Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 drawer

    (a sliding box without a lid which fits into a chest, table etc: the bottom drawer of my desk.) gaveta
    * * *
    [dr'ɔ:ə] n 1 gaveta. 2 Com sacador de uma letra de câmbio. 3 tirador, puxador. 4 desenhista, desenhador. 5 moço de bar, barman. 6 pessoa ou coisa que atrai, chamariz, coisa de arromba.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drawer

  • 2 drawer

    (a sliding box without a lid which fits into a chest, table etc: the bottom drawer of my desk.) gaveta

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > drawer

  • 3 drawer

    • tireur
    • souscripteur

    Investor's Forget-me-Nots Dictionary > drawer

  • 4 out of the top-drawer

    out of the top-drawer
    fig de escola, da fina flor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > out of the top-drawer

  • 5 top-drawer

    [tɔp dr'ɔ:ə] n 1 gaveta de cima. 2 alta roda, alta sociedade. • adj da mais alta qualidade. out of the top-drawer fig de escola, da fina flor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > top-drawer

  • 6 bury

    1) (to place (a dead body) in a grave, the sea etc.) enterrar
    2) (to hide (under the ground etc): My socks are buried somewhere in this drawer.) esconder
    - bury the hatchet
    * * *
    [b'eri] vt 1 enterrar, sepultar. 2 realizar funeral. 3 encobrir. 4 afundar, mergulhar. 5 retirar-se, isolar-se. he buried himself in the country / ele escondeu-se no interior. 6 esquecer, abandonar. they buried the hatchet fizeram as pazes. to be buried under estar sepultado sob. to bury one’s head in the sand recusar-se a ver a realidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bury

  • 7 compartment

    (a separate part or division eg of a railway carriage: We couldn't find an empty compartment in the train; The drawer was divided into compartments.) compartimento
    * * *
    [kəmp'a:tmənt] n 1 compartimento. 2 seção. 3 divisão. smoking compartment compartimento para fumantes (no trem). • vt = compartmentalize.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > compartment

  • 8 cram

    past tense, past participle crammed - verb
    1) (to fill very full: The drawer was crammed with papers.) apinhar
    2) (to push or force: He crammed food into his mouth.) forçar
    3) (to prepare (someone) in a short time for an examination: He is being crammed for his university entrance exam.) preparar
    * * *
    [kræm] n abarrotamento, empanturramento. • vt+vi 1 abarrotar, encher. 2 forçar, meter à força. 3 saciar(-se), fartar(-se), empanturrar(-se). 4 coll estudar sofregamente, preparar(-se) apressadamente para um exame. cram it! vulg enfia naquele lugar! crammed with repleto de, abarrotado com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cram

  • 9 desk

    (a piece of furniture, often like a table, for sitting at while writing, reading etc: She kept the pile of letters in a drawer in her desk.) secretária
    * * *
    [d'esk] n 1 escrivaninha, carteira escolar, secretária. 2 púlpito. 3 estante do coro. 4 mesa de leitura. writing desk escrivaninha.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > desk

  • 10 go

    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) ir
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) passar
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) ir
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) ir
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) ir
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) ser liquidado
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) decorrer
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) ir embora
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) sumir
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) ir (fazer)
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) ir-se abaixo
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) funcionar
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) ficar
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) estar
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) guardar-se
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) passar
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) gastar-se
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) valer
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) fazer
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) ser
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) correr bem
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) tentativa
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) genica
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) bem sucedido
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) actual
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) licença
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go
    * * *
    [gou] n 1 ação de andar, andar. 2 espírito, impulso, energia, animação. 3 estado das coisas, modo, estilo. 4 autorização para prosseguir. 5 vez (de jogar), tentativa. 6 remessa. 7 ocorrência. 8 sucesso. • vt+vi (ps went, pp gone) 1 ir, seguir, prosseguir, andar. 2 sair, partir, deixar, ir embora. 3 estar em movimento, andar, trabalhar (máquinas), soar. 4 ficar, tornar-se, vir a ser. 5 estar, ser. 6 começar, empreender. 7 proceder, avançar. 8 correr, vagar, estar em uso corrente. 9 meter-se, intrometer-se. 10 estender-se, alcançar. 11 passar. 12 ser vendido, ser entregue. 13 tender, levar, conduzir. 14 resultar, redundar. 15 pertencer, caber. 16 combinar, harmonizar. 17 explodir, estourar. 18 deixar de existir, perder, gastar. 19 morrer. 20 afrouxar. a fair go uma chance. all the go na moda. a near go um escape por um triz. anything goes Amer vale tudo. as men go como costuma acontecer com os homens. at one go de uma só vez, simultaneamente. be gone! afaste-se!, saia! dead and gone morto e passado. do you go with me? você me compreende?, você concorda comigo? from the word go desde o começo. go along with you! sem essa!, não acredito em você! going, going, gone! Auction primeiro, segundo, terceiro! go to it! coll vamos a isso! have a go at it! faça uma tentativa! he goes by the name of X ele é conhecido sob o nome X. here’s a go! agora avante! is it a go? combinado? it is all (quite) the go está bem em moda. it is no go coll não vai, não adianta. (it’s) no go nada feito. it was touch and go estava por um fio de cabelo, por um triz. let go! largue! let me go! solte-me! on the go em movimento, em atividade. pop went the bottle a garrafa estourou. that goes for you too isto também se aplica a você. that goes to show Amer isto demonstra. there is no go in the show coll o negócio não anda. there it goes again vai começar tudo de novo. to give it a go tentar. to go about 1 passar de um lugar para outro. 2 estar ocupado com. 3 procurar. 4 circular. to go about one’s business 1 prestar atenção com as suas coisas, seu negócio. 2 partir, deixar. to go abroad viajar para o exterior. to go against ir contra. to go ahead continuar, começar imediatamente. to go along with concordar com, apoiar. to go aside 1 errar. 2 retirar-se. to go astray perder-se, perder o caminho. to go at atacar. to go away partir. to go back voltar. to go back on trair, não cumprir uma promessa. to go bail fiar, afiançar. to go down 1 afundar. 2 deteriorar. 3 ser aceito, acreditado. 4 Comp quebrar. 5 sair da universidade. 6 sl acontecer. 7 ir para a cadeia. to go down on vulg fazer sexo oral com. to go down the drain 1 desperdiçar, não ser aproveitado. 2 perder o valor. to go down with pegar uma doença. to go Dutch repartir proporcionalmente uma conta ou despesa, Braz coll rachar uma conta. to go far ir longe, ter sucesso. to go for 1 atacar. 2 ir atrás. 3 tentar. 4 ser atraído por. 5 buscar, procurar. to go for broke arriscar tudo para vencer, dar o máximo de si. to go for nothing não ter valor. to go halves dividir igualmente uma conta, despesa. to go hang ser esquecido, negligenciado. to go hard with passar por dificuldades, custar caro a, ser difícil para. to go in entrar. to go in and out entrar e sair livremente. to go in for 1 praticar. 2 ter como profissão ou hobby. he goes in for sailing / ele gosta de velejar. he decided to go in for law / ele decidiu estudar (seguir a carreira de) direito. 3 participar de uma competição, prestar um exame. to go into 1 entrar. he went into convulsions / ele entrou em convulsões. he went into business / ele entrou nos negócios. 2 investigar. 3 ter, adotar como profissão. to go in unto Bib ter relações sexuais com. to go in with entrar em uma sociedade com, ajuntar-se com. to go it alone fazer algo sozinho, virar-se sozinho. to go live Radio, TV estar ao vivo. to go native adaptar-se a uma cultura estrangeira. to go off 1 deixar, partir. the train went off / o trem partiu. 2 disparar, explodir. the gun went off / a arma disparou. 3 piorar, deteriorar. the cinema has gone off / o cinema piorou. 4 estragar (comida). 5 chegar a uma conclusão esperada. 6 deixar de gostar de uma pessoa. 7 sl experimentar orgasmo. to go off with 1 largar um relacionamento para se relacionar com uma outra pessoa. 2 levar, pegar, carregar. to go on 1 continuar. you can’t go on the way you’ve been / você não pode continuar desta maneira. 2 comportar-se. 3 falar muito. he went on about it for half an hour / ele falou sobre isso durante meia hora. 4 existir, durar. 5 adequar-se. 6 começar. 7 aparecer no palco. 8 acontecer. to go on a journey sair em viagem. to go one better than exceder, sobrepujar. to go one’s own way agir, fazer independentemente. to go one’s way partir. to go on horseback andar a cavalo. to go on strike entrar em greve. to go on well with dar-se muito bem com. to go out 1 tornar-se extinto, extinguir. the fire went out / o fogo apagou-se. 2 partir, sair. 3 sair de moda. to go out of business deixar, desistir de um negócio, fechar as portas. to go out of fashion sair da moda. to go out of print estar esgotado (livros). to go over 1 revisar, rever, examinar. 2 relembrar. 3 ficar perto de. 4 visitar. 5 repetir. to go over to 1 mudar de opinião ou de partido. 2 TV mudar o lugar da transmissão. to go places 1 viajar muito. 2 prosperar, progredir, fazer sucesso. to go round ter suficiente. to go shares dividir. to go sick ficar doente. to go slow trabalhar, produzir menos (para obter algo dos empresários). to go stag sair desacompanhado. to go steady namorar firme. to go through 1 passar por. 2 gastar tudo. 3 Jur ir, ser aceito. 4 praticar, ensaiar. 5 olhar cuidadosamente. 6 ler do começo ao fim. to go through fire and water passar por todas as situações. to go together harmonizar, condizer. to go to pieces ficar em pedaços. the doll has gone to pieces / a boneca ficou em pedaços. to go under 1 falhar. 2 afundar, submergir. to go up 1 subir, ascender, aumentar. 2 ser destruído por fogo ou explosão. 3 aumentar preços. 4 entrar em uma universidade. to go with acompanhar, concordar, combinar. to go without passar sem. that goes without saying / é evidente, não precisa dizer. to go wrong dar errado, falhar, fracassar. to have a go tentar. to have a go at 1 criticar. 2 atacar fisicamente. 3 amolar, irritar alguém. what goes with it? o que é que acompanha isto? who goes? de quem é a vez? who goes there? quem está aí? years gone by anos passados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > go

  • 11 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) segurar
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) segurar
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) segurar
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) aguentar
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) reter
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) conter
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) ter lugar
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) manter-se
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) ocupar
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) considerar
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) manter-se
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) obrigar
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) defender
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) aguentar
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) prender
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) realizar
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) possuir
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) aguentar
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) esperar
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) aguentar
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) guardar
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) reservar
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) domínio
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) influência
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) golpe
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) porão
    * * *
    [hould] n 1 ação de segurar, pegar ou agarrar. 2 ponto por onde se pega (cabo, alça, etc.). 3 forte influência. 4 impressão. 5 cela de prisão. 6 prisão, cadeia. 7 fortificação, fortaleza. 8 Mus fermata: símbolo de pausa. • vt+vi (ps and pp held) 1 pegar, agarrar, segurar. hold my pencil! / segure meu lápis! 2 reter. 3 manter. 4 defender. he holds the view / ele defende a opinião. 5 ocupar (cargo). 6 manter sob controle. 7 aderir. 8 confinar. 9 empregar. 10 suportar, apoiar. 11 durar, ficar. 12 deter, refrear, parar, embargar. 13 conter, caber, encerrar. the bottle holds one liter / no frasco cabe um litro. 14 possuir, ocupar. 15 julgar, ter por, considerar, crer, afirmar. I hold him to be my friend / eu considero-o meu amigo. 16 presidir. 17 reunir. 18 festejar. 19 continuar, permanecer, manter-se firme. 20 ser válido, vigorar. • interj pare!, quieto!, espere! he held the audience ele fascinou (dominou) os ouvintes. hold on like grim death! agora agüentem firme! hold your horses! calma com isso!, devagar! it took a hold on me impressionou-me. on hold a) adiado. b) na espera (ao telefone). she holds the stage ela arrebata a audiência. the meeting was held at a reunião realizou-se em. there is no holding him ele não se deixa dissuadir. to have a firm hold of (on) dominar, segurar com mão forte. to hold a call colocar alguém em espera (ao telefone) até a pessoa ou o ramal ficar livre. to hold aloof ficar de lado. to hold a wager sustentar uma aposta. to hold back reter(-se), deter(-se). to hold cheap desprezar, menosprezar. to hold counsel deliberar. to hold dear gostar, prezar. to hold down manter sob sujeição ou controle. to hold down (a job) ficar com. to hold forth exibir, entrar em detalhes. to hold good aprovar, confirmar-se. to hold hard parar quieto, sustar. to hold in refrear-se, conter-se, abster-se. to hold off a) manter à distância. b) refrear temporariamente. to hold on a) firmar-se, agarrar-se. b) perdurar, continuar. c) esperar (ao telefone). to hold one’s own, to hold one’s ground manter-se, agüentar. to hold one’s peace ficar quieto. to hold one’s tongue calar-se. to hold out agüentar, resistir. to hold over a) adiar. b) manter a posse de. to hold shares possuir ações. to hold that Jur julgar que. to hold the line ficar esperando ao telefone. to hold true a) verificar, confirmar. b) ser verdadeiro. to hold up a) apresentar como exemplo, expor. b) sustentar. c) atrasar, atrapalhar. d) assaltar (à mão armada), roubar. to hold water ser à prova d’água, ser impermeável. to take hold of segurar, prender, pegar.
    [hould] n 1 porão de carga do navio. 2 compartimento de carga do avião.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hold

  • 12 jumble

    1. verb
    ((often with up or together) to mix or throw together without order: In this puzzle, the letters of all the words have been jumbled (up); His shoes and clothes were all jumbled (together) in the cupboard.) misturar
    2. noun
    1) (a confused mixture: He found an untidy jumble of things in the drawer.) confusão
    2) (unwanted possessions suitable for a jumble sale: Have you any jumble to spare?) coisas velhas
    * * *
    [dʒ'∧mbəl] n misturada, desordem, confusão, mixórdia. • vt misturar desordenadamente, criar confusão, remexer, confundir (com up).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jumble

  • 13 knob

    1) (a hard rounded part standing out from the main part: a bedstead with brass knobs on.) maçaneta
    2) (a rounded handle on or for a door or drawer: wooden door-knobs.) maçaneta
    * * *
    [nɔb] n 1 saliência arredondada, calombo, nó. 2 punho, botão, puxador, maçaneta. 3 colina, monte de forma arredondada. 4 sl pênis. the same to you with knobs on sl isso e outro tanto para você.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > knob

  • 14 lay

    I 1. [lei] past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) pousar
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) deitar
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) preparar
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) achatar
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) aplacar
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) pôr
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) apostar
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) pôr em camadas
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste
    II see lie II III [lei] adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) laico
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) leigo
    IV [lei] noun
    (an epic poem.)
    * * *
    [lei] n 1 situação, posição, configuração. 2 postura. 3 camada. 4 parte nos lucros, quinhão. 5 ramo de negócios, atividade, ocupação, emprego. 6 vulg ato sexual. 7 vulg parceiro no ato sexual. • vt+vi (ps and pp laid) 1 derrubar, deitar, prostrar, abater. 2 pôr, colocar, assentar. 3 acalmar ou fazer desaparecer, exorcizar, conjurar, aplacar. 4 deitar em posição de repouso, depositar, pousar, estender. 5 dispor, planejar, preparar, arranjar. 6 imputar, atribuir. the crime is being laid to her / o crime está sendo atribuído a ela. 7 apresentar (queixa, protesto). 8 sl ter relações sexuais. 9 enterrar. 10 apontar (armas). 11 localizar(-se). the scene is laid in New York / a cena se passa em Nova York. lay of the land 1 configuração do terreno. 2 estado de coisas. to lay about. a) distribuir socos a esmo. b) atacar com socos ou palavras. to lay a claim to reclamar, reivindicar. to lay an ambush preparar uma emboscada. to lay aside/ away a) pôr de lado, separar, guardar para uso futuro. b) deixar de, largar, abandonar. to lay a tax impor um imposto. to lay bare a) revelar. b) despir, desnudar. to lay before exibir, mostrar, exprimir. to lay blows dar pancadas, socos. to lay bricks assentar tijolos. to lay by economizar, guardar. to lay by the heels aprisionar, prender. to lay down a) depositar, pousar no chão, deitar. b) depor (armas). c) declarar, afirmar. d) pagar, apostar. e) formular, traçar. f) reservar, guardar, armazenar. g) sacrificar. h) construir. to lay down one’s arms render-se. to lay down one’s life sacrificar a vida. to lay down the law repreender com severidade. to lay eggs pôr ovos. to lay fast agarrar e segurar firmemente. to lay fire pôr fogo. to lay hands on a) pôr mãos à obra. b) tocar. c) assaltar. d) agarrar. to lay hands upon oneself suicidar-se. to lay heads together deliberar, conferenciar. to lay hold of/on agarrar, prender, segurar. to lay in armazenar, pôr em estoque. to lay into bater, espancar. to lay it on exagerar bastante. to lay it to one’s door atribuir a culpa a outrem. to lay off a) despedir empregados, cortar pessoal. b) parar. to lay on a) impor, infligir. b) golpear. c) instalar. to lay open a) expor, descobrir. b) explicar. to lay out a) dispor, arranjar, projetar, traçar. b) mostrar, expor. c) gastar, desembolsar. d) vestir defunto. e) nocautear, pôr fora de combate. to lay over cobrir. to lay plans fazer preparativos ou planos. to lay siege to a) sitiar, cercar. b) importunar, assediar. to lay ten dollars on a horse apostar dez dólares num cavalo. to lay the blame on someone responsabilizar, imputar responsabilidade a alguém. to lay the hands on Eccl impor as mãos. to lay the land perder a terra de vista. to lay the loss at avaliar o prejuízo em. to lay the nap of a cloth alisar a lanugem (pano). to lay the table pôr a mesa. to lay to parar (navio). to lay together a) pôr lado a lado. b) somar. to lay to heart a) sentir profundamente. b) tomar seriamente em consideração. to lay to sleep/ rest enterrar. to lay to the oars remar a toda força. to lay under sujeitar a, submeter. to lay up a) armazenar. b) economizar. c) ficar na cama. d) pôr um navio no dique. to lay wait ficar à espreita, emboscar. to lay waste assolar, devastar.
    [lei] vi ps of lie.
    [lei] n 1 balada. 2 fig canção, canto.
    [lei] adj leigo, secular.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lay

  • 15 left-hand

    1) (at the left; to the left of something else: the bottom left-hand drawer of the desk.) da mão esquerda
    2) (towards the left: a left-hand bend in the road.) para a esquerda
    * * *
    [left hænd] adj 1 canhoto. 2 à esquerda.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > left-hand

  • 16 lock

    I 1. [lok] noun
    1) (a mechanism for fastening doors etc: He put the key in the lock.) fechadura
    2) (a closed part of a canal for raising or lowering boats to a higher or lower part of the canal.) comporta
    3) (the part of a gun by which it is fired.) fecharia
    4) (a tight hold (in wrestling etc).) chave
    2. verb
    (to fasten or become fastened with a lock: She locked the drawer; This door doesn't lock.) fechar à chave
    - locket
    - locksmith
    - lock in
    - lock out
    - lock up
    II [lok] noun
    1) (a piece of hair: She cut off a lock of his hair.) madeixa
    2) ((in plural) hair: curly brown locks.) caracóis
    * * *
    [lɔk] n 1 fechadura. 2 fecho. 3 cadeado. 4 fecho de arma de fogo. 5 comporta, dique, eclusa. 6 obstrução, bloqueio. • vt+vi 1 fechar à chave. 2 trancar, travar. 3 prover de comportas ou diques. 4 abraçar, apertar nos braços. 5 trançar, entrelaçar. 6 obstruir, bloquear. 7 investir (dinheiro) a longo prazo. dead lock paralisação completa. lock stock and barrel o lote inteiro. to lock in prender. to lock out a) deixar na rua, não deixar entrar. b) fazer greve patronal. to lock up a) guardar em lugar seguro (à chave). b) investir dinheiro a longo prazo. c) prender, encarcerar. under lock and key a) preso a sete chaves. b) guardado a sete chaves, seguro.
    [lɔk] n 1 tufo ou mecha de cabelos, madeixa, cacho. 2 cabeleira. 3 floco de lã, etc.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lock

  • 17 right-hand

    1) (at the right; to the right of something else: the top right-hand drawer of my desk.) à direita
    2) (towards the right: a right-hand bend in the road.) para a direita
    * * *
    [rait h'ænd] adj 1 da mão direita. 2 do lado direito. 3 no sentido horário. right-hand man pessoa de confiança e auxiliar indispensável, braço direito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > right-hand

  • 18 rummage

    1. verb
    (to search by turning things out or over: He rummaged in the drawer for a clean shirt.) remexer
    2. noun
    (a thorough search.) busca
    * * *
    [r'∧midʒ] n 1 busca minuciosa, vistoria, revista, inspeção. 2 transtorno, desordem, confusão. 3 bugigangas, miscelânea. 4 artigos variados para venda em bazar. • vt+vi 1 dar uma busca minuciosa, rebuscar, vistoriar, revistar, investigar. 2 remexer, revolver (procurando). 3 descobrir. to rummage about esquadrinhar, remexer (procurando). to rummage for rebuscar, investigar, vistoriar, revistar. to rummage out/up descobrir, fazer vir à tona.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rummage

  • 19 shove

    1. verb
    (to thrust; to push: I shoved the papers into a drawer; I'm sorry I bumped into you - somebody shoved me; Stop shoving!; He shoved (his way) through the crowd.) empurrar
    2. noun
    (a push: He gave the table a shove.) empurrão
    * * *
    [ʃ∧v] n impulso, empurrão. • vt+vi 1 empurrar, atropelar, apertar. don’t shove! / não empurre! 2 pôr. shove off coll dê o fora! to shove aside empurrar para o lado. to shove off afastar da costa (barco), remar para fora da costa. to shove on empurrar para diante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shove

  • 20 shut

    1. present participle - shutting; verb
    1) (to move (a door, window, lid etc) so that it covers or fills an opening; to move (a drawer, book etc) so that it is no longer open: Shut that door, please!; Shut your eyes and don't look.) fechar
    2) (to become closed: The window shut with a bang.) fechar-se
    3) (to close and usually lock (a building etc) eg at the end of the day or when people no longer work there: The shops all shut at half past five; There's a rumour that the factory is going to be shut.) fechar
    4) (to keep in or out of some place or keep away from someone by shutting something: The dog was shut inside the house.) fechar
    2. adjective
    (closed.) fechado
    - shut off
    - shut up
    * * *
    [ʃ∧t] vt+vi (ps, pp shut) 1 fechar, tapar, tampar. the window was shut down / a janela foi fechada. the factory was shut / a fábrica foi fechada, paralisada. 2 cerrar. 3 trancar. 4 fechar-se, estar fechado. don’t shut yourself away from everybody / não se retraia de todo o mundo. 5 prender, confinar. • adj fechado, encerrado, trancado. shut up! cale a boca! shut him up! / faça-o calar. to shut in encerrar, prender, aprisionar. to shut off cortar, cercar, excluir, fechar, desligar. to shut out excluir. to shut the door upon someone não receber a pessoa. to shut up fechar, trancar, prender, encarcerar. he shut up shop / ele fechou o negócio, fig desistiu.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shut

См. также в других словарях:

  • drawer — draw·er / drȯ ər/ n: the party that draws a draft compare drawee, payee Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • drawer — S3 [dro: US dro:r] n ↑handle, ↑drawer [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: DRAW1] 1.) part of a piece of furniture, such as a desk, that you pull out and push in and use to keep things in ▪ She took a file from her desk drawer . ▪ The scissors are in the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Drawer — or Drawers may refer to: Drawer (furniture) A person who engages in drawing pictures Payor, a person who draws a bill of exchange Undergarment, underwear Drawer test, a test used to detect rupture of the cruciate ligaments in the knee The drawer …   Wikipedia

  • drawer — draw er, n. 1. One who, or that which, draws; as: (a) One who draws liquor for guests; a waiter in a taproom. Shak. (b) One who delineates or depicts; a draughtsman; as, a good drawer. (c) (Law) One who draws a bill of exchange or order for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • drawer — mid 14c., agent noun from DRAW (Cf. draw) (v.). Attested from 1570s in sense of a box that can be drawn out of a cabinet …   Etymology dictionary

  • drawer — ► NOUN 1) a lidless storage compartment made to slide horizontally in and out of a desk or chest. 2) (drawers) dated or humorous knickers or underpants. 3) a person who draws something. 4) the person who writes a cheque …   English terms dictionary

  • drawer — [drô′ər; ] for 5 [, drôr] n. 1. a person or thing that draws 2. Archaic TAPSTER 3. a person who draws an order for the payment of money 4. a draftsman 5. a sliding storage box in a table, bureau, chest, etc., that can be drawn out and then pushed …   English World dictionary

  • drawer — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ deep, shallow ▪ a desk with two deep drawers on either side ▪ open ▪ locked ▪ bottom …   Collocations dictionary

  • drawer — the person who writes a cheque in payment for goods or services. Glossary of Business Terms The party initiating a draft. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * drawer draw‧er [ˈdrɔːə ǁ ˈdrɒːər] noun [countable] BANKING 1. a person who writes a… …   Financial and business terms

  • drawer — n. 1) to close, push in a drawer 2) to open, pull out a drawer * * * [ drɔːə] pull out a drawer push in a drawer to close to open …   Combinatory dictionary

  • drawer — [16] A drawer is literally something that is ‘drawn’ or ‘pulled’ out. The coinage was perhaps based on French tiroir ‘drawer’, which was similarly derived from the verb tirer ‘pull’. The same basic notion underlies the formation of drawers [16],… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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