1 criterion
- criterion
- nкритерий; условие; признак
- criterion of buckling
- criterion of stability
- equilibrium criterion
- failure criterion
- plane-strain criterion
- plastic-yield criterion
- serviceability criterion
- similarity criterion
- yield criterion
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 criterion
criterion:fertility criterion критерий оплодотворяемостиsolubility criterion of purity определение чистоты (фермента) по кривой растворимостиsquare criterion критерий среднеквадратичной ошибкиEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > criterion
3 criterion
criterion [kraɪˊtɪərɪən] n (pl - ia)крите́рий, мери́ло -
4 criterion
5 criterion
6 criterion
критерий, показатель; условие; признакairworthiness criterionattitude criterionbuckling criterionbuffet criterionconvergence criterioncreep-rupture criterioncumulative damage criteriondamage tolerance criteriondeparture criteriondeparture prediction criterionderating criteriondesign criterionempirical criterionestimation criterionfail-safe criterionfailure criterionflight path criterionflying qualities criterionfracture criterionfrequency domain criterionfrequency response criteriong-tolerance criterionGriffith's criterionhandling qualities criterionhigh-angle-of-attack criterionicing criterionidentification criterionLighthill's criterionlight-loss criterionload factor response criterionlongitudinal criterionLyapunov criterionmaneuvering criterionmission-oriented criterionNeal-Smith criterionNyquist criterionopen-loop criterionoptimality criterionparametric criterionperformance criterionpilot-centered criterionpitch sensitivity criterionpredictive criterionrecovery criterionrough runway criterionRouth-Hurwitz criterionSchuler criterionsecond tier criterionseparation criterionshort period criterionsmoothness criterionstability criterionstrength criterionTau criteriontracking criteriontransition criterionTresca`s yield criteriontrim-slope criterionvisual criterionvon Mises' yield criterionyield criterion -
7 criterion
критерий; признак
* * *
* * *
* * *
критерий; признак- criterion of servicecriterion for reliability demonstration — критерий подтверждения надёжности;
- damage criterion
- demonstration criterion
- equipment serviceability criterion
- equireliability criterion
- failure analysis criterion
- hazard rate criterion
- inspection criterion
- maintainability specification criterion
- maintenance criterion
- mean life criterion
- partial criterion
- redundancy criterion
- reliability criterion
- reliability screening criterion
- repairability criterion
- safety criterion
- trace-to-trace coherence criterionАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > criterion
8 criterion
9 criterion
критерий; условие; признак- Akaike information criterion
- ascriptive criterion
- Barkhausen criterion
- clustering fidelity criterion
- choice criterion
- Conrady's criterion
- controllability criterion
- convective instability criterion
- cycle criterion
- damage-risk criterion
- exceedance criterion
- fidelity criterion
- fitting criterion
- information criterion
- Nyquist criterion
- Nyquist stability criterion
- optimality criterion
- rank criterion
- Rayleigh criterion
- Rayleigh resolution criterion
- Routh-Hurwitz criterion
- Schwarz information criterion
- Schwarz's Bayesian criterion
- selection criterion
- sequencing criterion
- stability criterion
- Townsend criterion
- strict avalanche criterion
- validity criterion
- weighted least-squares criterion
- WLS criterion -
10 criterion
критерий; условие; признак- Akaike information criterion
- ascriptive criterion
- Barkhausen criterion
- choice criterion
- clustering fidelity criterion
- Conrady's criterion
- controllability criterion
- convective instability criterion
- cycle criterion
- damage-risk criterion
- exceedance criterion
- fidelity criterion
- fitting criterion
- information criterion
- Nyquist criterion
- Nyquist stability criterion
- optimality criterion
- rank criterion
- Rayleigh criterion
- Rayleigh resolution criterion
- Routh-Hurwitz criterion
- Schwarz information criterion
- Schwarz's Bayesian criterion
- selection criterion
- sequencing criterion
- stability criterion
- strict avalanche criterion
- Townsend criterion
- validity criterion
- weighted least-squares criterion
- WLS criterionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > criterion
11 criterion
1) критерий, признак2) ключ; ключевое слово•- associative criterion
- chi-square criterion
- clustering criterion
- control criterion
- convergence criterion
- criterion for randomness
- cycle criterion
- error-squared criterion
- fidelity criterion
- fitting criterion
- insertion criterion
- integral performance criterion
- minimax criterion
- nonunique associative criterion
- N-out-of-M criterion
- ordering criterion
- performance criterion
- recognition criterion
- relevancy criterion
- root-mean-square minimum error criterion
- root-mean-square criterion
- satisfiability criterion
- selection criterion
- sequencing criterion
- smootheness criterion
- specified criterion
- stability criterion
- switching criterion
- testing criterion
- transformational criterion
- unconditional stability criterion
- unique associative criterion
- validation criterionEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > criterion
12 criterion
2) ключ; ключевое слово•-
chi-square criterion
control criterion
convergence criterion
energy fracture criterion
failure criterion
fidelity criterion
fitting criterion
fracture criterion
instability racture criterion
Lawson criterion
minimax criterion
Nyquist stability criterion
Nyquist criterion
ordering criterion
performance criterion
plastic yield criterion
PV criterion
recognition criterion
resolution criterion
Routh-Hurwitz criterion
scuffing criterion
selection criterion
simulation criterion
specified criterion
stability criterion
stuck-rod criterion
testing criterion
validation criterion
yield criterion -
13 criterion
критерий; показатель -
14 criterion
[kraɪˈtɪərɪən]associative criterion ассоциативный признак causal criterion критерий причины chi-square criterion критерий хи-квадрат clustering criterion признак группировки convergence criterion критерий сходимости criterion (pl -ia) критерий, мерило criterion критерий criterion признак criterion условие criterion of estimation вчт. критерий оценивания cycle criterion вчт. критерий выхода из цикла fitting criterion критерий сглаживания подбора least-squares criterion критерий по методу наименьших квадратов mathematical criterion математический критерий maximax criterion критерий максимакса maximin criterion критерий максимина maximum-likelihood criterion критерий максимального правдоподобия needs test criterion критерий проверки потребностей optimality criterion критерий оптимальности performance criterion критерий качества relevancy criterion критерий релевантности selection criterion критерий отбора sequencing criterion критерий упорядочения switching criterion вчт. критерий переключения validation criterion критерий достоверности validation criterion критерий правильности -
15 criterion
n(pl criteria) мерило, критерий
- classification criterion
- control criterion
- cost-effectiveness criterion
- decision criterion
- dominance criterion
- economic criterion
- economic effectiveness criterion
- estimation criterion
- general criterion
- main criterion
- optimality criterion
- prime criterion
- quality criterion
- reliability criterion
- stability criterion
- utility criterion
- workable criterion
- criterion of estimation
- criterion of independence
- criterion of success
- criterion of sufficiency
- serve as a criterion
- set out performance criteriaEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > criterion
16 criterion
1) критерий, признак2) вчт. ключ; ключевое слово•- criterion of defining the optimum
- criterion of noninteraction
- criterion of performance
- criterion of stability
- error criterion
- failure criterion
- Hurwitz's criterion
- Nyquist's criterion
- optimality criterion
- overriding criterion
- performance criterion
- relevancy criterion
- retrieval criterion
- single failure criterion
- stability criterion
- switching criterion
- unconditional stability criterionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > criterion
17 criterion
18 criterion
1) критерий
2) критериальный
3) условие
4) мерило
– Bode criterion
– control criterion
– criterion function
– criterion functional
– criterion of divisibility
– criterion of noninteraction
– error-squared criterion
– integral criterion
– minimax criterion
– Neyman-Pearson criterion
– pentad criterion
– Rayleigh criterion
– reducibility criterion
– Routh-Hurwitz criterion
– stability criterion -
19 criterion
nounкритерий mАнглийский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > criterion
20 criterion
- performance criterion - protection criterion - quality criterion of construction material - reliability criterion - Reynolds criterion* * *критерий; условие; признак- criterion of buckling
- criterion of stability
- equilibrium criterion
- failure criterion
- plane-strain criterion
- plastic-yield criterion
- serviceability criterion
- similarity criterion
- yield criterion
См. также в других словарях:
Criterion — may refer to: Criterion, general meaning In science and mathematics: Criterion validity, in psychometrics, a measure of how well one variable or set of variables predicts an outcome Criterion referenced test, translates a test score into a… … Wikipedia
criterion — meaning ‘a principle or standard by which something is judged’, has a plural criteria. This plural form is often taken to be singular, a use that is not standard: • A report…will tell councillors that the bidding criteria has significantly… … Modern English usage
Criterion — Cri*te ri*on (kr? t? r? ?n), n.; pl. {Criteria} ( ?), sometimes {Criterions} ( ?nz). [Gr. ????? a means for judging, fr. ???? decider, judge, fr. ????? to separate. See {Certain}.] A standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
criterion — UK US /kraɪˈtɪəriən/ noun [C] (plural criteria) ► a standard by which you judge, decide about, or deal with something: »Pay is a very important criterion for job satisfaction. »When employing new staff, you need to be very clear about your… … Financial and business terms
criterion — ► NOUN (pl. criteria) ▪ a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided. DERIVATIVES criterial adjective. USAGE The singular form is criterion and the plural form is criteria. Do not use criteria as if it were a singular, as… … English terms dictionary
criterion — I noun barometer, basis, code, custom, design, discipline, example, exemplar, form, formula, foundation, frame of reference, gauge, ground rules, guide, ideal, law, measure, model, norm, obrussa, pattern, point of comparison, precedent,… … Law dictionary
criterion — 1660s, from Latinized form of Gk. kriterion means for judging, standard, from krites judge, from PIE root *krei (see CRISIS (Cf. crisis)). Used in English as a Greek word from 1610s … Etymology dictionary
criterion — *standard, touchstone, yardstick, gauge Analogous words: test, proof, trial, demonstration (see under PROVE): *principle, axiom, law: judging or judgment, adjudgment, adjudication (see corresponding verbs at JUDGE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
criterion — [n] test, gauge for judgment archetype, basis, benchmark, canon, example, exemplar, fact, foundation, law, measure, model, norm, opinion, original, paradigm, pattern, point of comparison, precedent, principle, proof, prototype, rule, scale,… … New thesaurus
criterion — [krī tir′ē ən] n. pl. criteria [krī tir′ē ə] or criterions [< Gr kritērion, means of judging < kritēs, judge; akin to kritikos: see CRITIC] a standard, rule, or test by which something can be judged; measure of value SYN. STANDARD … English World dictionary
criterion */*/*/ — UK [kraɪˈtɪərɪən] / US [kraɪˈtɪrɪən] noun [countable, usually plural] Word forms criterion : singular criterion plural criteria UK [kraɪˈtɪərɪə] / US [kraɪˈtɪrɪə] Get it right: criterion: The plural form of criterion is criteria: Decisions on… … English dictionary