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с английского на норвежский


  • 1 man ikke

    (det gjør man ikke) it isn't done, it is (just) not done

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > man ikke

  • 2 ordentlig

    decent, proper, properly, tidily, tidy
    * * *
    adj. (skikkelig) proper, orderly adj. [punktlig, nøyaktig] accurate, careful (f.eks.

    he is very careful with his work

    ) adj. orderly, correct, regular (fx


    ), well-ordered (fx


    ), well-regulated (fx

    business, family

    ) adj. (som er i god orden) orderly (f.eks.


    ); well-ordered (f.eks.


    ) adj. [ anstendig] decent (f.eks.

    no decent girl would do that; they pay you a decent wage

    ) adj. [ skikkelig] (om person) steady (f.eks.

    a steady young man

    ); of regular habits (f.eks.

    a man of regular habits

    ) adj. [ god] good (f.eks.

    a good fire

    ); decent (f.eks.

    next time I buy a car I want a decent one

    ) adj. [ dannet] nice, decent (f.eks.

    decent people don't wear that kind of clothes

    ) adj. [ hederlig] decent (f.eks.

    no decent man would cheat a friend

    ) adj. [ med ordenssans] orderly, methodical; (om fremgangsmåte) orderly, methodical adj. [riktig, anerkjent] regular, proper (f.eks.

    doctor, nurse

    ) adj. [skikkelig, grundig] regular, thorough (f.eks.

    give the engine a thorough overhaul

    ) adv. [ riktig] properly, duly (f.eks.

    a duly addressed and stamped letter

    ) adv. [ riktig] tidily, neatly (f.eks.

    all the books were neatly arranged in rows

    ) adv. [riktig, anerkjent] properly (f.eks. not properly qualified; your face is not properly adv. [ godt] well (f.eks.

    you must be able to speak the language well

    ) adv. [ anstendig] decently (f.eks.

    behave, dress, talk decently

    ) adv. [ organisert] methodically (f.eks.

    proceed methodically

    ) adv. [punktlig, nøyaktig] accurately, carefully adv. [ veldig] awfully (f.eks.

    it hurt awfully

    ) adv. (forsterkende) really, well and truly, thoroughly (f.eks. I got thoroughly wet; we beat (betale ordentlig) pay well, pay a decent wage (ikke på ordentlig) not really (oppføre seg ordentlig) behave properly

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > ordentlig

  • 3 menneske

    -t, -r, -ska/-ne
    * * *
    human, individual, man, people, person
    * * *
    pl. man, person (fx

    he is not a very friendly person

    ) subst. [ om arten] human, human being (et menneske) somebody (f.eks.

    somebody to look after the children

    ) (ethvert menneske) anybody, everybody (ikke ett menneske) not a soul, nobody, no one

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > menneske

  • 4 for

    for, for, lining, too
    * * *
    prep. [ om vederlag] for, (om den gjeldende pris for noget) at (f.eks. what did you pay for it?, what will you price me for it?, I work for 200 dollars prep. [ fremfor] to (f.eks.

    I prefer tea to coffee

    ) prep. [i de fleste sammenhenger:] for prep. [ formål] for, to (She works for equal wages for men and women) prep. [ til fordel for] for, to (She has talked a lot for my propsals for a better sales strategy) prep. [ på grunn av] for (f.eks. he is famous for his courage, I cannot see for the smoke, he cannot see the wood for trees, marry somebody for his money prep. [ vedrørende støtte] for, in favour of, in favor of (amer.) prep. [i forhold til, i betraktning av] for (f.eks.

    the coat is too warm for this time of the year

    ) prep. [ istedenfor] for, to (She prefers tea to wine) prep. [ bestemt el. beregnet for etc.] for (f.eks.

    America for the Americans, a trio for violin, cello, and piano, boots for soldiers, a calendar for ??

    ) prep. [ til beste for] for (f.eks. work for him, fight for a cause, the public he writes for, die for one's country, what can I do prep. [ om tidsrom] for (I am going on a holiday for three weeks) prep. [ til gjengjeld for] for (f.eks.

    an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, reward him for his trouble, blame, praise, punish, thank him for it

    ) prep. [ for å oppnå] for (f.eks.

    work for one's living, the children pestered me for sweets

    ) prep. [ angående] for (he's big for his age, but this film is not suitable for him) prep. [ om tallmessige forhold] for, to (f.eks.

    for every person who died two were born, there are two women to every man

    ) prep. [ omfang] for (The contract said that you had to pay the rent for three months in advance) prep. [ hver enkelt for seg selv] for, by (f.eks.

    man for man, word for word, bit by bit, day by day, one by one, step by step

    ) prep. [beskyttet, til forsvar] from, to, for (f.eks. seek shelter from the storm, God save me from my friends!, will you hide me from my prep. [ med hensyn til] to, from, about (f.eks.

    blind to one's own interest, deaf to reason, sensitive to pain, a stranger to this way of thinking, common ??

    ) konj. [ fordi] because (f.eks.

    don't call me Sir, because I won't have it, he ran, for he was afraid

    ) adv. in front, before adv. [ alt for] too (f.eks.

    the work is too hard for me

    ), unduly (f.eks.

    unduly expensive


    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > for

  • 5 mannen

    subst. [mots. kvinnen] man (f.eks.

    woman was created to be the companion, not the slave, of man


    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > mannen

  • 6 feil

    * * *
    error, fault, fault, mistake, wrong, wrong
    * * *
    subst. error, mistake subst. [ mindre] fault, slip subst. [ feil man begår] (liten) slip, (større) mistake, fault, (brøler:) blunder, bloomer subst. [ gal handling] mistake, fault, wrong-doing, blunder subst. [ noe som skjemmer utseendet] blemish (f.eks.

    the book has several serious blemishes on the front page

    ) subst. [ skjemmende] blemish subst. [skavank, mangel] defect (f.eks.

    one of the defects of his book, a defect of the speech organs

    ) subst. [ skrive- trykk-] error (f.eks.

    typing error, printing error

    ), mistake subst. [ fabrikasjonsfeil] defect, (i støping o.l.) flaw subst. [ motsatt av fordel] drawback (f.eks.

    one of the drawbacks of the present system

    ) subst. [brist i karakteren etc.] fault, flaw, shortcoming, failing subst. [ mangel i personlighet] shortcoming (f.eks.

    I quite realize my own shortcomings

    ) subst. [ moralsk og fornuftsmessig] error (f.eks.

    an error of judgement, he repented his youthful errors

    ) subst. (matematikk) [i målinger, observasjon] error, (avvik) deviation (f.eks.

    a deviation of ten degrees

    ) adj. (gal) wrong, incorrect, erroneous adj. wrong, erroneous, incorrect, amiss (en menneskelig feil) a human error (grammatiske feil) mistakes in grammar, grammatical errors (innse sine feil) (moralsk) see the error of one's ways (regne feil) miscalculate (rette en feil) correct a mistake (, an error) (skrive feil) miscopy (overført) (slå feil) fall through, fail (ta feil) be mistaken, be wrong (ta feil) make a mistake (f.eks.

    make a bad mistake

    ), be mistaken, be wrong (f.eks.

    you are not far wrong

    ) (uten feil) faultless (gjøre en feil) make a mistake, make an error (talespråk) (gjøre en feil) mess up

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > feil

  • 7 lag

    coat, layer, side, team
    * * *
    subst. [fotball-, osv] team, side subst. (militær) section subst. (militær) US: squad subst. [ belegg] layer; stratum (pl. -a) subst. [som dekker en overflate, f.eks. maling] coat (f.eks.

    a coat of paint

    ), coating subst. [ tynt lag] layer, coat, lamination subst. (pla/gum) [i treplater, laminat, finér, etc] layer, ply subst. (teleteknikk) [ av tråd på en spole] layer subst. [ garn] skein subst. (geologi) bed, layer, stratum subst. [ samfunnslag] stratum, social stratum, stratum of society subst. [ selskap] company, party subst. [ arbeidslag] gang, working party (det brede lag) the masses, the common people (NB this is not a book for the man in the street) (i lystig lag) in convivial company (i to lag) two-layer (stå ved lag) still be open, remain open (As in "I'm still open for the offer") (skille lag) separate, part company

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > lag

  • 8 mening

    meaning, opinion, sense
    * * *
    subst. [ betydning] meaning, sense subst. [synspunkt, anskuelse] opinion (f.eks.

    political and religious opinions, a man of radical opinions, my opinion is ---

    ) subst. [betydning, innhold av et utsagn] meaning (f.eks.

    the meaning of that word, don't misunderstand my meaning, the meaning of this is...

    ) subst. [ fornuftig mening] sense (f.eks.

    there is no sense in doing that, I cannot find any sense in that letter

    ) subst. [ hensikt] intention, purpose, aim, object, idea (dypere mening) deeper sense, (ofte =) hidden (el. underlying) meaning (f.eks.

    there must be a hidden meaning

    ) (etter min mening) in my opinion (el. view el. judgement), to my mind, as I see it (gi mening) make sense (f.eks.

    this does not make sense at all

    ) (høyere mening) greater purpose (mål og mening) direction (si sin mening) speak one's mind, say what one thinks (skifte mening) change one's mind, revise one's opinion(s) (skjult mening) secret (el. hidden) meaning (uten mening) without sense, meaningless, senseless (være av en annen mening) hold a different opinion, disagree, be of another opinion, differ, think differently (den offentlige mening) public opinion (etter min mening) in my opinion

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > mening

  • 9 sak

    -en, -er, -ene
    * * *
    case, cause, item
    * * *
    subst. [ oppgave] concern, business (f.eks.

    that is the manager's concern (el. business

    ), it is not my (, your etc.) concern (el. business) subst. [ anliggende] affair, matter (f.eks.

    the matter I am speaking of, religious matters

    ) subst. [emne, tema] matter, issue, subject subst. [i firma, offentlig, oppgave] business (f.eks. who is in charge of that business? subst. [retssak, tvist] case (f.eks.

    the Dreyfus case

    ), (prosess også) (law)suit, action subst. (jus) [ søksmål] lawsuit, suit, action subst. (jus) [ kriminalsak] trial subst. [noe man tror på, arbeider for] cause subst. [fakta, sannheten] fact subst. [noe som det kjempes for, noe i samfunnet] cause (f.eks.

    he fought for the cause of freedom

    ) subst. [akter, dokumenter] file (f.eks.

    get me the file relating to X.

    ) subst. [ gjenstand] thing (appellere en sak) appeal a case (arbeide for en sak) work for a cause (avgjøre en sak) decide a matter (det er ingen sak) it is an easy matter, that's no problem (det er en annen sak) that is another (el. a different) matter, that is different (en alvorlig sak) a serious business (el. matter) (en lett sak) an easy matter (føre en sak) conduct a case (gjøre felles sak) join hands with somebody stand in with somebody (med uforrettet sak) having failed in his (, their etc.) mission (offentlig sak) public prosecution (tale éns sak) plead somebody's cause, plead for somebody (tape sin sak) lose the case ta saken opp raise the issue (avgjøre en sak) decide a matter, make a decision regarding (det er ingen sak) that's no problem (en god sak) a good cause (føre en sak) carry on a lawsuit, conduct a case (gå rett på sak) come straight to the point (reise en sak) (ikke juridisk) bring up a matter (sikker i sin sak) certain that she is right (vinne en sak) win a case

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > sak

  • 10 sant

    (det er sant) it is true, (dvs. jeg kom på noe:) by the way (det er absolutt sant) it's gospel truth, (bekreftende) you never spoke a truer word! (ikke sant) (man bruker do + not + gjentagelse av subjektet, (f.eks.

    he saw it, didn't he?

    ) (snakke sant) speak (el. tell) the truth

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > sant

  • 11 tiltakslyst

    subst. initiative,enterprise subst. (talespråk) drive (f.eks.

    he is not the right man for the job, he has no drive


    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > tiltakslyst

См. также в других словарях:

  • I'm Not the Man I Used to Be — is the fourth single from Fine Young Cannibals hit 1988 album The Raw and the Cooked , which contained the Top 10 UK hits She Drives Me Crazy and Good Thing . This song reached the UK Singles Chart, peaking at #20, but did not reach the chart at… …   Wikipedia

  • not a man to be trusted — person who cannot be trusted, someone who cannot be depended upon …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Man on the Corner — Single by Genesis from the album Abacab B side …   Wikipedia

  • not to be sneezed at — (not) to be sneezed/sniffed at informal 1. if something, especially an amount of money, is not to be sneezed at, it is large enough to be worth having. And there s the increase in salary to be considered. Ј3000 extra a year is not to be sneezed… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not to be sniffed at — (not) to be sneezed/sniffed at informal 1. if something, especially an amount of money, is not to be sneezed at, it is large enough to be worth having. And there s the increase in salary to be considered. Ј3000 extra a year is not to be sneezed… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not mince (your) words — not mince (your) ˈwords idiom to say sth in a direct way even though it might offend other people • They were severely criticized by the chairman, who was not a man to mince his words. Main entry: ↑minceidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • Man (Middle-earth) — Hildor redirects here. For the music conductor, see Hildor Lundvik. Middle earth portal Races of Middle earth …   Wikipedia

  • Man — n. & v. n. (pl. men) 1 an adult human male, esp. as distinct from a woman or boy. 2 a a human being; a person (no man is perfect). b human beings in general; the human race (man is mortal). 3 a person showing characteristics associated with males …   Useful english dictionary

  • man — n. & v. n. (pl. men) 1 an adult human male, esp. as distinct from a woman or boy. 2 a a human being; a person (no man is perfect). b human beings in general; the human race (man is mortal). 3 a person showing characteristics associated with males …   Useful english dictionary

  • man —    1. a woman s male sexual partner    Sometimes her husband; sometimes as different from her husband:     He is not my man, he is my husband. (Evesham Journal, 1899, quoted in EDD)    Man friend is explicit in this sense of someone other than… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • Man — • Includes sections on the nature of man, the origin of man, and the end of man Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Man     Man     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

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