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  • 1 tener

    1 to have.
    tengo un hermano I have o I've got a brother
    tener fiebre to have a temperature
    tuvieron una pelea they had a fight
    tener un niño to have a baby
    ¡que tengan buen viaje! have a good journey!
    tengo las vacaciones en agosto my holidays are in August
    Yo tengo una casa I have a house.
    El carro tuvo un accidente The car had an accident.
    Esto tiene azúcar This has=is made of sugar.
    Yo tengo dos hijos I have=am the parent of two sons.
    Tengo un primo I have a cousin,
    Ella tuvo una gran idea She had a great idea.
    Yo tengo paperas I have=suffer from the mumps.
    Tengo un ataque de nervios I am having a nervous fit.
    Ella tiene su aprobación She has=meets with his approval.
    2 to be.
    tiene 3 metros de ancho it's 3 meters wide
    ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?
    tiene diez años she's ten (years old)
    tener hambre/miedo to be hungry/afraid
    tener mal humor to be bad-tempered
    le tiene lástima he feels sorry for her
    3 to get (recibir) (mensaje, regalo, visita, sensación).
    tuve un verdadero desengaño I was really disappointed
    tendrá una sorpresa he'll get a surprise
    4 to hold.
    tenlo por el asa hold it by the handle
    Ella tiene su bolso She holds her purse.
    5 to offer, to have.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    ten (tú), tenga (él/Vd.), tengamos (nos.), tened (vos.), tengan (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    2) hold
    3) own, possess
    4) feel
    - tener que
    - tenerse por
    * * *
    Para las expresiones como tener cuidado, tener ganas, tener suerte, tener de particular, tener en cuenta, ver la otra entrada.
    El uso de got con el verbo have es más frecuente en inglés británico, pero solo se usa en el presente.
    1) (=poseer, disponer de) to have, have got

    ¿tienes dinero? — do you have {o} have you got any money?

    ¿tienes un bolígrafo? — do you have {o} have you got a pen?

    ¿tiene usted permiso para esto? — do you have {o} have you got permission for this?

    tiene un tío en Venezuela — he has an uncle in Venezuela, he's got an uncle in Venezuela

    ahora no tengo tiempo — I don't have {o} I haven't got time now

    2) [referido a aspecto, carácter] to have, have got

    tiene el pelo rubio — he has blond hair, he's got blond hair

    tiene la nariz aguileña — she has an aquiline nose, she's got an aquiline nose

    3) [referido a edad] to be

    ¿cuántos años tienes? — how old are you?

    4) [referido a ocupaciones] to have, have got

    tenemos clase de inglés a las 11 — we have an English class at 11, we've got an English class at 11

    el lunes tenemos una reunión — we're having a meeting on Monday, we've got a meeting on Monday

    5) (=parir) to have
    6) (=medir) to be
    7) (=sentir) + sustantivo to be + adj

    tener hambre/sed/calor/frío — to be hungry/thirsty/hot/cold

    8) (=padecer, sufrir) to have

    Luis tiene la gripe — Luis has {o} has got flu

    tengo fiebre — I have {o} I've got a (high) temperature

    ¿qué tienes? — what's the matter with you?, what's wrong with you?

    9) (=sostener) to hold

    tenía el pasaporte en la mano — he had his passport in his hand, he was holding his passport in his hand

    tenme el vaso un momento, por favor — hold my glass for me for a moment, please

    ¡ten!, ¡aquí tienes! — here you are!

    10) (=recibir) to have

    ¿has tenido noticias suyas? — have you heard from her?

    11) (=pensar, considerar)

    tener [a bien] hacer algo — to see fit to do sth

    tener a algn [en] algo, te tendrán en más estima — they will hold you in higher esteem

    tener a algn [por] — + adj to consider sb (to be) + adj

    ten por [seguro] que... — rest assured that...

    12) tener algo que ({+ infin})

    tengo trabajo que hacer — I have {o} I've got work to do

    no tengo nada que hacer — I have {o} I've got nothing to do

    eso no tiene nada que ver — that has {o} that's got nothing to do with it

    13) [locuciones]

    ¡[ahí] lo tienes! — there you are!, there you have it!

    tener algo [de] + adj

    ¿qué tiene de malo? — what's wrong with that?

    tenerlo [difícil] — to find it difficult

    tenerlo [fácil] — to have it easy

    - ¿conque esas tenemos?

    no las tengo todas conmigo de que lo haga — I'm none too sure that he'll do it, I'm not entirely sure that he'll do it

    1) tener que ({+ infin})
    a) [indicando obligación]

    tengo que comprarlo — I have to {o} I've got to buy it, I must buy it

    tenemos que marcharnos — we have to {o} we've got to go, we must be going

    tienen que aumentarte el sueldo — they have to {o} they've got to give you a rise

    b) [indicando suposición, probabilidad]

    ¡tienes que estar cansadísima! — you must be really tired!

    tiene que dolerte mucho ¿no? — it must hurt a lot, doesn't it?

    c) [en reproches]

    ¡tendrías que haberlo dicho antes! — you should have said so before!

    ¡tendría que darte vergüenza! — you should be ashamed of yourself!

    ¡tú tenías que ser! — it would be you!, it had to be you!

    d) [en sugerencias, recomendaciones]
    2) + participio
    3) + adj

    me tiene perplejo la falta de noticias — the lack of news is puzzling, I am puzzled by the lack of news

    4) esp Méx (=llevar)

    tienen tres meses de no cobrar — they haven't been paid for three months, it's three months since they've been paid

    * * *
    verbo transitivo [El uso de 'got' en frases como 'I've got a new dress' está mucho más extendido en el inglés británico que en el americano. Éste prefiere la forma 'I have a new dress']
    1) (poseer, disponer de) <dinero/trabajo/tiempo> to have

    ¿tienen hijos? — do they have any children?, have they got any children?

    no tenemos pan — we don't have any bread, we haven't got any bread

    aquí tienes al culpablehere's o this is the culprit

    ¿conque ésas tenemos? — so that's the way things are, is it?

    a) ( llevar encima) to have

    ¿tiene hora? — have you got the time?

    b) ( llevar puesto) to be wearing
    3) (hablando de actividades, obligaciones) to have

    tengo invitados a cenarI have o I've got some people coming to dinner

    tener... que + inf — to have... to + inf

    tengo cosas que hacerI have o I've got things to do

    a) (señalando características, atributos) to have

    tiene el pelo largoshe has o she's got long hair

    ¿y eso qué tiene de malo? — and what's so bad about that?

    le lleva 15 años - ¿y eso qué tiene? — (AmL fam) she's 15 years older than he is - so what does that matter?

    ¿cuántos años tienes? — how old are you?

    5) ( dar a luz) <bebé/gemelos> to have
    6) (sujetar, sostener) to hold
    7) ( tomar)

    ten la llavetake o here's the key

    8) ( recibir) to have
    a) ( sentir)

    tengo hambre/sueño/frío — I'm hungry/tired/cold

    tengo el placer de... — it gives me great pleasure to...

    ¿qué tienes? — what's wrong?, what's the matter?

    b) (refiriéndose a síntomas, enfermedades) to have

    tengo dolor de cabezaI have o I've got a headache

    c) (refiriéndose a experiencias, sucesos) to have

    ten paciencia/cuidado — be patient/careful

    11) (indicando estado, situación) (+ compl)

    lo tiene dominadoshe has him under her thumb

    12) ( considerar)

    tener algo/a alguien por algo: se lo tiene por el mejor he/it is considered (to be) the best; siempre lo tuve por tímido I always thought he was shy; ten por seguro que lo hará — you can be sure he'll do it

    tener v aux
    a) (expresando obligación, necesidad)

    tener que + inf — to have (got) to + inf

    tengo que estudiar hoyI have to o I must study today

    b) (expresando propósito, recomendación)

    tener que + inf: tenemos que ir a verla we must go and see her; tengo que hacer ejercicio I must get some exercise; tendrías que llamarlo — you should ring him

    tener que + inf: tiene que estar en este cajón it must be in this drawer; tiene que haber sido él it must have been him; tú tenías que ser! — it had to be you!

    ¿tiene previsto asistir? — do you plan to attend?

    tenerse v pron

    no tenerse de sueñoto be dead o asleep on one's feet

    2) (refl) ( considerarse)

    tenerse por algo: se tiene por muy inteligente — he considers himself to be very intelligent

    * * *
    = bear, contain, have, hold, own, carry, have got, have + in place, live with, have at + Posesivo + disposal, possess.
    Ex. Use a uniform title for an entry if the item bears a title proper that differs from the uniform title.
    Ex. The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.
    Ex. Many of the aspects of the indexing process including, in particular, term selection and search logic have common features.
    Ex. If the search is made with a call number, a summary of copies with that call number which are held by the library is first displayed.
    Ex. For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
    Ex. Europe Environment carries useful reports on the activities of the lobby groups in the environmental, consumer protection and research fields.
    Ex. Typical examples of enquiries of this kind that could be satisfied within minutes in any decently stocked library are ' Have you got anything on organising weddings?' 'Can you find me something on the history of paddle-steamers?'.
    Ex. The first country to have in place an operational domestic geostationary satellite communications system was Canada.
    Ex. Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    Ex. But this would require time and competencies, which not all policy makers have at their disposal.
    Ex. Not every index necessarily exhibits all the features of either of these types of indexing systems, and indeed, some will possess elements of both types of systems.
    * acabar teniendo = end up with.
    * acontecimiento + tener lugar = occurrence + take place.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * aquí tiene(s) = here is/are.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * cambio + tener lugar = change + take place.
    * curso que tiene lugar fuera de la universidad = extension course, off-campus course.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * del que se tiene constancia = recorded.
    * demostrar que se tiene razón = prove + Posesivo + point.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * empezar a tener dudas = get + cold feet.
    * empezar a tener sentido = become + meaningful.
    * estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.
    * hacer que tenga más valor = put + a premium on.
    * hombre que tiene mucho mundo = a man of the world.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * mujer que tiene mucho mundo = a woman of the world.
    * necesitarse tener en cuenta = need + consideration.
    * negar tener relación con = disclaim + connection with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no tener alternativa = have + no choice.
    * no tener apetito = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.
    * no tener constancia de Algo = unrecorded.
    * no tener donde caerse muerto = not have two pennies to rub together.
    * no tener dos dedos de frente = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush.
    * no tener dos dedos de frnete = knucklehead.
    * no tener en cuenta = disregard, overlook, skip over, be oblivious of/to, close + the door on, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, fly in + the face of, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no tener errores = be error-free.
    * no tener éxito = come up with + nothing, prove + unsuccessful, be unsuccessful.
    * no tener fin = there + be + no end to.
    * no tener fronteras = have + no boundaries.
    * no tener fundamento = be unfounded.
    * no tener ganas = can't/couldn't be bothered, can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.
    * no tener hijos = be childless.
    * no tener hogar = be homeless.
    * no tener idea = have + no clue, have + no idea.
    * no tener idea de = be clueless about, have + no understanding of.
    * no tener importancia = be of no importance, make + no difference, be of no consequence.
    * no tener información = be undocumented.
    * no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.
    * no tener la menor importancia = be of no particular concern.
    * no tener la necesidad de usar Algo = have + no use for.
    * no tener la obligación de = be under no obligation.
    * no tener la preparación = be untrained.
    * no tener límite = have + no limit.
    * no tener límites = be boundless.
    * no tener lugar = fall through.
    * no tener más alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener más opción que = have + little choice but, have + no other option but.
    * no tener más remedio que = be stuck with, be left with the need to, get + stuck with.
    * no tener nada en contra de = have + no quarrel with, have + nothing against.
    * no tener nada en contra de Algo = have + no quarrel about + Nombre.
    * no tener nada que perder = have + nothing to lose.
    * no tener nada que ver con = be irrelevant to.
    * no tener ni idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.
    * no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ningún escrúpulo en = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ningún fundamento = not have a leg to stand on.
    * no tener ningún interés = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no tener ningún remilgo en = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ningún reparo = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ni pies ni cabeza = be pointless.
    * no tener ni punto de comparación = be in a different league.
    * no tener ni puta idea = not get + Posesivo + shit together.
    * no tener ni puta idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.
    * no tener ni un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * no tener ni voz ni voto en = have + no say in.
    * no tener noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * no tener opción = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra alternativa = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener otra opción = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra opción que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener otro objetivo que el de = have + no other purpose than.
    * no tener otro sitio donde recurrir = have + nowhere else to turn.
    * no tener parangón = be unequalled, be without peer.
    * no tener pelos en la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no tener posibilidades = be dead meat.
    * no tener prejuicios = be open-minded.
    * no tener presente = be oblivious of/to.
    * no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.
    * no tener razón = be wrong.
    * no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo = there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * no tener reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no tener reparos en admitir que = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no tener representación = be unrepresented.
    * no tener respuesta = be unanswerable.
    * no tener rival = be second to none.
    * no tener rumbo = lose + Posesivo + way.
    * no tener salida = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * no tenerse en pie = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no tener sentido = be meaningless, be pointless, be senseless.
    * no tener sentido el + Infinitivo = there + be + no point in + Gerundio.
    * no tener sentido + Infinitivo = there + be + little point in + Gerundio, there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * no tener suerte = be out of luck.
    * no tener tiempo de nada = have + not a moment to spare.
    * no tener trabajo = be unemployed.
    * no tener trascendencia = be of no consequence.
    * no tener un duro = not have a bean.
    * no tener valor = be valueless.
    * no tener vida privada = like being in a (gold)fish bowl.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * ¡Ojalá tuviera...! = I wish I had....
    * ¡Ojalá tuviese...! = I wish I had....
    * parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
    * por si + tener + suerte = on spec.
    * que no tiene compensación = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * que no tiene precio = priceless.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * que tiene lugar una vez a la semana = once-weekly.
    * que tiene precio = priced.
    * que tiene sentido = meaningful.
    * que tiene solución = solvable.
    * revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.
    * sin tener = in the absence of.
    * sin tener en cuenta = never mind, without regard to, independently of, disregarding, not including.
    * sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * sin tener que recurrir a = without recourse to.
    * tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.
    * tener a Alguien metido en un puño = have + Nombre + under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * tener a cargo de uno = have + as + Posesivo + charge.
    * tener acceso a información confidencial = be on the inside.
    * tener acuerdos con = have + deals with.
    * tener afinidades = share + common ground.
    * tener aire acondiconado = be air-conditioned.
    * tener a la disposición de Uno = have at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * tener al alcance = have at + Posesivo + touch.
    * tener Algo al alcance = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener algo a mano = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener + Algo + a + Posesivo + entera disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener Algo bajo el control de Uno = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + command.
    * tener Algo claro = clarify + Posesivo + mind.
    * tener Algo en común = have + Nombre + in common, share + Nombre + in common.
    * tener algo en contra de = have + something against.
    * tener Algo fácilmente accesible = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener Algo hecho a la medida de uno = have + Nombre + cut out.
    * tener algo muy vivo en la mente de uno = be strong in + mind.
    * tener algo que decir sobre = have + a say in.
    * tener algo que ver con = have + something to do with.
    * tener algo reservado = have + something up + Posesivo + sleeve.
    * tener alguna incidencia en = have + some bearing on.
    * tener alguna posibilidad = have + a fighting chance.
    * tener alguna posibilidad de triunfar = have + a fighting chance.
    * tener alguna relevancia para = have + some bearing on.
    * tener alucinaciones = hallucinate.
    * tener a mano = have at + Posesivo + touch, have + on call, have + to hand, keep within + reach, be to hand.
    * tener ansias de = crave, crave for.
    * tener antecedentes de = have + a track record of.
    * tener antojo de = crave, crave for.
    * tener a + Posesivo + cargo = have + in + Posesivo + charge.
    * tener aspecto = look.
    * tener atrasos = be in arrears.
    * tener aversión a = have + aversion to.
    * tener beneficios = have + benefits.
    * tener buena mano con las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * tener buen apetito = have + a good appetite.
    * tener buenas intenciones = be well-intentioned, mean + well.
    * tener buenas perspectivas para = be well-placed to.
    * tener buen ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a good judge of character.
    * tener bulla = be in a hurry.
    * tener cabida para = hold, accommodate, include, take.
    * tener calentura = have + a temperature, have + a fever.
    * tener características en común = share + similarities.
    * tener cara de muerto = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener carencias = find + wanting.
    * tener carta blanca = have + carte-blanche.
    * tener causa justificada = have + good cause.
    * tener cautela = proceed + with caution.
    * tener celos = feel + jealous.
    * tener claro = be clear in your mind.
    * tener coherencia = cohere.
    * tener cólicos = be colicky.
    * tener como consecuencia = result (in).
    * tener como equivalente = have + counterpart.
    * tener como motivo central = plan around + Nombre.
    * tener como objetivo = have + as + Posesivo + objective, be in business for.
    * tener como sede = headquarter (at/in).
    * tener compasión de = have + compassion for.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * tener consecuencias = have + consequences.
    * tener consecuencias en = have + implication for.
    * tener consecuencias negativas = backfire.
    * tener contacto = have + contact.
    * tener contactos = liaise (with/between).
    * tener controlado a Alguien = have + Nombre + on the run.
    * tener control sobre = have + hold on.
    * tener coraje = pluck up + courage, gather up + courage.
    * tener correlación con = bear + correlation with.
    * tener correspondencia = bear + correspondence (to).
    * tener cosas en común = share + common ground.
    * tener cualidades + Adjetivo = be of + Adjetivo + quality.
    * tener cuidado = exercise + care, exercise + caution, proceed + with caution, watch out, take + caution.
    * tener cuidado con = watch for, beware (of/that), look out for, be wary of.
    * tener cuidado con lo que se dice = say + the right thing.
    * tener cuidado con lo que Uno dice = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say.
    * tener cuidado de = be careful, be chary of, take + (great) pains to.
    * tener cuidado (de que) = take + care (that).
    * tener cultivos = grow + crops.
    * tener debilidad por = have + a soft spot for.
    * tener delante = have + before.
    * tener demasiada prisa = be in too much of a hurry, be in too much of a rush.
    * tener derecho a = be entitled to, have + a right to, entitle to, have + the right to, have + a say in.
    * tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión = be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion.
    * tener derecho de paso = have + the right of way.
    * tener dificultad = struggle, experience + difficulty, be hard pressed.
    * tener dificultad de + Infinitivo = have + difficulty + Gerundio, have + difficulty in + Gerundio.
    * tener dificultad en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * tener dificultades = have + a hard time, have + a tough time.
    * tener dinero a punta pala = roll in + Dinero.
    * tener dominado a Alguien = have + Nombre + on the run.
    * tener dudas = be doubtful, have + misgivings, have + reservations (about), be suspicious.
    * tener dudas sobre = be ambivalent about.
    * tener efecto = take + effect, have + effect.
    * tener efecto sobre = impinge on/upon.
    * tener el atrevimiento de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener el corazón de un león = have + the heart of a lion.
    * tener el deber de = have + a responsibility to.
    * tener el derecho de = have + the right to.
    * tener el descaro de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener el destino de = suffer + the fate of.
    * tener el estatus profesional de + Nombre = have + Nombre + status.
    * tener el gusto de = take + pleasure.
    * tener el hábito de = have + the habit of.
    * tener el honor de = have + the honour of.
    * tener el lujo = have + luxury.
    * tener el mando = rule + the roost.
    * tener el mejor aspecto posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * tener el mismo destino = suffer + the same fate.
    * tener el mono = suffer from + withdrawal symptoms.
    * tener el placer de = take + pleasure.
    * tener el plazo cumplido = be due.
    * tener el plazo vencido = be overdue.
    * tener el poder = be the boss, call + the shots, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener el poder de = have + the power to.
    * tener el toque mágico = have + the magic touch.
    * tener el valor = have + the courage.
    * tener el valor de = have + the guts to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener en común = hold in + common, tread + common ground.
    * tener en común con = partake (in/of).
    * tener en consideración = take into + consideration, take into + consideration.
    * tener en cuenta = allow for, bear in + mind, cater for/to, consider (as), heed, make + allowances, take + account of, take + cognisance of, take + cognition of, take into + account, take into + consideration, make + provision for, bring into + play, give + an ear to, factor, have + regard for, factor in, be aware of, note, keep in + mind.
    * tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint, contemplate + view.
    * tener en funcionamiento = have + in effect.
    * tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.
    * tener en mente = bear in + mind, have + in mind, keep in + mind.
    * tener en observación = hold under + observation, keep under + observation.
    * tener en reserva = hold in + reserve.
    * tener entre manos = be up to.
    * tener envidia de = envy.
    * tener errores = be flawed.
    * tener éxito = achieve + success, be successful, get + anywhere, meet + success, prove + successful, succeed, attain + appeal, be a success, find + success, come up + trumps, prove + trumps, take off, meet with + success, hit + the big time, be popular, go + strong.
    * tener éxito en el mundo = succeed in + the world.
    * tener éxito en la vida = succeed in + life, get on in + life.
    * tener expectativas = hold + expectations, have + expectations.
    * tener experiencia = have + experience.
    * tener fácilmente accesible = have at + Posesivo + touch.
    * tener fallos = be flawed.
    * tener fe = have + faith (in).
    * tener fe en = have + faith (in).
    * tener fiebre = have + a temperature, have + a fever.
    * tener fijación por = be hipped (on/to), get hipped (on/to).
    * tener flatulencia = pass + gas, break + wind, pass + wind.
    * tener forma + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in shape.
    * tener frenillo = lisp.
    * tener fundamento para pensar que = have + reason to believe that.
    * tener futuro = have + potential, there + be + a future for/in, have + a future.
    * tener ganada la mitad de la batalla = be half the battle.
    * tener ganada sólo la mitad de la batalla = be only half the battle.
    * tener ganas de = be keen to, have + an/the inclination to.
    * tener ganas de + Infinitivo = feel like + Gerundio.
    * tener gancho = be engaging.
    * tener gastos = incur + costs.
    * tener gastos generales = incur + overheads.
    * tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener gran importancia = be of high significance.
    * tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.
    * tener hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.
    * tener hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.
    * tener hijos = father + children, have + children.
    * tener hipo = hiccup.
    * tener horario ajustado = be under time constraint.
    * tener horror a = loathe, hate.
    * tener idea = have + a clue.
    * tener impacto = make + impact.
    * tener impacto (sobre) = have + impact (on).
    * tener implicaciones para = have + implication for.
    * tener importancia = carry + weight, have + high profile, be of consequence.
    * tener indigestión = have + indigestion.
    * tener influencias = have + pull.
    * tener influencia sobre = have + hold on.
    * tener iniciativa = be proactive.
    * tener intereses en = have + a stake in.
    * tener intereses en juego = have + invested.
    * tener interés por = have + an interest in.
    * tener interés por/en = be interested in.
    * tener inventiva = be inventive.
    * tener jurisdicción = have + jurisdiction (over).
    * tener la autoridad = have + mandate.
    * tener la bragueta abierta = fly + be undone.
    * tener la capacidad de = have + the potential (to/for).
    * tener la cara de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la cara descompuesta = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener la categoría profesional de + Nombre = hold + Nombre + rank, have + Nombre + rank, enjoy + Nombre + rank.
    * tener la certeza de = feel + confident.
    * tener la certeza de que = rest + assured that.
    * tener la conciencia limpia = have + a clear conscience.
    * tener la conciencia tranquila = have + a clear conscience.
    * tener la convicción = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener la costumbre de = have + a habit of, have + the habit of.
    * tener la costumbre de + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener la cuenta bancaria = bank.
    * tener la culpa (por/de) = be at fault (for/to).
    * tener la culpa de Algo que se ha causado Uno mismo = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * tener la desfachatez de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la desvergüenza de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la doble función = double as, double up as.
    * tener la facultad de = have + powers to.
    * tener la fama de = have + a good record for.
    * tener la fecha de + Fecha = be dated + Fecha.
    * tener la frescura de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la función de = be in the business of.
    * tener la impresión = have + the impression, get + the impression.
    * tener la impresión de que = get + the feeling that.
    * tener la intención de = be intended to, intend, mean.
    * tener la intención de + Infinitivo = set out to + Infinitivo.
    * tener la libertad de = be at liberty to, feel + free to.
    * tener la libertard de/para = have + the latitude to.
    * tener la malafortuna de = have + the misfortune to.
    * tener la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.
    * tener la misma importancia = carry + equal weight.
    * tener la obligación de = be under the obligation to.
    * tener la ocasión de = have + opportunity to.
    * tener la oficina central en = headquarter (at/in).
    * tener la opinión = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener la oportunidad = have + the opportunity.
    * tener la oportunidad de = get + (a/the) + chance to, have + opportunity to, get + a chance to.
    * tener la osadía de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la paciencia del santo Job = have + the patience of Job.
    * tener la paciencia de un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * tener la posibilidad de = have + chance.
    * tener la potestad = have + mandate.
    * tener la potestad de = have + the power to, have + the right to.
    * tener lapsus = have + lapses.
    * tener la reputación de ser = be well known for.
    * tener la responsabilidad = charge, undertake + burden.
    * tener la responsabilidad de = have + the responsibility of.
    * tener la sartén por el mango = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener la seguridad de = have + the security of.
    * tener la seguridad de que = rest + assured that.
    * tener la sensación de que = have + a gut feeling that.
    * tener las mismas prerrogativas = have + an equal voice in.
    * tener las riendas de = hold + the reins of.
    * tener las riendas del poder = hold + the reins of power.
    * tener lástima = pity.
    * tener lástima de = take + pity on.
    * tener la tentación de = be tempted to.
    * tener la última palabra = have + the ultimate say, have + the final say, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener la vista cansada = need + reading glasses.
    * tenerle manía a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tenerle rabia a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tenerle tirria a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tener libertad = have + freedom.
    * tener libertad sobre = have + wide discretion over.
    * tenerlo crudo = not be easy.
    * tenerlo difícil = not be easy, not be easy.
    * tenerlo duro = not be easy.
    * tenerlo fácil = have + an easy ride.
    * tener lo mejor de ambos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo mejor de los dos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo que hace falta = have + what it takes.
    * tener lo que hay que tener = have + what it takes.
    * tener lo que se necesita = have + what it takes.
    * tener los días contados = day + be + numbered, be doomed, doomed, be dead meat, the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * tener los nervios de punta = have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * tener los nervios en el estómago = have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * tener los pies firmemente en el suelo = feet + be + firmly planted on the ground.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener lugar = take + place, go on, come to + pass.
    * tener madera de = be cut out for.
    * tener mala fama por = hold in + disrepute, be infamous for.
    * tener malas conexiones con = have + poor connections with.
    * tener malas intenciones = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * tener mal de amores = be lovesick.
    * tener mal ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a bad judge of character.
    * tener más paciencia que el santo Job = have + the patience of Job.
    * tener más paciencia que un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * tener mérito = be meritorious.
    * tener miedo = be afraid, be in fear, frighten.
    * tener miedo a = be scared of.
    * tener miedo a Alguien = regard + Nombre + with fear.
    * tener motivo = be right.
    * tener motivo justificado = have + good cause.
    * tener motivo para = have + cause to.
    * tener movilidad = be mobile.
    * tener mucha distancia que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucha ilusión = be thrilled.
    * tener mucha personalidad = be full of character.
    * tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucho carácter = be full of character.
    * tener mucho cuidado = be extra vigilant.
    * tener mucho éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener mucho que ver con = have + a great deal to do with.
    * tener mucho tiempo libre = have + plenty of time to spare.
    * tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener niños = have + children.
    * tener + Nombre = be not without + Nombre.
    * tener noticias de = hear from.
    * tener + Número + Período de Tiempo = be + Período de Tiempo + old.
    * tener obligación = have + obligation.
    * tener obsesión con = be hipped (on/to), get hipped (on/to).
    * tener ojeras = have + bags under + Posesivo + eyes.
    * tener ojos en la nuca = have + eyes in the back of + Posesivo + head.
    * tener opinión = take + view.
    * tener paciencia = be patient.
    * tener paciencia con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * tener palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * tener paralelo = have + parallel.
    * tener pelos en la lengua = mince + words.
    * tener pérdidas = make + a loss.
    * tener perplejo = stump.
    * tener plena conciencia de = be fully aware of.
    * tener poca información = be information poor.
    * tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, knucklehead.
    * tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
    * tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
    * tener poco valor = be of little value.
    * tener por costumbre + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener por término medio = average.
    * tener posibilidades = stand + chance, be in with a chance.
    * tener potencial = have + potential.
    * tener precaución de = be chary of.
    * tener precedencia = take + priority.
    * tener preferencia = be preferential, have + the right of way.
    * tener preferencia (sobre) = take + precedence (over).
    * tener presente = be mindful of/that, bear in + mind, consider (as), keep in + focus, keep in + mind, make + consideration, mind, make + provision for, have + regard for, be aware of.
    * tener presente las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener prioridad = trump.
    * tener prisa = be in a hurry.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener programado su comienzo = be scheduled to start.
    * tener programado su finalización = be scheduled for completion.
    * tener pros y contras = be a mixed blessing.
    * tener que = have to, hafta [have to].
    * tener que aguantar Algo = be stuck with, get + stuck with.
    * tener que arreglárselas solo = leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources, leave to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * tener que cargar con = be stuck with, saddle with, get + stuck with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de = be burdened with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de la tradición = be burdened with + tradition.
    * tener que competir con = face + competition from.
    * tener + que felicitar a Alguien = have to hand it to + Nombre.
    * tener que ocurrir = be boun.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo [El uso de 'got' en frases como 'I've got a new dress' está mucho más extendido en el inglés británico que en el americano. Éste prefiere la forma 'I have a new dress']
    1) (poseer, disponer de) <dinero/trabajo/tiempo> to have

    ¿tienen hijos? — do they have any children?, have they got any children?

    no tenemos pan — we don't have any bread, we haven't got any bread

    aquí tienes al culpablehere's o this is the culprit

    ¿conque ésas tenemos? — so that's the way things are, is it?

    a) ( llevar encima) to have

    ¿tiene hora? — have you got the time?

    b) ( llevar puesto) to be wearing
    3) (hablando de actividades, obligaciones) to have

    tengo invitados a cenarI have o I've got some people coming to dinner

    tener... que + inf — to have... to + inf

    tengo cosas que hacerI have o I've got things to do

    a) (señalando características, atributos) to have

    tiene el pelo largoshe has o she's got long hair

    ¿y eso qué tiene de malo? — and what's so bad about that?

    le lleva 15 años - ¿y eso qué tiene? — (AmL fam) she's 15 years older than he is - so what does that matter?

    ¿cuántos años tienes? — how old are you?

    5) ( dar a luz) <bebé/gemelos> to have
    6) (sujetar, sostener) to hold
    7) ( tomar)

    ten la llavetake o here's the key

    8) ( recibir) to have
    a) ( sentir)

    tengo hambre/sueño/frío — I'm hungry/tired/cold

    tengo el placer de... — it gives me great pleasure to...

    ¿qué tienes? — what's wrong?, what's the matter?

    b) (refiriéndose a síntomas, enfermedades) to have

    tengo dolor de cabezaI have o I've got a headache

    c) (refiriéndose a experiencias, sucesos) to have

    ten paciencia/cuidado — be patient/careful

    11) (indicando estado, situación) (+ compl)

    lo tiene dominadoshe has him under her thumb

    12) ( considerar)

    tener algo/a alguien por algo: se lo tiene por el mejor he/it is considered (to be) the best; siempre lo tuve por tímido I always thought he was shy; ten por seguro que lo hará — you can be sure he'll do it

    tener v aux
    a) (expresando obligación, necesidad)

    tener que + inf — to have (got) to + inf

    tengo que estudiar hoyI have to o I must study today

    b) (expresando propósito, recomendación)

    tener que + inf: tenemos que ir a verla we must go and see her; tengo que hacer ejercicio I must get some exercise; tendrías que llamarlo — you should ring him

    tener que + inf: tiene que estar en este cajón it must be in this drawer; tiene que haber sido él it must have been him; tú tenías que ser! — it had to be you!

    ¿tiene previsto asistir? — do you plan to attend?

    tenerse v pron

    no tenerse de sueñoto be dead o asleep on one's feet

    2) (refl) ( considerarse)

    tenerse por algo: se tiene por muy inteligente — he considers himself to be very intelligent

    * * *
    = bear, contain, have, hold, own, carry, have got, have + in place, live with, have at + Posesivo + disposal, possess.

    Ex: Use a uniform title for an entry if the item bears a title proper that differs from the uniform title.

    Ex: The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.
    Ex: Many of the aspects of the indexing process including, in particular, term selection and search logic have common features.
    Ex: If the search is made with a call number, a summary of copies with that call number which are held by the library is first displayed.
    Ex: For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
    Ex: Europe Environment carries useful reports on the activities of the lobby groups in the environmental, consumer protection and research fields.
    Ex: Typical examples of enquiries of this kind that could be satisfied within minutes in any decently stocked library are ' Have you got anything on organising weddings?' 'Can you find me something on the history of paddle-steamers?'.
    Ex: The first country to have in place an operational domestic geostationary satellite communications system was Canada.
    Ex: Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    Ex: But this would require time and competencies, which not all policy makers have at their disposal.
    Ex: Not every index necessarily exhibits all the features of either of these types of indexing systems, and indeed, some will possess elements of both types of systems.
    * acabar teniendo = end up with.
    * acontecimiento + tener lugar = occurrence + take place.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * aquí tiene(s) = here is/are.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * cambio + tener lugar = change + take place.
    * curso que tiene lugar fuera de la universidad = extension course, off-campus course.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * del que se tiene constancia = recorded.
    * demostrar que se tiene razón = prove + Posesivo + point.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * empezar a tener dudas = get + cold feet.
    * empezar a tener sentido = become + meaningful.
    * estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.
    * hacer que tenga más valor = put + a premium on.
    * hombre que tiene mucho mundo = a man of the world.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * mujer que tiene mucho mundo = a woman of the world.
    * necesitarse tener en cuenta = need + consideration.
    * negar tener relación con = disclaim + connection with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no tener alternativa = have + no choice.
    * no tener apetito = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.
    * no tener constancia de Algo = unrecorded.
    * no tener donde caerse muerto = not have two pennies to rub together.
    * no tener dos dedos de frente = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush.
    * no tener dos dedos de frnete = knucklehead.
    * no tener en cuenta = disregard, overlook, skip over, be oblivious of/to, close + the door on, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, fly in + the face of, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no tener errores = be error-free.
    * no tener éxito = come up with + nothing, prove + unsuccessful, be unsuccessful.
    * no tener fin = there + be + no end to.
    * no tener fronteras = have + no boundaries.
    * no tener fundamento = be unfounded.
    * no tener ganas = can't/couldn't be bothered, can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.
    * no tener hijos = be childless.
    * no tener hogar = be homeless.
    * no tener idea = have + no clue, have + no idea.
    * no tener idea de = be clueless about, have + no understanding of.
    * no tener importancia = be of no importance, make + no difference, be of no consequence.
    * no tener información = be undocumented.
    * no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.
    * no tener la menor importancia = be of no particular concern.
    * no tener la necesidad de usar Algo = have + no use for.
    * no tener la obligación de = be under no obligation.
    * no tener la preparación = be untrained.
    * no tener límite = have + no limit.
    * no tener límites = be boundless.
    * no tener lugar = fall through.
    * no tener más alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener más opción que = have + little choice but, have + no other option but.
    * no tener más remedio que = be stuck with, be left with the need to, get + stuck with.
    * no tener nada en contra de = have + no quarrel with, have + nothing against.
    * no tener nada en contra de Algo = have + no quarrel about + Nombre.
    * no tener nada que perder = have + nothing to lose.
    * no tener nada que ver con = be irrelevant to.
    * no tener ni idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.
    * no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ningún escrúpulo en = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ningún fundamento = not have a leg to stand on.
    * no tener ningún interés = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no tener ningún remilgo en = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ningún reparo = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ni pies ni cabeza = be pointless.
    * no tener ni punto de comparación = be in a different league.
    * no tener ni puta idea = not get + Posesivo + shit together.
    * no tener ni puta idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.
    * no tener ni un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * no tener ni voz ni voto en = have + no say in.
    * no tener noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * no tener opción = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra alternativa = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener otra opción = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra opción que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener otro objetivo que el de = have + no other purpose than.
    * no tener otro sitio donde recurrir = have + nowhere else to turn.
    * no tener parangón = be unequalled, be without peer.
    * no tener pelos en la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no tener posibilidades = be dead meat.
    * no tener prejuicios = be open-minded.
    * no tener presente = be oblivious of/to.
    * no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.
    * no tener razón = be wrong.
    * no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo = there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * no tener reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no tener reparos en admitir que = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no tener representación = be unrepresented.
    * no tener respuesta = be unanswerable.
    * no tener rival = be second to none.
    * no tener rumbo = lose + Posesivo + way.
    * no tener salida = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * no tenerse en pie = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no tener sentido = be meaningless, be pointless, be senseless.
    * no tener sentido el + Infinitivo = there + be + no point in + Gerundio.
    * no tener sentido + Infinitivo = there + be + little point in + Gerundio, there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * no tener suerte = be out of luck.
    * no tener tiempo de nada = have + not a moment to spare.
    * no tener trabajo = be unemployed.
    * no tener trascendencia = be of no consequence.
    * no tener un duro = not have a bean.
    * no tener valor = be valueless.
    * no tener vida privada = like being in a (gold)fish bowl.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * ¡Ojalá tuviera...! = I wish I had....
    * ¡Ojalá tuviese...! = I wish I had....
    * parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
    * por si + tener + suerte = on spec.
    * que no tiene compensación = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * que no tiene precio = priceless.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * que tiene lugar una vez a la semana = once-weekly.
    * que tiene precio = priced.
    * que tiene sentido = meaningful.
    * que tiene solución = solvable.
    * revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.
    * sin tener = in the absence of.
    * sin tener en cuenta = never mind, without regard to, independently of, disregarding, not including.
    * sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * sin tener que recurrir a = without recourse to.
    * tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.
    * tener a Alguien metido en un puño = have + Nombre + under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * tener a cargo de uno = have + as + Posesivo + charge.
    * tener acceso a información confidencial = be on the inside.
    * tener acuerdos con = have + deals with.
    * tener afinidades = share + common ground.
    * tener aire acondiconado = be air-conditioned.
    * tener a la disposición de Uno = have at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * tener al alcance = have at + Posesivo + touch.
    * tener Algo al alcance = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener algo a mano = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener + Algo + a + Posesivo + entera disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener Algo bajo el control de Uno = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + command.
    * tener Algo claro = clarify + Posesivo + mind.
    * tener Algo en común = have + Nombre + in common, share + Nombre + in common.
    * tener algo en contra de = have + something against.
    * tener Algo fácilmente accesible = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener Algo hecho a la medida de uno = have + Nombre + cut out.
    * tener algo muy vivo en la mente de uno = be strong in + mind.
    * tener algo que decir sobre = have + a say in.
    * tener algo que ver con = have + something to do with.
    * tener algo reservado = have + something up + Posesivo + sleeve.
    * tener alguna incidencia en = have + some bearing on.
    * tener alguna posibilidad = have + a fighting chance.
    * tener alguna posibilidad de triunfar = have + a fighting chance.
    * tener alguna relevancia para = have + some bearing on.
    * tener alucinaciones = hallucinate.
    * tener a mano = have at + Posesivo + touch, have + on call, have + to hand, keep within + reach, be to hand.
    * tener ansias de = crave, crave for.
    * tener antecedentes de = have + a track record of.
    * tener antojo de = crave, crave for.
    * tener a + Posesivo + cargo = have + in + Posesivo + charge.
    * tener aspecto = look.
    * tener atrasos = be in arrears.
    * tener aversión a = have + aversion to.
    * tener beneficios = have + benefits.
    * tener buena mano con las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * tener buen apetito = have + a good appetite.
    * tener buenas intenciones = be well-intentioned, mean + well.
    * tener buenas perspectivas para = be well-placed to.
    * tener buen ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a good judge of character.
    * tener bulla = be in a hurry.
    * tener cabida para = hold, accommodate, include, take.
    * tener calentura = have + a temperature, have + a fever.
    * tener características en común = share + similarities.
    * tener cara de muerto = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener carencias = find + wanting.
    * tener carta blanca = have + carte-blanche.
    * tener causa justificada = have + good cause.
    * tener cautela = proceed + with caution.
    * tener celos = feel + jealous.
    * tener claro = be clear in your mind.
    * tener coherencia = cohere.
    * tener cólicos = be colicky.
    * tener como consecuencia = result (in).
    * tener como equivalente = have + counterpart.
    * tener como motivo central = plan around + Nombre.
    * tener como objetivo = have + as + Posesivo + objective, be in business for.
    * tener como sede = headquarter (at/in).
    * tener compasión de = have + compassion for.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * tener consecuencias = have + consequences.
    * tener consecuencias en = have + implication for.
    * tener consecuencias negativas = backfire.
    * tener contacto = have + contact.
    * tener contactos = liaise (with/between).
    * tener controlado a Alguien = have + Nombre + on the run.
    * tener control sobre = have + hold on.
    * tener coraje = pluck up + courage, gather up + courage.
    * tener correlación con = bear + correlation with.
    * tener correspondencia = bear + correspondence (to).
    * tener cosas en común = share + common ground.
    * tener cualidades + Adjetivo = be of + Adjetivo + quality.
    * tener cuidado = exercise + care, exercise + caution, proceed + with caution, watch out, take + caution.
    * tener cuidado con = watch for, beware (of/that), look out for, be wary of.
    * tener cuidado con lo que se dice = say + the right thing.
    * tener cuidado con lo que Uno dice = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say.
    * tener cuidado de = be careful, be chary of, take + (great) pains to.
    * tener cuidado (de que) = take + care (that).
    * tener cultivos = grow + crops.
    * tener debilidad por = have + a soft spot for.
    * tener delante = have + before.
    * tener demasiada prisa = be in too much of a hurry, be in too much of a rush.
    * tener derecho a = be entitled to, have + a right to, entitle to, have + the right to, have + a say in.
    * tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión = be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion.
    * tener derecho de paso = have + the right of way.
    * tener dificultad = struggle, experience + difficulty, be hard pressed.
    * tener dificultad de + Infinitivo = have + difficulty + Gerundio, have + difficulty in + Gerundio.
    * tener dificultad en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * tener dificultades = have + a hard time, have + a tough time.
    * tener dinero a punta pala = roll in + Dinero.
    * tener dominado a Alguien = have + Nombre + on the run.
    * tener dudas = be doubtful, have + misgivings, have + reservations (about), be suspicious.
    * tener dudas sobre = be ambivalent about.
    * tener efecto = take + effect, have + effect.
    * tener efecto sobre = impinge on/upon.
    * tener el atrevimiento de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener el corazón de un león = have + the heart of a lion.
    * tener el deber de = have + a responsibility to.
    * tener el derecho de = have + the right to.
    * tener el descaro de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener el destino de = suffer + the fate of.
    * tener el estatus profesional de + Nombre = have + Nombre + status.
    * tener el gusto de = take + pleasure.
    * tener el hábito de = have + the habit of.
    * tener el honor de = have + the honour of.
    * tener el lujo = have + luxury.
    * tener el mando = rule + the roost.
    * tener el mejor aspecto posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * tener el mismo destino = suffer + the same fate.
    * tener el mono = suffer from + withdrawal symptoms.
    * tener el placer de = take + pleasure.
    * tener el plazo cumplido = be due.
    * tener el plazo vencido = be overdue.
    * tener el poder = be the boss, call + the shots, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener el poder de = have + the power to.
    * tener el toque mágico = have + the magic touch.
    * tener el valor = have + the courage.
    * tener el valor de = have + the guts to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener en común = hold in + common, tread + common ground.
    * tener en común con = partake (in/of).
    * tener en consideración = take into + consideration, take into + consideration.
    * tener en cuenta = allow for, bear in + mind, cater for/to, consider (as), heed, make + allowances, take + account of, take + cognisance of, take + cognition of, take into + account, take into + consideration, make + provision for, bring into + play, give + an ear to, factor, have + regard for, factor in, be aware of, note, keep in + mind.
    * tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint, contemplate + view.
    * tener en funcionamiento = have + in effect.
    * tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.
    * tener en mente = bear in + mind, have + in mind, keep in + mind.
    * tener en observación = hold under + observation, keep under + observation.
    * tener en reserva = hold in + reserve.
    * tener entre manos = be up to.
    * tener envidia de = envy.
    * tener errores = be flawed.
    * tener éxito = achieve + success, be successful, get + anywhere, meet + success, prove + successful, succeed, attain + appeal, be a success, find + success, come up + trumps, prove + trumps, take off, meet with + success, hit + the big time, be popular, go + strong.
    * tener éxito en el mundo = succeed in + the world.
    * tener éxito en la vida = succeed in + life, get on in + life.
    * tener expectativas = hold + expectations, have + expectations.
    * tener experiencia = have + experience.
    * tener fácilmente accesible = have at + Posesivo + touch.
    * tener fallos = be flawed.
    * tener fe = have + faith (in).
    * tener fe en = have + faith (in).
    * tener fiebre = have + a temperature, have + a fever.
    * tener fijación por = be hipped (on/to), get hipped (on/to).
    * tener flatulencia = pass + gas, break + wind, pass + wind.
    * tener forma + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in shape.
    * tener frenillo = lisp.
    * tener fundamento para pensar que = have + reason to believe that.
    * tener futuro = have + potential, there + be + a future for/in, have + a future.
    * tener ganada la mitad de la batalla = be half the battle.
    * tener ganada sólo la mitad de la batalla = be only half the battle.
    * tener ganas de = be keen to, have + an/the inclination to.
    * tener ganas de + Infinitivo = feel like + Gerundio.
    * tener gancho = be engaging.
    * tener gastos = incur + costs.
    * tener gastos generales = incur + overheads.
    * tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener gran importancia = be of high significance.
    * tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.
    * tener hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.
    * tener hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.
    * tener hijos = father + children, have + children.
    * tener hipo = hiccup.
    * tener horario ajustado = be under time constraint.
    * tener horror a = loathe, hate.
    * tener idea = have + a clue.
    * tener impacto = make + impact.
    * tener impacto (sobre) = have + impact (on).
    * tener implicaciones para = have + implication for.
    * tener importancia = carry + weight, have + high profile, be of consequence.
    * tener indigestión = have + indigestion.
    * tener influencias = have + pull.
    * tener influencia sobre = have + hold on.
    * tener iniciativa = be proactive.
    * tener intereses en = have + a stake in.
    * tener intereses en juego = have + invested.
    * tener interés por = have + an interest in.
    * tener interés por/en = be interested in.
    * tener inventiva = be inventive.
    * tener jurisdicción = have + jurisdiction (over).
    * tener la autoridad = have + mandate.
    * tener la bragueta abierta = fly + be undone.
    * tener la capacidad de = have + the potential (to/for).
    * tener la cara de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la cara descompuesta = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener la categoría profesional de + Nombre = hold + Nombre + rank, have + Nombre + rank, enjoy + Nombre + rank.
    * tener la certeza de = feel + confident.
    * tener la certeza de que = rest + assured that.
    * tener la conciencia limpia = have + a clear conscience.
    * tener la conciencia tranquila = have + a clear conscience.
    * tener la convicción = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener la costumbre de = have + a habit of, have + the habit of.
    * tener la costumbre de + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener la cuenta bancaria = bank.
    * tener la culpa (por/de) = be at fault (for/to).
    * tener la culpa de Algo que se ha causado Uno mismo = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * tener la desfachatez de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la desvergüenza de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la doble función = double as, double up as.
    * tener la facultad de = have + powers to.
    * tener la fama de = have + a good record for.
    * tener la fecha de + Fecha = be dated + Fecha.
    * tener la frescura de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la función de = be in the business of.
    * tener la impresión = have + the impression, get + the impression.
    * tener la impresión de que = get + the feeling that.
    * tener la intención de = be intended to, intend, mean.
    * tener la intención de + Infinitivo = set out to + Infinitivo.
    * tener la libertad de = be at liberty to, feel + free to.
    * tener la libertard de/para = have + the latitude to.
    * tener la malafortuna de = have + the misfortune to.
    * tener la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.
    * tener la misma importancia = carry + equal weight.
    * tener la obligación de = be under the obligation to.
    * tener la ocasión de = have + opportunity to.
    * tener la oficina central en = headquarter (at/in).
    * tener la opinión = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener la oportunidad = have + the opportunity.
    * tener la oportunidad de = get + (a/the) + chance to, have + opportunity to, get + a chance to.
    * tener la osadía de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la paciencia del santo Job = have + the patience of Job.
    * tener la paciencia de un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * tener la posibilidad de = have + chance.
    * tener la potestad = have + mandate.
    * tener la potestad de = have + the power to, have + the right to.
    * tener lapsus = have + lapses.
    * tener la reputación de ser = be well known for.
    * tener la responsabilidad = charge, undertake + burden.
    * tener la responsabilidad de = have + the responsibility of.
    * tener la sartén por el mango = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener la seguridad de = have + the security of.
    * tener la seguridad de que = rest + assured that.
    * tener la sensación de que = have + a gut feeling that.
    * tener las mismas prerrogativas = have + an equal voice in.
    * tener las riendas de = hold + the reins of.
    * tener las riendas del poder = hold + the reins of power.
    * tener lástima = pity.
    * tener lástima de = take + pity on.
    * tener la tentación de = be tempted to.
    * tener la última palabra = have + the ultimate say, have + the final say, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener la vista cansada = need + reading glasses.
    * tenerle manía a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tenerle rabia a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tenerle tirria a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tener libertad = have + freedom.
    * tener libertad sobre = have + wide discretion over.
    * tenerlo crudo = not be easy.
    * tenerlo difícil = not be easy, not be easy.
    * tenerlo duro = not be easy.
    * tenerlo fácil = have + an easy ride.
    * tener lo mejor de ambos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo mejor de los dos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo que hace falta = have + what it takes.
    * tener lo que hay que tener = have + what it takes.
    * tener lo que se necesita = have + what it takes.
    * tener los días contados = day + be + numbered, be doomed, doomed, be dead meat, the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * tener los nervios de punta = have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * tener los nervios en el estómago = have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * tener los pies firmemente en el suelo = feet + be + firmly planted on the ground.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener lugar = take + place, go on, come to + pass.
    * tener madera de = be cut out for.
    * tener mala fama por = hold in + disrepute, be infamous for.
    * tener malas conexiones con = have + poor connections with.
    * tener malas intenciones = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * tener mal de amores = be lovesick.
    * tener mal ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a bad judge of character.
    * tener más paciencia que el santo Job = have + the patience of Job.
    * tener más paciencia que un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * tener mérito = be meritorious.
    * tener miedo = be afraid, be in fear, frighten.
    * tener miedo a = be scared of.
    * tener miedo a Alguien = regard + Nombre + with fear.
    * tener motivo = be right.
    * tener motivo justificado = have + good cause.
    * tener motivo para = have + cause to.
    * tener movilidad = be mobile.
    * tener mucha distancia que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucha ilusión = be thrilled.
    * tener mucha personalidad = be full of character.
    * tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucho carácter = be full of character.
    * tener mucho cuidado = be extra vigilant.
    * tener mucho éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener mucho que ver con = have + a great deal to do with.
    * tener mucho tiempo libre = have + plenty of time to spare.
    * tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener niños = have + children.
    * tener + Nombre = be not without + Nombre.
    * tener noticias de = hear from.
    * tener + Número + Período de Tiempo = be + Período de Tiempo + old.
    * tener obligación = have + obligation.
    * tener obsesión con = be hipped (on/to), get hipped (on/to).
    * tener ojeras = have + bags under + Posesivo + eyes.
    * tener ojos en la nuca = have + eyes in the back of + Posesivo + head.
    * tener opinión = take + view.
    * tener paciencia = be patient.
    * tener paciencia con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * tener palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * tener paralelo = have + parallel.
    * tener pelos en la lengua = mince + words.
    * tener pérdidas = make + a loss.
    * tener perplejo = stump.
    * tener plena conciencia de = be fully aware of.
    * tener poca información = be information poor.
    * tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, knucklehead.
    * tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
    * tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
    * tener poco valor = be of little value.
    * tener por costumbre + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener por término medio = average.
    * tener posibilidades = stand + chance, be in with a chance.
    * tener potencial = have + potential.
    * tener precaución de = be chary of.
    * tener precedencia = take + priority.
    * tener preferencia = be preferential, have + the right of way.
    * tener preferencia (sobre) = take + precedence (over).
    * tener presente = be mindful of/that, bear in + mind, consider (as), keep in + focus, keep in + mind, make + consideration, mind, make + provision for, have + regard for, be aware of.
    * tener presente las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener prioridad = trump.
    * tener prisa = be in a hurry.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener programado su comienzo = be scheduled to start.
    * tener programado su finalización = be scheduled for completion.
    * tener pros y contras = be a mixed blessing.
    * tener que = have to, hafta [have to].
    * tener que aguantar Algo = be stuck with, get + stuck with.
    * tener que arreglárselas solo = leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources, leave to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * tener que cargar con = be stuck with, saddle with, get + stuck with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de = be burdened with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de la tradición = be burdened with + tradition.
    * tener que competir con = face + competition from.
    * tener + que felicitar a Alguien = have to hand it to + Nombre.
    * tener que ocurrir = be boun

    * * *
    tener [ E27 ]
    ■ tener (verbo transitivo)
    A poseer, disponer de
    1 llevar encima
    2 llevar puesto
    C actividades, obligaciones
    1 señalando características
    2 expresando edad
    3 con idea de posibilidad
    E dar a luz
    A sujetar, sostener
    B tomar
    A recibir
    1 sentir
    2 refiriéndose a síntomas
    3 refiriéndose a sucesos
    C refiriéndose a actitudes
    A indicando estado, situación
    B tener algo/a alguien por algo
    ■ tener (verbo auxiliar)
    1 tener que: obligación
    2 tener que: propósito
    B tener que: certeza
    A con participio pasado
    B en expresiones de tiempo
    ■ tenerse (verbo pronominal)
    A sostenerse
    B tenerse por algo
    [El uso de `got' en frases como `I've got a new dress' está mucho más extendido en el inglés británico que en el americano. Éste prefiere la forma `I have a new dress']
    A (poseer, disponer de) ‹dinero/trabajo/tiempo› to have
    ése ya lo tengo I already have that one, I've already got that one
    ¿tienen hijos? do they have any children?, have they got any children?
    tiene un sueldo muy bueno she earns a very good salary, she is on a very good salary
    no tenemos aceitunas we don't have any olives, we haven't got any olives
    no tenía bastante dinero I didn't have enough money
    no tengo a quién recurrir I have o I've got nobody to turn to
    tú no tienes idea de lo que fue you've no idea o you can't imagine what it was like
    aquí tienes al autor del delito here's o this is the culprit
    ¡ahí tienes! ¿ves cómo no se los puede dejar solos? there you are! you see how they can't be left on their own?
    ¿conque ésas tenemos? so that's the way things are, is it?
    no tenerlas todas consigo ( fam): no sé, no las tengo todas conmigo I don't know, I'm not entirely sure o I'm not a hundred percent sure o I'm not at all sure
    tenerla con algn (CS fam); to have it in for sb ( colloq)
    tenerla con algo (CS fam); to keep o go on about sth ( colloq)
    1 (llevar encima) to have
    ¿tienes cambio de $100? do you have change for $100?
    no tengo un lápiz I don't have a pencil (on me), I haven't got a pencil (on me)
    ¿tiene hora? have you got the time?, could you tell me the time?
    2 (llevar puesto) to be wearing, have on
    ¡qué traje más elegante tienes! that's a smart suit you're wearing o you have on!
    C (hablando de actividades, obligaciones) to have
    esta noche tengo una fiesta I'm going to o I have a party tonight
    los viernes tenemos gimnasia we have keep-fit on Fridays
    tenemos invitados a cenar we have o we've got some people coming to dinner
    tengo un par de camisas que planchar I have o I've got a couple of shirts to iron
    1 [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] (señalando características, atributos) to have
    tiene los ojos castaños/el pelo largo she has o she's got brown eyes/long hair
    tiene mucho tacto/valor he's very tactful/brave
    tiene habilidad para esas cosas he's very good at that sort of thing
    tiene sus defectos he has o he's got his faults
    la habitación tiene mucha luz the room is very light o gets a lot of light
    tiene cuatro metros de largo por tres de ancho it is four meters long and three meters wide
    ¿cuánto tienes de cintura? what's your waist measurement?
    tiene mucho de su padre he's very much like his father, he takes after his father
    tener algo DE algo:
    ¿y eso qué tiene de malo? and what's (so) bad about that?
    no tiene nada de extraño there's nothing strange about it
    le lleva 15 años — ¿y eso qué tiene? ( AmL fam); she's 15 years older than he is — so what does that matter?
    (expresando edad): ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?
    tengo cuarenta años I'm forty (years old)
    tengo edad para ser tu padre I'm old enough to be your father
    el televisor ya tiene muchos años the television set is very old
    (con idea de posibilidad): no creo que tenga arreglo I don't think it can be fixed, I think it's beyond repair
    el problema no tiene solución there is no solution to the problem, the problem is insoluble
    E (dar a luz) to have
    tener un niño or hijo or bebé to have a child o baby
    A (sujetar, sostener) to hold
    sube, que yo te tengo la escalera go on up, I'll hold the ladder for you
    ¿me tienes esto un minuto? could you hold this for a minute?
    tenlo derecho hold it upright
    (tomar): ten la llave take the key, here's the key
    A (recibir) to have
    hace un mes que no tenemos noticias de él we haven't heard from him for a month
    la propuesta tuvo una acogida favorable the proposal was favorably received
    tuvo una gran decepción/sorpresa it was a terrible disappointment/a big surprise for her
    (sentir): tengo hambre/sueño/frío I'm hungry/tired/cold
    tiene celos de su hermano she's jealous of her brother
    no tiene interés por nada she's not interested in anything
    le tengo mucho cariño a esta casa I'm very fond of this house
    tengo el placer/honor de anunciar … it gives me great pleasure/I have the honor to announce …
    ¿qué tienes? ¿por qué lloras? what's wrong? o what's the matter? why are you crying?
    2 (refiriéndose a síntomas, enfermedades) to have
    tengo un dolor de cabeza horrible I have o I've got a terrible headache
    ¿has tenido las paperas? have you had mumps?
    está enfermo, pero no saben qué tiene he's ill, but they don't know what it is o what he's got o what's wrong with him
    3 (refiriéndose a sucesos, experiencias) to have
    tuvimos un verano muy bueno we had a very good summer
    tuve un sueño espantoso I had a terrible dream
    que tengas buen viaje have a good trip
    tuve una discusión con él I had an argument with him
    (refiriéndose a actitudes): ten un poco más de respeto have a little more respect
    ten paciencia/cuidado be patient/careful
    tuvo la gentileza de prestármelo she was kind enough to lend it to me
    tuvo la precaución de llamar antes de ir she had the foresight to phone before she went
    bien2 adv G. (↑ bien (2))
    A (indicando estado, situación) (+ compl):
    el sofá tiene el tapizado sucio the upholstery on the sofa is dirty
    la mesa tiene una pata rota one of the table legs is broken
    tenía el suéter puesto al revés he had his sweater on back to front
    tengo las manos sucias my hands are dirty
    tenía los ojos cerrados she had her eyes closed
    lo tengo escondido I have it hidden away
    ya lo tiene roto it's already broken o he's broken it already
    la tuvo engañada mucho tiempo he was cheating on her for a long time
    lo tiene dominado she has him under her thumb
    eso me tiene muy preocupada I'm very worried about that
    me tuvo escribiendo a máquina toda la tarde she had me typing all afternoon
    nos tuvo allí esperando una hora he kept us waiting there for an hour
    a la pobre la tienen de sirvienta they treat the poor girl like a maid
    tengo a la niña enferma my little girl's sick
    ¿en qué mano lo tengo? which hand is it in?
    B (considerar) tener algo/a algn POR algo:
    se lo tiene por el mejor hospital del país it is supposed to be o it is considered (to be) the best hospital in the country
    lo tienen por buen cirujano he's held to be o he's considered (to be) a good surgeon
    siempre lo tuve por tímido I always thought he was shy
    ten por seguro que lo hará rest assured o you can be sure he'll do it
    1 (expresando obligación, necesidad) tener QUE + INF:
    tengo que terminarlo hoy I have to o I must finish it today
    tienes que comer más, estás muy delgada you must eat more, you're very thin
    no tienes más que apretar este botón all you have to do is press this button
    no tienes que estar allí hasta las nueve you don't have to be there until nine
    no tengo por qué darte cuentas a ti I don't have to explain anything to you, I don't owe you any explanations
    no tienes que comer tanto (no debes) you mustn't eat so much; (no hace falta) you don't have to eat that much, there's no need to eat that much
    tendría que cambiarme, no puedo ir así I'd have to o I ought to o I should change, I can't go like this
    2 (expresando propósito, recomendación) tener QUE + INF:
    tenemos que ir a ver esa película we must go and see that movie
    tengo que hacer ejercicio I must get some exercise
    tienes que leerlo, es buenísimo you must read it, it's really good
    B (expresando certeza) tener QUE + INF:
    tiene que estar en este cajón it must be in this drawer
    tiene que haber sido él it must have been him
    tengo que haberlo dejado en casa I must have left it at home
    ¡tú tenías que ser! it had to be you, didn't it?
    ver2 vt I. (↑ ver (2))
    (con participio pasado): ¿tiene previsto asistir al congreso? do you plan to attend the conference?
    ya tenían planeada su estrategia they already had their strategy worked out
    tengo entendido que llega mañana I understand he's arriving tomorrow
    tiene ganado el afecto del público she has won the public's affection
    te tengo dicho que eso no me gusta I've told you before I don't like that
    teníamos pensado irnos el jueves we intended leaving on Thursday
    tiene bastante dinero ahorrado she has quite a lot of money saved up
    ( AmL) (en expresiones de tiempo): cuatro años tenía sin verlo she hadn't seen him for four years
    tienen tres años de casados they've been married for three years
    (sostenerse): no podía tenerse en pie he couldn't stand
    tiene un sueño que no se tiene ( fam); he's out o dead on his feet ( colloq)
    B ( refl) (considerarse) tenerse POR algo:
    se tiene por muy inteligente he considers himself to be o he thinks he is very intelligent
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    tener algo
    tener ( conjugate tener) verbo transitivo El uso de `got' en frases como `I've got a new dress' está mucho más extendido en el inglés británico que en el americano. Este prefiere la forma `I have a new dress'
    a) (poseer, disponer de) ‹dinero/trabajo/tiempo to have;

    no tenemos pan we don't have any bread, we haven't got any bread;
    tiene el pelo largo she has o she's got long hair
    b) ( llevar encima) ‹lápiz/cambio to have;

    ¿tiene hora? have you got the time?

    c) (hablando de actividades, obligaciones) to have;

    tengo invitados a cenar I have o I've got some people coming to dinner;

    tengo cosas que hacer I have o I've got things to do
    d) ( dar a luz) ‹bebé/gemelos to have

    a) (señalando características, tamaño) to be;

    tiene un metro de largo it is one meter long;
    le lleva 15 años — ¿y eso qué tiene? (AmL fam) she's 15 years older than he isso what does that matter?

    ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?;

    tengo veinte años I'm twenty (years old)
    a) (sujetar, sostener) to hold;

    b) ( tomar):

    ten la llave take o here's the key

    a) ( sentir):

    tengo hambre/frío I'm hungry/cold;

    le tengo mucho cariño I'm very fond of him;
    tengo el placer de … it gives me great pleasure to …
    b) ( refiriéndose a enfermedades) ‹gripe/cáncer to have;

    tengo dolor de cabeza I have o I've got a headache

    c) ( refiriéndose a experiencias) ‹discusión/accidente to have;

    5 ( refiriéndose a actitudes):

    ten paciencia/cuidado be patient/careful;
    tiene mucho tacto he's very tactful
    6 (indicando estado, situación):

    tengo las manos sucias my hands are dirty;
    tienes el cinturón desabrochado your belt's undone;
    me tiene muy preocupada I'm very worried about it
    tener v aux
    1 tener que hacer algo
    a) (expresando obligación, necesidad) to have (got) to do sth;

    tengo que estudiar hoy I have to o I must study today;

    tienes que comer más you ought to eat more
    b) (expresando propósito, recomendación):

    tendrías que llamarlo you should ring him

    ¡tú tenías que ser! it had to be you!
    2 ( con participio pasado):
    tengo entendido que sí viene I understand he is coming;

    te tengo dicho que … I've told you before (that) …;
    teníamos pensado irnos hoy we intended leaving today
    3 (AmL) ( en expresiones de tiempo):

    tenía un año sin verlo she hadn't seen him for a year
    tenerse verbo pronominal ( sostenerse):

    no tenerse de sueño to be dead on one's feet
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poseer, disfrutar) to have, have got: tengo muy buena memoria, I have a very good memory
    no tiene coche, he hasn't got a car
    tiene dos hermanas, he has two sisters
    tiene mucho talento, he's very talented
    no tenemos suficiente dinero, we don't have enough money
    (ser dueño de) to own: tiene una cadena de hoteles, he owns a chain of hotels ➣ Ver nota en have 2 (contener) to contain: esta bebida no tiene alcohol, this drink doesn't contain alcohol
    3 (asir, sujetar) to hold: la tenía en brazos, she was carrying her in her arms
    4 (hospedar) tiene a su suegra en casa, his mother-in-law is staying with them
    5 (juzgar, considerar) la tengo por imposible, I regard her as a hopeless case
    nos tienen por tontos, they think we are stupid
    tenlo por seguro, you can be sure
    6 (pasar el tiempo de cierta manera) to have: he tenido un día espantoso, I've had a dreadful day
    7 (padecer, sentir) tiene celos, he's jealous
    tengo hambre/sed, I'm hungry/thirsty
    ten paciencia conmigo, be patient with me
    tengo un dolor de cabeza terrible, I have a terrible headache
    8 (profesar) to have: me tiene cariño, he is very fond of me
    no le tengo ningún respeto, I have no respect for him
    9 (años, tiempo) to be: el bebé tiene ocho días, the baby is eight days old
    (medidas) la cama tiene metro y medio de ancho, the bed is one and a half metres wide
    10 (mantener) to keep: no sabe tener la boca cerrada, she can't keep her mouth shut
    nos tuvo dos horas esperando, he kept us waiting for two hours
    tiene su habitación muy ordenada, he keeps his room very tidy
    me tiene preocupada, I'm worried about him
    11 ( tener que + infinitivo) tengo que hacerlo, I must do it
    tienes que tomarte las pastillas, you have to take your pills
    tendrías que habérselo dicho, you ought to have told her ➣ Ver nota en must
    II verbo aux to have: mira que te lo tengo dicho veces, I've told you time and time again
    Tener tiene dos traducciones básicas: to have o to have got. Esta segunda se usa casi únicamente para expresar posesión y solo en el presente: Tengo un coche nuevo. I have got a new car.
    La primera se usa en sentido más general: Va a tener un problema. He's going to have a problem. Recuerda que la forma interrogativa de I have got es have I got?, mientras que la forma interrogativa de I have es do I have?
    Cuando tener significa sentir, se traduce por el verbo to be: Tengo hambre. I am hungry.

    ' tener' also found in these entries:
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - acarrear
    - accidente
    - acostumbrar
    - admirar
    - adolecer
    - agobiarse
    - añorar
    - antena
    - apetecer
    - apremiar
    - aptitud
    - arcada
    - arte
    - banco
    - bombera
    - bombero
    - burbuja
    - cabida
    - cabronada
    - cacao
    - caer
    - cagalera
    - calor
    - cantar
    - capaz
    - carácter
    - carrete
    - celebrarse
    - céntimo
    - certeza
    - certidumbre
    - ciega
    - ciego
    - conciencia
    - conllevar
    - consecuencia
    - constar
    - contingente
    - corazón
    - correa
    - correrse
    - cosa
    - cosquillas
    - costar
    - creer
    - cruda
    - crudo
    - accommodate
    - act
    - add up
    - afraid
    - agree
    - aim to
    - allow for
    - allowance
    - approve of
    - around
    - associate
    - attached
    - augment
    - authoritarian
    - ax
    - axe
    - barrel
    - be
    - bear
    - bear with
    - bearing
    - begrudge
    - believe in
    - belong
    - beware
    - boast
    - bone
    - boomerang
    - breathing space
    - broody
    - brush
    - butterfly
    - calculate
    - careful
    - celebrate
    - clash
    - clever
    - come off
    - command
    - connected
    - conscience
    - consider
    - consideration
    - count
    - crash
    - date
    - daunt
    - debt
    - depend
    * * *
    1. [poseer, disfrutar de] [objeto, cualidad, elemento, parentesco] to have;
    no tengo televisor/amigos I haven't got o I don't have a television/any friends;
    ¿tienes un bolígrafo? have you got o do you have a pen?;
    ¿tiene usted hora? have you got the time?;
    tenemos un mes para terminarlo we've got a month in which to finish it;
    tiene el pelo corto, ojos azules y gafas she has (got) short hair, blue eyes and she wears glasses;
    muchos no tienen trabajo o [m5] empleo a lot of people are out of work;
    el documental no tiene mucho interés the documentary is not very interesting;
    ¿cuántas habitaciones tiene? how many rooms has it got o does it have?;
    ¿tienes hermanos? have you got o do you have any brothers or sisters?;
    tengo un hermano I've got o I have a brother;
    tener un niño to have a baby;
    no tienen hijos they haven't got o don't have any children;
    RP Fam
    tener algo a bocha [en gran cantidad] to have tons o loads of sth;
    ¿conque ésas tenemos?, ¿ahora no quieres ayudar? so that's the deal, is it? you don't want to help now, then;
    no las tiene todas consigo he is not too sure about it;
    muy Fam
    tenerlos bien puestos to have guts;
    tanto tienes, tanto vales you are what you own
    2. [padecer, realizar, experimentar] to have;
    tener fiebre to have a temperature;
    tiene cáncer/el sida she has (got) cancer/AIDS;
    doctor, ¿qué tengo? what's wrong with me, doctor?;
    no tienes nada (grave) it's nothing (serious), there's nothing (seriously) wrong with you;
    tuvieron una pelea/reunión they had a fight/meeting;
    tengo las vacaciones en agosto my holidays are in August;
    mañana no tenemos clase we don't have to go to school tomorrow, there's no school tomorrow;
    ¡que tengan buen viaje! have a good journey!;
    no he tenido un buen día I haven't had a good day;
    tiene lo que se merece she's got what she deserves
    3. [medida, años, sensación, sentimiento] to be;
    tiene 3 metros de ancho it's 3 metres wide;
    ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?;
    tiene diez años she's ten (years old);
    tengo tres años aquí I've been here for three years;
    tener hambre/miedo to be hungry/afraid;
    tener suerte/mal humor to be lucky/bad-tempered;
    tengo un dolor de espalda terrible I have a terrible backache;
    tengo alergia al polvo I'm allergic to dust;
    me tienen cariño/envidia they're fond/jealous of me;
    le tiene lástima he feels sorry for her;
    tengo ganas de llorar I feel like crying
    4. [hallarse o hacer estar en cierto estado]
    tenía la cara pálida her face was pale;
    tienes una rueda pinchada you've got a Br puncture o US flat;
    tienes la corbata torcida your tie isn't straight;
    me tuvo despierto it kept me awake;
    eso la tiene despistada/preocupada that has her confused/worried;
    esto la tendrá ocupada un rato this will keep her busy for a while;
    un psicópata tiene atemorizada a la población a psychopath is terrorizing the population;
    nos tuvieron una hora en comisaría they kept us at the police station for an hour;
    me tuvo esperando una hora she kept me waiting an hour;
    nos tuvieron toda la noche viendo vídeos they made us watch videos all night;
    la tienen como o [m5] de encargada en un restaurante she's employed as a manageress in a restaurant
    5. [sujetar] to hold;
    tenlo por el asa hold it by the handle;
    ¿puedes tenerme esto un momento? could you hold this for me a minute?;
    ten los brazos en alto hold your arms up high
    6. [tomar]
    ten el libro que me pediste here's the book you asked me for;
    ¡aquí tienes!, ¡ten! here you are!;
    ahí tienes la respuesta there's your answer
    7. [recibir] [mensaje, regalo, visita, sensación] to get;
    tuve una carta suya I got o had a letter from her;
    el que llegue primero tendrá un premio whoever arrives first will get a prize;
    tendrás noticias mías you'll hear from me;
    tenemos invitados/a la familia a cenar we've got guests/the family over for dinner;
    tendrá una sorpresa he'll get a surprise;
    tenía/tuve la impresión de que… I had/got the impression that…;
    tuve una verdadera desilusión I was really disappointed
    8. [valorar, estimar]
    tener en mucho/poco a alguien to think a lot/not to think very much of sb;
    me tienen por tonto they think I'm stupid;
    tener a bien hacer algo to be kind enough to do sth;
    les ruego tengan a bien considerar mi candidatura para el puesto de… I would be grateful if you would consider my application for the post of…
    9. [guardar, contener] to keep;
    ¿dónde tienes las joyas/el dinero? where do you keep the jewels/money?;
    ¿dónde tendré las gafas? where can my glasses be?;
    la botella tenía un mensaje the bottle had a message inside;
    esta cuenta no tiene fondos there are no funds in this account
    10. RP Fam
    tenerla con algo/alguien to go on about sth/sb;
    ¡cómo la tenés con tu vecino! you're always going on about your neighbour!;
    ¡cómo la tiene con el auto que se va a comprar! he's always going on about the car he's going to buy!;
    ¡cómo la tiene el jefe contigo! the boss really has it in for you!
    v aux
    1. [antes de participio] [haber]
    teníamos pensado ir al teatro we had thought of going to the theatre, we had intended to go to the theatre;
    ¿cuánto tienes hecho de la tesis? how much of your thesis have you (got) done?;
    te tengo dicho que no pises los charcos I've told you before not to step in puddles;
    tengo entendido que se van a casar I understand (that) they are going to get married
    tener que: [indica obligación] [m5] tener que hacer algo to have to do sth;
    tenía/tuve que hacerlo I had to do it;
    ¿tienes que irte? do you have to go?, have you got to go?;
    tienes que esforzarte más you must try harder;
    tiene que ser así it has to be this way;
    tenemos que salir de aquí we have (got) to o need to get out of here, we must get out of here;
    teníamos que haber hecho esto antes we should have o ought to have done this before;
    no tienes que disculparte you needn't apologize, you don't need to apologize;
    si quieres algo, no tienes más que pedirlo if you want something, all you have to do is ask;
    no tienes por qué venir, si no quieres you don't have to come if you don't want to
    tener que: [indica propósito, consejo] [m5] tenemos que ir a cenar un día we ought to o should go for dinner some time;
    tienes que ir a ver esa película you must see that movie;
    tenías que haber visto cómo corría you should have seen him run;
    tendrías que dejar de fumar you ought to give up smoking
    tener que: [indica probabilidad] [m5] ya tienen que haber llegado they must have o should have arrived by now;
    las llaves tienen que andar por aquí the keys must be round here somewhere;
    tendría que haber terminado hace rato she should have o ought to have finished some time ago;
    tenía que ser él, no podía ser otro it had to be him, it couldn't have been anyone else
    tener que ver: tener que ver con algo/alguien to have to do with sth/sb;
    actitudes que tienen que ver con la falta de educación attitudes which are related to a lack of education;
    se apellida Siqueiros, pero no tiene que ver con el pintor his surname is Siqueiros, but he's got nothing to do with the painter;
    ¿qué tiene eso que ver conmigo? what has that got to do with me?;
    no tener nada que ver con algo/alguien to have nothing to do with sth/sb;
    lo que digo no tiene nada que ver con eso what I'm saying has nothing to do with that;
    aunque los dos vinos sean Rioja, no tienen nada que ver even if both wines are Riojas, there's no comparison between them;
    ¿qué tiene que ver que sea mujer para que haga bien su trabajo? what's her being a woman got to do with whether or not she does a good job?;
    es un poco tarde, ¿no? – ¿y qué tiene que ver? it's a bit late, isn't it? – so what?;
    tener que ver en algo to be involved in sth;
    dicen que la CIA tuvo que ver en ello rumour has it the CIA were involved;
    ¿has tenido tú algo que ver en esto? have you had something to do with this?
    * * *
    1 have;
    tener 10 años be 10 (years old);
    tener un metro de ancho/largo be one meter wide/long o in width/length
    ha tenido un niño she’s had a little boy
    tener a alguien por algo regard s.o. as sth, consider s.o. to be sth
    tengo que madrugar I must get up early, I have to o I’ve got to get up early;
    tuve que madrugar I had to get up early
    conque ¿esas tenemos? so that’s how it is o things stand, eh?;
    no tuvo a bien saludarme he did not see fit to greet me;
    no las tengo todas conmigo fam I’m not one hundred per cent sure;
    eso me tiene nervioso that makes me nervous
    * * *
    tener {80} vt
    1) : to have
    tiene ojos verdes: she has green eyes
    tengo mucho que hacer: I have a lot to do
    tiene veinte años: he's twenty years old
    tiene un metro de largo: it's one meter long
    2) : to hold
    ten esto un momento: hold this for a moment
    3) : to feel, to make
    tengo frío: I'm cold
    eso nos tiene contentos: that makes us happy
    tener por : to think, to consider
    me tienes por loco: you think I'm crazy
    tener v aux
    tener que : to have to
    tengo que salir: I have to leave
    tiene que estar aquí: it has to be here, it must be here
    tenía pensado escribirte: I've been thinking of writing to you
    * * *
    tener vb
    1. (en general) to have
    En el presente, sobre todo en inglés hablado, se puede emplear have got en vez de have, por ejemplo, have you got any brothers or sisters?
    2. (edad, tamaño) to be
    tener que ver to have to do with / to concern
    no tiene nada que ver contigo it's got nothing to do with you / it doesn't concern you

    Spanish-English dictionary > tener

  • 2 como

    1 as.
    lo he hecho como es debido I did it as o the way it should be done
    me encanta como bailas I love the way you dance
    lo hagamos como lo hagamos habrá problemas whichever way we do it there'll be problems
    2 as.
    como te decía ayer… as I was telling you yesterday…
    3 as.
    trabaja como bombero he works as a fireman
    dieron el dinero como anticipo they gave the money as an advance
    me quedan como mil pesos I've got about a thousand pesos left
    estamos como a mitad de camino we're about half-way there
    tiene un sabor como a naranja it tastes a bit like an orange
    5 like, as, such as, qua.
    6 how, in which way.
    7 some.
    Pesa como cien libras It weighs some hundred pounds.
    1 as, since (ya que).
    como no llegabas, nos fuimos as o since you didn't arrive, we left
    2 if (si). (peninsular Spanish)
    como no me hagas caso, lo pasarás mal if you don't listen to me, there will be trouble
    3 that (que).
    después de tantas veces como te lo he explicado after all the times (that) I've explained it to you
    1 like, as, just like, such as.
    Te di esto en condición de préstamo I gave this to you as a loan.
    2 as to.
    3 how to.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: comer.
    * * *
    1 (modo) how
    2 (comparación) as, like
    2 (si) if
    como lo vuelvas a hacer... if you do it again...
    3 (porque) as, since
    como quiera que (no importa cómo) however 2 (ya que) since, as, inasmuch as
    como sea whatever happens, no matter what
    como si lo viera familiar I can imagine perfectly well
    como si nada / como si tal cosa as if nothing had happened
    hacer como quien to pretend to +inf
    hacer como si to pretend to +inf
    tanto como eso no familiar not as much as that
    * * *
    1. conj.
    1) as
    2) like
    3) if
    4) since, given that
    2. prep.
    as, like
    * * *
    1. ADV
    1) [indicando semejanza] like
    2) [introduciendo ejemplo] such as

    hay peces, como truchas y salmones — there are fish, such as trout and salmon

    tiene ventajas, como son la resistencia y durabilidad — it has advantages, such as o like strength and durability

    3) [indicando modo]
    a) + indic

    hazlo como te dijo ellado it like * o the way she told you

    toca como cantashe plays like * o the same way as she sings

    no es como me lo imaginabait isn't as o like * I imagined it

    tal como, tal como lo había planeado — just as o the way I had planned it

    b) + subjun

    hazlo como puedas — do your best, do the best you can

    como seaat all costs

    4) (=en calidad de) as
    5) (=más o menos) about, around

    sentía como tristezashe felt a sort o kind of sadness

    6) [con valor causal]
    2. CONJ
    1) + indic (=ya que) as, since

    como no tenía dineroas o since I had no money

    2) + indic (=según) as

    tal (y) como están las cosas — the way things are, as things stand

    tal como están los precios de las motos... — with motorbike prices as they are at the moment...

    3) + indic (=cuando) as soon as
    4) + indic

    verás como les ganamos — we'll beat them, you'll see

    de tanto como, tienen las manos doloridas de tanto como aplaudieron — they clapped so much their hands hurt

    de tanto como odio a los dos, no sé a quien odio más — I hate them both so much, I don't know which I hate the most

    5) + subjun (=si) if

    como vengas tarde, no comes — if you're late you'll get nothing to eat

    como sea cierto, ¡estamos perdidos! — if it's true, we're done for!

    ¡como lo pierdas! — you'd better not lose it!, don't you lose it!

    como no, como no lo haga en seguida... — if he doesn't do it at once..., unless he does it at once...

    no salimos, como no sea para ir al cine — we only go out if it's to go to the cinema, we don't go out unless it's to go to the cinema


    como queas if

    ¡como que yo soy tonto y me creo esas mentiras! — as if I was stupid enough to believe lies like that!

    ¡como que te van a pagar! — don't tell me they're going to pay you!


    como si — as if, as though

    siguió leyendo, como si no hubiera oído nada — he kept on reading, as if o as though he hadn't heard

    sentí como si fuera a caermeI felt as if o as though I was about to fall

    como si no hubiera pasado nadaas if o as though nothing had happened

    se comporta como si me odiarahe behaves as if o as though he hated me

    como si fuera a lloveras if o as though it was going to rain


    como para, ¡es como para denunciarlos! — it's enough to make you want to report them to the police!

    9) CAm, Méx

    a como dé o diera lugar — at any cost

    así 1., 5), pronto 1., 4), querer 2., 1)
    * * *
    a) ( en calidad de) as

    el director tendrá como funciones... — the director's duties will be...

    se la conoce como `flor de luz' — it's known as `flor de luz'

    c) ( por ejemplo) like
    2) (en comparaciones, contrastes) like

    fue ella, como que me llamo Beatriz — it was her, as sure as my name's Beatriz

    bailó como nuncashe danced as o like she'd never danced before

    como para + inf: es como para echarse a llorar it's enough to make you want to cry; fue como para pegarle — I could have hit him

    así como — (frml) as well as

    como él solo/ella sola: es egoísta como él solo he's so o he's incredibly selfish!; como mucho/poco at (the) most/at least; como nadie: cocina como nadie nobody cooks like her; como que...: conduce muy bien - como que es piloto de carreras he drives very well - well, he is a racing driver, after all; y no me lo dijiste - como que no lo sabía! and you didn't tell me about it - that's because I didn't know about it!; como ser (CS) such as, for example; como si (+ subj) as if, as though; ella está grave y él como si nada or como si tal cosa — she's seriously ill and he doesn't seem at all o in the least worried


    (tal y) como están las cosas — as things stand; (+ subj)

    hazlo como quieras/como puedas — do it any way you like/as best as you can

    la buganvilla, o como quiera que se llame — bougainvillea or whatever it's called

    2) ( puesto que) as, since

    como era temprano, nos fuimos a dar una vuelta — since o as it was early, we went for a walk

    3) (si) (+ subj) if

    como te pille... — if I catch you...

    cansado como estaba, me ayudó — tired though o tired as he was, he helped me

    5) ( que)

    vas a ver como llega tarde — he'll be late, you'll see

    2) ( uso expletivo) kind of (colloq)

    me da como vergüenza... — I find it kind of embarrassing...

    * * *
    = as, by way of, for the purpose of + Nombre, how, in the guise of, just as, like, qua, much as, as a kind of, as serving as, along the lines of, in + Posesivo + capacity as, such as, kind of like.
    Ex. This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.
    Ex. An annotation is a note added to the title and/or other bibliographic information concerning a document, by way of comment or explanation.
    Ex. Taking the second situation for the purpose of illustration, there are four options for choice of title.
    Ex. Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
    Ex. Further, these indexers are probably so familiar with their subject area that, they whether in the guise of indexer or searcher, will profit little from any additional guides to relationships.
    Ex. Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.
    Ex. Thus, the computer-held term record files are most suitable for applications like Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) systems.
    Ex. Such a concept came as a great surprise to many information educators who rather dismissively regarded the information qua information field of activity as being too limited.
    Ex. More studies are needed to identify the full temporal effects of the personal computer, much as they did for television.
    Ex. In a way, it is acting as a kind of bridge between the two, permitting traffic both ways where once there was a divide.
    Ex. 45 libraries have been unofficially recognised by librarians as serving as model children's libraries.
    Ex. The author considers the possibility of a shift from libraries to personal information service along the lines of the shift that has occured from public to private transport.
    Ex. Strange that so helpful and charming a person in his capacity as a librarian could behave so monstrously; but behave thus he did.
    Ex. Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.
    Ex. It's kind of like trumping in public -- You simply do not do it!.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * aducir como evidencia = adduce as + evidence.
    * algo así como = something like.
    * añádase cómo = expand like.
    * así como = as, as well as.
    * así como así = just like that.
    * así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....
    * así es como = this is how.
    * así es como es = that's how it is.
    * caer como moscas = drop like + flies.
    * como aclaración = in parenthesis.
    * como algo natural = as a matter of course.
    * como algo normal = as a matter of course.
    * como algo opuesto a = as against.
    * como algo residual = residually.
    * como alternativa = as an alternative.
    * como anillo al dedo = just the ticket, the right twigs for an eagle's nest, perfect fit, perfect match, that's the ticket!.
    * como antes = as before.
    * como apoyo a = in support of.
    * como barcos que se cruzan (en la noche) = like passing ships (in the night).
    * como barcos que se cruzan (en la oscuridad) = like passing ships (in the night).
    * como base para = as a basis for.
    * como cabe esperar = unsurprisingly, as one might expect, as expected.
    * como cabía esperar = as expected.
    * como cabría esperar = as might be expected, as one might expect.
    * como cabría suponer = as might be expected.
    * como consecuencia = on this basis, on that basis, in doing so, in consequence, in accordance.
    * como consecuencia (de) = as a result (of), in the wake of, as a consequence (of).
    * cómo conseguir = obtainability.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como contrapartida = in return.
    * como cooperativa = collegially.
    * como corresponde = fittingly.
    * como corresponde a = as befits.
    * como cuando + Indicativo = as in + Gerundio.
    * como de costumbre = as usual, as always, according to normal practice.
    * cómo demonios = how on earth.
    * como dice el dicho = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * como dice el refrán = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * como diferente a = as distinct from.
    * cómo disponer de (algo) = disposition.
    * como dos gotas de agua = as alike as two peas in a pod, like two peas in a pod.
    * como ejemplo = as an example, by way of illustration.
    * como el cuero = leathery.
    * como el desierto = desert-like.
    * como el día y la noche = worlds apart, like oil and water, like chalk and cheese, like apples and oranges.
    * como el fuego = like wildfire.
    * como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer = a dog in the manger.
    * como en casa = like home (away) from home.
    * como en casa no se está en ningún sitio = there's no place like home.
    * como en el caso de = as with, just as for, as in the case of.
    * como era de esperar = as expected.
    * como es debido = fittingly.
    * como es de esperar = predictably, not surprisingly, as expected.
    * como es el caso de = as it is with, as with.
    * como es habitual = as always.
    * como es natural = not unnaturally.
    * como es normal = as always.
    * como esto = like this.
    * como fecha final = at the very latest.
    * como forma de vida = as a way of life.
    * como grogui = drowsily, groggily.
    * como grupo = collectively.
    * como guía = for guidance.
    * como la noche y el día = like oil and water, worlds apart, like chalk and cheese, like apples and oranges.
    * como la pólvora = like wildfire.
    * como las ardillas = squirrel-like.
    * como las empresas = business-like.
    * como loca = like a madwoman.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como medida de seguridad = as a backup.
    * como medida provisional = as an interim measure.
    * como medida temporal = as an interim measure.
    * como medida transitoria = as an interim measure.
    * como mejor + poder = as best + Pronombre + can.
    * como mínimo = at least, conservatively, at a minimum.
    * como mínimo hasta que = minimally until.
    * como mucho = at best, at most, if at all, at the most, at the very latest.
    * como muestra de agradecimiento = as a token of thanks.
    * como muestra de + Posesivo + agradecimiento = as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation.
    * como muestra de + Posesivo + gratitud = as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude.
    * como muy tarde = at the latest.
    * como norma = as a rule, as a matter of policy.
    * como norma general = as a rule of thumb, as a general rule, as a general rule of thumb, as a rough guide.
    * cómo nos las ingeniamos para... = how in the world....
    * como nota al margen = on a sidenote.
    * como nuevo = in mint condition, in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * como ocurre en estos casos = as is the way with these things.
    * como + ocurrir + en el caso de = as + be + the case for.
    * como opuesto a = as distinct from, as opposed to.
    * como otra posibilidad = as an alternative.
    * ¡como para creérselo! = Posesivo + famous last words.
    * como parásito = parasitically.
    * como persona que = as one who.
    * como pez fuera del agua = like a fish out of water.
    * como polo opuesto = by polar contrast.
    * como por arte de magia = magically, into thin air.
    * como por ejemplo = such as, to the effect of.
    * como por encanto = magically.
    * como poseído = as one possessed.
    * como preámbulo de = as a preamble to.
    * como primera elección = as a first preference.
    * como prueba de = as a token of, as a sign of.
    * como prueba de agradecimiento = as a token of thanks.
    * como prueba de + Posesivo + agradecimiento = as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation.
    * como prueba de + Posesivo + gratitud = as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude.
    * como pruebas = in evidence, in evidence.
    * como quiera que + Verbo = however + Verbo.
    * como quieras llamarlo = whatever you call it.
    * como reconocimiento a = in recognition of.
    * como respuesta a = in reply to, in response to.
    * como resultado = in consequence, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * como resultado (de) = as a consequence (of).
    * como salido de fábrica = in mint condition.
    * como segunda alternativa = as a backup.
    * como se indicó en = as was pointed out in.
    * como señal de agradecimiento = as a token of thanks.
    * como señal de + Posesivo + agradecimiento = as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation.
    * como señal de + Posesivo + gratitud = as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude.
    * cómo + ser = what + be like.
    * como si = as though.
    * como si dijéramos = as it were.
    * como siempre = as always.
    * como si fuese = as it were.
    * como siga así = at this rate.
    * como sigue = as follows.
    * como símbolo de = as a token of, as a sign of.
    * como si nada = be right as rain, unfazed.
    * como si no hubiera mañana = like there's no tomorrow.
    * como si + Pronombre + fuese la vida en ello = like there's no tomorrow.
    * como si se acabara el mundo = like there's no tomorrow.
    * como si se fuese a acabar el mundo = like there's no tomorrow.
    * como si se + Pronombre + hubiera tragado la tierra = into thin air.
    * como si (se tratase de) = as if.
    * como si tal cosa = be right as rain, unfazed, just like that.
    * como sustituto de = in place of.
    * como tal = as such, in this capacity, qua.
    * como término medio = on average.
    * como todo un caballero = sportingly.
    * como último recurso = as a last resort, in the last resort.
    * como una aguja en un pajar = like a needle in a haystack.
    * como una balsa de aceite = like a millpond, calm like a millpond.
    * como una cabra = stark raving mad, raving mad.
    * como una cebolla = onion-like.
    * como una condenada = like a madwoman.
    * como una descosida = like a madwoman.
    * como una forma de = as a means of.
    * como una metralladora = quick-fire.
    * como un basilisco = like a bear with a sore head.
    * como un bobo = stupidly.
    * como un bólido = like the clappers.
    * como un campo de batalla = like a war zone.
    * como un cencerro = barking mad, raving mad, stark raving mad.
    * como un condenado = like the clappers, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman, as one possessed.
    * como un descosido = like a lunatic, like a madman, as one possessed.
    * como un detective = detectivelike, sleuthlike.
    * como un elefante en una cacharrería = like an elephant in a china shop.
    * como un energúmeno = like a bear with a sore head.
    * como un estúpido = stupidly.
    * como un experto = expertly.
    * como un glaciar = glacially.
    * como unidad global = as a whole.
    * como un idiota = stupidly.
    * como un loca = like a madwoman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * como un método para = as a means of.
    * como un modo de = as a way of.
    * como un necio = stupidly.
    * como un observador que pasa desapercibido = fly-on-the-wall, fly-on-the-wall.
    * cómo uno se identifica a sí mismo = self-identification.
    * como un platillo = saucer-like.
    * como un poseído = as one possessed.
    * como un rayo = in a flash.
    * como un reguero de pólvora = like wildfire.
    * como un relámpago = like greased lightning, like the clappers.
    * como un reloj = as regular as clockwork, like clockwork.
    * como un televisor = television-type.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * como un tonto = stupidly, foolishly.
    * como un torpe = foolishly.
    * como un zombi = zombielike.
    * como vivir en un escaparate = like being in a (gold)fish bowl.
    * como + Voz Pasiva = as + Participio Pasado.
    * como y cuando = as and when.
    * como y cuando sea + Adjetivo = as + Adjetivo.
    * comportarse como se espera = be a sport.
    * con el mismo + Nombre + como el que... = as + Adverbio + as....
    * conocerse como = be known as.
    * dar como resultado = result (in).
    * de cómo = as to how.
    * durante tanto tiempo como sea posible = for as long as possible.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * frase como encabezamiento = phrase heading.
    * llegar a ser conocido como = become + known as.
    * mantenerse como válido = hold up.
    * nada menos que + Nombre + tan + Adjetivo + como = no less + Adjetivo + Nombre + than.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * ofrecerse como voluntario = volunteer.
    * plan de cómo disponer de Algo = disposition instruction.
    * proponer como principio = posit.
    * sea como sea = be that as it may, at all costs, at any cost.
    * seleccionar como relevante = hit.
    * ser como hablar con la pared = be like talking to a brick wall.
    * ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.
    * ser un momento tan bueno como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.
    * tal como = such as, such + Nombre + as, just as.
    * tal y como aparece = as it/they stand(s).
    * tal y como es/son = as it/they stand(s).
    * tal y como + ser = in + Posesivo + true colours.
    * tan + Adjetivo + como = as + Adjetivo + as, every bit as + Adjetivo + as.
    * tan + Adjetivo + como de costumbre = as + Adjetivo + as ever.
    * tan + Adjetivo + como siempre = as + Adjetivo + as ever.
    * tan pronto como = as soon as, just as soon as, no sooner... than.
    * tan pronto como sea posible = as soon as possible (asap).
    * tanto como = as many... as..., as much as + Adjetivo, both... and..., no less than, equally, if not, so much as.
    * tanto como siempre = as much as ever.
    * tener como equivalente = have + counterpart.
    * tener como motivo central = plan around + Nombre.
    * tener como objetivo = have + as + Posesivo + objective.
    * tomar como ejemplo = take.
    * un poco como = kind of like.
    * * *
    a) ( en calidad de) as

    el director tendrá como funciones... — the director's duties will be...

    se la conoce como `flor de luz' — it's known as `flor de luz'

    c) ( por ejemplo) like
    2) (en comparaciones, contrastes) like

    fue ella, como que me llamo Beatriz — it was her, as sure as my name's Beatriz

    bailó como nuncashe danced as o like she'd never danced before

    como para + inf: es como para echarse a llorar it's enough to make you want to cry; fue como para pegarle — I could have hit him

    así como — (frml) as well as

    como él solo/ella sola: es egoísta como él solo he's so o he's incredibly selfish!; como mucho/poco at (the) most/at least; como nadie: cocina como nadie nobody cooks like her; como que...: conduce muy bien - como que es piloto de carreras he drives very well - well, he is a racing driver, after all; y no me lo dijiste - como que no lo sabía! and you didn't tell me about it - that's because I didn't know about it!; como ser (CS) such as, for example; como si (+ subj) as if, as though; ella está grave y él como si nada or como si tal cosa — she's seriously ill and he doesn't seem at all o in the least worried


    (tal y) como están las cosas — as things stand; (+ subj)

    hazlo como quieras/como puedas — do it any way you like/as best as you can

    la buganvilla, o como quiera que se llame — bougainvillea or whatever it's called

    2) ( puesto que) as, since

    como era temprano, nos fuimos a dar una vuelta — since o as it was early, we went for a walk

    3) (si) (+ subj) if

    como te pille... — if I catch you...

    cansado como estaba, me ayudó — tired though o tired as he was, he helped me

    5) ( que)

    vas a ver como llega tarde — he'll be late, you'll see

    2) ( uso expletivo) kind of (colloq)

    me da como vergüenza... — I find it kind of embarrassing...

    * * *
    = as, by way of, for the purpose of + Nombre, how, in the guise of, just as, like, qua, much as, as a kind of, as serving as, along the lines of, in + Posesivo + capacity as, such as, kind of like.

    Ex: This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.

    Ex: An annotation is a note added to the title and/or other bibliographic information concerning a document, by way of comment or explanation.
    Ex: Taking the second situation for the purpose of illustration, there are four options for choice of title.
    Ex: Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
    Ex: Further, these indexers are probably so familiar with their subject area that, they whether in the guise of indexer or searcher, will profit little from any additional guides to relationships.
    Ex: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.
    Ex: Thus, the computer-held term record files are most suitable for applications like Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) systems.
    Ex: Such a concept came as a great surprise to many information educators who rather dismissively regarded the information qua information field of activity as being too limited.
    Ex: More studies are needed to identify the full temporal effects of the personal computer, much as they did for television.
    Ex: In a way, it is acting as a kind of bridge between the two, permitting traffic both ways where once there was a divide.
    Ex: 45 libraries have been unofficially recognised by librarians as serving as model children's libraries.
    Ex: The author considers the possibility of a shift from libraries to personal information service along the lines of the shift that has occured from public to private transport.
    Ex: Strange that so helpful and charming a person in his capacity as a librarian could behave so monstrously; but behave thus he did.
    Ex: Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.
    Ex: It's kind of like trumping in public -- You simply do not do it!.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * aducir como evidencia = adduce as + evidence.
    * algo así como = something like.
    * añádase cómo = expand like.
    * así como = as, as well as.
    * así como así = just like that.
    * así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....
    * así es como = this is how.
    * así es como es = that's how it is.
    * caer como moscas = drop like + flies.
    * como aclaración = in parenthesis.
    * como algo natural = as a matter of course.
    * como algo normal = as a matter of course.
    * como algo opuesto a = as against.
    * como algo residual = residually.
    * como alternativa = as an alternative.
    * como anillo al dedo = just the ticket, the right twigs for an eagle's nest, perfect fit, perfect match, that's the ticket!.
    * como antes = as before.
    * como apoyo a = in support of.
    * como barcos que se cruzan (en la noche) = like passing ships (in the night).
    * como barcos que se cruzan (en la oscuridad) = like passing ships (in the night).
    * como base para = as a basis for.
    * como cabe esperar = unsurprisingly, as one might expect, as expected.
    * como cabía esperar = as expected.
    * como cabría esperar = as might be expected, as one might expect.
    * como cabría suponer = as might be expected.
    * como consecuencia = on this basis, on that basis, in doing so, in consequence, in accordance.
    * como consecuencia (de) = as a result (of), in the wake of, as a consequence (of).
    * cómo conseguir = obtainability.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como contrapartida = in return.
    * como cooperativa = collegially.
    * como corresponde = fittingly.
    * como corresponde a = as befits.
    * como cuando + Indicativo = as in + Gerundio.
    * como de costumbre = as usual, as always, according to normal practice.
    * cómo demonios = how on earth.
    * como dice el dicho = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * como dice el refrán = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * como diferente a = as distinct from.
    * cómo disponer de (algo) = disposition.
    * como dos gotas de agua = as alike as two peas in a pod, like two peas in a pod.
    * como ejemplo = as an example, by way of illustration.
    * como el cuero = leathery.
    * como el desierto = desert-like.
    * como el día y la noche = worlds apart, like oil and water, like chalk and cheese, like apples and oranges.
    * como el fuego = like wildfire.
    * como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer = a dog in the manger.
    * como en casa = like home (away) from home.
    * como en casa no se está en ningún sitio = there's no place like home.
    * como en el caso de = as with, just as for, as in the case of.
    * como era de esperar = as expected.
    * como es debido = fittingly.
    * como es de esperar = predictably, not surprisingly, as expected.
    * como es el caso de = as it is with, as with.
    * como es habitual = as always.
    * como es natural = not unnaturally.
    * como es normal = as always.
    * como esto = like this.
    * como fecha final = at the very latest.
    * como forma de vida = as a way of life.
    * como grogui = drowsily, groggily.
    * como grupo = collectively.
    * como guía = for guidance.
    * como la noche y el día = like oil and water, worlds apart, like chalk and cheese, like apples and oranges.
    * como la pólvora = like wildfire.
    * como las ardillas = squirrel-like.
    * como las empresas = business-like.
    * como loca = like a madwoman.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como medida de seguridad = as a backup.
    * como medida provisional = as an interim measure.
    * como medida temporal = as an interim measure.
    * como medida transitoria = as an interim measure.
    * como mejor + poder = as best + Pronombre + can.
    * como mínimo = at least, conservatively, at a minimum.
    * como mínimo hasta que = minimally until.
    * como mucho = at best, at most, if at all, at the most, at the very latest.
    * como muestra de agradecimiento = as a token of thanks.
    * como muestra de + Posesivo + agradecimiento = as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation.
    * como muestra de + Posesivo + gratitud = as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude.
    * como muy tarde = at the latest.
    * como norma = as a rule, as a matter of policy.
    * como norma general = as a rule of thumb, as a general rule, as a general rule of thumb, as a rough guide.
    * cómo nos las ingeniamos para... = how in the world....
    * como nota al margen = on a sidenote.
    * como nuevo = in mint condition, in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * como ocurre en estos casos = as is the way with these things.
    * como + ocurrir + en el caso de = as + be + the case for.
    * como opuesto a = as distinct from, as opposed to.
    * como otra posibilidad = as an alternative.
    * ¡como para creérselo! = Posesivo + famous last words.
    * como parásito = parasitically.
    * como persona que = as one who.
    * como pez fuera del agua = like a fish out of water.
    * como polo opuesto = by polar contrast.
    * como por arte de magia = magically, into thin air.
    * como por ejemplo = such as, to the effect of.
    * como por encanto = magically.
    * como poseído = as one possessed.
    * como preámbulo de = as a preamble to.
    * como primera elección = as a first preference.
    * como prueba de = as a token of, as a sign of.
    * como prueba de agradecimiento = as a token of thanks.
    * como prueba de + Posesivo + agradecimiento = as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation.
    * como prueba de + Posesivo + gratitud = as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude.
    * como pruebas = in evidence, in evidence.
    * como quiera que + Verbo = however + Verbo.
    * como quieras llamarlo = whatever you call it.
    * como reconocimiento a = in recognition of.
    * como respuesta a = in reply to, in response to.
    * como resultado = in consequence, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * como resultado (de) = as a consequence (of).
    * como salido de fábrica = in mint condition.
    * como segunda alternativa = as a backup.
    * como se indicó en = as was pointed out in.
    * como señal de agradecimiento = as a token of thanks.
    * como señal de + Posesivo + agradecimiento = as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation.
    * como señal de + Posesivo + gratitud = as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude.
    * cómo + ser = what + be like.
    * como si = as though.
    * como si dijéramos = as it were.
    * como siempre = as always.
    * como si fuese = as it were.
    * como siga así = at this rate.
    * como sigue = as follows.
    * como símbolo de = as a token of, as a sign of.
    * como si nada = be right as rain, unfazed.
    * como si no hubiera mañana = like there's no tomorrow.
    * como si + Pronombre + fuese la vida en ello = like there's no tomorrow.
    * como si se acabara el mundo = like there's no tomorrow.
    * como si se fuese a acabar el mundo = like there's no tomorrow.
    * como si se + Pronombre + hubiera tragado la tierra = into thin air.
    * como si (se tratase de) = as if.
    * como si tal cosa = be right as rain, unfazed, just like that.
    * como sustituto de = in place of.
    * como tal = as such, in this capacity, qua.
    * como término medio = on average.
    * como todo un caballero = sportingly.
    * como último recurso = as a last resort, in the last resort.
    * como una aguja en un pajar = like a needle in a haystack.
    * como una balsa de aceite = like a millpond, calm like a millpond.
    * como una cabra = stark raving mad, raving mad.
    * como una cebolla = onion-like.
    * como una condenada = like a madwoman.
    * como una descosida = like a madwoman.
    * como una forma de = as a means of.
    * como una metralladora = quick-fire.
    * como un basilisco = like a bear with a sore head.
    * como un bobo = stupidly.
    * como un bólido = like the clappers.
    * como un campo de batalla = like a war zone.
    * como un cencerro = barking mad, raving mad, stark raving mad.
    * como un condenado = like the clappers, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman, as one possessed.
    * como un descosido = like a lunatic, like a madman, as one possessed.
    * como un detective = detectivelike, sleuthlike.
    * como un elefante en una cacharrería = like an elephant in a china shop.
    * como un energúmeno = like a bear with a sore head.
    * como un estúpido = stupidly.
    * como un experto = expertly.
    * como un glaciar = glacially.
    * como unidad global = as a whole.
    * como un idiota = stupidly.
    * como un loca = like a madwoman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * como un método para = as a means of.
    * como un modo de = as a way of.
    * como un necio = stupidly.
    * como un observador que pasa desapercibido = fly-on-the-wall, fly-on-the-wall.
    * cómo uno se identifica a sí mismo = self-identification.
    * como un platillo = saucer-like.
    * como un poseído = as one possessed.
    * como un rayo = in a flash.
    * como un reguero de pólvora = like wildfire.
    * como un relámpago = like greased lightning, like the clappers.
    * como un reloj = as regular as clockwork, like clockwork.
    * como un televisor = television-type.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * como un tonto = stupidly, foolishly.
    * como un torpe = foolishly.
    * como un zombi = zombielike.
    * como vivir en un escaparate = like being in a (gold)fish bowl.
    * como + Voz Pasiva = as + Participio Pasado.
    * como y cuando = as and when.
    * como y cuando sea + Adjetivo = as + Adjetivo.
    * comportarse como se espera = be a sport.
    * con el mismo + Nombre + como el que... = as + Adverbio + as....
    * conocerse como = be known as.
    * dar como resultado = result (in).
    * de cómo = as to how.
    * durante tanto tiempo como sea posible = for as long as possible.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * frase como encabezamiento = phrase heading.
    * llegar a ser conocido como = become + known as.
    * mantenerse como válido = hold up.
    * nada menos que + Nombre + tan + Adjetivo + como = no less + Adjetivo + Nombre + than.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * ofrecerse como voluntario = volunteer.
    * para colmo = on top of everything else.
    * plan de cómo disponer de Algo = disposition instruction.
    * proponer como principio = posit.
    * sea como sea = be that as it may, at all costs, at any cost.
    * seleccionar como relevante = hit.
    * ser como hablar con la pared = be like talking to a brick wall.
    * ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.
    * ser un momento tan bueno como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.
    * tal como = such as, such + Nombre + as, just as.
    * tal y como aparece = as it/they stand(s).
    * tal y como es/son = as it/they stand(s).
    * tal y como + ser = in + Posesivo + true colours.
    * tan + Adjetivo + como = as + Adjetivo + as, every bit as + Adjetivo + as.
    * tan + Adjetivo + como de costumbre = as + Adjetivo + as ever.
    * tan + Adjetivo + como siempre = as + Adjetivo + as ever.
    * tan pronto como = as soon as, just as soon as, no sooner... than.
    * tan pronto como sea posible = as soon as possible (asap).
    * tanto como = as many... as..., as much as + Adjetivo, both... and..., no less than, equally, if not, so much as.
    * tanto como siempre = as much as ever.
    * tener como equivalente = have + counterpart.
    * tener como motivo central = plan around + Nombre.
    * tener como objetivo = have + as + Posesivo + objective.
    * tomar como ejemplo = take.
    * un poco como = kind of like.

    * * *
    usando el paraguas como bastón using his umbrella as a walking stick
    quiero hablarte como amigo y no como abogado I want to speak to you as a friend and not as a lawyer
    el director tendrá como funciones … the director's duties will be …
    está considerado como lo mejor he's considered (to be) the best
    lo presentó como su ex-marido she introduced him as her ex-husband
    la flor conocida allí como `Santa Rita' the flower known there as `Santa Rita'
    en algunas capitales como Londres in some capital cities such as London o like London
    necesitamos a alguien como tú we need someone like you
    tengo ganas de comer algo dulce — ¿como qué? I fancy something sweet — like what?
    B (en comparaciones, contrastes) like
    quiero un vestido como el tuyo I want a dress like yours
    pienso como tú I agree with you
    fue ella, como que me llamo Beatriz it was her, as sure as my name's Beatriz
    se portó como un caballero he behaved like a gentleman
    la quiero como a una hija I love her like a daughter o as if she were my own daughter
    bailó como nunca she danced as o like she'd never danced before
    me trata como a un imbécil he treats me like an idiot o as if I were an idiot
    se llama algo así como Genaro o Gerardo he's called something like Genaro or Gerardo
    ¡no hay nada como un buen coñac! there's nothing like a good brandy!
    era verde, un verde como el de la alfombra de la oficina it was green, the color of the office carpet
    como PARA + INF:
    es como para echarse a llorar it's enough to make you want to cry, it makes you want to cry
    C ( en locs):
    así como ( frml); as well as
    por esto, así como por muchas otras razones because of this, and for many other reasons as well o as well as for many other reasons
    sus abundantes recursos naturales, así como su importancia estratégica its abundant natural resources, together with o as well as its strategic importance
    como él solo/ella sola: es egoísta como él solo he's so o he's incredibly selfish!
    como mucho at (the) most, at the outside
    como poco at least
    como nadie: hace la paella como nadie she makes wonderful paella, nobody makes paella like her
    como que …: conduce muy biencomo que es piloto de carreras he drives very well — well, he is a racing driver, after all
    le voy a decir cuatro cosas — sí, sí, como que te vas a atrever … I'm going to give him a piece of my mind — oh, yes? I'll believe that when I see it
    y no me lo dijiste — ¡como que no sabía nada! and you didn't tell me about it — that's because I didn't know anything about it myself!
    como ser (CS); such as, for example, like
    como si (+ subj) as if, as though
    actuó como si no le importara she acted as if o as though she didn't care
    ella está grave y él como si nada or como si tal cosa she's seriously ill and he doesn't seem at all worried o he behaves as if it's nothing (to worry about)
    él como si nada or como si tal cosa, ni se inmutó he just stood there without batting an eyelid
    no me gustó el modo or la manera como lo dijo I didn't like the way she said it
    llegó temprano, tal como había prometido he arrived early, just as he had promised
    ganó Raúl, como era de esperar Raúl won, as was to be expected
    así en la tierra como en el cielo on Earth as it is in Heaven
    como dice el refrán as the saying goes
    (tal y) como están las cosas as things stand, the way things are
    (+ subj): hazlo como quieras do it any way you like o how you like
    no voycomo quieras I'm not going — please yourself o as you like
    me dijo que me las arreglara como pudiera he told me to sort things as best I could
    la buganvilla, o como quiera que se llame bougainvillea or whatever it's called
    como quiera que sea, ellos se llevaron la copa anyway, the point is they won the cup
    B (puesto que) as, since
    como todavía era temprano, nos fuimos a dar una vuelta since o as it was still early, we went for a walk, it was still early so we went for a walk
    C (+ subj) (si) if
    como te vuelva a encontrar por aquí if I catch you around here again
    (en oraciones concesivas): cansado como estaba, se ofreció a ayudarme tired though o tired as he was, he offered to help me
    joven como es, tiene más sentido común que tú he may be young but he has more common sense than you
    (que): vimos como se los llevaban en una furgoneta we saw them being taken away in a van, we saw how they were taken away in a van
    vas a ver como llega tarde he'll be late, you'll see
    como a la mitad del camino about half way there
    está como a cincuenta kilómetros it's about fifty kilometers away
    vino como a las seis she came at around o about six
    tiene un sabor como a almendras it has a kind of almondy taste, it tastes something like o a bit like almonds
    un ruido como de un motor a noise like that of an engine
    B (uso expletivo) kind of ( colloq)
    es que me da como vergüenza … I find it kind of embarrassing …
    * * *


    Del verbo comer: ( conjugate comer)

    como es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    algo como    
    comer ( conjugate comer) verbo intransitivo

    este niño no me come nada (fam) this child won't eat anything (colloq);
    dar(le) de cómo a algn (en la boca) to spoonfeed sb;
    darle de cómo al gato/al niño to feed the cat/the kid;
    salir a cómo (fuera) to go out for a meal, to eat out;
    ¿qué hay de cómo? ( a mediodía) what's for lunch?;

    ( por la noche) what's for dinner o supper?
    b) (esp Esp, Méx) ( almorzar) to have lunch;

    c) (esp AmL) ( cenar) to have dinner

    verbo transitivo
    a)fruta/verdura/carne to eat;

    ¿puedo cómo otro? can I have another one?;

    no tienen qué cómo they don't have anything to eat
    b) (fam) ( hacer desaparecer) See Also→ comerse 3

    c) (en ajedrez, damas) to take

    comerse verbo pronominal
    a) ( al escribir) ‹acento/palabra to leave off;

    línea/párrafo to miss out

    palabra to swallow
    2 ( enf) ‹ comida to eat;

    cómose las uñas to bite one's nails
    3 (fam) ( hacer desaparecer)
    a) [acido/óxido] to eat away (at);

    [polilla/ratón] to eat away (at)
    b) [inflación/alquiler] ‹sueldo/ahorros to eat away at

    como preposición
    a) ( en calidad de) as;

    se la conoce cómo `flor de luz' it's known as `flor de luz'

    c) (en comparaciones, contrastes) like;

    ¡no hay nada cómo un buen coñac! there's nothing like a good brandy!;
    es cómo para echarse a llorar it's enough to make you want to cry
    d) ( en locs)

    así como (frml) as well as;

    como mucho/poco at (the) most/at least;
    como ser (CS) such as, for example;
    como si (+ subj) as if, as though
    ■ conjunción

    cómo era de esperar as was to be expected;
    no me gustó cómo lo dijo I didn't like the way she said it;
    (tal y) cómo están las cosas as things stand;
    hazlo cómo quieras/cómo mejor puedas do it any way you like/as best as you can;
    no voycómo quieras I'm not goingplease yourself
    b) ( puesto que) as, since;

    cómo era temprano, fui a dar una vuelta as it was early, I went for a walk

    c) (si) (+ subj) if;

    cómo te pille … if I catch you …

    ■ adverbio ( expresando aproximación) about;

    un sabor cómo a almendras a kind of almondy taste
    cómo adverbio

    ¿cómo estás? how are you?;

    ¿cómo es tu novia? what's your girlfriend like?;
    ¿cómo es de grande? how big is it?;
    ¿cómo te llamas? what's your name?
    b) ( por qué) why, how come (colloq);

    ¿cómo no me lo dijiste antes? why didn't you tell me before?

    c) ( al solicitar que se repita algo) sorry?, pardon?;

    ¿cómo dijo? sorry, what did you say?

    ¡cómo llueve! it's really raining!;

    ¡cómo comes! the amount you eat!;
    ¡cómo! ¿no te lo han dicho? what! haven't they told you?
    e) ( en locs)

    ¿a cómo …?: ¿a cómo están los tomates? (fam) how much are the tomatoes?;

    ¿a cómo estamos hoy? (AmL) what's the date today?;
    ¡cómo no! of course!;
    ¿cómo que …?: ¿cómo que no fuiste tú? what do you mean it wasn't you?;
    aquí no está — ¿cómo que no? it isn't herewhat do you mean it isn't there?
    I verbo transitivo
    1 to eat
    2 (en el parchís, etc) to take
    3 (estrechar) ese corte de pelo te come la cara, that haircut makes your face look thinner
    ese mueble te come mucho salón, that piece of furniture makes your living room look smaller
    II verbo intransitivo to eat: hay que darle de comer al perro, we have to feed the dog
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar comer como una lima, to eat like a horse
    familiar comer el coco/tarro a alguien, to brainwash somebody
    sin comerlo ni beberlo, le pusieron una sanción, although he has nothing to do with it, he was disciplined
    I adverbio
    1 (manera) how: hazlo como quieras, do it however you like
    me gusta como habla, I like the way he speaks
    2 (semejanza, equivalencia) as: es como tú, he's just like you
    terco como una mula, as stubborn as a mule
    3 (conformidad) as: como estaba diciendo..., as I was saying...
    como indica el prospecto, as the instructions say
    4 (aproximadamente) about
    como a la mitad de camino, more or less halfway
    como unos treinta, about thirty
    II conj
    1 como [+ subj], (si) if: como no comas, no vas al cine, if you don't eat, you won't go to the cinema
    2 (porque) as, since
    como llamó tan tarde, ya no me encontró, as he phoned so late, he didn't find me in
    3 como si, as if
    como si nada o tal cosa, as if nothing had happened
    familiar como si lo viera, I can just imagine it
    III prep (en calidad de) as: lo aconsejé como amigo, I advised him as a friend
    visitó el museo como experto, she visited the museum as an expert
    ¿As, like o how?
    se usa para hablar de la función, uso, papel o trabajo de una persona o cosa (trabajó como camarera durante las vacaciones, she worked as a waitress during the holidays) o para comparar dos acciones o situaciones y expresar su similitud. En este caso es necesario disponer de un verbo: Entró de botones, como lo había hecho su padre veinte años antes. He entered as an office-boy, as his father had twenty years before.
    Cuando como va seguido de un sustantivo o pronombre también puedes usar like para comparar dos acciones o situaciones: Es como su padre. He's just like his father. Sin embargo, si va seguido de una preposición, hay que usar as: En marzo, como en abril, llovió. In March, as in April, it rained.
    Nunca debes usar how en comparaciones, porque sólo expresa la manera de hacer las cosas: ¿Cómo lo hiciste?, How did you do it?
    cómo adverbio
    1 (interrogativo) how: ¿cómo es de alto?, how high is it?
    ¿cómo estás?, how are you?
    ¿cómo se hace?, how is it made?
    2 (cuánto) ¿a cómo están los plátanos?, how much are the bananas?
    3 (por qué) ¿cómo es que no nos avisaste?, why didn't you warn us?
    familiar ¿cómo es eso?, how come?
    4 (cuando no se ha oído bien) ¿cómo?, what?
    5 (exclamativo) how
    ¡cómo ha cambiado!, how she's changed!
    ♦ Locuciones: cómo no, of course
    ' cómo' also found in these entries:
    - acabada
    - acabado
    - acondicionar
    - acreditar
    - actuar
    - adiós
    - alma
    - alquilar
    - alta
    - alto
    - amable
    - andar
    - apear
    - apenas
    - aprendizaje
    - arreglarse
    - arte
    - así
    - atizar
    - atonía
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bala
    - balsa
    - bañera
    - bastante
    - beber
    - bestia
    - borrega
    - borrego
    - botija
    - buenamente
    - cabra
    - cada
    - caracterización
    - casa
    - cencerro
    - cerrarse
    - cesar
    - chinche
    - cielo
    - coco
    - coletilla
    - colorada
    - colorado
    - comer
    - como
    - como quiera
    - comoquiera
    - above
    - abroad
    - acclaim
    - accordingly
    - act
    - address
    - alternatively
    - always
    - arouse
    - as
    - ashen
    - attractive
    - awaken
    - away
    - back
    - barrage
    - bash out
    - be
    - beaver away
    - best
    - bicker
    - big
    - black
    - blind
    - bolt
    - bombshell
    - bone
    - border
    - bored
    - both
    - break
    - breed
    - brownout
    - by-product
    - cake
    - calculate
    - care
    - chalk
    - champagne
    - change
    - charm
    - cheer
    - churn out
    - class
    - climax
    - clown around
    - coin
    - colour
    - come about
    * * *
    Como nm
    el lago Como Lake Como
    * * *
    I adv
    1 as;
    como amigo as a friend
    había como cincuenta there were about fifty;
    hace como una hora about an hour ago
    así como as well as
    II conj
    1 if;
    como si as if;
    como si fuera tonto as if he were o was an idiot;
    como no bebas vas a enfermar if you don’t drink you’ll get sick
    2 expresando causa as, since;
    como no llegó, me fui solo as o since she didn’t arrive, I went by myself
    me gusta como habla I like the way he talks;
    como quiera any way you want
    * * *
    cómo adv
    : how
    ¿cómo estás?: how are you?
    ¿a cómo están las manzanas?: how much are the apples?
    ¿cómo?: excuse me?, what was that?
    ¿se puede? ¡cómo no!: may I? please do!
    como adv
    1) : around, about
    cuesta como 500 pesos: it costs around 500 pesos
    2) : kind of, like
    tengo como mareos: I'm kind of dizzy
    como conj
    1) : how, as
    hazlo como dijiste que lo harías: do it the way you said you would
    2) : since, given that
    como estaba lloviendo, no salí: since it was raining, I didn't go out
    3) : if
    como lo vuelva a hacer lo arrestarán: if he does that again he'll be arrested
    como quiera : in any way
    como prep
    1) : like, as
    ligero como una pluma: light as a feather
    así como : as well as
    * * *
    como1 adv
    1. (manera) how
    2. (comparaciones) as / like
    3. (según) as
    4. (ejemplo) like
    algunas aves, como el pingüino, no vuelan some birds, like penguins, can't fly
    como sea at all costs / no matter what
    como si as if / as though
    como2 conj
    1. (causa) as
    como hacía sol, nos fuimos a la playa as it was sunny, we went to the beach
    como llegues tarde, te quedarás sin pastel if you're late, you won't get any cake

    Spanish-English dictionary > como

  • 3 contener

    1 to contain.
    ¿qué contiene esa maleta? what's in this suitcase?
    Ese estudio contiene mucha información That study contains a lot of info.
    Esa bolsa contiene melocotones That bag contains peaches.
    2 to restrain, to hold back.
    tuvieron que contenerlo para que no agrediera al fotógrafo he had to be restrained from attacking the photographer
    no pudo contener la risa/el llanto he couldn't help laughing/crying
    Pedro contiene su ira Peter holds back his anger.
    3 to stanch, to stop, to staunch.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ TENER], like link=tener tener
    1 (incluir) to contain, hold
    2 (detener) to hold back, restrain
    3 (reprimir) to restrain, hold back, contain; (respiración) to hold
    1 to control oneself, contain oneself, keep a hold on oneself
    * * *
    2) hold
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=incluir) to contain

    no contiene alcohol — alcohol-free, does not contain alcohol

    2) (=frenar) [+ gente, muchedumbre] to contain, hold back; [+ revuelta, epidemia, infección] to contain; [+ invasión, lágrimas, emoción] to contain, hold back; [+ aliento, respiración] to hold; [+ hemorragia] to stop; [+ bostezo] to stifle; [+ inflación] to check, curb; [+ precios, déficit, consumo] to keep down
    3) Cono Sur (=significar) to mean
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) recipiente/producto/libro to contain
    2) (parar, controlar) <infección/epidemia> to contain; < tendencia> to curb; < movimiento político> to keep...in check; < respiración> to hold; <risa/lágrimas> to contain (frml), to hold back; <invasión/revuelta> to contain
    contenerse v pron (refl) to contain oneself
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) recipiente/producto/libro to contain
    2) (parar, controlar) <infección/epidemia> to contain; < tendencia> to curb; < movimiento político> to keep...in check; < respiración> to hold; <risa/lágrimas> to contain (frml), to hold back; <invasión/revuelta> to contain
    contenerse v pron (refl) to contain oneself
    * * *
    1 = bear, contain, contain in, enclose, gather, hold, host, include, possess, carry, be stocked with, harbour [harbor, -USA], offer, provide.

    Ex: Use a uniform title for an entry if the item bears a title proper that differs from the uniform title.

    Ex: The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.
    Ex: A printed index is a pointer, or indicator, or more fully, a systematic guide to the items contained in, or concepts derived from a collection.
    Ex: The building encloses an art gallery, tourist office, conference room, concert hall and cinema.
    Ex: A bibliography is a list of materials or items which is restricted in its coverage by some feature other than the materials being gathered in one library collection.
    Ex: If the search is made with a call number, a summary of copies with that call number which are held by the library is first displayed.
    Ex: Most computer bureaux which host the factual data bases have their own world-wide networks.
    Ex: Document descriptions may be included in catalogues, bibliographies and other listings of documents.
    Ex: Not every index necessarily exhibits all the features of either of these types of indexing systems, and indeed, some will possess elements of both types of systems.
    Ex: Europe Environment carries useful reports on the activities of the lobby groups in the environmental, consumer protection and research fields.
    Ex: The paperback shelves in many retail outlets are stocked with books which, in spite of their print-runs, may or may not be a financial success.
    Ex: When the reference collection fails or the question is broad in nature, the stacks may harbor exactly what is wanted.
    Ex: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex: To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.
    * contener en abundancia = abound in/with.
    * contener en cantidad = abound in/with.
    * contener en cantidad + Nombre = contain + its share of + Nombre.
    * contener hiperenlaces = hotlink [hot-link].
    * contener información = carry + information.
    * contener mucho = be high in.

    2 = staunch [stanch, -USA], dam (up), smother, keep at + bay, hold + the line, repress, force back, bottle up, hold at + bay, rein in, hold + Nombre + in.

    Ex: Some notable progress is being made worldwide in staunching publishers' losses.

    Ex: But to prevent any meandering at all, or to dam the flow of talk too soon and too often by intruding, generally only frustrates spontaneity = Aunque evitar cualquier divagación o cortar el flujo de la conversación demasiado pronto y con demasiada frecuencia con interrupciones generalmente sólo coarta la espontaneidad.
    Ex: Smothering an excusable curse, Modjeski asked: 'How much longer is Wade likely to be out?'.
    Ex: A new approach is needed to maintain the freshness, vitality and humour that will keep at bay the dryer mode of academic examination.
    Ex: The standpatters argue, and the progressives agree, that the tax line must be held in the interest of attracting industry = Los conservadores proponen y los progresistas están de acuerdo en que se deben contener los impuestos para atraer a la industria.
    Ex: Friends of Cuban Libraries draw attention to the extent to which intellectual freedom is being repressed in Cuba.
    Ex: Then tears began to well in her eyes and the trembling of her breath showed that she was forcing back a lump in her throat.
    Ex: Instead of showing her anger towards her parents, Jamie continued to keep her feelings bottled up inside of her.
    Ex: A man died early today after holding deputies at bay for three hours, then shooting himself.
    Ex: If librarians hope to rein in escalating periodical prices, they must become more assertive consumers.
    Ex: The longer a fart is held in, the larger the proportion of inert nitrogen it contains, because the other gases tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine.
    * contener Algo = keep + Nombre + in check.
    * contener el aliento = hold + Posesivo + breath.
    * contener la respiración = hold + Posesivo + breath.
    * contener las lágrimas = hold back + Posesivo + tears.
    * contener los gastos = contain + costs.
    * contenerse = hold back on, forbear, check + Reflexivo.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.

    * * *
    A «recipiente/producto/mezcla» to contain
    la carta contenía acusaciones muy serias the letter contained some very serious accusations
    [ S ] contiene lanolina contains lanolin
    B (parar, controlar) ‹infección/epidemia› to contain; ‹respiración› to hold; ‹risa/lágrimas› to contain ( frml), to hold back; ‹invasión/revuelta› to contain
    la policía intentaba contener a la gente the police tried to hold back o contain o restrain the crowd
    dejó estallar aquella furia contenida he let out all that pent up o bottled up rage
    ( refl) to contain oneself
    no me pude contener y me eché a llorar I couldn't contain myself and I burst into tears
    tuve que contenerme para no insultarlo it was all I could do not to insult him, I had to control myself to stop myself insulting him
    * * *


    contener ( conjugate contener) verbo transitivo
    a) [recipiente/producto/libro] to contain

    b) (parar, controlar) ‹infección/epidemia to contain;

    tendencia to curb;
    respiración to hold;
    risa/lágrimas to contain (frml), to hold back;
    invasión/revuelta to contain
    contenerse verbo pronominal ( refl) to contain oneself;

    contener verbo transitivo
    1 to contain: ¿qué contiene esa caja?, what does that box contain?
    2 (refrenar una pasión) to hold back, restrain: ¡contén tus ansias de vengarte!, restrain your desire for revenge!

    ' contener' also found in these entries:
    - albergar
    - contenerse
    - dominar
    - frenar
    - incluir
    - resistir
    - respiración
    - tener
    - aguantar
    - comprender
    - breath
    - check
    - choke back
    - contain
    - curb
    - dam up
    - face
    - hold
    - hold back
    - repress
    - restrain
    - stem
    - straight
    - suppress
    - fight
    - keep
    - stifle
    * * *
    1. [encerrar] to contain;
    ¿qué contiene esa maleta? what's in this suitcase?;
    la novela contiene elementos diversos the novel has many different aspects;
    no contiene CFC [en etiqueta] does not contain CFCs
    2. [detener, reprimir] [epidemia] to contain;
    [respiración] to hold; [conflicto, crisis] to contain; [éxodo] to contain, to stem; [inflación, salarios] to keep down;
    no pudo contener la risa/el llanto he couldn't help laughing/crying;
    tuvieron que contenerlo para que no agrediera al fotógrafo he had to be restrained from attacking the photographer
    * * *
    1 contain
    2 respiración hold; muchedumbre hold back
    * * *
    contener {80} vt
    1) : to contain, to hold
    2) atajar: to restrain, to hold back
    * * *
    1. (tener) to contain
    2. (aguantar) to hold back [pt. & pp. held]

    Spanish-English dictionary > contener

  • 4 dicho

    the aforementioned, aforementioned, this, aforesaid.
    I meant what I said.
    saying, adage, aphorism, byword.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: decir.
    * * *
    1 saying, proverb
    1→ link=decir decir
    1 said, mentioned
    dicha casa... the said house...
    1 saying, proverb
    1 betrothal sing
    del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, it's easier said than done
    dicho de otro modo to put it another way, in other words
    dicho sea de paso let it be said in passing
    dicho y hecho no sooner said than done
    lo dicho what we (I, you, etc) said
    propiamente dicho,-a strictly speaking
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    VB [pp] de decir

    o dicho de otro modo... — or, putting it another way,..., or, in other words...

    bueno, lo dicho — OK, then

    dejar algo dicho, le dejó dicho lo que tenía que hacer antes de irse — she gave him instructions as to what he should do before leaving

    o mejor dicho — or rather

    dicho sea de paso — incidentally, by the way

    propiamente 1)
    ADJ (=este) this

    quieren reformar la ley y para dicho propósito... — they wish to reform the law and to this end...

    y en la cuarta de dichas cartas... — and in the fourth of these letters...

    vamos a hablar de Cáceres: dicha ciudad fue construida en... — and now we come to Caceres: the city was built in...

    dicha compañía fue disuelta en 1994this o the said company was dissolved in 1994

    3. SM
    1) (=máxima popular) saying
    2) (=comentario) remark
    3) pl dichos (Rel) betrothal pledge
    * * *
    - cha participio pasado [ver tb decir 2]

    dicho esto, se fue — having said this, he left

    bueno, lo dicho, nos vemos el domingo — oright, that's settled then, I'll see you on Sunday

    eso no se hace, te lo tengo dicho — I've told you before, you mustn't do that

    ¿le quiere dejar algo dicho? — (CS) do you want to leave a message for her?

    dicho de otro modo — to put it another way, in other words

    dicho sea de paso — incidentally, by the way

    dijo que ella lo prepararía y dicho y hecho! en diez minutos estaba listo — she said she would get it ready and, sure enough, ten minutes later there it was

    me quedan tres días, mejor dicho, dos y medio — I have three, or rather, two and a half days left

    - cha adjetivo demostrativo (frml)

    en dichas cuidades... — in these cities...

    dichos documentos deben presentarse inmediatamentethe above o (frml) said documents must be submitted immediately

    masculino saying

    del dicho al hecho va or hay mucho trecho — it's one thing to say something and another to actually do it

    * * *
    - cha participio pasado [ver tb decir 2]

    dicho esto, se fue — having said this, he left

    bueno, lo dicho, nos vemos el domingo — oright, that's settled then, I'll see you on Sunday

    eso no se hace, te lo tengo dicho — I've told you before, you mustn't do that

    ¿le quiere dejar algo dicho? — (CS) do you want to leave a message for her?

    dicho de otro modo — to put it another way, in other words

    dicho sea de paso — incidentally, by the way

    dijo que ella lo prepararía y dicho y hecho! en diez minutos estaba listo — she said she would get it ready and, sure enough, ten minutes later there it was

    me quedan tres días, mejor dicho, dos y medio — I have three, or rather, two and a half days left

    - cha adjetivo demostrativo (frml)

    en dichas cuidades... — in these cities...

    dichos documentos deben presentarse inmediatamentethe above o (frml) said documents must be submitted immediately

    masculino saying

    del dicho al hecho va or hay mucho trecho — it's one thing to say something and another to actually do it

    * * *
    1 = adage, dictum [dicta, -pl.], utterance, wise saying, old saying, saying, saw, refrain.

    Ex: But now she was beginning to wonder if there was any truth to the old adage that 'It's not what you know, but who you know'.

    Ex: John Ward's dictum was that 'deprivation is as much a lack of information and the knowledge to use it as it is of the basic essentials'.
    Ex: One natural strategy for reducing the impact of miscommunication is selective verification of the user utterance meanings.
    Ex: Stories range from one-sentence statements we call jokes and wise sayings, through gossip to the most profound and complicated structures we call novels and poems and plays.
    Ex: Chapters include drinking and moonshine, courting, old cures and remedies, fishing and hunting, plus a chapter of pithy quotes and old sayings.
    Ex: 'Practice makes perfect' is a saying that can be applied to reading.
    Ex: And his life confirms the famous old saw: No man is a prophet in his own land.
    Ex: The importance of the right to information or the right to know is an increasingly constant refrain in the mouths of academics, the media and governments.
    * como dice el dicho = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho = easier said than done, There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.
    * dicho bíblico = biblical saying.
    * dicho familiar = familiar saying.
    * dicho favorito = catchphrase.
    * dicho gracioso = witticism, quip.
    * dicho ingenioso = witticism, quip.
    * dicho popular = adage, wise saying, old saying, saying, familiar saying, saw.
    * dicho preferido = catchphrase.
    * dicho sin hecho no tiene provecho = actions speak louder than words.
    * dichos sabios = nuggets of wisdom.
    * entre el dicho y el hecho hay un gran tr = There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.
    * entre el dicho y el hecho hay un gran trecho = many a slip between the cup and the lip.

    2 = stated.

    Ex: Throughout, the code is based upon clearly stated principles.

    * bien dicho = amen to that!.
    * cuatro verdades bien dichas = home truth.
    * del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho = actions speak louder than words, many a slip between the cup and the lip.
    * dicho anteriormente, lo = foregoing, the.
    * dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.
    * dicho esto = that said.
    * dicho más arriba, lo = foregoing, the.
    * dicho sea a su favor = to + Posesivo + credit.
    * dicho sea de paso = by the way, on a sidenote, by the by(e).
    * dicho sucintamente = economically told.
    * dicho y hecho = no sooner said than done.
    * la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth.
    * la verdad sea dicha que = if the truth be told.
    * o mejor dicho = or rather.
    * propiamente dicho = proper, properly.
    * ¿Qué ha dicho? = I beg your pardon?.
    * título propiamente dicho = title proper.
    * verdaderamente dicho = in disguise.

    = such.

    Ex: Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.

    * * *
    [ ver tb decir2 (↑ decir (2)) ] dicho esto, recogió sus cosas y abandonó la sala having said this o ( frml) so saying, he picked up his things and left the room
    con eso queda todo dicho that says it all
    me remito a lo dicho en la última reunión I refer to what was said at the last meeting
    bueno, lo dicho, nos vemos el domingo right, that's settled then, I'll see you on Sunday
    eso no se hace, te lo tengo dicho how often do I have to tell you not to do that?, I've told you before, you mustn't do that
    ¿le quiere dejar algo dicho? (CS); do you want to leave a message for her?
    dicho así parece fácil if you put it like that it sounds easy
    dicho de otro modo to put it another way, in other words
    dicho sea de paso incidentally, by the way
    y, dicho sea de paso, se portó muy bien con él and, I have to say o it has to be said, she was very good to him
    y ella, que dicho sea de paso todavía me debe los 500 pesos, … and she, who incidentally still owes me the 500 pesos, …
    dijo que ella lo prepararía y ¡dicho y hecho! en diez minutos estaba listo she said she would get it ready and, what do you know? o ( BrE) hey presto, ten minutes later there it was
    yo dije que se iba a caer y ¡dicho y hecho! se hizo añicos I said it was going to fall and, the next minute, it smashed o and, no sooner had I said it than it smashed
    me quedan tres días, mejor dicho, dos y medio I have three, or rather, two and a half days left
    propiamente dicho strictly speaking
    no es un cereal propiamente dicho it is not, strictly speaking, a cereal
    la pintura cubista propiamente dicha Cubist painting in the strict sense of the term
    ( frml):
    excepto en Guayaquil y Quito: en dichas ciudades … except in Guayaquil and Quito: in these cities …
    dichos documentos deben presentarse inmediatamente the above documents must be submitted immediately, said documents must be submitted immediately ( frml)
    no existía dicha dirección there was no such address
    como dice el dicho as the saying goes
    del dicho al hecho va or hay mucho trecho it's one thing to say something and another to actually do it, there's many a slip twixt cup and lip
    * * *


    Del verbo decir: ( conjugate decir)

    dicho es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    decir 1 sustantivo masculino:
    ¿cientos de personas? — bueno, es un dicho hundreds of people? — well, figuratively speaking

    decir 2 ( conjugate decir) verbo transitivo
    a)palabra/frase/poema to say;

    mentira/verdad to tell;
    para ejemplos con complemento indirecto ver división 2

    ¿eso lo dices por mí? are you referring to me?;
    ¡no lo dirás en serio! you can't be serious!;
    dijo que sí con la cabeza he nodded;
    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' it isn't `andé', it's `anduve';
    ¡eso no se dice! you mustn't say that!;
    ¿cómo se dice `amor' en ruso? how do you say `love' in Russian?;
    ¿lo encontró? — dice que sí/no did he find it? — he says he did/he didn't

    2 dichole algo a algn to tell sb sth;
    voy a dichole a papá que … I'm going to tell Dad …;

    ¡ya te lo decía yo! I told you so!
    a) (expresando órdenes, deseos, advertencias):

    ¡porque lo digo yo! because I say so!;

    harás lo que yo diga you'll do as I say;
    dice que llames cuando llegues she says (you are) to phone when you get there;
    dijo que tuviéramos cuidado she said to be careful;
    diles que empiecen tell them to start;
    le dije que no lo hiciera I told him not to do it

    a) (opinar, pensar) to think;

    ¡quién lo hubiera dicho! who would have thought o believed it?;
    es muy fácil — si tú lo dices … it's very easy — if you say so …
    b) (sugerir, comunicar):

    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? does that name mean anything to you?
    querer decir [palabra/persona] to mean;

    ¿qué quieres dicho con eso? what do you mean by that?
    6 ( en locs)

    como quien dice so to speak;
    es decir that is;
    ¡he dicho! that's that o final!;
    ni que decir tiene que … it goes without saying that …;
    ¡no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! (colloq);
    por así decirlo so to speak;
    el qué dirán (fam) what other people (might) think;
    ver tb dicho 1
    verbo intransitivo

    papá — dime, hijo dad — yes, son?;

    quería pedirle un favorusted dirá I wanted to ask you a favor — certainly, go ahead
    b) (Esp) ( al contestar el teléfono): ¿diga? or ¿dígame? hello?

    decirse verbo pronominal
    a) ( refl) to say … to oneself

    b) ( recípr) to say …. to each other;

    dicho 1
    ◊ - cha pp ver tb decir 2: dicho esto, se fue having said this, he left;

    con eso queda todo dicho that says it all;
    dicho de otro modo to put it another way, in other words;
    dicho sea de paso incidentally, by the way;
    y ¡dicho y hecho! en diez minutos estaba listo and, sure enough, ten minutes later there it was
    ■ adj dem (frml): en dichas ciudades … in these cities …;
    dicha información that information;
    dichos documentos (en escrito, documento) the above o (frml) said documents
    dicho 2 sustantivo masculino
    I m (dicho, sentencia) saying: es sólo un decir, it's just a manner of speaking
    II verbo transitivo
    1 to say: está diciendo una mentira/la verdad, she's telling a lie/the truth
    no dijo nada, he said nothing
    2 (con complemento indirecto) to tell: no le dije mi opinión, I didn't tell him my opinion
    les dijo que esperaran un rato, she told them to wait for a while
    3 (opinar, afirmar, proponer) ¿qué me dices de mi nuevo corte de pelo?, what do you think of my new haircut?, te digo que es una extravagancia, I think it's quite weird
    yo digo que vayamos a Cuenca, I suggest going to Cuenca
    4 (suscitar interés, una idea) to mean, appeal: ese libro no me dice nada, that book doesn't appeal to me
    ¿le dice algo esta cara?, does this face mean anything to you?
    5 (mostrar, indicar) to say, show: lo que hizo dice mucho en su favor, what he did says a lot for him
    su cara de decepción lo dice todo, his long face says it all
    ♦ Locuciones: Tel Esp diga o dígame, hello?
    digamos, let's say
    digo yo, in my opinion
    el qué dirán, what people will say
    es decir, that is (to say)
    ni que decir tiene, needless to say
    no decir esta boca es mía, not to say a word
    ¡no me digas!, really!
    por así decirlo, as it were o so to speak
    querer decir, to mean
    ¡y que lo digas!, you bet! ➣ Ver nota en mean
    ¿To tell
    o to say?
    Observa que to tell menciona a la persona a la cual va dirigida una frase: Dime tu nombre. Tell me your name. Les dijo que se fueran. He told them to go away.
    Por el contrario, to say se centra en el contenido del mensaje, sin importarnos a quién va dirigido: ¿Qué has dicho? What did you say? Dijo que sí. He said yes. ➣ Ver nota en tell.
    I adjetivo
    1 said, mentioned: ya os lo tengo dicho, I've told you before
    dicho de otro modo, in other words
    2 (mencionado con anterioridad) dicha publicación, the above-mentioned publication
    II m (refrán, sentencia) saying
    ♦ Locuciones: dicho y hecho, no sooner said than done
    mejor dicho, or rather

    ' dicho' also found in these entries:
    - bastar
    - ciudad
    - coña
    - coordinador
    - coordinadora
    - decir
    - dejar
    - desvarío
    - dicha
    - diversa
    - diverso
    - frase
    - maldad
    - mamarrachada
    - molesta
    - molesto
    - mu
    - necedad
    - picardía
    - propiamente
    - reafirmarse
    - sentencia
    - tal
    - tata
    - tener
    - vez
    - arrepentido
    - bien
    - cómo
    - deber
    - estupidez
    - haber
    - impertinencia
    - indiscreción
    - ingenioso
    - injusticia
    - insensatez
    - insolencia
    - lengua
    - ligereza
    - limitar
    - majadería
    - mejor
    - mentiroso
    - mirar
    - mucho
    - negar
    - paso
    - pavada
    - bird
    - but
    - do
    - proper
    - rather
    - recollect
    - said
    - say
    - saying
    - should
    - soon
    - take back
    - what
    - witticism
    - word
    - go
    - hear
    - message
    - ought
    - point
    - something
    - well
    - wish
    * * *
    dicho, -a
    ver decir
    said, aforementioned;
    dichos individuos… the said o aforesaid individuals…;
    recibió un paquete, dicho paquete contenía… she received a parcel, and this parcel contained…;
    lo dicho no significa que… having said this, it does not mean (that)…;
    de lo dicho se desprende que… from what has been said one gathers that…;
    o mejor dicho or rather;
    dicho y hecho no sooner said than done;
    dejar dicho to leave word;
    dejé dicho que no me molestaran I left word that I was not to be disturbed;
    ¿quiere dejarle algo dicho? [al teléfono] can I take a message?;
    lo dicho: lo dicho, no voy a ir like I said, I'm not going to go;
    lo dicho, os veré en el cine ok then, I'll see you at the cinema
    como dice o [m5]reza el dicho,… as the saying goes,…;
    del dicho al hecho hay mucho o [m5] un gran trecho there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip
    * * *
    I partdecir
    II adj said
    III m saying;
    del dicho al hecho hay gran trecho easier said than done
    * * *
    dicho, - cha adj
    : said, aforementioned
    dicho nm
    decir: saying, proverb
    * * *
    dicho n saying

    Spanish-English dictionary > dicho

  • 5 ohne

    I Präp. (+ Akk)
    1. without; (ausschließlich) auch not counting, excluding; ein Topf ohne Deckel a pan without a lid; wir sind momentan ohne Auto we are without a car ( oder haven’t got a car) at the moment; sie ging ohne Hut / Schuhe she wasn’t wearing a hat / any shoes; er kam ohne die Kinder he came without (hum. minus) the children; wir sind fünf ohne die Kinder we’re five not counting ( oder minus) the children; ohne mich! (you can) count me out, I’m not having anything to do with it; ohne Zweifel undoubtedly; ohne seine Schuld through no fault of his (own); ohne mein Wissen without my knowledge ( oder knowing), unbeknown to me
    2. ohne weiteres just like that; (mühelos) auch without any (great) effort; (ohne Probleme) without any problems ( oder difficulty); das machen wir ohne weiteres we’ll manage that easily; das kannst du ohne weiteres akzeptieren (bedenkenlos) you needn’t worry ( oder hesitate) about accepting that; du kannst ihr ohne weiteres glauben you need have no hesitation in believing her; das geht nicht so ohne weiteres that’s not that simple
    3. umg., allein stehend: sie ist ( gar) nicht (so) ohne there’s more to her than you might think; das ist gar nicht so ohne it’s not bad, you know; (ist schwieriger etc., als man denkt) there’s more to it than meets the eye, it’s not that simple; ich schlafe / schwimme am liebsten ohne I prefer to sleep / swim in the nude; du brauchst einen Ausweis, ohne lassen sie dich nicht rein you need a pass, they won’t let you in without (one); oben 1
    II Konj.: ohne dass, ohne zu (+ Inf.) without (+ Ger.) ohne dass ich ihn gesehen hatte without (my) having seen him; sie ging, ohne ein Wort zu sagen she left without saying a word; ohne auch nur zu lächeln without so much as a smile
    * * *
    devoid (Adj.); without (Präp.); ex (Präp.); minus (Präp.)
    * * *
    oh|ne ['oːnə]
    1. prep +acc

    óhne (die) Vororte hat die Stadt 100.000 Einwohner — excluding or not including or not counting the suburbs, the city has 100,000 inhabitants

    óhne mich! — count me out!

    er ist nicht óhne (inf)he's not bad (inf), he's got what it takes (inf)

    óhne ihn wären wir immer noch dort — without him or but for him or if it weren't for him we'd still be there

    óhne etw sein — to be without or minus (inf) sth

    óhne Auto — without a or one's car

    óhne Mehrwertsteuer — excluding VAT

    er ist óhne jede Begabung (für Musik) — he lacks or is without any (musical) talent

    óhne einen or jeden Pfennig Geld — penniless, without a penny or dime (US), without two ha'pennies to rub together

    ich rauche immer óhne (inf)I always smoke untipped cigarettes


    ich hätte das óhne Weiteres getan — I'd have done it without a second thought, I'd have done it without thinking twice about it

    so etwas kann man óhne Weiteres sagen — it's quite all right to say that

    so etwas kann man in feiner Gesellschaft nicht óhne Weiteres sagen — you can't say that sort of thing in polite society

    ich würde óhne Weiteres sagen, dass... — I would not hesitate to say that...

    er hat den Brief óhne Weiteres unterschrieben — he signed the letter straight away or just like that

    das Darlehen ist óhne Weiteres bewilligt worden — the loan was granted straight away or without any bother or problem

    ihm können Sie óhne Weiteres vertrauen — you can trust him implicitly

    das lässt sich óhne Weiteres arrangieren — that can easily be arranged

    das ist nicht ( so) óhne Weiteres möglich — it can't be done just like that

    hast du das Geld gekriegt? – ja, óhne Weiteres — did you get the money? – yes, no problem (inf)

    dem Kerl kann man nicht óhne Weiteres glauben — you can't just believe anything or whatever that guy says

    das kann man nicht óhne Weiteres voraussetzen — you can't just assume that automatically

    diesem Vorschlag kann ich nicht óhne Weiteres zustimmen — I can't just accept the suggestion without question

    du kannst doch nicht so óhne Weiteres aus der Schule weglaufen — you can't just run away from school like that

    2. conj

    óhne zu zögern — without hesitating

    óhne dass ich ihn darum gebeten hätte, kam er mich besuchen — he came to see me without my (Brit) or me inviting him

    wer redet, óhne gefragt zu sein... — anybody who talks without being asked...

    * * *
    1) ((with of) free from or lacking: That is devoid of any meaning.) devoid
    2) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) free
    3) (not wanting or allowed to have (food etc): The child is off his food.) off
    4) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) void
    5) (in the absence of; not having: They went without you; I could not live without him; We cannot survive without water.) without
    6) (not: He drove away without saying goodbye; You can't walk along this street without meeting someone you know.) without
    * * *
    I. präp + akk
    1. (nicht versehen mit)
    \ohne etw without sth
    \ohne Auto without a car
    \ohne Geld without any money
    sie ist \ohne Mantel gekommen she came without a coat
    wir sind noch \ohne weitere Informationen we still don't have any more information
    sei \ohne Furcht! don't be afraid!
    mein Versuch ist \ohne Erfolg geblieben my attempt was unsuccessful
    sie ist \ohne jede Begabung she lacks [or is without] any talent
    er ist ein Mensch \ohne jeglichen Humor he's a person totally lacking [or without any sense of] humour
    \ohne dich wäre ich immer noch ohne Kleiderschrank if it weren't for you I'd still be without a wardrobe
    \ohne Appetit sein to have no appetite
    \ohne einen [o jeden] Cent [Geld] penniless, without a penny [or AM dime]
    \ohne Schutz unprotected
    2. (nicht eingerechnet)
    \ohne etw excluding [or not including] [or not counting] sth
    \ohne die Vororte hat die Stadt 300.000 Einwohner the city has 300,000 inhabitants excluding [or not including] [or not counting] the suburbs
    der Preis versteht sich \ohne Mehrwertsteuer the price does not include VAT
    er raucht immer \ohne he always smokes untipped cigarettes
    sie badet am liebsten \ohne she prefers to bathe in the nude
    wenn du keinen Zucker hast, trinke ich den Kaffee auch \ohne if you haven't got any sugar, I can have my coffee without
    du brauchst eine Eintrittskarte, \ohne kommst du nicht rein you need a ticket, they won't let you in without one
    4. (nicht mit jdm)
    \ohne jdn without sb
    \ohne mich! count me out!
    \ohne Erben sterben to die heirless
    \ohne Kinder/Nachwuchs childless/without offspring
    [gar] nicht \ohne sein (fam: schwierig) to be not [quite] that easy; (interessant) to not be bad
    die Fragen waren gar nicht so \ohne the questions were not that easy
    sie ist gar nicht so \ohne she's quite something, she's got what it takes
    der Vorschlag ist nicht \ohne it's not a bad suggestion; s.a. oben, weitere(r, s)
    II. konj
    \ohne etw zu tun without doing sth
    sie nahm sich ein Stück Kuchen, \ohne vorher zu fragen she took a piece of cake without asking
    wer redet, \ohne gefragt zu sein... anybody who talks without being asked...
    \ohne dass ich ihn darum gebeten hätte, hat er mir geholfen he helped me without my [or me] asking
    \ohne zu zögern without hesitating
    * * *

    ohne mich! — [you can] count me out!

    2) (mit Auslassung des Akkusativs)

    ich rauche nur ohneI only smoke untipped or filterless cigarettes

    er/sie ist [gar] nicht [so] ohne — (ugs.) he's/she's quite something; s. auch oben 3)


    ohne weiteres(leicht, einfach) easily; (ohne Einwand) readily

    das traue ich ihm ohne weiteres zuI can quite or easily believe he's capable of that


    er nahm Platz, ohne dass er gefragt hätte — he sat down without asking

    ohne zu zögern — without hesitating; without hesitation

    * * *
    A. präp (+akk)
    1. without; (ausschließlich) auch not counting, excluding;
    ein Topf ohne Deckel a pan without a lid;
    wir sind momentan ohne Auto we are without a car ( oder haven’t got a car) at the moment;
    sie ging ohne Hut/Schuhe she wasn’t wearing a hat/any shoes;
    er kam ohne die Kinder he came without (hum minus) the children;
    wir sind fünf ohne die Kinder we’re five not counting ( oder minus) the children;
    ohne mich! (you can) count me out, I’m not having anything to do with it;
    ohne Zweifel undoubtedly;
    ohne seine Schuld through no fault of his (own);
    ohne mein Wissen without my knowledge ( oder knowing), unbeknown to me
    ohne Weiteres just like that; (mühelos) auch without any (great) effort; (ohne Probleme) without any problems ( oder difficulty);
    das machen wir ohne Weiteres we’ll manage that easily;
    das kannst du ohne Weiteres akzeptieren (bedenkenlos) you needn’t worry ( oder hesitate) about accepting that;
    du kannst ihr ohne Weiteres glauben you need have no hesitation in believing her;
    das geht nicht so ohne Weiteres that’s not that simple
    3. umg, alleinstehend:
    sie ist (gar) nicht (so) ohne there’s more to her than you might think;
    das ist gar nicht so ohne it’s not bad, you know; (ist schwieriger etc, als man denkt) there’s more to it than meets the eye, it’s not that simple;
    ich schlafe/schwimme am liebsten ohne I prefer to sleep/swim in the nude;
    du brauchst einen Ausweis, ohne lassen sie dich nicht rein you need a pass, they won’t let you in without (one); oben 1
    B. konj:
    ohne dass, ohne zu (+inf) without (+ger)
    ohne dass ich ihn gesehen hatte without (my) having seen him;
    sie ging, ohne ein Wort zu sagen she left without saying a word;
    ohne auch nur zu lächeln without so much as a smile
    * * *

    ohne mich! — [you can] count me out!

    ich rauche nur ohneI only smoke untipped or filterless cigarettes

    er/sie ist [gar] nicht [so] ohne — (ugs.) he's/she's quite something; s. auch oben 3)


    ohne weiteres(leicht, einfach) easily; (ohne Einwand) readily

    das traue ich ihm ohne weiteres zuI can quite or easily believe he's capable of that


    er nahm Platz, ohne dass er gefragt hätte — he sat down without asking

    ohne zu zögern — without hesitating; without hesitation

    * * *
    without prep.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ohne

  • 6 В-330

    И ВСЁ ТАКОЕ (ПРОЧЕЕ) coll NP fixed WO
    and other similar things (used at the end of an enumeration to indicate that it could be extended to include similar objects or phenomena)
    and so on (and so forth (on))
    and so forth and all that and things of that sort and the (such) like et cetera etc. and whatnot and what have you and all that sort of thing and (all) the rest and more of the same and so on in the same vein and more to that effect.
    «Анатолий Николаевич каждый год мне помогает найти мастеров по ремонту квартиры. Понимаете, побелка-покраска и всё такое» (Чернёнок 2). "Anatoly Nikolaevich helps me find workmen for my apartment every year. You know, whitewashing, painting, and so on" (2a).
    (Булычов:) Ты говоришь -высшая власть... от бога... И все такое, ну а Дума-то - как? Откуда? (Горький 2). (В.:) You talk about the higher powers...the will of God and all that. But what about the Duma? Where does that come in? (2a).
    Сорин:) Мне, брат, в деревне как-то не того, и, понятная вещь, никогда я тут не привыкну. Вчера лёг в десять и сегодня утром проснулся в девять с таким чувством, как будто от долгого спанья у меня мозг прилип к черепу и все такое (Чехов 6). (S.:) For some reason, my boy, I'm not quite myself in the country, and, it stands to reason, I'll never get accustomed to it. I went to bed at ten o'clock last night and woke up at nine this morning feeling as though my brain were stuck to my skull from sleeping so long, and all that sort of thing (6a).
    Хочешь ты в членкоры (Академии Наук) попасть!.. Да и как не хотеть! Положение. Почет. Квартира. Денежки. Распределитель закрытый. И всё такое прочее (Зиновьев 2). You just want to be a corresponding member (of the Academy of Sciences)!... And why not? Position. Honours. An apartment. Cash. The special privilege shop. And all the rest (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-330

  • 7 и все такое

    [NP; fixed WO]
    and other similar things (used at the end of an enumeration to indicate that it could be extended to include similar objects or phenomena):
    - and so on (and so forth <on>);
    - and the < such> like;
    - etc.;
    - and more to that effect.
         ♦ "Анатолий Николаевич каждый год мне помогает найти мастеров по ремонту квартиры. Понимаете, побелка-покраска и всё такое" (Чернёнок 2). "Anatoly Nikolaevich helps me find workmen for my apartment every year. You know, whitewashing, painting, and so on" (2a).
         ♦ [Булычов:] Ты говоришь - высшая власть... от бога... И все такое, ну а Дума-то - как? Откуда? (Горький 2). [В.:] You talk about the higher powers...the will of God and all that. But what about the Duma? Where does that come in? (2a).
         ♦ [Сорин:] Мне, брат, в деревне как-то не того, и, понятная вещь, никогда я тут не привыкну. Вчера лёг в десять и сегодня утром проснулся в девять с таким чувством, как будто от долгого спанья у меня мозг прилип к черепу и все такое (Чехов 6). [S.:] For some reason, my boy, I'm not quite myself in the country, and, it stands to reason, I'll never get accustomed to it. I went to bed at ten o'clock last night and woke up at nine this morning feeling as though my brain were stuck to my skull from sleeping so long, and all that sort of thing (6a).
         ♦ Хочешь ты в членкоры [Академии Наук] попасть!.. Да и как не хотеть! Положение. Почёт. Квартира. Денежки. Распределитель закрытый. И всё такое прочее (Зиновьев 2). You just want to be a corresponding member [of the Academy of Sciences]!... And why not? Position. Honours. An apartment. Cash. The special privilege shop. And all the rest (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > и все такое

  • 8 и все такое прочее

    [NP; fixed WO]
    and other similar things (used at the end of an enumeration to indicate that it could be extended to include similar objects or phenomena):
    - and so on (and so forth <on>);
    - and the < such> like;
    - etc.;
    - and more to that effect.
         ♦ "Анатолий Николаевич каждый год мне помогает найти мастеров по ремонту квартиры. Понимаете, побелка-покраска и всё такое" (Чернёнок 2). "Anatoly Nikolaevich helps me find workmen for my apartment every year. You know, whitewashing, painting, and so on" (2a).
         ♦ [Булычов:] Ты говоришь - высшая власть... от бога... И все такое, ну а Дума-то - как? Откуда? (Горький 2). [В.:] You talk about the higher powers...the will of God and all that. But what about the Duma? Where does that come in? (2a).
         ♦ [Сорин:] Мне, брат, в деревне как-то не того, и, понятная вещь, никогда я тут не привыкну. Вчера лёг в десять и сегодня утром проснулся в девять с таким чувством, как будто от долгого спанья у меня мозг прилип к черепу и все такое (Чехов 6). [S.:] For some reason, my boy, I'm not quite myself in the country, and, it stands to reason, I'll never get accustomed to it. I went to bed at ten o'clock last night and woke up at nine this morning feeling as though my brain were stuck to my skull from sleeping so long, and all that sort of thing (6a).
         ♦ Хочешь ты в членкоры [Академии Наук] попасть!.. Да и как не хотеть! Положение. Почёт. Квартира. Денежки. Распределитель закрытый. И всё такое прочее (Зиновьев 2). You just want to be a corresponding member [of the Academy of Sciences]!... And why not? Position. Honours. An apartment. Cash. The special privilege shop. And all the rest (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > и все такое прочее

  • 9 מעט

    מָעַט(b. h.; cmp. מוּט) to be thin, minute.Part. pass. מָעוּט, f. מְעוּטָה; pl. מְעוּטִים, מְעוּטִין; מְעוּטוֹת. Y.Pes.V, 32a bot.; Y.Snh.I, 18c bot. גסי רוח ומְעוּטֵי תידה big in spirit (haughty) and small in learning (of narrow capacity). Tosef.Ḥall.I, 7; a. e.Tam.IV, 2 במעוטה at least (Talm. ed. 31a במעוטן, comment. במיעוטן on the smallest of the tables). Pi. מִעֵט, מִיעֵט 1) to diminish, reduce; to do little. Ab. IV, 10 הוי מְמַעֵט בעסקוכ׳ do less business, and busy thyself with the Law. M. Kat. 22a, v. עֵסֶק. Taan. I, 7 מְמַעֲטִין במשאוכ׳ we must reduce business transactions, building Ib. IV, 6 משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה with the beginning of the month of Ab we must reduce rejoicing. Ḥull.60b לכי ומַעֲטִי את עצמך go and make thyself smaller (be reduced). Snh.17a הואיל ומִיעַטְתֶּם עצמיכם because you made yourselves small (were modest); Num. R. s. 15. Tosef.Erub.IX (VI), 15 מִיעֲטָהּ באבניםוכ׳ if he reduced the size of the gap by means of stones Y. ib. VII, beg.24b ממעטין בכלים you may use utensils for reducing the opening. Bab. ib. 77b ממעט effects the reduction, i. e. puts the two adjoining places in the legal condition of dwellings connected by a gate; a. fr. 2) (interpret.) to limit, qualify, exclude from the rule. Shebu.26a היה דורש את כל התורה בריבה ומיעט interpreted the entire Law on the principle of ‘It includes and it excludes, i. e. on the principle that if, in the Biblical text, a specification is preceded and followed by general terms, both an extension ( ריבוי) and a limitation ( מיעוט) must be found; e. g. ib. (ref. to Lev. 5:4) או נפש … להרע … מי׳וכ׳ ‘or if a soul swears, this is a general expression, ‘for bad or for good, this limits (the sphere of the law to things which are either an advantage or a disadvantage); ‘whatsoever it be, this is again a generalization; now what does it include? All kinds of words (vows); ומאי מ׳ מ׳וכ׳ and what does it exclude? It excludes a religious act (the vow of doing a forbidden thing or not doing a commanded thing). Sifra Tsav, ch. XV, Par. 11 אם מִיעַטְתִּים מסמיכה מרובה לא אֲמַעֲטֵם בתנופהוכ׳ if I exclude them (the gentiles) from the privilege of laying hands on the sacrifice, which has a wider sphere of application, must I not exclude them from the privilege of waving ?; a. fr.Part. pass. מְמוּעָט, v. מוּעָט. Hif. הִמְעִיט to do little, less. Ber.I7a שמא תאמר אני מרבה והוא מַמְעִיט lest you say, I do much good, and he but little; שנינו אחד המרבה ואחד הממעיטוכ׳ we have learned, whether one does much or little (they are equally worthy), provided one directs his heart ; Men. XIII, 11; a. fr. Nithpa. נִתְמַעֵט, Hithpa. הִתְמַעֵט to be diminished, reduced. Erub.VII, 5 נ׳ התבן מעשרהוכ׳ if the pile of straw has been reduced to less than ten handbreadths. Ib. 54b; Ab. Zar.19a מִתְמַעֵט he will become less (will decline in learning). Arakh.30b נ׳ כספו if his value was reduced. Tosef.Sot.XIV, 10 נִתְמַעֲטוּ הימיםוכ׳ the days were reduced, and the years shortened. Ib. התחילו הגוים להתרבות וישראל להִתְמעֵט the nations began to grow and the Israelites to be reduced (in rank). Pesik. R. s. 14 נִתְמַעֲטָה ידו he became reduced in fortune. Midr. Till. to Ps. 12, end נפשם מִתְמַעֶטֶת עליהם their soul within them shrinks, i. e. they feel jealous and angry; Yalk. ib. 659; Lev. R. s. 32, beg. מתמענת (corr. acc.). Sifra l. c. נִתְמַעֶטֶת תנופה the sphere of the act of waving is the smaller one; נִתְמַעֲטָה סמיכה the laying on of hands has the smaller sphere; a. fr.Erub.80b מאי נתמעט נתמטמט ‘it was reduced (Mish. VII, 7) means, it was reduced to atoms, v. מִטְמֵט.B. Mets.71a נכסיו מִתְמַעֲטִין, v. סוּט h.Tosef.Mikv.VI (VII), 14 מִתְמַעֲטִין, v. מָעַךְ.

    Jewish literature > מעט

  • 10 מָעַט

    מָעַט(b. h.; cmp. מוּט) to be thin, minute.Part. pass. מָעוּט, f. מְעוּטָה; pl. מְעוּטִים, מְעוּטִין; מְעוּטוֹת. Y.Pes.V, 32a bot.; Y.Snh.I, 18c bot. גסי רוח ומְעוּטֵי תידה big in spirit (haughty) and small in learning (of narrow capacity). Tosef.Ḥall.I, 7; a. e.Tam.IV, 2 במעוטה at least (Talm. ed. 31a במעוטן, comment. במיעוטן on the smallest of the tables). Pi. מִעֵט, מִיעֵט 1) to diminish, reduce; to do little. Ab. IV, 10 הוי מְמַעֵט בעסקוכ׳ do less business, and busy thyself with the Law. M. Kat. 22a, v. עֵסֶק. Taan. I, 7 מְמַעֲטִין במשאוכ׳ we must reduce business transactions, building Ib. IV, 6 משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה with the beginning of the month of Ab we must reduce rejoicing. Ḥull.60b לכי ומַעֲטִי את עצמך go and make thyself smaller (be reduced). Snh.17a הואיל ומִיעַטְתֶּם עצמיכם because you made yourselves small (were modest); Num. R. s. 15. Tosef.Erub.IX (VI), 15 מִיעֲטָהּ באבניםוכ׳ if he reduced the size of the gap by means of stones Y. ib. VII, beg.24b ממעטין בכלים you may use utensils for reducing the opening. Bab. ib. 77b ממעט effects the reduction, i. e. puts the two adjoining places in the legal condition of dwellings connected by a gate; a. fr. 2) (interpret.) to limit, qualify, exclude from the rule. Shebu.26a היה דורש את כל התורה בריבה ומיעט interpreted the entire Law on the principle of ‘It includes and it excludes, i. e. on the principle that if, in the Biblical text, a specification is preceded and followed by general terms, both an extension ( ריבוי) and a limitation ( מיעוט) must be found; e. g. ib. (ref. to Lev. 5:4) או נפש … להרע … מי׳וכ׳ ‘or if a soul swears, this is a general expression, ‘for bad or for good, this limits (the sphere of the law to things which are either an advantage or a disadvantage); ‘whatsoever it be, this is again a generalization; now what does it include? All kinds of words (vows); ומאי מ׳ מ׳וכ׳ and what does it exclude? It excludes a religious act (the vow of doing a forbidden thing or not doing a commanded thing). Sifra Tsav, ch. XV, Par. 11 אם מִיעַטְתִּים מסמיכה מרובה לא אֲמַעֲטֵם בתנופהוכ׳ if I exclude them (the gentiles) from the privilege of laying hands on the sacrifice, which has a wider sphere of application, must I not exclude them from the privilege of waving ?; a. fr.Part. pass. מְמוּעָט, v. מוּעָט. Hif. הִמְעִיט to do little, less. Ber.I7a שמא תאמר אני מרבה והוא מַמְעִיט lest you say, I do much good, and he but little; שנינו אחד המרבה ואחד הממעיטוכ׳ we have learned, whether one does much or little (they are equally worthy), provided one directs his heart ; Men. XIII, 11; a. fr. Nithpa. נִתְמַעֵט, Hithpa. הִתְמַעֵט to be diminished, reduced. Erub.VII, 5 נ׳ התבן מעשרהוכ׳ if the pile of straw has been reduced to less than ten handbreadths. Ib. 54b; Ab. Zar.19a מִתְמַעֵט he will become less (will decline in learning). Arakh.30b נ׳ כספו if his value was reduced. Tosef.Sot.XIV, 10 נִתְמַעֲטוּ הימיםוכ׳ the days were reduced, and the years shortened. Ib. התחילו הגוים להתרבות וישראל להִתְמעֵט the nations began to grow and the Israelites to be reduced (in rank). Pesik. R. s. 14 נִתְמַעֲטָה ידו he became reduced in fortune. Midr. Till. to Ps. 12, end נפשם מִתְמַעֶטֶת עליהם their soul within them shrinks, i. e. they feel jealous and angry; Yalk. ib. 659; Lev. R. s. 32, beg. מתמענת (corr. acc.). Sifra l. c. נִתְמַעֶטֶת תנופה the sphere of the act of waving is the smaller one; נִתְמַעֲטָה סמיכה the laying on of hands has the smaller sphere; a. fr.Erub.80b מאי נתמעט נתמטמט ‘it was reduced (Mish. VII, 7) means, it was reduced to atoms, v. מִטְמֵט.B. Mets.71a נכסיו מִתְמַעֲטִין, v. סוּט h.Tosef.Mikv.VI (VII), 14 מִתְמַעֲטִין, v. מָעַךְ.

    Jewish literature > מָעַט

  • 11 Emigration

       Traditionally, Portugal has been a country with a history of emigration to foreign lands, as well as to the overseas empire. During the early centuries of empire, only relatively small numbers of Portuguese emigrated to reside permanently in its colonies. After the establishment of the second, largely Brazilian empire in the 17th century, however, greater numbers of Portuguese left to seek their fortunes outside Europe. It was only toward the end of the 19th century, however, that Portuguese emigration became a mass movement, at first, largely to Brazil. While Portuguese-speaking Brazil was by far the most popular destination for the majority of Portuguese emigrants in early modern and modern times, after 1830, the United States and later Venezuela also became common destinations.
       Portuguese emigration patterns have changed in the 20th century and, as the Portuguese historian and economist Oliveira Martins wrote before the turn of the century, Portuguese emigration rates are a kind of national barometer. Crises and related social, political, and economic conditions within Portugal, as well as the presence of established emigrant communities in various countries, emigration laws, and the world economy have combined to shape emigration rates and destinations.
       After World War II, Brazil no longer remained the favorite destination of the majority of Portuguese emigrants who left Portugal to improve their lives and standards of living. Beginning in the 1950s, and swelling into a massive stream in the 1960s and into the 1970s, most Portuguese emigrated to find work in France and, after the change in U.S. immigration laws in the mid-1960s, a steady stream went to North America, including Canada. The emigration figures here indicate that the most intensive emigration years coincided with excessive political turmoil and severe draft (army conscription) laws during the First Republic (1912 was the high point), that emigration dropped during World Wars I and II and during economic downturns such as the Depression, and that the largest flow of Portuguese emigration in history occurred after the onset of the African colonial wars (1961) and into the 1970s, as Portuguese sought emigration as a way to avoid conscription or assignment to Africa.
       1887 17,000
       1900ca. 17,000 (mainly to Brazil)
       1910 39,000
       1912 88,000 (75,000 of these to Brazil)
       1930ca. 30,000 (Great Depression)
       1940ca. 8,800
       1950 41,000
       1955 57,000
       1960 67,000
       1965 131,000
       1970 209,000
       Despite considerable efforts by Lisbon to divert the stream of emigrants from Brazil or France to the African territories of Angola and Mozambique, this colonization effort failed, and most Portuguese who left Portugal preferred the better pay and security of jobs in France and West Germany or in the United States, Venezuela, and Brazil, where there were more deeply rooted Portuguese emigrant communities. At the time of the Revolution of 25 April 1974, when the military coup in Lisbon signaled the beginning of pressures for the Portuguese settlers to leave Africa, the total number of Portuguese resident in the two larger African territories amounted to about 600,000. In modern times, nonimperial Portuguese emigration has prevailed over imperial emigration and has had a significant impact on Portugal's annual budget (due to emigrants' remittances), the political system (since emigrants have a degree of absentee voting rights), investment and economy, and culture.
       A total of 4 million Portuguese reside and work outside Portugal as of 2009, over one-third of the country's continental and island population. It has also been said that more Portuguese of Azorean descent reside outside the Azores than in the Azores. The following statistics reflect the pattern of Portuguese emigrant communities in the world outside the mother country.
       Overseas Portuguese Communities Population Figures by Country of Residence ( estimates for 2002)
       Brazil 1,000,000
       France 650,000
       S. Africa 600,000
       USA 500,000
       Canada 400,000
       Venezuela 400,000
       W. Europe 175,000 (besides France and Germany)
       Germany 125,000
       Britain (UK) 60,000 (including Channel Islands)
       Lusophone Africa 50,000
       Australia 50,000
       Total: 4,010,000 (estimate)

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Emigration

  • 12 Socialist Party / Partido Socialista

       Although the Socialist Party's origins can be traced back to the 1850s, its existence has not been continuous. The party did not achieve or maintain a large base of support until after the Revolution of 25 April 1974. Historically, it played only a minor political role when compared to other European socialist parties.
       During the Estado Novo, the PS found it difficult to maintain a clandestine existence, and the already weak party literally withered away. Different groups and associations endeavored to keep socialist ideals alive, but they failed to create an organizational structure that would endure. In 1964, Mário Soares, Francisco Ramos da Costa, and Manuel Tito de Morais established the Portuguese Socialist Action / Acção Socialista Português (ASP) in Geneva, a group of individuals with similar views rather than a true political party. Most members were middle-class professionals committed to democratizing the nation. The rigidity of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) led some to join the ASP.
       By the early 1970s, ASP nuclei existed beyond Portugal in Paris, London, Rome, Brussels, Frankfurt, Sweden, and Switzerland; these consisted of members studying, working, teaching, researching, or in other activities. Extensive connections were developed with other foreign socialist parties. Changing conditions in Portugal, as well as the colonial wars, led several ASP members to advocate the creation of a real political party, strengthening the organization within Portugal, and positioning this to compete for power once the regime changed.
       The current PS was founded clandestinely on 19 April 1973, by a group of 27 exiled Portuguese and domestic ASP representatives at the Kurt Schumacher Academy of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Bad Munstereifel, West Germany. The founding philosophy was influenced by nondogmatic Marxism as militants sought to create a classless society. The rhetoric was to be revolutionary to outflank its competitors, especially the PCP, on its left. The party hoped to attract reform-minded Catholics and other groups that were committed to democracy but could not support the communists.
       At the time of the 1974 revolution, the PS was little more than an elite faction based mainly among exiles. It was weakly organized and had little grassroots support outside the major cities and larger towns. Its organization did not improve significantly until the campaign for the April 1975 constituent elections. Since then, the PS has become very pragmatic and moderate and has increasingly diluted its socialist program until it has become a center-left party. Among the party's most consistent principles in its platform since the late 1970s has been its support for Portugal's membership in the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Union (EU), a view that clashed with those of its rivals to the left, especially the PCP. Given the PS's broad base of support, the increased distance between its leftist rhetoric and its more conservative actions has led to sharp internal divisions in the party. The PS and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) are now the two dominant parties in the Portuguese political party system.
       In doctrine and rhetoric the PS has undergone a de-Marxification and a movement toward the center as a means to challenge its principal rival for hegemony, the PSD. The uneven record of the PS in general elections since its victory in 1975, and sometimes its failure to keep strong legislative majorities, have discouraged voters. While the party lost the 1979 and 1980 general elections, it triumphed in the 1983 elections, when it won 36 percent of the vote, but it still did not gain an absolute majority in the Assembly of the Republic. The PSD led by Cavaco Silva dominated elections from 1985 to 1995, only to be defeated by the PS in the 1995 general elections. By 2000, the PS had conquered the commanding heights of the polity: President Jorge Sampaio had been reelected for a second term, PS prime minister António Guterres was entrenched, and the mayor of Lisbon was João Soares, son of the former socialist president, Mário Soares (1986-96).
       The ideological transformation of the PS occurred gradually after 1975, within the context of a strong PSD, an increasingly conservative electorate, and the de-Marxification of other European Socialist parties, including those in Germany and Scandinavia. While the PS paid less attention to the PCP on its left and more attention to the PSD, party leaders shed Marxist trappings. In the 1986 PS official program, for example, the text does not include the word Marxism.
       Despite the party's election victories in the mid- and late-1990s, the leadership discovered that their grasp of power and their hegemony in governance at various levels was threatened by various factors: President Jorge Sampaio's second term, the constitution mandated, had to be his last.
       Following the defeat of the PS by the PSD in the municipal elections of December 2001, Premier Antônio Guterres resigned his post, and President Sampaio dissolved parliament and called parliamentary elections for the spring. In the 17 March 2002 elections, following Guterres's resignation as party leader, the PS was defeated by the PSD by a vote of 40 percent to 38 percent. Among the factors that brought about the socialists' departure from office was the worsening post-September 11 economy and disarray within the PS leadership circles, as well as charges of corruption among PS office holders. However, the PS won 45 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections of 2005, and the leader of the party, José Sócrates, a self-described "market-oriented socialist" became prime minister.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Socialist Party / Partido Socialista

  • 13 F91.3

    рус Вызывающее оппозиционное расстройство
    eng Oppositional defiant disorder. Conduct disorder, usually occurring in younger children, primarily characterized by markedly defiant, disobedient, disruptive behaviour that does not include delinquent acts or the more extreme forms of aggressive or dissocial behaviour. The disorder requires that the overall criteria for F91.- be met; even severely mischievous or naughty behaviour is not in itself sufficient for diagnosis. Caution should be employed before using this category, especially with older children, because clinically significant conduct disorder will usually be accompanied by dissocial or aggressive behaviour that goes beyond mere defiance, disobedience, or disruptiveness.

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F91.3

  • 14 проверять утверждение

    Проверить утверждение примера 2. — Verify the claim of Example 2

    Основываясь на главе I, можно надеяться, что утверждение 2 влечет за собой эквивалентность этих двух величин. — Based on Chapter I, you might hope that Proposition 2 implies that the two are equivalent.

    Но здесь мы не можем апеллировать к этому утверждению, так как семейство вальрасовых бюджетов не включает все возможные бюджеты. В утверждении 2 обобщается несколько свойств производных по цене от функции хиксова спроса. — But we cannot appeal to that proposition here because the family of Walrasian budgets does not include every possible budget. Proposition 2 summarizes several properties of the price derivatives of the Hicksian demand function.

    Russian-English Dictionary "Microeconomics" > проверять утверждение

  • 15 линейно-интерактивный источник бесперебойного питания

    1. line interactive UPS
    2. Interactive UPS
    3. In-Line UPS


    линейно-интерактивный источник бесперебойного питания
    источник бесперебойного питания с линейно-интерактивным режимом работы


    line interactive UPS
    A system, which energizes the load from the utility mains providing conditioned power by filtering and stabilizing mains voltage (VI class per IEC 62040-3).
    Upon mains outage the load is energized from batteries via the Inverter.
    [ http://www.upsonnet.com/UPS-Glossary/]


    Структурная схема линейно-интерактивного ИБП
    [ http://www.tcs.ru/reviews/?id=345]

    Исчезновение напряжения в питающей сети - явление довольно редкое.
    Гораздо чаще происходят провалы или всплески напряжения, вызывающие не менее серьезные последствия в нагрузке (электроприемнике). Именно это обстоятельство послужило причиной для разработки ИБП, способных регулировать напряжение сети. Такие ИПБ получили название линейно-интерактивных.
    Нетрудно заметить, что по схемотехнике линейно-интерактивные ИБП похожи на off-line ИБП. Принципиальным отличием между ними, обусловившим выделение line-interactive ИБП в отдельную группу, является наличие специального устройства (бустера), предназначенного для ступенчатой стабилизации выходного напряжения, осуществляемого путем автоматического переключения отводов трансформатора.
    Линейно-интерактивные ИБП являются удачным сочетанием простоты и надежности off-line ИПБ и быстродействия on-line ИБП. Существенным отличием указанных ИБП является форма выходного напряжения в автономном (аккумуляторном) режиме работы: у off-line ИПБ - ступенчатая, а у линейно-интерактивного ИБП - синусоидальная.
    Линейно-интерактивные ИБП часто используются для защиты офисной техники и серверов масштаба одного отдела.


    • компактность,
    • экономичность,
    • синусоидальная форма выходного напряжения,
    • ступенчатая стабилизация выходного напряжения.


    • отсутствие гальванической развязки нагрузки (электропотребителя) от питающей сети,
    • отсутствие стабилизации частоты выходного напряжения,
    • недостаточный уровень стабилизация выходного напряжения относительно номинального значения (5-7%).

    [ http://www.tcs.ru/reviews/?id=345 с изменениями]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The Agilon VX line-interactive UPS is a best value product designed for PCs, laptops, and POS equipment used in home offices and small businesses.
    [Delta Electronics]

    Линейно-интерактивный ИПБ Agilon VX600 является одним из лучших источников для бесперебойного питания персональных компьютеров и терминалов розничной торговли в домашних офисах и малом бизнесе.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Is it important that UPS include a Voltage Regulator?
    Definitively. When the AC Line voltage is not suitable for your PC the UPS uses internal batteries to supply appropriate power to your PC. If the UPS does not include a Voltage Regulator this range is rather narrow but when UPS includes Voltage Regulator this range can be quite wide because most of the variations can be managed by the stabilization system and consequently the use of the batteries is less frequent. Evidently the less the UPS uses the batteries the longer life they will have.
    Batteries Life Expectancy in an UPS including Voltage Regulator (Called
    Interactive UPS or In-Line UPS) is about 3 years, while batteries in an UPS not including Voltage Regulator (Off Line UPS) usually do not last longer than a year. Nevertheless end users rarely realize their batteries are loosing properties since the back up time can only be measured during actual blackouts and then it could be too late.
    [ http://www.integra-ups.com/am/en/soporte/preguntas.htm]




    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > линейно-интерактивный источник бесперебойного питания

  • 16 рабочая площадь

    Чaсть aэрoдрoмa, прeднaзнaчeннaя для взлётa, пoсaдки и рулeния вoздушных судoв, сoстoящaя из плoщaди мaнeврирoвaния и пeррoнa (пeррoнoв).
    Примечание. Применительно к системе A-SMGCS рабочая площадь не включает пассивные стоянки, свободные стоянки и те зоны перрона(ов), которые предназначены исключительно для движения транспортных средств.
    That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the apron(s).
    Note.— For A-SMGCS, the movement area does not include passive stands, empty stands and those areas of the apron(s) that are exclusively designated to vehicle movements.
    (AN 2; AN 4; AN 11; AN 14/I; AN 15; PANS-ATM)

    Русско-английский словарь международной организации гражданской авиации > рабочая площадь

  • 17 отметим, что

    Отметим, что структура выбора учитывает не все возможные подмножества Х. — Note that the choice structure does not include all possible subsets of X.

    Russian-English Dictionary "Microeconomics" > отметим, что

  • 18 плановая стоимость контракта

    Economy: Contract Target Cost (Negotiated cost of a contract that does not include the cost of any authorized but unpriced changes)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > плановая стоимость контракта

  • 19 ohne

    oh·ne [ʼo:nə] präp +akk
    \ohne etw without sth;
    \ohne Geld without any money;
    wir sind noch \ohne weitere Informationen we still don't have any more information;
    sei \ohne Furcht! don't be afraid!;
    \ohne Schutz unprotected
    \ohne etw excluding [or not including]; [or not counting] sth;
    der Preis versteht sich \ohne Mehrwertsteuer the price does not include VAT
    \ohne jdn without sb;
    \ohne Kinder/ Nachwuchs childless/without offspring;
    \ohne Erben sterben to die heirless;
    \ohne mich! count me out!
    4) ( fam);
    nicht \ohne sein to be quite something;
    [gar] nicht \ohne sein to be not quite that easy; s. a. weitere(s)
    \ohne etw zu tun without doing sth;
    \ohne dass etw geschieht without sth happening;
    \ohne dass jd etw tut without sb['s ( form)] doing sth

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > ohne

  • 20 апеллировать

    от лат. appellare
    (Обращаться к кому-либо за помощью, поддержкой.)

    Но здесь мы не можем апеллировать к этому утверждению, так как семейство вальрасовых бюджетов не охватывает все возможные бюджеты. — But we cannot appeal to that proposition here because the family of Walrasian budgets does not include every possible budget.

    Russian-English Dictionary "Microeconomics" > апеллировать

См. также в других словарях:

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  • include — in|clude W1S2 [ınˈklu:d] v [T] [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: includere, from claudere to close ] 1.) [not in progressive] if one thing includes another, the second thing is part of the first ▪ Does the price include postage? ▪ His job… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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