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со всех языков на квенья


  • 101 amil

    noun "mother" AMsup1/sup, also emil q.v. Longer variant amillë VT44:18-19, compounded Eruamillë "Mother of God" in Tolkien's translation of the Hail Mary VT43:32. If amil is a shortened form of amillë, it should probably have the stem-form amill-. Also compare amilyë, amya, emya. Compounded amil- in amilessë noun "mothername" cf. essë "name", name given to a child by its mother, sometimes with prophetic implications amilessi tercenyë "mother-names of insight". MR:217.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > amil

  • 102 esto

    emphatic pronoun ?, apparently 3rd person dual, *“even the two of them” VT49:48. The word comes from a conceptual phase where Tolkien let dual pronouns end in the vowel -o, an idea that was apparently abandoned; also, -st- is associated with the second rather than the third person dual in later sources see -stë. The ending may have been conceived as *-sto at an earlier stage VT49:49.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > esto

  • 103 lanco

    "k" noun "throat, swallow" LAKsup1/sup, LANK. Since this was changed by Tolkien from lango with stem *langu- and pl. langwi, it may be that lanco should similarly have the stem *lancu- and pl. *lanqui.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > lanco

  • 104 antara

    adj. "very high, very lofty", the adjective tára "lofty" with the superlative prefix an- q.v. We might have expected *antára. Also place-name Antaro VT45:5, 36, said to be the "name of a mountain in Valinor south of Taniquetil" VT46:17

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > antara

  • 105 an-

    2 intensive or superlative prefix carrying the idea of "very" or "most", seen in ancalima "most bright" cf. calima "bright", antara "very high, very lofty" and \#anyára *"very old" or *"oldest" the latter form occurring in the so-called Elaine inscription VT49:40, there with the dative ending -n. Assimilated to am- before p-, as in amparca "k" "very dry", and to al-, ar-, as- before words in l-, r-, s- though Tolkien seems to indicate that before words in l- derived from earlier d, the original quality of the consonant would be preserved so that forms in and- rather than all- would result. See also un-. Letters:279, VT45:5, 36 Regarding the form of the superlative prefix before certain consonants, another, partially discrepant system was also set down in the Etymologies and first published in VT45:36. The prefix was to appear as um- or un- before labialized consonants like p-, qu-, v- the consonant v preserving its ancient pronunciation b- following the prefix, thus producing a word in umb-, as in- technically iñ- before c- and g- the latter presumably referring to words that originally had initial g-, later lost in Quenya but evidently preserved following this prefix, and as an- otherwise. However, this system would contradict the canonical example ancalima, which would have been *incalima if Tolkien had maintained this idea. – In a post-LotR source, the basic form of the prefix is given as am- instead see am- \#2. In this late conception, the prefix still appears as an- before most consonants, but as ama- before r, l, and the form an- is used even before s- whether original or from þ, not the assimilated variant as- described above. General principles would suggest that the form am- should also appear before y- so the form \#anyára probably presupposes an- rather than am- as the basic form of the prefix, Tolkien revisiting the earlier concept in the Elaine inscription. PE17:92 3 prefix "re" in antúlien, q.v. LotR-style Quenya shows en- instead.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > an-

  • 106 terfantië

    noun "temptation" VT43:9, 22; Tolkien may have abandoned this form in favour of úsahtië, q.v.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > terfantië

  • 107 velicë

    "k" adj. "great" LT1:254; probably not valid in Tolkien's later Quenya; in the context of the Etymologies it would have to be derived from BEL, but it is stated that this stem was "not found in Q". Perhaps Tolkien rejected velicë because it was too similar to the Russian word that clearly inspired it.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > velicë

  • 108 a

    1 vocative particle "O" in a vanimar "O beautiful ones" LotR3:VI ch. 6, translated in Letters:308; also attested repeatedly in VT44:12 cf. 15: A Hrísto *"o Christ", A Eruion*"o God the son/son of God", a Aina Fairë *"o Holy Spirit", a aina Maria *"o holy Mary". 2 conj. "and", a variant of ar occurring in Fíriel's Song that also has ar; a seems to be used before words in f-, but contrast ar formenna *”and northwards” in a late text, VT49:26. According to PE17:41, “Old Quenya” could have the conjunction a as a variant of ar before n, ñ, m, h, hy, hw f is not mentioned, PE17:71 adding ty, ny, hr, hl, ñ, l, r,þ, s. See ar \#1. It may be that the a or the sentence nornë a lintieryanen “he ran with his speed” i.e. as quickly as he could is to be understood as this conjunction, if the literal meaning is *“he ran and did so with his speed” PE17:58. 3, also á, imperative particle. An imperative with “immediate time reference” is expressed by á in front of the verb or “occasionally after it, sometimes before and after for emphasis”, with the verb following in “the simplest form also used for the uninflected ‘aorist’ without specific time reference past or present or future” PE17:93. Cf. a laita te, laita te! "o bless them, bless them!", á vala Manwë! "may Manwë order it!", literally *"o rule Manwë!" see laita, vala for reference; cf. also á carë *“do!”, á ricë “try!”, á lirë “sing!”, á menë “proceed!”, a norë “run!” PE17:92-93, notice short a in this example, á tula *"come!" VT43:14. In the last example, the verb tul- “come” receives an ending -a that probably represents the suffixed form of the imperative particle, this apparently being an example of the imperative element occurring both “before and after” the verbal stem “for emphasis” PE17:93. This ending may also appear on its own with no preceding a/á, as in the command queta “speak!” PE17:138. Other examples of imperatives with suffixed -a include cena and tira VT47:31, see cen-, tir-; the imperatives of these same verbs are however also attested as á tirë, á cenë PE17:94 with the imperative particle remaining independent and the following verb appearing as an uninflected aorist stem. This aorist can be plural to indicate a 3rd person pl. subject: á ricir! “let them try!” PE17:93. Alyë VT43:17, VT44:9 seems to be the imperative particle a with the pronominal suffix -lyë "you, thou" suffixed to indicate the subject who is to carry out the command; attested in the phrase alyë anta *"give thou" elided aly' in VT43:11, since the next word begins in e-: aly' eterúna me, *"do thou deliver us"; presumably other pronominal suffixes could likewise be added. The particle a is also present in the negative imperatives ala, \#ála or áva, q.v.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > a

  • 109 vaiya

    waiya also vaia, waia noun "envelope", especially of the Outer Sea or Air enfolding the world within the Ilurambar or world-walls WAY, capitalized Vaiya under GEY; the latter entry was struck out. In a "Qenya" text in MC:214, vaiya is simply translated "sky". In the pre-classical Tengwar system presupposed in the Etymologies, vaiya / waiya was also the name of a tengwa letter that does not appear in Tolkien's later table, but which was apparently intended to have the value w v, like the letter wilya vilya in the later, canonical system VT46:21. According to Arden R. Smith, the form of the pre-classical letter is a variant of \#21, which letter Tolkien would later call vala VT46:32.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > vaiya

  • 110 -lë

    ending forming nouns that "seem properly to have been universal and abstract" VT39:16, in which source Tolkien is actually commenting on the prehistoric form -lē, but -lë is its Quenya descendant

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > -lë

  • 111 locta-

    "k"vb."sprout, put forth leaves or flowers" LT1:258; this would have to become *lohta- in LotR-style Quenya, but later forms like losta- "to bloom" and tuia- "to sprout, spring" are to be preferred.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > locta-

  • 112 har-

    vb. "sit, stay", pl. present hárar in CO i hárar "those who sit, those who are sitting". Imperative hara in the phrase hara máriessë “stay in happiness” PE17:162. According to VT45:20, har- "sit" is derived from a stem KHAD which Tolkien abandoned in the Etymologies, but since CO is later than Etym, he may seem to have restored KHAD. If so, the past tense of har- would be *handë.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > har-

  • 113 Taructarna

    "k" place-name "Oxford" LT2:347; this "Qenya" word would have to become Taruhtarna in LotR-style Quenya

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > Taructarna

  • 114 penya

    adj. "lacking, inadequate"; pl. penyë in penyë tengwi "lacking signs", "inadequate signs"; in early Elvish analysis of Quenya the term for vowels with no preceding consonant, held in many cases incorrectly to have lost such a consonant VT39:6, 8

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > penya

  • 115 wendë

    noun "maid" GWEN, wendë vendë "maiden" WEN/WENED, VT45:16, VT47:17. Sana wendë “that maiden” PE16:96 cf. 90. According to VT47:17, this word for "maiden" is "applied to all stages up to the fully adult until marriage".Early "Qenya" also had wendi "maid, girl" LT1:271; this may look like a plural form in Tolkien’s later Quenya. On the other hand, VT48:18 lists a word wendi "young or small woman, girl". It is unclear whether this is Quenya or a Common Eldarin form, but probably the former: PE17:191 displays the word for “maiden” as wendē, so the Quenya stem form is probably *wende- rather than wendi-, the stem-form that would result from Common Eldarin *wendi. In his Quenya translation of the Sub Tuum Praesidium, Tolkien used Wendë/Vendë to translate "virgin" with reference to the Virgin Mary. Here the plural genitive Wenderon appears in the phrase Wendë mi Wenderon "Virgin of Virgins"; we might have expected *Wendion instead VT44:18.If the pl. form of wendë is *wender rather than wendi, as the gen.pl. wenderon suggests, this may be to avoid confusion with the sg. wendi “girl”.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > wendë

  • 116 ómen

    prep. + pron. ?"on/for us" órava ómen "have mercy on us", VT44:12, changed by Tolkien from the simple dative form men "for us", then replaced by omessë

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > ómen

  • 117 yonyo

    noun "son, big boy". In one version, yonyo was also a term used in children's play for "middle finger" or "middle toe", but Tolkien may have dropped this notion, deciding to use hanno "brother" as the alternative play-name VT47:10, 15, VT48:4

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > yonyo

  • 118 mori-

    "dark, black" in a number of compounds independent form morë, q.v.:Morimando "Dark Mando" = Mandos MBAD, VT45:33, morimaitë "black-handed" LotR3:VI ch. 6, VT49:42. Moriquendi "Dark Elves" SA:mor, WJ:361, 373, Moringotto "Black Foe", Sindarin Morgoth, later name of Melkor. The oldest form is said to have been Moriñgotho MR:194. In late material, Tolkien is seen to consider both Moringotto and Moricotto “k” as the Quenya form of the name Morgoth VT49:24-25; Moricotto also appears in the ablative, Moricottollo. Morion "the dark one", a title of Morgoth FS. Morifinwë "dark Finwë", masc. name; he was called Caranthir in Sindarin short Quenya name Moryo. PM:353 In the name Morinehtar, translated "Darkness-slayer", the initial element is defined would thus seem to signify "darkness" rather than "dark" as an adjective see mórë. PM:384, 385

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > mori-

  • 119 mairo

    noun "horse" GL:56; later sources have rocco, olombo

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > mairo

  • 120 sam-

    vb. “have” cited as samin, 1st person sg. aorist, pa.t. sámë PE17:173

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > sam-

См. также в других словарях:

  • hâve — hâve …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • have — [ weak əv, həv, strong hæv ] (3rd person singular has [ weak əz, həz, strong hæz ] ; past tense and past participle had [ weak əd, həd, strong hæd ] ) verb *** Have can be used in the following ways: as an auxiliary verb in perfect tenses of… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • have — [hav; ] also, as before [ “] to [ haf] vt. had [had; ] unstressed [, həd, əd] having [ME haven (earlier habben) < OE habban, akin to OHG haben, ON hafa, Goth haban < IE base * kap , to grasp > Gr kaptein, to gulp down, L capere, to take …   English World dictionary

  • Have — (h[a^]v), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Had} (h[a^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Having}. Indic. present, I {have}, thou {hast}, he {has}; we, ye, they {have}.] [OE. haven, habben, AS. habben (imperf. h[ae]fde, p. p. geh[ae]fd); akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • have — (h[a^]v), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Had} (h[a^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Having}. Indic. present, I {have}, thou {hast}, he {has}; we, ye, they {have}.] [OE. haven, habben, AS. habben (imperf. h[ae]fde, p. p. geh[ae]fd); akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • have — (h[a^]v), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Had} (h[a^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Having}. Indic. present, I {have}, thou {hast}, he {has}; we, ye, they {have}.] [OE. haven, habben, AS. habben (imperf. h[ae]fde, p. p. geh[ae]fd); akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hâve — [ av ] adj. • 1548; frq. °haswa « gris comme le lièvre » ♦ Amaigri et pâli par la faim, la fatigue, la souffrance. ⇒ émacié, 1. maigre. Gens hâves et déguenillés. Visage, teint hâve. ⇒ blafard, blême. ⊗ CONTR. 1. Frais, replet. hâve adj. Litt.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • have — 1. For the type ☒ No state has λ or can adopt such measures, see ellipsis 3. 2. In a sentence of the type Some Labour MPs would have preferred to have wound up the Session before rising, the present infinitive is preferable, i.e. Some Labour MPs… …   Modern English usage

  • have — ► VERB (has; past and past part. had) 1) possess, own, or hold. 2) experience; undergo: have difficulty. 3) be able to make use of. 4) (have to) be obliged to; must. 5) perform the action indicated by the noun …   English terms dictionary

  • have — (v.) O.E. habban to own, possess; be subject to, experience, from P.Gmc. *haben (Cf. O.N. hafa, O.S. hebbjan, O.Fris. habba, Ger. haben, Goth. haban to have ), from PIE *kap to grasp (see CAPABLE (Cf. capable)). Not related to L …   Etymology dictionary

  • have — have, hold, own, possess, enjoy are comparable when they mean to keep, control, retain, or experience as one s own. Have is the most general term and in itself carries no implication of a cause or reason for regarding the thing had as one s own… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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