1 American Cyanamide
Railway term: UCCUУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > American Cyanamide
2 цианамид
3 цианамидный
4 цианамид
5 цианамидный
6 цианамид
7 цианамидный
8 цианамид
9 цианамид
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > цианамид
10 цианамидный
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > цианамидный
11 цианамидный
12 цианамидный азот
13 цианамидный азот
14 известковый азот
1) Engineering: lime cyanamide2) Makarov: calcium cyanamide -
15 цианамид кальция
1) Chemistry: calcium cyanamide, lime nitrogen, nitrolim, nitrolime2) Mining: calcium cyanamide (флотореагент)3) Electrochemistry: lime nitrogen (CaCN2), nitrolime (CaCN2) -
16 цианамид
17 известковый азот
18 лежать в основе
•The basis for the antibacterial effects of dyes is their ability to...
•Behind the Mullard invention is the notion that...
•Central to the theory is...
•Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field also forms (or constitutes) the basis for mass spectrometry.
•These equations form the basis (or foundation) of the theory of...
•These theories form (or provide) the foundation for (or are at the basis of) colour television.
•It is this form that provides the basis (or is fundamental) for a wide variety of TV antennas.
•Let us consider the physical conditions that underlie the Sun's magnetism.
•Boolean algebra underlies the theory of relations.
•Microcomputers are at the heart of "transaction" telephones for checking customers' credit.
•The general rule that the forces between two particles result from an exchange of other particles is basic to much of our present understanding of elementary-particle interactions.
•This distinction between electricity and magnetism is at the heart (or root) of the theory of...
•The Periodic Table provides the framework for the whole study of inorganic chemistry.
•Thermochemistry is basic to the study of chemical bonding.
•An understanding of dye laser operation is a building block for understanding the principles of other tunable laser systems.
•These interrelations are the heart of hydrodynamics.
•The chapter describes the fundamental physics that gives rise to the behaviour of the single junction and the transistor as circuit elements.
•The nature of energy lies at the heart of the mystery of our existence.
•This reaction is the basis for the cyanamide process for...
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > лежать в основе
19 акрилонитрил
1) Engineering: acrylonitrile2) Chemistry: cyanoethylene, ventox, vinyl cyanide3) Oil: acrilonitrile4) Drilling: acrylonitril5) Plastics: vinyl cyanamide -
20 бензилцианамид
Chemistry: benzyl cyanamide
См. также в других словарях:
cyanamide — [ sjanamid ] n. f. • 1851; de cyan(o) et amide ♦ Chim. Corps dérivant de l ammoniac par substitution du groupe CN à un atome d hydrogène. Cyanamide calcique, engrais azoté. ● cyanamide nom masculin Amide de l acide cyanique, NC―NH2. (Sa… … Encyclopédie Universelle
cyanamide — [sī an′əmid, sī an′əidsī an′ə mīd΄, sī an′əmid΄; sī΄ə nam′īd΄, sī΄ə nam′id΄] n. [ CYAN + AMIDE] 1. a caustic, white, crystalline compound, H2N·CN, usually prepared by the reaction of carbon dioxide with calcium cyanamide in water and used to make … English World dictionary
Cyanamide — Not to be confused with cyanimide. Cyanamide … Wikipedia
Cyanamide — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le mot cyanamide peut désigner : le cyanamide hydrogène (CH2N2), le cyanamide calcique (CaCN2). Catégorie : Ho … Wikipédia en Français
cyanamide — /suy an euh mid, muyd , suy euh nam uyd, id/, n. Chem. 1. a white, crystalline, unstable, deliquescent solid, CH2N2, usually produced by the action of ammonia on cyanogen chloride or by the action of sulfuric acid on calcium cyanamide. 2. (not in … Universalium
cyanamide — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1838 1. a caustic acidic compound CH2N2 2. calcium cyanamide … New Collegiate Dictionary
cyanamide — An irritating and caustic water soluble substance, H2NCN or HN=C=NH; often used in referring to calcium c.. * * * cy·an·a·mide (si anґə mīd) 1. carbamic acid nitril, N C NH2. 2. HN C NH, the anhydride of urea. 3. calcium cyanamide … Medical dictionary
cyanamide — cy•an•a•mide or cy•an•a•mid [[t]saɪˈæn ə mɪd[/t]] n. 1) chem. a white crystalline solid, CH2N2, produced by the action of ammonia or sulfuric acid on cyanic compounds 2) chem. calcium cyanamide • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
cyanamide — /saɪˈænəmaɪd/ (say suy anuhmuyd), /ˈsaɪənəmaɪd/ (say suyuhnuhmuyd) noun 1. a white crystalline compound, H2NCN, obtainable by the action of ammonia on cyanogen chloride or from calcium cyanamide. 2. an ester or salt of this substance. Also,… …
cyanamide — cianamidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė M₂CN₂ atitikmenys: angl. cyanamide rus. цианамид ryšiai: sinonimas – karbodiiminatas (2–) … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Cyanamide Hydrogène — Cyanamide Général Synonym … Wikipédia en Français