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  • 1 Time

    Time of day: P. and V. ὥρα, ἡ; hour.
    What time is it? Ar. and P. πηνκα ἐστί;
    About what time died he? Ar. πηνίκʼ ἄττʼ ἀπώλετο; (Av. 1514).
    Generally; P. and V. χρόνος, ὁ, V. ἡμέρα, ἡ.
    Time of life: Ar. and P. ἡλικία, ἡ, V. αἰών, ὁ.
    Occasion: P. and V. καιρός, ὁ.
    Generation: P. and V. αἰών, ὁ, Ar. and P. ἡλικία, ἡ.
    Time for: P. and V. ὥρα, ἡ (gen. or infin.), καιρός, ὁ (gen. or infin.), ἀκμή, ἡ (gen. or infin.).
    Delay: P. and V. μονή, ἡ, τριβή, ἡ, διατριβή, ἡ; see Delay.
    Leisure: P. and V. σχολή, ἡ.
    Want of time: P. ἀσχολία, ἡ.
    There is time, opportunity, v.: P. ἐγχωρεῖ.
    It is open: P. and V. παρέχει, ἔξεστι, πρεστι.
    After a time, after an interval: P. and V. διὰ χρόνου.
    Eventually: P. and V. χρόνῳ, V. χρόνῳ ποτέ, σὺν χρόνῳ, ἐν χρόνῳ. See
    ing my friend after a long time: V. χρόνιον εἰσιδὼν φίλον (Eur., Cr. 475).
    As time went on: P. χρόνου ἐπιγιγνομένου (Thuc. 1, 126).
    At another time: P. and V. ἄλλοτε.
    At times, sometimes: P. and V. ἐνίοτε (Eur., Hel. 1213), V. ἔσθʼ ὅτε, P. ἔστιν ὅτε.
    At one time: see Once.
    At one time... at another: P. and V. τότε... ἄλλοτε, Ar. and P. τότε μέν... τότε δέ, ποτὲ μεν... ποτὲ δέ.
    At the present time: P. and V. νῦν; see Now.
    At some time or other: P. and V. ποτε ( enclitic).
    At times I would have ( food) for the day, at others not: V. ποτὲ μὲν ἐπʼ ἦμαρ εἶχον, εἶτʼ οὐκ εἶχον ἄν (Eur., Phoen. 401).
    At the time of: P. παρά (acc.).
    To enforce the punishment due by law at the time of the commission of the offences: P. ταῖς ἐκ τῶν νόμων τιμωρίαις παρʼ αὐτὰ τἀδικήματα χρῆσθαι (Dem. 229).
    At that time: see Then.
    At what time? P. and V. πότε;
    At what hour? Ar. and P. πηνκα; indirect, Ar. and P. ὅποτε, P. and V. ὁπηνκα.
    For a time: P. and V. τέως.
    For all time: P. and V. εί, δι τέλους; see for ever, under Over.
    For the third time: P. and V. τρτον, P. τὸ τρίτον.
    From time immemorial: P. ἐκ παλαιτάτου.
    From time to time: P. and V. εί.
    Have time, v.: P. and V. σχολάζειν, σχολὴν ἔχειν.
    In time, after a time: P. and V. διὰ χρόνου, χρόνῳ, V. χρόνῳ ποτέ, σὺν χρόνῳ, ἐν χρόνῳ.
    At the right moment: P. and V. καιρῷ, ἐν καιρῷ, εἰς καιρὸν, καιρίως (Xen.), εἰς δέον, ἐν τῷ δέοντι, ἐν καλῷ, εἰς καλόν, V. πρὸς καιρόν, πρὸς τὸ καίριον, ἐν δέοντι; see Seasonably.
    They wanted to get the work done in time: P. ἐβούλοντο φθῆναι ἐξεργασάμενοι (Thuc. 8, 92).
    In the time of: Ar. and P. ἐπ (gen.).
    Lose time, v.: see waste time.
    Save time: use P. and V. θάσσων εἶναι ( be quicker).
    Take time, be long: P. and V. χρονίζειν, χρόνιος εἶναι,
    involve delay: use P. μέλλησιν ἔχειν.
    It will take time: P. χρόνος ἐνέσται.
    To another time, put off to another time: P. and V. εἰς αὖθις ποτθεσθαι.
    Waste time, v.: P. and V. μέλλειν, χρονίζειν,σχολάζειν,τρβειν, βραδνειν, Ar. and P. διατρβειν: see Delay.
    Times, the present: P. and V. τὰ νῦν, P. τὰ νῦν καθεστῶτα.
    Many times: P. and V. πολλκις.
    Three times: P. and V. τρς.
    A thousand times wiser: V. μυρίῳ σοφώτερος (Eur., And. 701); see under thousand.
    How many times as much? adj.: P. ποσαπλάσιος; four times as much: P. τετραπλάσιος, τετράκις τοσοῦτος (Plat., Men. 83B).
    Four times four are sixteen: P. τεττάρων τετράκις ἐστὶν ἑκκαίδεκα (Plat., Men. 83C).
    How many feet are three times three? τρεῖς τρὶς πόσοι εἰσὶ πόδες; (Plat., Men. 83E).
    Rhythm: P. and V. ῥυθμός, ὁ.
    Keeping time, adj.: Ar. and P. εὔρυθμος.
    Give the time ( to rowers), v.: P. κελεύειν (dat.).
    One who gives the time ( to rowers): P. and V. κελευστής, ὁ.
    v. trans.
    Arrange P. and V. τθεσθαι.
    Measure: P. and V. μετρεῖν.
    Well-timed, adj.: see Timely.
    Ill-timed: P. and V. καιρος.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Time

  • 2 time

    1. noun
    1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) ώρα
    2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) χρόνος
    3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) καιρός, ώρα
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') (διαθέσιμος) χρόνος
    5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) κατάλληλη στιγμή / περίσταση
    6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) φορά
    7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) περίοδος, στιγμή
    8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) χρόνος, ρυθμός
    2. verb
    1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) χρονομετρώ
    2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) επιλέγω το χρόνο, διαλέγω την ώρα μου (για)
    - timelessly
    - timelessness
    - timely
    - timeliness
    - timer
    - times
    - timing
    - time bomb
    - time-consuming
    - time limit
    - time off
    - time out
    - timetable
    - all in good time
    - all the time
    - at times
    - be behind time
    - for the time being
    - from time to time
    - in good time
    - in time
    - no time at all
    - no time
    - one
    - two at a time
    - on time
    - save
    - waste time
    - take one's time
    - time and time again
    - time and again

    English-Greek dictionary > time

  • 3 knock off

    (to stop working: I knocked off at six o'clock after studying for four hours; What time do you knock off in this factory?) σταματώ (τη δουλειά)

    English-Greek dictionary > knock off

  • 4 quarter

    ['kwo:tə] 1. noun
    1) (one of four equal parts of something which together form the whole (amount) of the thing: There are four of us, so we'll cut the cake into quarters; It's (a) quarter past / (American) after four; In the first quarter of the year his firm made a profit; The shop is about a quarter of a mile away; an hour and a quarter; two and a quarter hours.) τέταρτο
    2) (in the United States and Canada, (a coin worth) twenty-five cents, the fourth part of a dollar.) κέρμα 25 σεντς, ένα τέταρτο του δολαρίου
    3) (a district or part of a town especially where a particular group of people live: He lives in the Polish quarter of the town.) συνοικία
    4) (a direction: People were coming at me from all quarters.) πλευρά, σημείο
    5) (mercy shown to an enemy.) έλεος (σε ηττημένο εχθρό)
    6) (the leg of a usually large animal, or a joint of meat which includes a leg: a quarter of beef; a bull's hindquarters.) τέταρτο σφαγίου
    7) (the shape of the moon at the end of the first and third weeks of its cycle; the first or fourth week of the cycle itself.) τέταρτο σελήνης
    8) (one of four equal periods of play in some games.) τέταρτο παιχνιδιού
    9) (a period of study at a college etc usually 10 to 12 weeks in length.) τρίμηνο, τριμηνία
    2. verb
    1) (to cut into four equal parts: We'll quarter the cake and then we'll all have an equal share.) κόβω στα τέσσερα
    2) (to divide by four: If we each do the work at the same time, we could quarter the time it would take to finish the job.) διαιρώ δια τέσσερα
    3) (to give (especially a soldier) somewhere to stay: The soldiers were quartered all over the town.) παρέχω κατάλυμα, στρατωνίζω
    3. adverb
    (once every three months: We pay our electricity bill quarterly.) ανά τρίμηνο
    4. noun
    (a magazine etc which is published once every three months.) τριμηνιαίο περιοδικό
    - quarter-deck
    - quarter-final
    - quarter-finalist
    - quartermaster
    - at close quarters

    English-Greek dictionary > quarter

  • 5 night

    1) (the period from sunset to sunrise: We sleep at night; They talked all night (long); He travelled by night and rested during the day; The days were warm and the nights were cool; ( also adjective) He is doing night work.) νύχτα
    2) (the time of darkness: In the Arctic in winter, night lasts for twenty-four hours out of twenty-four.) νύχτα
    - night-club
    - nightdress
    - nightgown
    - nightfall
    - nightmare
    - nightmarish
    - night-school
    - night shift
    - night-time
    - night-watchman

    English-Greek dictionary > night

  • 6 Last

    Shoemaker's last: P. καλάπους, ὁ.
    Of time or position: P. and V. τελευταῖος, ἔσχατος, ὕστατος, V. λοίσθιος, λοῖσθος.
    The very last: Ar. and V. πανύστατος.
    Of degree: P. and V. ἔσχατος, τελευταῖος.
    At last: P. and V. τέλος, V. εἰς τέλος, Ar. and P. τὸ τελευταῖον, or use P. and V. τελευτῶν, agreeing with subject.
    A blow would have been dealt at last: V. κἂν ἐγίγνετο πληγὴ τελευτῶσα (Soph., Ant. 260).
    After a time: P. and V. διὰ χρόνου, χρόνῳ, V. χρόνῳ ποτέ, σὺν χρόνῳ, ἐν χρόνῳ.
    Breathe one's last: P. ἀποψύχειν (Thuc.). V. ἐκπνεῖν, ἐκπνεῖν βίον, ἐκπνεῖν ψυχήν, ποψυχεῖν βίον; see also Die.
    For the last time: P. and V. ὕστατον, ἔσχατον, Ar. and V. πανύστατον, V. πανύστατα.
    To the last: P. εἰς τοὔσχατον (Thuc. 3, 46).
    Last night: V. ἡδὲ νύξ, ἡ νῦν νύξ, P. ἡ παρελθοῦσα νύξ.
    Last year: Ar. and P. πέρυσι(ν).
    Last year's: Ar. and P. περυσινός.
    The year before last: P. προπέρυσι.
    Last winter: P. τοῦ προτέρου χειμῶνος.
    For about the last four hundred years the Lacedaemonians have enjoyed the same constitution: P. ἔτη ἐστι μάλιστα τετρακόσια... ἀφʼ οὗ οἱ Λακεδαιμόνοι τῇ αὑτῇ πολιτείᾳ χρῶνται (Thuc. 1, 18).
    In the last few days: P. ἐν ταῖσδε ταῖς ὀλίγαις ἡμέραις (Plat., Crito, 49A).
    For the last ten years I have wasted in misery: V. ἀπόλλυμαι τάλας ἔτος τόδʼ ἤδη δέκατον (Soph., Phil. 311).
    Last offices to the dead: P. τὰ νομιζόμενα, V. κτερίσματα, τὰ, τὰ πρόσφορα.
    Pay last offices to, v.: V. γαπᾶν (acc.) (Eur. Supp. 764; Hel. 937), γαπάζειν (Eur., Phoen. 1327), P. νομιζόμενα ποιεῖν (dat.).
    v. intrans.
    P. and V. μένειν, παραμένειν, ἀντέχειν, P. συμμένειν. V. ζῆν, Ar. and P. διαγίγνεσθαι,
    Hold good: P. and V. ἐμμένειν.
    Be prolonged: P. and V. χρονίζεσθαι, V. χρονίζειν.
    V. trans. Suffice: P. and V. ἀρκεῖν (dat.), ἐξαρκεῖν (dat.); see Suffice.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Last

  • 7 every

    1) (each one of or all (of a certain number): Every room is painted white; Not every family has a car.) κάθε,όλοι
    2) (each (of an indefinite number or series): Every hour brought the two countries nearer war; He attends to her every need.) κάθε
    3) (the most absolute or complete possible: We have every reason to believe that she will get better.) κάθε
    4) (used to show repetition after certain intervals of time or space: I go to the supermarket every four or five days; Every second house in the row was bright pink; `Every other day' means èvery two days' or `on alternate days'.) κάθε
    - everyone
    - everyday
    - everything
    - everywhere
    - every bit as
    - every now and then / every now and again / every so often
    - every time

    English-Greek dictionary > every

  • 8 half

    1. plural - halves; noun
    1) (one of two equal parts of anything: He tried to stick the two halves together again; half a kilo of sugar; a kilo and a half of sugar; one and a half kilos of sugar.) μισό
    2) (one of two equal parts of a game (eg in football, hockey) usually with a break between them: The Rangers scored three goals in the first half.) ημίχρονο
    2. adjective
    1) (being (equal to) one of two equal parts (of something): a half bottle of wine.)
    2) (being made up of two things in equal parts: A centaur is a mythical creature, half man and half horse.)
    3) (not full or complete: a half smile.)
    3. adverb
    1) (to the extent of one half: This cup is only half full; It's half empty.) ως τη μέση,μισο-
    2) (almost; partly: I'm half hoping he won't come; half dead from hunger.) σχεδόν,μισο-
    - halve
    - half-and-half
    - half-back
    - half-brother
    - half-sister
    - half-caste
    - half-hearted
    - half-heartedly
    - half-heartedness
    - half-holiday
    - half-hourly
    - half-term
    - half-time
    - half-way
    - half-wit
    - half-witted
    - half-yearly
    - at half mast
    - by half
    - do things by halves
    - go halves with
    - half past three
    - four
    - seven
    - in half
    - not half

    English-Greek dictionary > half

  • 9 make a meal of (something)

    (to take more than the necessary amount of time or trouble over (something) or make (it) seem more complicated than it really is: He really made a meal of that job - it took him four hours!) τραβώ σε μάκρος

    English-Greek dictionary > make a meal of (something)

  • 10 make a meal of (something)

    (to take more than the necessary amount of time or trouble over (something) or make (it) seem more complicated than it really is: He really made a meal of that job - it took him four hours!) τραβώ σε μάκρος

    English-Greek dictionary > make a meal of (something)

  • 11 quadruplet

    (( abbreviation quad [kwod]) one of four children born at the same time to one mother.) τετράδυμο

    English-Greek dictionary > quadruplet

  • 12 run

    1. present participle - running; verb
    1) ((of a person or animal) to move quickly, faster than walking: He ran down the road.) τρέχω
    2) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) κυλώ
    3) ((of water etc) to flow: Rivers run to the sea; The tap is running.) κυλώ, ρέω, τρέχω
    4) ((of a machine etc) to work or operate: The engine is running; He ran the motor to see if it was working.) δουλεύω
    5) (to organize or manage: He runs the business very efficiently.) διευθύνω, διαχειρίζομαι, κουμαντάρω
    6) (to race: Is your horse running this afternoon?) τρέχω σε αγώνα
    7) ((of buses, trains etc) to travel regularly: The buses run every half hour; The train is running late.) κάνω δρομολόγιο
    8) (to last or continue; to go on: The play ran for six weeks.) διαρκώ
    9) (to own and use, especially of cars: He runs a Rolls Royce.) οδηγώ
    10) ((of colour) to spread: When I washed my new dress the colour ran.) ξεβάφω
    11) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) πηγαίνω με το αυτοκίνητο
    12) (to move (something): She ran her fingers through his hair; He ran his eyes over the letter.) περνώ
    13) ((in certain phrases) to be or become: The river ran dry; My blood ran cold (= I was afraid).) γίνομαι
    2. noun
    1) (the act of running: He went for a run before breakfast.)
    2) (a trip or drive: We went for a run in the country.)
    3) (a length of time (for which something continues): He's had a run of bad luck.)
    4) (a ladder (in a stocking etc): I've got a run in my tights.)
    5) (the free use (of a place): He gave me the run of his house.)
    6) (in cricket, a batsman's act of running from one end of the wicket to the other, representing a single score: He scored/made 50 runs for his team.)
    7) (an enclosure or pen: a chicken-run.)
    - running 3. adverb
    (one after another; continuously: We travelled for four days running.) συνεχώς
    - runaway
    - rundown
    - runner-up
    - runway
    - in
    - out of the running
    - on the run
    - run across
    - run after
    - run aground
    - run along
    - run away
    - run down
    - run for
    - run for it
    - run in
    - run into
    - run its course
    - run off
    - run out
    - run over
    - run a temperature
    - run through
    - run to
    - run up
    - run wild

    English-Greek dictionary > run

  • 13 season

    ['si:zn] 1. noun
    1) (one of the main divisions of the year according to the regular variation of the weather, length of day etc: The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter; The monsoon brings the rainy season.) εποχή
    2) (the usual, proper or suitable time for something: the football season.) περίοδος,σεζόν
    2. verb
    1) (to add salt, pepper, mustard etc to: She seasoned the meat with plenty of pepper.)
    2) (to let (wood) be affected by rain, sun etc until it is ready for use.)
    - seasonal
    - seasoned
    - seasoning
    - season ticket
    - in season
    - out of season

    English-Greek dictionary > season

  • 14 win

    [win] 1. present participle - winning; verb
    1) (to obtain (a victory) in a contest; to succeed in coming first in (a contest), usually by one's own efforts: He won a fine victory in the election; Who won the war/match?; He won the bet; He won (the race) in a fast time / by a clear five metres.) κερδίζω
    2) (to obtain (a prize) in a competition etc, usually by luck: to win first prize; I won $5 in the crossword competition.) κερδίζω
    3) (to obtain by one's own efforts: He won her respect over a number of years.) κερδίζω
    2. noun
    (a victory or success: She's had two wins in four races.) νίκη
    - winning
    - winning-post
    - win over
    - win the day
    - win through

    English-Greek dictionary > win

  • 15 Other

    Of two: P. and V. ἕτερος.
    Of more than two: P. and V. ἄλλος; see Another.
    The one... the other: P. and V. ὁ μέν... ὁ δέ.
    Each other: P. and V. ἀλλήλους (acc. pl.).
    At other times: P. and V. ἄλλοτε.
    Of others, other people's: P. and V. ἀλλότριος.
    On the other side of: P. and V. τἀπέκεινα (gen.).
    Somehow or other: Ar. and P. μῶς γέ πως, P., ὁπωσδήποτε.
    Some one or other: Ar. and P. ὁστισοῦν, P., ὁστισδήποτε, ὁστισδηποτοῦν.
    At some time or other: P. and V. ποτέ.
    Sending for me with four others: P. μεταπεμψάμενοί με πέμπτον αὐτόν (Plat., Ap. 32C).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Other

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  • Four Times of the Day — is a series of four paintings by English artist William Hogarth. Completed in 1736, they were reproduced as a series of four engravings published in 1738. They are humorous depictions of life in the streets of London, the vagaries of fashion, and …   Wikipedia

  • Four Plays in One — Four Plays, or Moral Representations, in One is a Jacobean era stage play, one of the dramatic works in the canon of John Fletcher and his collaborators. Initially published in the first Beaumont and Fletcher folio of 1647, the play is notable… …   Wikipedia

  • Time — Time, n.; pl. {Times}. [OE. time, AS. t[=i]ma, akin to t[=i]d time, and to Icel. t[=i]mi, Dan. time an hour, Sw. timme. [root]58. See {Tide}, n.] 1. Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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