1 check
A n1 ( inspection) (for quality, security) contrôle m (on sur) ; security check contrôle de sécurité ; to carry out checks exercer des contrôles ; to give sth a check vérifier qch ; to keep a (close) check on sb/sth surveiller qn/qch (de près) ;3 ( restraint) frein m (on à) ; to put ou place a check on mettre un frein à [immigration, production, growth] ; to hold ou keep sb/sth in check contrôler qn/qch ; to hold oneself in check se maîtriser ;4 ( in chess) in check en échec ; to put the King in check faire échec au roi ; your king is in check échec au roi ;C vtr1 ( for security) vérifier [vehicle, mechanism, fuse] ; contrôler [person, baggage, product, ticket, passport, area] ; to check that/ whether vérifier que/si ; to check the toys for potential dangers vérifier que les jouets ne sont pas dangereux ; they checked the hotel for bombs/gas leaks ils se sont assurés qu'il n'y avait pas de bombe/fuite de gaz dans l'hôtel ;2 (for accuracy, reliability) vérifier [bill, data, statement, terms, signature, banknote] ; contrôler [accounts, invoice, output, work] ; corriger [proofs, spelling, translation] ; to check sth for accuracy vérifier l'exactitude de qch ; to check sth for defects contrôler la qualité de qch ; to check that/whether vérifier que/si ; to check sth against collationner qch avec [original document] ; vérifier qch par rapport à [recorded data, inventory] ; comparer qch avec [signature] ;3 (for health, progress) prendre [temperature, blood pressure] ; tester [reflexes] ; examiner [eyesight] ; to check that/whether vérifier que/si ; to check sb's progress vérifier les progrès de qn ;4 ( inspect) examiner [watch, map, pocket, wallet] ;5 ( find out) vérifier [times, details, information] ; to check if ou whether vérifier si ; to check the availability of sth vérifier si qch est disponible ; I need to check how cold it is/where the station is je dois vérifier s'il fait froid/où se trouve la gare ; to check with sb that demander à qn si ; I had to check with him that it was OK j'ai dû lui demander si ça ne posait pas de problèmes ;6 ( curb) contrôler [price rises, inflation] ; freiner [increase, growth, progress] ; réduire [abuse, emigration, influence] ; démentir [rumour] ; déjouer [plans] ;7 (restrain, keep in) maîtriser [emotions] ; retenir [tears, exclamation] ; she checked an impulse to laugh elle s'est retenue pour ne pas rire ;8 ( stop) arrêter [person, animal, enemy advance, rebellion] ;9 ( in chess) faire échec à [player, chesspiece] ;10 Comput cocher ;11 ( in hockey) bloquer [shot] ;D vi1 ( verify) vérifier (whether, if si) ; to check with sb demander à qn ;2 ( examine) to check for dépister [problems, disease, defects] ; chercher [leaks, flaws, danger signs] ;5 ( in poker) passer.E v refl1 ( restrain) to check oneself se retenir ;2 ( inspect) to check oneself in the mirror se regarder dans la glace.F excl1 ( in chess) check! échec au roi! ;2 ○ US ( expressing agreement) d'ac ○, d'accord.1 Tex [fabric, pattern, garment] à carreaux ;2 Ling [vowel, syllable] entravé.■ check in:▶ check in ( at airport) enregistrer ; ( at hotel) remplir la fiche (at à) ; US ( clock in) pointer (à l'entrée) ;▶ check [sb/sth] in, check in [sb/sth]2 US ( for safekeeping) ( give) mettre [qch] à la consigne [baggage] ; mettre [qch] au vestiaire [coat] ; ( take) [attendant] prendre [qch] en consigne [baggage] ; prendre [qch] au vestiaire [coat].■ check off:▶ check off [sth], check [sth] off cocher [items, names].■ check on:▶ check on [sb/sth]2 ( investigate) faire une enquête sur [person] ; vérifier [information] ; to check on how/whether voir comment/si.■ check out:3 US ( clock out) pointer (à la sortie) ;▶ check out [sth], check [sth] out1 ( investigate) vérifier [information] ; examiner [package, area, building] ; prendre [blood pressure] ; se renseigner sur [club, scheme] ;2 ○ ( try) essayer [place, food] ;3 US ( remove) ( from library) emprunter (from de) ; (from cloakroom, left luggage) retirer (from de) ;▶ check [sb] out, check out [sb]1 ( screen) faire une enquête sur [person] ; he's been checked out il a fait l'objet d'une enquête ;2 ( from hotel) to check out the guests s'occuper des formalités de départ des clients ;■ check over:▶ check [sth] over vérifier [document, wiring, machine] ;▶ check [sth] through1 vérifier [data, work] ;2 US Aviat enregistrer [luggage] ; I've checked her luggage through to Chicago j'ai enregistré ses bagages pour Chicago.■ check up:▶ check up vérifier (that que) ;▶ check up [sth] vérifier [story] ; contrôler [accounts].■ check up on:▶ check up on [sth] vérifier [story, details]. -
2 check
check [t∫ek]1. nouna. ( = examination) contrôle mb. to keep in check [+ emotions] contenir• checks and balances freins mpl et contrepoids mpl (système d'équilibrage des pouvoirs législatif, exécutif et judiciaire aux États-Unis)• check! échec au roi !f. (US) = cheque• I'll have to check whether or if there's an age limit il faudra que je vérifie s'il y a une limite d'âgeb. [+ baggage to be loaded] enregistrerc. ( = stop) [+ enemy] arrêter ; [+ advance] enrayer• to check o.s. se contrôlere. (US) [+ coats] mettre au vestiaire• is Matthew there? -- hold on, I'll just check est-ce que Matthew est là ? -- attends, je vais voir4. compounds[tablecloth, shirt, pattern] à carreaux• your check-in time is half-an-hour before departure présentez-vous à l'enregistrement des bagages une demi-heure avant le départ ► check-out noun caisse f (dans un libre-service)► check in(in hotel) ( = arrive) arriver ; ( = register) remplir une fiche (d'hôtel) ; (at airport) se présenter à l'enregistrement[+ information, time] vérifiera. ( = verify) vérifier* * *I 1. [tʃek]1) ( inspection) (for quality, security) contrôle m (on sur)to keep a (close) check on somebody/something — surveiller quelqu'un/quelque chose (de près)
2) Medicine examen m3) ( restraint) frein m (on à)to put ou place a check on — mettre un frein à [production, growth]
to hold ou keep somebody/something in check — contrôler quelqu'un/quelque chose
4) ( in chess)6) US ( cheque) chèque m7) US ( bill) addition f8) US ( receipt) ticket m2. 3.transitive verb1) ( for security) vérifier [vehicle, mechanism, fuse]; contrôler [person, product, ticket, area]to check that/whether — vérifier que/si
2) (for accuracy, reliability) vérifier [bill, spelling, data, signature, banknote]; contrôler [accounts, invoice, output, work]; corriger [proofs]to check that/whether — vérifier que/si
to check something against — vérifier quelque chose par rapport à [data, inventory]; comparer quelque chose avec [signature]
3) (for health, progress) prendre [temperature, blood pressure]; tester [reflexes]; examiner [eyesight]to check that/whether — vérifier que/si
4) ( inspect) examiner [watch, map, pocket]5) ( find out) vérifier [times, details]6) ( curb) contrôler [price rises, inflation]; freiner [increase, growth, progress]; réduire [abuse, emigration, influence]; démentir [rumour]; déjouer [plans]7) (restrain, keep in) maîtriser [emotions]; retenir [tears]8) ( stop) arrêter [person, enemy, rebellion]9) ( in chess) faire échec à10) US ( for safekeeping) mettre [quelque chose] au vestiaire [coat]; mettre [quelque chose] à la consigne [baggage]11) US ( register) enregistrer [baggage]4.1) ( verify) vérifier2) ( examine)to check for — dépister [problems, disease]; chercher [leaks, flaws]
3) ( register)to check into — arriver à [hotel]
4) US ( tally) [accounts] être exact5. 6.1) ( in chess)2) (colloq) US ( in agreement) d'accord7.checked past participle adjective [fabric, garment] à carreauxPhrasal Verbs:- check in- check on- check upIIUS; = cheque -
3 check
check n1. контрольный полет2. регистрация acceptable check listконтрольный перечень приемкиaerodrome check pointконтрольная точка аэродромаaltimeter check locationплощадка для проверки высотомеровbaggage checkбагажная квитанцияcentral checkосновная стойка регистрацииcheck bearingконтрольный пеленгcheck controlконтрольный кодchecked baggageзарегистрированный багажchecked manoeuvreконтролируемый маневрcheck for leakageпроверять на наличие течиcheck for parallelismпроверять на параллельностьcheck holeконтрольное отверстиеcheck inрегистрироватьсяcheck - in timeвремя начала регистрацииcheck listконтрольный листcheck outвыписыватьсяcheck performancesснимать характеристикиcheck pilotпилот - инспекторcheck pointконтрольный пунктcheck testsконтрольные испытанияcheck the readingпроверять показанияcheck valveобратный клапанcheck wheels downпроверять выпуск шассиcockpit checkпроверка в кабине экипажаcommunication check pointконтрольный пункт связиcompetency checkпроверка уровня квалификацииconcourse checkрегистрация в зале ожиданияend-to-end checkполная проверкаengine check padотбойный щит для опробования двигателейfilling check connectionштуцер контроля заправкиfine maintenance checkоперативная форма технического обслуживанияflight checkпроверка в полетеflight checkedпроверено в полетеflyby checkпроверка в процессе облетаgate checkстойка регистрации у выхода на перронground checkназемная проверкаinstructional check flightучебный проверочный полетmaintenance checkрегламентный работыmandatory checkобязательная проверкаoperational checkэксплуатационная проверкаperfomance check methodметод проверки характеристикperiodic maintenance checkпериодическая форма технического обслуживанияpreflight checkпредполетная проверкаpreflight check locationместо предполетной проверкиproficiency checkпроверка уровня профессиональной подготовкиradio checkпроверка радиосвязиrigging checkнивелировкаserviceability checkпроверка исправностиsound pressure sensitivity checkпроверка чувствительности к звуковому давлениюspot checkвыборочная проверкаtakeoff check listперечень обязательных проверок перед взлетомticket check areaместо проверки билетовtime checkпроверка времениvent check valveобратный клапан дренажной системыwalk-round checkпредполетный осмотр -
4 check
check [tʃek]contrôler ⇒ 1 (a) vérifier ⇒ 1 (a), 2 (a) enrayer ⇒ 1 (b) mettre au vestiaire/à la consigne ⇒ 1 (c) cocher ⇒ 1 (d) correspondre ⇒ 2 (b) contrôle ⇒ 3 (a) enquête ⇒ 3 (b) frein ⇒ 3 (c) échec ⇒ 3 (d) addition ⇒ 3 (e) carreau ⇒ 3 (f) coche ⇒ 3 (g) chèque ⇒ 3 (h)∎ she didn't check her facts before writing the article elle n'a pas vérifié les faits avant d'écrire son article;∎ the figures have to be checked il faut vérifier les chiffres;∎ the doctor checked my blood pressure le médecin a pris ma tension;∎ the inspector checked our tickets le contrôleur a contrôlé nos billets;∎ check these names against the ones on the list vérifie que ces noms sont les mêmes que ceux de la liste(b) (contain, limit → recession, inflation) enrayer; (→ emotions, troops) contenir; (→ urge) réprimer;∎ to check oneself se retenir∎ I'll have to check with the accountant je vais devoir vérifier auprès du comptable;∎ they usually have vacancies, but it's a good idea to check d'ordinaire, ils ont de la place, mais il vaut mieux s'en assurer ou vérifier(b) (correspond) correspondre, s'accorder;∎ his description of the killer checked with forensic evidence sa description du tueur s'accordait avec l'expertise médico-légale(c) (pause, halt) s'arrêter3 noun(a) (examination, inspection) contrôle m, vérification f;∎ the airline ordered checks on all their 747s la compagnie aérienne a ordonné que des contrôles soient faits sur tous ses 747;∎ a routine check une vérification de routine(b) (inquiry, investigation) enquête f;∎ to do or to run a check on sb se renseigner sur qn;∎ to keep a check on sb observer qn(c) (restraint) frein m;∎ the House of Lords acts as a check upon the House of Commons la Chambre des lords met un frein au pouvoir de la Chambre des communes;∎ Politics (a system of) checks and balances (un système d') équilibre m des pouvoirs;∎ he kept or held his anger in check il a contenu ou maîtrisé sa colère;∎ we could no longer hold or keep the enemy in check nous ne pouvions plus contenir l'ennemi∎ in check en échec;∎ check! échec au roi!∎ a skirt in black and white check une jupe à carreaux noirs et blancs∎ put a check next to all the verbs cochez tous les verbes(pattern, skirt) à carreaux►► Computing check bit bit m de contrôle;Computing check box case f de pointage, case f d'option;Computing check byte octet m de contrôle;Computing check digit chiffre m de contrôle ou de vérification, clé f;Marketing check question question f de contrôle, question f filtre;Marketing check sample échantillon m témoin➲ check in(a) (at airport) se présenter à l'enregistrement(b) (at hotel) se présenter à la réception∎ it's a little late, I'd better check in with my parents il se fait tard, il faudrait que je passe un coup de fil à mes parents(a) (at airport → baggage) enregistrer(b) (at hotel) inscrire sur le registre∎ to check in a book at the library rapporter un livre à la bibliothèque∎ to check into a hotel descendre dans un hôtel(names, numbers on list etc) cocher∎ the doctor checked on two patients before leaving le médecin est allé voir deux patients avant de partir;∎ would you mind checking on the baby? tu peux aller voir si le bébé va bien?(b) (investigate → person) enquêter sur, se renseigner sur; (→ information, machine, place) vérifier∎ why don't we check out the restaurant that John told us about? pourquoi ne pas essayer le restaurant dont John nous a parlé?∎ to check sb/sth out mater qn/qch;examiner, vérifier(a) (examine → baggage etc) contrôler, examiner∎ I'd like my luggage checked through to Los Angeles je voudrais faire envoyer directement mes bagages à Los Angeles∎ to check up on sb enquêter ou se renseigner sur qn;∎ if you trusted me you wouldn't check up on me all the time si tu me faisais confiance tu ne serais pas toujours en train de m'espionner;∎ to check up on sth vérifier qch;∎ the social worker checked up on reports of child abuse l'assistante sociale a enquêté sur les allégations de mauvais traitements à enfantⓘ CHECKS AND BALANCES Ce système de contrôle mutuel, garanti par la Constitution, est l'un des principes fondamentaux du gouvernement américain. Il a été élaboré afin que les pouvoirs législatif, exécutif et judiciaire n'accumulent pas trop d'influence les uns par rapport aux autres. -
5 ♦ check
♦ check (1) /tʃɛk/n.1 verifica; controllo; esame; riscontro: to keep a check on st., tenere qc. sotto controllo; tenere d'occhio qc.; monitorare2 freno (fig.); ostacolo; impedimento: Reason acts as a check on feelings, la ragione fa da freno ai sentimenti; The accident was a sudden check to my career, quell'incidente fu un ostacolo improvviso per la mia carriera3 arresto; fermata improvvisa; battuta d'arresto: a check to production, un arresto della produzione12 (stat.) prova● check-back, controllo alla rovescia □ (comput.) check bit, bit di controllo □ (comput.) check box, casella di controllo □ check clerk, controllore; revisore □ (autom.) check control, quadro di controllo elettronico ( sul cruscotto) □ check list ► checklist □ (comput.) check mark, segno di spunta ( la x o altro simbolo all'interno di una casella di controllo selezionata) □ (mecc.) check nut, controdado □ check-till, registratore di cassa ( in un negozio) □ checks and balances, (sistema di) controlli e limitazioni; freni e contrappesi; (polit.) garanzie costituzionali NOTE DI CULTURA: checks and balances: è un sistema di controlli costituzionali negli USA grazie al quale i diversi organi di governo ( Presidente, Congresso e Corte Suprema) limitano reciprocamente i propri poteri. Furono stabiliti dalla Costituzione degli USA, nel 1787. □ (fam. USA) to hand in one's checks, morire; tirare le cuoia (pop.) □ to keep in check, tenere a freno (o sotto controllo).check (2) /tʃɛk/inter.♦ (to) check /tʃɛk/A v. t.1 controllare; verificare; esaminare; ispezionare: to check the accounts, verificare i conti; to check the luggage, controllare i bagagli; to check st. against, verificare qc. confrontandolo con; collazionare qc. con; to check a vase for cracks, controllare un vaso per assicurarsi che non vi siano crepe; to have one's eyes checked, farsi esaminare la vista2 assicurarsi di; verificare l'esistenza, la disponibilità di: to check the availability of seats, verificare la disponibilità di posti; to check with sb. that, chiedere a q. conferma che3 tenere a freno (o sotto controllo); trattenere: Try and check your anger, cerca di tenere a freno l'ira!; I wanted to answer but I checked myself, volevo rispondere ma mi trattenni5 arrestare; fermare; bloccare: At last galloping inflation was checked, finalmente l'inflazione galoppante è stata arrestata7 (antiq.) rimproverare; ammonire12 contrassegnare con quadretti; quadrettare14 (tecn.) screpolare; incrinare15 (comput.) verificare; controllareB v. i. -
6 check out
1) (leave) partireto check out of — pagare il conto e lasciare [ hotel]
2) (be correct) essere corretto, corrispondere4) (investigate) verificare [ information]; ispezionare [package, building]5) colloq. (try) provare [place, food]6) AE (remove) (from library) prendere in prestito; (from cloakroom, left luggage) ritirare; check [sb.] out, check out [sb.] indagare su [ person]* * *1) (to leave (a hotel), paying one's bill etc: You must check out before 12 o'clock.) (lasciare libera la stanza)2) ((especially American) to test: I'll check out your story.) verificare* * *1. vi + adv(from hotel) lasciare la camera e saldare il conto2. vt + adv1) (luggage) ritirare2) (investigate: story) controllare, verificare, (fam: person) prendere informazioni su* * *1) (leave) partireto check out of — pagare il conto e lasciare [ hotel]
2) (be correct) essere corretto, corrispondere4) (investigate) verificare [ information]; ispezionare [package, building]5) colloq. (try) provare [place, food]6) AE (remove) (from library) prendere in prestito; (from cloakroom, left luggage) ritirare; check [sb.] out, check out [sb.] indagare su [ person] -
7 check
check [tʃek]1. n1) контро́ль, прове́рка;loyalty check амер. прове́рка лоя́льности ( государственных служащих)
2) препя́тствие; остано́вка; заде́ржка; отпо́р;without check без заде́ржки, безостано́вочно
3) шахм. шах (употр. тж. как int);the king is in check королю́ объя́влен шах
4) амер. счёт ( в ресторане)5) ярлы́к; бага́жная квита́нция6) амер. фи́шка, ма́рка (в карт. игре)7) поте́ря охо́тничьей соба́кой сле́да8) тре́щина, щель ( в дереве)9) контро́льный ште́мпель; га́лочка ( знак проверки)10) номеро́к ( в гардеробе)12) кле́тка ( на материи); кле́тчатая ткань14) attr. контро́льный;check experiment контро́льный о́пыт
;check ballot прове́рочное голосова́ние
15) attr. кле́тчатый◊to keep ( или to hold) in check сде́рживать
;2. v1) проверя́ть, контроли́ровать2) остана́вливать(ся); сде́рживать; препя́тствовать3) разг. де́лать вы́говор; дава́ть нагоня́й4) шахм. объявля́ть шах5) амер. отмеча́ть га́лочкой6) амер. сдава́ть (в гардероб, в камеру хранения, в багаж и т.п.)check in (тж. check into) регистри́ровать(ся); запи́сывать(ся) (напр. в отеле, в аэропорту); сдава́ть под распи́ску;а) освободи́ть но́мер в гости́нице;б) прове́рить;в) амер. отме́титься при ухо́де с рабо́ты по оконча́нии рабо́чего дня;г) амер. уйти́ в отста́вку;д) радио отстро́иться;check up проверя́ть;check up on наводи́ть спра́вки (о ком-л., чём-л.) -
8 check in
check in (at airport) fare il check-in; (at hotel) registrarsi (at a); AE (clock in) timbrare il cartellino (all'entrata); check [sb., sth.] in, check in [sb., sth.]1) fare il check-in a [baggage, passengers]; registrare [ hotel guest]* * *(to register at a hotel as a guest or at an airport as a passenger: We checked in last night.) registrarsi* * *1. vi + adv2. vt + adv(luggage) registrare, fare il check-in di* * *check in (at airport) fare il check-in; (at hotel) registrarsi (at a); AE (clock in) timbrare il cartellino (all'entrata); check [sb., sth.] in, check in [sb., sth.]1) fare il check-in a [baggage, passengers]; registrare [ hotel guest] -
9 check
- check
- n1. контроль, проверка || контролировать
2. радиальная трещина (в бревне, брусе); поверхностная трещина (в бетоне, окрасочном покрытии), волосная трещина в металле
3. останов
4. поливной чек
- canal check
- channel check
- door check
- graphical check
- routine check
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
10 check-in
check-in nрегистрацияbaggage check-in facilitiesоборудование стойки регистрации багажаcheck-in counterстойка регистрации пассажировcheck-in deskстойка регистрации пассажировcheck-in locationместо регистрацииcheck-in officeпункт оформления пассажиров и багажаcheck-in pointместо регистрацииcheck-in time limitвремя окончания регистрации -
11 check up
check up n chequeo médicov + advto check up (on somebody/something): have you been checking up on me? ¿me has estado vigilando or espiando?; we checked up and found out he was lying hicimos averiguaciones y comprobamos que mentía; can you check up on that? — ¿puedes comprobarlo or confirmarlo?
VT + ADVcan you check up what time the film starts? — ¿puedes confirmar or mirar a qué hora empieza la película?
they never check up to see how much it costs — nunca comprueban or miran cuánto cuesta
* * *v + advto check up (on somebody/something): have you been checking up on me? ¿me has estado vigilando or espiando?; we checked up and found out he was lying hicimos averiguaciones y comprobamos que mentía; can you check up on that? — ¿puedes comprobarlo or confirmarlo?
12 check-out
(a) (in supermarket) caisse f∎ check-out (time) is at 11 a.m. les chambres doivent être libérées avant 11 heures►► American check-out assistant, checkout clerk caissier(ère) m,f;check-out counter caisse f, comptoir-caisse m;check-out display devant m de caisse;check-out girl caissière f;check-out operator caissier(ère) m,f -
13 check-out
1. a) Abreise f (aus einem Hotel)check-out is at 10 die Zimmer müssen um 10 geräumt sein2. Ausstempeln ncheck-out girl Kassiererin f4. TECH Bestehen n eines Tauglichkeitstests:check-out test Tauglichkeitstest m -
14 check out
1) ( leave) partirto check out of — quitter [hotel]
2) ( be correct) être correct3) US ( clock out) pointer (à la sortie)check out [something], check [something] out4) ( investigate) vérifier [information]; examiner [package, building]; se renseigner sur [club, scheme]5) (colloq) ( try) essayercheck [somebody] out, check out [somebody] faire une enquête sur [person] -
15 check
• Check [cheque] Счёт ( в ресторане), чек (в США); препятствие, проверка, контроль (в Англии)* * *STOP, ARREST, CHECK, INTERRUPTПереходный глагол stop означает 'заставить остановиться': to stop a train, to stop a running horse. Stop также означает 'прекратить' (и в этом значении употребляется с герундием); to stop running (talking). Arrest имеет значение 'задержать, приостановить': to arrest a child's development, to arrest the progress of a disease. Check также употребляется в значении 'задержать, приостановить' и может взаимозаменяться с глаголом arrest; check в значении 'прекратить' взаимозаменяется с глаголом stop: to check (to arrest) the advance of the enemy; to check (to stop) the interference. Interrupt соответствует русскому 'прервать': to interrupt the lecture (the lecturer) with a question.Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > check
16 check-out
check-out: equipment check-out вчт. наладка оборудования check-out: equipment check-out вчт. наладка оборудования functional check-out вчт. функциональная проверка program check-out вчт. отладочная проверка -
17 check out
check out а) amer. отметиться при уходе с работы по окончании рабочего дняб) amer. уйти в отставку в) освободить номер в гостинице Has Mr Light checkedout yet? Yes, he left this morning. г) radio отстроиться д) coll. умирать I'mafraid old Charlie has checked out. е) подтверждаться, оправдываться Does hisstory check out? ж) соответствовать Look at the other list and see if thenames check out. з) заканчивать работу The workers in this factory check outat 5.00 и) оформить выдачу или получение чего-л. I'm just going to check thisbook out of the library. -
18 ■ check in
■ check inA v. i. + avv.2 (aeron.) presentarsi all'accettazione; fare il check-in: DIALOGO → - Going on holiday 1- I don't have to check in till 7.30 tomorrow evening, è sufficiente che faccia il check in alle 7:30 di domani sera3 (org. az.) timbrare il cartellino in entrata; montareB v. t. + avv. -
19 check up on
20 check
check 1. контроль, проверка; контролировать, проверять; контрольный, проверочный; 2. задержка; препятствие; приостанавливать, задерживать; препятствоватьcheck on inoculation проверка эффективности зараженияdiagnostic check диагностическое испытаниеexperimental check экспериментальная проверка, проверка на опытеto receive a check иметь задержку (в росте)English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > check
См. также в других словарях:
check — n 1: something that limits or restrains see also checks and balances 2: a written order signed by its maker directing a bank to pay a specified sum to a named person or to that person s order on demand see also negotiable instrument compa … Law dictionary
Check kiting — is the illegal act of taking advantage of the float to make use of non existent funds in a checking or other bank account; it is a form of check fraud. It is commonly defined as intentionally writing a check for a value greater than the account… … Wikipedia
Check Point — Software Technologies Ltd. Lema Aseguramos Internet Tipo Pública (NASDAQ: CHKP) NASDAQ 100 Fundación 1993 … Wikipedia Español
Check-In — am Flughafen Vancouver Der Check in ist der Abfertigungsvorgang für Reisende zur Feststellung der Anwesenheit und zur Feststellung der mitgeführten Gepäckmenge. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Flugreisen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Check in — am Flughafen Vancouver Der Check in ist der Abfertigungsvorgang für Reisende zur Feststellung der Anwesenheit und zur Feststellung der mitgeführten Gepäckmenge. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Flugreisen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Check Point Abra — Check Point GO is a USB drive that combines an encrypted USB flash drive with virtualization, VPN and computer security technologies to turn a PC into a secure corporate desktop. By plugging Check Point GO into the USB port of a Microsoft… … Wikipedia
Check Point — Rechtsform Limited ISIN IL0010824113 Gründung 1993 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Check on It — «Check On It» Сингл Бейонсе при участии Slim Thug из альбома #1 s … Википедия
Check Your Head — Studio album by The Beastie Boys Released April 21, 1992 … Wikipedia
Check on It — Single por Beyoncé con Slim Thug del álbum #1 s, algunas ediciones de B Day Lanzado Diciembre, 2005 … Wikipedia Español
Check — (ch[e^]k), n. [OE. chek, OF. eschec, F. [ e]chec, a stop, hindrance, orig. check in the game of chess, pl. [ e]checs chess, through Ar., fr. Pers. sh[=a]h king. See {Shah}, and cf. {Checkmate}, {Chess}, {Checker}.] 1. (Chess) A word of warning… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English