1 Curiosity killed the cat
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Curiosity killed the cat
2 curiosity killed the cat
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > curiosity killed the cat
3 curiosity killed the cat
<05> любопытство до добра не доведет; много будешь знать – скоро состаришьсяАнгло-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > curiosity killed the cat
4 Curiosity killed the cat
Любопытному нос в двери прищемилиDifficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Curiosity killed the cat
5 curiosity killed the cat
любопытной Варваре нос оторвали. /любопытство до добра не доведетEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > curiosity killed the cat
6 curiosity killed the cat
любопы́тство до добра́ не дово́дитThe Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > curiosity killed the cat
7 curiosity killed a cat
≈ любопытство до добра не доводит (ср. много будешь знать - скоро состаришься) [выражение образовано по аналогии с care killed a cat; см. care killed a cat]‘Sorry, my dear, I'm engaged for this evening...’ ‘May I ask who it is?’ ‘No, Henry. Curiosity killed the cat.’ (G. Gordon, ‘Let the Day Perish’, part II, ch. XXXIX) — - Мне очень жаль, мой дорогой, но я сегодня занята... - А можно поинтересоваться, кто вас будет занимать? - Нет, Генри. Много будешь знать - скоро состаришься.
8 curiosity
[ˌkjuərɪ'ɔsətɪ]сущ.Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them. — В детях от природы заложено стремление познавать окружающий мир.
2) любопытствоto be burning / bursting with curiosity — сгорать, умирать от любопытства
I just had to satisfy my curiosity, so I opened the parcel. — Меня распирало от любопытства, и я распечатал свёрток.
3) странностьSyn:curiousness, oddity4) диковина, редкостьcuriosity shop — антикварный магазин; лавка древностей
Syn:••Curiosity killed the cat. — посл. Много будешь знать, скоро состаришься. Любопытной Варваре нос оторвали.
9 cat
1) кот м; ко́шка ж2) разг сварли́вая ба́ба; спле́тница ж, я́зва ж- copy cat- scaredy-cat
- holy cats
- curiosity killed the cat
- it rains cats and dogs
- let the cat out of the bag
- look like the cat that ate the canary
- play cat and mouse with smb -
10 curiosity
11 curiosity
ˌkjuərɪˈɔsɪtɪ сущ.
1) любознательность nor had you any curiosity to know other states or their laws ≈ у тебя также нет никакого желания узнать о других странах и их законах
2) любопытство Curiosity is usually employed to denote the habit of inquisitiveness as to trifles, and especially as to the private affairs of one's neighbours. ≈ Слово "любопытство" обычно употребляют, когда хотят подчеркнуть привычку интересоваться пустяками и особенно делами своих соседей.
3) странность Syn: curiousness
4) диковина, редкость curiosity shop ≈ антикварный магазин;
'лавка древностей' Syn: curio любознательность;
пытливость - * about unknown lands желание узнать побольше о неизвестных странах любопытство - to be eaten up with * быть снедаемым любопытством - I was dying of * я умирал от любопытства странность редкая антикварная вещь - old * shop антикварный магазин, "лавка древностей" > * killed a cat любопытство до добра не доведет curiosity антикварная, редкая вещь ~ (а ~) диковина, редкость ~ любознательность ~ любопытство ~ странность ~ attr. антикварный;
curiosity shop антикварный магазин;
"лавка древностей" ~ attr. антикварный;
curiosity shop антикварный магазин;
"лавка древностей"Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > curiosity
См. также в других словарях:
curiosity killed the cat — phrase used for warning someone that something dangerous or harmful could happen to them because they are too interested in things that do not concern them Thesaurus: ways of warning or advising someonesynonym Main entry: curiosity * * * proverb… … Useful english dictionary
curiosity killed the cat — As cats are naturally curious animals, we use this expression to suggest to people that excessive curiosity is not necessarily a good thing, especially where it is not their business … The small dictionary of idiomes
curiosity killed the cat — ► curiosity killed the cat proverb being inquisitive about other people s affairs may get you into trouble. Main Entry: ↑curiosity … English terms dictionary
Curiosity killed the cat — This article is about the proverb. For other uses, see Curiosity killed the cat (disambiguation). A curious kitten. Curiosity killed the cat is a proverb used to warn of the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation. A less… … Wikipedia
Curiosity Killed the Cat — For the proverb, see Curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity Killed the Cat Ben Volpeliere Pierrot of Curiosity Killed the Cat at the Lafayette Parc Hotel, Lafayette, California 1987 Background information … Wikipedia
curiosity killed the cat — 1921 E. O’ NEILL Diff’rent II. 252 ‘What’d you ask ’em, for instance?’.. ‘Curiosity killed a cat! Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.’ 1973 A. CHRISTIE Postern of Fate I. iv. ‘A curiosity death,’ said Tommy. ‘Curiosity killed the cat.’ … Proverbs new dictionary
curiosity killed the cat — {informal} Getting too nosy may lead a person into trouble. A proverb. * / Curiosity killed the cat, Fred s father said, when he found Fred hunting around in closets just before Christmas./ … Dictionary of American idioms
curiosity killed the cat — {informal} Getting too nosy may lead a person into trouble. A proverb. * / Curiosity killed the cat, Fred s father said, when he found Fred hunting around in closets just before Christmas./ … Dictionary of American idioms
curiosity\ killed\ the\ cat — informal proverb Getting too nosy may lead a person into trouble. Curiosity killed the cat, Fred s father said, when he found Fred hunting around in closets just before Christmas … Словарь американских идиом
curiosity killed the cat — a very curious person may find trouble or danger Don t ask so many questions. Remember, curiosity killed the cat … English idioms
curiosity killed the cat — being too nosy and interested in other peoples business may lead a person into trouble Don t keep asking so many questions. Remember curiosity killed the cat … Idioms and examples