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  • 21 lemmenjumala

    yks.nom. lemmenjumala; yks.gen. lemmenjumalan; yks.part. lemmenjumalaa; yks.ill. lemmenjumalaan; mon.gen. lemmenjumalien lemmenjumalten lemmenjumalain; mon.part. lemmenjumalia; mon.ill. lemmenjumaliin
    Cupid (noun)
    god of love (noun)
    love god (noun)
    * * *
    • cupid
    • god of love
    • love god

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > lemmenjumala

  • 22 कामदेव

    m. the god of love ( seeᅠ kāma above ;

    according to some, son of Sahishṇu andᅠ Yaṡo-dharā VP.);
    N. of Vishṇu (as the god who creates, preserves, orᅠ destroys at will) Vishṇ. XCVIII, 10 (cf. BhP. V, 18, 15);
    of Ṡiva L. ;
    of a poet;
    of a king of Jayantī-purī;
    N. of the author of the Prāyaṡcitta-paddhati;
    - tva n. the being the god of love Kathās. ;
    - maya mfn. representing the god of love AgP.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > कामदेव

  • 23 मनोभव

    mfn. « mind-born», arising orᅠ being in the mind, imaginary BhP. ;

    m. (ifc. f. ā) love (opp. to krodha) MBh. ;
    sexual love orᅠ the god of love ib. Kāv. etc.;
    - druma m. love compared to a tree, Kav. ;
    - ṡāsana m. « chastiser of the god of love»
    N. of Ṡiva Bhām. ;
    -vâ̱gāra n. « abode of love», pudendum muliebre Bhpr.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > मनोभव

  • 24 Бог

    (в христ-ве Всемогущее Существо, Субъект поклонения, Творец мира) God, the Lord, the Supreme Being, the Invisible, the Holy One, the One above; Heaven; лат. Deus, сокр. Ds; (описательный титул, тж. и Иисуса Христа) Despotes; ( божество) the Deity

    Бог правду видит, да не скоро скажет7 (прост.)the mills of God grind slowly

    (сделав всё от тебя зависящее) вверить всё остальное Богу — to leave results with [to] God, to trust results to God

    во имя Бога — in the name of God, лат. in Dei Nomine, сокр. I.D.N., in Nomine Dei, сокр. I.N.D., in the name of the Lord, лат. in Nomine Domini

    Да поможет вам Бог! — May Heaven prosper you, God help you! God (be) with you, лат. Deus vobiscum

    если Богу угодно — God willing, God helping, with the help of God

    положиться на Бога — to leave results with [to] God, to trust results to God

    "Сохрани Бог" — God protect, God preserve

    с помощью Бога Вечного — with the guidance [help] of Immortal God, лат. Immortalis Dei auspicio [auxilio], сокр. I.D.A.

    У нас не такой Бог, которому ни до чего нет дела, наш Бог есть любовь — Our God is not a God who doesn't care, ours is a God of love

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Бог

  • 25 कुसुमम् _kusumam

    कुसुमम् 1 A flower; उदेति पूर्वं कुसुमं ततः फलम् Ś.7.3.
    -2 Menstrual discharge.
    -3 A fruit.
    -4 A disease of the eyes.
    -मः A form of fire.
    -Comp. -अञ्जनम् the calx of brass used as a collyrium.
    -अञ्जलिः a hand- ful of flowers.
    -अधिपः, -अधिराजः m. the Champaka tree (bearing yellow fragrant flowers).
    -अवचायः gathering flowers; अन्यत्र यूयं कुसुमावचायं कुरुध्वमत्रास्मि करोमि सख्यः K. P.3.
    -अवतंसकम् a chaplet.
    -अस्त्रः, -आयुधः, -इषुः, -बाणः, -शरः 1 a flowery arrow.
    -2 N. of the god of love; अभिनवः कुसुमेषुव्यापारः Māl. 1 (where the word may also be read as कुसुमेषु व्यापारः); तस्मै नमो भगवते कुसुमायुधाय Bh.1.1; तव प्रसादात् कुसुमायुधो$पि Ku.; Ṛs.6.34; Ch. P.19.24; R.7.61; Śi.8.7, so कुसुमशरबाणभावेन Gīt.1.
    -आकरः 1 a garden.
    -2 a nosegay.
    -3 vernal season; ऋतूनां कुसुमाकरः Bg.1.35; so Bv.1.48.
    -आत्मकम् saffron.
    -आपीडः 1 a garland or chaplet of flowers.
    -2 the god of love; कुसुमापीडव्याजेन Māl.1 (where it has both senses).
    -आसवम् 1 honey.
    -2 a kind of spirituous liquor (prepared from flowers).
    -उज्ज्वल a. brilliant with blossoms.
    -कार्मुकः, -चापः, -धन्वन् m. epithets of the god of love; कुसुमचापमतेजयदंशुभिः R.9.39; Ṛs.6.27. कुसुमकार्मुककार्मुकसंहितद्रुतशिलीमुखखण्डितविग्रहः । Śi.6.16.
    -चित a. heaped with flowers. पीडाभाजः कुसुमचिताः साशंसम् Ki.
    -द्रुमः a tree full of blossom; आधूय शाखाः कुसुमद्रुमाणाम् R.16.36.
    -पुरम् N. of the town of Pāṭaliputra; कुसुमपुराभियोगं प्रत्यनुदासीनो राक्षसः Mu.2; पितृवधपरित्रासादप- क्रान्ते कुसुमपुरात्कुमारे मलयकेतौ ibid.
    -प्रवृत्तिः, -प्रसूतिः f. appearance of flowers; आद्ये वः कुसुमप्रसूतिसमये यस्या भवत्यु- त्सवः Ś.4.8.
    -लता a creeper in blossom.
    -शयनम् a bed of flowers; V.3.1.
    -स्तबकः a nosegay, boquet; कुसुमस्तबकस्येव द्वे गती स्तो मनस्विनाम् Bh.2.33.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > कुसुमम् _kusumam

  • 26 मकरः _makarḥ

    मकरः [मं विषं किरति कॄ-अच् Tv.]
    1 A kind of sea- animal, a crocodile, shark; झषाणां मकरश्चास्मि Bg.1.31; मकरवक्त्र Bh.2.4. (Makara is regarded as an emblem of Cupid; cf. comps. below).
    -2 The sign Capricornus of the zodiac.
    -3 An array of troops in the form of a Makara; दण्डव्यूहेन तन्मार्गं यायात्तु शकटेन वा । वराहमकराभ्यां वा... Ms.7.187; Śukra.4.11.
    -4 An ear-ring in the shape of a Makara.
    -5 The hands folded in the form of a Makara.
    -6 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera.
    -7 The tenth arc of thirty degrees in any circle.
    -Comp. -अङ्कः an epithet of
    1 the god of love.
    -2 the ocean.
    -अश्वः an epithet of Varuṇa.
    -आकरः, -आवासः the ocean; प्रविश्य मकरावासं यादोगणनिषेवितम् Mb.7.11.19.
    -आलयः 1 the ocean.
    -2 a symbolical expression for the number 'four'.
    -आसनम् a kind of Āsana in yoga; मकरासनमावक्ष्ये वायूनां स्तम्भकारणात् । पृष्ठे पादद्वयं बद्ध्वा हस्ताभ्यां पृष्ठबन्धनम् ॥ Rudrayāmala.
    -कुण्डलम् an ear-ring in the shape of a Makara; हेमाङ्गदलसद्- बाहुः स्फुरन्मकरकुण्डलः (रराज) Bhāg.8.15.9.
    -केतनः, -केतुः, -केतुमत् m. epithets of the god of love.
    -ध्वजः 1 an epithet of the god of love; संप्राप्तं मकरध्वजेन मथनं त्वत्तो मदर्थे पुरा Ratn.1.3; तत्प्रेमवारि मकरध्वजतापहारि Ch. P. 41.
    -2 a particular array of troops.
    -3 the sea.
    -4 a particular medical preparation.
    -राशिः f. the sign Capricornus of the zodiac.
    -वाहनः N. of Varuṇa.
    -संक्रमणम् the passage of the sun into the sign Capri- cornus.
    -सप्तमी the seventh day in the bright half of Māgha.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > मकरः _makarḥ

  • 27 ἴ̄μερος

    ἴ̄μερος (ῑ)
    Grammatical information: m.
    Meaning: `longing, yearning, love' (Il., cf. Leumann Hom. Wörter 313 w. n. 90).
    Compounds: Compp., e. g. ἐφ-ίμερος `filled with yearning, love' (Hes., Archil., A.), ἱμερό-γυιος `with lovely limbs' (B.).
    Derivatives: ἱμερόεις `longing, lovely' (Il.), ἱμερώδης `id.' (Callistr.); ἱμείρω, - ομαι, also ἐφ-, `yearn, desire' (Il.) with ἱμερτός `longs for, lovely' (since Β 751).
    Origin: XX [etym. unknown]
    Etymology: Uncertain. The connection with Skt. iṣmá- `spring, god(of love)' (Lex.), iccháti (\< *is-sḱé-ti) `wish' (Curtius, Fick, Solmsen KZ 29, 78f., Sommer Lautstud. 27f.), is semantically perhaps not impossible (meaning `god(of love)' however invented?, s. Mayrhofer KEWA s. v.), leaves the Greek wordformation unexplained. So perh. rather with Bally MSL 12, 321 from * si-smero-s resp. *si-smer-i̯ō with intensifying reduplikation as in Av. hi-šmarǝnt- `well-conducted' to Skt. smárati (\< *sméreti) `remember' (hardly to μέριμνα, μέρμερος, μάρτυς). So ἵμερος, ἱμείρω prop. `lively remembering' etc. (Cf. Skt. smará- m. `love'); ἵμερος could be postverbal to ἱμείρω (Risch 248). Cf. also Schwyzer 282 a. 423.
    Page in Frisk: 1,726

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > ἴ̄μερος

  • 28 स्मर

    mf (ā) n. remembering, recollecting ( seeᅠ jāti-smara);

    m. (ifc. f. ā) memory, remembrance, recollection ChUp. Uttarar. ;
    loving recollection love, (esp.) sexual love AV. etc. etc.;
    Kāma-deva (god of love) Kālid. Kathās. etc.;
    an interpreter orᅠ explainer of the Veda ( andᅠ « the god of love») Naish. ;
    the 7th astrol. mansion VarBṛS.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > स्मर

  • 29 κόσμος

    κόσμος, ου, ὁ (Hom.+)
    that which serves to beautify through decoration, adornment, adorning (Hom.+; Diod S 20, 4, 5 τῶν γυναικῶν τὸν κόσμον; OGI 531, 13; SIG 850, 10; IMaronIsis 41; PEleph 1, 4; PSI 240, 12 γυναικεῖον κόσμον; LXX; TestJud 12:1; JosAs 2:6 al.; Philo, Migr. Abr. 97 γυναικῶν κ.; Jos., Ant. 1, 250; 15, 5; Just., A II, 11, 4f) of women’s attire, etc. ὁ ἔξωθεν … κόσμος external adorning 1 Pt 3:3 (Vi. Hom. 4 of the inward adornment of a woman, beside σωφροσύνη; Crates, Ep. 9; Pythag., Ep. 11, 1; Plut., Mor. 141e; on the topic of external adornment cp. SIG 736, 15–26).
    condition of orderliness, orderly arrangement, order (Hom. et al.; s. HDiller, Die vorphilosophische Gebrauch von κ. und κοσμεῖν: BSnell Festschr., ’56, 47–60) μετὰ κόσμου in order Dg 12:9 (text uncertain; s. μετακόσμιος).
    the sum total of everything here and now, the world, the (orderly) universe, in philosophical usage (so, acc. to Plut., Mor. 886b, as early as Pythagoras; certainly Heraclitus, Fgm. 66; Pla., Gorg. 508a, Phdr. 246c; Chrysipp., Fgm. 527 v. Arnim κόσμος σύστημα ἐξ οὐρανοῦ καὶ γῆς καὶ τῶν ἐν τούτοις περιεχομένων φύσεων. Likew. Posidonius in Diog. L. 7, 138; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 2 p. 391b, 9ff; 2 and 4 Macc; Wsd; EpArist 254; Philo, Aet. M. 4; Jos., Ant. 1, 21; Test12Patr; SibOr 7, 123; AssMos Fgm. b Denis [=Tromp p. 272]; Just., A I, 20, 2 al.; Ath. 19, 2 al.; Orig., C. Cels. 4, 68, 14; Did., Gen. 36, 7; 137, 13.—The other philosoph. usage, in which κ. denotes the heaven in contrast to the earth, is prob. without mng. for our lit. [unless perh. Phil 2:15 κ.=‘sky’?]). ἡ ἀέναος τοῦ κ. σύστασις the everlasting constitution of the universe 1 Cl 60:1 (cp. OGI 56, 48 εἰς τὸν ἀέναον κ.). Sustained by four elements Hv 3, 13, 3. πρὸ τοῦ τὸν κ. εἶναι before the world existed J 17:5. ἀπὸ καταβολῆς [κόσμου] from the beginning of the world Mt 13:35; 25:34; Lk 11:50; Hb 4:3; 9:26; Rv 13:8; 17:8. Also ἀπʼ ἀρχῆς κ. Mt 24:21 or ἀπὸ κτίσεως κ. Ro 1:20.—B 5:5 ἀπὸ καταβ. κ. evidently means at the foundation of the world (s. Windisch, Hdb. ad loc.). πρὸ καταβολῆς κ. before the foundation of the world J 17:24; Eph 1:4; 1 Pt 1:20 (on the uses w. καταβολή s. that word, 1). οὐδὲν εἴδωλον ἐν κ. no idol has any real existence in the universe (Twentieth Century NT) 1 Cor 8:4. Of the creation in its entirety 3:22. ὁ κόσμος ὅλος = πᾶσα ἡ κτίσις (Sallust. 21 p. 36, 13; TestSol 5:7; TestJob 33:4) Hs 9, 2, 1; 9, 14, 5. φωστῆρες ἐν κόσμῳ stars in the universe Phil 2:15 (s. above). Esp. of the universe as created by God (Epict 4, 7, 6 ὁ θεὸς πάντα πεποίηκεν, τὰ ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ καὶ αὐτὸν τὸν κόσμον ὅλον; Wsd 9:9; 2 Macc 7:23 ὁ τοῦ κ. κτίστης; 4 Macc 5:25; Just., A I, 59, 1 al.; Ath. 8, 2 al.) ὁ ποιήσας τὸν κ. who has made the world Ac 17:24. ὁ κτίστης τοῦ σύμπαντος κ. 1 Cl 19:2; ὁ κτίσας τὸν κ. Hv 1, 3, 4; cp. m 12, 4, 2. ὁ τοῦ παντὸς κ. κυριεύων B 21:5. οὐδʼ εἶναι τὸν κόσμον θεοῦ ἀλλὰ ἀγγέλων AcPlCor 1:15. Christ is called παντὸς τοῦ κ. κύριος 5:5; and the κ. owes its origin to his agency J 1:10b. The world was created for the sake of the church Hv 2, 4, 1.—The universe, as the greatest space conceivable, is not able to contain someth. (Philo, Ebr. 32) J 21:25.
    the sum total of all beings above the level of the animals, the world, as θέατρον ἐγενήθημεν (i.e. οἱ ἀπόστολοι) τῷ κόσμῳ καὶ ἀγγέλοις καὶ ἀνθρώποις 1 Cor 4:9. Here the world is divided into angels and humans (cp. the Stoic definition of the κόσμος in Stob., Ecl. I p. 184, 8 τὸ ἐκ θεῶν καὶ ἀνθρώπων σύστημα; likew. Epict 1, 9, 4.—Acc. to Ocellus Luc. 37, end, the κ. consists of the sphere of the divine beyond the moon and the sphere of the earthly on this side of the moon).
    planet earth as a place of inhabitation, the world (SIG 814, 31 [67 A.D.] Nero, ὁ τοῦ παντὸς κόσμου κύριος; the meaning of the birthday of Augustus for the world OGI 458, 40 [=IPriene 105]; 2 Macc 3:12; Jos., Ant. 9, 241; 10, 205; Orig., C. Cels. 4, 68)
    gener. Mk 16:15. τὰς βασιλείας τοῦ κ. Mt 4:8; ἐν ὅλῳ τῷ κ. 26:13. Cp. 13:38 (cp. Hs 5, 5, 2); Mk 14:9; Hs 9, 25, 2. τὸ φῶς τοῦ κ. τούτου the light of this world (the sun) J 11:9. In rhetorical exaggeration ἡ πίστις ὑμῶν καταγγέλλεται ἐν ὅλῳ τ. κόσμῳ Ro 1:8 (cp. the Egypt. grave ins APF 5, 1913, 169 no. 24, 8 ὧν ἡ σωφροσύνη κατὰ τὸν κ. λελάληται). Abraham as κληρονόμος κόσμου heir of the world 4:13.—Cp. 1 Cor 14:10; Col 1:6. ἡ ἐν τῷ κ. ἀδελφότης the brotherhood in the (whole) world 1 Pt 5:9. ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ κ. τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν our Lord has assumed the sovereignty of the world Rv 11:15. τὰ ἔθνη τοῦ κ. (not LXX, but prob. rabbinic אֻמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם=humankind apart fr. Israel; Billerb. II 191; Dalman, Worte 144f) the unconverted in the world Lk 12:30. In this line of development, κόσμος alone serves to designate the polytheistic unconverted world Ro 11:12, 15.—Other worlds (lands) beyond the ocean 1 Cl 20:8.—Many of these pass. bear the connotation of
    the world as the habitation of humanity (as SibOr 1, 160). So also Hs 9, 17, 1f. εἰσέρχεσθαι εἰς τὸν κ. of entrance into the world by being born 1 Cl 38:3. ἐκ τοῦ κ. ἐξελθεῖν leave this present world (Philo, Leg. All. 3, 5 ἔξω τ. κόσμου φεύγειν; s. ἐξέρχομαι 5; cp. Hippol., Ref. 5, 16, 7) 1 Cor 5:10b; 2 Cl 8:3. γεννηθῆναι εἰς τὸν κ. be born into the world J 16:21. ἕως ἐσμὲν ἐν τούτῳ τῷ κ. 2 Cl 8:2. οὐδὲν εἰσφέρειν εἰς τὸν κ. (Philo, Spec. Leg. 1, 294 τὸν μηδὲν εἰς τὸν κόσμον εἰσενηνοχότα) 1 Ti 6:7 (Pol 4:1). πολλοὶ πλάνοι ἐξῆλθον εἰς τὸν κ. 2J 7.—ἐν τῷ κόσμω τούτῳ J 12:25 (κ. need not here be understood as an entity hostile to God, but the transition to the nuance in 7b, below, is signalled by the term that follows: ζωὴν αἰώνιον). ἵνα εἰς κόσμον προέλθῃ AcPlCor 2:6.
    earth, world in contrast to heaven (Dio Chrys. 19 [36], 59; Iren., 1, 4, 2 [Harv. I 35, 5]; Orig., C. Cels. 8, 15, 24) ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ τούτῳ 2 Cl 19:3.—Esp. when mention is made of the preexistent Christ, who came fr. another world into the κόσμος. So, above all, in John (Bultmann, index I κόσμος) ἔρχεσθαι εἰς τὸν κ. (τοῦτον) J 6:14; 9:39; 11:27; 16:28a; 18:37; specif. also come into the world as light 12:46; cp. 1:9; 3:19. Sending of Jesus into the world 3:17a; 10:36; 17:18; 1J 4:9. His εἶναι ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ J 1:10a; 9:5a; 17:12 v.l. Leaving the world and returning to the Father 13:1a; 16:28b. Cp. 14:19; 17:11a. His kingship is not ἐκ τοῦ κ. τούτου of this world i.e. not derived from the world or conditioned by its terms and evaluations 18:36ab.—Also Χρ. Ἰησοῦς ἦλθεν εἰς τ. κόσμον 1 Ti 1:15; cp. ἐπιστεύθη ἐν κόσμῳ (opp. ἀνελήμφθη ἐν δόξῃ) 3:16.—εἰσερχόμενος εἰς τὸν κ. Hb 10:5.
    the world outside in contrast to one’s home PtK 3 p. 15, 13; 19.
    humanity in general, the world (TestAbr B 8 p. 113, 11 [Stone p. 74]; ApcEsdr 3:6 p. 27, 14; SibOr 1, 189; Just., A I, 39, 3 al.)
    gener. οὐαὶ τῷ κ. ἀπὸ τῶν σκανδάλων woe to humankind because of the things that cause people to sin Mt 18:7; τὸ φῶς τοῦ κ. the light for humanity 5:14; cp. J 8:12; 9:5. ὁ σωτὴρ τοῦ κ. 4:42; 1J 4:14 (this designation is found in inscriptions, esp. oft. of Hadrian [WWeber, Untersuchungen z. Geschichte des Kaisers Hadrianus 1907, 225; 226; 229]).—J 1:29; 3:17b; 17:6.—κρίνειν τὸν κ. (SibOr 4, 184; TestAbr A 13 p. 92, 11 [Stone p. 32]; ApcMos 37) of God, Christ J 12:47a; Ro 3:6; B 4:12; cp. Ro 3:19. Of believers 1 Cor 6:2ab (cp. Sallust. 21 p. 36, 13 the souls of the virtuous, together w. the gods, will rule the whole κόσμος). Of Noah διʼ ἧς (sc. πίστεως) κατέκρινεν τὸν κ. Hb 11:7. ἡ ἁμαρτία εἰς τὸν κ. εἰσῆλθεν Ro 5:12; likew. θάνατος εἰσῆλθεν εἰς τὸν κ. 1 Cl 3:4 (Wsd 2:24; 14:14). Cp. Ro 5:13; 1 Cor 1:27f. περικαθάρματα τοῦ κ. the refuse of humanity 4:13. Of persons before conversion ἄθεοι ἐν τῷ κ. Eph 2:12.—2 Cor 1:12; 5:19; Js 2:5; 1J 2:2; 4:1, 3. ἀρχαῖος κόσμος the people of the ancient world 2 Pt 2:5a; cp. vs. 5b; 3:6. Of pers. of exceptional merit: ὧν οὐκ ἦν ἄξιος ὁ κ. of whom the world was not worthy Hb 11:38.—ὅλος ὁ κ. all the world, everybody Ac 2:47 D; 1 Cl 5:7; cp. ἐν ὅλῳ τῷ κ. 59:2; εἰς ὅλον τὸν κ. Hs 8, 3, 2. Likew. ὁ κόσμος (cp. Philo, De Prov. in Eus., PE 8, 14, 58) ὁ κ. ὀπίσω αὐτοῦ ἀπῆλθεν J 12:19. ταῦτα λαλῶ εἰς τὸν κ. 8:26; ἐν τῷ κ. 17:13; ἐγὼ παρρησίᾳ λελάληκα τῷ κ. 18:20; cp. 7:4; 14:22. ἵνα γνῷ ὁ κ. 14:31; cp. 17:23; ἵνα ὁ κ. πιστεύῃ 17:21.
    of all humanity, but especially of believers, as the object of God’s love J 3:16, 17c; 6:33, 51; 12:47b.
    the system of human existence in its many aspects, the world
    as scene of earthly joys, possessions, cares, sufferings (cp. 4 Macc 8:23) τὸν κ. ὅλον κερδῆσαι gain the whole world Mt 16:26; Mk 8:36; Lk 9:25; 2 Cl 6:2 (cp. Procop. Soph., Ep. 137 the whole οἰκουμένη is an unimportant possession compared to ἀρετή). τὰ τερπνὰ τοῦ κ. the delightful things in the world IRo 6:1. οἱ χρώμενοι τὸν κ. ὡς μὴ καταχρώμενοι those who use the world as though they had no use of it or those who deal with the world as having made no deals with it 1 Cor 7:31a. ἔχειν τὸν βίον τοῦ κ. possess worldly goods 1J 3:17. τὰ τοῦ κόσμου the affairs of the world 1 Cor 7:33f; cp. 1J 2:15f. The latter pass. forms an easy transition to the large number of exprs. (esp. in Paul and John) in which
    the world, and everything that belongs to it, appears as that which is hostile to God, i.e. lost in sin, wholly at odds w. anything divine, ruined and depraved (Herm. Wr. 6, 4 [the κόσμος is τὸ πλήρωμα τῆς κακίας]; 13, 1 [ἡ τοῦ κ. ἀπάτη], in Stob. p. 428, 24 Sc.; En 48:7; TestIss 4:6; AscIs 3:25; Hdb., exc. on J 1:10; Bultmann ad loc.—cp. Sotades Maronita [III B.C.] 11 Diehl: the κόσμος is unjust and hostile to great men) IMg 5:2; IRo 2:2. ὁ κόσμος οὗτος this world (in contrast to the heavenly realm) J 8:23; 12:25, 31a; 13:1; 16:11; 18:36; 1J 4:17; 1 Cor 3:19; 5:10a; 7:31b; Hv 4, 3, 2ff; D 10:6; 2 Cl 5:1, 5; (opp. ὁ ἅγιος αἰών) B 10:11. ‘This world’ is ruled by the ἄρχων τοῦ κ. τούτου the prince of this world, the devil J 12:31b; 16:11; without τούτου 14:30. Cp. ὁ κ. ὅλος ἐν τῷ πονηρῷ κεῖται the whole world lies in the power of the evil one 1J 5:19; cp. 4:4; also ὁ αἰὼν τοῦ κ. τούτου Eph 2:2 (s. αἰών 4).—Christians must have nothing to do with this world of sin and separation fr. God: instead of desiring it IRo 7:1, one is to ἄσπιλον ἑαυτὸν τηρεῖν ἀπὸ τοῦ κ. keep oneself untainted by the world Js 1:27. ἀποφεύγειν τὰ μιάσματα τοῦ κ. 2 Pt 2:20; cp. 1:4 (s. ἀποφεύγω 1).—Pol 5:3. ἡ φιλία τοῦ κ. ἔχθρα τ. θεοῦ ἐστιν Js 4:4a; cp. vs. 4b. When such an attitude is taken Christians are naturally hated by the world IRo 3:3; J 15:18, 19ad; 17:14a; 1J 3:13, as their Lord was hated J 7:7; 15:18; cp. 1:10c; 14:17; 16:20.—Also in Paul: God and world in opposition τὸ πνεῦμα τοῦ κ. and τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἐκ θεοῦ the spirit of the world and the spirit that comes fr. God 1 Cor 2:12; σοφία τοῦ κ. and σοφία τοῦ θεοῦ 1:20f. ἡ κατὰ θεὸν λύπη and ἡ τοῦ κ. λύπη godly grief and worldly grief 2 Cor 7:10. The world is condemned by God 1 Cor 11:32; yet also the object of the divine plan of salvation 2 Cor 5:19; cp. 1 Cl 7:4; 9:4. A Christian is dead as far as this world is concerned: διʼ οὗ (i.e. Ἰ. Χρ.) ἐμοὶ κ. ἐσταύρωται κἀγὼ κόσμῳ through Christ the world has been crucified for me, and I have been (crucified) to the world Gal 6:14; cp. the question τί ὡς ζῶντες ἐν κ. δογματίζεσθε; Col 2:20b. For στοιχεῖα τοῦ κ. Gal 4:3; Col 2:8, 20a s. στοιχεῖον.—The use of κ. in this sense is even further developed in John. The κ. stands in opposition to God 1J 2:15f and hence is incapable of knowing God J 17:25; cp. 1J 4:5, and excluded fr. Christ’s intercession J 17:9; its views refuted by the Paraclete 16:8. Neither Christ himself 17:14c, 16b; 14:27, nor his own 15:19b; 17:14b, 16a; 1J 3:1 belong in any way to the ‘world’. Rather Christ has chosen them ‘out of the world’ J 15:19c, even though for the present they must still live ‘in the world’ 17:11b; cp. 13:1b; 17:15, 18b. All the trouble that they must undergo because of this, 16:33a, means nothing compared w. the victorious conviction that Christ (and the believers w. him) has overcome ‘the world’ vs. 33b; 1J 5:4f, and that it is doomed to pass away 2:17 (TestJob 33:4; Kephal. I 154, 21: the κόσμος τῆς σαρκός will pass away).
    collective aspect of an entity, totality, sum total (SIG 850, 10 τὸν κόσμον τῶν ἔργων (but s. 1 above); Pr 17:6a) ὁ κ. τῆς ἀδικίας ἡ γλῶσσα καθίσταται the tongue becomes (or proves to be) the sum total of iniquity Js 3:6 (so, approx., Meinertz; FHauck.—MDibelius, Windisch and ASchlatter find mng. 7b here, whereas ACarr, Exp. 7th ser., 8, 1909, 318ff thinks of mng. 1). Χρ. τὸν ὑπὲρ τῆς τοῦ παντὸς κόσμου τῶν σῳζομένων σωτηρίας παθόντα Christ, who suffered or died (s. πάσχω 3aα) for the salvation of the sum total of those who are saved MPol 17:2.—FBytomski, D. genet. Entwicklung des Begriffes κόσμος in d. Hl. Schrift: Jahrb. für Philos. und spekul. Theol. 25, 1911, 180–201; 389–413 (only the OT); CSchneider, Pls u. d. Welt: Αγγελος IV ’32, 11–47; EvSchrenck, Der Kosmos-Begriff bei Joh.: Mitteilungen u. Nachrichten f. d. evang. Kirche in Russland 51, 1895, 1–29; RLöwe, Kosmos u. Aion ’35; RBultmann, D. Verständnis v. Welt u. Mensch im NT u. im Griechentum: ThBl 19, ’40, 1–14; GBornkamm, Christus u. die Welt in der urchr. Botschaft: ZTK 47, ’50, 212–26; ALesky, Kosmos ’63; RVölkl, Christ u. Welt nach dem NT ’61; GJohnston, οἰκουμένη and κ. in the NT: NTS 10, ’64, 352–60; NCassem, ibid. 19, ’72/73, 81–91; RBratcher, BT 31, ’80, 430–34.—B. 13; 440. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > κόσμος

  • 30 मदन _madana

    मदन a. (
    -नी f.) [माद्यति अनेन, मद्-करणे ल्युट्]
    1 Intoxi- cating, maddening.
    -2 Delighting, exhilarating.
    -नः 1 The god of love, Cupid; व्यापाररोधि मदनस्य निषेवितव्यम् Ś.1.27; हतमपि निहन्त्येव मदनः Bh.3.18.
    -2 Love, passion, sexual love, lust; विनयवारितवृत्तिरतस्तया न विवृतो मदनो न च संवृतः Ś.2.11; सतन्त्रिगीतं मदनस्य दीपकम् Ṛs.1.3; R.5.63; so मदनातुर, मदनपीडित &c.
    -3 The spring season.
    -4 A bee.
    -5 Bees'-wax.
    -6 A kind of embrace.
    -7 The Dhattūra plant.
    -8 The Khadira tree.
    -9 The Bakula tree.
    -1 N. of the 7th mansion (in astrol.).
    -11 A kind of measure (in music).
    -ना, -नी 1 Spirituous liquor.
    -2 Musk.
    -3 The atimukta creeper. (नी only in these two senses).
    -नम् 1 Intoxicating.
    -2 Gladdening, delighting.
    -Comp. -अग्रकः a species of grain (कोद्रव).
    -अङ्कुशः 1 the penis.
    -2 a finger-nail, or a wound inflicted by it in cohabitation.
    -अत्ययः excess of intoxication; मद्येन खलु जायन्ते मदात्ययमुखा गदाः Bhāva. P.
    -अन्तकः, -अरिः, -दमनः, -दहनः, -नाशनः, -रिपुः epithets of Śiva.
    -अवस्थ a. in love, enamoured.
    -आतपत्रम् the vulva.
    -आतुर, -आर्त, -क्लिष्ट, -पीडित a. afflicted by love, smit with love, love-sick; रावणावरजा तत्र राघवं मदनातुरा (अभिपेदे) R.12.32; Ś.3.13.
    -आयुधम् 1 pudendum muliebre.
    -2 'Cupid's missle', said of a very lovely woman.
    -आलयः, -यम् 1 pudendum muliebre.
    -2 a lotus.
    -3 a king.
    -आशयः sexual desire.
    -इच्छाफलम् a kind of mango.
    -उत्सवः the vernal festival celebrated in honour of Cupid. (
    -वा) an apsaras.
    -उत्सुक a. pining or languid with love.
    -उद्यानम् 'a pleasure-garden', N. of a garden.
    -कण्टकः 1 erection of hair caused by the feeling of love.
    -2 N. of a tree.
    -कलहः 'love's quarrel', sexual union; ˚छेद- सुलभाम् Mal.2.12.
    -काकुरवः a dove or pigeon.
    -गृहम् pudendum muliebre.
    -गोपालः an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -चतुर्दशी the fourteenth day in the bright half of Chaitra, or the festival celebrated on that day in honour of Cupid.
    -तन्त्रम् the science of sexual love.
    -त्रयोदशी the thirteenth day in the bright half of Chaitra, or the festival celebrated on that day in honour of Cupid.
    -द्वादशी a festival in honour of Cupid on the 12th day of the bright half of Chaitra.
    -ध्वजा the पौर्णिमा day of Chaitra month.
    -नालिका a faithless wife.
    -पक्षिन् m. the Khañjana bird.
    -पाठकः the cuckoo.
    -पीडा, -बाधा pangs or torments of love.
    -महः, -महोत्सवः a festival celebrated in honour of Cupid; मदनमहोत्सवाय रसिकमनांसि समुल्लासयन् Dk.2.5.
    -मोहनः an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -रसः poison; मदनरस- योगेनातिसन्धाय अपहरेत् Kau. A.1.15.
    -ललितम् amorous sport or dalliance.
    -ललिता N. of a metre; वेदाङ्गाङ्गैर्मदन- ललिता मो भो नमलसाः V. Ratna. (com.).
    -लेखः a love- letter.
    -वश a. influenced by love, enamoured.
    -विनोदः N. of a medical vocabulary attributed to मदनपाल.
    -शलाका 1 the female of the cuckoo.
    -2 an aphrodisiac.
    -3 the female parrot (also मदनसारिका).
    -संदेशः a message of love.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > मदन _madana

  • 31 आत्मन् _ātman

    आत्मन् m. [अत्-मनिण् Uṇ 4.152 said to be from अन् to breathe also] 'आत्मा यत्नो धृतिर्बुद्धिः स्वभावो ब्रह्मवर्ष्म च' इत्यमरः
    1 The soul, the individual soul, the breath, the principle of life and sensation; किमात्मना यो न जितेन्द्रियो भवेत् H.1; आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु Kaṭh.3.3. (In आत्मा नदी संयमपुण्यतीर्था H.4.87 आत्मन् is compared to a river).
    -2 Self, oneself; in this sense mostly used reflexively for all three persons and in the singular number, masculine gender, whatever be the gender or number of the noun to which it refers; अनया चिन्तयात्मापि मे न प्रतिभाति Ratn.1; आश्रमदर्श- नेन आत्मानं पुनीमहे Ś.1; गुप्तं ददृशुरात्मानं सर्वाः स्वप्नेषु वामनैः R.1.6,4.35,14.57; Ku.6.2; देवी... प्राप्तप्रसवमात्मानं गङ्गादेव्यां विमुञ्चति U.7.2; गोपायन्ति कुलस्त्रिय आत्मानमात्मना Mb.; K.17; sometimes used in pl. also; आत्मनः स्तुवन्ति Śi.17.19; Māl.8.
    -3 Supreme deity and soul of the universe, Supreme Soul, Brahman; तस्माद्वा एतस्मादात्मन आकाशः संभूतः T. Up.2.1.1; Ms.1.15,12.24.
    -4 Essence, nature; काव्यस्यात्मा ध्वनिः S. D., see आत्मक below.
    -5 Character, peculiarity; आत्मा यक्ष्मस्य नश्यति Rv.1. 97.11.
    -6 The natural temperament or disposition; Bhāg.11.22.2.
    -7 The person or whole body (con- sidered as one and opposed to the separate members of it); स्थितः सर्वोन्नतेनोर्वीं क्रान्त्वा मेरुरिवात्मना R.1.14; योस्या- त्मनः कारयिता Ms.12.12; Ki.9.66.
    -8 Mind, intellect; मन्दात्मन्, नष्टात्मन्, महात्मन् &c. अथ रामः प्रसन्नात्मा श्रुत्वा वायु- सुतस्य ह Rām.6.18.1.
    -9 The understanding; cf. आत्म- संपन्न, आत्मवत् &c.
    -1 Thinking faculty, the faculty of thought and reason.
    -11 Spirit, vitality, courage; त्यक्त्वा$$त्मानमथाब्रवीत् Mb.12.18.6.
    -12 Form, image; आत्मानमाधाय Ku.3.24 assuming his own form; 2.61; संरोपिते$प्यात्मनि Ś.6.24 myself being implanted in her.
    -13 A son; 'आत्मा वै पुत्रनामासि' इति श्रुतेः । तस्यात्मा शितिकण्ठस्य Śi.2.61.
    -14 Care, efforts, pain.
    -15 The sun.
    -16 Fire.
    -17 Wind, air.
    -18 Mental quality; बाहुश्रुत्यं तपस्त्यागः श्रद्धा यज्ञक्रिया क्षमा । भावशुद्धिर्दया सत्यं संयमश्चात्मसंपदः ॥ Mb.12.167.5. आत्मन् is used as the last member of comp. in the sense of 'made or consisting of'; see आत्मक. The form त्मन् is also found to be used; कृतार्थं मन्यते त्मानं Mb. [cf. Gr. atmos, aitmen]
    -Comp. -अधीन a.
    1 dependent on oneself, independent.
    -2 sentient, existing.
    (-नः) 1 a son.
    -2 a wife's brother.
    -3 the jester or विदूषक (in dramatic literature).
    -अनुरूप a. worthy of oneself; तस्यामात्मानुरूपायामात्मजन्मसमुत्सुकः Ku. 1.18; R.1.33.
    -अनुगमनम् peronal attendance; शश्वदा- त्मानुगमनेन गाम् R.1.88.
    -अपहारः concealing oneself; कथं वा आत्मापहारं करोमि Ś.1.
    -अपहारकः one who pre- tends to belong to a higher class than his own, an impostor, a pretender; यो$न्यथा सन्तमात्मानमन्यथा सत्सु भाषते । स पापकृत्तमो लोके स्तेन आत्मापहारकः ॥ Ms.4.255.
    -आदिष्ट a. self-counselled. (
    -ष्टः) a treaty dictated by the party wishing it himself; स्वसैन्येन तु संघानमात्मादिष्ट उदाहृतः H.4.121.
    -आनन्द a. Rejoicing in the soul or Supreme Spirit; आत्ममिथुनः आत्मानन्दः Ch. Up.7.25.2.
    -आराम a.
    1 striving to get knowledge; (as an ascetic or योगिन्), seeking spiritual knowledge; आत्मारामा विहितरतयो निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Ve.1.23.
    -2 selfpleased, delighted in self; आत्मारामः फलाशी. see आत्मानन्द Bh.3.93; cf. Bg.5.24.
    -आशिन् m. a fish supposed to feed on its young, or on the weakest of its species; cf. मत्स्या इव जना नित्यं भक्षयन्ति परस्परम् Rām.
    -आश्रय a.
    1 dependent on oneself or on his own mind.
    -2 About or relating to oneself; कौलीनमात्माश्रयमाचचक्षे R.14.36.
    (-यः) 1 self dependence.
    -2 innate idea, abstract knowledge independent of the thing to be known.
    -ईश्वर a. Self-possessed, master of self; आत्मेश्वराणां न हि जातु विघ्नाः समाधिभेदप्रभवो भवन्ति Ku.3.4.
    -उदयः self-exaltation or elevation; आत्मोदयः परज्यानिर्द्वयं नीतिरितीयति Śi.2.3
    -उद्भव a. born or produced from oneself.
    (-वः) 1 a son; आत्मोद्भवे वर्णचतुष्टयस्य R.18.12.
    -2 Cupid.
    -3 sorrow, pain.
    (-वा) 1 daughter.
    -2 intellect.
    -3 N. of a plant (माषपर्णी; Mar. रानउडीद).
    -उपजीविन् m.
    1 one who lives by his own labour; Ms.7.138.
    -2 a day-labourer.
    -3 one who lives by his wife (Kull. on Ms.8.362).
    -4 an actor, public performer.
    -उपनिषद् f. N. of an उपनिषद् which treats of the Supreme Spirit.
    - उपम a. like oneself. (
    -मः) a son.
    -औपम्यम् Likeness to self. आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र Bg.6.32.
    -कर्मन् One's own duty; आत्मौपकर्मक्षमं देहं क्षात्रो धर्म इवाश्रितः R.
    -काम a.
    1 loving oneself, possessed of self-conceit, proud; आत्मकामा सदा चण्डी Rām.2.7.1.
    -2 loving Brahman or the Supreme Spirit only; भगवन् वयमात्मकामाः Maitr. Up.7.1.
    -कार्यम् one's own business, private affair.
    -कृत a.
    1 self-executed, done by oneself; पौरा ह्यात्मकृताद्दुःखाद्विप्रमोच्या नृपात्मजैः Rām.2.46.23.
    -2 done against one's own self; Vāj.8.13.
    -गत a. produced in one's mind; ˚तो मनोरथः Ś.1. (
    -तम्) ind. aside (to oneself) being considered to be spoken privately (opp. प्रकाशम् aloud); frequently used as a stage-direction in dramas; it is the same as स्वगतम् which is thus defined; अश्राव्यं खलु यद्वस्तु तदिह स्वगतं मतम् S. D.6.
    -गतिः f.
    1 course of the soul's existence.
    -2 one's own course; Bhāg.5.17.3. ˚गत्या by one's own act.
    -गुप्ता The plant Mucuna Pruritus Hook (Mar. कुयली).
    -गुप्तिः f. a cave, the hiding place of an animal, lair.
    -ग्राहिन् a. selfish, greedy.
    -घातः 1 suicide.
    -2 heresy.
    -घातकः, -घातिन् 1 a suicide, a self-destroyer; K.174; व्यापादयेद् वृथात्मानं स्वयं यो$गन्युदका- दिभिः । अवैधेनैव मार्गेण आत्मघाती स उच्यते ॥
    -2 a heretic.
    -घोषः 1 a cock (calling out to himself).
    -2 a crow.
    -3 One who flatters himself. cf. आत्मघोषो वायसे स्यादात्म- स्तुतिपरे$पि च Nm.
    -जः, -जन्मन् m.
    -जातः, -प्रभवः, -संभवः, -समुद्भवः 1 a son; यः स वासवनिर्जेता रावणस्यात्म- संभवः Rām.6.86.33; हतान्निहन्मेह नरर्षभेण वयं सुरेशात्मसमु- द्भवेन Mb.7.118.2; तमात्मजन्मानमजं चकार R.5.36; तस्यामात्मानुरूपायामात्मजन्मसमुत्सुकः R.1.33; Māl.1; Ku.6.28.
    -2 Cupid; ममायमात्मप्रभवो भूयस्त्वमुपयास्यति Rām.4.1.34.
    -3 a descendant; मृगयां वि<?>रन्काश्चिद्विजने जनकात्मजः Mb.12.39.1.
    -जा 1 a daughter; वन्द्यं युगं चरणयोर्जनकात्मजायाः R.13.78; cf. नगात्मजा &c.
    -2 the reasoning faculty, understanding.
    -जयः 1 one's own victory.
    -2 victory over oneself, self-denial or abnega- tion.
    -ज्योतिस् n. The light of the soul or Supreme Spirit (चैतन्य); कौस्तुभव्यपदेशेन स्वात्मज्योतिर्बिभर्त्यजः Bhāg. 12.11.1.
    -ज्ञः, -विद् m. a sage, one who knows himself; तस्मादात्मज्ञं ह्यर्चयेद्भूतिकामः Muṇḍ.3.1.1.
    -ज्ञानम् 1 self-knowledge.
    -2 spiritual knowledge, knowledge of the soul or the Supreme Spirit; सर्वेषामपि चैतेषामात्मज्ञानं परं स्मृतम् Ms.12.85,92.
    -3 true wisdom.
    -तत्त्वम् 1 the true nature of the soul or the supreme spirit; यदात्म- तत्त्वेन तु ब्रह्मतत्त्वं प्रपश्येत Śvet.2.15.
    -2 the highest thing. ˚ज्ञः a sage versed in the Vedānta doctrines.
    -तृप्त a. Self-satisfied; आत्मतृप्तश्च मानवः Bg.3.17.
    -तुष्टि a. self-satisfied. (
    -ष्टिः f.) self-satisfaction.
    -त्यागः 1 self-sacrifice.
    -2 suicide.
    -त्यागिन् m. a.
    1 suicide; आत्मत्यागिन्यो नाशौचोदकभाजनाः Y.3.6.
    -2 a heretic, an unbeliever.
    -त्राणम् 1 self-preservation.
    -2 a body-guard; Rām.5.
    -दर्शः a mirror; प्रसादमात्मीयमिवात्म- दर्शः R.7.68.
    -दर्शनम् 1 seeing oneself.
    -2 spiritual knowledge, true wisdom; सर्वभूतात्मदर्शनम् Y.3.157; cf. Ms.12.91. see आत्मयाजिन.
    -दा a. Ved. granting one's existence or life; य आत्मदा बलदा यस्य विश्व Rv.1.121.2.
    -दानम् self-sacrifice, resigning oneself.
    -दूषि a. Ved. corrupting the soul; self-destroying; Av.16.1.3.
    -देवता a tutelary deity.
    -द्रोहिन् a.
    1 self-tormenting, fretful.
    -2 suicide.
    -नित्य a. being constantly in the heart, greatly endeared to oneself.
    -निन्दा self-reproach.
    -निवेदनम् offering oneself (as a living sacrifice to the deity).
    -निष्ठ a. one who constantly seeks for spiritual knowledge.
    -पराजित a. one who has lost himself (Ved.) Av.5.18.2.
    -पुराणम् N. of a work elucidating the Upaniṣads (consisting of 18 chapters).
    -प्रत्ययिक a. knowing from one's experience; आत्मप्रत्ययिकं शास्त्रमिदम् Mb.12.246.13.
    -प्रबोधः 1 cognition of the soul; self-consciousness.
    -2 title of an उपनिषद्.
    -प्रभ a. self-illuminated.
    -प्रवादः 1 conversation about the Supreme Spirit.
    -2 N. of the seventh of the fourteen Pūrvas of the Jainas.
    -प्रशंसा self-praise.
    -बन्धुः, -बान्धवः 1 one's own kinsman; आत्ममातुः स्वसुः पुत्रा आत्मपितुः स्वसुः सुताः । आत्ममातुलपुत्राश्च विज्ञेया ह्यात्मबान्धवाः Śabdak. i. e. mother's sister's son, father's sister's son, and mother's brother's son.
    -2 the soul, the self.
    -बोधः 1 spiritual knowledge.
    -2 knowledge of self.
    -3 N. of a work of Śaṅkarāchārya.
    -भावः 1 existence of the soul; संयोग एषां न तु आत्मभावात् Śvet.1.2.
    -2 the self proper, peculiar nature.
    -3 the body.
    -भू a. self-born, self-existent. (
    -भूः) वचस्यवसिते तस्मिन् ससर्ज गिरमात्मभूः Ku.2.53,3.16,5.81.
    -योनिः 1 N. of Brahmā;
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -3 N. of Śiva; Ś.7.35.
    -4 Cupid, god of love.
    -5 a son. (
    -भूः f.)
    1 a daughter.
    -2 talent, understanding.
    -भूत a.
    1 self-produced; peculiar, belonging to.
    -2 attached, devoted, faithful; तत्रात्मभूतैः कालज्ञैरहार्यैः परिचारकैः Ms.7.217 (Kull. = आत्मतुल्य).
    (-तः) 1 a son.
    -2 Cupid.
    (-ता) 1 a daughter.
    -2 talent.
    -भूयम् 1 peculiarity, own nature.
    -2 Brahman.
    -मात्रा a portion of the Supreme Spirit.
    -मानिन् a. self-respecting, respectable.
    -2 arro- gant, proud; विवेकशून्यः प्रभुरात्ममानी, महाननर्थः सुहृदां बतायम् Bk.12.83.
    -मूर्तिः 1 a brother; भ्राता स्वमूर्तिरात्मनः
    -2 soul, Supreme Spirit.
    -मूल a. self-luminous, shining (God); स आत्ममूलो$वतु मां परात्परः Bhāg.8.3.4.
    -मूलि n. the universe.
    -मूली N. of a plant (दूरालभा; Mar. धमासा).
    -याजिन् 1 sacrificing for oneself or himself. m. a learned man who studies his own nature and that of the soul (of others) to secure eternal felicity, one who looks upon all beings as self; सर्व- भूतेषु चात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि । समं पश्यन्नात्मयाजी स्वाराज्यम- धिगच्छति ॥ Ms.12.91.
    -योनिः = ˚भू m. a. v. ददर्श चक्रीकृतचारुचापं प्रहर्तुमभ्युद्यतमात्मयोनिम् Ku.3.7.
    -रक्षा 1 N. of a plant (इन्द्रवारुणीवृक्ष).
    -2 self protection.
    -लाभः birth, production, origin; यैरात्मलाभस्त्वया लब्धः Mu.3.1, 5.23; Ki.3.32,17.19,18.34; K.239.
    -लोमन् 1 the hair of the body.
    -2 the beard.
    -वञ्चक a. self-deceiver.
    -वञ्चना self-delusion; self-deception.
    -वधः, -वध्या, -हत्या suicide.
    -वर्ग्य a. of one's party or class; उद्बाहुना जुहुविरे मुहुरात्मवर्ग्याः Śi.5.15.
    -वश a. depending on one's own will; यद्यत्परवशं कर्म तत्तद्यत्नेन वर्जयेत् । यद्यदात्मवशं तु स्यात्तत्तत्सेवेत यत्नतः ॥ Ms.4.159, सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम् 16.
    (-शः) 1 self-control, self-government.
    -2 one's control, subjection; ˚शं नी, ˚वशीकृ to reduce to subjection, win over.
    -वश्य a. having control over self, self-possessed, self-restrained; आत्मवश्यैर्विधेयात्मा Bg.2.64.
    -विक्रयः sale of oneself or one's own liberty; Ms.11.59.
    -विद् m.
    1 a wise man, sage; as in तरति शोकमात्मवित्; सो$हं भगवो मन्त्रविदेवास्मि नात्मविच्छ्रुत<?>ह्येव Ch. Up.7.1.3.
    -2 knowing one's own self (family &c.); य इहात्मविदो विपक्षमध्ये Śi.2.116.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -विद्या knowledge of the soul, spiritual knowledge; आन्वीक्षिकीं चात्मविद्याम् Ms.7.43.
    -विवृद्धिः, -वृद्धिः f. self-exaltation.
    -वीर a.
    1 mighty, powerful, strong.
    -2 appropriate, suitable, good for oneself (as diet &c.).
    -3 existent, sentient.
    (-रः) 1 a son.
    -2 wife's brother.
    -3 a jester (in dramas); आत्मवीरः प्राणवति श्यालके च विदूषके.
    -वृत्तम्, -वृत्तान्तः account of one's own self, autobiography.
    -वृत्ति a. dwelling in Atman or soul. (
    -त्तिः f.)
    1 state of the heart; किमेभिराशोपहतात्मवृत्तिभिः Ku.5.76.
    -2 action as regards oneself, one's own state or circum- stance; विस्माययन् विस्मितमात्मवृत्तौ R.2.33.
    -3 practising one's own duties or occupation.
    -शक्तिः f. one's own power or ability, inherent power or effort; दैवं निहत्य कुरु पौरुषमात्मशक्त्या Pt.1.361 to the best of one's power.
    -2 illusion.
    -शल्या N. of a plant (शतावरी).
    -शुद्धिः f. self-purification; Ms.11.164; योगिनः कर्म कुर्वन्ति संगं त्यक्त्वा$त्मशुद्धये Bg.5.11.
    -श्लाघा, -स्तुतिः f. self-praise, boasting, bragging.
    -संयमः self-restraint; आत्मसंयमयो- गाग्नौ जुह्वति ज्ञानदीपिते Bg.4.27.
    -संस्थ a. Based upon or connected with the person; आत्मसंस्थं मनःकृत्वा Bg.6.25.
    -सतत्त्वम् See आत्मतत्त्वम्; आत्मसतत्त्वं विगणयतः Bhāg.5.13.24.
    -सद् a. Ved. dwelling in oneself; आत्मसदौ स्तं मा मा हिंसिष्टम् Av.5.9.8.
    -संतुष्ट a. self-sufficient.
    -सनि a. Ved. granting the breath of life.
    -सम a. worthy of oneself, equal to oneself; कार्ये गुरुण्यात्मसमं नियोक्ष्ये Ku.3.13.
    -संदेहः 1 internal or personal doubt.
    -2 risk of life, personal risk.
    -संभवः, -समुद्भवः 1 a son; चकार नाम्ना रघुमात्मसंभवम् R.3.21,11.57,17.8.
    -2 Cupid, god of love.
    -3 epi- thet of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, or Śiva.
    -4 the Supreme Being (परमात्मन्).
    (-वा) 1 a daughter.
    -2 understanding, intellect.
    -संपन्न a.
    1 self-possessed; Pt.1.49.
    -2 talented, intelligent; तमात्मसंपन्नमनिन्दितात्मा कृत्वा युवानं युवराजमेव R.18.18.
    -संभावना self-conceit; K.
    -सिद्धिः f. self-aggrandizement, attainment of object or purpose; आगच्छदात्मसिद्ध्यर्थं गोकर्णस्याश्रमं शुभम् Rām.7.9.47.
    -सुख a. self-delighted. (
    -खम्) the highest bliss.
    -स्थ a. At one's own disposal (स्वाधीन); तावदेव मया सार्धमात्मस्थं कुरु शासनम् Rām.2.21.8.
    -हन् a.
    1 one who kills his own soul (neglects its welfare &c.); ये के चात्महनो जनाः Śvet.3.
    -2 a suicide, self-destroyer.
    -3 a heretic, unbeliever.
    -4 a priest in a temple, a servant or attendant upon an idol.
    -हननम्, -हत्या suicide.
    -हित a. beneficial to oneself. (
    -तम्) one's own good or welfare.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > आत्मन् _ātman

  • 32 ईश्वर _īśvara

    ईश्वर a. (
    -रा, -री f.) [ईश्-वरच् P.III.2.175]
    1 Power- ful, able, capable of (with inf.); वसतिं प्रिय कामिनां प्रिया- स्त्वदृते प्रापयितुं क ईश्वरः Ku.4.11; R.15.7.
    -2 Rich, wealthy Pt.2.67.
    -रः 1 A lord, master; ईश्वरं लोको$र्थतः सेवते Mu.1.14; so कपीश्वरः, कोशलेश्वरः, हृदयेश्वरः &c.
    -2 A king, prince, ruler; राज्यमस्तमितेश्वरम् R.12.11; Ms.4.153, 9.278.
    -3 A rich or great man; तृणेन कार्यं भवतीश्वराणाम् Pt.1.71; R.3.46; Bh.3.59; मा प्रयच्छेश्वरे धनम् H.1.14; cf. "To carry coals to Newcastle."
    -4 A husband; नेश्वरे परुषता सखि साध्वी Ki.9.39.
    -5 The Supreme God (परमेश्वर); ईश एवाहमत्यर्थं न च मामीशते परे । ददामि च सदैश्वर्य- मीश्वरस्तेन कीर्तितः ॥ Skanda P.; cf. also ईश्वरस्तु पर्जन्यवद् द्रष्टव्यः Brahmasūtra-Śāṅkarabhāṣya.
    -6 N. of Śiva; यस्मिन्नीश्वर इत्यनन्यविषयः शब्दो यथार्थाक्षरः V.1.1.
    -7 The god of love, cupid.
    -8 The Supreme Soul; the soul.
    -9 The eleventh year (संवत्सर) of the Śālivāhana era.
    -रा, -री N. of Durgā; of Lakṣmī; or of one of the śaktis; ईश्वरीं सर्वभूतानां त्वामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् (श्रीसूक्तम्);
    -री 1 N. of several plants and trees; लिङ्गिनीलता, वन्ध्या- कर्कटी, क्षुद्रजटा and नाकुलीवृक्ष.
    -2 A rich woman.
    -Comp. -अधीन a. subject to a lord or king, dependent on a a lord or god.
    -कान्तम् 1 A class of buildings.
    -2 A ground plan in which the whole area is divided into 961 equal squares (एकषष्टिसमाधिक्यं पदं नवशतायुतम् । एव- मीश्वरकान्तं स्यात्...... Mānasāra 7.46-48.
    -कृष्णः N. of the author of Sāṅkhya Kārikā.
    -निषेधः denial of the existence of god, atheism.
    -निष्ठ a. trusting in god.
    -पूजक a. pious, devout.
    -पूजा worship of god.
    -प्रसादः divine favour.
    -भावः royal or imperial state; दानमीश्वर- भावाय Bg.18.43.
    -विभूतिः f. the several forms of the Supreme god; for a full enumeration see Bg.1.19-42.
    -सद्मन् n. a temple.
    -सभम् a royal court or assembly. सभा राजामनुष्यपूर्वा P.II.4.23.
    -सेवा worship of god.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > ईश्वर _īśvara

  • 33 स्मरः _smarḥ

    स्मरः [स्मृ-भावे अप्]
    1 Recollection, remembrance; स्मरो वावाकाशाद्भूयः Ch. Up.7.13.1,2.
    -2 Love; <?>स्मर एव तापहेतुर्निर्वापयिता स एव मे जातः Ś.3.11.
    -3 Cupid, the god of love; स्मर पर्युसुक एष माधवः Ku.4.28,42,43.
    -4 The 7th astrological mansion.
    -Comp. -अङ्कुशः 1 a finger-nail.
    -2 a lover, lascivious person.
    -अगारम्, -कूपकः, -गृहम्, -मन्दिरम् the female organ.
    -अधिवोसः the Aśoka tree.
    -अन्धः a. blinded by love, infatuated with passion.
    -आकुल, -आतुर, -आर्त, -उत्सुक a. pining with love, love-sick, smit with love.
    -आसवः saliva.
    -उद्दीपनः a sort of hair-oil.
    -उन्मादः amorous folly.
    -उपकरणम् implement of love (as perfumes &c.).
    -कथा lovers' prattle.
    -कर्मन् n. any amorous action, a wanton act.
    -कार a. exciting love.
    -गुरुः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -चक्रः, -चन्द्रः a kind of sexual union.
    -छत्रम् the clitoris.
    -दशा a state of love, state of the body produced by being in love (these are ten).
    -दुर्मद a. infatuated by love.
    -ध्वजः 1 the male organ.
    -2 a fabu- lous fish.
    -3 N. of a musical instrument. (
    -जम्) the female organ. (
    -जा) a bright moon-light night.
    -प्रिया an epithet of Rati.
    -भासित a. inflamed by love.
    -मोहः infatuation of love, passion.
    -लेखः a love- letter.
    -लेखनी the Sārikā bird.
    -वल्लभः 1 an epithet of Spring.
    -2 of Aniruddha.
    -वीथिका a prostitute, harlot.
    -शासनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -शास्त्रम् a manual of erotics.
    -सखः 1 the moon.
    -2 the spring.
    -स्तम्भः the male organ.
    -स्मर्यः a donkey, an ass.
    -हरः an epithet of Śiva; श्मशानेष्वाक्रीडा स्मरहर पिशाचाः सहचराः Śiva-mahimna 24.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > स्मरः _smarḥ

  • 34 वाम _vāma

    वाम a. Left (opp. दक्षिण); विलोचनं दक्षिणमञ्जनेन संभाव्य तद्वञ्चितवामनेत्रा R.7.8; Me.8,98.
    -2 Being or situated on the left side; वामश्चायं नदति मधुरं चातकस्ते सगन्धः Me.9; (वामेन is used adverbially in the same sense; e. g. वामेनात्र वटस्तमध्वगजनः सर्वात्मना सेवते K. P.1).
    -3 (a) Reverse, contrary, opposite, adverse, unfavourable; तदहो कामस्य वामा गतिः Gīt.12; Māl.9.8; Bk.6.17; (b) Acting contrary, of an opposite nature; यान्त्येवं गृहिणीपदं युवतयो वामाः कुलस्याधयः Ś.4.18. (c) Perverse, crooked-natured, refractory; Ś.6. (d Coy (in love). (e) Hard, cruel.
    -4 Vile, wicked, base low, bad; उवाच वामं चक्षुर्भ्यामभिवीक्ष्य दहन्निव Bhāg.4.2.8; आसक्तास्तास्वमी मूढा वामशीला हि जन्तवः Ki.11.24.
    -5 Lovely, beautiful, charming; as in वामलोचना; वामोरू; वामभ्रूः वामस्वभाव q. v.
    -6 Short.
    -मः 1 A sentient being, an animal.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 Of Cupid, the god of love.
    -4 A snake.
    -5 An udder, a breast.
    -6 Prohibited or forbidden act or practice (as drinking wine).
    -7 The left hand.
    -मम् 1 Wealth, possessions.
    -2 Any lovely or desirable thing.
    -3 Adversity, misfortune.
    -Comp. -अङ्गी f. a beautiful woman; वामाङ्गीकृतवामाङ्गि कुण्डलीकृतकुण्डलि Udb.
    -आचारः, -मार्गः the left-hand ritual or doctrine of the Tantras; the doctrine of resorting to मांस, मद्य, मत्स्य, मैथुन and मुद्रा.
    -आपीडनः the Pilu tree.
    -आवर्तः 1 a conch-shell, the spiral of which runs from right to left.
    - इतर a. right.
    -ऊरु, -ऊरू f. a woman with handsome thighs; तदिदं विषहिष्यते कथं वद वामोरु चिताधिरोहणम् R.8.57.
    -कुक्षिः left side of the abdomen.
    -दृश् f. a woman (with lovely eyes).
    -देवः 1 N. of a sage.
    -2 N. of Śiva; नाहं न यूयं यदृतां गतिं विदुर्न वामदेवः किमुतापरे सुराः Bhāg.2.6.36.
    -नयना a fair-eyed woman.
    -नी a. bringing wealth; Ch. Up.
    -नेत्रम् a mystical N. of the vowel ई.
    -भ्रूः f. a beauti- ful-eyebrowed woman; केनेत्थं परमार्थतो$र्थवदिव प्रेमास्ति वाम- भ्रुवाम् Pt.1.136.
    -लोचना a woman with lovely eyes; विरूपाक्षस्य जयिनीस्ताः स्तुवे वामलोचनाः K. P.1; R.19.13.
    -शील a. of a perverse or crooked nature; cross-tempered; तदेहि वामशीलां मालतीं निर्भर्त्सयामः Māl.7. (
    -लः) an epithet of the god of love.
    -स्वभाव a. of noble character; निरीक्ष्य कृष्णा$पकृतं गुरोः सुतं वामस्वभावा कृपया ननाम च Bhāg.1.7.42.
    -हस्तः the dew-lap of a goat.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > वाम _vāma

  • 35 शिव

    mf (ā́)n. (according to Uṇ. I, 153, fr. 1. ṡī, « in whom all things lie» ;

    perhaps connected with ṡvi cf. ṡavas, ṡiṡvi) auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear (ám ind. kindly, tenderly) RV. etc. etc.;
    happy, fortunate BhP. ;
    m. happiness, welfare (cf. n.) R. V, 56, 36 ;
    liberation, final emancipation L. ;
    « The Auspicious one»
    N. of the disintegrating orᅠ destroying andᅠ reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindū Trimūrti orᅠ Triad, the other two being Brahmā. « the creator» andᅠ Vishṇu « the preserver» ;
    in the Veda the only N. of the destroying deity wss Rudra « the terrible god»,
    but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. Ṡiva « the auspicious» <just as the Furies were called Eὐμενίδες « the gracious ones» >, andᅠ to assign him the office of creation andᅠ reproduction as well as dissolution;
    in fact the preferential worship of Ṡiva as developed in the Purāṇas andᅠ Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers < called Ṡaivas>;
    in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called Kāla « black», andᅠ is then alsoᅠ identified with Time, although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name Kālī, whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices;
    as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction Ṡiva's symbol is the Liṇga <q.v.> orᅠ Phallus, under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day;
    again one of his representations is as Ardha-nārī, « half-female», the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle RTL. 85 ;
    he has three eyes, one of which is in his forehead, andᅠ which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time, past, present, andᅠ future, while a moon's crescent, above the central eye, marks the measure of time by months, a serpent round his neck the measure by years,
    andᅠ a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person, the perpetual revolution of ages, andᅠ the successive extinction andᅠ generation of the races of mankind:
    his hair is thickly matted together, andᅠ gathered above his forehead into a coil;
    on the top of it he bears the Ganges, the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream;
    his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality;
    he holds a tri-ṡūla, orᅠ three-pronged trident < alsoᅠ called Pināka> in his hand to denote, as some think, his combination of the three attributes of Creator, Destroyer, andᅠ Regenerator;
    he alsoᅠ carries a kind of drum, shaped like an hour-glass, called Ḍamaru:
    his attendants orᅠ servants are called Pramatha <qq.vv.>;
    they are regarded as demons orᅠ supernatural beings of different kinds, andᅠ form various hosts orᅠ troops called Gaṇas;
    his wife Durgā <otherwise called Kālī, Pārvatī, Umā, Gaurī, Bhavāṇī etc.> is the chief object of worship with the Ṡāktas andᅠ Tāntrikas, andᅠ in this connection he is fond of dancing < seeᅠ tāṇḍava> andᅠ wine-drinking;
    he is alsoᅠ worshipped as a great ascetic andᅠ is said to have scorched the god of love (Kāma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye, that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for Pārvatī whilst he was engaged in severe penance;
    in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe andᅠ all the gods, including Brahmā. andᅠ Vishṇu, by a similar scorching glance,
    andᅠ to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body, whence the use of ashes in his worship, while the use of the Rudrâksha berries originated, it is said, from the legend that Ṡiva,
    on his way to destroy the three cities, called Tri-pura, let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads:
    his residence orᅠ heaven is Kailāsa, one of the loftiest northern peaks of the Himâlaya;
    he has strictly no incarnations like those of Vishṇu, though Vīra-bhadra andᅠ the eight Bhairavas andᅠ Khaṇḍo-bā etc. RTL. 266 are sometimes regarded as forms of him;
    he is especially worshipped at Benares andᅠ has even more names than Vishṇu,
    one thousand andᅠ eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the Ṡiva-Purāṇa andᅠ in the 17th chapter of the Anuṡāsana-parvan of the Maha-bhārata, some of the most common being Mahā-deva, Ṡambhu, Ṡaṃkara, Īṡa, Īṡvara, Mahêṡvara, Hara;
    his sons are Gaṇêṡa andᅠ Kārttikeya) ĀṡvṠr. MBh. Kāv. etc.. RTL. 73 ;
    a kind of second Siva (with Ṡaivas), a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection orᅠ emancipation MBh. Sarvad. ;
    ṡiva-liṅga L. ;
    any god L. ;
    a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally ṡivā f. q.v.);
    sacred writings L. ;
    (in astron.) N. of the sixth month;
    a post for cows (to which they are tied orᅠ for them to rub against) L. ;
    bdellium L. ;
    the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L. ;
    Marsilia Dentata L. ;
    a kind of thorn-apple orᅠ = puṇḍarīka (the tree) L. ;
    quicksilver L. (cf. ṡiva-bīja);
    a partic. auspicious constellation L. ;
    a demon who inflicts diseases Hariv. ;
    = ṡukra m. kāla m. vasu m. L. ;
    the swift antelope L. ;
    rum, spirit distilled from molasses L. ;
    buttermilk L. ;
    a ruby L. ;
    a peg L. ;
    time L. ;
    N. of a son of Medhâtithi MārkP. ;
    of a son of Idhma-jihva BhP. ;
    of a prince andᅠ various authors ( alsoᅠ with dīkshita, bhaṭṭa, paṇḍita, yajvan, sūri etc.) Cat. ;
    of a fraudulent person Kathās. ;
    (du.) the god Ṡiva andᅠ his wife Kir. V, 40 Pracaṇḍ. I, 20 ;
    (cf. Vām. V, 2, 1);
    pl. N. of a class of gods in the third Manvantara Pur. ;
    of a class of Brāhmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of Ṡiva MBh. ;
    (ā) f. Ṡiva's wife ( alsoᅠ ṡivī) seeᅠ ṡivā below ;
    (am) n. welfare, prosperity, bliss ( āya, éna orᅠ ébhis, « auspiciously, fortunately, happily, luckily» ;
    ṡivāyagamyatām, « a prosperous journey to you!») RV. etc. etc.;
    final emancipation L. ;
    water L. ;
    rock-salt L. ;
    sea-salt L. ;
    a kind of borax L. ;
    iron L. ;
    myrobolan L. ;
    Tabernaemontana Coronaria L. ;
    sandal L. ;
    N. of a Purāṇa (= ṡiva-purāṇa orᅠ ṡaiva) Cat. ;
    of the house in which the Pāṇḍavas were to be burnt MārkP. ;
    of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvīpa andᅠ in Jambu-dvīpa Pur. ;
    - शिवकण्ठमलिका
    - शिवकर
    - शिवकर्णामृत
    - शिवकर्णी
    - शिवकवच
    - शिवकाञ्ची
    - शिवकान्ता
    - शिवकान्ती
    - शिवकामदुघा
    - शिवकारिणी
    - शिवकिंकर
    - शिवकीर्तन
    - शिवकुण्ड
    - शिवकुसुमाञ्जलि
    - शिवकृष्ण
    - शिवकेशादिपादान्तवर्णनस्तोत्र
    - शिवकेसर
    - शिवकोपमुनि
    - शिवकोश
    - शिवक्षेत्र
    - शिवखण्ड
    - शिवगङ्गा
    - शिवगण
    - शिवगति
    - शिवगया
    - शिवगायत्री
    - शिवगीता
    - शिवगुप्तदेव
    - शिवगुरु
    - शिवघर्मज
    - शिवंकर
    - शिवचक्र
    - शिवचतुःश्लोकीव्याख्या
    - शिवचतुर्दशी
    - शिवचन्द्र
    - शिवचम्पू
    - शिवचरित्र
    - शिवचित्त
    - शिवजी
    - शिवज्ञ
    - शिवज्ञान
    - शिवज्योतिर्विद्
    - शिवतत्त्व
    - शिवतन्त्र
    - शिवतम
    - शिवतर
    - शिवता
    - शिवताण्डव
    - शिवताति
    - शिवताल
    - शिवतीर्थ
    - शिवत्व
    - शिवदण्डक
    - शिवदत्त
    - शिवदयालु
    - शिवदयासहर्स्र
    - शिवदशक
    - शिवदायिन्
    - शिवदारु
    - शिवदास
    - शिवदिश्
    - शिवदीक्षा
    - शिवदीन
    - शिवदूतिका
    - शिवदूती
    - शिवदृष्टि
    - शिवदेव
    - शिवदैव
    - शिवद्युमणिदीपिका
    - शिवद्रुम
    - शिवद्विष्टा
    - शिवधनुर्वेद
    - शिवधर्म
    - शिवधातु
    - शिवधार
    - शिवधारिणी
    - शिवध्यानपद्धति
    - शिवनक्षत्रपुरुषव्रत
    - शिवनक्षत्रमालिका
    - शिवनाथ
    - शिवनाभि
    - शिवनामावली
    - शिवनामाष्टोत्तरशत
    - शिवनारायण
    - शिवनिर्माल्यभक्षण
    - शिवनिर्वाणस्तोत्र
    - शिवपञ्चमुखध्यान
    - शिवपञ्चवदनस्तोत्र
    - शिवपञ्चाक्षरस्तोत्र
    - शिवपञ्चाक्षरी

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शिव

  • 36 शृङ्गारः _śṛṅgārḥ

    शृङ्गारः [शृङ्गं कामोद्रेकमृच्छत्यनेन ऋ-अण्]
    1 The senti- ment of love or sexual passion, the erotic sentiment (the first of the eight or nine sentiments in poetical compositions; it is of two kinds:-- संभोगशृङ्गार and विप्रलम्भशृङ्गार q. q. v. v.); शृङ्गारः सखि मूर्तिमानिव मधौ मुग्धो हरिः क्रीडति Gīt.1; (it is thus defined:-- पुंसः स्त्रियां स्त्रियाः पुंसि संभोगं प्रति या स्पृहा । स शृङ्गार इति ख्यातः क्रीडारत्यादिकारकः ॥ See S. D.21 also).
    -2 Love, passion, sexual love; शृङ्गारैकरसः स्वयं नु मदनो मासो नु पुष्पाकरः V.1.1.
    -3 A dress suited to amorous interviews, an elegant dress.
    -4 Coition, sextual union.
    -5 Marks made with red- lead on the body of an elephant; वर्षन्तः शममानयन्नुपल- सच्छृङ्गारलेखायुधाः Śi.17.69.
    -6 A mark in general.
    -रम् 1 Cloves.
    -2 Red-lead.
    -3 Undried ginger.
    -4 A fra- grant powder for the dress or body.
    -5 Agallochum.
    -Comp. -चेष्टा an amorous or love-gesture; शृङ्गारचेष्टा विविधा बभूवुः R.6.12.
    -भाषितम् amorous talk.
    -भूषणम् red lead.
    -योनिः an epithet of the god of love.
    -रसः the sentiment of love.
    -लज्जा shame or modesty cau- sed by love.
    -विधिः, -वेशः a dress suited to amorous interviews and other purposes.
    -सहायः an assistant in love-affairs, a confidant of the hero of a play; cf. नर्मसचिव.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शृङ्गारः _śṛṅgārḥ

  • 37 amor

        amor ōris, m    [AM-], love, affection, strong friendly feeling: amor, ex quo amicitia nominata: amor erga me: amores hominum in te: patrius, for a son, V.: fraternus, for a brother, Cs.—Esp. of sexual love: in amore haec sunt vitia, T.: ancillae, H.— Plur, love-adventures: Solis, O.—Fig., an eager desire, passion: consulatūs amor: amicitiae: vini, L.: auri, V.: habendi, V.: scribendi, H.: tantus amor casūs cognoscere nostros, V.: in longum ducis amores, my desire (for a song), V.— Meton., mostly plur, a beloved object, one's love: Pompeius nostri amores: suos addicere amores, O.: primus, my first husband, V.— A charm to excite love: matri praereptus amor, V.—Person.: Amor, the god of love, Love, Cupid: Paret Amor dictis, V.— Plur, Cupids, Loves: nudi, O.: lascivi, H.
    * * *
    love, affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion

    Latin-English dictionary > amor

  • 38 काम

    m. (fr. 2. kam;

    once kāmá VS. XX, 60),
    wish, desire, longing ( kāmomebhuñjītabhavān,
    my wish is that you should eat Pāṇ. 3-3, 153), desire for, longing after (gen. dat., orᅠ loc.), love, affection, object of desire orᅠ of love orᅠ of pleasure RV. VS. TS. AV. ṠBr. MBh. R. etc.. ;
    pleasure, enjoyment;
    love, especially sexual love orᅠ sensuality;
    Love orᅠ Desire personified AV. IX; XII; XIX ;
    (cf. RV. X, 129, 4) VS. PārGṛ. ;
    N. of the god of love AV. III. 25, 1 MBh. Lalit. ;
    (represented as son of Dharma andᅠ husband of Rati MBh. I, 2596 ff. Hariv. VP. ;
    orᅠ as a son of Brahmā. VP. ;
    orᅠ sometimes of Saṃkalpa BhP. VI, 6, 10 ;
    cf. kāma-deva);
    N. of Agni SV. II, 8, 2, 19, 3 AV. TS. KātyṠr. ṠāṇkhṠr. ;
    of Vishṇu Gal.;
    of Baladeva (cf. kāma-pāla) L. ;
    a stake in gambling Nār. XVI, 9 ;
    a species of mango tree (= mahā-rāja-cūta) L. ;
    N. of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each;
    a kind of bean L. ;
    a particular form of temple Hcat. ;
    N. of several men;
    (ā) f. « wish, desire» (only instr. kāmayā q.v.);
    N. of a daughter of Pṛithuṡravas andᅠ wife of Ayuta-nāyin MBh. I, 3774 ;
    (am) n. object of desire L. ;
    semen virile L. ;
    N. of a Tīrtha MBh. III, 5047 ;
    (am) ind. seeᅠ s.v.;
    ( ena) ind. out of affection orᅠ love for;
    ( āya, orᅠ e) ind. according to desire, agreeably to the wishes of, out of love for (gen. orᅠ dat.) RV. AV. TS. ṠBr. ChUp. ;
    (āt) ind. for one's own pleasure, of one's own free will, of one's own accord, willingly, intentionally Mn. R. ;
    ( kāmá) mfn. wishing, desiring RV. IX, 113, 11 ;
    (ifc.) desirous of, desiring, having a desire orᅠ intention (cf. go-k-, dharma-k-;
    frequently with inf. in tu cf. tyaktu-k-.)
    - कामकन्दला
    - कामकर्शन
    - कामकला
    - कामकलिका
    - कामकाकुरव
    - कामकाति
    - कामकान्ता
    - कामकाम
    - कामकामिन्
    - कामकार
    - कामकुण्ड
    - कामकूट
    - कामकृत
    - कामकॢप्ति
    - कामकेलि
    - कामकोष्णी
    - कामक्रीडा
    - कामखड्गदला
    - कामग
    - कामगति
    - कामगम
    - कामगवी
    - कामगामिन्
    - कामगिरि
    - कामगुण
    - कामगो
    - कामंगामिन्
    - कामचक्र
    - कामचन्द्र
    - कामचर
    - कामचरण
    - कामचार
    - कामचारिन्
    - कामचालन
    - कामज
    - कामजननी
    - कामजनि
    - कामजान
    - कामजाल
    - कामजित्
    - कामज्येष्ठ
    - कामतन्त्र
    - कामतरु
    - कामतस्
    - कामताल
    - कामतीर्थ
    - कामद
    - कामदत्ता
    - कामदत्तिका
    - कामदन्तिका
    - कामदमिनी
    - कामदर्शन
    - कामदहन
    - कामदान
    - कामदुघ
    - कामदुह्
    - कामदुह
    - कामदूतिका
    - कामदूती
    - कामदेव
    - कामदोहना
    - कामदोहिनी
    - कामधर
    - कामधरण
    - कामधर्म
    - कामधातु
    - कामधेनु
    - कामध्वंसिन्
    - कामनाशक
    - कामनीडा
    - कामंधमिन्
    - कामपति
    - कामपत्नी
    - कामपर्णिका
    - कामपर्णी
    - कामपाल
    - कामपालक
    - कामपीडित
    - कामपूर
    - कामप्र
    - कामप्रद
    - कामप्रदीप
    - कामप्रश्न
    - कामप्रस्थ
    - कामप्रस्थीय
    - कामप्रि
    - कामप्रियकरी
    - कामफल
    - कामबद्ध
    - कामबल
    - कामबाण
    - कामबिन्दु
    - कामभक्ष
    - कामभाज्
    - कामभोग
    - काममञ्जरी
    - काममय
    - काममर्दन
    - काममह
    - काममालिन्
    - काममूढ
    - काममूत
    - काममोह
    - काममोहित
    - कामरत्न
    - कामरस
    - कामरसिक
    - कामराज
    - कामरूप
    - कामरूपिन्
    - कामरूपीयनिबन्ध
    - कामरेखा
    - कामलता
    - कामलेखा
    - कामलोल
    - कामवत्
    - कामवत्स
    - कामवर
    - कामवर्षिन्
    - कामवल्लभ
    - कामवश
    - कामवश्य
    - कामवसति
    - कामवाद
    - कामवासिन्
    - कामविद्ध
    - कामविवर्जित
    - कामविहन्तृ
    - कामवीर्य
    - कामवृक्ष
    - कामवृत्त
    - कामवृद्धि
    - कामवृन्ता
    - कामवेरणि
    - कामवेरणीय
    - कामव्याहारिन्
    - कामशर
    - कामशल्य
    - कामशासन
    - कामशास्त्र
    - कामशैल
    - कामसंयोग
    - कामसख
    - कामसंकल्प
    - कामसनि
    - कामसमूह
    - कामसुत
    - कामसू
    - कामसूक्त
    - कामसूत्र
    - कामसेन
    - कामहानि
    - कामहैतुक
    - कामाक्षा
    - कामाक्षी
    - कामाकुय
    - कामाग्नि
    - कामाङ्कुश
    - कामाङ्ग
    - कामातुर
    - कामात्मन्
    - कामाधिकार
    - कामाधिष्ठित
    - कामानल
    - कामान्ध
    - कामान्निन्
    - कामाभिकाम
    - कामाभिवर्षण
    - कामायुध
    - कामायुस्
    - कामारण्य
    - कामारि
    - कामार्त
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    Sanskrit-English dictionary > काम

  • 39 amor

    ămor (old form ămŏs, like honos, labos, colos, etc., Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 2; v. Neue, Formenl. I. p. 170), ōris, m. [amo], love (to friends, parents, etc.; and also in a low sense; hence in gen., like amo, while caritas, like diligere, is esteem, regard, etc.; hence amor is used also of brutes, but caritas only of men; v amo init.):

    Amicitiae caritate et amore cernuntur. Nam cum deorum, tum parentum, patriaeque cultus, eorumque hominum, qui aut sapientiā aut opibus excellunt, ad caritatem referri solet. Conjuges autem et liberi et fratres et alii, quos usus familiaritasque conjunxit, quamquam etiam caritate ipsā, tamen amore maxime continentur,

    Cic. Part. Or. 25, 88; cf. id. ib. 16, 56; Doed. Syn. IV. p. 100 (but amor is related to benevolentia as the cause to the effect, since benevolentia designates only an external, friendly treatment; but amor a real, internal love):

    amor, ex quo amicitia nominata, princeps est ad benevolentiam conjungendam,

    Cic. Am. 8, 26:

    nihil enim est, quod studio et benevolentiā, vel amore potius effici non possit,

    id. Fam. 3, 9; cf. Doed. Syn. IV. p. 105 (very freq. in all periods, and in every kind of style; in a low sense most freq. in the com. and eleg. poets, Petron., and similar authors; v. amo init.); constr. with in, erga, or the obj. gen. (with the gen. of the gerund, never in Cic., and perh. in no prose writer; but it is so found in Lucr., Ovid, and Hor.).
    Lit.: ab his initiis noster in te amor profectus, Cic. Fam. 13, 29:

    si quid in te residet amoris erga me,

    id. ib. 5, 5:

    amori nostro (i. e. quo a te amamur) plusculum etiam, quam concedit veritas, largiare,

    id. ib. 5, 12;

    Postquam primus amor deceptam morte fefellit,

    Verg. A. 4, 17:

    amabilis super amorem mulierum,

    Vulg. 2 Reg. 1, 26: in paternitatis amore, brotherly love (Gr. philadelphia), ib. 1 Pet. 1, 22; ib. 2 Pet. 1, 7 bis:

    amplecti aliquem amore,

    Cic. Att. 7, 1:

    habere amorem erga aliquem,

    id. ib. 9, 14:

    respondere amori amore,

    id. ib. 15, 21:

    conciliare amorem alicui,

    id. de Or. 2, 51 et saep.—Of sexual love, whether lawful or unlawful: Medea amore saevo saucia, Enn. Med. ap. Auct. ad Her. 2, 22 (as a transl. of the Gr. erôti thumon ekplageis Iasonos, Eur. Med. prol. 8):

    videbantur illi (septem anni) pauci dies prae amoris magnitudine,

    Vulg. Gen. 29, 20; 29, 30:

    is amore projecticiam illam deperit,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 3, 43:

    amore perdita est,

    id. Mil. 4, 6, 38:

    in amore haec omnia sunt vitia,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 1, 14:

    aeterno devictus volnere amoris,

    Lucr. 1, 35:

    qui vitat amorem,

    id. 4, 1069:

    Nec te noster amor tenet?

    Verg. A. 4, 307; 4, 395; Ov. M. 4, 256:

    ne sit ancillae tibi amor pudori,

    Hor. C. 2, 4, 1:

    meretricis amore Sollicitus,

    id. S. 2, 3, 252:

    ut majus esset odium amore, quo ante dilexerat,

    Vulg. 2 Reg. 13, 15:

    ambo vulnerati amore ejus,

    ib. Dan. 13, 10 al. —In both significations also in the plur.:

    amores hominum in te,

    Cic. Att. 5, 10:

    amores sancti,

    id. Fin. 3, 20, 68; cf. id. Tusc. 4, 34, 72:

    Ille meos, primus qui me sibi junxit, amores Abstulit,

    Verg. A. 4, 28:

    est is mihi in amoribus, i. e. valde a me amatur,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 32:

    meos amores eloquar,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 2:

    meretricii amores,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 10:

    quem amore venerio dilexerat,

    Nep. Paus. 4, 1:

    amores et hae deliciae, quae vocantur,

    Cic. Cael. 19:

    quando Dido tantos rumpi non speret amores,

    Verg. A. 4, 292:

    Tabuit ex illo dementer amoribus usa,

    Ov. M. 4, 259:

    insanos fateamur amores,

    id. ib. 9, 519 et saep.; Hor. C. 3, 21, 3 et saep.—
    For the beloved object itself:

    amores et deliciae tuae,

    Cic. Div. 1, 36;

    Pompeius, nostri amores,

    id. Att. 2, 19; 16, 6;

    and ironic.: sed redeo ad amores deliciasque nostras, L. Antonium,

    id. Phil. 6, 5; Plaut. Poen. 1, 1, 79; Ov. M. 1, 617; 4, 137 al.—
    Personified: Amor, the god of love, Love, Cupid, Erôs:

    O praeclaram emendatricem vitae poëticam, quae Amorem flagitii et levitatis auctorem in concilio deorum collocandum putet,

    Cic. Tusc. 4, 32, 69:

    Deum esse Amorem turpis et vitio favens finxit libido,

    Sen. Phaedr. 195: Illum conjugem, quem Amor dederat, qui plus pollet potiorque est patre, vet. poët. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 32, 69:

    Omnia vincit Amor, et nos cedamus Amori,

    Verg. E. 10, 69:

    Improbe Amor, quid non mortalia corpora cogis?

    id. A. 4, 412:

    Paret Amor dictis carae genetricis,

    id. ib. 1, 689:

    Amor non talia curat,

    id. E. 10, 28:

    nec quid Amor curat,

    Ov. M. 1, 480:

    Amori dare ludum,

    Hor. C. 3, 12, 1; Prop. 1, 2, 8:

    non tot sagittis, Spicula quot nostro pectore fixit Amor,

    id. 3, 4, 2:


    Ov. Tr. 5, 1, 22:

    Notaque purpureus tela resumit Amor,

    id. Am. 2, 9, 34:

    movit Amor gemmatas aureus alas,

    id. R. Am. 39 et saep.—Also in the plur., Cupids, Loves:

    corpora nudorum Amorum,

    Ov. M. 10, 516:

    lascivi Amores,

    Hor. C. 2, 11, 7:

    parvi Amores,

    Prop. 3, 1, 11:

    Amores volucres,

    Ov. Ep. 16, 201:


    id. R. Am. 519 al. —
    A strong, passionate longing for something, desire, lust:

    consulatūs amor,

    Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    id. Arch. 11, 28:


    id. Tusc. 4, 33, 70:


    Verg. G. 3, 394:


    Liv. 9, 18:


    Verg. A. 1, 349:


    Hor. S. 2, 3, 78:


    Juv. 14, 138:


    Verg. A. 9, 197 et saep.:


    Cic. Fin. 4, 7, 18.—With gerund:


    Lucr. 4, 870:


    Ov. M. 1, 131, and Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 85:


    id. S. 2, 1, 10.— Poet., with inf.:

    si tantus amor casus cognoscere nostros,

    Verg. A. 2, 10:

    seu rore pudico Castaliae flavos amor est tibi mergere crines,

    Stat. Th. 1, 698.—
    * D.
    Poet., a love-charm, philtre:

    quaeritur et nascentis equi de fronte revolsus Et matri praereptus amor,

    Verg. A. 4, 516; upon which passage Serv. remarks: Secundum Plinium, qui dicit in Naturali Historiā (8, 42, 66, § 163 sqq.) pullos equinos habere in fronte quandam carnem, quam eis statim natis adimit mater; quam si quis forte [p. 109] praeripuerit, odit pullum et lac ei denegat; v. hippomanes.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > amor

  • 40 भावः _bhāvḥ

    भावः [भू-भावे घञ्]
    1 Being, existing, existence; नासतो विद्यते भावः Bg.2.16.
    -2 Becoming, occurring, taking place.
    -3 State, condition, state of being; लताभावेन परिणतमस्या रूपम् V.4; U.6.23; so कातरभावः, विवर्णभावः &c.
    -4 Manner, mode.
    -6 Rank, station, position, capacity; देवीभावं गमिता K. P.1; so प्रेष्यभावम्, किंकरभावम् &c.
    -6 (a) True condition or state, truth, reality; परं भावमजानन्तः Bg.7.24; इति मत्वा भजन्ते मां बुधा भावसम- न्विताः 1.8. (b) Sincerity, devotion; त्वयि मे भावनिबन्धना रतिः R.8.52;2.26.
    -7 Innate property, disposition, nature, temperament; स तस्य स्वो भावः प्रकृतिनियतत्वादकृतकः U.6.14.
    -8 Inclination or disposition of mind, idea, thought, opinion, supposition; हृदयनिहितभावा गूढमन्त्रप्रचाराः किमपि विगणयन्तो बुद्धिमन्तः सहन्ते Pt.3.43; Ms.8.25;4.65; निकृष्टोत्कृष्टयोर्भावं यास्तु गृह्णन्ति ताः स्त्रियः Bu. Ch.4.23.
    -9 Feeling, emotion, sentiment; एको भावः Pt.3.66; Ku.6. 95; निर्विकारात्मके चित्ते भावः प्रथमविक्रिया S. D. (In the dramatic science or in poetic compositions generally, Bhāvas are either स्थायिन् primary, or व्यभिचारिन् subordinate. The former are eight or nine, according as the Rasas are taken to be 8 or 9, each rasa having its own स्थायिभाव. The latter are thirty-three of thirty four in number, and serve to develop and strengthen the prevailing sentiment; for definition and enumera- tion of the several kinds, see R. G. first ānana, or K. P.4).
    -1 Love, affection; attachment; द्वन्द्वानि भावं क्रियया विवव्रुः Ku.3.35; कुमुद्वती भानुमतीव भावं (बबन्ध) R.6.36.
    -11 Purport, drift, gist, substance; इति भावः (often used by commentators); जनको$प्युत्स्मयन् राजा भावमस्या विशेषयन् । प्रतिजग्राह भावेन भावमस्या नृपोत्तम Mb.12,32.18.
    -12 Meaning, intention, sense, import; अन्योन्यभावचतुरेण सखीजनेन मुक्तास्तदा स्मितसुधामधुराः कटाक्षाः Māl.1.25.
    -13 Resolution, determination.
    -14 The heart, soul, mind; तयोर्विवृतभावत्वात् Māl.1.12; भावसंशुद्धिरित्येतत् तपो मानसमुच्यते Bg.17.16; स्व एव भावे विनिगृह्य मन्मथम् Bu. Ch.4.11.
    -15 Any existing thing, an object, a thing, substance; पश्यन्ती विविधान् भावान् Rām.2.94.18; जगति जयिनस्ते ते भावा नवेन्दुकलादयः Māl.1.17,36; R.3.41; U.3.32.
    -16 A being, living creature.
    -17 Abstract medita- tion, contemplation (= भावना q. v.).
    -18 Conduct, movement.
    -19 (a) Gesture, behaviour; अहिंसा समता... भवन्ति भावा भूतानाम् Bg.1.5. (b) Amorous gesture or expression of sentiment; gesture of love; कामं प्रिया न सुलभा मनस्तु तद्भावदर्शनाश्वासि Ś.2.1.
    -2 Birth; तवाहं पूर्वके भावे पुत्रः परपुरंजय Rām.7.14.2.
    -21 The world, universe.
    -22 The womb.
    -23 Will; घोरैर्विव्यधतुर्बाणैः कृतभावावुभौ जये Rām.6.9.38.
    -24 Superhuman power; मिथो घ्नतं न पश्यन्ति भावैर्भावं पृथग्दृशः Bhāg.1.4.27.
    -25 Advice, instruction.
    -26 (In dramas) A learned or venerable man, worthy man, (a term of address); भाव अयमस्मि V.1; तां खलु भावेन तथैव सर्वे वर्ग्याः पाठिताः) Māl.1.
    -27 (In gram.) The sense of an abstract noun, abstract idea conveyed by a word; भावे क्तः.
    -28 A term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb.
    -29 (In astr.) An astronomical house.
    -3 A lunar mansion.
    -31 An organ of sense.
    -32 Welfare (कल्याण); भावमिच्छति सर्वस्य नाभावे कुरुते मनः Mb.5.36.16.
    -33 Protection; द्रोणस्याभावभावे तु प्रसक्तानां यथा$भवत् Mb.7.25.64.
    -34 Fate, destiny (प्रारब्ध); नातिप्रहीणरश्मिः स्यात्तथा भावविपर्यये Mb.5.77.14.
    -35 Consciousness of past perceptions (वासना); येभ्यः सृजति भूतानि काले भावप्रचोदितः । महाभूतानि पञ्चेति तान्याहुर्भूतचिन्तिकाः ॥ Mb.12.275.4.
    -36 Lordship (प्रभुत्व); ते$पि भावाय कल्पन्ते राजदण्डनिपीडिताः Rām.2.67. 32.
    -37 The six states (अवस्थाषट्क); A, Rām.1.7.31.
    -Comp. -अनुग a. not forced, natural. (
    -गा) a shadow.
    -अन्तरम् a different state.
    -अद्वैतम् 1 a natu- ral cause.
    -2 material cause (as thread of a cloth).
    -3 identity of conception, oneness of view.
    -अर्थः 1 the obvious meaning or import (of a word, phrase &c.).
    -2 the subject matter; सर्वेषामपि वस्तूनां भावार्थो भवति स्थितः Bhāg.1.14.57.
    -आकूतम् (secret) thoughts of the mind; हृदयनिहितं भावाकूतं वमद्भिरिवेक्षणैः Amaru.4.
    -आख्यः One of the two types of creation according to the Sāṅkhya philosophy; लिङ्गाख्यो भावाख्यस्तस्माद् द्विविधः प्रवर्तते सर्गः Sāṅ. K.52.
    -आत्मक a. real, actual.
    -आभासः simulation of a feeling, a feigned or false emotion.
    -आलीना a shadow.
    - एकरस a. influenced solely by the sentiment of (sincere) love; ममात्र भावैकरसं मनः स्थितम् Ku.5.82.
    -कर्तृकः an impersonal verb; Kāśi. on P. II.3.54.
    -गतिः f. power to convey human feelings; भावगतिराकृतीनाम् Pratimā 3.
    -गम्भीरम् ind.
    1 heartily, from the bottom of the heart.
    -2 deeply, gravely.
    -गम्य a. conceived by the mind; ममत्सादृश्यं विरहतनु वा भावगम्यं लिखन्ती Me.87.
    -ग्राहिन् a.
    1 understanding the sense.
    -2 appreciating the sentiment.
    -ग्राह्य a. to be conceived with the heart; भावग्राह्यमनीडाख्यं भावाभावकरं शिवम् Śvet. Up.5.14.
    -चेष्टितम् amorous gesture.
    -जः 1 love.
    -2 the god of love.
    -ज्ञ, -विद् a. knowing the heart.
    -दर्शिन् a. see भालदर्शिन्.
    -निर्वृत्तिः the material creation (Sāṅ. phil.); न विना लिङ्गेन भावनिर्वृत्तिः Sāṅ. K.52.
    -नेरिः a kind of dance.
    -बन्धन a. enchanting or fettering the heart, linking together the hearts; रथाङ्गनाम्नोरिव भावबन्धनं बभूव यत्प्रेम परस्पराश्रयम् R.3.24.
    -बोधक a. indicating or revealing any feeling.
    -मिश्रः a worthy person, a gentleman (used in dramas); प्रसीदन्तु भावमिश्राः Ś.6.
    -रूप a. real, actual.
    -वचनम् denoting an abstract idea, conveying the abstract notion of a verb.
    -वाचकम् an abstract noun.
    -विकारः a property of a being; षड् भावविकारा भवन्तीति वार्ष्यायणिः । जायते$स्ति विपरिणमते वर्धते$पक्षीयते नश्यति ।
    -वृत्तः an epithet of Brahman.
    -शबलत्वम् a mixture of various emotions (भावानां बाध्यबाधकभावमापन्नानामुदासीनानां वा व्यामिश्रणम् R. G., vide examples given ad loc.).
    -शुद्धिः f. purity of mind, honesty, sincerity.
    -शून्य a. devoid of real love; उपचारविधिर्मनस्विनीनां न तु पूर्वाभ्यधिको$पि भावशून्यः M.3.3.
    -संधिः the union or co-existence of two emotions (भावसंधिरन्योन्यानभिभूतयोरन्योन्याभिभावनयोग्ययोः सामानाधिकरण्यम् R. G., see the examples there given).
    -समाहित a. abstracted in mind, devout.
    -सर्गः the mental or intellectual creation; i. e. the creation of the faculties of the human mind and their affections (opp. भौतिकसर्ग or material creation).
    -स्थ a. attached; devoted (to one); न वेत्सि भावस्थमिमं कथं जनम् Ku.5.58.
    -स्थिर a. firmly rooted in the heart; Ś.5.2.
    -स्निग्ध a. affection- ately disposed, sincerely attached; भावस्निग्धैरुपकृतमपि द्वेष्यतां याति किंचित् Pt.1.285.
    -भावंगम a. charming, lovely.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > भावः _bhāvḥ

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