1 capture filter
фильтр захвата;
фильтр сбора (позволяет выбирать подмножества фреймов из общего потока, например, на основе адресов источника и конечного пунктов, протоколов, свойств протоколов и т.п.)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > capture filter
2 capture filter
фильтр захвата; фильтр сбора (позволяет выбирать подмножества фреймов из общего потока, например, на основе адресов источника и конечного пунктов, протоколов, свойств протоколов и т.п.)English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > capture filter
3 фильтр захвата
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > фильтр захвата
4 фильтр сбора
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > фильтр сбора
5 section
1) секция; отрезок; звено4) раздел (напр. книги) || разбивать на разделы5) срез || изготавливать срез ( для микроскопических исследований)•- absorption cross section
- acoustic cross section
- antenna section
- apparent cross section
- back-scattering cross section
- bend section
- bistatic cross section
- brass section
- bridged T-section
- broadside cross section
- building-out section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- collision cross section
- conic section
- control section
- corner section
- Coulomb cross section
- cross section
- cruciform waveguide section
- data control section
- destructive collision cross section
- echoing cross section
- effective cross section
- effective waveguide section
- electron-capture cross section
- electron multiplier section
- end-fire radar cross section
- evanescent section
- filter section
- flexible section
- forward-scattering cross section
- half-wave section
- highpass T-section
- hole-capture cross section
- ionization cross section
- L-section
- lowpass T-section
- matching section
- measuring waveguide section
- molecular absorption cross section
- monostatic cross section
- normalized cross section
- phasing section
- pi-section
- quarter-wave section
- radar cross section
- radar scattering cross section
- recombination cross section
- restriction section
- rhythm section
- scattering cross section
- slotted section
- squeezable section
- squeeze section
- T-section
- taper section
- tapered section
- target cross section
- target reflectivity cross section
- transition section
- transverse section
- twin-T section
- waveguide section
- π-section -
6 section
1) секция; отрезок; звено4) раздел (напр. книги) || разбивать на разделы5) срез || изготавливать срез ( для микроскопических исследований)•- absorption cross section
- acoustic cross section
- antenna section
- apparent cross section
- back-scattering cross section
- bend section
- bistatic cross section
- brass section
- bridged T-section
- broadside cross section
- building-out section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- collision cross section
- conic section
- control section
- corner section
- Coulomb cross section
- cross section
- cruciform waveguide section
- data control section
- destructive collision cross section
- echoing cross section
- effective cross section
- effective waveguide section
- electron multiplier section
- electron-capture cross section
- end-fire radar cross section
- evanescent section
- filter section
- flexible section
- forward-scattering cross section
- half-wave section
- highpass T-section
- hole-capture cross section
- ionization cross section
- lowpass T-section
- L-section
- matching section
- measuring waveguide section
- molecular absorption cross section
- monostatic cross section
- normalized cross section
- phasing section
- pi-section
- quarter-wave section
- radar cross section
- radar scattering cross section
- recombination cross section
- restriction section
- rhythm section
- scattering cross section
- section of transmission line
- slotted section
- squeezable section
- squeeze section
- taper section
- tapered section
- target cross section
- target reflectivity cross section
- transition section
- transverse section
- T-section
- twin-T section
- waveguide sectionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > section
7 channel
1) канал
2) желобный
3) калевать
4) калевка
5) калевочный
6) каналовый
7) канальный
8) рифлевать
9) рифлить
10) рифтовать
11) швеллер
12) швеллерный
13) <topogr.> русло
14) шпунт
15) выемка
16) проход
– adjacent channel
– assign a channel
– backward channel
– bulk channel
– by-pass channel
– bypass channel
– capture a channel
– car-building channel
– channel allocation
– channel amplifier
– channel bandwidth
– channel bank
– channel belt
– channel black
– channel capacity
– channel conversion
– channel cooler
– channel demodulator
– channel dispersion
– channel filter
– channel getter
– channel I/O
– channel implants
– channel memory
– channel noise
– channel particles
– channel program
– channel radiation
– channel resistance
– channel selectivity
– channel selector
– channel separation
– channel share
– channel spin
– channel supergroup
– channel switch
– channel switching
– channel tile
– channel width
– communication channel
– congest a channel
– control channel
– crossed channel
– cue channel
– data channel
– derive a channel
– die channel
– discrete channel
– drainage channel
– drop a channel
– dung channel
– engineering channel
– epitaxial channel
– equal channel
– escape channel
– extruded channel
– feedback channel
– frequency channel
– gas-escape channel
– gatee channel
– image channel
– information channel
– irrigation channel
– load channel
– log-floating channel
– memoryless channel
– metallic channel
– molding channel
– multiplexor channel
– noiseless channel
– noisy channel
– one-way channel
– open-water channel
– optical channel
– pilot channel
– radio channel
– radio-relay channel
– radiotelemetry channel
– recording channel
– relay channel
– relay-protection channel
– relinquish a channel
– reproducing channel
– roll-formed channel
– selector channel
– set up a channel
– ship-building channel
– simplex channel
– sound channel
– spark channel
– speech channel
– sprue channel
– structural channel
– telegraph channel
– telemeter channel
– telephone channel
– television channel
– transmission channel
– unequal channel
– video channel
– voice-frequency channel
– wiring channel
channel electron multiplier — электронный умножитель с распределенными динодами, вторично-электронный умножитель с распределенными динодами
1) Общая лексика: дисконтированный денежный поток (discounted cash flow)2) Военный термин: DOCS Certification Facility, Deputy for Contract Financing, Document Composition Facility, deputy chief, disaster control force, distribution chart file3) Техника: data channel filter, data collection form, data correlation facility, dose conversion factor, dynamic correction of focal length4) Бухгалтерия: дисконтированный поток денежных средств (discounted cash flow)5) Финансы: дисконтированный денежный поток (discount cash flow)6) Грубое выражение: Dumb Cunt Fucker7) Телекоммуникации: Data Count Field, Distributed Coordination Function8) Вычислительная техника: Design rule for Camera File system (JEIDA, photo), Distributed Coordination Function (MAC, 802. 11a, WLAN)9) Нефть: discounted cash flow rate10) Связь: Distributed Cluster Frame11) Инвестиции: discounted cash flow12) Расширение файла: Data Compression Facility, Disk image file, Data Communication Facility (IBM), Data Count Field (IBM), Driver Configuration File (Lotus)13) Фармация: Data Clarification Form14) ООН: Direct Consular Filing15) Hi-Fi. Design rule for Camera File system16) Чат: Digitally Controlled Filter17) Аэропорты: Cane Field, West Indies18) НАСА: Data Capture Facility -
9 dCF
1) Общая лексика: дисконтированный денежный поток (discounted cash flow)2) Военный термин: DOCS Certification Facility, Deputy for Contract Financing, Document Composition Facility, deputy chief, disaster control force, distribution chart file3) Техника: data channel filter, data collection form, data correlation facility, dose conversion factor, dynamic correction of focal length4) Бухгалтерия: дисконтированный поток денежных средств (discounted cash flow)5) Финансы: дисконтированный денежный поток (discount cash flow)6) Грубое выражение: Dumb Cunt Fucker7) Телекоммуникации: Data Count Field, Distributed Coordination Function8) Вычислительная техника: Design rule for Camera File system (JEIDA, photo), Distributed Coordination Function (MAC, 802. 11a, WLAN)9) Нефть: discounted cash flow rate10) Связь: Distributed Cluster Frame11) Инвестиции: discounted cash flow12) Расширение файла: Data Compression Facility, Disk image file, Data Communication Facility (IBM), Data Count Field (IBM), Driver Configuration File (Lotus)13) Фармация: Data Clarification Form14) ООН: Direct Consular Filing15) Hi-Fi. Design rule for Camera File system16) Чат: Digitally Controlled Filter17) Аэропорты: Cane Field, West Indies18) НАСА: Data Capture Facility -
10 velocity
1) скорость; быстрота2) расход3) частота•- velocity of flow - velocity of retreat - velocity of rotation - velocity of sound - velocity of wind - angular velocity - critical flow velocity - current velocity - discharge velocity - disturbance velocity - economic velocity - efflux velocity - eroding velocity - exit velocity - face velocity - filter velocity - flame blow-off velocity - flow erosive velocity - fracture velocity - initial velocity - inlet velocity - intake velocity - jet velocity - natural velocity - non-silting velocity - nozzle velocity - outlet velocity - peripheral velocity - permissible canal velocity of water flow - random velocity - relative velocity - remaining velocity - scouring velocity - self-cleansing velocity - valve velocity - water flow velocity* * *скорость- velocity of the waves
- air velocity
- angular velocity
- approach velocity
- axial velocity
- capture velocity
- center-line velocity
- circumferential velocity
- critical wind velocity
- current velocity
- depth-mean velocity
- design velocity
- effective velocity of ground water
- efflux velocity
- erosive velocity
- exit velocity
- face velocity
- filter velocity
- final velocity
- flow velocity
- free area velocity
- frontal velocity
- higher critical velocity
- initial velocity
- Kennedy's critical velocity
- limiting velocity
- local air velocity
- mass velocity
- natural velocity of flow
- nonscouring velocity
- nonsilting velocity
- nozzle velocity
- outlet velocity
- scouring velocity
- seepage velocity
- self-cleaning velocity
- self-cleansing velocity
- settling velocity
- terminal velocity
- wind velocity -
11 velocity
- velocity
- nскорость
- velocity of the waves
- air velocity
- angular velocity
- approach velocity
- axial velocity
- capture velocity
- center-line velocity
- circumferential velocity
- critical wind velocity
- current velocity
- depth-mean velocity
- design velocity
- effective velocity of ground water
- efflux velocity
- erosive velocity
- exit velocity
- face velocity
- filter velocity
- final velocity
- flow velocity
- free area velocity
- frontal velocity
- higher critical velocity
- initial velocity
- Kennedy's critical velocity
- limiting velocity
- local air velocity
- mass velocity
- natural velocity of flow
- nonscouring velocity
- nonsilting velocity
- nozzle velocity
- outlet velocity
- scouring velocity
- seepage velocity
- self-cleaning velocity
- self-cleansing velocity
- settling velocity
- terminal velocity
- wind velocity
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
12 ratio
1) отношение; соотношение; пропорция5) матем. частное•-
4:1:1 ratio
abundance ratio
activity ratio
adjacent-channel protection ratio
advance ratio
air/oil ratio
air-fuel ratio
alumina ratio
amplitude ratio
anamorphic ratio
anode-to-cathode ratio
aperture ratio
apparent slip ratio
aspect ratio
atomic ratio
attenuation ratio
augmentation ratio
availability ratio
axial ratio
axle ratio
balance ratio
balanced steel ratio
beam aspect ratio
beam-depth ratio
beam-draft ratio
bearing ratio
best power mixture ratio
blade aspect ratio
blade-area ratio
blending ratio
blip-scan ratio
blocking-to-forward resistance ratio
blowup ratio
boilup-feed ratio
boost pressure ratio
boosting ratio
boss-diameter ratio
boss ratio
braking ratio
breeding ratio
brush coverage ratio
burnout ratio
by-pass ratio
C/B ratio
cancellation ratio
capacity/deadweight ratio
capture ratio
carbon ratio
carrier-to-interference ratio
carrier-to-noise ratio
cascade pitch-chord ratio
catalyst-oil ratio
catalyst ratio
cement-aggregate ratio
cetane ratio
charge ratio
charge-to-mass ratio
circulation ratio
coal-to-coke replacement ratio
coherence ratio
common ratio
common-mode rejection ratio
compression ratio
contact ratio
continuous casting ratio
contrast ratio
control ratio
convergence ratio
conversion ratio
copper-to-superconductor ratio
correlation ratio
cost/performance ratio
critical power ratio
crown diameter ratio
cumulative fatigue ratio
current instability ratio
current ratio
current transfer ratio
current unbalance ratio
cutoff ratio
damping ratio
deadweight-displacement ratio
deadweight ratio
defective ratio
defect ratio
delivery ratio
dependability ratio
desired-to-undesired signal ratio
developed blade-area ratio
deviation ratio
disk-area ratio
distortion ratio
disturbance ratio
disturb ratio
double ratio
downtime ratio
drafting ratio
drop-off-to-pickup ratio
drowning ratio
dryout ratio
duty ratio
effective pitch ratio
effective slip ratio
electric/heat output ratio
elongation ratio
empty run ratio
empty weight-to-carrying capacity ratio
energy-to-volume ratio
energy-to-weight ratio
engine displacement to horsepower ratio
engine pressure ratio
enhancement ratio
error ratio
escape ratio
excess noise ratio
excitation response ratio
extraction ratio
extrusion ratio
false alarm ratio
fat-to-lean ratio
field-forcing ratio
filter open area ratio
flow ratio of mold
flowing fluid ratio
focal ratio
frame aspect ratio
freeboard ratio
free-fluid ratio
frequency multiplication ratio
frequency ratio
friction ratio
front-to-back ratio
fuel ratio
fuel-air equivalence ratio
fuel-air ratio
fuel-oil consumption ratio
gas ratio
gas recovery ratio
gas-condensate ratio
gas-oil ratio
gasoline-oil consumption ratio
gas-water ratio
geometric pitch ratio
grain-to-air mass ratio
gross-to-net ratio
harmonic ratio
heat sharing ratio
hit ratio
hub-diameter ratio
hub ratio
humidity ratio
hydrogen carbon ratio
idle mixture ratio
image ratio
image signal-to-noise ratio
image-frequency rejection ratio
image rejection ratio
input-to-output frequency ratio
intensifier ratio
interference-to-noise ratio
internal breeding ratio
inversion level ratio
inversion ratio
ionization ratio
irregularity ratio
isolation ratio
jamming-to-signal ratio
jam-to-signal ratio
lay ratio
length-beam ratio
length-depth ratio
length-draft ratio
lift/drag ratio
light output ratio
likelihood ratio
limiting drawing ratio
line-interlace ratio
liquor ratio
load ratio
locked rotor current ratio
luminance ratio
magnetoresistive ratio
main-beam-to-sidelobe ratio
mark-to-space ratio
mark-space ratio
meander ratio
melting-speed ratio
metal-restitution ratio
mismatch ratio
miss ratio
mixing ratio
mobility ratio
moderating ratio
modular ratio
molar ratio
mold ratio
negative sequence current ratio
negative sequence voltage ratio
noise-power ratio
noise-to-signal ratio
notch yield ratio
notched-unnotched tensile strength ratio
nutritive ratio
offset ratio
oil-steam ratio
one-to-zero ratio
on-off ratio
operating ratio
output voltage ratio
output-input ratio
overall combined feed ratio
overall gear ratio
overburden ratio
overvoltage ratio
partition ratio
peak ratio
peak-to-average ratio
penetration shape ratio
pin-to-gate ratio
pitch damping ratio
pitch ratio
pitch-diameter ratio
pluviometric ratio
Poisson's ratio
power amplification ratio
power-loss ratio
precipitation-evaporation ratio
press ratio
pressure-viscosity ratio
processing ratio
producing water-oil ratio
proof ultimate ratio
propagation ratio
propane-oil ratio
propeller solidity ratio
protection ratio
pulse-compression ratio
pulse-smoothing ratio
pulsing ratio
rated voltage ratio
ratio of break to reduction
ratio of enrichment
ratio of flow
ratio of foreshortening
ratio of similitude
ratio of slope
ratio of specific heats
reactance ratio
reactivity ratio
real slip ratio
recall ratio
recirculation ratio
recovery ratio
rectification ratio
recycle ratio
reduction ratio
reflux ratio
reflux-to-product ratio
reinforcement ratio
rejection ratio
reproduction ratio
reserve-buoyance ratio
resetting ratio
reset ratio
resolution ratio
retrace ratio
returning ratio
ripple ratio
roll damping ratio
ruffling ratio
runner ratio
scaling ratio
scrap-metal ratio
seasonal ratio
secondary-emission ratio
seizure ratio
serviceability ratio
setting ratio
shooting ratio
short-circuit ratio
shrinkage ratio
shutter-to-pulldown ratio
sidelobe ratio
signal-to-clutter ratio
signal-to-crosstalk ratio
signal-to-distortion ratio
signal-to-interference ratio
signal-to-jamming ratio
signal-to-jam ratio
signal-to-noise ratio
signal-to-quantization noise ratio
silica ratio
sinad ratio
size ratio
skin-to-brine ratio
skip-stitch ratio
slenderness ratio
slip ratio
slope ratio
solvent ratio
speed ratio
spreading ratio
spread-to-elongation ratio
squareness ratio
squeeze ratio
stall torque ratio
standing-wave ratio
starting current-to-rated current ratio
starting current ratio
starting torque-to-nominal torque ratio
static forward current transfer ratio
steel ratio
steering ratio
step-down ratio
step-up ratio
stock-catalyst ratio
stoichiometric ratio
storage ratio
strength-to-weigth ratio
stress ratio
stretch ratio
stripping ratio
sugar-acid ratio
suppression ratio
surface-to-volume ratio
swirl ratio
swirl-to-squish ratio
T/D ratio
tall gear ratio
tapping voltage ratio
target-to-clutter ratio
thermal conductivity ratio
thickness ratio
thickness-to-diameter ratio
throughput ratio
thrust-deduction ratio
torque-to-inertia ratio
torque-to-weight ratio
transfer ratio
transformation ratio
transient overvoltage ratio
transmission ratio
transport ratio
traveling-wave ratio
tree-area ratio
trigonometric ratio
trim ratio
true slip ratio
tuning ratio
turn-on ratio
turns ratio
unbalance ratio
unbalance reduction ratio
up-time ratio
useful-to-takeoff load ratio
utilization ratio
valve ratio
vapor volumetric flow ratio
vapor-liquid ratio
variance ratio
vertical retrace ratio
virtual pitch ratio
viscosity/density ratio
voids ratio
voltage instability ratio
voltage nonsinusoidality ratio
voltage ratio
voltage standing-wave ratio
voltage transfer ratio
voltage unbalance ratio
waste-to-ore ratio
water use ratio
water-oil ratio
water-to-cement ratio
wide-band ratio
wind-to-coke ratio
wing taper ratio
xanthate ratio
yield ratio
zero-sequence current ratio
zero-sequence voltage ratio
zoom ratio -
13 section
1) сечение2) секция, отсек3) звено4) зона5) отрезок•- acoustic-cross section
- adjustment section
- amplifier section
- antenna section
- baseband section
- bend section
- building-out section
- bus section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- cassette section
- CD section
- corner section
- correcting section
- cross section
- curved section
- damaged cable section
- differential section
- digital section
- distributing section
- electron image section
- elementary-cable section
- extended-amplifyng section
- feedback section
- filter section
- lateral section
- magnetic conductor section
- matching section
- multiplier section
- phase shifting section
- protection switching section
- quarter-wave section
- RC section
- regeneration section
- regenerator section
- rereceiving section
- scattering cross section
- shortened amplifying section
- slotted section
- square section
- squeezable section
- trunk section
- tuner section
- waveguide section
- wire sectionEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > section
14 Net
1. n Нет2. n сеть, сети; тенёта; силок3. n сетка4. n хозяйственная сетка, авоськаmosquito net — противомоскитная сетка; накомарник
5. n спасательная сетка6. n сети, западня7. n сетчатый материал8. n текст. тюль9. n паутина10. n тлв. радио, сеть11. n спорт. ворота12. n воен. маскировочная сеть13. n воен. сетевое заграждение14. n мат. связка15. n мат. развёртка многогранника16. v ловить сетями, силками, тенётами17. v ставить сетиto net a river — поставить в реке сеть; перегородить реку сетями
18. v ловить или поймать в свои сети; расставлять сети, ловушку, западню19. v закрывать, ограждать сеткой20. v мор. ставить сетевые заграждения; прикрывать сетевыми заграждениями21. v покрывать сетью22. v спорт. попасть в сетку23. v спорт. забить24. v спорт. воен. входить в связьair-air net — система связи "воздух-воздух"
25. n суть, главное26. n эк. нетто; сальдо27. a общий; конечный; результативный, суммарный28. a эк. чистый; нетто; без вычетов; сальдоnet weight — чистый вес, вес нетто
net load — полезный груз, вес без тары
net price — цена нетто; цена после вычета всех скидок; окончательная цена
29. a редк. чистый, без примеси, неразбавленный30. v получать в результатеnet 5 point — получать,5 баллов
31. v определять вес нетто32. v эк. приносить чистый доход33. v эк. получать чистый доходСинонимический ряд:1. after deductions (adj.) after deductions; clear; excluding; exclusive; irreducible; non-deductible; pure; remaining2. earnings (noun) earnings; income; pay3. mesh (noun) grill; grille; lattice; mesh; netting; network; screen; web4. ensnare (verb) ensnare; imprison; trap5. get (verb) capture; catch; get; secure; take6. pay (verb) bring in; draw; earn; gross; pay; produce; realise; repay; return; yield7. profit (verb) accumulate; clean up; clear; gain; gain above expenses; make; profitАнтонимический ряд:lose; release
См. также в других словарях:
Filter paper — is a semi permeable paper barrier placed perpendicular to a liquid flow. It is used to separate fine solids from liquids. In laboratories, filter paper is usually used with a filter funnel, Hirsch, or Buchner funnel.TypesFilter paper comes in… … Wikipedia
Filter feeder — [ left|thumb|200px|Krill feeding under high phytoplankton concentration (slowed down by a factor of 12).] Filter feeders (also known as suspension feeders) are animals that feed by straining suspended matter and food particles from water,… … Wikipedia
Filter graph — A filter graph is used in multimedia processing. For example to capture video from a webcam. Filters take input, process it or change the input, and then output the process data. An example of a filter, would be a video codec that takes raw… … Wikipedia
List of characters in Syphon Filter — This is a list of characters in Syphon Filter.Main Characters Gabriel Logan Gabriel Logan is an agent for the International Presidential Consulting Agency in Syphon Filter , Syphon Filter 2 , Syphon Filter 3 , , and . He is voiced by John Chacon… … Wikipedia
Photographic filter — Four photographic filters. Clockwise, from top left, an infrared hot mirror filter, a polarising filter, and a UV filter. The larger filter is a polariser for Cokin style filter mounts. In photography and videography, a filter is a camera… … Wikipedia
Oil filter — Spin on oil filter on a Saab 9 5 An oil filter is a filter designed to remove contaminants from engine oil, transmission oil, lubricating oil, or hydraulic oil. Oil filters are used in many different types of hydraulic machinery. A chief use of… … Wikipedia
Helicon Filter — Infobox Software name = Helicon Filter caption = Helicon Filter 4.81 running on Windows XP developer = Helicon Soft Ltd. latest release version = 4.90 latest release date = September 25, 2008 latest preview version = latest preview date =… … Wikipedia
Color filter array — The Bayer color filter mosaic. Each two by two submosaic contains 2 green, 1 blue and 1 red filter, each covering one pixel sensor. In photography, a color filter array (CFA), or color filter mosaic (CFM), is a mosaic of tiny color filters placed … Wikipedia
Personnages de Syphon Filter — Liste des personnages de la série de jeux vidéo Syphon Filter. Sommaire 1 L Agence 1.1 Thomas Markinson 1.2 Edward Benton 1.3 Dr Elsa Weissinger … Wikipédia en Français
Coffee filter — A standard coffee filter Used coffee filter A … Wikipedia
Packet capture — is the act of capturing data packets crossing a computer network. Deep packet capture (DPC) is the act of capturing, at full network speed, complete network packets (header and payload) crossing a network with a high traffic rate. Once captured… … Wikipedia