Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки


  • 1 группирующая машина

    Русско-английский исловарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства > группирующая машина

  • 2 группирующая машина

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > группирующая машина

  • 3 уборочная машина

    1) General subject: harvester
    2) Engineering: digger (для корнеплодов), harvesting machine, picker (для плодов кустовых культур), reaper, Sweep Truck
    4) Automation: sweeper

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > уборочная машина

  • 4 автоматический пухосборник

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > автоматический пухосборник

  • 5 автоматический пухосборник для текстильных машин

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > автоматический пухосборник для текстильных машин

  • 6 группирующая машина

    Automation: collecting machine

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > группирующая машина

  • 7 машиночитаемая информация

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > машиночитаемая информация

  • 8 dato

    1 piece of information, fact (hecho, cifra).
    datos information, data; (información) data (computing)
    datos (personales) (personal) details
    2 Dato.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: datar.
    * * *
    1 (información) fact, piece of information, datum
    datos personales personal details
    * * *
    noun m.
    fact, piece of information
    * * *
    1) (=información) piece of information

    un dato interesantean interesting fact o piece of information

    otro dato que tener en cuenta es... — another thing to bear in mind is...

    datos personales — personal details, particulars

    2) (Mat) datum
    * * *
    a) ( elemento de información) piece of information

    alguien le pasó el dato a la policía — (CS) somebody informed o (colloq) tipped off the police

    darle un dato a alguien — (CS) to give somebody a tip

    b) datos masculino plural (Inf) data (pl), information
    * * *
    = attribute value, data element, data item, datum [data, -pl.], fact, value, piece of information.
    Ex. Others have used possibility distributions for representing fuzzily known or incompletely known attribute values.
    Ex. The Working Group undertook to determine from the data available what data elements should be included for each type of authority.
    Ex. Information is held in files or databases, which are comprise of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.
    Ex. Thus, having entered the authority datum correctly once, we could be sure that no matter how many bibliographic records used it they would all do so with mechanical consistency.
    Ex. Other data bases, which may be described as non-bibliographic, and are sometimes known as data banks, store actual facts and figures and text.
    Ex. A good initial value for this field will start the system off with a good guess so that claims for missing issues are not unreasonable at the beginning.
    Ex. On other occasions a user wants every document or piece of information on a topic traced, and then high recall must be sought, to the detriment of precision.
    * alimentar datos = populate.
    * almacenamiento de datos = data storage.
    * añadir datos = make + additions.
    * archivo de datos = database [data base].
    * área de datos específicos de la clase de documento = material (or type of publication) specific details area.
    * área de datos matemáticos = mathematical data area.
    * auditoría de datos = data auditing, data audit.
    * banco de datos = data bank [databank], factual data bank.
    * banco de datos factual = factual data bank.
    * banco de datos terminológico = terminological data bank.
    * basado en los datos = data-driven.
    * basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
    * base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.
    * base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.
    * base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database.
    * base de datos completa = full-provision database.
    * base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.
    * base de datos cruzada = cross database.
    * base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.
    * base de datos de autoridades = authority database.
    * base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.
    * base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.
    * base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.
    * base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.
    * base de datos de educación = ERIC.
    * base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.
    * base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.
    * base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
    * base de datos de negocios = business database.
    * base de datos de pago = subscription database.
    * base de datos de patentes = WPI.
    * base de datos de propiedades = properties database.
    * base de datos de referencia = reference database.
    * base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.
    * base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.
    * base de datos de texto = text-oriented database, text database.
    * base de datos de texto completo = full text database.
    * base de datos de texto libre = free text database.
    * base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
    * base de datos distribuida = distributed database.
    * base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.
    * base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.
    * base de datos en estado original = raw database.
    * base de datos en línea = online database.
    * base de datos estadística = statistical database.
    * base de datos externa = external database.
    * base de datos factual = factual database.
    * base de datos interna = in-house database.
    * base de datos jurídica = legal database.
    * base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.
    * base de datos relacional = relational database.
    * base de datos residente = resident database.
    * base de datos terminológica = terminology database.
    * bloque de datos = data bloc.
    * bloque funcional de datos codificados = coded information block.
    * búfer de datos = data buffer.
    * bus de datos = databus.
    * búsqueda de datos = fact-finding.
    * campo de datos = datafield.
    * capturar datos = capture + data.
    * centro de datos = data centre.
    * codificación de datos = data-coding [data coding].
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * conjunto de datos = data set [dataset].
    * contaminación de datos = data contamination.
    * corrupción de datos = data corruption.
    * creación de depósitos de datos = data warehousing.
    * creador de bases de datos = database producer.
    * dar datos de = give + details of.
    * dato concreto = hard fact.
    * datos = data [datum, -sing.], details, figure.
    * datos bibliográficos = bibliographic data, bibliodata.
    * datos biográficos = biodata.
    * datos concretos = specifics, the.
    * datos concretos y reales = hard data.
    * datos de contacto = contact details.
    * datos de entrada = input data.
    * datos de la tarjeta de crédito = credit card details.
    * datos demográficos = demographics.
    * datos desagregados por sexo = gender-disaggregated data.
    * datos empíricos = empirical data.
    * datos en bruto = raw data.
    * datos en estado bruto = raw facts.
    * datos en propiedad = property data.
    * datos erróneos = dirty data.
    * datos estadísticos = statistics, statistical data.
    * datos estadísticos de la biblioteca = library records, library statistics.
    * datos factuales = factual data.
    * datos legibles por máquina = machine-readable data.
    * datos numéricos = numerical data.
    * datos personales = personal details.
    * datos privados = property data.
    * de lectura de datos = data-capture.
    * depósito de datos = data warehouse.
    * depuración de datos = data cleaning.
    * descubrimiento de datos = data mining.
    * descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.
    * dispositivo de almacenamiento de datos = store.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos = host system.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
    * EDI (Intercambio Electrónico de Datos) = EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).
    * entrada de datos = data entry, input, inputting.
    * entrada de datos sólo una vez = one-time entry.
    * estructura de datos = data structure.
    * extracción inteligente de datos = data mining.
    * fichero de salida de datos = communication output file.
    * gestión de bases de datos = database management.
    * gestión de datos = data handling.
    * gestor de bases de datos = DBMS system.
    * gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.
    * grupo de datos = data set [dataset].
    * hoja con los datos básicos para Hacer Algo = data sheet [datasheet].
    * hoja de toma de datos = checklist [check-list], data sheet [datasheet].
    * impreso de recogida de datos = enquiry form, inquiry form.
    * industria de las bases de datos = database industry.
    * inserción de datos = input.
    * instrumento de recogida de datos = data collection instrument.
    * introducción de datos utilizando un teclado = keypunching.
    * introducir datos = key + data.
    * introducir datos en el ordenador = input.
    * introducir datos partiendo de cero = enter from + scratch.
    * introductor de datos en un ordenador = inputter.
    * limpieza de datos = data cleaning.
    * lista de datos = fact finder.
    * localización de datos = addressing.
    * manipulación de datos = data manipulation.
    * memoria intermedia de datos = data buffer.
    * memorizar datos = memorise + facts.
    * meta base de datos = meta-database.
    * migración de datos = data migration.
    * minería de datos = data mining.
    * modo de introducción de datos = input mode.
    * montar una base de datos = mount + database.
    * norma de entrada de datos = input standard.
    * operación sobre datos = data manipulation.
    * operario de entrada de datos = data entry operator.
    * paquete de entrada y comprobación de datos = data entry and validation package.
    * pérdida de datos = data loss.
    * personal de proceso de datos = operation staff.
    * preparación de los datos = data preparation.
    * procesamiento de datos = data processing.
    * procesamiento de datos numéricos = number-crunching.
    * proceso de datos = data processing, transaction processing.
    * productor de bases de datos = database producer.
    * programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
    * protección de datos = data protection.
    * prototipo para el proceso de datos = data modelling.
    * proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
    * recabar datos = solicit + data.
    * recoger datos = collect + data.
    * recoger datos para hacer estadísticas = collect + statistics.
    * recogida de datos = data collection, data gathering [data-gathering], fact-gathering, reporting, data collecting.
    * salida de datos = output.
    * sistema de proceso de datos = data processing system.
    * Sistema Internacional de Datos sobre Publicaciones Seriadas (ISDS) = ISDS (International Serials Data System).
    * suministrar datos = furnish + details.
    * suministro de datos = reporting.
    * tecla de borrado de datos = ERASE INPUT key.
    * tecla de introducción de datos = ENTER key.
    * técnico encargado del proceso de datos = data-processing professional.
    * tiempo de descarga de datos = download time, latency.
    * tráfico de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.
    * transformación de datos = data transformation.
    * transmisión de datos = data-flow, data transfer, data transmission.
    * tratamiento de datos = transaction processing.
    * unidad de datos = unit of data.
    * verificación de los datos = fact checking.
    * vía de transmisión de datos = data pathway, pathway.
    * * *
    a) ( elemento de información) piece of information

    alguien le pasó el dato a la policía — (CS) somebody informed o (colloq) tipped off the police

    darle un dato a alguien — (CS) to give somebody a tip

    b) datos masculino plural (Inf) data (pl), information
    * * *
    = attribute value, data element, data item, datum [data, -pl.], fact, value, piece of information.

    Ex: Others have used possibility distributions for representing fuzzily known or incompletely known attribute values.

    Ex: The Working Group undertook to determine from the data available what data elements should be included for each type of authority.
    Ex: Information is held in files or databases, which are comprise of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.
    Ex: Thus, having entered the authority datum correctly once, we could be sure that no matter how many bibliographic records used it they would all do so with mechanical consistency.
    Ex: Other data bases, which may be described as non-bibliographic, and are sometimes known as data banks, store actual facts and figures and text.
    Ex: A good initial value for this field will start the system off with a good guess so that claims for missing issues are not unreasonable at the beginning.
    Ex: On other occasions a user wants every document or piece of information on a topic traced, and then high recall must be sought, to the detriment of precision.
    * alimentar datos = populate.
    * almacenamiento de datos = data storage.
    * añadir datos = make + additions.
    * archivo de datos = database [data base].
    * área de datos específicos de la clase de documento = material (or type of publication) specific details area.
    * área de datos matemáticos = mathematical data area.
    * auditoría de datos = data auditing, data audit.
    * banco de datos = data bank [databank], factual data bank.
    * banco de datos factual = factual data bank.
    * banco de datos terminológico = terminological data bank.
    * basado en los datos = data-driven.
    * basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
    * base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.
    * base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.
    * base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database.
    * base de datos completa = full-provision database.
    * base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.
    * base de datos cruzada = cross database.
    * base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.
    * base de datos de autoridades = authority database.
    * base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.
    * base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.
    * base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.
    * base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.
    * base de datos de educación = ERIC.
    * base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.
    * base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.
    * base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
    * base de datos de negocios = business database.
    * base de datos de pago = subscription database.
    * base de datos de patentes = WPI.
    * base de datos de propiedades = properties database.
    * base de datos de referencia = reference database.
    * base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.
    * base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.
    * base de datos de texto = text-oriented database, text database.
    * base de datos de texto completo = full text database.
    * base de datos de texto libre = free text database.
    * base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
    * base de datos distribuida = distributed database.
    * base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.
    * base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.
    * base de datos en estado original = raw database.
    * base de datos en línea = online database.
    * base de datos estadística = statistical database.
    * base de datos externa = external database.
    * base de datos factual = factual database.
    * base de datos interna = in-house database.
    * base de datos jurídica = legal database.
    * base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.
    * base de datos relacional = relational database.
    * base de datos residente = resident database.
    * base de datos terminológica = terminology database.
    * bloque de datos = data bloc.
    * bloque funcional de datos codificados = coded information block.
    * búfer de datos = data buffer.
    * bus de datos = databus.
    * búsqueda de datos = fact-finding.
    * campo de datos = datafield.
    * capturar datos = capture + data.
    * centro de datos = data centre.
    * codificación de datos = data-coding [data coding].
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * conjunto de datos = data set [dataset].
    * contaminación de datos = data contamination.
    * corrupción de datos = data corruption.
    * creación de depósitos de datos = data warehousing.
    * creador de bases de datos = database producer.
    * dar datos de = give + details of.
    * dato concreto = hard fact.
    * datos = data [datum, -sing.], details, figure.
    * datos bibliográficos = bibliographic data, bibliodata.
    * datos biográficos = biodata.
    * datos concretos = specifics, the.
    * datos concretos y reales = hard data.
    * datos de contacto = contact details.
    * datos de entrada = input data.
    * datos de la tarjeta de crédito = credit card details.
    * datos demográficos = demographics.
    * datos desagregados por sexo = gender-disaggregated data.
    * datos empíricos = empirical data.
    * datos en bruto = raw data.
    * datos en estado bruto = raw facts.
    * datos en propiedad = property data.
    * datos erróneos = dirty data.
    * datos estadísticos = statistics, statistical data.
    * datos estadísticos de la biblioteca = library records, library statistics.
    * datos factuales = factual data.
    * datos legibles por máquina = machine-readable data.
    * datos numéricos = numerical data.
    * datos personales = personal details.
    * datos privados = property data.
    * de lectura de datos = data-capture.
    * depósito de datos = data warehouse.
    * depuración de datos = data cleaning.
    * descubrimiento de datos = data mining.
    * descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.
    * dispositivo de almacenamiento de datos = store.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos = host system.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
    * EDI (Intercambio Electrónico de Datos) = EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).
    * entrada de datos = data entry, input, inputting.
    * entrada de datos sólo una vez = one-time entry.
    * estructura de datos = data structure.
    * extracción inteligente de datos = data mining.
    * fichero de salida de datos = communication output file.
    * gestión de bases de datos = database management.
    * gestión de datos = data handling.
    * gestor de bases de datos = DBMS system.
    * gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.
    * grupo de datos = data set [dataset].
    * hoja con los datos básicos para Hacer Algo = data sheet [datasheet].
    * hoja de toma de datos = checklist [check-list], data sheet [datasheet].
    * impreso de recogida de datos = enquiry form, inquiry form.
    * industria de las bases de datos = database industry.
    * inserción de datos = input.
    * instrumento de recogida de datos = data collection instrument.
    * introducción de datos utilizando un teclado = keypunching.
    * introducir datos = key + data.
    * introducir datos en el ordenador = input.
    * introducir datos partiendo de cero = enter from + scratch.
    * introductor de datos en un ordenador = inputter.
    * limpieza de datos = data cleaning.
    * lista de datos = fact finder.
    * localización de datos = addressing.
    * manipulación de datos = data manipulation.
    * memoria intermedia de datos = data buffer.
    * memorizar datos = memorise + facts.
    * meta base de datos = meta-database.
    * migración de datos = data migration.
    * minería de datos = data mining.
    * modo de introducción de datos = input mode.
    * montar una base de datos = mount + database.
    * norma de entrada de datos = input standard.
    * operación sobre datos = data manipulation.
    * operario de entrada de datos = data entry operator.
    * paquete de entrada y comprobación de datos = data entry and validation package.
    * pérdida de datos = data loss.
    * personal de proceso de datos = operation staff.
    * preparación de los datos = data preparation.
    * procesamiento de datos = data processing.
    * procesamiento de datos numéricos = number-crunching.
    * proceso de datos = data processing, transaction processing.
    * productor de bases de datos = database producer.
    * programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
    * protección de datos = data protection.
    * prototipo para el proceso de datos = data modelling.
    * proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
    * recabar datos = solicit + data.
    * recoger datos = collect + data.
    * recoger datos para hacer estadísticas = collect + statistics.
    * recogida de datos = data collection, data gathering [data-gathering], fact-gathering, reporting, data collecting.
    * salida de datos = output.
    * sistema de proceso de datos = data processing system.
    * Sistema Internacional de Datos sobre Publicaciones Seriadas (ISDS) = ISDS (International Serials Data System).
    * suministrar datos = furnish + details.
    * suministro de datos = reporting.
    * tecla de borrado de datos = ERASE INPUT key.
    * tecla de introducción de datos = ENTER key.
    * técnico encargado del proceso de datos = data-processing professional.
    * tiempo de descarga de datos = download time, latency.
    * tráfico de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.
    * transformación de datos = data transformation.
    * transmisión de datos = data-flow, data transfer, data transmission.
    * tratamiento de datos = transaction processing.
    * unidad de datos = unit of data.
    * verificación de los datos = fact checking.
    * vía de transmisión de datos = data pathway, pathway.

    * * *
    1 (elemento de información) piece of information
    no tengo más datos que el título de la obra the only thing I know about the work is its title, the only information I have about the work is its title
    no dispongo de todos los datos I don't have all the information o details o facts
    alguien le pasó el dato a la policía (CS); somebody informed o ( colloq) tipped off the police
    me han dado un dato muy interesante (CS); I've been given a very interesting piece of information o ( colloq) a hot tip
    te voy a dar un dato, si no lo enchufas no funciona (CS hum); let me give you a tip: it won't work unless you plug it in
    2 datos mpl ( Inf) data (pl), information
    mpl particulars (pl), personal details (pl)
    * * *


    Del verbo datar: ( conjugate datar)

    dato es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    dató es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    datar ( conjugate datar) verbo intransitivo
    to date;

    data de hace muchos años it goes back many years
    dato sustantivo masculino

    datos personales personal details (pl)

    datos sustantivo masculino plural (Inf) data (pl), information

    I verbo transitivo to date, put a date on
    II verbo intransitivo datar de, to date back to o from: este libro data de la Edad Media, this book dates back to the Middle Ages
    dato sustantivo masculino
    1 piece of information 2 datos, Inform data
    (pormenores) information: no tengo más datos sobre este autor, I don't have any more details about his author
    datos personales, personal details
    La traducción de dato es datum, pero solo se usa en situaciones muy formales. La traducción de datos es data (plural irregular). El singular más común de data es a piece of information.
    ' dato' also found in these entries:
    - filtración
    - informativa
    - informativo
    - relevante
    - consignar
    - consultar
    - equivocado
    - falso
    - information
    - tip
    * * *
    dato nm
    1. [hecho, cifra] piece of information, fact;
    lo que necesitamos son datos concretos what we need is hard facts;
    el alto desempleo es un dato que hay que tener en cuenta the high level of unemployment is a factor which has to be borne in mind;
    datos [información] information, data;
    si no me das más datos, no voy a poderte aconsejar unless you give me more information, I won't be able to advise you;
    el ministerio aún no cuenta con todos los datos the ministry does not yet have all the information at its disposal;
    datos (personales) (personal) details;
    déjenos sus datos y nos pondremos en contacto con usted leave us your details and we will get in touch with you
    datos bancarios bank details;
    datos estadísticos statistical data
    * * *
    m piece of information;
    datos pl information sg, data sg
    * * *
    dato nm
    1) : fact, piece of information
    2) datos nmpl
    : data, information
    * * *
    dato n (información) piece of information

    Spanish-English dictionary > dato

  • 9 adinerado

    wealthy, rich, well-fixed, well-off.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: adinerarse.
    * * *
    1→ link=adinerarse adinerarse
    1 rich, wealthy
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 rich person
    * * *
    ADJ wealthy, well-off
    * * *
    - da adjetivo wealthy, moneyed
    * * *
    = affluent, monied, well-heeled, well-to-do, moneyed, solvent, wealthy [wealthier -comp., wealthiest -sup.], well-off.
    Ex. It is easy to predict that a majority of either large or affluent libraries in this country will employ some form of catalog under machine control in the foreseeable future.
    Ex. This will shift the dynamics of information flow to policymakers to favour monied special interests, which threatens the democratic process.
    Ex. This class is conservative in politics, aristocratic in social affairs, and characteristically well-bred, well-educated, well-housed, and well-heeled.
    Ex. Librarians deny that only the young and well-to-do use music libraries.
    Ex. It is generally recognized that collecting money from moneyed deadbeats is as much a social problem as street thuggery.
    Ex. Botswana is a stable, well-governed and solvent country but is nevertheless a good example of the deep-seated problems of regulating information transfer.
    Ex. Today's sophisticated media provide clear advantages to wealthy, well-established interest groups.
    Ex. Well-off women are more likely to survive breast cancer than less affluent sufferers, a new study shows.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo wealthy, moneyed
    * * *
    = affluent, monied, well-heeled, well-to-do, moneyed, solvent, wealthy [wealthier -comp., wealthiest -sup.], well-off.

    Ex: It is easy to predict that a majority of either large or affluent libraries in this country will employ some form of catalog under machine control in the foreseeable future.

    Ex: This will shift the dynamics of information flow to policymakers to favour monied special interests, which threatens the democratic process.
    Ex: This class is conservative in politics, aristocratic in social affairs, and characteristically well-bred, well-educated, well-housed, and well-heeled.
    Ex: Librarians deny that only the young and well-to-do use music libraries.
    Ex: It is generally recognized that collecting money from moneyed deadbeats is as much a social problem as street thuggery.
    Ex: Botswana is a stable, well-governed and solvent country but is nevertheless a good example of the deep-seated problems of regulating information transfer.
    Ex: Today's sophisticated media provide clear advantages to wealthy, well-established interest groups.
    Ex: Well-off women are more likely to survive breast cancer than less affluent sufferers, a new study shows.

    * * *
    wealthy, moneyed
    * * *

    ◊ -da adjetivo

    wealthy, moneyed
    I adjetivo wealthy, rich
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino rich person

    ' adinerado' also found in these entries:
    - desahogada
    - desahogado
    sugar daddy
    - wealthy
    - well
    * * *
    adinerado, -a adj
    * * *
    adj wealthy
    * * *
    adinerado, -da adj
    : moneyed, wealthy
    * * *
    adinerado adj wealthy [comp. wealthier; superl. wealthiest]

    Spanish-English dictionary > adinerado

  • 10 coleccionar

    to collect.
    * * *
    1 to collect
    * * *
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to collect
    * * *
    = collect, build up.
    Ex. Synonyms, related terms and other variants must now be collected, either by human selection, or with the aid of the machine.
    Ex. A small committee of librarians, whenever they could spare time from their existing jobs and in their own time, began to build up a card file of information on available resources in the city.
    * afición de coleccionar = collecting.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to collect
    * * *
    = collect, build up.

    Ex: Synonyms, related terms and other variants must now be collected, either by human selection, or with the aid of the machine.

    Ex: A small committee of librarians, whenever they could spare time from their existing jobs and in their own time, began to build up a card file of information on available resources in the city.
    * afición de coleccionar = collecting.

    * * *
    to collect
    * * *

    coleccionar ( conjugate coleccionar) verbo transitivo
    to collect
    coleccionar verbo transitivo to collect
    ' coleccionar' also found in these entries:
    - hobby
    * * *
    to collect
    * * *
    v/t collect
    * * *
    : to collect, to keep a collection of
    * * *
    coleccionar vb to collect

    Spanish-English dictionary > coleccionar

  • 11 Johnson, Eldridge Reeves

    SUBJECT AREA: Recording
    b. 18 February 1867 Wilmington, Delaware, USA
    d. 14 November 1945 Moorestown, New Jersey, USA
    American industrialist, founder and owner of the Victor Talking Machine Company; developer of many basic constructions in mechanical sound recording and the reproduction and manufacture of gramophone records.
    He graduated from the Dover Academy (Delaware) in 1882 and was apprenticed in a machine-repair firm in Philadelphia and studied in evening classes at the Spring Garden Institute. In 1888 he took employment in a small Philadelphia machine shop owned by Andrew Scull, specializing in repair and bookbinding machinery. After travels in the western part of the US, in 1891 he became a partner in Scull \& Johnson, Manufacturing Machinists, and established a further company, the New Jersey Wire Stitching Machine Company. He bought out Andrew Scull's interest in October 1894 (the last instalment being paid in 1897) and became an independent general machinist. In 1896 he had perfected a spring motor for the Berliner flat-disc gramophone, and he started experimenting with a more direct method of recording in a spiral groove: that of cutting in wax. Co-operation with Berliner eventually led to the incorporation of the Victor Talking Machine Company in 1901. The innumerable court cases stemming from the fact that so many patents for various elements in sound recording and reproduction were in very many hands were brought to an end in 1903 when Johnson was material in establishing cross-licencing agreements between Victor, Columbia Graphophone and Edison to create what is known as a patent pool. Early on, Johnson had a thorough experience in all matters concerning the development and manufacture of both gramophones and records. He made and patented many major contributions in all these fields, and his approach was very business-like in that the contribution to cost of each part or process was always a decisive factor in his designs. This attitude was material in his consulting work for the sister company, the Gramophone Company, in London before it set up its own factories in 1910. He had quickly learned the advantages of advertising and of providing customers with durable equipment and records. This motivation was so strong that Johnson set up a research programme for determining the cause of wear in records. It turned out to depend on groove profile, and from 1911 one particular profile was adhered to and processes for transforming the grooves of valuable earlier records were developed. Without precise measuring instruments, he used the durability as the determining factor. Johnson withdrew more and more to the role of manager, and the Victor Talking Machine Company gained such a position in the market that the US anti-trust legislation was used against it. However, a generation change in the Board of Directors and certain erroneous decisions as to product line started a decline, and in February 1926 Johnson withdrew on extended sick leave: these changes led to the eventual sale of Victor. However, Victor survived due to the advent of radio and the electrification of replay equipment and became a part of Radio Corporation of America. In retirement Johnson took up various activities in the arts and sciences and financially supported several projects; his private yacht was used in 1933 in work with the Smithsonian Institution on a deep-sea hydrographie and fauna-collecting expedition near Puerto Rico.
    Johnson's patents were many, and some were fundamental to the development of the gramophone, such as: US patent no. 650,843 (in particular a recording lathe); US patent nos. 655,556, 655,556 and 679,896 (soundboxes); US patent no. 681,918 (making the original conductive for electroplating); US patent no. 739,318 (shellac record with paper label).
    Further Reading
    Mrs E.R.Johnson, 1913, "Eldridge Reeves Johnson (1867–1945): Industrial pioneer", manuscript (an account of his early experience).
    E.Hutto, Jr, "Emile Berliner, Eldridge Johnson, and the Victor Talking Machine Company", Journal of AES 25(10/11):666–73 (a good but brief account based on company information).
    E.R.Fenimore Johnson, 1974, His Master's Voice was Eldridge R.Johnson, Milford, Del.
    (a very personal biography by his only son).

    Biographical history of technology > Johnson, Eldridge Reeves

  • 12 Cybernetics

       1) The Parallel Nature of Feedback in Living Individuals and Communication Machines
       It is my thesis that the physical functioning of the living individual and the operation of some of the newer communication machines are precisely parallel in their analogous attempts to control entropy through feedback. Both of them have sensory receptors as one stage of their cycle of operation: that is, in both of them there exists a special apparatus for collecting information from the outer world at low energy levels, and for making it available in the operation of the individual or of the machine.
       In both cases these external messages are not taken neat, but through the internal transforming powers of the apparatus, whether it be alive or dead. The information is then turned into a new form available for the further stages of performance. In both the animal and the machine this performance is made to be effective on the outer world. In both of them, their performed action on the outer world, and not merely their intended action, is reported back to the central regulatory apparatus. (Wiener, 1954, pp. 26-27)
       [The job of the cyberneticist] is the study of information transfer: the converting of information from one form to another-the human voice into radio waves and back into sound once more, or a complex mathematical equation into a set of punched holes on a tape, to be fed into a computer and then into a set of traces on reels of magnetic tape in the computer's "memory store."... To him, protein synthesis is just such another case. The mechanism for ensuring the exact replication of a protein chain by a new cell is that of transferring the information about the protein structure from the parent to the daughter cell. (Rose, 1970, p. 162)
       The theme of all these tales [("Fisherman and the Jinni" in the Thousand Nights and a Night; The Sorcerer's Apprentice; and "The Monkey's Paw" by W. W. Jacobs)] is the danger of magic. This seems to lie in the fact that the operation of magic is singularly literal-minded, and that if it grants you anything at all it grants what you ask for, not what you should have asked for or what you intend....
       The magic of automation, and in particular the magic of an automatization in which the devices learn, may be expected to be similarly literal-minded. If you are playing a game according to certain rules and set the playing-machine to play for victory, you will get victory if you get anything at all, and the machine will not pay the slightest attention to any consideration except victory according to the rules. If you are playing a war game with a certain conventional interpretation of victory, victory will be the goal at any cost, even that of the extermination of your own side, unless this condition of survival is explicitly contained in the definition of victory according to which you program the machine. (Wiener, 1964, pp. 59-60)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Cybernetics

  • 13 dienst

    m; -(e)s, -e
    1. allg. service (an + Dat to); jemandem einen guten Dienst erweisen oder leisten do s.o. a good turn; jemandem gute Dienste leisten serve s.o. well; (jemandem zugute kommen) stand s.o. in good stead; Person: be a great help (to s.o.); jemandem einen schlechten Dienst erweisen do s.o. a disservice ( oder bad turn); jemandes Dienste in Anspruch nehmen make demands on s.o.’s services; jemandem zu Diensten sein oder stehen be at s.o.’s disposal ( oder command); stets zu Ihren Diensten! altm. at your service!; Dienst am Kunden customer service; ( das ist) Dienst am Kunden umg. (that’s) all part of the service, madam ( oder sir); sich in den Dienst einer Sache stellen offer one’s services to, devote o.s. to; in / außer Dienst nehmen oder stellen (Verkehrsmittel etc.) put in / out of service ( oder commission); die Beine versagten ihm den Dienst his legs gave way; der Wagen tut noch seinen Dienst the car still serves its purpose ( oder does its job)
    2. nur Sg.; (Ggs. Freizeit) duty; den oder zum Dienst antreten go on duty, start work; sich zum Dienst melden report for duty; im / außer Dienst on / off duty; Dienst haben oder tun be on duty; ich habe heute lange Dienst I’m working late today; wann hast du Dienst? when are you working, when are you on?; der Dienst habende oder tuende Arzt / Offizier oder der Arzt / Offizier vom Dienst the doctor on call ( oder duty) / the duty officer; Unteroffizier vom Dienst the duty NCO; Chef vom Dienst DRUCKW. duty editor; Torschütze vom Dienst umg., fig. goal machine; Angeber / Trottel etc. vom Dienst umg., fig. resident show-off / idiot; Dienst nach Vorschrift work-to-rule; Dienst ist Dienst, und Schnaps ist Schnaps umg. never mix business with pleasure
    3. (Stellung) beim Militär, König etc.: service; beim Staat: civil service; als Dienstbote: service, employ; bei einer Firma: work; Dienst mit der Waffe MIL. military ( oder armed) service; in jemandes Dienst(e) treten enter s.o.’s employ; bei einer Firma in Dienst treten start work with; bei jemandem im Dienst oder in jemandes Diensten sein oder stehen bei Firma etc.: work for s.o.; bes. pej. heimlich etc.: be in the pay of s.o.; bei König etc.: serve s.o.; im Dienst(e) seiner Majestät on Her ( oder His) Majesty’s Service; im Dienst ergraut have served many years, have many years of faithful service behind one; den Dienst quittieren resign; außer Dienst (abgek. a. D.) (im Ruhestand) retired, in retirement, emeritus
    4. mit Adj.: aktiver Dienst MIL. active service; auswärtiger / diplomatischer Dienst foreign / diplomatic service; öffentlicher Dienst civil service
    5. im Verwaltungsapparat: einfacher Dienst etwa manual grades; mittlerer Dienst etwa clerical grades; gehobener Dienst etwa executive grades; höherer Dienst etwa administrative ( oder professional) grades
    6. KUNST respond
    * * *
    der Dienst
    duty; attendance; service; ministration
    * * *
    m -(e)s, -e

    diplomatischer/öffentlicher Dienst — diplomatic/civil service

    sein or stehento be in sb's service

    tretento enter sb's service

    den Dienst quittieren, aus dem Dienst (aus)scheiden — to resign one's post; (Mil) to leave the service

    im Dienst ergraut seinto have many years of faithful service behind one

    im Dienst sein, Dienst haben (Arzt, Feuerwehrmann etc)to be on duty; (Apotheke) to be open

    nach Dienstafter work

    zum Dienst gehento go to work

    Dienst tunto serve ( bei in, als as)

    jdn vom Dienst beurlaubento grant sb leave of absence

    jdn vom Dienst befreiento exempt sb from his duties

    Tellerwäscher/Kindermädchen vom Dienst (hum)resident dishwasher/babysitter (hum)

    Dienst ist Dienst und Schnaps ist Schnaps (Prov inf)you can't mix business with pleasure, there's a time for everything

    3) (= Tätigkeit, Leistung, Hilfe) service

    im Dienst(e) einer Sache/der Menschheit — in the service of sth/humanity

    jdm einen Dienst/einen schlechten Dienst erweisen — to do sb a good/bad turn, to do sb a service/disservice

    die Stimme etc versagte ihr den Diensther voice etc failed (her) or gave way

    etw in Dienst stellento put sth into commission or service

    jdm zu Diensten or zu jds Diensten stehento be at sb's disposal; (Mensch auch) to be at sb's service

    (ich stehe) zu Diensten! (old)

    was steht zu Diensten? (old) — you wish, sir/madam?

    4) (= Einrichtung) service
    * * *
    1) (a department of public or government work: the Civil Service.) service
    2) (employment in one of these: military service.) service
    3) (the act of doing something to help: He was rewarded for his service to refugees.) service
    4) (the condition or work of a servant: In the last century, many young women went into service; She had been in service as a kitchen maid; He has given faithful service to the church for many years.) service
    * * *
    <-[e]s, -e>
    1. kein pl (berufliche Tätigkeit) work no pl; (Pflichten) duties pl; (Stelle) post
    seinen \Dienst antreten to start work
    außer \Dienst retired
    Steuerberater außer \Dienst retired tax consultant
    beim/im \Dienst at work
    zum \Dienst gehen/kommen to go/come to work
    \Dienst haben to be at work
    wie lange hast du heute \Dienst? how long do you have to work today?
    \Dienst machen [o tun] to be working
    zum \Dienst müssen to have to go to work
    nach/vor dem \Dienst after/before work
    den [o seinen] \Dienst quittieren to resign one's post
    \Dienst nach Vorschrift work to rule
    \Dienst nach Vorschrift machen to work to rule
    2. kein pl (Militärdienst) service
    aus dem \Dienst ausscheiden to leave the service[s]
    aus dem aktiven \Dienst ausscheiden to leave active service
    außer \Dienst retired
    Oberst außer \Dienst retired colonel
    jdn vom \Dienst beurlauben to grant sb leave of absence
    den [o seinen] \Dienst quittieren to leave the service[s]; Offizier a. to resign one's commission
    nicht mehr im \Dienst sein to have left the service[s]
    \Dienst tun to be serving
    \Dienst am Vaterland service to one's country
    \Dienst mit [o an] der Waffe military service
    3. kein pl (Bereitschaftsdienst) duty no pl
    seinen \Dienst antreten to go on duty
    zum \Dienst gehen to go on duty
    \Dienst haben to be on duty; Arzt to be on call; Notpersonal to be on standby; Apotheke to be open
    der \Dienst habende [o tuende] Arzt/Offizier the doctor/officer on duty
    im/nicht im \Dienst on/off duty
    jdn vom \Dienst suspendieren to suspend sb from duty
    vom \Dienst duty
    Chef vom \Dienst VERLAG duty editor
    Kinderaufpasser vom \Dienst (hum fam) resident childminder hum fam
    Offizier vom \Dienst duty officer
    Unteroffizier vom \Dienst NCO in charge
    4. kein pl (Amtsdienst) service no pl
    außer \Dienst retired
    Diplomat außer \Dienst retired diplomat
    diplomatischer [o auswärtiger] \Dienst diplomatic service
    der mittlere/gehobene/höhere \Dienst the clerical/higher/senior sections of the civil service
    der öffentliche \Dienst the civil service
    jdn aus dem \Dienst [o seinen \Diensten] entlassen to dismiss sb
    jdn in [seinen] \Dienst [o in seine \Dienste] nehmen to take sb into service
    in jds [o bei jdm in] \Dienst[en] [o stehen] sein (veraltend) to be in sb's service
    in jds \Dienst[e] treten to enter sb's service
    jdm den \Dienst verweigern to refuse to work for sb
    6. kein pl (Service) service no pl
    einen \Dienst leisten to perform [or render] a service
    \Dienst am Kunden (usu hum fam) customer service
    7. (Hilfe) service, help no pl
    danke für deine \Dienste! thanks for your help!
    was steht zu \Diensten? (geh) how may I be of service?
    jdm seinen \Dienst [o seine \Dienste] anbieten to offer to help sb
    jdm einen \Dienst erweisen [o tun] to help sb
    jdm einen guten \Dienst erweisen [o tun] to do sb a good turn, to render sb a valuable service
    jdm [mit etw dat] einen schlechten \Dienst erweisen to do sb a bad turn [or a disservice] with sth
    jdm gute \Dienste leisten [o tun] to stand sb in good stead
    jdm zu [o zu jds] \Diensten stehen [o sein] to be at sb's service [or disposal]
    [ich stehe] zu \Diensten! at your service!
    auf jds \Dienste zurückgreifen to fall back on sb's services
    8. (Einrichtung) service; (Nachrichtendienst) [intelligence] service
    der technische \Dienst technical services pl
    9. kein pl (Förderung) service no pl
    sich akk im \Dienst[e] einer S. gen aufopfern to sacrifice oneself in the service of sth
    im \Dienst[e] einer S. gen stehen to be at the service of sth
    wir stehen im \Dienst einer guten Sache it's for a good cause
    sich akk in den \Dienst einer S. gen stellen to devote oneself to the service [or cause] of sth, to embrace the cause
    10. kein pl (Betrieb) service no pl
    etw außer \Dienst stellen to take sth out of service; Schiff, Waffe to decommission sth
    etw in \Dienst stellen to put sth into service; Maschine to commission sth; Schiff a. to put sth into commission
    seinen \Dienst [o seine \Dienste] tun to serve its purpose
    seinen \Dienst versagen to fail
    11. ARCHIT respond spec
    \Dienst ist \Dienst, und Schnaps ist Schnaps (prov) don't mix business and pleasure
    * * *
    der; Dienst[e]s, Dienste
    1) o. Pl. (Tätigkeit) work; (von Soldaten, Polizeibeamten, Krankenhauspersonal usw.) duty

    seinen Dienst antreten — start work/go on duty

    Dienst haben — be at work/on duty; < chemist> be open

    Dienst habender od. tuender Offizier — duty officer

    Dienst habender od. tuender Arzt/Beamter — doctor/official on duty

    außerhalb des Dienstes — outside work/when off duty

    seinen Dienst tun<machine, appliance> serve its purpose

    Dienst ist Dienst, und Schnaps ist Schnaps — (ugs.) you shouldn't mix business and pleasure

    den od. seinen Dienst quittieren — resign one's post; (Milit.) leave the service; < officer> resign one's commission

    Major usw. außer Dienst — retired major etc.

    3) o. Pl. (Tätigkeitsbereich) service
    4) (Hilfe) service

    Dienst am Kunden(ugs.) customer service

    zu jemandes Diensten od. jemandem zu Diensten sein od. stehen — (geh.) be at somebody's disposal or service

    5) (HilfsDienst) service; (NachrichtenDienst, SpionageDienst) [intelligence] service
    * * *
    …dienst m im subst
    1. Einrichtung: service;
    Ansagedienst telephone information service;
    Apothekennotdienst emergency chemists (oder besonders US pharmacy);
    Gemüsefrischdienst vegetable delivery service;
    Krankenbesuchsdienst home visiting service (for the sick);
    Parküberwachungsdienst car park (US parking lot) surveillance
    2. Aufgabe:
    Abholdienst collecting ( oder picking-up) duty;
    Abspüldienst washing-up (US dishwashing) duty;
    Kontrolldienst inspection duty;
    Vertretungsdienst Ärzte: locum (US substitute doctor) service; Sekretarialarbeit: temp(ing) agency; Lehrer: supply (US substitute) teacher agency
    * * *
    der; Dienst[e]s, Dienste
    1) o. Pl. (Tätigkeit) work; (von Soldaten, Polizeibeamten, Krankenhauspersonal usw.) duty

    seinen Dienst antreten — start work/go on duty

    Dienst haben — be at work/on duty; < chemist> be open

    Dienst habender od. tuender Offizier — duty officer

    Dienst habender od. tuender Arzt/Beamter — doctor/official on duty

    außerhalb des Dienstes — outside work/when off duty

    seinen Dienst tun<machine, appliance> serve its purpose

    Dienst ist Dienst, und Schnaps ist Schnaps — (ugs.) you shouldn't mix business and pleasure

    den od. seinen Dienst quittieren — resign one's post; (Milit.) leave the service; < officer> resign one's commission

    Major usw. außer Dienst — retired major etc.

    3) o. Pl. (Tätigkeitsbereich) service
    4) (Hilfe) service

    Dienst am Kunden(ugs.) customer service

    zu jemandes Diensten od. jemandem zu Diensten sein od. stehen — (geh.) be at somebody's disposal or service

    5) (HilfsDienst) service; (NachrichtenDienst, SpionageDienst) [intelligence] service
    * * *
    -e m.
    commission n.
    duty n.
    employment n.
    ministration n.
    office n.
    service n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > dienst

  • 14 recoger

    1 to pick up.
    recogí los papeles del suelo I picked the papers up off the ground
    Ella recoge la ropa She picks up the clothes.
    María recoge a su hijo Mary picks up her son.
    2 to collect, to gather.
    Ellos recogen manzanas They gather apples.
    3 to clear (ordenar, limpiar) (mesa).
    4 to pick up, to fetch.
    iré a recoger a los niños a la escuela I'll pick the children up from school
    5 to take in (acoger) (mendigo, huérfano, animal).
    6 to gather, to harvest.
    7 to take up, to shorten (acortar) (item of clothing).
    8 to show (mostrar) (sujeto: foto, película).
    la exposición recoge su obra más reciente the exhibition brings together his latest works
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ PROTEGER], like link=proteger proteger
    1 (volver a coger) to take again, take back
    2 (coger) to pick up, take back
    3 (ir a buscar) to pick up, collect
    4 (cosecha) to harvest, gather; (fruta) to pick
    5 (guardar) to put away
    6 (poner al abrigo) to bring in
    recoge las toallas, va a llover bring those towels in, it's going to rain
    7 (suspender) to seize
    8 (juntar) to gather, collect
    9 (velas) to take in; (cortinas) to draw
    10 (dar asilo) to take in, shelter
    11 (ordenar) to clear up, tidy up
    12 (limpiar) to clean; (el polvo) to wipe off; (líquido) to wipe up
    13 (remangar - prendas) to pick up, lift up; (- mangas) to roll up
    14 COSTURA to shorten, take up
    1 (irse a casa) to go home
    2 (irse a dormir) to go to bed
    3 (para meditar) to retire, withdraw
    recoger la mesa to clear the table
    recogerse el pelo to put one's hair up, tie one's hair back
    * * *
    to collect, gather
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=levantar) [+ objeto caído] to pick up; [+ objetos dispersos] to gather (up), gather together
    2) (=recolectar) [+ datos, información] to gather, collect; [+ dinero, firmas] to collect; [+ correo, basura] to collect, pick up

    ¿a qué hora recogen el correo? — what time is the mail o post collected?, what time do they collect the mail o post?

    3) (=ordenar) [+ objetos] to clear up, clear away; [+ casa, habitación] to tidy up, straighten up

    recoge tus cosas — get your things together, gather up your things

    4) (=guardar) [+ ropa lavada] to take in, get in; [+ herramientas] to put away
    5) (Agr) to harvest, gather in, take in; [+ fruta, guisantes] to pick; [+ flores] to pick, gather
    6) (=reducir, ajustar) [+ cuerda, vela] to take in; [+ alas] to fold; [+ cuernos] to draw in; [+ falda] to gather up, lift up; [+ mangas] to roll up; (Cos) to take in, reduce, shorten
    7) (=almacenar) [+ polvo] to gather; [+ líquido] to absorb, take up; [en recipiente] to collect
    8) (=ir a buscar) [+ persona] to pick up, fetch, collect; [+ billetes, paquete] to collect, pick up

    te vendremos a recoger a las ochowe'll come and pick you up o fetch you o collect you at eight o'clock, we'll come for you at eight o'clock

    9) (=mostrar) to show

    la imagen recoge uno de los momentos más dramáticosthe picture shows o captures one of the most dramatic moments

    10) (=incluir) to include

    el informe recoge diversas sugerencias — various suggestions are included in the report, the report includes various suggestions

    11) [+ demandas, reivindicaciones] to take into account
    12) (=recibir)

    de todo esto van a recoger muy poco — they won't get much back out of all this, they will get very little return from all this

    13) (=retirar) [+ periódico, libro] to seize; [+ moneda] to call in
    14) (=dar asilo) to take in, shelter
    VI (=ordenar) to tidy up, straighten up; [al cerrar, terminar] to clear up
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( levantar) to pick up
    b) <casa/habitación> to straighten (up) (AmE), to tidy (up) (BrE)
    a) <dinero/firmas> to collect
    b) <deberes/cuadernos> to collect, take in
    c) <trigo/maíz> to harvest, gather in; < fruta> to pick; <flores/hongos> to pick, gather
    d) <tienda de campaña/vela> to take down
    e) < pelo>
    3) ( recibir y retener) <agua/polvo> to collect
    4) ( ir a buscar) < persona> to pick up, fetch, collect; < paquete> to collect, pick up; < basura> to collect

    ¿puedes recoger el traje de la tintorería? — can you fetch o pick up the suit from the dry-cleaners?

    fui a recoger mis cosasI went to get o to pick up my things

    5) <huérfano/gatito> to take in
    6) foto <instantánea/momento> to capture; novela <ambiente/contexto social> to depict
    recoger vi ( guardar) to clear up, to straighten up (AmE), to tidy up (BrE)
    recogersev pron
    1) ( volver a casa) to go home; ( ir a la cama) to go to bed, retire; (para meditar, rezar) to withdraw
    2) < pelo> to tie up
    * * *
    = capture, collect, cull, gather, pick up, record, reap, harvest, garner, shuffle together, scoop (out), sweep up, wind, stow, pack + Posesivo + bags, clear up, pack up.
    Ex. In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.
    Ex. Synonyms, related terms and other variants must now be collected, either by human selection, or with the aid of the machine.
    Ex. The contents of an extract will often be culled from the results, conclusions or recommendations, i.e. the concluding segments, of the document.
    Ex. A bibliography is a list of materials or items which is restricted in its coverage by some feature other than the materials being gathered in one library collection.
    Ex. Then these suggestion can be picked up by the editor, and communicated to the author.
    Ex. Editors and compilers of editions of works are recorded together with the edition statement in the edition area = En en área de edición se incluyen los editores y compiladores de las ediciones de trabajos junto con la mención de edición.
    Ex. Women suffragists reaped an unexpected publicity bonanza when the 1913 national suffrage parade in Washington was broken up by a drunken mob.
    Ex. Entire families or groups of families cooperate in growing and harvesting food.
    Ex. The serials file contains a large number of titles, not only contributed by members, but also garnered from other sources.
    Ex. This volume is in fact three books shuffled together under one luscious cover, unfurling as a fantasia on technique that explores, among other things, Mau's riffs on modernism.
    Ex. This service will be useful for end users and for scooping out the availability of information on STN for a variety of search topics.
    Ex. Who else is going to flip the burgers, clean the resistant bomb-proof windows of the glitzy mile-high skyscrapers -- also take out the garbage, wash the dishes, park the cars, sweep up the papers in the parks?.
    Ex. Bring the kite down by slowly winding the kite string around a kite spool.
    Ex. It is a matter of basic safety for everyone on board, before casting off in the morning for that next heavenly anchorage, to see that everything be properly stowed and secured.
    Ex. The next day we shook off our hangovers with another refreshing dip under the waterfall, packed our bags and headed off.
    Ex. What they will not do is clear up the foggy area in most cataloguers' minds, the area that leads to an inconsistent application of half-understood principles'.
    Ex. The hall is quiet, the band has packed up, and the munchies are all gone.
    * encargado de recoger = gatherer.
    * frase que recoge el tema principal del artículo = topic sentence.
    * persona que recoge algo = picker.
    * quien siembra vientos recoge tempestades = as you sow, so shall you reap.
    * recoger con un rastrillo = rake.
    * recoger datos = collect + data.
    * recoger datos para hacer estadísticas = collect + statistics.
    * recoger evidencia = collect + evidence.
    * recoger experiencia = garner + experience.
    * recoger información = collect + data, collect + information, gather + information, summon + knowledge, harvest + information.
    * recoger la mesa = clear away + the things.
    * recoger las cosas = clear away + the things.
    * recoger las cosas de Uno antes de irse = pack + Posesivo + things.
    * recoger los platos rotos = pick up + the pieces, sort out + the mess.
    * recoger material = gather + material.
    * recoger pruebas = collect + evidence, gather + evidence, accumulate + evidence.
    * recoger y enviar datos = telemeter.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( levantar) to pick up
    b) <casa/habitación> to straighten (up) (AmE), to tidy (up) (BrE)
    a) <dinero/firmas> to collect
    b) <deberes/cuadernos> to collect, take in
    c) <trigo/maíz> to harvest, gather in; < fruta> to pick; <flores/hongos> to pick, gather
    d) <tienda de campaña/vela> to take down
    e) < pelo>
    3) ( recibir y retener) <agua/polvo> to collect
    4) ( ir a buscar) < persona> to pick up, fetch, collect; < paquete> to collect, pick up; < basura> to collect

    ¿puedes recoger el traje de la tintorería? — can you fetch o pick up the suit from the dry-cleaners?

    fui a recoger mis cosasI went to get o to pick up my things

    5) <huérfano/gatito> to take in
    6) foto <instantánea/momento> to capture; novela <ambiente/contexto social> to depict
    recoger vi ( guardar) to clear up, to straighten up (AmE), to tidy up (BrE)
    recogersev pron
    1) ( volver a casa) to go home; ( ir a la cama) to go to bed, retire; (para meditar, rezar) to withdraw
    2) < pelo> to tie up
    * * *
    = capture, collect, cull, gather, pick up, record, reap, harvest, garner, shuffle together, scoop (out), sweep up, wind, stow, pack + Posesivo + bags, clear up, pack up.

    Ex: In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.

    Ex: Synonyms, related terms and other variants must now be collected, either by human selection, or with the aid of the machine.
    Ex: The contents of an extract will often be culled from the results, conclusions or recommendations, i.e. the concluding segments, of the document.
    Ex: A bibliography is a list of materials or items which is restricted in its coverage by some feature other than the materials being gathered in one library collection.
    Ex: Then these suggestion can be picked up by the editor, and communicated to the author.
    Ex: Editors and compilers of editions of works are recorded together with the edition statement in the edition area = En en área de edición se incluyen los editores y compiladores de las ediciones de trabajos junto con la mención de edición.
    Ex: Women suffragists reaped an unexpected publicity bonanza when the 1913 national suffrage parade in Washington was broken up by a drunken mob.
    Ex: Entire families or groups of families cooperate in growing and harvesting food.
    Ex: The serials file contains a large number of titles, not only contributed by members, but also garnered from other sources.
    Ex: This volume is in fact three books shuffled together under one luscious cover, unfurling as a fantasia on technique that explores, among other things, Mau's riffs on modernism.
    Ex: This service will be useful for end users and for scooping out the availability of information on STN for a variety of search topics.
    Ex: Who else is going to flip the burgers, clean the resistant bomb-proof windows of the glitzy mile-high skyscrapers -- also take out the garbage, wash the dishes, park the cars, sweep up the papers in the parks?.
    Ex: Bring the kite down by slowly winding the kite string around a kite spool.
    Ex: It is a matter of basic safety for everyone on board, before casting off in the morning for that next heavenly anchorage, to see that everything be properly stowed and secured.
    Ex: The next day we shook off our hangovers with another refreshing dip under the waterfall, packed our bags and headed off.
    Ex: What they will not do is clear up the foggy area in most cataloguers' minds, the area that leads to an inconsistent application of half-understood principles'.
    Ex: The hall is quiet, the band has packed up, and the munchies are all gone.
    * encargado de recoger = gatherer.
    * frase que recoge el tema principal del artículo = topic sentence.
    * persona que recoge algo = picker.
    * quien siembra vientos recoge tempestades = as you sow, so shall you reap.
    * recoger con un rastrillo = rake.
    * recoger datos = collect + data.
    * recoger datos para hacer estadísticas = collect + statistics.
    * recoger evidencia = collect + evidence.
    * recoger experiencia = garner + experience.
    * recoger información = collect + data, collect + information, gather + information, summon + knowledge, harvest + information.
    * recoger la mesa = clear away + the things.
    * recoger las cosas = clear away + the things.
    * recoger las cosas de Uno antes de irse = pack + Posesivo + things.
    * recoger los platos rotos = pick up + the pieces, sort out + the mess.
    * recoger material = gather + material.
    * recoger pruebas = collect + evidence, gather + evidence, accumulate + evidence.
    * recoger y enviar datos = telemeter.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.

    * * *
    recoger [E6 ]
    1 (levantar) to pick up
    recoge la servilleta pick up the napkin
    lo recogió del suelo she picked it up off the floor
    no pienso recoger vuestros trastos I don't intend to pick up your junk o to clear up after you
    recogía el agua que se salía de la lavadora I was mopping up the water that was coming out of the washing machine
    recoge estos cristales clear up this broken glass
    2 ‹casa/habitación› to straighten (up) ( AmE), to tidy (up) ( BrE)
    recoger la mesa to clear the table
    1 ‹dinero/firmas› to collect
    2 ‹deberes/cuadernos› to collect, take in
    recoger la ropa del tendedero to bring the washing in
    3 ‹trigo/maíz› to gather in, take in, harvest; ‹fruta› to pick, harvest; ‹flores/hongos› to pick, gather
    no llegó a recoger el fruto de su trabajo he was unable to reap the fruits of his labor
    4 ‹tienda de campaña› to take down; ‹alfombra› to take up; ‹vela› to take down
    5 ‹pelo›
    le recogió el pelo en una cola he gathered her hair into a ponytail
    C (retener) ‹agua› to collect
    esta alfombra recoge mucho polvo this carpet collects o gathers a lot of dust
    D (retirar de circulación) ‹periódico› to seize; ‹monedas› to withdraw, take … out of circulation
    E (ir a buscar) ‹persona› to pick up, fetch, collect; ‹paquete› to collect, pick up ‹equipaje› ( Aviac) to reclaim
    ¿a qué hora pasan a recoger la basura? what time do they come to take away o collect the garbage ( AmE) o ( BrE) rubbish?
    el autobús pasará a recogernos a las ocho the bus will come by to collect us o pick us up at eight
    ¿puedes recoger el traje del tinte? can you fetch o pick up the suit from the dry-cleaners
    voy adentro a recoger las maletas I'll go inside and get the suitcases
    fui a recoger mis cosas I went to get o to pick up my things
    F (dar asilo) to take in
    recogieron a un gatito abandonado they took in an abandoned kitten
    un asilo para recoger a los vagabundos a hostel to provide shelter for vagrants
    (incluir, registrar): la obra recoge el trasfondo social de aquel momento the work depicts the social context of that time
    la imagen recoge el momento en que … the picture shows o captures the moment in which …
    el informe recoge estas últimas estadísticas these latest statistics figure o appear in the report
    esta acepción no la recoge ningún diccionario this meaning isn't included in o isn't in any dictionary
    su obra está siendo recogida en cuatro volúmenes his works are being collected for publication in four volumes
    un espectáculo que recoge tres de sus obras breves a show which brings together three of his short works
    ■ recoger
    to clear up, to straighten up ( AmE), to tidy up ( BrE)
    venga, recoger ya, que vamos a comer come on, clear up (your things), it's time to eat
    1 (volver a casa) to go home; (ir a la cama) to go to bed, retire
    2 (para meditar, rezar) to withdraw
    1 ‹mangas/pantalones› to roll up; ‹falda› to lift up
    2 ‹pelo› to tie up
    recogerse el pelo en un moño to put one's hair up in a bun
    * * *


    recoger ( conjugate recoger) verbo transitivo
    a) ( levantar) ‹objeto/papeles to pick up;

    b)casa/habitación to straighten (up) (AmE), to tidy (up) (BrE);

    platos to clear away;

    a)dinero/firmas to collect

    b)deberes/cuadernos to collect, take in

    c)trigo/maíz to harvest, gather in;

    fruta to pick;
    flores/hongos to pick, gather
    d)tienda de campaña/vela to take down

    e) peloto tie … back;

    3 ( ir a buscar) ‹ persona to pick up, fetch, collect;
    paquete to collect, pick up;
    basura to collect;
    equipaje to reclaim
    verbo intransitivo ( guardar) to clear up, to straighten up (AmE), to tidy up (BrE)
    recogerse verbo pronominal ‹ pelo to tie up;
    falda to gather up
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (un objeto caído) to pick up
    2 (información, dinero, basura, etc) to gather, collect
    3 (una casa) to tidy up
    recoger la mesa, to clear the table
    4 (en un sitio a alguien o algo) to pick up, fetch, collect: vino a recogernos a las tres, she came to pick us up at three o'clock
    5 (ordenar, guardar) to tidy (up), clear up: recoge tus juguetes inmediatamente, pick up your toys this instant
    6 (a una persona o animal necesitados) to take in
    7 (cosecha) to harvest, gather in
    8 (fruta) to pick
    II vi (poner orden, colocar, guardar) to tidy up: antes de irnos tenemos que recoger, we'll have to tidy up before we go
    ' recoger' also found in these entries:
    - coger
    - inclinarse
    - vendimiar
    - cosechar
    - mesa
    - pala
    - pinchar
    - pretexto
    - call for
    - clear away
    - clear up
    - collect
    - gather
    - gather in
    - gather up
    - harvest
    - nuisance
    - pack up
    - pick
    - pick off
    - pick up
    - pull in
    - put away
    - rake up
    - reclaim
    - scoop up
    - sweep up
    - tidy away
    - tidy up
    - up
    - clear
    - collection
    - get
    - glean
    - overflow
    - pack
    - pull
    - reap
    - scoop
    - sweep
    - take
    - tidy
    * * *
    1. [coger, levantar] to pick up;
    recogí los papeles del suelo I picked the papers up off the ground;
    recogieron el agua con una fregona they mopped up the water
    2. [reunir, retener] to collect, to gather;
    están recogiendo firmas/dinero para… they are collecting signatures/money for…;
    este trasto no hace más que recoger polvo this piece of junk is just gathering dust
    3. [ordenar, limpiar] [mesa] to clear;
    [casa, habitación, cosas] to tidy o clear up
    4. [ir a buscar] to pick up, to fetch;
    iré a recoger a los niños a la escuela I'll pick the children up from school;
    ¿a qué hora paso a recogerte? what time shall I pick you up?;
    ¿a qué hora recogen la basura? what time do they collect the rubbish?
    5. [recolectar] [mies, cosecha] to harvest;
    [fruta, aceitunas] to pick; [setas, flores] to pick, to gather; [beneficios] to reap;
    ahora empieza a recoger los frutos de su trabajo now she's starting to reap the rewards of her work
    6. [mostrar] [sujeto: foto, película] to show;
    [sujeto: novela] to depict;
    su ensayo recoge una idea ya esbozada por Spinoza her essay contains an idea already hinted at by Spinoza;
    una comedia que recoge el ambiente de los ochenta a comedy which captures the atmosphere of the eighties;
    la exposición recoge su obra más reciente the exhibition brings together his latest works
    7. [sujeto: ley] to include;
    un derecho recogido por la ley a right enshrined in law
    8. [acoger] [mendigo, huérfano, animal] to take in;
    en el albergue recogen a los sin techo the hostel takes in homeless people
    9. [plegar] [velas, sombrillas] to take down;
    [cortinas] to tie back
    10. [prenda] [acortar] to take up, to shorten;
    [estrechar] to take in
    [ordenar, limpiar] to tidy o clear up;
    cuando acabes de recoger… when you've finished tidying o clearing up…
    * * *
    1 pick up, collect;
    recoger firmas collect signatures;
    recoger las cartas collect one’s mail
    2 habitación tidy up;
    recoger la mesa clear the table
    3 AGR harvest
    4 ( mostrar) show
    recoger las piernas lift up one’s legs
    * * *
    recoger {15} vt
    1) : to collect, to gather
    2) : to get, to retrieve, to pick up
    3) : to clean up, to tidy (up)
    * * *
    1. (coger, ir a buscar) to pick up
    2. (ordenar) to tidy [pt. & pp. tidied]
    3. (reunir) to collect

    Spanish-English dictionary > recoger

  • 15 механизм

    action, device, machine, gear, mechanism, motion
    * * *
    механи́зм м.
    mechanism; gear; device
    получа́ть модифика́цию механи́зма ( в теории механизмов и машин) — derive a mechanism
    механи́зм автомати́ческой пода́чи — automatic feed mechanism
    механи́зм автомати́ческой регулиро́вки соста́ва то́плива — automatic mixture control
    механи́зм автомати́ческой сме́ны челнока́ — automatic shuttle changer
    автоно́мный механи́зм — self-reacting device
    азимута́льный механи́зм — azimuth gear, azimuth mechanism
    механи́зм блокиро́вки дифференци́ала — differential lock
    блокиро́вочный механи́зм ( механического типа) — latching mechanism
    блоки́рующий механи́зм — lock gear, blocking [interlocking] mechanism
    механи́зм бо́я текст.picking mechanism
    механи́зм бо́я, кривоши́пный текст.crank picking motion
    механи́зм бо́я, эксце́нтриковый текст.tappet eccentric motion
    бумаготранспорти́рующий механи́зм — paper-ribbon feeding mechanism
    механи́зм бы́строго хо́да — rapid-traverse mechanism
    винтово́й механи́зм — screw(-type) mechanism
    механи́зм включе́ния
    1. маш. engaging [starting] mechanism
    2. с.-х. trip
    механи́зм возвра́та моне́ты ( в таксофоне) — refund mechanism
    механи́зм возвра́та теле́жки прок.carriage return mechanism
    механи́зм возвра́тно-поступа́тельного движе́ния кристаллиза́тора ( в установке непрерывной разливки стали) — mould reciprocating mechanism
    волочи́льный механи́зм метал.draw-off gear
    впускно́й механи́зм — admission gear
    механи́зм враща́ющейся кули́сы — rotating block linkage
    механи́зм враще́ния анте́нны — scanner assembly
    временно́й механи́зм — timing equipment, timing device, timer, timing [time] mechanism
    вспомога́тельные механи́змы — auxiliary machinery
    механи́зм вы́борки вчт.access mechanism
    механи́зм выглубле́ния с.-х.raising mechanism
    механи́зм выглубле́ния сошнико́в — colter raising mechanism
    механи́зм вы́грузки — discharge device
    выключа́ющий механи́зм полигр.justification mechanism
    механи́зм выключе́ния
    1. disengaging [trip] mechanism
    2. с.-х. trip
    механи́зм выра́внивания с.-х.leveling mechanism
    механи́зм выра́внивания, ма́ятниковый с.-х.pendulum leveler
    высева́ющий механи́зм — sowing [seeding] mechanism
    выта́лкивающий механи́зм прок.pull-back mechanism
    механи́зм газораспределе́ния — valve gear
    гла́вные механи́змы мор. — main [propulsion] machinery
    гнездообразу́ющий механи́зм с.-х.grouping mechanism
    механи́зм горе́ния — combustion mechanism
    гра́бельный механи́зм — rake mechanism
    гре́йферный механи́зм кфт.claw mechanism
    грузоподъё́мный механи́зм — hoisting device
    механи́зм движе́ния кристаллиза́тора ( в установке непрерывной разливки стали) — mould-moving mechanism
    дви́жущий механи́зм
    1. driving mechanism, gear train
    2. ( шагового искателя) тлф. stepping mechanism
    двухкоромы́словый механи́зм — double-lever mechanism
    двухкривоши́пный механи́зм — double-crank mechanism
    механи́зм де́йствия корро́зии — corrosion mechanism
    механи́зм де́йствия корро́зии состои́т в, … — corrosion proceeds by a … mechanism
    дели́тельный механи́зм — divider
    дифференциа́льный механи́зм — differential (gear)
    механи́зм для выта́скивания опра́вки прок.stripper mechanism
    механи́зм для подъё́ма мульд — charging-box lifting device
    дози́рующий механи́зм — batching device
    механи́зм заглубле́ния с.-х.lowering mechanism
    загру́зочный механи́зм — charging device, charger
    задаю́щий механи́зм прок.pushing device
    зажимно́й механи́зм — clamping device, clamping mechanism
    замыка́ющий механи́зм свз. — closing mechanism, locking device
    запира́ющий механи́зм — locking device
    механи́зм захва́та прок.gripping mechanism
    зевообразу́ющий механи́зм текст.shedding motion
    знакопеча́тающий механи́зм — symbol-printing mechanism
    зубча́тый механи́зм — gear train
    механи́зм измене́ния ша́га ( гребного винта) — pitch control mechanism
    механи́зм измери́тельного прибо́ра ( подвижная часть) — moving element (Примечание. Перевод movement не рекомендован соответствующими стандартами.)
    интегри́рующий механи́зм — integrating mechanism
    исполни́тельный механи́зм — actuating mechanismus, actuator
    исполни́тельный, гидравли́ческий механи́зм — hydraulic actuator
    исполни́тельный, гидравли́ческий механи́зм дро́ссельного управле́ния — valve-controlled actuator
    исполни́тельный, гидравли́ческий объё́мный механи́зм — pump-controlled hydraulic actuator
    исполни́тельный, гидравли́ческий механи́зм со стру́йным управле́нием — jet-pipe actuator
    исполни́тельный, дискре́тный механи́зм — digital actuator
    исполни́тельный, лине́йный механи́зм — linear actuator
    исполни́тельный, многопозицио́нный механи́зм — multiposition actuator
    исполни́тельный, пневмати́ческий механи́зм — air actuator
    исполни́тельный, поршнево́й механи́зм — piston actuator
    механи́зм кантова́ния — tilting mechanism
    касси́рующий механи́зм — coin collector, collecting device
    механи́зм кача́ния ( печи) — tilting mechanism
    механи́зм кача́ющейся кули́сы — swinging block linkage
    кла́панный механи́зм с двумя́ ве́рхними вала́ми — double overhead camshaft, d.o.h.c.
    кла́панный механи́зм с одни́м ве́рхним ва́лом — single overhead camshaft, s.o.h.c.
    механи́зм клетево́го парашю́та горн.grip gear
    клиновыпуска́ющий механи́зм полигр.space-band key mechanism
    коленорыча́жный механи́зм — toggle
    коммутацио́нный механи́зм свз.switch
    кривоши́пно-коромы́словый механи́зм — crank-and-rocker mechanism
    кривоши́пно-кули́сный механи́зм — oscillating crank gear, block linkage (mechanism)
    кривоши́пно-ползу́нный механи́зм — slider-crank mechanism
    кривоши́пно-ползу́нный, аксиа́льный механи́зм — central crank mechanism
    кривоши́пно-ползу́нный, дезаксиа́льный механи́зм — eccentric crank mechanism
    кривоши́пно-шату́нный механи́зм — crank mechanism
    кривоши́пный механи́зм — crank mechanism
    крути́льный механи́зм — twisting mechanism
    кулачко́вый механи́зм — cam mechanism, cam gear
    кулачко́вый, распредели́тельный механи́зм — tappet gear
    кулачко́вый механи́зм транспортиро́вки киноплё́нки — harmonic cam movement
    кули́сный механи́зм — link gear
    лентопротя́жный механи́зм
    1. ( кинокамеры) film-pulling [film-movement] mechanism
    2. ( вычислительной машины) tape drive, tape transport
    листоотдели́тельный механи́зм полигр.sheet-separating mechanism
    ло́жечный выбра́сывающий механи́зм ( сеялки) — cup feed
    механи́зм мальти́йского креста́ — Geneva stop-motion, Maltese-cross [Geneva] movement
    матрицевыпуска́ющий механи́зм полигр.escapement mechanism
    ма́ятниковый механи́зм — pendulum motion
    микрометри́ческий механи́зм — micrometer motion
    механи́зм мо́тки — winding mechanism
    механи́зм наво́дки на ре́зкость опт.focusing system
    нажимно́й механи́зм прок.screwdown mechanism
    механи́зм накло́на конве́ртера — converter tilting mechanism
    механи́зм накло́на платфо́рмы ( жатки) — platform tilting mechanism
    намо́точный механи́зм — winding machine
    механи́зм наплы́ва кфт.dissolve mechanism
    напо́рный механи́зм ( экскаватора) — crowding [racking] gear
    механи́зм на́тиска полигр.impression mechanism
    механи́зм обка́тки ( тип зубчатой передачи) — epicyclic gearing, epicyclic (gear) train
    механи́зм обра́тной свя́зи — feedback mechanism
    обращё́нный механи́зм — reversed mechanism
    окола́чивающий механи́зм кож.beater attachment
    механи́зм опереже́ния впры́ска — injection advance device, injection advance apparatus
    механи́зм опроки́дывания прок.tilting mechanism
    опроки́дывающий механи́зм
    1. авто dumping [tipping] gear, dumping [tipping] mechanism
    2. ( для слитков) tumbler
    оса́дочный механи́зм — upsetting device
    механи́зм остано́ва — stop motion
    механи́зм отво́да рабо́чих о́рганов, предохрани́тельный с.-х.break-back mechanism
    отводя́щий механи́зм ( транспортёра) — deflecting mechanism
    механи́зм откидно́го бё́рда текст.loose reed mechanism
    оття́гивающий механи́зм прок.pull-back mechanism
    очисти́тельный механи́зм с.-х.cleaning mechanism
    па́лубные механи́змы — deck machinery
    парораспредели́тельный механи́зм — valve-gear mechanism, steam distributor
    механи́зм перево́да реги́стра свз. — case shifter, case shift (mechanism)
    перево́дный механи́зм ж.-д.reverse gear
    переда́точный механи́зм — transmission mechanism; transfer device; (крана, экскаватора) traversing gear
    механи́зм переключе́ния — switching mechanism; change-over mechanism
    механи́зм переключе́ния переда́ч [скоросте́й] — gear shift(ing) [speed control] mechanism
    механи́зм перемагни́чивания — magnetization mechanism
    механи́зм перемеще́ния электро́дов ( в ферросплавной печи) — electrode-positioning mechanism
    перенабо́рный механи́зм ( телетайпа или старт-стопного телеграфного аппарата) — transfer mechanism
    механи́зм периоди́ческого перемеще́ния — indexing mechanism
    перфори́рующий механи́зм — perforating mechanism
    механи́зм петлева́ния прок.looper
    печа́тающий механи́зм — printing mechanism
    пита́ющий механи́зм — feeder, feeding mechanism
    планета́рный механи́зм — planetary train, planetary gear
    пло́ский механи́зм ( в теории механизмов и машин) — plain mechanism
    механи́зм поворо́та
    1. ( печи) swinging mechanism
    поворо́тный механи́зм
    1. indexing mechanism
    2. ж.-д. slewing gear, traversing mechanism
    поворо́тный механи́зм оборо́тного ору́дия с.-х. — turnover, trip-over, change-over mechanism
    механи́зм пода́чи ( в станках) — feed
    включа́ть механи́зм пода́чи — apply the feed
    механи́зм пода́чи перфока́рт — punch(ed) card feeder
    механи́зм пода́чи руло́нов прок.coil handling apparatus
    механи́зм пода́чи электро́дной про́волоки свар.electrode feeding machine
    подаю́щий механи́зм ( угольного комбайна) — haulage unit
    подбира́ющий механи́зм с.-х. — pick-up mechanism, pick-up assembly
    механи́зм подъё́ма (напр. жатки, мотовила подборщика) — lift
    механи́зм подъё́ма засло́нки метал.door-lifting mechanism
    механи́зм подъё́ма фу́рмы ( кислородного конвертера) — lance hoist
    подъё́мно-тра́нспортные механи́змы — materials-handling machines
    подъё́мный механи́зм — lifter, lifting mechanism, hoist
    механи́зм предвари́тельного вы́бора ( переключаемой передачи) автоpreselector
    при́водно-замыка́ющий механи́зм ж.-д.switch-and-lock movement
    приводно́й механи́зм — operating [driving] mechanism
    рабо́чий механи́зм — operating [working] mechanism
    разбра́сывающий механи́зм с.-х. — spreading [ejection] mechanism
    разводно́й механи́зм ( моста) — turning machinery
    механи́зм раздева́ния сли́тков метал.ingot stripper
    размыка́ющий механи́зм — trip(ping) mechanism
    ра́стровый механи́зм — screen distance adjusting mechanism
    растя́гивающий механи́зм — stretcher
    расцепля́ющий механи́зм — tripping [disengaging, releasing] gear, trip [release] mechanism
    реверси́вный механи́зм — reversing mechanism, tumbler gear
    механи́зм реверси́рования ша́га винта́ ав.pitch reversing gear
    регули́рующий механи́зм — adjusting gear, control mechanism
    редукцио́нный механи́зм — reducing [reduction] gear
    ре́жущий механи́зм ( комбайна) — cutter bar
    рулево́й механи́зм — steering gear
    рулево́й механи́зм с усили́телем — power-assisted steering gear
    рыча́жный механи́зм — lever motion, leverage, linkage
    механи́зм свобо́дного хо́да ( обгонная муфта) — overrunning [free-wheel] clutch
    механи́зм сжа́тия электро́дов свар.ram
    механи́зм сме́ны уто́чных шпуль — automatic pirn changer, automatic weft replenisher
    механи́зм соба́чек ( шлеппера) прок.ducking dog mechanism
    сотряса́тельный механи́зм с.-х.shaker mechanism
    стержнево́й механи́зм ( в теории механизмов и машин) — link mechanism
    стержнево́й, четырёхзве́нный механи́зм — four-bar link mechanism
    сто́порный механи́зм — arrester, arresting gear, arresting [locking] device, lock mechanism
    стри́пперный механи́зм — ingot stripper
    механи́зм стыко́вки косм.docking mechanism
    механи́зм сцепле́ния ж.-д. — catching [coupling] device, catch gear
    счё́тный механи́зм — counter mechanism; полигр. unit-registering mechanism
    счё́тный механи́зм счё́тчика — register of a meter, counting mechanism of a meter
    счи́тывающий механи́зм — reading mechanism
    механи́зм съё́ма поча́тков текст.doffing motion
    та́нгенсный механи́зм — cross-slide mechanism
    тексозабива́ющий механи́зм кож.tack driver
    механи́змы топливопода́чи — coal-handling facility
    тормозно́й механи́зм — brake [braking] gear
    механи́зм то́чного вы́сева — precision sowing mechanism
    механи́зм три́ммерного эффе́кта ав.trimming mechanism
    уде́рживающий механи́зм — restraining element, holding device
    механи́зм управле́ния ковшо́м — bucket control
    механи́зм управле́ния накло́ном ковша́ — bucket tip control
    механи́зм управле́ния сцепле́ния, рыча́жный — clutch linkage
    управля́ющий механи́зм — operating mechanism
    устано́вочный механи́зм
    1. adjusting gear
    2. прок. roll-separating mechanism
    механи́зм фикса́ции космона́вта — retention mechanism
    механи́зм фокусиро́вки — focusing system; lens-focusing mechanism
    фрикцио́нный механи́зм — friction gear
    храпово́й механи́зм — ratchet-and-pawl mechanism, ratchet-and-pawl gear
    це́вочный механи́зм — lantern wheel mechanism
    часово́й механи́зм
    1. (механизм часов, напр., ручных) movement
    … с часовы́м механи́змом — clock(work)-operated, clock(work)-driven
    чувстви́тельный механи́зм — sensing mechanism
    механи́зм шарни́рного антипараллелогра́мма — antiparallel link mechanism
    механи́зм шарни́рного параллелогра́мма — parallel link mechanism
    шарни́рный механи́зм — link mechanism
    шарни́рный механи́зм наве́ски ковша́ — bucket linkage
    щёткоустано́вочный механи́зм ( компаса) — brush-setting mechanism
    щё́точный механи́зм эл.brush gear

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > механизм

  • 16 toplama

    1. gathering together, collecting. 2. math. addition. - işareti/imi math. plus sign. - kampı concentration camp. - makinesi 1. adding machine. 2. hay-baler (a farm machine). 3. corn picker (a farm machine).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > toplama

  • 17 пылесос

    1) General subject: duster, exhauster, vac, vacuum (а не только вакуум), vacuum cleaner
    2) Colloquial: hoover (любой), vac (сокр. от vacuum cleaner), vacuum-cleaner
    4) Construction: dust collector, exhaust fan
    5) Automobile industry: dust-collecting fan, suction fan
    7) Polygraphy: dust exhauster
    8) Textile: blowroom machine
    10) Solar energy: cleaner
    11) Automation: air-aspirating unit

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пылесос

  • 18 установка

    adjustment, apparatus, arrangement, array геофиз., complex, configuration, device, erection, facility, fitting, mill, gear, incorporation, insertion электрон., installation, layout, mount, mounting, outfit, placement, plant, rig, rigging, set, set-in, setting, setup, site, system, unit
    * * *
    устано́вка ж.
    1. ( оборудование) installation; ( агрегат) plant, set; (в зависимости от производства, получения какого-л. продукта, материала и т. п.) plant
    2. (процесс сборки, монтажа) installation, erection, mounting, assembly
    абсорбцио́нная устано́вка — absorption plant, absorption unit
    устано́вка авари́йного пита́ния — emergency power supply unit
    агломери́рующая устано́вка — sintering plant
    бо́йлерная устано́вка — heating-water converter plant
    бурова́я устано́вка — drilling rig
    быстрозамора́живающая устано́вка — quick-freeze plant
    устано́вка валко́в — roll adjustment; roll setting
    ветроэнергети́ческая устано́вка — wind-driven electric plant
    винтомото́рная устано́вка ав.power plant
    водоподготови́тельная устано́вка — water-treatment system
    водоумягчи́тельная устано́вка — water softener
    возду́шно-трелё́вочная устано́вка — flying machine, aerial skidder
    вулканизацио́нная устано́вка — vulcanizing plant
    выпарна́я устано́вка — evaporator system
    выпарна́я, многоко́рпусная устано́вка — multiple-effect evaporator battery, multiple-effect evaporator system
    выпарна́я, одноко́рпусная устано́вка — single-effect evaporator system
    выпарна́я, прямото́чная устано́вка — forward-feed evaporator battery, forward-feed evaporator system
    выпарна́я устано́вка с паралле́льным пита́нием — parallel-feed evaporator battery, parallel-feed evaporator system
    выпарна́я устано́вка с паралле́льным то́ком ( не путать с устано́вкой паралле́льного пита́ния) — forward-feed evaporator battery, forward-feed system (not to be confused with a parallel-feed system)
    выпарна́я устано́вка с противото́ком — backward-feed evaporator battery, backward-feed evaporator system
    устано́вка высотоме́ра ав.altimeter setting
    устано́вка высотоме́ра по давле́нию на аэродро́ме ав.QFE setting
    устано́вка высотоме́ра по давле́нию на у́ровне мо́ря — QNH setting
    газогенера́торная устано́вка — gas generator, gas-generating plant
    газотурби́нная устано́вка — gas-turbine plant
    генера́торная устано́вка — generating plant, generating set
    гидрогенизацио́нная устано́вка — hydrogenation unit
    гидросилова́я устано́вка — water-power plant
    гребна́я устано́вка мор.propulsion plant
    дви́гательная устано́вка — propulsion system, power plant, power unit
    дви́гательная, турби́нная устано́вка — turbine propulsion unit
    дегазацио́нная устано́вка — decontamination plant
    дезинфекцио́нно-душева́я устано́вка — disinfecting shower unit
    ди́зельная устано́вка — diesel (engine) plant
    ди́зель-электри́ческая устано́вка — diesel-electric plant
    устано́вка для вакууми́рования метал.degassing plant
    устано́вка для вакууми́рования в ковше́ метал.ladle degassing plant
    устано́вка для кондициони́рования во́здуха — см. установка кондиционирования воздуха
    устано́вка для приготовле́ния формо́вочного песка́ — sand-conditioning plant
    устано́вка для размора́живания — thawer, defroster
    устано́вка для сублимацио́нной су́шки — freeze-drier, freeze-drying plant
    дождева́льная устано́вка — sprinkler installation, sprinkler system
    дозиро́вочная устано́вка стр.proportioning plant
    дои́льная устано́вка — milking installation, milking plant
    дои́льная устано́вка для дое́ния в молокопрово́д — pipe-line milking installation
    дои́льная устано́вка для дое́ния во фля́ги — in-churn milking outfit
    дои́льная, передвижна́я устано́вка — movable milking installation
    дои́льная, стациона́рная устано́вка — parlour milking installation
    дои́льная устано́вка ти́па ё́лочка — herring-bone (milking) bail
    дробестру́йная устано́вка — shot-blast unit
    устано́вка жи́дкого азо́та — liquid-nitrogen (production) plant
    устано́вка жи́дкого во́здуха — liquid-air (production) plant
    индукцио́нная электротерми́ческая устано́вка — induction (electrothermic) plant
    устано́вка интерва́лов ( в печатающем устройстве) вчт.line adjustment
    испари́тельная устано́вка — evaporator installation
    испыта́тельная устано́вка — test unit
    кислоро́дная устано́вка — oxygen plant
    компле́ктная устано́вка — package plant
    компре́ссорная устано́вка — compressor plant
    устано́вка кондициони́рования во́здуха — air conditioning installation, air conditioning plant, air conditioner
    кормоприготови́тельная устано́вка — feed-processing plant
    корообди́рочная устано́вка дер.-об.barker
    коте́льная устано́вка — boiler installation, boiler plant
    криоге́нная устано́вка — cryogenic plant
    лаборато́рная устано́вка — laboratory-scale plant
    ла́зерная, голографи́ческая устано́вка — hololaser
    модели́рующая устано́вка — simulator
    морози́льная устано́вка — freezing installation, freezing plant
    мусоросжига́тельная устано́вка — (refuse) incinerator
    нагрева́тельная устано́вка — heating installation, heating plant, heating unit
    насо́сная устано́вка — pump(ing) plant
    устано́вка на фо́кус — focusing
    устано́вка непреры́вного о́тжига — continuous annealing installation
    устано́вка непреры́вной разли́вки — continuous casting plant
    устано́вка нивели́ра — level set-up, level setting
    … тре́буется не́сколько устано́вок нивели́ра … — several level set-ups [level settings] may be necessary
    устано́вка нулевы́х у́ровней ( в операционном усилителе) — zero adjustment, zero setting, balance check, balancing
    устано́вка нуля́ — zero adjustment
    обеспы́ливающая устано́вка — dust catcher, dust-collecting plant
    обессо́ливающая устано́вка ( в водообработке) — demineralizing plant
    о́бжиговая устано́вка — метал., хим. calcining [roasting] plant; (в производстве огнеупоров и др. керамических изделий) burning [firing] plant
    обраба́тывающая устано́вка — processing plant
    устано́вка опо́р эл.support erection
    опресни́тельная устано́вка — (water-)desalinating plant
    о́пытная устано́вка ( не путать с эксперимента́льной устано́вкой) — pilot(-scale) plant (not to be confused with experimental plant)
    ороси́тельная устано́вка — sprinkler installation, sprinkler system
    освети́тельная устано́вка — lighting installation, lighting plant, lighting equipment
    отопи́тельная устано́вка — heating installation, heating plant
    устано́вка паралле́льного пита́ния — parallel-feed system
    паросилова́я устано́вка — steam power plant
    паротурби́нная устано́вка — steam-turbine plant
    перего́нная устано́вка — distillation plant, distillation unit
    пла́зменная, электродугова́я устано́вка — archeated plasma chamber
    устано́вка подтона́льного телеграфи́рования — брит. sub-audio telegraph set; амер. composite set
    подъё́мная устано́вка — hoisting plant
    устано́вка пожаротуше́ния — extinguishing installation
    устано́вка по перерабо́тке — processing plant
    устано́вка по перерабо́тке тряпья́ — rag-processing plant
    предвари́тельная устано́вка — presetting
    устано́вка предвари́тельного охлажде́ния — precooler
    промы́шленная устано́вка — commercial [full-scale] plant
    пускова́я устано́вка косм.launcher
    пылеприготови́тельная устано́вка — coal-pulverizing plant
    пылеулови́тельная устано́вка — dust removal [dust collecting] plant
    радиацио́нная устано́вка — radiation plant
    радиацио́нно-биологи́ческая устано́вка [РБУ] — radiobiological plant
    радиацио́нно-физи́ческая устано́вка [РФУ] — radiophysical plant
    радиацио́нно-хими́ческая устано́вка — radiochemical plant
    радиоизото́пная устано́вка — radioisotope plant
    радиолокацио́нная устано́вка — radar installation
    резе́рвная устано́вка — stand-by plant
    рентге́новская устано́вка — X-ray apparatus
    рефрижера́торная устано́вка — refrigerating plant
    сва́рочная устано́вка — welding unit
    сва́рочная, двухпостова́я устано́вка — two-operator welding unit
    сва́рочная, однопостова́я устано́вка — single-operator welding unit
    силова́я устано́вка — propulsion system, power plant, power unit
    осуществля́ть комплекта́цию силово́й устано́вки — build up a power plant
    разукомплекто́вывать силову́ю устано́вку — tear down a power plant
    силова́я, винтомото́рная устано́вка — engine-propeller power plant
    силова́я, возду́шно-реакти́вная устано́вка — air-breathing power plant
    силова́я, вспомога́тельная устано́вка — auxiliary power unit, APU
    смеси́тельная устано́вка — mixer, mixing plant
    устано́вка столбо́в — pole setting, poling
    телевизио́нная устано́вка — TV camera unit
    теплосилова́я устано́вка — thermal power plant
    термоопресни́тельная устано́вка — thermal desalting plant
    устано́вка техни́ческого кислоро́да — tonnage oxygen plant
    трави́льная устано́вка метал.pickling installation
    трубосва́рочная устано́вка — tube-welding [pipe-welding] plant
    турби́нная устано́вка — turbine plant
    турбогенера́торная устано́вка — turbine-generator set, turbogenerator
    хи́мико-технологи́ческая устано́вка — chemical engineering plant
    хи́мико-технологи́ческая, полузаводска́я устано́вка — pilot(-scale process) plant
    хи́мико-технологи́ческая, сте́ндовая устано́вка — bench-scale (process) plant
    хлопкоочисти́тельная устано́вка — cotton cleaner, gin
    хлора́торная устано́вка — chlorination plant
    холоди́льная устано́вка — refrigerating plant
    эксперимента́льная устано́вка — experimental plant
    электри́ческая устано́вка — electrical installation
    энергосилова́я устано́вка — power plant

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > установка

  • 19 Zubringer

    Zubringer m LOGIS feeder, feeder road (Straße); shuttle (Pendelverkehr: Bahn, Bus)
    * * *
    access (feeder) road, local service line, feeder (local) line;
    Zubringerbus airport bus;
    Zubringerdienst feeder service, (Flugzeug) ferry service;
    öffentlicher Zubringerdienst local haulage (line service);
    Zubringerdienst mit Kraftfahrzeugen (Flugplatz) door-to-door airport limousine service;
    Zubringerfahrzeug der Eisenbahn railway’s collecting vehicle (Br.);
    Zubringerflugzeug feeder liner (plane, machine);
    Zubringerkosten hauling costs;
    Zubringerlinie (Bahn) local service line, jerkwater railroad (US), (Fluglinie) feeder [line];
    Zubringerstraße access (feeder) road;
    Zubringerzug feeder (shuttle) train (US), jerkwater (US coll.).

    Business german-english dictionary > Zubringer

  • 20 Hydro Extractor

    A centrifugal machine used to remove as much as possible of excess moisture from material which has undergone wet treatment. The essential feature is an openwork wire cage, which can be whirled round at a tremendous speed; a metal case, and suitable pipes for collecting and carrying off the waste liquor thrown out.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Hydro Extractor

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  • Electric machine — Electric E*lec tric ([ e]*l[e^]k tr[i^]k), Electrical E*lec tric*al ([ e]*l[e^]k tr[i^]*kal), a. [L. electrum amber, a mixed metal, Gr. h lektron; akin to hle ktwr the beaming sun, cf. Skr. arc to beam, shine: cf. F. [ e]lectrique. The name came… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Electrical machine — Electric E*lec tric ([ e]*l[e^]k tr[i^]k), Electrical E*lec tric*al ([ e]*l[e^]k tr[i^]*kal), a. [L. electrum amber, a mixed metal, Gr. h lektron; akin to hle ktwr the beaming sun, cf. Skr. arc to beam, shine: cf. F. [ e]lectrique. The name came… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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