Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 81 frontwise

    [fr'∧ntwaiz] adj = link=frontway frontway.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > frontwise

  • 82 apron

    1) (a piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt etc: She tied on her apron before preparing the dinner.) avental
    2) (something like an apron in shape, eg a hard surface for aircraft on an airfield.) pavimento
    3) ((also apron-stage) the part of the stage in a theatre which is in front of the curtain.) boca de cena
    * * *
    ['eiprən] n 1 avental. 2 qualquer coisa semelhante a um avental em forma ou uso, avental de cocheiro, fraldinha, mandil, anteparo, pano da chaminé. 3 prega grossa de pele no pescoço e peito dos carneiros. 4 Tech correia sem fim (de uma transportadora). 5 escudo protetor (de máquinas). 6 pranchada (para peça de artilharia). 7 Aeron praça de manobra (em frente do hangar). 8 Theat boca do palco. • vt prover com avental ou coisa equivalente. he is tied to his mother’s apron strings ele está amarrado na barra da saia de sua mãe. he is tied to his wife’s apron strings ele é dominado pela mulher.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > apron

  • 83 breast

    [brest] 1. noun
    1) (either of a woman's two milk-producing glands on the front of the upper body.) peito
    2) (the front of a body between the neck and belly: He clutched the child to his breast; This recipe needs three chicken breasts.) peito
    2. verb
    1) (to face or oppose: breast the waves.) enfrentar
    2) (to come to the top of: As we breasted the hill we saw the enemy in the distance.) chegar ao cume
    - breastfed
    - breaststroke
    * * *
    [brest] n 1 peito, tórax. 2 peitilho. 3 parte dianteira, parte superior. 4 seio, mama, teta. she gives her child the breast / ela amamenta seu filho. 5 sentimentos. • vt enfrentar, opor-se a. he breasted the waves / ele atirou-se contra as ondas. a child at breast uma criança ao seio. he made a clean breast of it ele confessou tudo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > breast

  • 84 face

    [feis] 1. noun
    1) (the front part of the head, from forehead to chin: a beautiful face.) rosto
    2) (a surface especially the front surface: a rock face.) superfície
    3) (in mining, the end of a tunnel etc where work is being done: a coal face.) frente
    2. verb
    1) (to be opposite to: My house faces the park.) dar para
    2) (to turn, stand etc in the direction of: She faced him across the desk.) enfrentar
    3) (to meet or accept boldly: to face one's fate.) enfrentar
    - - faced
    - facial
    - facing
    - facecloth
    - facelift
    - face-powder
    - face-saving
    - face value
    - at face value
    - face the music
    - face to face
    - face up to
    - in the face of
    - lose face
    - make/pull a face
    - on the face of it
    - put a good face on it
    - save one's face
    * * *
    [feis] n 1 face: a) cara, rosto. b) fisionomia, semblante. c) careta. d) Poet presença. 2 aspecto: a) vista, configuração, aparência. b) situação ou estado de certos assuntos, idéias ou questões. 3 expressão de atitude moral: a) descaramento, audácia, atrevimento. b) dignidade, prestígio. 4 parte principal ou dianteira de alguma coisa: a) frente. b) fachada, paramento de parede. c) parte anterior de uma pedra aparelhada. d) lugar de extração numa galeria de mina. e) Tech espelho. 5 parte principal ou lateral de alguma coisa: a) anverso de cristais ou moedas. b) mostrador de relógio. c) Typogr olho de tipo. d) Geol fácies. e) Geom face, superfície de um sólido plano. f) face (de porca). g) corte (de lâmina, faca, etc.). • vt 1 encarar, enfrentar, afrontar, apresentar-se. he must face the facts / ele tem de encarar os fatos. 2 fazer face a, opor-se, resistir. to face the enemy / encarar (ou enfrentar) o inimigo. 3 ficar em frente de. the window faces the garden / a janela dá para o jardim. 4 defrontar-se com. to be faced with ruin / estar diante da derrota, da destruição, da falência. 5 virar de face para cima (por exemplo, cartas). 6 orientar uma casa em relação aos pontos cardeais. 7 voltar-se para, estar com a frente para. 8 Tech facear, fazer faces ou lados em, polir. about face! meia-volta volver! before my face diante dos meus olhos. boldface Typogr negrito. for his fair face pelos seus lindos olhos. full face vista de frente. half face perfil. in face of mediante. in the face of diante de, em face de, em virtude de. in the face of the day às claras, abertamente. left face! à esquerda volver! on the face of it a julgar pela aparência. right face! à direita volver! she made up her face ela maquilou o rosto. to carry two faces ter duas caras, ser ambíguo. to face about, left, right fazer meia-volta, esquerda volver, direita volver. to face down 1 alisar. 2 fig suster com audácia ou imprudência. to face out persistir descaradamente. to face out a lie mentir desavergonhadamente. to face the music Amer enfrentar as conseqüências, aceitar o inevitável destemidamente. to face up to enfrentar corajosamente. to flee from someone’s face fugir de alguém. to fly into one’s face atacar alguém. to fly into the face of decency pecar contra a decência. to have a face of fingir. to have the face to do something ter o atrevimento de fazer alguma coisa. to look a person in the face encarar alguém. to lose face desprestigiar-se, ser humilhado. to make a face fazer caretas. to put a good (bold) face on enfrentar algo com coragem. to put a new face on dar novo aspecto. to save one’s face salvar as aparências. to set one’s face against opor-se tenazmente. to shut the door in a person’s face bater a porta na cara de alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > face

  • 85 forward

    ['fo:wəd] 1. adjective
    1) (moving on; advancing: a forward movement.) para a frente
    2) (at or near the front: The forward part of a ship is called the `bows'.) dianteiro
    2. adverb
    1) ((also forwards) moving towards the front: A pendulum swings backward(s) and forward(s).) para diante
    2) (to a later time: from this time forward.) em diante
    3. noun
    ((in certain team games, eg football, hockey) a player in a forward position.) atacante
    4. verb
    (to send (letters etc) on to another address: I have asked the post office to forward my mail.) fazer seguir
    * * *
    [f'ɔ:wəd] n Sport, Ftb dianteiro, atacante. • vt 1 despachar, enviar, mandar, expedir, transmitir, remeter (carta) a novo endereço. 2 ajudar, promover, favorecer, apressar, ativar, animar, incentivar, fomentar, secundar, desenvolver, fazer crescer. • adj 1 dianteiro, anterior, que está ou vai adiante, de proa. 2 Com a termo, futuro, para entrega futura. 3 adiantado, avançado, temporão, precoce, prematuro. she is forward for her age / ela é precoce para a sua idade. 4 radical, avançado, extremo. 5 pronto, disposto, ansioso, solícito, ardente, fervoroso, zeloso. he knew his lesson and was forward with his answers / ele sabia sua lição e estava pronto com a resposta. 6 petulante, imodesto, insolente, presunçoso, arrogante, precipitado, ousado, atrevido, adiantado. • adv 1 adiante, para diante, avante, para a frente. 2 para a frente, para lugar proeminente, em evidência. backwards and forwards de um lado para outro, para cá e para lá. balance carried forward Com balanço de entrada. forward opinions opiniões avançadas. freight/ freightage forward frete pago na entrega. from that time forward desde então, para cá. from this time/ day forward de ora em diante, de hoje em diante. the forward part of a ship paravante. to be forwarded remeter ao novo endereço. to bring forward apresentar, chamar a atenção para. to carry forward Com transportar soma de uma página para a outra. to come forward apresentar-se, adiantar-se. to date forward pós-datar. to go forward ir para diante, avançar. to look forward to esperar, aguardar, antegozar. to put a clock/ watch forward adiantar o relógio. to put forward pôr em evidência. to put oneself forward pôr-se em evidência. to run forward correr para a frente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forward

  • 86 frontage

    noun (the front part of a building etc.) fachada
    * * *
    [fr'∧ntidʒ] n 1 frente, fachada, frontaria. 2 divisa frontal (de um terreno), comprimento da fachada ou linha frontal de um terreno. 3 lado para o qual a fachada ou a linha frontal faz face. 4 terra que faz frente com rua, rio, etc. 5 terreno entre a casa e a rua, rio, etc.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > frontage

  • 87 head

    [hed] 1. noun
    1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) cabeça
    2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) cabeça
    3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) cabeça
    4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) chefe
    5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) cabeça
    6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) nascente
    7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) topo
    8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) frente
    9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) cabeça
    10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) director
    11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) por cabeça
    12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) promontório
    13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) colar
    2. verb
    1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) encabeçar
    2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) dirigir
    3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) dirigir-se
    4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) encabeçar
    5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) cabecear
    - - headed
    - header
    - heading
    - heads
    - headache
    - headband
    - head-dress
    - headfirst
    - headgear
    - headlamp
    - headland
    - headlight
    - headline
    - headlines
    - headlong
    - head louse
    - headmaster
    - head-on
    - headphones
    - headquarters
    - headrest
    - headscarf
    - headsquare
    - headstone
    - headstrong
    - headwind
    - above someone's head
    - go to someone's head
    - head off
    - head over heels
    - heads or tails?
    - keep one's head
    - lose one's head
    - make head or tail of
    - make headway
    - off one's head
    * * *
    [hed] n 1 cabeça. 2 cabeça de prego, de alfinete, de martelo, etc. 3 o que, pela sua forma, dá idéia de cabeça (p ex: cabeça de alho). 4 parte superior ou mais importante, ponta, topo, alto. 5 parte frontal, proa de um navio, vanguarda de tropas. 6 promontório, cabo. 7 face de uma medalha ou moeda. 8 lugar de honra ou de comando. 9 pessoa principal, chefe, diretor. 10 pessoa, indivíduo. 11 unidade (de gado), cabeça. 12 vida. 13 cabeçalho. 14 tópico, assunto. 15 categoria, divisão. 16 culminação, crise. 17 parte amadurecida de uma úlcera. 18 espuma de cerveja (colarinho). 19 pressão de água com vapor (para fins industriais). 20 isenção às restrições, liberdade de ação. 21 raciocínio, inteligência. 22 Mus couro do tambor. 23 parte superior ou inferior de um barril. 24 aumento gradual de força, impulso. 25 fonte, nascente (de um rio). 26 cabeceira (cama). • vt+vi 1 encabeçar, liderar, chefiar, dirigir. 2 ser ou formar cabeça. 3 prover de cabeça. 4 ser ou pôr cabeçalho. 5 ir na dianteira. 6 podar (árvores). 7 opor, enfrentar, deter, interceptar. 8 Ftb cabecear. • adj 1 na cabeceira, vanguarda ou ponta. 2 que vem da frente. 3 principal, dirigente, comandante. from head to foot dos pés à cabeça. head and ears totalmente. head and shoulders above muito superior ou muito acima de. head over heels a) de pernas para o ar. b) precipitadamente. he is off his head ele perdeu a cabeça. I make neither head nor tail of it não sei o que pensar a respeito. out of one’s own head a) de invenção própria. b) de livre vontade. over one’s head a) além da compreensão. b) superior em autoridade. peanut head sl cabeça-de-bagre. the ship could not make head against the wind o navio não conseguiu progredir contra o vento. the wind heads us temos vento desfavorável. to come to a head a) maturar, amadurecer. b) atingir o ponto culminante. c) formar pus. to give one his head dar liberdade ou licença a alguém. to go to one’s head subir à cabeça, envaidecer, deixar tonto. to head for mover-se em direção a, ir para, rumar, seguir. to lose one’s head perder a cabeça, o controle. to turn one’s head a) afetar. b) deixar tonto. c) deixar convencido, orgulhoso.
    [hed] n sl 1 viciado em drogas pesadas. 2 ressaca. 3 a cabeça do pênis.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > head

  • 88 head-on

    adverb, adjective ((usually of cars etc) with the front of one car etc hitting the front of another car etc: a head-on collision; The two cars crashed head-on.) frontal
    * * *
    [hed 'ɔn] adj, adv frontal, de frente. a headon collision / uma colisão de frente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > head-on

  • 89 warm

    [wo:m] 1. adjective
    1) (moderately, or comfortably, hot: Are you warm enough, or shall I close the window?; a warm summer's day.) quente
    2) ((of clothes) protecting the wearer from the cold: a warm jumper.) quente
    3) (welcoming, friendly, enthusiastic etc: a warm welcome; a warm smile.) caloroso
    4) (tending to make one hot: This is warm work!) que dá calor
    5) ((of colours) enriched by a certain quantity of red or pink, or (of red etc) rich and bright: a warm red; I don't want white walls - I want something warmer.) quente
    2. verb
    1) (to make moderately hot: He warmed his hands in front of the fire.) aquecer
    2) (to become friendly (towards) or enthusiastic (about): She warmed to his charm.) começar a gostar
    3. noun
    (an act of warming: Give your hands a warm in front of the fire.) passagem no calor
    - warmness
    - warmth
    - warm-blooded
    - warmed-over
    - warmhearted
    - warmheartedness
    - warm up
    * * *
    [wɔ:m] n aquecimento. you must have a warm / você precisa aquecer-se. give your hands a warm / esquente as suas mãos. • vt+vi 1 aquecer(-se), esquentar, aquentar. we were warming ourselves by the fire / estivemos nos aquecendo ao fogo. 2 acalorar(-se), avivar(-se), animar(-se), interessar-se, tornar interessante, entusiasmar-se. 3 enternecer-se. 4 causar satisfação ou prazer. • adj 1 quente, cálido, morno, tépido, aquecido, aquentado. 2 cordial, afetuoso, fervoroso, amoroso, apaixonado, ardente. 3 excitado, animado, entusiasmado, acalorado, vivo. 4 vigoroso (descarga de artilharia). 5 zangado, irado, encolerizado. 6 que aquece. 7 terno, generoso. 8 seguro, confortável. 9 recente, fresco (rasto). 10 coll quente, perto, próximo (do que se procura). 11 perigoso. 12 quente (cores, como vermelho, amarelo, alaranjado). 13 coll rico, abastado. to warm up a) animar-se. b) fig incitar, instigar. c) fazer exercício ligeiro antes do jogo para aquecimento. to warm (up) again requentar (comida).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > warm

  • 90 apron

    1) (a piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt etc: She tied on her apron before preparing the dinner.) avental
    2) (something like an apron in shape, eg a hard surface for aircraft on an airfield.) pátio de manobra
    3) ((also apron-stage) the part of the stage in a theatre which is in front of the curtain.) boca de cena

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > apron

  • 91 breast

    [brest] 1. noun
    1) (either of a woman's two milk-producing glands on the front of the upper body.) seio
    2) (the front of a body between the neck and belly: He clutched the child to his breast; This recipe needs three chicken breasts.) peito
    2. verb
    1) (to face or oppose: breast the waves.) enfrentar
    2) (to come to the top of: As we breasted the hill we saw the enemy in the distance.) chegar ao cume
    - breastfed - breaststroke

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > breast

  • 92 face

    [feis] 1. noun
    1) (the front part of the head, from forehead to chin: a beautiful face.) rosto
    2) (a surface especially the front surface: a rock face.) face
    3) (in mining, the end of a tunnel etc where work is being done: a coal face.) frente de trabalho
    2. verb
    1) (to be opposite to: My house faces the park.) dar de frente para
    2) (to turn, stand etc in the direction of: She faced him across the desk.) encarar
    3) (to meet or accept boldly: to face one's fate.) enfrentar
    - - faced
    - facial - facing - facecloth - facelift - face-powder - face-saving - face value - at face value - face the music - face to face - face up to - in the face of - lose face - make/pull a face - on the face of it - put a good face on it - save one's face

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > face

  • 93 forward

    ['fo:wəd] 1. adjective
    1) (moving on; advancing: a forward movement.) para a frente
    2) (at or near the front: The forward part of a ship is called the `bows'.) dianteiro
    2. adverb
    1) ((also forwards) moving towards the front: A pendulum swings backward(s) and forward(s).) para a frente
    2) (to a later time: from this time forward.) em diante
    3. noun
    ((in certain team games, eg football, hockey) a player in a forward position.) atacante
    4. verb
    (to send (letters etc) on to another address: I have asked the post office to forward my mail.) expedir

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > forward

  • 94 head

    [hed] 1. noun
    1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) cabeça
    2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) cabeça
    3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) cabeça
    4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) cabeça, chefe
    5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) cabeça
    6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) nascente
    7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) topo, cabeceira
    8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) frente
    9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) cabeça
    10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) chefe
    11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) (por) pessoa, (por) cabeça
    12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) promontório
    13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) colarinho
    2. verb
    1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) encabeçar
    2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) encabeçar
    3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) rumar para
    4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) intitular
    5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) cabecear
    - - headed
    - header - heading - heads - headache - headband - head-dress - headfirst - headgear - headlamp - headland - headlight - headline - headlines - headlong - head louse - headmaster - head-on - headphones - headquarters - headrest - headscarf - headsquare - headstone - headstrong - headwind - above someone's head - go to someone's head - head off - head over heels - heads or tails? - keep one's head - lose one's head - make head or tail of - make headway - off one's head

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > head

  • 95 head-on

    adverb, adjective ((usually of cars etc) with the front of one car etc hitting the front of another car etc: a head-on collision; The two cars crashed head-on.) de frente

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > head-on

  • 96 warm

    [wo:m] 1. adjective
    1) (moderately, or comfortably, hot: Are you warm enough, or shall I close the window?; a warm summer's day.) quente
    2) ((of clothes) protecting the wearer from the cold: a warm jumper.) quente
    3) (welcoming, friendly, enthusiastic etc: a warm welcome; a warm smile.) caloroso
    4) (tending to make one hot: This is warm work!) que esquenta
    5) ((of colours) enriched by a certain quantity of red or pink, or (of red etc) rich and bright: a warm red; I don't want white walls - I want something warmer.) quente
    2. verb
    1) (to make moderately hot: He warmed his hands in front of the fire.) aquecer, esquentar
    2) (to become friendly (towards) or enthusiastic (about): She warmed to his charm.) animar-se
    3. noun
    (an act of warming: Give your hands a warm in front of the fire.) esquentada
    - warmness - warmth - warm-blooded - warmed-over - warmhearted - warmheartedness - warm up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > warm

  • 97 Venetian blind

    (a window blind made of thin, movable, horizontal strips of wood, metal or plastic: We have put up Venetian blinds to stop our neighbours looking in our front windows.) veneziana
    * * *
    Ve.ne.tian blind
    [vini:ʃən bl'aind] n veneziana.
    Venetian blind

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Venetian blind

  • 98 affront

    1. noun
    (an insult, usually one made in public: His remarks were obviously intended as an affront to her.) insulto
    2. verb
    (to insult or offend: We were affronted by the offhand way in which they treated us.) insultar
    * * *
    [əfr'∧nt] n 1 afronta, injúria, insulto. 2 ofensa, provocação, desrespeito. • vt 1 ofender, insultar, injuriar. 2 enfrentar de modo desafiador.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > affront

  • 99 affronted

    [əfr'∧ntid] adj insultado, ofendido publicamente, injuriado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > affronted

  • 100 affronter

    [əfr'∧ntə] n o que afronta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > affronter

См. также в других словарях:

  • front — [ frɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1080; lat. frons I ♦ 1 ♦ Partie supérieure de la face humaine, comprise entre les sourcils et la racine des cheveux, et s étendant d une tempe à l autre. Un front haut, élevé, large, bombé, fuyant. Les rides du front. Cheveux sur …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • front — FRONT. s. m. La partie du visage qui est depuis la racine des cheveux jusqu aux sourcils. Grand front. large front. front elevé. front ouvert. front serein. front descouvert. front majestueux. on lit sur son front, on voit sur son front. avoir… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • FRONT TV — FRONT is an international broadcast design and branding firm for television, film and interactive media. FRONT specializes in creative thinking, network branding, station IDS, film titles, 2D 3D animation, web, print, and sound design. FRONT is… …   Wikipedia

  • Front — (fr[u^]nt), n. [F. frant forehead, L. frons, frontis; perh. akin to E. brow.] 1. The forehead or brow, the part of the face above the eyes; sometimes, also, the whole face. [1913 Webster] Bless d with his father s front, his mother s tongue. Pope …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • front — FRONT, fronturi, s.n. 1. Loc unde se dau lupte militare în timp de război; totalitatea forţelor militare care operează pe câmpul de luptă sub o comandă unică. ♢ expr. A rupe (sau a sparge) frontul = a rupe linia de apărare a inamicului, a… …   Dicționar Român

  • Front — may refer to:* The Front , a 1976 film * The Hybrid Front, a Sega Mega Drive strategy game * The Front (The Simpsons episode) * Front (identity) for a blacklisted artist * Front (magazine) * Front (military), an area where armies are engaged in… …   Wikipedia

  • front — ► NOUN 1) the side or part of an object that presents itself to view or that is normally seen first. 2) the position directly ahead. 3) the forward facing part of a person s body. 4) any face of a building, especially that of the main entrance:… …   English terms dictionary

  • Front — Front, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fronted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Fronting}.] 1. To oppose face to face; to oppose directly; to meet in a hostile manner. [1913 Webster] You four shall front them in the narrow lane. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To appear before;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • front — front1 [frunt] n. [ME < OFr < L frons (gen. frontis), forehead, front < IE * bhren , to project > OE brant, steep, high] 1. Now Rare a) the forehead b) the face; countenance 2. a) attitude or appearance, as of the face, indicati …   English World dictionary

  • Front — Front …   Wikipedia Español

  • Front — Sf Vorderseite, vordere Reihe std. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. front m., dieses aus l. frōns (frontis) Stirn, vordere Linie . Das Substantiv im Deutschen weitgehend festgelegt auf vorderste Kriegslinie . Adjektiv: frontal.    Ebenso… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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