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с португальского на английский


  • 101 brother

    1) (the title given to a male child to describe his relationship to the other children of his parents: I have two brothers.) irmão
    2) (a fellow member of any group ( also adjective): brother officers.) camarada
    3) ((plural also brethren ['breƟrən]) a member of a religious group: The brothers of the order prayed together; The brethren met daily.) irmão
    - brother-in-law
    * * *
    [br'∧ðə] n 1 irmão. I have five brothers and sisters / tenho cinco irmãos. 2 amigo íntimo, companheiro. 3 membro de confraria. 4 religioso que ainda não é sacerdote. brother of the brush coll borra-tintas, pintor medíocre. half-brother meio-irmão. my brother officers meus camaradas (do mesmo regimento). uterine brother irmão uterino.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > brother

  • 102 chorus

    ['ko:rəs] 1. plural - choruses; noun
    1) (a group of singers: the festival chorus.) coro
    2) (a group of singers and dancers in a musical show.) coro
    3) (part of a song repeated after each verse: The audience joined in the chorus.) refrão
    4) (something said or shouted by a number of people together: He was greeted by a chorus of cheers.) coro
    2. verb
    (to sing or say together: The children chorused `Goodbye, Miss Smith'.) dizer em coro
    * * *
    [k'ɔ:rəs] n 1 coro: a) conjunto de cantores. b) composição musical para coro. c) trecho de hino que se repete. 2 Na Grécia antiga, grupo de atores e cantores. • vt+vi cantar ou falar em coro. in chorus em coro, todos juntos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chorus

  • 103 cluster

    1. noun
    (a closely-packed group (of people or things): a cluster of berries; They stood in a cluster.) conjunto
    2. verb
    ((often with round) to group together in clusters: They clustered round the door.) agrupar-se
    * * *
    [kl'∧stə] n 1 cacho, ramalhete. 2 enxame, bando, cardume. 3 multidão, quantidade, agrupamento. • vt+vi 1 crescer em cachos, produzir cachos ou ramalhetes. 2 aglomerar-se, agrupar-se, apinhar(-se). clustered column feixe de colunas. cluster of crystals Min drusa (de cristais). cluster of islands arquipélago, grupo de ilhas. cluster of trees moita, grupo de árvores.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cluster

  • 104 colony

    plural - colonies; noun
    1) ((a group of people who form) a settlement in one country etc which is under the rule of another country: France used to have many colonies in Africa.) colónia
    2) (a group of people having the same interests, living close together: a colony of artists.) colónia
    3) (a collection of animals, birds etc, of one type, living together: a colony of gulls.) colónia
    - colonialism
    - colonialist
    - colonize
    - colonise
    - colonist
    - colonization
    - colonisation
    * * *
    [k'ɔləni] n colônia: 1 colonizadores, emigrantes. 2 povoação ou estabelecimento de colonos ou colonizadores. 3 possessão (geralmente além-mar). 4 agregação, agrupamento, grupo (também de animais). 5 Biol grupo de microrganismos que crescem em um meio sólido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > colony

  • 105 company

    plural - companies; noun
    1) (a number of people joined together for a (commercial) purpose: a glass-manufacturing company.) companhia
    2) (guests: I'm expecting company tonight.) visitas
    3) (companionship: I was grateful for her company; She's always good company.) companhia
    4) (a group of companions: He got into bad company.) companhia
    5) (a large group of soldiers, especially part of an infantry battalion.) companhia
    - keep someone company
    - keep company
    - part company with
    - part company
    * * *
    [k'∧mpəni] n 1 companhia: a) convivência. b) aquilo ou aquele que acompanha. c) sociedade, empresa. d) associação, corporação. e) companheiro(s). f) grupo teatral. g) Mil subdivisão de um regimento. h) comitiva, séqüito. 2 grupo de pessoas. 3 hóspede, visitante. 4 Naut tripulação. • vt+vi 1 associar-se com. 2 fazer companhia a, acompanhar. I am fond of company gosto de companhia. I kept company with him eu mantinha relações com ele. I kept him company eu lhe fiz companhia. in company em companhia. I wept for company chorei de simpatia. she keeps company with him ela está de namoro com ele. the Company of the Drapers a corporação dos tecelões. the East India Company Companhia (mercantil) das Índias Orientais. they parted company eles separaram-se. to receive company receber visitas. to see much company ser muito sociável, receber hóspedes freqüentemente. two’s company, three’s a crowd dois é bom, três é demais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > company

  • 106 crew

    I 1. [kru:] noun
    1) (the group of people who work or operate a ship, aeroplane, bus etc.) tripulação
    2) (used jokingly, a group of people: What an odd crew!) malta
    2. verb
    (usually with for) to act as a crew member (for someone). tripular
    II see crow
    * * *
    [kru:] n 1 tripulação: a) de navio. b) de avião. c) Sport de barco. 2 grupo de trabalhadores. 3 bando. air crew pessoal de bordo de avião. ground crew pessoal de terra. merry crew turma alegre. road crew grupo de construção (manutenção) rodoviária.
    [kru:] vi ps of crow.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > crew

  • 107 crowd

    1. noun
    1) (a number of persons or things gathered together: A crowd of people gathered in the street.) multidão
    2) (a group of friends, usually known to one another: John's friends are a nice crowd.) malta
    2. verb
    1) (to gather in a large group: They crowded round the injured motorcyclist.) juntar-se
    2) (to fill too full by coming together in: Sightseers crowded the building.) encher
    * * *
    [kraud] n 1 multidão: a) grande número ou ajuntamento de pessoas ou coisas. b) povo, massa. 2 coll grupo, turma ou ajuntamento. • vt+vi 1 aglomerar(-se), abarrotar(-se), afluir em multidão, amontoar(-se), apinhar(-se), encher(-se). 2 apertar(-se). 3 empurrar, atropelar. 4 coll apressar, apertar, urgir, insistir. 5 abrir caminho, romper. crowds of people multidões. he might pass in a crowd ele não é pior que os outros. the crowds o povo, a massa. they came in crowds acorreram em massa. to crowd in abrir caminho, infiltrar-se. to crowd in upon someone insistir com ou assediar alguém. to crowd (all) sail Naut colocar todas as velas. to crowd out impedir a entrada por falta de lugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > crowd

  • 108 draft

    1. noun
    1) (a rough sketch or outline of something, especially written: a rough draft of my speech.) rascunho
    2) (a group (of soldiers etc) taken from a larger group.) recrutamento
    3) (an order (to a bank etc) for the payment of money: a draft for $80.) ordem de pagamento
    4) ((American) conscription: He emigrated to avoid the draft.) alistamento
    2. verb
    1) (to make in the form of a rough plan: Could you draft a report on this?) esboçar
    2) ((American) to conscript into the army etc: He was drafted into the Navy.) alistar
    - draft dodger
    - draft evasion
    - draftsman
    * * *
    [dra:ft; dræft] n 1 desenho, esboço, borrão, rascunho, minuta. 2 plano, esquema, projeto. 3 saque, ordem de pagamento, título, letra de câmbio. 4 Mil e Naut destacamento, contingente, sorteio militar ou naval. 5 pessoas a quem compete a obrigação de cumprir um certo dever. 6 Tech tiragem de ar. 7 trago ou gole de bebida. 8 corrente de ar. 9 arrastão. 10 Comp modo rascunho (impressão). 11 inalação de ar ou fumaça, tragada. 12 sl influência, Braz pistolão. • vt 1 traçar, delinear, bosquejar, esboçar, rascunhar. 2 minutar, fazer ou ditar a minuta de, redigir. 3 Mil destacar, sortear, recrutar. 4 puxar, arrastar. a draft on, upon um saque contra. on draft pronto para ser retirado diretamente do barril. to draft a letter rascunhar uma carta. to draft a message redigir uma mensagem. to have a quick draft ter pronta saída. up draft Tech corrente ascendente.
    draught, draft
    [dra:ft; dræft] n 1 a ação de tirar ou puxar uma carga, frete, veículo, etc. 2 carregamento, carga. 3 a ação de tirar cerveja fresca do barril. 4 desenho, esboço, borrão, rascunho, projeto, plano, minuta, delineação, planta, esquema. 5 tiragem de ar. 6 corrente de ar, ar encanado. 7 a ação de pescar com a rede varredoura. 8 redada, lanço de rede, peixes apanhados de uma redada. 9 a ação de beber, gole, trago, quantidade que se bebe de um gole. 10 inalação, tragada, o ato de tomar fôlego. 11 Naut calado. 12 jogo de damas. • vt 1 traçar, esboçar, bosquejar, delinear, rascunhar, redigir, desenhar, riscar. 2 destacar, sortear. beast of draught animal de tiro. beer on draught chope, cerveja fresca de barril. black draught Med purgante. draught of a chimney tiragem da chaminé. forced draught Tech tiragem forçada. in deep draughts em grandes goles. to feel the draught fig ter consciência das dificuldades econômicas. up draught corrente ascendente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > draft

  • 109 exclusive

    1) (tending to exclude.) exclusivo
    2) ((of a group etc) not easily or readily mixing with others or allowing others in: a very exclusive club.) exclusivo
    3) (given to only one individual or group etc: The story is exclusive to this newspaper.) exclusivo
    4) (fashionable and expensive: exclusive shops/restaurants.) exclusivo/selecto
    - exclusiveness
    - exclusive of
    * * *
    [ikskl'u:siv] adj 1 exclusivo. exclusive sale / venda exclusiva. 2 único. 3 privativo. 4 restrito. 5 inacessível, orgulhoso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > exclusive

  • 110 faction

    (a group or party that belongs to, and usually dissents from, a larger group.) facção
    * * *
    [f'ækʃən] n 1 facção: partido político, ou social. 2 partidarismo, parcialidade. 3 dissensão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > faction

  • 111 family

    plural - families; noun
    1) ((singular or plural) a man, his wife and their children: These houses were built for families; The (members of the) Smith family are all very athletic; ( also adjective) a family holiday.) família
    2) (a group of people related to each other, including cousins, grandchildren etc: He comes from a wealthy family; ( also adjective) the family home.) família
    3) (the children of a man and his wife: When I get married I should like a large family.) família
    4) (a group of plants, animals, languages etc that are connected in some way: In spite of its name, a koala bear is not a member of the bear family.) família
    - family tree
    * * *
    [f'æmili] n família: 1 pais e filhos, lar. 2 grupo de pessoas que formam um lar, inclusive parentes e criados. 3 descendência, estirpe. ancient ou old family / linhagem antiga. 4 linhagem nobre. 5 raça, tribo, clã. 6 gênero, espécie, ordem. 7 filhos (principalmente quando são pequenos). in the family way em estado interessante, em estado de gravidez. the Holy Family a Sagrada Família.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > family

  • 112 galaxy

    plural - galaxies; noun
    1) (a very large group of stars.) galáxia
    2) (a large group of famous, impressive etc people, things etc: a galaxy of entertainers; a galaxy of new cars.) galáxia
    * * *
    [g'æləksi] n 1 galáxia. 2 Via Láctea. 3 fig plêiade. galaxy of beauties grupo ou reunião de belezas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > galaxy

  • 113 herd

    [hə:d] 1. noun
    (a group of animals of one kind that stay, or are kept, together: a herd of cattle; a herd of elephant(s).) manada
    2. verb
    (to gather together, or be brought together, in a group: The dogs herded the sheep together; The tourists were herded into a tiny room.) juntar
    - - herd
    - herdsman
    - the herd instinct
    * * *
    [hə:d] n 1 rebanho, bando, manada. 2 multidão de pessoas. 3 massa popular. • vt+vi 1 arrebanhar(-se), agrupar(-se). 2 pastorear. the vulgar herd, the common herd o populacho. to herd with associar-se a.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > herd

  • 114 jury

    plural - juries; noun
    1) (a group of people legally selected to hear a case and to decide what are the facts, eg whether or not a prisoner accused of a crime is guilty: The verdict of the jury was that the prisoner was guilty of the crime.) juri
    2) (a group of judges for a competition, contest etc: The jury recorded their votes for the song contest.) juri
    - juryman
    * * *
    [dʒ'uəri] n júri: 1 grupo de jurados que forma um tribunal. 2 comissão julgadora. common jury júri (usualmente de doze jurados) que decide uma causa por voto unânime. grand jury júri (usualmente de doze ou treze jurados) que decide se uma causa deve ser julgada por um alto tribunal.
    [dʒ'uəri] adj Naut provisório, de emergência.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jury

  • 115 number

    1. noun
    1) ((sometimes abbreviated to no - plural nos - when written in front of a figure) a word or figure showing eg how many of something there are, or the position of something in a series etc: Seven was often considered a magic number; Answer nos 1-10 of exercise 2.) número
    2) (a (large) quantity or group (of people or things): He has a number of records; There were a large number of people in the room.) quantidade
    3) (one issue of a magazine: the autumn number.) número
    4) (a popular song or piece of music: He sang his most popular number.) número
    2. verb
    1) (to put a number on: He numbered the pages in the top corner.) numerar
    2) (to include: He numbered her among his closest friends.) incluir
    3) (to come to in total: The group numbered ten.) totalizar
    - number-plate
    - his days are numbered
    - without number
    * * *
    [n'∧mbə] n 1 número, algarismo. 2 soma, total. 3 quantidade. 4 exemplar. 5 multidão. 6 número de um programa. 7 série. 8 flexão. 9 cadência. 10 tomo, volume. 11 pluralidade. 12 aritmética. • vt 1 numerar. 2 contar. 3 ter, constar de. 4 importar em. 5 incluir. 6 limitar, restringir. a number of diversos, uma quantidade de. any number of coll grande quantidade. even number Math número par. her days are numbered seus dias estão contados, ela tem pouco tempo de vida. his number comes up chegou a vez dele (de sofrer, ser punido). his number is up coll ele vai morrer. I’ve got his number Amer sl descobri as intenções dele. numbers of bastante. odd number Math número ímpar. out of number inumerável. prime number Math número primo. without number inumerável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > number

  • 116 party

    plural - parties; noun
    1) (a meeting of guests for entertainment, celebration etc: a birthday party; She's giving/having a party tonight; ( also adjective) a party dress.) festa
    2) (a group of people with a particular purpose: a party of tourists.) grupo
    3) (a group of people with the same ideas and purposes, especially political: a political party.) partido
    * * *
    [p'a:ti] n 1 partido, grupo, facção. 2 Mil destacamento. 3 festa, recepção social. 4 participantes de uma reunião social. 5 partícipe, interessado, parte. 6 litigante. 7 fam pessoa, indivíduo. • vi 1 dar festas. 2 participar de festas. 3 divertir-se. • adj partidário. contracting party contraente. I’ll be no party to não quero ter parte nisso. stag party despedida de solteiro. the parties concerned os interessados. the parties entitled as partes autorizadas. the party over there coll aquela pessoa ali. third party insurance seguro contra responsabilidade civil.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > party

  • 117 phrase

    [freiz] 1. noun
    1) (a small group of words (usually without a finite verb) which forms part of an actual or implied sentence: He arrived after dinner.) sintagma
    2) (a small group of musical notes which follow each other to make a definite individual section of a melody: the opening phrase of the overture.) frase
    2. verb
    (to express (something) in words: I phrased my explanations in simple language.) expressar
    - phrasing
    - phrase-book
    - phrasal verb
    * * *
    [freiz] n 1 Gram, Mus frase. 2 expressão, locução. 3 fraseologia, dicção, elocução. 4 expressão usual, expressão idiomática. • vt 1 frasear, expressar, exprimir. 2 Mus dividir em frases. to speak in simple phrase exprimir-se em termos simples.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > phrase

  • 118 picket

    ['pikit] 1. noun
    1) ((any one of) a number of people employed at a factory etc who are on strike and who try to persuade workers not to go to work there, not to deliver goods there etc: The men set up a picket to stop lorries getting into the factory; ( also adjective) a picket line.) piquete
    2) (a soldier or a small group of soldiers on special duty, usually to guard against a sudden attack by the enemy: The commander placed pickets at various points round the camp; ( also adjective) picket duty.) piquete
    2. verb
    1) (to place a group of soldiers, strikers etc somewhere as a picket: The strikers' leaders decided to picket the factory; The commander picketed the camp.) fazer piquete
    2) (to act as a picket (at): In this country, strikers have the legal right to picket; The soldiers picketed the camp.) fazer piquete
    * * *
    [p'ikit] n 1 estaca, piqueta. 2 piquete. 3 membro de piquete de grevistas. • vt+vi 1 cercar com estacas. 2 fortificar com estacas. 3 Mil estacionar piquetes. 4 amarrar a uma estaca. 5 fazer piquetes de grevistas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > picket

  • 119 quartet

    1) (a group of four singers or people playing musical instruments.) quarteto
    2) (a piece of music written for such a group: a Mozart quartet.) quarteto
    * * *
    [kwɔ:t'et] n quarteto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > quartet

  • 120 quintet

    1) (a group of five singers or people playing musical instruments.) quinteto
    2) (a piece of music written for such a group.) quinteto
    * * *
    [kwint'et] n quinteto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > quintet

См. также в других словарях:

  • group — [gruːp] noun [countable] 1. also group of companies ORGANIZATIONS a large business organization that consists of several companies that all have the same owner: • Burmah Castrol, the lubricants group • the sale of the Rover Group to BMW …   Financial and business terms

  • Group — can refer to: Sociology * Group action (sociology) * Group behaviour * Groups of people, a description of various different human groups ** Peer group ** Workgroup * Group dynamics * Group (sociology), a sub set of a culture or of a society *… …   Wikipedia

  • Group f/64 — was a group of famous San Francisco photographers who espoused a common philosophy and photographic style. The group was created in 1932, and it is usually listed as including: * Ansel Adams+ * Imogen Cunningham+ * John Paul Edwards+ * Consuelo… …   Wikipedia

  • Gröûp X — (also known as Gröûp X: Arabian Rap Sensations) is a faux Arabian rock band, claiming to be from the fictional village of Cramshananteen, Saudi Arabia. They play a mix of rap and rock. They are known for using comically accented and mangled… …   Wikipedia

  • Group C — was a category of auto racing, introduced into sports car racing by the FIA in 1982, along with Group A for touring cars and Group B for GTs. It was designed to replace both Group 5 Special Production Cars (closed top touring prototypes like… …   Wikipedia

  • GROUP-E — Collaboration Software Entwickler endo7 Aktuelle Version 1.7.25 (31. März 2011) Betriebssystem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • group — n Group, cluster, bunch, parcel, lot mean a collection or assemblage of persons or of things. Group implies some unifying relationship, however tenuous (as a similarity of activity, of purpose, or of nature), and ordinarily a degree of physical… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Group 1 — * Group 1 element an element classification for Alkali metal * Group 1 (racing) a FIA classification for auto racing that preceded Group N * Group 1 thoroughbred horse races, are the leading events in the sport. * Group 1 Automotive a publicly… …   Wikipedia

  • Group 4 — may refer to: * Group 4 element an element classification * Group 4 (racing) an FIA classification for cars in auto racing and rallying * Group 4 Securicor a prominent British security company * IB Group 4 subjects a subject group for the… …   Wikipedia

  • group — group, social group A number of individuals, defined by formal or informal criteria of membership, who share a feeling of unity or are bound together in relatively stable patterns of interaction. The latter criterion is necessary in order to… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • group — [gro͞op] n. [Fr groupe < It gruppo, a knot, lump, group < Gmc * kruppa, round mass: see CROP] 1. a number of persons or things gathered closely together and forming a recognizable unit; cluster; aggregation; band [a group of houses] 2. a… …   English World dictionary

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