — how much did they ask you (for it)?

    quanta stoffa ti serve? — how much material do you need?

    quanto tempo? — how long?, how much time?

    quanto tempo ci metti da qui all'ufficio? — how long does it take you from here to the office?

    quante volte? — how often?, how many times?


    (esclamativo) quante storie! — what a fuss!

    quanto tempo sprecato! — what a waste of time!

    3) (relativo: quantità) as much as, (numero) as many as

    ti darò quanto denaro ti serve — I'll give you as much money as you need

    prendi quanti libri vuoi — take as many books as you want

    fermati quanto tempo vuoi — stay as long as you want

    2. pron
    1) (interrogativo: quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    quanto costa? — how much does it cost?

    quanto credi costerà? — how much do you think it will cost?

    quanto è da qui al negozio? — how far is it from here to the shop?

    quanti di loro? — how many of them?

    quanto ci hai messo a farlo? — how long did it take you to do it?

    quanti ne desidera? — how many do you want?

    quanti ne abbiamo oggi? — what's the date today?

    quanto stai via? — how long will you be away?

    so che devo prendere del pane, ma non so quanto — I know I must get some bread, but I don't know how much

    quant'è? — how much is it?


    (esclamativo) vedi quanti hanno accettato! — see how many have accepted!

    quante me ne ha dette! (insulti) the way he insulted me!, (bugie) the number of lies he told me!

    3) (relativo: quantità) as much as, (numero) as many as

    gli darò quanto chiedeI'll give him what o as much as he asks for

    è quanto di meglio potessi trovare — it's the best you could find

    a quanto dice lui — according to him

    in risposta a quanto esposto nella sua lettera... — in answer to the points raised in your letter...

    saranno scelti quanti hanno fatto domanda in tempo — all (those) whose applications arrived in time will be selected

    per quanto ne so — as far as I know

    faremo quanto potremo per aiutarti — we'll do all we can o as much as we can to help you

    era tanto felice quanto non lo era mai stato — he was happier than he had ever been

    spende tanto denaro quanto ne guadagna — he spends all that o every penny he earns, he spends as much as he earns

    II ['kwanto] avv
    1) (quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    sapessi quanto abbiamo camminato! — if you knew how far we have walked!

    quanto fumi al giorno? — how many (cigarettes) do you smoke a day?

    Dio solo sa quanto mi sono arrabbiato! — God only knows how angry I was!

    quanto pesi? — how much do you weigh?

    quanto sono felice! — how happy I am!

    aggiungere brodo quanto bastaadd sufficient o enough stock, add as much stock as is necessary


    (come) siamo ricchi quanto lorowe are as rich as they are

    mi sono riposato quanto mai in questi ultimi tempi — I've had more rest than ever recently

    è una ragazza quanto mai spontanea — she's a very natural girl

    è famoso non tanto per i romanzi quanto per le poesie — he's famous not so much for his novels as for his poetry

    è tanto sciocco quanto cafone — he is as stupid as he is rude, he is both stupid and rude

    quanto è vero Iddio...! — I swear to God...!


    in quanto — (in qualità di) as, (perché, per il fatto che) as, since

    in quanto insegnante — as a teacher

    non ho suonato in quanto temevo di svegliarti — I didn't ring as o since I was afraid I would wake you

    in quanto a — (per ciò che riguarda) as for

    in quanto ai soldi che mi devi... — as for the money you owe me..., as far as the money you owe me is concerned...


    per quanto — (nonostante, anche se) however, (tuttavia) although

    per quanto si sforzi, non riesce — however hard he tries he can't do it

    per quanto sembri complicato — however complicated it may seem

    cercherò di fare qualcosa per lui, per quanto non se lo meriti — I'll try and do something for him although o even though he doesn't deserve it


    quanto meno uno insiste tanto più gli viene offerto — the less one demands the more one is offered

    quanto più mi sforzo di ricordare tanto meno ci riesco — the harder o the more I try to remember the less I succeed

    quanto più presto potrò — as soon as I can

    verrò quanto primaI'll come as soon o as early as possible

    Fis quantum
    * * *
    I 1. ['kwanto]
    aggettivo interrogativo (con nomi non numerabili) how much; (con nomi plurali) how many
    pronome interrogativo how much; pl. how many

    a quanto ammontano le perdite?how much o what do the losses come to?

    quanto manca ancora? (di tempo) how much longer is it? (di spazio) how much further is it?

    aggettivo esclamativo

    - i regali! -a gente! — what a lot of gifts, people!

    4. 5.
    aggettivo relativo

    per -i problemi possano avere,... — how ever many problems they may have


    -i — (coloro che) those who

    tutti -i — everybody, one and all

    per quanto ne so — for all I know, as far as I'm aware, to my knowledge


    quanto costa?how much o what does it cost?

    era più lontano di quanto non ricordassi — it was further away than I remembered; (con verbo)

    aggiungere sale quanto basta — add salt to taste; (con avverbio)

    quanto più guadagna, tanto più spende — the more he earns, the more he spends

    quanto meno si allena, tanto più ingrassa — the less he trains, the more weight he puts on

    per quanto io l'ammiri — however much I admire him, much as I admire him

    per quanto ci provi non riesco a farlo — try as I might, I can't do it

    9) (in) quanto a as for, concerning, regarding
    II ['kwanto]
    sostantivo maschile fis. quantum*
    * * *
      (con nomi non numerabili) how much; (con nomi plurali) how many; quanto zucchero vuoi? how much sugar would you like? quanto tempo è rimasto? how much time is there left? quanto tempo ci hai messo per venire? how long did you take to come? -i giorni occorrono per andarci? how many days does it take to get there? -i anni hai? how old are you? fra quanto tempo arriviamo? when will we get there?
     how much; pl. how many; -i siete? how many of you are there? non so -i partiranno I don't know how many (people) will be leaving; a quanto andava la macchina? how fast was the car going? a quanto ammontano le perdite? how much o what do the losses come to? quanto manca ancora? (di tempo) how much longer is it? (di spazio) how much further is it? quanto c'è da qui al mare? how far is it to the sea? quanto dura il film? how long is the film? how long does the film last? per quanto ne hai? how long will you be? da quanto abiti qui? how long have you been living here? fra quanto potrai uscire? when will you be able to get away? quanto dista casa tua? how far is your house? -i ne abbiamo oggi? what's the date today o today's date?
     -i regali! -a gente! what a lot of gifts, people! quanto tempo ci abbiamo messo! what a long time we took!
     quanto ci sarebbe ancora da dire! a lot more could be said (about that)!
     1 prendi quanto denaro ti occorre take as much money as you need
     2 (preceduto da preposizione) hai notato con -a cattiveria gli ha risposto? did you notice how snappily she answered him? per -i problemi possano avere,... how ever many problems they may have,...
     what; ho quanto occorre I have what I need; non credo a quanto mi ha detto I don't believe what he told me; tutto quanto everything; questo è quanto that's it; -i (coloro che) those who; tutti -i everybody, one and all; è quanto di meglio si possa trovare this is the best that could be found; a quanto dicono if they're to be believed; da quanto ho capito as I understand it; per quanto ne so for all I know, as far as I'm aware, to my knowledge; per quanto mi riguarda as far as I'm concerned
     1 (in frasi interrogative) how much; quanto costa? how much o what does it cost? quanto fa? how much is it? mi piacerebbe sapere quanto lo ha pagato I'd like to know how much o what he paid for it; quanto è grande il giardino? how big is the garden? quanto sei alto? how tall are you? what's your height? quanto pesi? how heavy are you? how much do you weigh?
     2 (in che misura) vedi quanto le cose sono cambiate you can see how much things have changed
     3 (in frasi esclamative) quant'è brutto! how ugly it is! è stupefacente quanto ti assomigli! it's amazing how much he looks like you! quanto lo odio! how I hate him! quanto mi dispiace! how sorry I am! ma quanto sei carina! how nice you look!
     4 (in un comparativo) (con aggettivo) è bravo quanto lui he's as good as him; è tanto bella quanto intelligente she's just as pretty as she is intelligent; era più lontano di quanto non ricordassi it was further away than I remembered; (con verbo) rimani pure quanto vuoi stay as long as you like; lavoro tanto quanto te I work as much as you do; ti aiuterò quanto è possibile I'll help you insofar as I can; ho fatto quanto è possibile I did as much as possible; grande quanto basta big enough ( per to); quanto basta per due just about enough for two; aggiungere sale quanto basta add salt to taste; (con avverbio) quanto prima as soon as possible
     5 quanto più quanto più guadagna, tanto più spende the more he earns, the more he spends
     6 quanto meno quanto meno si allena, tanto più ingrassa the less he trains, the more weight he puts on
     7 per quanto (sebbene) per quanto io l'ammiri however much I admire him, much as I admire him; per quanto ci provi non riesco a farlo try as I might, I can't do it
     9 (in) quanto a as for, concerning, regarding; in quanto a voi as for you; non mi ha detto niente quanto all'ora della riunione he didn't say anything to me concerning o about the time of the meeting.
    sostantivo m.
    fis. quantum*.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > quanto

  • 4 सु _su

    सु I. 1 U. (सुवति-ते) To go, move. -II. 1, 2 P. (सवति, सौति) To possess power or supremacy. -III. 5. U. (सुनोति, सुनुते; सुत; the स् of सु is changed to ष् after any preposition ending in इ or उ)
    1 To press out or extract juice.
    -2 To distil.
    -3 To pour out, sprinkle, make a libation.
    -4 To perform a sacrifice especially the Soma (sacrifice).
    -5 To bathe.
    -6 To churn. -Desid. (सुषूषति-ते) -- With उद् to excite, agitate. -प्र to produce, beget.
    सु ind. A particle often used with nouns to form Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhī compounds, and with adjectives and adverbs. It has the following senses:--
    1 Well, good, excellent; as in सुगन्धि.
    -2 Beautiful, handsome; as in सुमध्यमा, सुकेशी &c.
    -3 Well, perfectly, thoroughly, properly; सुजीर्णमन्नं सुविचक्षणः सुतः सुशासिता स्त्री नृपतिः सुसेवितः......सुदीर्घकाले$पि न याति विक्रियाम् H.1.22.
    -4 Easily, readily, as in सुकर or सुलभ q. v.
    -5 Much, very much, exceedingly; सुदारुण, सुदीर्घ &c.
    -6 Worthy of respect or reverence.
    -7 It is also said to have the senses of assent, prosperity, and distress.
    -Comp. -अक्ष a.
    1 having good eyes.
    -2 having keen organs, acute.
    -अङ्ग a. well-shaped, handsome, lovely.
    -अच्छ a. see s. v.
    -अन्त a. having happy end, ending well.
    -अल्प, -अल्पक a. see s. v.
    -अस्ति, -अस्तिक see s. v.
    -आकार, -आकृति a. well-formed, handsome, beautiful.
    - आगत see s. v.
    -आदानम् taking justly or properly; स्वादानाद्वर्णसंसर्गात्त्वबलानां च रक्षणात् । बलं संजायते राज्ञः स प्रेत्येह च वर्धते ॥ Ms.8.172.
    -आभास a. very splendid or illustrious; सारतो न विरोधी नः स्वाभासो भरवानुत Ki.15. 22.
    -इष्ट a. properly sacrificed; स्विष्टं यजुर्भिः प्रणतो$स्मि यज्ञम् Bhāg.4.7.41. ˚कृत् m. a form of fire; धर्मादिभ्यो यथान्यायं मन्त्रैः स्विष्टकृतं बुधः Bhāg.11.27.41.
    -उक्त a. well-spoken, well-said; अथवा सूक्तं खलु केनापि Ve.3. (
    -क्ता) a kind of bird (सारिका).
    (-क्तम्) 1 a good or wise saying; नेतुं वाञ्छति यः खलान् पथि सतां सूक्तैः सुधा- स्यन्दिभिः Bh.2.6; R.15.97.
    -2 a Vedic hymn, as in पुरुषसूक्त &c. ˚दर्शिन् m. a hymn-seer, Vedic sage. ˚वाकन्यायः A rule of interpretation according to which some thing that is declared as being subordinate to some- thing else should be understood to signify a part or whole on the basis of expediency or utility. This is discussed by जैमिनि and शबर at MS.3.2.15-18. ˚वाच् f.
    1 a hymn.
    -2 praise, a word of praise.
    -उक्तिः f.
    1 a good or friendly speech.
    -2 a good or clever saying.
    -3 a correct sentence.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 very superior.
    -2 well towards the north.
    -उत्थान a. making good efforts, vigorous, active. (
    -नम्) vigorous effort or exertion.
    -उन्मद, -उन्माद a. quite mad or frantic.
    - उपसदन a. easy to be approached.
    -उपस्कर a. furnished with good instruments.
    -कण्टका the aloe plant.
    -कण्ठ a. sweet- voiced. (
    -ण्ठी) the female cuckoo.
    -कण्डुः itch.
    -कन्दः 1 an onion.
    -2 a yam.
    -3 a sort of grass.
    -कन्दकः onion.
    -कर a. (
    -रा or
    -री f.)
    1 easy to be done, practi- cable, feasible; वक्तुं सुकरं कर्तुं (अध्यवसातुं) दुष्करम् Ve.3 'sooner said than done'.
    -2 easy to be managed. (
    -रः) a good-natured horse. (
    -रा) a tractable cow. (
    -रम्) charity, benevolence.
    -कर्मन् a.
    1 one whose deeds are righteous, virtuous, good.
    -2 active, diligent. (-m.) N. of Visvakarman.
    -कल a. one who has acquired a great reputation for liberality in giving and using (money &c,)
    -कलिल a. well filled with.
    -कल्प a. very qualified or skilled; कालेन यैर्वा विमिताः सुकल्पैर्भूपांसवः खे मिहिका द्युभासः Bhāg.1.14.7.
    -कल्पित a. well equip- ped or armed.
    -कल्य a. perfectly sound.
    -काण्डः the Kāravella plant.
    -काण्डिका the Kāṇḍīra creeper.
    -काण्डिन् a.
    1 having beautiful stems.
    -2 beautifully joined. (-m.) a bee.
    -काष्ठम् fire-wood.
    -कुन्दकः an onion.
    -कुमार a.
    1 very delicate or soft, smooth.
    -2 beautifully young or youthful.
    (-रः) 1 a beautiful youth.
    -2 a kind of sugar-cane.
    -3 a kind of grain (श्यामाक).
    -4 a kind of mustard.
    -5 the wild Cham- paka.
    (-रा) 1 the double jasmine.
    -2 the plantain.
    -3 the great-flowered jasmine.
    -कुमारकः 1 a beauti- ful youth.
    -2 rice (शालि).
    (-कम्) 1 the Tamāla- patra.
    -2 a particutar part of the ear.
    -कुमारी the Navamallikā jasmine.
    -कृत् a.
    1 doing good, benevolent.
    -2 pious, virtuous, righteous.
    -3 wise, learned.
    -4 for- tunate, lucky.
    -5 making good sacrifices or offerings. (-m.)
    1 a skilful worker.
    -2 N. of Tvaṣṭri.
    -कृत a.
    1 done well or properly.
    -2 thoroughly done; कच्चिन्नु सुकृतान्येव कृतरूपाणि वा पुनः । विदुस्ते सर्वकार्याणि Rām.2.1.2.
    -3 well made or constructed.
    -4 treated with kindness, assisted, befriended.
    -5 virtuous, righteous, pious.
    -6 lucky, fortunate.
    (-तम्) 1 any good or virtuous act, kindness, favour, service; नादत्ते कस्यचित् पापं न चैव सुकृतं विभुः Bg.5.15; Me.17.
    -2 virtue, moral or religious merit; स्वर्गाभिसंधिसुकृतं वञ्चनामिव मेनिरे Ku.6.47; तच्चिन्त्यमानं सुकृतं तवेति R.14.16.
    -3 fortune, auspiciousness.
    -4 recompense, reward.
    -5 Penance; तदभूरिवासरकृतं सुकृतैरुप- लभ्य वैभवमनन्यभवम् Ki.6.29.
    -कृतिः f.
    1 well-doing, a good act.
    -2 kindness, virtue.
    -3 practice of penance.
    -4 auspiciousness.
    -कृतिन् a.
    1 acting well or kindly.
    -2 virtuous, pious, good, righteous; सन्तः सन्तु निरापदः सुकृतिनां कीर्तिश्चिरं वर्धताम् H.4.132; चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनो$र्जुन Bg.7.16.
    -3 wise, learned.
    -4 benevolent.
    -5 fortunate, lucky.
    -कृत्यम् a good action; सुकृत्यं विष्णु- गुप्तस्य मित्राप्तिर्भार्गवस्य च Pt.2.45.
    -केश(स)रः the citron tree.
    -क्रतुः 1 N. of Agni.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -3 of Indra.
    -4 of Mitra and Varuṇa.
    -5 of the sun.
    -6 of Soma.
    -क्रयः a fair bargain.
    -क्षेत्र a. sprung from a good womb.
    -खल्लिका luxurious life.
    - a.
    1 going gracefully or well.
    -2 graceful, elegant.
    -3 easy of access; अकृत्यं मन्यते कृत्यमगम्यं मन्यते सुगम् । अभक्ष्यं मन्यते भक्ष्यं स्त्रीवाक्यप्रेरितो नरः ॥ Pt.2.148.
    -4 intelligible, easy to be understood (opp. दुर्ग). (
    -गः) a Gandharva; गीतैः सुगा वाद्यधराश्च वाद्यकैः Bhāg.1.12.34.
    (-गम्) 1 ordure, feces.
    -2 happiness.
    -गण् m. a good calculator; L. D. B. -a. counting well.
    -गणकः a good calculator or astronomer.
    -गत a.
    1 well-gone or passed.
    -2 well-bestowed. (
    -तः) an epithet of Buddha.
    -गतिः 1 Welfare, hap- piness.
    -2 a secure refuge.
    -गन्धः 1 fragrance, odour, perfume.
    -2 sulphur.
    -3 a trader.
    (-न्धम्) 1 sandal.
    -2 small cumin seed.
    -3 a blue lotus.
    -4 a kind of fragrant grass. (
    -न्धा) sacred basil.
    -गन्धकः 1 sulphur.
    -2 the red Tulasee.
    -3 the orange.
    -4 a kind of gourd,
    -गन्धमूला a land-growing lotus-plant; L. D. B.
    -गन्धारः an epithet of Śiva.
    -गन्धि a.
    1 sweet-smelling, fra- grant, redolent with perfumes.
    -2 virtuous, pious.
    (-न्धिः) 1 perfume, fragrance.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -3 a kind of sweet-smelling mango. (
    -न्धि n.)
    1 the root of long pepper.
    -2 a kind of fragrant grass.
    -3 cori- ander seed. ˚त्रिफला
    1 nutmeg.
    -2 areca nut.
    -3 cloves. ˚मूलम् the root Uśīra. ˚मूषिका the musk-rat.
    -गन्धिकः 1 incense.
    -2 sulphur.
    -3 a kind of rice. (
    -कम्) the white lotus.
    -गम a.
    1 easy of access, accessible.
    -2 easy.
    -3 plain, intelligible.
    -गरम् cinnabar.
    -गहना an enclosure round a place of sacrifice to exclude profane access. ˚वृत्तिः f. the same as above.
    -गात्री a beautiful woman.
    -गृद्ध a. intensely longing for.
    -गृह a. (
    -ही f.) having a beautiful house or abode, well-lodged; सुगृही निर्गृहीकृता Pt.1.39.
    -गृहीत a.
    1 held well or firmly, grasped.
    -2 used or applied properly or auspiciously. ˚नामन् a.
    1 one whose name is auspiciously invoked, one whose name it is auspicious to utter (as Bali, Yudhi- ṣṭhira), a term used as a respectful mode of speaking; सुगृहीतनाम्नः भट्टगोपालस्य पौत्रः Māl.1.
    -ग्रासः a dainty mor- sel.
    -ग्रीव a. having a beautiful neck.
    (-वः) 1 a hero.
    -2 a swan.
    -3 a kind of weapon.
    -4 N. of one of the four horses of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -5 of Śiva.
    -6 of Indra.
    -7 N. of a monkey-chief and brother of Vāli. [By the advice of Kabandha, Rāma went to Sugrīva who told him how his brother had treated him and besought his assistance in recovering his wife, promising at the same time that he would assist Rāma in recovering his wife Sīta. Rāma, therfore, killed vāli, and installed Sugrīva on the throne. He then assisted Rāma with his hosts of monkeys in conquering Rāvaṇa, and recovering Sīta.] ˚ईशः N. of Rāma; सुग्रीवेशः कटी पातु Rāma-rakṣā.8.
    -ग्ल a. very weary or fatigued.
    -घोष a. having a pleasant sound. (
    -षः) N. of the conch of Nakula; नकुलः सहदेवश्च सुघोषमणपुष्पकौ Bg.1.16.
    -चक्षुस् a. having good eyes, seeing well. (-m.)
    1 discerning or wise man, learned man.
    -2 The glomerous fig-tree.
    -चरित, -चरित्र a.
    1 well-conducted, well-behaved; वृषभैकादशा गाश्च दद्यात् सुचरितव्रतः Ms.11.116.
    -2 moral, virtuous; तान् विदित्वा सुचरितैर्गूढैस्तत्कर्मकारिभिः Ms.9.261. (
    -तम्, -त्रम्) 1 good conduct, virtuous deeds.
    -2 merit; तव सुचरितमङ्गुलीय नूनं प्रतनु Ś.6.1. (
    -ता, -त्रा) a well-conducted, devoted, and virtuous wife.
    -चर्मन् m. the Bhūrja tree.
    -चित्रकः 1 a king fisher.
    -2 a kind of speckled snake.
    -चित्रा a kind of gourd.
    -चिन्ता, -चिन्तनम् deep thought, deep reflection or consideration.
    -चिरम् ind. for a very long time, very long.
    -चिरायुस् m. a god, deity.
    -चुटी a pair of nippers or tongs.
    -चेतस् a.
    1 well-minded.
    -2 wise.
    -चेतीकृत a. with the heart satiated; well- disposed; ततः सुचेतीकृतपौरभृत्यः Bk.3.2.
    -चेलकः a fine cloth.
    -च्छद a. having beautiful leaves.
    -छत्रः N. of Śiva. (
    -त्रा) the river Sutlej.
    -जन a.
    1 good, virtuous, respectable.
    -2 kind, benevolent.
    (-नः) 1 a good or virtuous man, benevolent man.
    -2 a gentleman.
    -3 N. of Indra's charioteer.
    -जनता 1 goodness, kind- ness, benevolence, virtue; ऐश्वर्यस्य विभूषणं सुजनता Bh.2. 82.
    -2 a number of good men.
    -3 bravery.
    -जन्मन् a.
    1 of noble or respectable birth; या कौमुदी नयनयोर्भवतः सुजन्मा Māl.1.34.
    -2 legitimate, lawfully born.
    -जलम् a lotus.
    -जल्पः 1 a good speech.
    -2 a kind of speech thus described by Ujjvalamaṇi; यत्रार्जवात् सगाम्भीर्यं सदैन्यं सहचापलम् । सोत्कण्ठं च हरिः स्पृष्टः स सुजल्पो निगद्यते ॥
    -जात a.
    1 well-grown, tall.
    -2 well made or produced.
    -3 of high birth.
    -4 beautiful, lovely; सुजातं कल्याणी भवतु कृत- कृत्यः स च युवा Māl.1.16; R.3.8.
    -5 very delicate; खिद्यत् सुजाताङ्घ्रितलामुन्निन्ये प्रेयसीं प्रियः Bhāg.1.3.31.
    -डीनकम् a kind of flight of birds; Mb.8.41.27 (com. पश्चाद् गतिः पराडीनं स्वर्गगं सुडीनकम्).
    -तनु a.
    1 having a beautiful body.
    -2 extremely delicate or slender, very thin.
    -3 emaciated. (
    -नुः, -नूः f.) a lovely lady; एताः सुतनु मुखं ते सख्यः पश्यन्ति हेमकूटगताः V.1.1; Ś.7.24.
    -तन्त्री a.
    1 well-stringed.
    -2 (hence) melodious.
    -तपस् a.
    1 one who practises austere penance; a वानप्रस्थ; स्विष्टिः स्वधीतिः सुतपा लोकाञ्जयति यावतः Mb.12.71.3.
    -2 having great heat. (-m.)
    1 an ascetic, a devotee, hermit, an anchorite.
    -2 the sun. (-n.) an austere penance.
    -तप्त a.
    1 greatly harassed, afflicted.
    -2 very severe (as a penance); तपसैव सुतप्तेन मुच्यन्ते किल्बिषात्ततः Ms.11.239.
    -तमाम् ind. most excellently, best.
    -तराम् ind.
    1 bet- ter, more excellently.
    -2 exceedingly, very, very much, excessively; तया दुहित्रा सुतरां सवित्री स्फुरत्प्रभामण्डलया चकाशे Ku.1.24; सुतरां दयालुः R.2.53;7.21;14.9;18.24.
    -3 more so, much more so; मय्यप्यास्था न ते चेत्त्वयि मम सुतरा- मेष राजन् गतो$ स्मि Bh.3.3.
    -4 consequently.
    -तर्दनः the (Indian) cuckco.
    -तर्मन् a. good for crossing over; सुतर्माणमधिनावं रुहेम Ait. Br.1.13; (cf. also यज्ञो वै सुतर्मा).
    -तलम् 1 'immense depth', N. of one of the seven regi- ons below the earth; see पाताल; (याहि) सुतलं स्वर्गीभिः प्रार्थ्यं ज्ञातिभिः परिवारितः Bhāg.8.22.33.
    -2 the foundation of a large building.
    -तान a. melodious.
    -तार a.
    1 very bright.
    -2 very loud; सुतारैः फूत्कारैः शिव शिव शिवेति प्रतनुमः Bh.3.2.
    -3 having a beautiful pupil (as an eye). (
    -रः) a kind of perfume. (
    -रा) (in Sāṁkhya) one of the nine kinds of acquiescence.
    -तिक्तकः the coral tree.
    -तीक्ष्ण a.
    1 very sharp.
    -2 very pungent.
    -3 acutely painful.
    (-क्ष्णः) 1 the Śigru tree.
    -2 N. of a sage; नाम्ना सुतीक्ष्णश्चरितेन दान्तः R.13.41. ˚दशनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -तीर्थः 1 a good preceptor.
    -2 N. of Śiva. -a. easily crossed or traversed.
    -तुङ्ग a. very lofty or tall.
    (-ङ्गः) 1 the cocoa-nut tree.
    -2 the culminating point of a planet.
    -तुमुल a. very loud.
    -तेजन a. well-pointed, sharpened. (
    -नः) a well-pointed arrow.
    -तेजस् a.
    1 very sharp.
    -2 very bright, or splendid.
    -3 very mighty. (-m.) a worshipper of the sun.
    -दक्षिण a.
    1 very sincere or upright.
    -2 liberal or rich in sacrificial gifts; यज्ञैर्भूरिसुदक्षिणैः सुविहितैः संप्राप्यते यत् फलम् Pt.1. 31.
    -3 very skilful.
    -4 very polite. (
    -णा) N. of the wife of Dilīpa; तस्य दाक्षिण्यरूढेन नाम्ना मगधवंशजा पत्नी सुदक्षिणेत्यासीत् R.1.31;3.1.
    -दण्डः a cane, ratan.
    -दत् a. (
    -ती f.) having handsome teeth; जगाद भूयः सुदतीं सुनन्दा R.6.37.
    -दन्तः 1 a good tooth.
    -2 an actor; a dancer. (
    -न्ती) the female elephant of the north-west quarter.
    -दर्श a. lovely, gracious looking; सुदर्शः स्थूललक्षयश्च न भ्रश्येत सदा श्रियः Mb.12.56.19 (com. सुदर्शः प्रसन्नवक्त्रः).
    -दर्शन a. (
    -ना or
    -नी f.)
    1 good-looking, beautiful, handsome.
    -2 easily seen. (
    -नः) the discus of Viṣṇu; as in कृष्णो$प्यसु- दर्शनः K.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 of mount Meru.
    -4 a vul- ture. (
    -नी, -नम्) N. of Amarāvatī, Indra's capital. (
    -नम्) N. of Jambudvīpa.
    -दर्शना 1 a handsome wo- man.
    -2 a woman.
    -3 an order, a command.
    -4 a kind of drug.
    -दास् a. very bountiful.
    -दान्तः a Buddhist.
    -दामन् a. one who gives liberally. (-m.)
    1 a cloud.
    -2 a moun- tain.
    -3 the sea.
    -4 N. of Indra's elephant.
    -5 N. of a very poor Brāhmaṇa who came to Dvārakā with only a small quantity of parched rice as a present to his friend Kṛiṣṇa, and was raised by him to wealth and glory.
    -दायः 1 a good or auspicious gift.
    -2 a special gift given on particular solemn occasions.
    -3 one who offers such a gift.
    -दिनम् 1 a happy or auspicious day.
    -2 a fine day or weather (opp दुर्दिनम्); so सुदिनाहम् in the same sense.
    -दिह् a. well-polished, bright.
    -दीर्घ a. very long or extended. (
    -र्घा) a kind of cucumber.
    -दुराधर्ष a.
    1 very hard to get.
    -2 quite intolerable.
    -दुरावर्त a. a very hard to be convinced.
    -दुरासद a. unapproachable.
    -दुर्जर a. very difficult to be digested.
    -दुर्मनस् a. very troubled in mind.
    -दुर्मर्ष a. quite in- tolerable.
    -दुर्लभ a. very scarce or rare.
    -दुश्चर a.
    1 inaccessible.
    -2 very painful.
    -दुश्चिकित्स a. very difficult to be cured.
    -दुष्प्रभः a chameleon.
    -दूर a. very distant or remote. (
    -सुदूरम् means
    1 to a great distance.
    -2 to a very high degree, very much; सुदूरं पीडयेत् कामः शरद्गुणनिरन्तरः Rām.4.3.12.
    -सुदूरात् 'from afar, from a distance').
    -दृढ a. very firm or hard, compact.
    -दृश् a. having beautiful eyes. (-f.) a pretty woman.
    -देशिकः a good guide.
    -धन्वन् a. having an excellent bow. (-m.)
    1 a good archer or bowman.
    -2 Ananta, the great serpent.
    -3 N. of Viśvakarman. ˚आचार्यः a mixed caste; वैश्यात्तु जायते व्रात्यात् सुधन्वाचार्य एव च Ms.1.23.
    -धर्मन् a. attentive to duties. (-f.) the council or assembly of gods. (-m.)
    1 the hall or palace of Indra.
    -2 one diligent in properly maintaining his family.
    -धर्मा, -र्मी 1 the council or assembly of gods (देवसभा); ययावुदीरितालोकः सुधर्मानवमां सभाम् R.17.27.
    -2 (सुधर्मा) N. of Dvārakā; दिवि भुव्यन्तरिक्षे च महोत्पातान् समु- त्थितान् । दृष्ट्वासीनान् सुधर्मायां कृष्णः प्राह यदूनिदम् ॥ Bhāg.11.3. 4;1.14.34.
    -धात a. well cleaned.
    -धार a. well-pointed (as an arrow).
    -धित a. Ved.
    1 perfect, secure.
    -2 kind, good.
    -3 happy, prosperous.
    -4 well-aimed or directed (as a weapon).
    -धी a. having a good understanding, wise, clever, intelligent. (
    -धीः) a wise or intelligent man, learned man or pandit. (-f.) a good under- standing, good sense, intelligence. ˚उपास्यः
    1 a particu- lar kind of royal palace.
    -2 N. of an attendant on Kṛiṣṇa. (
    -स्यम्) the club of Balarāma. ˚उपास्या
    1 a woman.
    -2 N. of Umā, or of one of her female com- panions.
    -3 a sort of pigment.
    -ध्रूम्रवर्णा one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -नन्दम् N. of Balarāma's club; प्रतिजग्राह बलवान् सुनन्देनाहनच्च तम् Bhāg.1.67.18.
    -नन्दः a kind of royal palace.
    -नन्दा 1 N. of a woman.
    -2 N. of Pārvatī; L. D. B.
    -3 yellow pigment; L. D. B.
    -नयः 1 good conduct.
    -2 good policy.
    - नयन a. having beau- tiful eyes. (
    -नः) a deer.
    (-ना) 1 a woman having beautiful eyes.
    -2 a woman in general.
    -नाभ a.
    1 having a beautiful navel.
    -2 having a good nave or cen- tre.
    (-भः) 1 a mountain.
    -2 the Maināka mountain, q. v. (
    -भम्) a wheel, discus (सुदर्शन); ये संयुगे$चक्षत तार्क्ष्यपुत्रमंसे सुनाभायुधमापतन्तम् Bhāg.3.2.24.
    -नालम् a red water-lily.
    -निःष्ठित a. quite ready.
    -निर्भृत a. very lonely or private. (
    -तम्) ind. very secretly or closely, very narrowly, privately.
    -निरूढ a. well-purged by an injection; Charaka.
    -निरूहणम् a good purgative.
    -निर्णिक्त a. well polished.
    -निश्चलः an epithet of Śiva.
    -निषण्णः (-कः) the herb Marsilea Quadrifolia (Mar. कुऱडू).
    -निहित a. well-established.
    -नीत a.
    1 well-con- ducted, well-behaved.
    -2 polite, civil.
    (-तनि) 1 good conduct or behaviour.
    -2 good policy or prodence.
    -नीतिः f.
    1 good conduct, good manners, propriety.
    -2 good policy.
    -3 N. of the mother of Dhruva, q. v.
    -नीथ a. well-disposed, well conducted, righteous, vir- tuous, good.
    (-थः) 1 a Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 N. of Śiśupāla, q. v.; तस्मिन्नभ्यर्चिते कृष्णे सुनीथः शत्रुकर्षणः Mb.1.39.11.
    -3 Ved. a good leader.
    -नील a. very black or blue. (
    -लः) the pomegranate tree. (
    -ला) common flax.
    (-लम्), -नीलकः a blue gem.
    -नु n. water.
    -नेत्र a. having good or beautiful eyes.
    -पक्व a.
    1 well-cooked.
    -2 thoroughly matured or ripe. (
    -क्वः) a sort of fra- grant mango.
    -पठ a. legible.
    -पत्नी a woman having a good husband.
    -पत्र a.
    1 having beautiful wings.
    -2 well-feathered (an arrow).
    -पथः 1 a good road.
    -2 a good course.
    -3 good conduct.
    -पथिन् m. (nom. sing. सुपन्थाः) a good road.
    -पद्मा orris root.
    -परीक्षित a. well-examined.
    -पर्ण a. (
    -र्णा or
    -र्णी f.)
    1 well-winged; तं भूतनिलयं देवं सुपर्णमुपधावत Bhāg.8.1.11.
    -2 having good or beautiful leaves.
    (-र्णः) 1 a ray of the sun.
    -2 a class of bird-like beings of a semi-divine charac- ter.
    -3 any supernatural bird.
    -4 an epithet of Garuḍa; ततः सुपर्णव्रजपक्षजन्मा नानागतिर्मण्डलयन् जवेन Ki.16.44.
    -5 a cock.
    -6 the knowing (ज्ञानरूप); देहस्त्वचित्पुरुषो$यं सुपर्णः क्रुध्येत कस्मै नहि कर्ममूलम् Bhāg.11.23.55.
    -7 Any bird; द्वा सुपर्णा सयुजा सखाया समानं वृक्षं परिषस्वजाते Muṇd. 3.1.1. ˚केतुः N. of Viṣṇu; तमकुण्ठमुखाः सुपर्णकेतोरिषवः क्षिप्तमिषुव्रजं परेण Śi.2.23.
    -पर्णकः = सुपर्ण.
    -पर्णा, -पर्णी f.
    1 a number of lotuses.
    -2 a pool abounding in lotuses.
    -3 N. of the mother of Garuḍa.
    -पर्यवदात a. very clean.
    -पर्याप्त a.
    1 very spacious; तस्य मध्ये सुपर्याप्तं कारयेद् गृहमात्मनः Ms.7.76.
    -2 well-fitted.
    -पर्वन् a. well- jointed, having many joints or knots. (-m.)
    1 a bam- boo.
    -2 an arrow.
    -3 a god, deity; विहाय या सर्वसुपर्व- नायकम् N.4.9;14.41,76.
    -4 a special lunar day (as the day of full or new moon, and the 8th and 14th day of each fortnight).
    -5 smoke. (-f.) white Dūrvā grass.
    -पलायित a.
    1 completely fled or run away.
    -2 skilfully retreated.
    -पाक्यम् a kind of medicinal salt (Mar. बिडलोण).
    -पात्रम् 1 a good or suitable vessel, worthy receptacle.
    -2 a fit or competent person, any one well-fitted for an office, an able person.
    -पाद् (
    -पाद् or
    -पदी f.) having good or handsome feet.
    -पार्श्वः 1 the waved-leaf fig-tree (प्लक्ष).
    -2 N. of the son of Sampāti, elder brother of Jaṭāyu.
    -पालि a. distinguished.
    -पीतम् 1 a carrot.
    -2 yellow sandal. (
    -तः) the fifth Muhūrta.
    -पुंसी a woman having a good husband.
    -पुरम् a strong fortress.
    -पुष्प a. (
    -ष्पा or
    -ष्पी f.) having beautiful flowers.
    (-ष्पः) 1 the coral tree.
    -2 the Śirīṣa tree. (
    -ष्पी) the plantain tree.
    (-ष्पम्) 1 cloves.
    -2 the menstrual excretion.
    -पुष्पित a.
    1 well blossomed, being in full flower.
    -2 having the hair thrilling or bristling.
    -पूर a.
    1 easy to be filled; सुपूरा स्यात् कुनदिका सुपूरो मूषिकाञ्जलिः Pt.1.25.
    -2 well-filling. (
    -रः) a kind of citron (बीजपूर).
    -पूरकः the Baka-puṣpa tree.
    -पेशस् a. beautiful, tender; रत्नानां पद्मरागो$स्मि पद्मकोशः सुपेशसाम् Bhāg.11.16.3. ˚कृत् m. a kind of fly; Bhāg.11.7.34.
    -प्रकाश a.
    1 manifest, apparent; ज्येष्ठे मासि नयेत् सीमां सुप्रकाशेषु सेतुषु Ms.8.245.
    -2 public, notorious.
    -प्रतर्कः a sound judgment.
    -प्रतिभा spirituous liquor.
    -प्रतिष्ठ a.
    1 standing well.
    -2 very celebrated, renowned, glorious, famous.
    (-ष्ठा) 1 good position.
    -2 good reputation, fame, celebrity.
    -3 esta- blishment, erection.
    -4 installation, consecration.
    -प्रतिष्ठित a.
    1 well-established.
    -2 consecrated.
    -3 ce- lebrated. (
    -तः) the Udumbara tree.
    -प्रतिष्णात a.
    1 thoroughly purified.
    -2 well-versed in.
    -3 well-investi- gated, clearly ascertained or determined.
    -प्रतीक a.
    1 having a beautiful shape, lovely, handsome; भगवान् भागवतवात्सल्यतया सुप्रतीकः Bhāg.5.3.2.
    -2 having a beau- tiful trunk.
    (-कः) 1 an epithet of Kāmadeva.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -3 of the elephant of the north-east quarter.
    -4 An honest man; स्तेयोपायैर्विरचितकृतिः सुप्रतीको यथास्ते Bhāg.1.8.31.
    -प्रपाणम् a good tank.
    -प्रभ a. very brilliant, glorious. (
    -भा) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -प्रभातम् 1 an auspicious dawn or day-break; दिष्टथा सुप्रभातमद्य यदयं देवो दृष्टः U.6.
    -2 the earliest dawn.
    -प्रभावः omnipotence.
    -प्रमाण a. large-sized.
    -प्रयुक्तशरः a skilful archer.
    -प्रयोगः 1 good management or ap- plication.
    -2 close contact.
    -3 dexterity.
    -प्रलापः good speech, eloquence.
    -प्रसन्नः N. of Kubera.
    -प्रसाद a. very gracious or propitious. (
    -दः) N. of Śiva.
    -प्रातम् a fine morning.
    -प्रिय a. very much liked, agreeable. (
    -यः) (in prosody) a foot of two short syllables.
    (-या) 1 a charming woman.
    -2 a beloved mistress.
    -प्रौढा a marriageable girl.
    -फल a.
    1 very fruitful, very productive.
    -2 very fertile.
    (-लः) 1 the pomegranate tree.
    -2 the jujube.
    -3 the Karṇikāra tree.
    -4 a kind of bean.
    (-ला) 1 a pumpkin, gourd.
    -2 the plan- tain tree.
    -3 a variety of brown grape.
    -4 colocynth.
    -फेनः a cuttle-fish bone.
    -बन्धः sesamum.
    -बभ्रु a. dark-brown.
    -बल a. very powerful.
    (-लः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 N. of the father of Śakuni.
    -बान्धवः N. of Śiva.
    -बाल a. very childish.
    -बाहु a.
    1 handsome- armed.
    -2 strong-armed. (
    -हुः) N. of a demon, brother of Mārīcha, who had become a demon by the curse of Agastya. He with Mārīcha began to disturb the sacrifice of Viśvāmitra, but was defeated by Rāma. and Lakṣmaṇa; यः सुबाहुरिति राक्षसो$परस्तत्र तत्र विससर्प मायया R.11.29.
    -बीजम् good seed; सुबीजं चैव सुक्षेत्रे जातं संपद्यते तथा Ms.1.69.
    (-जः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 the poppy.
    -बोध a.
    1 easily apprehended or understood. (
    -धः) good information or advice.
    -ब्रह्मण्यः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya.
    -2 N. of one of the sixteen priests employed at a sacrifice.
    -भग a.
    1 very fortu- nate or prosperous, happy, blessed, highly favoured.
    -2 lovely, charming, beautiful, pretty; न तु ग्रीष्मस्यैवं सुभगमपराद्धं युवतिषु Ś.3.9; Ku.4.34; R.11.8; Māl.9.
    -3 pleasant, grateful, agreeable, sweet; दिवसाः सुभगा- दित्याश्छायासलिलदुर्भगाः Rām.3.16.1; श्रवणसुभग M.3.4; Ś.1.3.
    -4 beloved, liked, amiable, dear; सुमुखि सुभगः पश्यन् स त्वामुपैतु कृतार्थताम् Gīt.5.
    -5 illustrious.
    (-गः) 1 borax.
    -2 the Aśoka tree.
    -3 the Champaka tree.
    -4 red amarnath. (
    -गम्) good fortune. ˚मानिन्, सुभगं- मन्य a.
    1 considering oneself fortunate, amiable, pleasing; वाचालं मां न खलु सुभगंमन्यभावः करोति Me.96.
    -2 vain, flattering oneself.
    -भगा 1 a woman beloved by her hus- band, a favourite wife.
    -2 an honoured mother.
    -3 a kind of wild jasmine.
    -4 turmeric.
    -5 the Priyaṅgu creeper.
    -6 the holy basil.
    -7 a woman having her husband alive (सौभाग्यवती); जयशब्दैर्द्विजाग्र्याणां सुभगानर्तितै- स्तथा Mb.7.7.9.
    -8 a five-year old girl representing Durgā at festivals.
    -9 musk. ˚सुत the son of a favou- rite wife.
    -भङ्गः the cocoa-nut tree.
    -भटः a great war- rior, champion, soldier.
    -भट्टः a learned man.
    -भद्र a. very happy or fortunate. (
    -द्रः) N. of Viṣṇu; साकं साकम्पमंसे वसति विदधती बासुभद्रं सुभद्रम् Viṣṇupāda S.31. (
    -द्रा) N. of the sister of Balarāma and Kṛiṣṇa, married to Arjuna q. v. She bore to him a son named Abhimanyu.
    -भद्रकः 1 a car for carrying the image of a god.
    -2 the Bilva tree.
    -भाषित a.
    1 spoken well or eloquent.
    (-तम्) 1 fine speech, eloquence, learning; जीर्णमङ्गे सुभाषितम् Bh.3.2.
    -2ल a witty saying, an apophthegm, an apposite saying; सुभाषितेन गीतेन युवतीनां च लीलया । मनो न भिद्यते यस्य स वै मुक्तो$थवा पशुः Subhāṣ.
    -3 a good remark; बालादपि सुभाषितम् (ग्राह्यम्).
    -भिक्षम् 1 good alms, successful begging.
    -2 abundance of food, an abundant supply of provisions, plenty of corn &c.
    -भीरकः the Palāśa tree.
    -भीरुकम् silver.
    -भूतिः 1 well-being, wel- fare.
    -2 the Tittira bird; Gīrvāṇa.
    -भूतिकः the Bilva tree.
    -भूषणम् a type of pavilion where a ceremony is performed on a wife's perceiving the first signs of con- ception; सुभूषणाख्यं विप्राणां योग्यं पुंसवनार्थकम् Māna.34.354.
    -भृत a.
    1 well-paid.
    -2 heavily laden.
    -भ्रू a. having beautiful eyebrows. (
    -भ्रूः f.) a lovely woman. (N. B. The vocative singular of this word is strictly सुभ्रूः; but सुभ्रु is used by writers like Bhaṭṭi. Kālidāsa, and Bhavabhūti; हा पितः क्वासि हे सुभ्रु Bk.6.17; so V.3.22; Ku.5.43; Māl.3.8.)
    -मङ्गल a.
    1 very auspicious.
    -2 abounding in sacrifices.
    -मति a. very wise. (
    -तिः f.)
    1 a good mind or disposition, kindness, benevolence, friendship.
    -2 a favour of the gods.
    -3 a gift, blessing.
    -4 a prayer, hymn.
    -5 a wish or desire.
    -6 N. of the wife of Sagara and mother of 6, sons.
    -मदनः the mango tree.
    -मदात्मजा a celestial damsel.
    -मधुरम् a very sweet or gentle speech, agreeable words.
    -मध्य, -मध्यम a. slender-waisted.
    -मध्या, -मध्यमा a graceful woman.
    -मन a. very charming, lovely, beautiful.
    (-नः) 1 wheat.
    -2 the thorn-apple. (
    -ना) the great-flowered jasmine.
    -मनस् a.
    1 good-minded, of a good disposition, benevolent; शान्तसंकल्पः सुमना यथा स्याद्वीतमन्युर्गौतमो माभिमृत्यो Kaṭh.1.1.
    -2 well-pleased, satisfied; (hence
    -सुमनीभू = to be at ease; जिते नृपारौ समनीभवन्ति शद्बायमानान्यशनैरशङ्कम् Bk.2.54.). (-m.)
    1 a god, divinity.
    -2 a learned man.
    -3 a student of the Vedas.
    -4 wheat.
    -5 the Nimba tree. (-f., n.; said to be pl. only by some) a flower; मुमुचुर्मुनयो देवाः सुमनांसि मुदान्विताः Bhāg.1.3.7; रमणीय एष वः सुमनसां संनिवेशः Māl.1. (where the adjectival; sense in 1 is also intended); किं सेव्यते सुमनसां मनसापि गन्धः कस्तू- रिकाजननशक्तिभृता मृगेण R.G; Śi.6.66. ˚वर्णकम् flowers, unguent or perfume etc. for the body; सा तदाप्रभृति सुमनो- वर्णकं नेच्छति Avimārakam 2. (-f.)
    1 the great-flowered jasmine.
    -2 the Mālatī creeper. ˚फलः the woodapple. ˚फलम् nutmeg.
    -मनस्क a. cheerful, happy.
    -मन्तु a.
    1 advising well.
    -2 very faulty or blameable. (-m.) a good adviser.
    -मन्त्रः N. of the charioteer of Daśāratha.
    -मन्दभाज् a. very unfortunate.
    -मर्दित a. much harassed.
    -मर्षण a. easy to be borne.
    -मित्रा 1 N. of one of the wives of Daśāratha and mother of Lakṣmaṇa and Śatrughna.
    -मुख a. (
    -खा or
    -खी f.)
    1 having a beautiful face, lovely.
    -2 pleasing.
    -3 disposed to, eager for; सुरसद्मयानसुमुखी जनता Ki.6.42.
    -4 favour- able, kind.
    -5 well-pointed (as an arrow).
    -6 (सुमुखा) having a good entrance.
    (-खः) 1 a learned man.
    -2 an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -3 of Gaṇeśa; सुमुखश्चैकदन्तश्च कपिलो गजकर्णकः Maṅgal. S.1.
    -4 of Śiva.
    (-खम्) 1 the scratch of a finger-nail.
    -2 a kind of building.
    (-खा, -खी) 1 a handsome woman.
    -2 a mirror.
    -मूलकम् a carrot.
    -मृत a. stone-dead.
    -मेखलः the Muñja grass.
    -मेधस a. having a good understanding, wise, intelligent; इमे अङ्गिरसः सत्रमासते$द्य सुमेधसः Bhāg.9.4.3. (-m.) a wise man. (-f.) heart-pea.
    -मेरुः 1 the sac- red mountain Meru, q. v.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -यन्त्रित a.
    1 well-governed.
    -2 self-controlled.
    -यमाः a parti- cular class of gods; जातो रुचेरजनयत् सुयमान् सुयज्ञ आकूति- सूनुरमरानथ दक्षिणायाम् Bhāg.2.7.2.
    -यवसम् beautiful grass, good pasturage.
    -यामुनः 1 a palace.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -युक्तः N. of Śiva.
    -योगः 1 a favourable junc- ture.
    -2 good opportunity.
    -योधनः an epithet of Duryodhana q. v.
    -रक्त a.
    1 well coloured.
    -2 im- passioned.
    -3 very lovely.
    -4 sweet-voiced; सुरक्तगोपी- जनगीतनिःस्वने Ki.4.33.
    -रक्तकः 1 a kind of red chalk.
    -2 a kind of mango tree.
    -रङ्गः 1 good colour.
    -2 the orange.
    -3 a hole cut in a house (सुरङ्गा also in this sense).
    (-ङ्गम्) 1 red sanders.
    -2 vermilion. ˚धातुः red chalk. ˚युज् m. a house-breaker.
    -रङ्गिका the Mūrvā plant.
    -रजःफलः the jack-fruit tree.
    -रञ्जनः the betel nut tree.
    -रत a.
    1 much sported.
    -2 playful.
    -3 much enjoyed.
    -4 compassionate, tender.
    (-तम्) 1 great delight or enjoyment.
    -2 copulation, sexual union or intercourse, coition; सुरतमृदिता बालवनिता Bh.2. 44. ˚गुरुः the husband; पर्यच्छे सरसि हृतें$शुके पयोभिर्लोलाक्षे सुरतगुरावपत्रपिष्णोः Śi.8.46. ˚ताण्डवम् vigorous sexual movements; अद्यापि तां सुरतताण्डवसूत्रधारीं (स्मरामि) Bil. Ch. Uttara.28. ˚ताली
    1 a female messenger, a go-between.
    -2 a chaplet, garland for the head. ˚प्रसंगः addiction to amorous pleasures; कालक्रमेणाथ योः प्रवृत्ते स्वरूपयोग्ये सुरत- प्रसंगे Ku.1.19.
    -रतिः f. great enjoyment or satis- faction.
    -रस a. well-flavoured, juicy, savoury.
    -2 sweet.
    -3 elegant (as a composition). (
    -सः, -सा) the plant सिन्धुवार. (
    -सा) N. of Durgā. (
    -सा, -सम्) the sacred basil.
    (-सम्) 1 gum-myrrh.
    -2 fragrant grass.
    -राजन् a. governed by a good king; सुराज्ञि देशे राजन्वान् Ak. (-m.)
    1 a good king.
    -2 a divinity.
    -राजिका a small house-lizard.
    -राष्ट्रम् N. of a country on the western side of India (Surat). ˚जम् a kind of poison.
    -2 a sort of black bean (Mar. तूर). ˚ब्रह्मः a Brāhmaṇa of Surāṣṭra.
    -रूप a.
    1 well-formed, handsome, love- ly; सुरूपा कन्या.
    -2 wise, learned. (
    -पः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -रूहकः a horse resembling an ass.
    -रेतस् n. mental power (चिच्छक्ति); सुरेतसादः पुनराविश्य चष्टे Bhāg. 5.7.14.
    -रेभ a. fine-voiced; स्यन्दना नो चतुरगाः सुपेभा वाविपत्तयः । स्यन्दना नो च तुरगाः सुरेभा वा विपत्तयः ॥ Ki.15.16. (
    -भम्) tin.
    -लक्षण a.
    1 having auspicious or beautiful marks.
    -2 fortunate.
    (-णम्) 1 observing, examining carefully, determining, ascertaining.
    -2 a good or auspicious mark.
    -लक्षित a. well determined or ascertained; तुलामानं प्रतीमानं सर्वं च स्यात् सुलक्षितम् Ms.8.43.
    -लग्नः, -ग्नम् an auspicious moment.
    -लभ a.
    1 easy to be obtained, easy of attainment, attainable, feasible; न सुलभा सकलेन्दुमुखी च सा V.2.9; इदमसुलभवस्तुप्रार्थनादुर्नि- वारम् 2.6.
    -2 ready for, adapted to, fit, suitable; निष्ठ्यूतश्चरणोपभोगसुलभो लाक्षारसः केनचित् Ś.4.4.
    -3 natural to, proper for; मानुषतासुलभो लघिमा K. ˚कोप a. easily provoked, irascible.
    -लिखित a. well registered.
    -लुलित a.
    1 moving playfully.
    -2 greatly hurt, injured.
    -लोचन a. fine-eyed. (
    -नः) a deer.
    (-ना) 1 a beauti- ful woman.
    -2 N. of the wife of Indrajit.
    -लोहकम् brass.
    -लोहित a. very red. (
    -ता) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -वक्त्रम् 1 a good face or mouth.
    -2 correct utterance. (
    -क्त्रः) N. of Śiva.
    -वचनम्, -वचस् n. eloquence. -a. eloquent.
    -वयस् f. a hermaphrodite.
    -वर्चकः, -वर्चिकः, -का, -वर्चिन् m. natron, alkali.
    -वर्चला 1 N. of the wife of the sun; तं चाहमनुवर्तिष्ये यथा सूर्यं सुवर्चला Rām.2.3.3.
    -2 linseed.
    -वर्चसः N. of Śiva.
    -वर्चस्क a. splendid, brilliant.
    -वर्ण see s. v.
    -वर्तित 1 well rounded.
    -2 well arranged.
    -वर्तुलः a water-melon.
    -वसन्तः 1 an agreeable vernal season.
    -2 the day of full moon in the month of Chaitra, or a festival celebrated in honour of Kāmadeva in that month (also सुवसन्तकः in this sense).
    -वह a.
    1 bearing well, patient.
    -2 patient, enduring.
    -3 easy to be borne-
    (-हा) 1 a lute.
    -2 N. of several plants like रास्ना, निर्गुण्डी &c.; Mātaṅga L.1.1.
    -वासः 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 a pleasant dwelling.
    -3 an agreeable perfume or odo- ur.
    -वासकः a water-melon.
    -वासरा cress.
    -वासिनी 1 a woman married or single who resides in her father's house.
    -2 a married woman whose husband is alive.
    -विक्रान्त a. very valiant or bold, chivalrous; सुविक्रान्तस्य नृपतेः सर्वमेव महीतलम् Śiva. B.16.45. (
    -न्तः) a hero. (
    -न्तम्) heroism.
    -विग्रह a. having a beautiful figure.
    -विचक्षण a. very clever, wise.
    -विद् m. a learned man, shrewd person. (-f.) a shrewd or clever woman.
    -विदः 1 an attendant on the women's apartments.
    -2 a king.
    -विदग्ध a. very cunning, astute.
    -विदत् m. a king
    -विदत्रम् 1 a household, family.
    -2 wealth.
    -3 grace, favour.
    -विदल्लः an attendant on the women's apart- ments (wrongly for सौविदल्ल q. v.). (
    -ल्लम्) the wo- men's apartments, harem.
    -विदल्ला a married woman.
    -विध a. of a good kind.
    -विधम् ind. easily.
    -विधिः a good rule, ordinance.
    -विनीत a.
    1 well trained, modest.
    -2 well executed. (
    -ता) a tractable cow.
    -विनेय a. easy to be trained or educated.
    -विभक्त a. well pro- portioned, symmetrical.
    -विरूढ a.
    1 fully grown up or developed.
    -2 well ridden.
    -विविक्त a.
    1 solitary (as a wood).
    -2 well decided (as a question).
    -विहित a.
    1 well-placed, well-deposited.
    -2 well-furnished, well- supplied, well-provided, well-arranged; सुविहितप्रयोगतया आर्यस्य न किमपि परिहास्यते Ś.1; कलहंसमकरन्दप्रेवशावसरे तत् सुविहितम् Māl.1.
    -3 well done or performed.
    -4 well satisfied (by hospitality); अन्नपानैः सुविहितास्तस्मिन् यज्ञे महात्मनः Rām.1.14.16.
    -वी(बी)ज a. having good seed.
    (-जः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 the poppy. (
    -जम्) good seed.
    -वीरकम् 1 a kind of collyrium.
    -2 sour gruel (काञ्जिक); सुवीरकं याच्यमाना मद्रिका कर्षति स्फिचौ Mb.8.4.38.
    -वीराम्लम् sour rice-gruel.
    -वीर्य a.
    1 having great vigour.
    -2 of heroic strength, heroic, chivalrous.
    (-र्यम्) 1 great heroism
    -2 abundance of heroes.
    -3 the fruit of the jujube. (
    -र्या) wild cotton.
    -वृक्तिः f.
    1 a pure offering.
    -2 a hymn of praise.
    -वृत्त a.
    1 well-behaved, virtuous, good; मयि तस्य सुवृत्त वर्तते लघुसंदेशपदा सरस्वती R. 8.77.
    -2 well-rounded, beautifully globular or round; मृदुनातिसुवृत्तेन सुमृष्टेनातिहारिणा । मोदकेनापि किं तेन निष्पत्तिर्यस्य सेवया ॥ or सुमुखो$पि सुवृत्तो$पि सन्मार्गपतितो$पि च । महतां पादलग्नो$पि व्यथयत्येव कष्टकः ॥ (where all the adjectives are used in a double sense). (
    -त्तम्) a good or virtuous conduct; भर्तुश्चिन्तानुवर्तित्वं सुवृत्तं चानुजीविनाम् Pt.1.69. (
    -त्ता) a sort of grape.
    -वेल a.
    1 tranquil, still.
    -2 humble, quiet. (
    -लः) N. of the Trikūṭa mountain.
    -व्रत a. strict in the observance of religious vows, strictly virtuous or religious. (
    -तः) a religious student.
    (-ता) 1 a virtuous wife.
    -2 a tractable cow, one easily milked.
    -शंस a. well spoken of, famous, glorious, commendable.
    -शक a. capable of being easily done.
    -शर्मन् (m., f.) a person desiring intercourse (Uṇ.4. 165].
    -शल्यः the Khadira tree.
    -शाकम् undried ginger.
    -शारदः N. of Śiva.
    -शासित a. kept under control, well-controlled.
    -शिक्षित a. well-taught, trained, well- disciplined.
    -शिखः fire.
    (-खा) 1 a peacock's crest.
    -2 a cock's comb.
    -शीतम् yellow sandal-wood.
    -शीम a. cold, frigid. (
    -मः) coldness
    -शील a. good-tempered, amiable.
    (-ला) 1 N. of the wife of Yama.
    -2 N. of one of the eight favourite wives of Kriṣṇa.
    -शेव a. full of happiness; pleasant to be resorted; एष पन्था उरुगायः मुशेवः Ait. Br.7.13.11.
    -शोण a. dark-red.
    -श्रीका the gum olibanum tree.
    -श्रुत a.
    1 well heard.
    -2 versed in the Vedas.
    -3 gladly heard (also an ex- clamation at a श्राद्ध); पित्रे स्वदितमित्येव वाच्यं गोष्ठे तु सुश्रुतम् Ms.3.254. (
    -तः) N. of the author of a system of medicine, whose work, together with that of Charaka, is regardad as the oldest medical authority, and held in great esteem in India even to this day.
    -श्लिष्ट a.
    1 well-arranged or united.
    -2 well-fitted; Māl.1.
    -श्लेषः close union or embrace.
    -श्लोक्य a. very famous; तेजीयसामपि ह्येतन्न सुश्लोक्यं जगद्गुरो Bhāg.3.12.31.
    -संवीत a.
    1 well-girt; स ददर्श ततः श्रीमान् सुग्रीवं हेमपिङ्गलम् । सुसंवीतम्... Rām.4.16.15.
    -2 well dressed.
    -संवृतिः good concealment. a. well-concealed; परितप्तो$प्यपरः सुसंवृतिः Śi.16.23.
    -संस्कृत a.
    1 well cooked or prepared.
    -2 kept in good order; सुसंस्कृतोपस्करया व्यये चामुक्तहस्तया Ms.5.15.
    -संगृहीत a.
    1 well controlled or governed; सुसंगृहीतराष्ट्रो हि पार्थिवः सुखमेधते Ms.7.113.
    -2 well received.
    -3 well kept.
    -4 well abridged.
    -संध a. true to a promise.
    -संनत a. well-directed (as an arrow).
    -सत्या N. of the wife of Janaka.
    -सदृश् a. agreeable to look at.
    -समाहित a.
    1 well arranged, beautifully adorned; very beautiful; ऋतुकालं प्रतीक्षन्ते नार्थिनः सुसमाहिते । संगमं त्वहमिच्छामि त्वया सह सुमध्यमे ॥ Rām.1.48.18.
    -2 completely loaded; तद्यथानः सुसमा- हितमुत्सर्जद्यायात् Bṛi. Up.4.3.35.
    -3 Very intent, attentive.
    -समीहित a. much desired.
    - सरण N. of Śiva.
    -सह a.
    1 easy to be borne.
    -2 bearing or enduring well. (
    -हः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -सहाय a. having a good companion; प्रणेतुं शक्यते दण्डः सुसहायेन धीमता Ms.7.31.
    -साधित a. well trained or educated.
    -सार a. having good sap or essence.
    (-रः) 1 good sap, essence, or substance.
    -2 competence.
    -3 the red-flowering Kha- dira tree.
    -सारवत् n. crystal.
    -सिकता 1 good sand.
    -2 gravel.
    -3 sugar.
    -सुरप्रिया jasmine.
    -सेव्य a. to be well or easily followed (as a road).
    -सौभगम् con- jugal felicity.
    -स्थ a.
    1 well-suited, being in a good sense.
    -2 in health, healthy, faring well.
    -3 in good or prosperous circumstances, prosperous.
    -4 happy, fortunate. (
    -स्थम्) a happy state, well-being; प्रह्लाद सुस्थरूपोसि पश्यन् व्यसनमात्मनः Mb.12.222.12; सुस्थे को वा न पण्डितः H.3.114.
    -स्थित a. in the same sense as सुस्थ. (
    -तम्) a house with a gallery on all sides.
    -स्थितिः (also सुस्थता) f.
    1 good condition, well-being, welfare, happiness.
    -2 health, convalescence.
    -स्थिर a.
    1 stable.
    -2 resolute, cool.
    -स्नातः 1 one who bathes at the end of a sacrifice; L. D. B.
    -2 well purified by bathing.
    -स्मित a. pleasantly smiling. (
    -ता) a woman with a pleased or smiling countenance.
    -स्वपनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्वर a.
    1 melodious, harmonious.
    -2 loud. ˚यन्त्रकम् a kind of musical instrument; युता सुस्वरयन्त्रकैः Śukra.1.247.
    -हित a.
    1 very fit or suitable, appro- priate.
    -2 beneficial, salutary.
    -3 friendly, affection- ate.
    -4 satisfied; सहस्रनेत्रः सुहितत्वमाप न Rām. ch.2.64. (
    -ता) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -हृद् a. having a kind heart, cordial, friendly, loving, affectionate; सुहृदः सुहृदो$न्यांश्च दुर्हृदश्चापि दुर्हृदः । सम्यक्प्रवृत्तान् पुरुषान्नसम्यगनुपश्यतः ॥ Mb.3.28.36. (-m.)
    1 a friend; सुहृदः पश्य वसन्त किं स्थितम् Ku.4.27; मन्दायन्ते न खलु सुहृदामभ्युपेतार्थकृत्याः Me.4.
    -2 an ally. ˚भेदः
    1 the separation of friends.
    -2 N. of the 2nd book of the हितोपदेश; मित्रलाभः सुहृद्भेदो विग्रहः संधिरेव च । पञ्चतन्त्रात्तथान्यस्माद् ग्रन्थादाकृष्य लिख्यते ॥ H. Pr.9. ˚वाक्यम् the counsel of a friend.
    -हृदः a friend.
    -हृदय a.
    1 good-hearted.
    -2 dear, affectionate, loving.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सु _su

  • 5 contrario

    1 contrary, opposite, adverse, opposed.
    2 contrary, negative, antagonistic, antipathetic.
    1 opposite, antithesis, reverse, converse.
    2 opponent, adversary, enemy, rival.
    * * *
    1 (opuesto) contrary, opposite
    2 (perjudicial) harmful (a, to), bad (a, for)
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 opponent, adversary, rival
    al contrario on the contrary
    de lo contrario otherwise
    en dirección contraria in the wrong direction
    llevar la contraria a alguien to oppose somebody
    por el contrario on the contrary
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite
    la parte contraria DERECHO the opponent 2 (en deportes) the opposing team
    * * *
    (f. - contraria)
    contrary, opposite
    * * *
    contrario, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=rival) [partido, equipo] opposing
    2) (=opuesto) [extremo, efecto, significado, sexo] opposite

    se mostraron contrarios al acuerdo — they came out against the agreement, they were opposed to the agreement

    dirección contraria, tomamos la dirección contraria — we went in the opposite direction

    intereses contrarios — conflicting o opposing interests

    pie contrario, se puso el zapato en el pie contrario — she put her shoe on the wrong foot

    sentido contrario, un coche que venía en sentido contrario — a car coming in the opposite direction

    viento contrario — headwind

    caso 1), b)
    3) [en locuciones]

    al contrario — on the contrary, quite the opposite

    no me disgusta la idea, al contrario, me encanta — I don't dislike the idea, on the contrary o quite the opposite, I think it would be wonderful

    -¿te aburres? -¡que va, al contrario! — "are you bored?" - "no way, quite the opposite!"

    antes al contrario, muy al contrario — frm on the contrary

    al contrario de, todo salió al contrario de lo previsto — everything turned out the opposite of what we expected

    al contrario de lo que creíamos, hizo muy buen tiempo — contrary to what we thought, the weather turned out very nice

    siempre va al contrario de todo el mundo — she always has to be different to everyone else, she always does the opposite to everyone else

    al contrario que o de ella, yo no estoy dispuesto a aguantar — unlike her, I'm not willing to put up with it

    lo contrario, ¿qué es lo contrario de alto? — what is the opposite of tall?

    soy inocente, hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario — I am innocent until proven otherwise

    de lo contrario — otherwise, or else

    salga o, de lo contrario, llamaré a la policía — please leave, otherwise o or else I'll call the police

    por el contrario, los inviernos, por el contrario, son muy fríos — the winters, on the other hand o on the contrary, are very cold

    parece ir todo bien, y por el contrario, la situación es muy complicada — it all appears to be going well, when in fact the situation is rather difficult

    todo lo contrario — quite the opposite, quite the reverse

    -¿es feo? -no, todo lo contrario — "is he ugly?" - "no, quite the opposite o reverse"

    no hay descenso de precios, sino todo lo contrario — prices are not going down, quite the opposite o reverse, in fact

    SM / F opponent
    SM (=opuesto) opposite

    ¿cuál es el contrario del negro? — what is the opposite of black?


    llevar la contraria —

    ¿por qué siempre tienes que llevar la contraria? — why do you always have to be so contrary?

    * * *
    - ria adjetivo
    1) ( opuesto) <opiniones/intereses> conflicting; < dirección> opposite

    contrario a algo: mi opinión es contraria a la suya I feel very differently to you; soy contrario al uso de la violencia I am against the use of violence; se manifestó contrario a la idea she expressed her opposition to the idea; sería contrario a mis intereses it would be against o (frml) contrary to my interests; contrario a lo que se esperaba... contrary to expectations,...; en sentido contrario al de las agujas del reloj counterclockwise (AmE), anticlockwise (BrE); el coche venía en sentido contrario — ( por el otro carril) the car was coming in the opposite direction; ( por el mismo carril) the car was coming straight at us

    2) ( adversario) < equipo> opposing; < bando> opposite

    la parte contraria — (Der) the opposing party

    al contrario de: al contrario de su hermano... unlike his brother,...; al contrario de lo que esperábamos,... contrary to (our) expectations,...; todo salió al contrario de como lo planearon it turned out just the opposite to what they had planned; de lo contrario or else, otherwise; por el contrario: en el sur, por el contrario, el clima es seco the south, on the other hand, has a dry climate; pensé que era rico - por el contrario, no tiene un peso I thought he was rich - on the contrary o far from it, he doesn't have a penny; todo lo contrario quite the opposite; llevar la contraria: él siempre tiene que llevar la contraria he always has to take the opposite view; llevarle la contraria a alguien — to contradict somebody

    - ria masculino, femenino opponent
    * * *
    = contrary, opposing, inimical, antipathetic, opposite, competing, opposed, adversarial, aversive, reverse, objector.
    Ex. Perhaps there has been a contrary reaction by British academic librarians to conserve their collections.
    Ex. When it is clear that material is biased or misrepresents a group, librarians should correct the situation, either by refusing the material or by giving equal representation to opposing points of view.
    Ex. Anita Schiller's own grim conclusion was that 'These two opposing and often inimical views, when incorporated within reference service, often reduce overall effectiveness'.
    Ex. In some respects, TREC in its present form is antipathetic to interactive information retrieval.
    Ex. Cutter instructs that 'of two subjects exactly opposite choose one and refer from the other, e.g. 'Free Trade and Protection', 'Protection' See 'Free Trade and Protection''.
    Ex. This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.
    Ex. Librarianship is faced with the problem of the reconciliation of opposed objectives -- the arrest of deterioration in books versus the idea that books are meant to be used, becoming ultimately worn with use.
    Ex. The relationship between the author and editor is based on collaboration, but can also be adversarial at certain points.
    Ex. In fact, weeding aversive staff tend to spend a lot more time complaining about having nothing on the shelves.
    Ex. He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.
    Ex. Objectors to a major wind farm plan say developers have exaggerated its green benefits.
    * al contrario = vice versa, to the contrary, contrariwise, quite the opposite, quite the contrary.
    * de lo contrario = if not, otherwise.
    * demostrar lo contrario = prove + differently.
    * en sentido contrario = to the contrary.
    * en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj = counterclockwise, anti-clockwise.
    * hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario = until proven otherwise.
    * inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario = innocent until proven guilty.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * justo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * muy por el contrario = in marked contrast.
    * por el contrario = by contrast, conversely, however, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, by way of contrast, to the contrary, quite the opposite, by comparison, contrariwise, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * ser contrario a = be contrary to, be hostile to.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * viento contrario = headwind.
    * * *
    - ria adjetivo
    1) ( opuesto) <opiniones/intereses> conflicting; < dirección> opposite

    contrario a algo: mi opinión es contraria a la suya I feel very differently to you; soy contrario al uso de la violencia I am against the use of violence; se manifestó contrario a la idea she expressed her opposition to the idea; sería contrario a mis intereses it would be against o (frml) contrary to my interests; contrario a lo que se esperaba... contrary to expectations,...; en sentido contrario al de las agujas del reloj counterclockwise (AmE), anticlockwise (BrE); el coche venía en sentido contrario — ( por el otro carril) the car was coming in the opposite direction; ( por el mismo carril) the car was coming straight at us

    2) ( adversario) < equipo> opposing; < bando> opposite

    la parte contraria — (Der) the opposing party

    al contrario de: al contrario de su hermano... unlike his brother,...; al contrario de lo que esperábamos,... contrary to (our) expectations,...; todo salió al contrario de como lo planearon it turned out just the opposite to what they had planned; de lo contrario or else, otherwise; por el contrario: en el sur, por el contrario, el clima es seco the south, on the other hand, has a dry climate; pensé que era rico - por el contrario, no tiene un peso I thought he was rich - on the contrary o far from it, he doesn't have a penny; todo lo contrario quite the opposite; llevar la contraria: él siempre tiene que llevar la contraria he always has to take the opposite view; llevarle la contraria a alguien — to contradict somebody

    - ria masculino, femenino opponent
    * * *
    = contrary, opposing, inimical, antipathetic, opposite, competing, opposed, adversarial, aversive, reverse, objector.

    Ex: Perhaps there has been a contrary reaction by British academic librarians to conserve their collections.

    Ex: When it is clear that material is biased or misrepresents a group, librarians should correct the situation, either by refusing the material or by giving equal representation to opposing points of view.
    Ex: Anita Schiller's own grim conclusion was that 'These two opposing and often inimical views, when incorporated within reference service, often reduce overall effectiveness'.
    Ex: In some respects, TREC in its present form is antipathetic to interactive information retrieval.
    Ex: Cutter instructs that 'of two subjects exactly opposite choose one and refer from the other, e.g. 'Free Trade and Protection', 'Protection' See 'Free Trade and Protection''.
    Ex: This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.
    Ex: Librarianship is faced with the problem of the reconciliation of opposed objectives -- the arrest of deterioration in books versus the idea that books are meant to be used, becoming ultimately worn with use.
    Ex: The relationship between the author and editor is based on collaboration, but can also be adversarial at certain points.
    Ex: In fact, weeding aversive staff tend to spend a lot more time complaining about having nothing on the shelves.
    Ex: He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.
    Ex: Objectors to a major wind farm plan say developers have exaggerated its green benefits.
    * al contrario = vice versa, to the contrary, contrariwise, quite the opposite, quite the contrary.
    * de lo contrario = if not, otherwise.
    * demostrar lo contrario = prove + differently.
    * en sentido contrario = to the contrary.
    * en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj = counterclockwise, anti-clockwise.
    * hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario = until proven otherwise.
    * inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario = innocent until proven guilty.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * justo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * muy por el contrario = in marked contrast.
    * por el contrario = by contrast, conversely, however, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, by way of contrast, to the contrary, quite the opposite, by comparison, contrariwise, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * ser contrario a = be contrary to, be hostile to.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * viento contrario = headwind.

    * * *
    A (opuesto) ‹opiniones/intereses› conflicting; ‹sentido/dirección› opposite
    palabras de significado contrario words with opposite meanings
    los vehículos iban en direcciones contrarias the vehicles were traveling in opposite directions
    mientras no se demuestre lo contrario, es inocente she is innocent until proven guilty
    contrario A algo:
    mi opinión es contraria a la suya I feel very differently to you, my opinion is quite the converse of yours ( frml)
    soy contrario al uso de la violencia I am opposed to o I am against the use of violence
    se manifestó contrario a la idea she expressed her opposition to the idea
    la propuesta es contraria a los intereses de la compañía the proposal is against o ( frml) contrary to the company's interests
    contrario a lo que se esperaba la operación fue un éxito contrary to expectations, the operation was a success
    en sentido contrario al de las agujas del reloj counterclockwise ( AmE), anticlockwise ( BrE)
    B (adversario) ‹equipo› opposing; ‹bando› opposite
    pasarse al bando contrario to change sides, join the opposition
    el defensa del equipo contrario estaba en fuera de juego the opposing team's o the other team's back was offside
    la parte contraria ( Der) the opponent
    C ( en locs):
    al contrario: no me opongo a que venga; al contrario, me parece una idea excelente I don't mind if he comes; on the contrary o quite the opposite o far from it, I think it's an excellent idea
    al contrario de su hermano, es negado para los deportes unlike his brother, he's useless at sport
    al contrario de lo que habíamos pensado, resultó ser agradabilísimo contrary to (our) expectations, he turned out to be very nice
    de lo contrario or else, otherwise
    por el contrario: en el sur, por el contrario, el clima es seco the south, on the other hand, has a dry climate
    pensé que era rico — por el contrario, no tiene un peso I thought he was rich — on the contrary o far from it o quite the opposite, he doesn't have a penny
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite o reverse
    ¿te resultó aburrido? — todo lo contrario, lo encontré fascinante did you find it boring? — quite the opposite o quite the reverse o on the contrary, I found it fascinating
    ella es muy tímida pero el hermano es todo lo contrario she's very shy but her brother's quite the opposite o the complete opposite
    llevar la contraria: seguro que se opone, porque él siempre tiene que llevar la contraria he's sure to object, because he always has to take the opposite view
    le molesta sobremanera que le lleven la contraria she hates being o to be contradicted
    masculine, feminine
    * * *


    Del verbo contrariar: ( conjugate contrariar)

    contrarío es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    contrarió es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    contrariar ( conjugate contrariar) verbo transitivo ( disgustar) to upset;
    ( enojar) to annoy
    ◊ - ria adjetivo

    1 ( opuesto) ‹opiniones/intereses conflicting;
    dirección/lado opposite;
    equipo opposing;
    bando opposite;

    mientras no se demuestre lo contrario until proven otherwise;
    sería contrario a mis intereses it would be against o (frml) contrary to my interests;
    See Also→ sentido 2 4
    2 ( en locs)

    al contrario de su hermano … unlike his brother, …;
    de lo contrario or else, otherwise;
    por el contrario on the contrary;
    en el sur, por el contrario, el clima es seco the south, on the other hand, has a dry climate;
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite;
    llevarle la contraria a algn to contradict sb
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    contrariar verbo transitivo
    1 (disgustar) to upset
    2 (contradecir) to go against
    I adjetivo
    1 opposite: otro coche venía en sentido contrario, another car was coming in the other direction
    no me cae mal, más bien todo lo contrario, I don't dislike him, quite the contrary
    2 (negativo, nocivo) contrary [a, to]
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino rival
    ♦ Locuciones: siempre lleva la contraria, he always argues
    al contrario/por el contrario, on the contrary
    de lo contrario, otherwise
    ' contrario' also found in these entries:
    - contraria
    - decir
    - estar
    - irse
    - mientras
    - nunca
    - pequeña
    - pequeño
    - pulverizar
    - revés
    - soler
    - Tiro
    - campo
    - contramano
    - oponer
    - sentido
    - against
    - agree
    - aloud
    - anticlimax
    - anticlockwise
    - antisocial
    - camp
    - contrary
    - counterclockwise
    - direction
    - headwind
    - lick
    - opposing
    - opposite
    - otherwise
    - perverse
    - reverse
    - unprofessional
    - wrong
    - counter
    - incline
    - irregular
    - quite
    * * *
    contrario, -a
    1. [opuesto] [dirección, sentido, idea] opposite;
    [opinión] contrary;
    soy contrario a las corridas de toros I'm opposed to bullfighting;
    mientras no se demuestre lo contrario, es inocente she's innocent until proved otherwise;
    de lo contrario otherwise;
    respeta a tu madre o de lo contrario tendrás que marcharte show your mother some respect, otherwise you'll have to go;
    todo lo contrario quite the contrary;
    ¿estás enfadado con él? – todo lo contrario, nos llevamos de maravilla are you angry with him? – quite the contrary o not at all, we get on extremely well;
    ella es muy tímida, yo soy todo lo contrario she's very shy, whereas I'm the total opposite
    2. [desfavorable, perjudicial]
    es contrario a nuestros intereses it goes against our interests;
    el abuso de la bebida es contrario a la salud drinking is bad for your health
    3. [rival] opposing;
    el equipo contrario no opuso resistencia the opposing team o opposition didn't put up much of a fight;
    el diputado se pasó al bando contrario the MP left his party and joined their political opponents, Br the MP crossed the floor of the House
    [rival] opponent
    [opuesto] opposite;
    gordo es el contrario de flaco fat is the opposite of thin
    al contrario loc adv
    on the contrary;
    al contrario de lo que le dijo a usted contrary to what he told you;
    no me disgusta, al contrario, me encanta I don't dislike it, quite the contrary in fact, I like it;
    al contrario de mi casa, la suya tiene calefacción central unlike my house, hers has central heating;
    no me importa, antes al contrario, estaré encantado de poder ayudar I don't mind, on the contrary o indeed I'll be delighted to be able to help
    por el contrario loc adv
    no queremos que se vaya, por el contrario, queremos que se quede we don't want her to go, on the contrary, we want her to stay;
    este modelo, por el contrario, consume muy poco this model, by contrast, uses very little;
    este año, por el contrario, no hemos tenido pérdidas this year, on the other hand, we haven't suffered any losses
    * * *
    I adj
    1 contrary; sentido opposite;
    al contrario, por el contrario on the contrary;
    todo lo contrario just the opposite;
    de lo contrario otherwise;
    ser contrario a algo be opposed to sth;
    2 equipo opposing
    II m, contraria f adversary, opponent
    * * *
    contrario, - ria adj
    1) : contrary, opposite
    al contrario: on the contrary
    2) : conflicting, opposed
    * * *
    contrario1 adj
    1. (equipo) opposing
    2. (dirección) opposite
    3. (persona) opposed
    1. (persona) opponent
    2. (palabra) opposite
    "alto" es el contrario de "bajo" "tall" is the opposite of "short"
    al contrario / por el contrario on the contrary

    Spanish-English dictionary > contrario

См. также в других словарях:

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