1 extend
extend [ɪkˈstend]a. ( = enlarge) agrandir ; [+ powers, business] étendre ; [+ sphere of influence] élargir ; [+ limits, period] prolongerc. ( = give) [+ hospitality, friendship] offrir ; [+ thanks, condolences, congratulations] présenterd. ( = stretch out) [+ arm] étendre• to be fully extended [ladder, telescope] être entièrement déployé[wall, estate] s'étendre (to, as far as jusqu'à ) ; [table] s'allonger ; [meeting, visit] se prolonger ( over pendant)• the table extends to 220cm avec ses rallonges, cette table fait 220 cm* * *[ɪk'stend] 1.transitive verb1) ( enlarge) agrandir [house]; prolonger [runway]; élargir [range, vocabulary]2) ( prolong) prolonger [visit, visa, show]; proroger [loan, contract]3) ( stretch) étendre4) ( offer) sout présenter [congratulations]; accorder [credit, loan]; faire [invitation]2.1) ( stretch) ( over an area) s'étendre; ( from one point to another) aller2) ( reach)3) fig ( go as far as)3.extended past participle adjective [stay] prolongé; [contract, leave, sentence] de longue durée; [area, family] étendu; [premises] agrandi; [credit] à long terme -
2 extend
A vtr1 ( enlarge) agrandir [house, factory] ; prolonger [road, runway] ; élargir [knowledge, vocabulary] ; étendre [circle of friends, influence, powers] ; élargir, étendre [range, scope] ; accroître, élargir [clientele] ; approfondir [research, study] ;2 ( prolong) prolonger [visit, visa] ; proroger [loan, contract] ; prolonger [show] ; the deadline was extended by six months un délai supplémentaire de six mois a été accordé ;3 ( stretch) étendre [arm, leg, wing] ; tendre [neck] ; to extend one's hand ( in greeting) tendre la main ;4 ( offer) sout présenter [congratulations] ; accorder [credit, loan] ; apporter [help] ; faire [invitation] ; to extend a welcome to sb souhaiter la bienvenue à qn ;5 Accts reporter [balance, total].B vi1 ( stretch) [beach, carpet, damage, forest, lake, weather] s'étendre (as far as, up to jusqu'à ; beyond au-delà de ; from de) ; the railway extends from Moscow to Vladivostok la voie ferrée va de Moscou à Vladivostok ; the rail network extends over the whole of England le réseau ferroviaire couvre toute l'Angleterre ;2 ( last) to extend into September/next week se prolonger jusqu'en septembre/jusqu'à la semaine prochaine ; to extend over a month/two weeks [course, strike] s'étendre sur un mois/deux semaines ;3 ( reach) to extend beyond [enthusiasm, interest] aller au-delà de, dépasser [politeness] ; [experience, knowledge] s'étendre au-delà de, dépasser ;4 fig ( go as far as) to extend to doing aller jusqu'à faire ; my charity doesn't extend to writing cheques ma générosité ne va pas jusqu'à signer des chèques. -
3 extend
extend [ɪk'stend](a) (stretch out → arm, leg) étendre, allonger; (→ wings) ouvrir, déployer; (→ aerial) déplier, déployer;∎ to extend one's hand to sb tendre la main à qn(b) (in length, duration → guarantee, visa, news programme) prolonger; (→ road, runway) prolonger, allonger;∎ they extended his visa by six months on a prolongé son visa de six mois;∎ the deadline has been extended until 25 May la date limite a été repoussée au 25 mai(c) (make larger, widen → frontiers, law, enquiry, search) étendre; (→ building) agrandir; (→ vocabulary) enrichir, élargir;∎ the company decided to extend its activities into the export market la société a décidé d'étendre ses activités au marché de l'exportation(d) (offer → friendship, hospitality) offrir; (→ thanks, condolences, congratulations) présenter; (→ credit) accorder;∎ to extend an invitation to sb faire une invitation à qn;∎ to extend a welcome to sb souhaiter la bienvenue à qn;∎ to extend one's sympathy to sb présenter ses condoléances à qn(e) (stretch → horse, person) pousser au bout de ses capacités ou à son maximum;∎ to extend oneself in a race se donner à fond dans une course(a) (protrude → wall, cliff) avancer, former une avancée∎ the queue extended all the way down the street il y avait la queue jusqu'au bout de la rue;∎ the parliamentary recess extends into October les vacances parlementaires se prolongent jusqu'en octobre;∎ the laughter extended to the others in the room le rire a gagné le reste de la salle;∎ the legislation does not extend to single mothers la législation ne concerne pas les mères célibataires -
4 extend
[ik'stend]1) (to make longer or larger: He extended his vegetable garden.) agrandir2) (to reach or stretch: The school grounds extend as far as this fence.) (s')étendre3) (to hold out or stretch out (a limb etc): He extended his hand to her.) tendre4) (to offer: May I extend a welcome to you all?) offrir à•- extensive -
5 extend
(a) to extend credit to sb accorder un crédit ou des facilités de crédit à qn -
6 extend, a, period, to
proroger un délai -
7 extend, a, road, to
prolonger une route -
8 extend, in, time, to
proroger -
9 extend, the, boundaries, to
repousser les limites territorialesEnglish-French legislative terms > extend, the, boundaries, to
10 extend, the, time, to
proroger le délai -
11 to extend
1) étendre; prolonger; élargir2) reconduire; proroger [un permis/un visa/un délai]3) prêter; fournir; mettre à la disposition deEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend
12 to extend a definition
Jur. élargir une définitionEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend a definition
13 to extend a hearty welcome
souhaiter une cordiale/chaleureuse bienvenueEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend a hearty welcome
14 to extend a suspension
Jur. reconduire une suspensionEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend a suspension
15 to extend a time-limit
English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend a time-limit
16 to extend a warm welcome
souhaiter une cordiale/chaleureuse bienvenueEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend a warm welcome
17 to extend into
déborder sur; se prolonger au-delà deEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend into
18 to extend one's cooperation
prêter son concours; collaborer (ou coopérer) avecEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend one's cooperation
19 to extend one's gratitude
English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to extend one's gratitude
20 revise and extend
Pol., EU droit de revoir et de corriger [la transcription d'un discours prononcé par un membre de la Chambre des Représentants avant sa parution au recueil officiel des actes du Congrès]English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > revise and extend
См. также в других словарях:
extend — ex‧tend [ɪkˈstend] verb 1. [transitive] to increase the period of time for which an agreement, contract etc is effective: • The company decided not to extend his employment contract. • The lease has been extended to five years. 2. [transitive] to … Financial and business terms
Extend — Ex*tend ([e^]ks*t[e^]nd ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Extended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Extending}.] [L. extendere, extentum, extensum; ex out + tendere to stretch. See {Trend}.] 1. To stretch out; to prolong in space; to carry forward or continue in length; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Extend — Студийный альбом Milanese … Википедия
extend — extend, lengthen, elongate, prolong, protract all mean to draw out or add to so as to increase in length. Both extend and lengthen (opposed to shorten) connote an increase of length either in space or in time, but extend is also used to connote… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
extend — Fowler (1926) and others have castigated the use of extend to mean ‘to give, to offer’ in expressions such as extend a welcome. Fowler wrote that ‘extend in this sense has done its development in America, and has come to use full grown via the… … Modern English usage
extend — [ek stend′, ikstend′] vt. [ME extended < L extendere < ex , out + tendere, to stretch: see THIN] 1. to stretch out or draw out to a certain point, or for a certain distance or time 2. to enlarge in area, scope, influence, meaning, effect,… … English World dictionary
extend — I (enlarge) verb add, aggrandize, amplify, augere, augment, broaden, build up, carry beyond the limit, carry further, cause to grow, continue, deepen, develop, dilate, distend, draw out, elongate, enlarge the scope of, expand, extendere, increase … Law dictionary
extend — early 14c., to value, assess; late 14c. to stretch out, lengthen, from Anglo Fr. estendre (late 13c.), O.Fr. estendre stretch out, extend, increase, from L. extendere stretch out, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + tendere to stretch (see TENET (Cf … Etymology dictionary
extend — [v1] make larger, longer add to, aggrandize, amplify, augment, beef up*, boost, broaden, carry on, continue, crane, develop, dilate, drag one’s feet*, drag out, draw, draw out, elongate, enhance, enlarge, expand, fan out, go on, heighten,… … New thesaurus
extend to — index abut, border (bound), reach Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
extend — ► VERB 1) make larger in area. 2) cause to last longer. 3) occupy a specified area or continue for a specified distance. 4) hold out (one s hand or another part of one s body) towards someone. 5) offer; make available. DERIVATIVES extendability… … English terms dictionary