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со всех языков на английский


  • 1 grass

    1. [grɑ:s] n
    1. 1) трава

    blade of grass - стебелёк травы, травинка

    to cut the grass - косить траву /луг/

    2) дёрн
    2. 1) бот. злак

    grass family - семейство злаковых, злаки ( Gramineae)

    2) прост. спаржа
    3. pl редк. травинки

    some grasses were caught in her hair - в её волосах запуталось несколько травинок

    4. 1) лужайка; газон; луг

    the flower beds and grasses were carefully manicured - цветочные клумбы и газоны были в идеальном порядке

    keep off the grass! - по газонам не ходить! [ср. тж. ]

    to lay down in grass - с.-х. залужать

    2) пастбище, выгон
    5. 1) горн. земная поверхность

    at grass - на поверхности земли, не в шахте

    to come to grass - выйти на поверхность земли, выйти из шахты

    2) прост. земля
    6. сл.
    1) марихуана
    2) гашиш

    between /betwixt/ grass and hay - амер. в юношеском возрасте

    come off the grass! - а) брось задаваться!; б) брось преувеличивать!; не ври!; в) не вмешивайтесь не в свои дела; [ср. тж. 4, 1)]

    to cut the grass from under smb.'s feet - выбить у кого-л. почву из-под ног; сорвать чьи-л. планы

    to hear the grass grow - слышать, как трава растёт; отличаться остротой восприятия

    grass does not grow under his [her] feet - он [она] не теряет времени даром

    to let no grass grow under one's feet - действовать быстро и энергично; не терять времени попусту; не откладывать дела в долгий ящик

    to let the grass grow under one's feet - быть бездеятельным, действовать медленно /неэнергично/, терять время попусту; ≅ сидеть сложа руки; сидеть у моря и ждать погоды

    to be /to run/ at grass - а) пастись, быть на подножном корму; б) быть на отдыхе /на каникулах/; в) быть без дела /без работы/; быть не у дел

    to put /to send, to turn out/ to grass - а) выгнать в поле, на подножный корм, пустить пастись; б) отпустить на каникулы; отправить домой; в) уволить, выгнать, отстранить от работы; г) повалить, свалить

    to go to grass - а) быть сбитым с ног; б) умереть, скончаться; в) = to be at grass

    go to grass! убирайся к чёрту!

    2. [grɑ:s] v
    1. 1) засевать травой; обкладывать дёрном
    2) порасти, зарасти травой
    2. 1) пастись
    2) выгонять на пастбище
    3. 1) расстилать на траве лён, пеньку ( для отбелки)
    2) растянуться на траве
    4. разг.
    1) сбить с ног, свалить на землю

    the blow which grassed him - удар, сбивший его с ног

    2) подстрелить ( птицу)
    3) вытащить на берег ( рыбу)
    5. горн. выдавать на-гора
    6. полигр. выполнять нерегулярную, подённую работу
    1. [grɑ:s] n сл.
    доносчик, ябеда
    2. [grɑ:s] v сл.
    доносить; «капать»; ябедничать (тж. grass on)

    НБАРС > grass

  • 2 graze

    I intransitive verb
    1) grasen; weiden
    2) (snack) zwischendurch dies und jenes naschen

    I had been grazing all dayich hatte den ganzen Tag herumgenascht (ugs.)

    II 1. noun
    Schürfwunde, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (touch lightly) streifen
    2) (scrape) abschürfen [Haut]; zerkratzen [Oberfläche]

    graze one's knee/elbow — sich (Dat.) das Knie/den Ellbogen aufschürfen

    * * *
    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) grasen
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) abschürfen
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) streifen
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) die Abschürfung
    * * *
    I. n Abschürfung f, Schürfwunde f
    II. vt
    to \graze sth etw streifen
    the bullet just \grazed his leg die Kugel hat sein Bein nur gestreift
    to \graze one's knee/elbow sich dat das Knie/den Ellbogen aufschürfen
    I. vi
    1. (eat grass) cattle, sheep grasen, weiden
    2. ( fam: eat) die ganze Zeit irgendwelche Kleinigkeiten essen fam
    to \graze on sweets sich akk nur von Süßigkeiten ernähren
    3. (in food halls: sample casually) durchstreifen, durchprobieren
    II. vt
    to \graze animals Tiere weiden [o grasen] lassen
    the shepherds \grazed their sheep die Schäfer weideten ihre Schafe
    to \graze a meadow Weideland abgrasen
    * * *
    I [greɪz]
    1. vi
    (cattle etc) grasen, weiden
    2. vt
    meadow, field abgrasen, abweiden; cattle weiden lassen II
    1. vt
    (= touch lightly) streifen; (= scrape skin off) aufschürfen

    to graze one's kneessich (dat) die Knie aufschürfen

    to graze oneselfsich (dat) die Haut aufschürfen, sich aufschürfen

    2. vi

    the car grazed along the walldas Auto ist an der Mauer entlanggestreift

    3. n
    Abschürfung f, Schürfwunde f
    * * *
    graze1 [ɡreız]
    A v/t
    1. Vieh weiden (lassen)
    2. abweiden, abgrasen
    3. als Weide(land) benutzen
    B v/i weiden, grasen (Vieh)
    graze2 [ɡreız]
    A v/t
    1. streifen:
    a) leicht berühren
    b) schrammen
    2. MED (ab-, auf)schürfen, (auf)schrammen:
    graze one’s knee sich das Knie aufschürfen
    B v/i streifen
    C s
    1. Streifen n, Schrammen n
    2. MED Abschürfung f, Schramme f
    3. MIL
    a) auch grazing shot Streifschuss m
    b) Aufschlagdetonation f:
    graze fuse empfindlicher Aufschlagzünder
    * * *
    I intransitive verb
    1) grasen; weiden
    2) (snack) zwischendurch dies und jenes naschen
    II 1. noun
    Schürfwunde, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (touch lightly) streifen
    2) (scrape) abschürfen [Haut]; zerkratzen [Oberfläche]

    graze one's knee/elbow — sich (Dat.) das Knie/den Ellbogen aufschürfen

    * * *
    Hautabschürfung f. (animals) v.
    grasen v. v.
    abgrasen v.
    weiden v.

    English-german dictionary > graze

  • 3 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) græsse
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) skrabe
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) strejfe
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) skramme
    * * *
    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) græsse
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) skrabe
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) strejfe
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) skramme

    English-Danish dictionary > graze

  • 4 graze

    I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) pastar, pacer

    1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.)
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) raspar

    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) rasguño, roce
    graze1 n rasguño
    graze2 vb
    1. pacer / pastar
    2. hacerse un rasguño
    1 pacer, pastar
    1 (sheep, cattle) pastar, pastorear, apacentar
    1 rasguño, roce nombre masculino
    1 (scrape) rascar, rasguñar
    graze ['greɪz] v, grazed ; grazing vi
    : pastar, pacer
    graze vt
    1) : pastorear (ganado)
    2) brush: rozar
    3) scratch: raspar
    abrasión s.f.
    roce s.m.
    rozamiento s.m.
    apacentar v.
    barrer v.
    herbajear v.
    pacer v.
    pastar v.
    rasar v.
    raspar v.
    rozar v.

    1. greɪz
    a) (cut, injure) rasguñarse, rasparse
    b) (touch, brush) rozar*
    2) ( Agr)
    a) \<\<sheep/cattle\>\> apacentar*, pastorear
    b) \<\<field/meadow\>\> usar para pastoreo

    vi ( Agr) pastar, pacer*

    noun rasguño m

    I [ɡreɪz] (Agr)
    VI pacer, pastar
    VT [+ grass, field] usar como pasto; [+ cattle] apacentar, pastar

    II [ɡreɪz]
    N (=injury) roce m
    2. VT
    1) (=touch lightly) rozar
    2) (=scrape) [+ skin] raspar
    * * *

    1. [greɪz]
    a) (cut, injure) rasguñarse, rasparse
    b) (touch, brush) rozar*
    2) ( Agr)
    a) \<\<sheep/cattle\>\> apacentar*, pastorear
    b) \<\<field/meadow\>\> usar para pastoreo

    vi ( Agr) pastar, pacer*

    noun rasguño m

    English-spanish dictionary > graze

  • 5 graze

    I [greɪz]
    nome abrasione f., escoriazione f., graffio m.
    II [greɪz]

    to graze one's elbowscorticarsi o sbucciarsi un gomito

    2) (skim) [ fingers] sfiorare [ skin]
    III 1. [greɪz]
    verbo transitivo agr. far pascolare [ animal]; tenere a pascolo [ land]
    verbo intransitivo agr. [cow, sheep] pascolare
    * * *
    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.)
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.)
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.)
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.)
    * * *
    I [ɡreɪz]
    1. vi
    pascolare, pascere
    2. vt
    (grass, field) mettere or lasciare a pascolo, (cattle, sheep) far pascolare
    II [ɡreɪz]
    1. n
    (injury) scorticatura, escoriazione f
    2. vt
    (touch lightly) sfiorare, rasentare, (scrape: skin) scorticare, escoriare

    to graze one's kneessbucciarsi or escoriarsi le ginocchia

    * * *
    graze /greɪz/
    1 abrasione; escoriazione; graffio (fam.)
    3 (mil.) tiro radente.
    (to) graze (1) /greɪz/
    v. i. e t.
    1 pascolare; brucare erba; far pascolare: The cows were grazing in the fields, le vacche pascolavano nei campi; to graze cattle, far pascolare il bestiame
    to graze a meadow, mettere bestiame al pascolo su un prato.
    (to) graze (2) /greɪz/
    v. t. e i.
    1 abradere; escoriare; graffiare; scalfire: We just grazed bumpers in the accident, abbiamo graffiato i paraurti durante l'incidente
    2 rasentare, rasentarsi; sfiorare, sfiorarsi; fare il pelo a: The falling tree grazed my car, cadendo, l'albero ha sfiorato la mia macchina; (autom.) to graze the guardrail, rasentare il guardrail; The ball grazed the crossbar, la palla fece il pelo alla traversa
    to graze one's knee, scorticarsi (o sbucciarsi) un ginocchio □ (mil.) grazing fire, tiro radente □ (aeron.) grazing flight, volo radente.
    * * *
    I [greɪz]
    nome abrasione f., escoriazione f., graffio m.
    II [greɪz]

    to graze one's elbowscorticarsi o sbucciarsi un gomito

    2) (skim) [ fingers] sfiorare [ skin]
    III 1. [greɪz]
    verbo transitivo agr. far pascolare [ animal]; tenere a pascolo [ land]
    verbo intransitivo agr. [cow, sheep] pascolare

    English-Italian dictionary > graze

  • 6 graze

    ɡreiz I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) beite, gresse
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) skrape opp, skrubbe
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) streife
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) streifsår
    subst. \/ɡreɪz\/
    1) skrubbsår, skramme
    2) streif, streifsår
    subst. \/ɡreɪz\/
    beiting, gressing
    verb \/ɡreɪz\/
    1) streife, streife borti, snitte
    2) skrape, skrubbe (seg) opp
    graze against skrape mot, streife borti
    graze by eller graze past stryke forbi
    verb \/ɡreɪz\/
    1) beite, gresse
    2) la beite, la gresse
    3) (hverdagslig, om person) småspise
    put out to graze sette ut på beite

    English-Norwegian dictionary > graze

  • 7 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.)
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) skráma, hrufla
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) snerta, strjúkast við
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) skráma, fleiður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > graze

  • 8 graze

    legel, legeltet, horzsol
    * * *
    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) legel
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) (fel)horzsol
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) súrol
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) horzsolás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > graze

  • 9 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) pastar
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) arranhar
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) arranhar
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) arranhão
    * * *
    [greiz] n pasto. • vt+vi 1 pastar. 2 pastorear.
    [greiz] n esfoladura, arranhadura. • vt+vi 1 roçar, tocar levemente. 2 esfolar, arranhar (a pele).
    [greiz] vt+vi 1 comer continuamente em pequenas quantidades ao longo do dia, lambiscar. 2 Amer pegar e comer coisas no supermercado enquanto se fazem compras.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > graze

  • 10 graze

    n. sıyırma, sıyrık
    v. otlatmak, otlamak, sıyırmak, sıyırıp geçmek, sıyrılmak
    * * *
    * * *
    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) otlamak
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) sürtmek
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) sıyırmak
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) sıyrık, bere

    English-Turkish dictionary > graze

  • 11 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) pasti se
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) odrgniti
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) oprasniti
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) praska
    * * *
    I [greiz]
    intransitive verb
    pasti se;
    transitive verb
    pasti; popasti; gnati (govedo) na pašo
    II [greiz]
    transitive verb
    (against, by, past ob) oplaziti, oprasniti, odrgniti; švigniti; military vodoravno obstreljevati;
    oplaz, praska, brazgotina

    English-Slovenian dictionary > graze

  • 12 graze

    • olla laitumella
    • hipaista
    • sipaisu
    • sipaista
    • raapaisu
    • pyyhkäistä
    • raapaista
    • raapia
    • laiduntaa
    * * *
    ɡreiz I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) laiduntaa
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) raapaista
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) pyyhkäistä
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > graze

  • 13 graze

    [greɪz] 1. vi 2. vt
    ( scrape) otrzeć ( perf) (do krwi); ( touch lightly) muskać (musnąć perf)
    3. n
    otarcie nt naskórka
    * * *
    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) paść się
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) zadrasnąć
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) musnąć
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) zadrapanie

    English-Polish dictionary > graze

  • 14 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) ganīties
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) nobrāzt
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) viegli pieskarties; skart
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) nobrāzums; skramba
    * * *
    nobrāzums, skramba; viegli pieskarties; ganīties; ganīt; nobrāzt; izmantot par ganībām

    English-Latvian dictionary > graze

  • 15 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) ganytis
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) nu(si)brozdinti, nu(si)drėksti
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) užkabinti, užkliudyti
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) nusibrozdinimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > graze

  • 16 graze

    n. skrubbande; skråma; snuddning
    v. skrubba; skrapa; beta
    * * *
    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) beta
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) skrapa, skrubba
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) snudda
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) skråma, skrubbsår

    English-Swedish dictionary > graze

  • 17 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) pást se
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) odřít (si)
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) škrábnout
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) odřenina
    * * *
    • pást

    English-Czech dictionary > graze

  • 18 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) pásť sa
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) odrieť si
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) škrabnúť
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) odrenina
    * * *
    • zlahka sa otriet o
    • škrabnút
    • pást (sa)

    English-Slovak dictionary > graze

  • 19 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) a paşte
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) a zgâria
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) a atinge uşor/în treacăt
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) zgâ­rietură

    English-Romanian dictionary > graze

  • 20 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) βοσκώ
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) γδέρνω
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) ξύνω, περνώ ξυστά
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) γρατζουνιά

    English-Greek dictionary > graze

См. также в других словарях:

  • Grass Carp — Juvenile Grass Carp Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia …   Wikipedia

  • Grass Mud Horse — A Grass Mud Horse plush doll Traditional Chinese 草泥馬 Simplified Chinese …   Wikipedia

  • Grass Snake — This article is about the European grass snake or ringed snake Natrix natrix. Grass snake is also used in North America to refer to the smooth green snake (Opheodrys vernalis) and the rough green snake (O. aestivus). grass snake Conservation… …   Wikipedia

  • eat */*/*/ — UK [iːt] / US [ɪt] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms eat : present tense I/you/we/they eat he/she/it eats present participle eating past tense ate UK [et] / UK [eɪt] / US [eɪt] past participle eaten UK [ˈiːt(ə)n] / US [ˈɪt(ə)n] Other ways …   English dictionary

  • Eat-Art — Der Begriff Eat Art (engl. Ess Kunst) wurde von dem Künstler Daniel Spoerri für eine Richtung der zeitgenössischen Kunst geprägt, die der Objektkunst und dem Nouveau Réalisme zuzuordnen ist. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Vorläufer 2 1960er und 1970er… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Don't Eat the Neighbours — Format television series Voices of Robert Lindsay Michael McShane Doon MacKichan Sean Cullen Patrick McKenna Tim McInnerny Frank Meschkuleit Simon Callow Country of orig …   Wikipedia

  • White grass — White White (hw[imac]t), a. [Compar. {Whiter} (hw[imac]t [ e]r); superl. {Whitest}.] [OE. whit, AS. hw[imac]t; akin to OFries. and OS. hw[=i]t, D. wit, G. weiss, OHG. w[=i]z, hw[=i]z, Icel. hv[=i]tr, Sw. hvit, Dan. hvid, Goth. hweits, Lith.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Beast from the East (novella) — infobox Book | | name = The Beast from the East orig title = translator = author = R. L. Stine cover artist = Tim Jacobus country = United States language = English series = Goosebumps classification = fiction genre = Horror fiction, Children s… …   Wikipedia

  • List of English words from indigenous languages of the Americas — This is a list of English language words borrowed from indigenous languages of the Americas, either directly or through intermediate European languages such as Spanish or French. † indicates a link to a definition of the word. It does not cover… …   Wikipedia

  • To eat the seed corn — Seed Seed (s[=e]d), n.; pl. {Seed} or {Seeds}. [OE. seed, sed, AS. s[=ae]d, fr. s[=a]wan to sow; akin to D. zaad seed, G. saat, Icel. s[=a][eth], s[ae][eth]i, Goth. manas[=e][thorn]s seed of men, world. See {Sow} to scatter seed, and cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prophecy from Kremna — Memorial complex of clairvoyant Tarabići in Kremna near Užice, Serbia. The Kremna Prophecies or Prophecy from Kremna are a collection of prophecies purporting to have been written before twentieth century events that they describe. While the… …   Wikipedia

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