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  • 1 dignity

    Würde, die

    be beneath one's dignity — unter seiner Würde sein

    * * *
    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) die Würde
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) die Größe
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) der Rang
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) die Würde
    * * *
    [ˈdɪgnɪti, AM -t̬-]
    1. (composure) Würde f
    a man of \dignity ein Mann von würdevollem Auftreten
    to behave with great \dignity mit großer Würde auftreten
    2. (worthiness) Würde f, [menschliche] Größe
    human \dignity Menschenwürde f
    to die with \dignity mit Würde sterben
    3. (respect) Ansehen nt, Achtung f
    to be beneath sb's \dignity unter jds Würde sein
    to stand on one's own \dignity Respekt fordern
    * * *
    1) (of person, occasion, work) Würde f

    to die with dignityin Würde sterben

    to lose one's dignity —

    2) (= high rank, post) Rang m, (hohe) Stellung; (= title) Würde f
    * * *
    dignity [ˈdıɡnətı] s
    1. Würde f, würdevolles Auftreten
    2. Würde f, Rang m, (hohe) Stellung
    3. Größe f, Würde f:
    dignity of soul Seelengröße, -adel m
    4. Würde f, Ansehen n:
    not stand on one’s dignity nicht auf dem hohen Ross sitzen; academic.ru/6469/beneath">beneath B
    * * *
    Würde, die
    * * *
    Erhabenheit f.
    Würde -n f.

    English-german dictionary > dignity

  • 2 dignity

    English-French dictionary > dignity

  • 3 dignity

    dignity ['dɪgnətɪ] (pl dignities)
    (a) (importance, poise) dignité f;
    it would be beneath my dignity to accept accepter serait indigne de moi ou serait m'abaisser;
    she considered it beneath her dignity elle s'estimait au-dessus de ça;
    to stand on one's dignity se draper dans sa dignité;
    with dignity avec dignité, dignement
    (b) (rank) dignité f, haut rang m; (title) titre m, dignité f

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > dignity

  • 4 dignity

    1) достоинство; чувство собственного достоинства; to stand on one's dignity держать себя с большим достоинством; beneath one's dignity ниже своего достоинства
    2) звание, сан, титул; to confer the dignity of a peerage дать звание пэра
    3) (collect.) лица высокого звания; знать
    * * *
    (n) высокий пост; высокое положение; достоинство; чувство собственного достоинства
    * * *
    1) достоинство 2) звание, сан
    * * *
    [dig·ni·ty || 'dɪgnɪtɪ] n. достоинство, чувство собственного достоинства, благородство, титул, звание, сан, лица высокого звания, знать
    * * *
    * * *
    1) а) достоинство б) чувство собственного достоинства 2) а) высокое положение, высокий пост б) звание в) устар. лицо, занимающее высокий пост 3) знать, люди высокого происхождения

    Новый англо-русский словарь > dignity

  • 5 dignity

    അന്തസ്സ്, മാന്യത, ശ്രേഷ്ഠത, മാഹാത്മ്യം, മഹത്വം, പ്രഭാവം, കുലീനത

    English-Malayalam new dictionary > dignity

  • 6 dignity

    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) dignidad
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) dignidad
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) dignidad
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) dignidad
    dignity n dignidad
    1 (seriousness, calmness - of person) dignidad nombre femenino; (of occasion) solemnidad nombre femenino
    have you no dignity? ¡qué poca dignidad la tuya!
    3 formal use (high rank, title) dignidad nombre femenino
    to be beneath one's dignity ser una degradación
    to stand on one's dignity hacerse respetar, mantener las distancias
    dignity ['dɪgnət̬i] n, pl - ties : dignidad f
    dignidad s.f.
    honra s.f.
    majestad s.f.
    mesura s.f.
    pundonor s.m.
    mass noun
    a) ( of person) dignidad f

    to stand on one's dignity — mantener* las distancias

    b) ( of occasion) solemnidad f
    2) (status, worth) dignidad f, categoría f
    1) (=self-esteem) dignidad f
    - stand on one's dignity
    2) (=solemnity) [of occasion] solemnidad f
    3) (=respectability) [of work, labour] dignidad f, honorabilidad f
    * * *
    mass noun
    a) ( of person) dignidad f

    to stand on one's dignity — mantener* las distancias

    b) ( of occasion) solemnidad f
    2) (status, worth) dignidad f, categoría f

    English-spanish dictionary > dignity

  • 7 dignity

    [English Word] dignity
    [Swahili Word] adhama
    [Swahili Plural] adhama
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] dignity
    [Swahili Word] adhima
    [Swahili Plural] adhima
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] dignity
    [Swahili Word] heshima
    [Swahili Plural] heshima
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] Arabic
    [Swahili Example] lazima tujitahidi kutunza heshima ya majina yetu [Kez]
    [English Word] dignity
    [Swahili Word] jaha
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] dignity
    [Swahili Word] makamo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] dignity
    [Swahili Word] makamu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] dignity
    [Swahili Word] makini
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [English Word] dignity
    [Swahili Word] usharifu
    [Part of Speech] noun

    English-Swahili dictionary > dignity

  • 8 dignity

    1. n достоинство; чувство собственного достоинства

    with dignity — с достоинством, гордо

    2. n величие, величественность
    3. n высокое положение, высокий пост
    4. n титул; звание, сан, достоинство
    5. n собир. лица высокого звания, знать
    6. n редк. сановник
    7. n положение звезды, когда она имеет наибольшую силу
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. composure (noun) composure; distinction; presence
    2. decorum (noun) decency; decorum; etiquette; propriety; seemliness; stateliness
    3. dignified behavior (noun) culture; dignified behavior; dignified behaviour; elevated deportment; nobility; nobility of manner; presence commanding respect; self-respect
    4. elegance (noun) elegance; grace
    5. gravity (noun) gravity; reserve; solemnity
    6. importance (noun) cachet; consequence; fame; honor; honour; importance; position; prestige; rank; reputation; repute; significance; standing; state; station; stature; status; superior modesty
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > dignity

  • 9 dignity

    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) værdighed
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) værdighed
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) værdighed
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) værdighed
    * * *
    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) værdighed
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) værdighed
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) værdighed
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) værdighed

    English-Danish dictionary > dignity

  • 10 dignity

    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) dostojanstvo
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) svečanost
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) visok položaj
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) čast
    * * *
    dostojanstvo; čin; visok položaj; astronomy pomemben položaj planeta

    English-Slovenian dictionary > dignity

  • 11 dignity

    nome dignità f.

    beneath sb.'s dignity — poco dignitoso per qcn.

    to stand on one's dignityesigere o pretendere rispetto

    * * *
    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) dignità
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) dignità
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) dignità
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) amor proprio
    * * *
    dignity /ˈdɪgnətɪ/
    1 [u] dignità: the dignity of labour, la dignità del lavoro
    2 [u] dignità; rispetto (di sé): It is beneath my dignity to answer this letter, la mia dignità non mi consente di rispondere a questa lettera; to behave with dignity and restraint, comportarsi con dignità e moderazione; They deserve to be treated with dignity, meritano di essere trattati con dignità; to lose [to keep, to regain] one's dignity, perdere [mantenere, ritrovare] la propria dignità; to stand upon (o on) one's dignity, non venir meno alla propria dignità
    3 ( raro) dignitario: The dignities of the Kingdom, i dignitari del regno.
    * * *
    nome dignità f.

    beneath sb.'s dignity — poco dignitoso per qcn.

    to stand on one's dignityesigere o pretendere rispetto

    English-Italian dictionary > dignity

  • 12 dignity

    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) verdighet
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) verdighet, høytidelighet
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) rang, stand, privilegert stilling
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) stolthet, verdighet
    subst. \/ˈdɪɡnətɪ\/
    1) verdighet
    2) (selv)respekt
    3) edelhet, finhet, fornemhet
    4) høy rang, opphøyd stilling, opphøyd tittel, dignitet
    5) opphøydhet
    beneath one's dignity under ens verdighet
    stand (up) on one's dignity holde på sin verdighet

    English-Norwegian dictionary > dignity

  • 13 dignity

    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) dignidade
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) dignidade
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) importância
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) amor próprio
    * * *
    [d'igniti] n 1 dignidade, decência, respeitabilidade, nobreza, decoro. the job is beneath his dignity / o emprego não está à sua altura. 2 distinção, alto cargo ou ofício honorífico. 3 dignitário. to stand on their dignity manter a sua dignidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dignity

  • 14 dignity

    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) virðuleiki; virðing, sæmd
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) virðuleiki, myndugleiki
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) virðingarstaða
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) stolt, sómatilfinning

    English-Icelandic dictionary > dignity

  • 15 dignity

    méltóság, magasztosság
    * * *
    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) méltóság
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) emelkedettség
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) rang
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) méltóság

    English-Hungarian dictionary > dignity

  • 16 dignity

    n. şeref, itibar, asalet, ağırbaşlılık, haysiyet, yücelik; temkin; yüksek makam
    * * *
    1. kıymet 2. saygınlık
    * * *
    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) ağırbaşlılık, vakar
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) önem ve ciddiyet
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) gurur
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) saygınlık, itibar

    English-Turkish dictionary > dignity

  • 17 dignity

    • jalous
    • aateluus
    • arvo
    • arvokkuus
    • ylevyys
    * * *
    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) arvokkuus
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) arvokkuus
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) arvoasema
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) omanarvontunto

    English-Finnish dictionary > dignity

  • 18 dignity

    godność f, dostojeństwo nt
    * * *
    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) godność
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) powaga
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) godność
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) godność

    English-Polish dictionary > dignity

  • 19 dignity

    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) cieņa
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) svarīgums; cienīgums
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) augsts/cienīgs stāvoklis
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) gods; cieņa
    * * *
    gods, cieņa; tituls

    English-Latvian dictionary > dignity

  • 20 dignity

    1) (stateliness or seriousness of manner: Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity.) orumas
    2) (importance or seriousness: the dignity of the occasion.) rimtumas, svarbumas
    3) (a privilege etc indicating rank: He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.) titulas, garbingas vardas
    4) (one's personal pride: He had wounded her dignity.) garbė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > dignity

См. также в других словарях:

  • dignity — ► NOUN (pl. dignities) 1) the state or quality of being worthy of respect. 2) a composed or serious manner. 3) a sense of pride in oneself. ● stand on one s dignity Cf. ↑stand on one s dignity …   English terms dictionary

  • dignity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ enormous, great ▪ calm, quiet ▪ She spoke to him with quiet dignity. ▪ human, personal …   Collocations dictionary

  • dignity — noun 1 (U) the ability to behave in a way that shows you respect yourself and stay calm, even in a very difficult situation: The family faced their ordeal with dignity and courage. | human dignity | Even in the prison camp we tried to retain some …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • dignity — noun /ˈdɪɡnəti/ a) A quality or state worthy of esteem and respect.<!? He uttered this ... with great majesty, or, as he called it, dignity. b) Decorum, formality, stateliness.<!? Every individual shall have the right to the respect of the… …   Wiktionary

  • dignity at work — UK US noun [U] ► HR, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY a set of rules to prevent employees being badly treated at work: »The company introduced a dignity at work policy …   Financial and business terms

  • dignity — noun 1) the dignity of the proceedings Syn: stateliness, nobility, majesty, regality, courtliness, augustness, loftiness, lordliness, grandeur; solemnity, gravity, gravitas, formality, decorum, propriety, sedateness 2) …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • dignity — noun 1) the dignity of the Crown Syn: stateliness, nobility, majesty, impressiveness, grandeur, magnificence, ceremoniousness, formality, decorum, propriety, respectability, worthiness, integrity, solemnity, gravitas 2) …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • dignity — noun (plural dignities) 1》 the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect. 2》 a composed or serious manner or style.     ↘a sense of pride in oneself. Phrases stand on one s dignity insist on being treated with due respect. Origin ME:… …   English new terms dictionary

  • dignity — noun (plural ties) Etymology: Middle English dignete, from Anglo French digneté, from Latin dignitat , dignitas, from dignus Date: 13th century 1. the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed 2. a. high rank, office, or position …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dignity — dig|ni|ty [ dıgnəti ] noun uncount ** the impressive behavior of someone who controls their emotions in a difficult situation: She faced her death with dignity. maintain/retain your dignity: It can be difficult to maintain your dignity during a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dignity */*/ — UK [ˈdɪɡnətɪ] / US noun [uncountable] the impressive behaviour of someone who controls their emotions in a difficult situation She faced her death with great dignity. maintain/retain your dignity: It can be difficult to maintain your dignity… …   English dictionary

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