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См. также в других словарях:

  • carload — ☆ carload [kär′lōd΄ ] n. 1. a load that fills a car, esp. a freight car 2. the minimum weight of a specific commodity qualifying as a carload of that commodity in railroad shipping rates …   English World dictionary

  • carload — index cargo, freight Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • carload — noun Date: 1824 1. a load (as of occupants) that fills a car < a carload of tourists > 2. the minimum number of tons required for shipping at carload rates 3. a large unspecified quantity < a carload of excuses > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • carload — car|load [ˈka:ləud US ˈka:rloud] n the amount of people or things a car can hold carload of ▪ A carload of tourists pulled up and asked for directions …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • carload — [[t]kɑ͟ː(r)loʊd[/t]] carloads N COUNT: usu N of n A carload of people or things is as many people or things as a car can carry. Wherever he goes, a carload of soldiers goes with him …   English dictionary

  • carload — /kahr lohd /, n. 1. the amount carried by a car, esp. a freight car. 2. the legal minimum weight entitling a railroad shipper to a rate (carload rate) lower than that charged for less than this weight. [1850 55, Amer.; CAR1 + LOAD] * * * …   Universalium

  • carload — noun The contents of an automobile (passengers, supplies, etc.) for one trip. I brought a carload of flowers to her …   Wiktionary

  • carload lot — carload lot, U.S. a shipment which meets the minimum weight (carload) as defined by law …   Useful english dictionary

  • carload rate — ☆ carload rate n. a special low rate for shipment by carloads * * * …   Universalium

  • carload rate — ☆ carload rate n. a special low rate for shipment by carloads …   English World dictionary

  • carload rate — noun Date: 1906 a rate for large shipments lower than that quoted for less than carload lots of the same class …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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