Перевод: с английского на квенья

с квенья на английский


  • 1 EARLY

    arinya; EARLY DAY †amaurëa (dawn); EARLY MORN tuilë (dayspring, spring-time) –AR1, MC:223, TUY

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > EARLY


    Early “Qenya” material has a verb qilti- “gird, encircle” (QL:78); read perhaps *quilta- if the verb is to be adapted to Tolkien’s later Quenya (cf. the noun quilta “belt”). See also GO ROUND (under entry for GO) concerning the verb pel-

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ENCIRCLE

  • 3 GIRD

    Early “Qenya” material has a verb qilti- “gird, encircle” (QL:78); read perhaps *quilta- if the verb is to be adapted to Tolkien’s later Quenya (cf. the noun quilta “belt, girdle”).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GIRD

  • 4 MORN

    (early) artuilë, tuilë (the latter is also used in the sense "springtime") –TUY

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MORN

  • 5 WASH

    Early “Qenya” had a verb sovo-, that may perhaps be adopted to Tolkien’s later system as *sov- or *sova-; the past tense is given as sóvë. WASHING sovallë (bathing, purification). –QL:86

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WASH

  • 6 EACH

    ilya (every, all of a particular group of things), in early material also máca (a very early "Qenya" word of doubtful authority in Tolkien’s later conception) –VT39:20, GL:41

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > EACH

  • 7 EITHER...OR

    Christopher Gilson interprets a phrase involving a double var…var as having this meaning in one early (untranslated) text; notice that var was a conjunction “or” in Tolkien’s early “Qenya”. –PE15:32, 39, cf. QL:100

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > EITHER...OR

  • 8 SPRING

    (vb) tuia- (sprout); SPRING (noun; but for the season, see SPRING-TIME below) ehtelë (fountain, issue of water), SPRING OF WATER capalinda, WATER FALLING OUT SWIFTLY FROM A ROCKY SPRING celussë (freshet); SPRING, SPRING-TIME tuilë (this word literally means "budding, also collectively – buds, new shoots, fresh green" [LT1:269]. Also used = dayspring, early morn. In the Calendar of Imladris, tuilë was a precisely defined period of 54 days, but the word was also used without any exact definition. Besides tuilë, LT1:269 also has tuiliérë.) FIRST BEGINNING OF SPRING coirë ("stirring", according to the Calendar of Imladris a period of 54 days in early spring); "SPRING-SINGER" (i.e., swallow) tuilindo. SPRING TIDE, see TIDE. –TUY/LotR 1141, 1145, KEL, UT:426, LT1:260, Silm:429, LT2:338/LT1:269, VT39:7

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SPRING

  • 9 ALL

    illi (as independent noun), also ilya (all of a particular group of things, the whole, each, every) (Note: ilya normally appears as ilyë before a plural noun: ilyë tier "abll paths"); ALLNESS, THE ALL ilúvë (the whole). According to early material, ALL THE... (followed by some noun) is rendered by i quanda, e.g. *i quanda cemen "all the earth; the whole earth". ALL THAT IS WANTED fárë, farmë (plenitude, sufficiency) –VT47:30, VT39:20, VT44:9, IL, Nam cf. RGEO:67, Silm:433/WJ:402, QL:70, PHAR/VT46:9

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ALL

  • 10 BEECH

    feren, fernë (pl. ferni in both cases) (LT2:343 gives neldor "beech", but this early word may be obsolete in LotR-style Quenya.) –PHER

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BEECH

  • 11 BLESSED

    alya, almárëa (prosperous, rich, abundant), herenya (wealthy, fortunate, rich), manaquenta or manquenta, also aman ("blessed, free from evil" – Aman was "chiefly used as the name of the land where the Valar dwelt" [WJ:399], and as an adjective “blessed” the word may add an adjectival ending: amanya, VT49:41). Aman is the apparent Quenya equivalent of “the Blessed Realm” (allative Amanna is attested, VT49:26). The word calambar, apparently literally *“light-fated”, also seems to mean “blessed” (VT49:41). Cf. also BLESSED BEING Manwë (name of the King of the Valar). Alya, almárëa, and herenya are adjectives that may also have worldly connontations, apparently often used with reference to one who is "blessed" with material possessions or simply has good luck; on the other hand, the forms derived from the root man- primarily describe something free from evil: Cf. mána "blessed" in Fíriel's Song (referring to the Valar) and the alternative form manna in VT43:19 [cf. VT45:32] (in VT45 referring to the Virgin Mary; the form mána may be preferred for clarity, since manna is apparently also the question-word "whither?", "where to?") The forms manaquenta or manquenta also include the man- root, but it is combined with a derivative (passive participle?) of the verbal stem quet- "say, speak", these forms seemingly referring to someone who is "blessed" in the sense that people speak well of this person (a third form from the same source, manque, is possibly incomplete: read manquenta?) (VT44:10-11) The most purely "spiritual" term is possibly the word aistana, used for "blessed" in Tolkien's translation of the Hail Mary, where this word refers to the Virgin (VT43:27-28, 30). Aistana is apparently not an independent adjective (like alya, mána etc.), but rather the passive participle of a verb \#aista- "bless"; see above concerning its precise application. BLESSEDNESS vald- (so in LT1:272; nom. sg. must be either *val or *valdë) (happiness; but since this word comes from early material where it was intended to be related to Valar "Happy/Blessed Ones", its conceptual validity may be doubted because Tolkien later reinterpreted Valar as "the Powers" and dropped the earlier etymology). BLESSING (a boon, a good or fortunate thing), see BOON. "BLESSINGS", BLESSEDNESS, BLISS almië, almarë; FINAL BLISS manar, mandë (doom, final end, fate, fortune) –LotR:989 cf Letters:308; GAL, KHER, Letters:283, LT1:272, MAN/MANAD, VT43:19, 27-28, 30

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BLESSED

  • 12 BURN

    usta- (transitive, e.g. *Fëanáro usta i ciryar "Fëanor burns the ships"), urya- (intransitive, e.g. *i ciryar uryar "the ships burn/are burning"). The form usta- reflects the stem USU occurring in early material (QL:98), but since Tolkien changed the relevant stem to UR later, we should perhaps read *urta- for usta-. –LT1:271, QL:98, cf. the original entry UR "be hot" in Etym

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BURN

  • 13 CENTRE

    endë (core, middle). (The form endë is probably to be preferred to entë in one late source.) Early material also has tólë. –NÉD, ÉNED, VT41:16, LT1:269

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > CENTRE

  • 14 CLEFT

    yáwë (ravine, gulf/gully); sanca (Þ) (split), hyatsë (gash), ciris (probably ciriss-) (crack), falqua (mountain pass, ravine), cilya (gorge, pass between hills) (so in Etym, but cirya in the name Calacirya "Pass of Light" [gen. Calaciryo in Namárië] – though this clashes with cirya "ship". An early version of Namárië actually had Calacilyo, not Calaciryo; see An Introduction to Elvish p. 5.) –YAG/VT46:22, STAK, SYAD, RGEO:70/WJ:403, LT2:337, 341, KIL

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > CLEFT

  • 15 CONCEAL

    halya- (veil, screen from light). In early "Qenya" there is also the word fur- (read perhaps *hur-), also translated "to lie". –SKAL, LT2:340

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > CONCEAL

  • 16 CORNER

    winca (nook) (QL:104, there written ‘winka). Read *vinca if this early “Qenya” form is to be adapted to LotR-style Third Age Quenya.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > CORNER

  • 17 DAWN

    ára (obsoleting órë in LT1:264; this word means "rising" or "heart" in LotR-style Quenya), †amaurëa (early day). See also TWILIGHT. –AR1, MC:223

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DAWN

  • 18 DAY

    aurë (sunlight; Etym gives arë, ari- instead). The word aurë is defined as “a day (of light), a day of special meaning or festival”; allative aurenna “upon the day” (VT49:45). Cf. also: arya (= 12 daylight hours; notice however that the word arya is assigned other meanings in late material), ré (= 24 hours, counted from sunset to sunset, allative rénna in VT49:45), sana (= also 24 hours, but this “Qenya” term clashes with a later demonstrative “that”), DAYTIME arië, EARLY DAY †amaurëa (dawn), DAYLIGHT: LT1:254 gives calma, but this word is defined "lamp" in LotR. LAST DAY OF YEAR quantien, FIRST DAY (meaning obscure, possibly first day of year) minyen. (In the entry YEN of the Etymologies as printed in LR, minyen is seemingly glossed both "first day" and "first year", but according to VT46:23, only "first day" is correct.) DAYSPRING tuilë –AR1/VT45:6, Silm:229/234/439, LotR:1141, LT1:250, MC:223, YEN

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DAY


    \#racina (only pl. racinë is attested) (stripped); DEPRIVED OF úna (destitute, forlorn); DEPRIVED SIGN \#racina tengwë (only pl. racinë tengwi is attested). Also translated "stripped sign", this was in early Elvish analysis of Quenya the term for a consonant with no following vowel; the vowel was held to have disappeared or been omitted. –VT39:16, 14

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DEPRIVED

  • 20 EARTH

    cemen (soil). (Note: at the time Tolkien wrote Etym, he thought of cemen as the genitive of cén, but later cemen evidently became the nominative form, as it had been in earlier writings [LT1:257]. In Silm:433, it is said that cemen [kemen] refers to "the Earth as a flat floor beneath menel, the heavens". LT1:257, reproducing early material, also has cemi "earth, soil, land" and Kémi "Mother Earth".) Locative cemendë "on earth" in VT43:17. HEAVEN AND EARTH Menel Cemenyë (VT47:11). EARTH-QUEEN Kementári (Yavanna's title); EARTHEN, OF EARTH cemna. (LR:363 gves "kemina", but according to VT45:19, this is a misreading for "kemna" in Tolkien's manuscript.) EARTH (= world) Ambar (world) (Tolkien equated Ambar with Oikoumene, a Greek word denoting "world" considered as "the inhabited world of Men". But ambar also seems to mean "doom", q.v. MR:337 (cf. WJ:419) has Imbar instead of Ambar; the literal meaning of both words is said to be "habitation") EARTH-DWELLERS –LT2:343 gives indi, rendered "earthdwellers" and said to be another word for "men", but this is hardly a valid word in LotR-style Quenya. –KEM/Silm:433/LT1:257/VT44:34, MBAR cf. Letters:283 or SD:409

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > EARTH

См. также в других словарях:

  • early — adv Early, soon, beforehand, betimes share the meaning of at or nearly at a given point of time or around the beginning of a specified or implied period of time. Early is used chiefly in reference to a period of time (as a day, a lifetime, an age …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Early — may refer to:History * the beginning or oldest part of a defined historical period, as opposed to middle or late periods. ** e.g., Early modern EuropePlaces: *In the United States: ** Early, Iowa ** Early, Texas ** Early County, GeorgiaPeople: *… …   Wikipedia

  • Early — ist der Name von Personen: Jubal Anderson Early (1816–1894), General der Konföderierten James M. Early (1922–2004), US amerikanischer Elektrotechnik Ingenieur Peter Early (1773−1817), US amerikanischer Politiker und Gouverneur von Georgia Orte in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Early — Ear ly, a. [Compar. {Earlier} ([ e]r l[i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Earliest}.] [OE. earlich. [root]204. See {Early}, adv.] 1. In advance of the usual or appointed time; in good season; prior in time; among or near the first; opposed to {late}; as, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • early — ► ADJECTIVE (earlier, earliest) & ADVERB 1) before the usual or expected time. 2) of or at the beginning of a particular time, period, or sequence. ● at the earliest Cf. ↑at the earliest ● early bird …   English terms dictionary

  • early — [adj1] in the beginning a bit previous, aboriginal, ancient, antecedent, antediluvian, antiquated, brand new, budding, early bird*, fresh, initial, new, original, preceding, premier, prevenient, previous, primal, prime, primeval, primitive,… …   New thesaurus

  • Early B — Early B, de son vrai nom Earlando Arrington Neil, est un deejay jamaïcain né en 1956 à Kingston (Jamaïque) et décédé le 9 novembre 1994. Il était surnommé The Doctor. Discographie 1984 Four Wheel No Real (Midnight Rock) Singles: Cane Man A Fe… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Early — Early, IA U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 605 Housing Units (2000): 293 Land area (2000): 0.394821 sq. miles (1.022582 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.394821 sq. miles (1.022582 sq. km)… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Early — Ear ly ([ e]r l[y^]), adv. [OE. erli, erliche, AS. [=ae]rl[=i]ce; [=ae]r sooner + l[=i]c like. See {Ere}, and {Like}.] Soon; in good season; seasonably; betimes; as, come early. [1913 Webster] Those that me early shall find me. Prov. viii. 17.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • early — O.E. ærlic early, from ær soon, ere (see ERE (Cf. ere)) + lice, adverbial suffix (see LY (Cf. ly) (2)). Cf. O.N. arliga early. The early bird of the proverb is from 1670s. Related: Earlier; earliest …   Etymology dictionary

  • early on — is first recorded in BrE in 1928 and only later in AmE. It is a kind of back formation from earlier on, itself modelled on later on (first recorded 1822). Early on and earlier on are both now common in both BrE and AmE: • The BBC recognised early …   Modern English usage

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