1 brand-name computer
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > brand-name computer
2 brand-name computer
Вычислительная техника: компьютер широко известной фирмы, компьютер, заслуживающий доверия -
3 brand name computer
компьютер от известного, признанного производителяEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > brand name computer
4 brand-name computer
компьютер, заслуживающий доверияEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > brand-name computer
5 brand name
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > brand name
6 computer
1) компьютер; вычислительная машина; ЭВМ; вычислительное устройство; вычислитель; редк. процессор2) редк. счётная машина (см. тж calculator, machine)•- adaptive computer
- airborne computer
- all-applications computer
- all-purpose computer
- alternating-current analog computer
- analog computer
- analog-digital computer
- arbitrary sequence computer
- associative computer
- asynchronous computer
- automotive computer
- baby-sized computer
- back-end computer
- batch-oriented computer
- battery-operated computer
- binary computer
- binary-transfer computer
- board computer
- boutique computer
- brand-name computer
- breadboard computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- business-oriented computer
- byte computer
- byte-organized computer
- byte-oriented computer
- cassette-based computer
- census computer
- central computer
- character-oriented computer
- chemical-based computer
- chess computer
- CISC computer
- commercial computer
- commodity computer
- communication computer
- communications oriented computer
- compatible computer
- complete-instruction-set computer
- concurrent computer
- consecutive computer
- consecutive sequence computer
- continuously acting computer
- control computer
- control flow computer
- correlation computer
- coupled computers
- cryogenic computer
- cryotron computer
- custom computer
- database computer
- data-flow computer
- decimal computer
- dedicated computer
- desk computer
- desk-size computer
- desk-top computer
- dialing set computer
- dial set computer
- digital computer
- direct execution computer
- direct-analogy computer
- direct-current computer
- diskless computer
- distributed logic computer
- drum computer
- dual-processor computer
- education computer
- electromechanical analog computer
- electronic tube computer
- electron tube computer
- electronic computer
- end-user computer
- ever-faster computer
- externally programmed computer
- fault-tolerant computer
- fifth-generation computer
- file computer
- first-generation computer
- fixed word-length computer
- fixed-point computer
- fixed-program computer
- flat screen computer
- floating-point computer
- fluid computer
- four-address computer
- fourth-generation computer
- fractional computer
- front-end computer
- gateway computer
- general-purpose computer
- giant computer
- giant-powered computer
- giant-scale computer
- giant-size computer
- gigacycle computer
- gigahertz computer
- guidance computer
- handheld computer
- high-end computer
- high-function computer
- high-level language computer
- high-level computer
- highly parallel computer
- high-performance computer
- high-speed computer
- hobby computer
- home banking computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- IC computer
- incompatible computer
- incremental computer
- industrial computer
- integrated circuit computer
- interface computer
- interim computer
- intermediate computer
- internally programmed computer
- Internet computer
- keyboard computer
- kid computer
- laptop computer
- large computer
- large-powered computer
- large-scale computer
- large-scale integration circuit computer
- large-size computer
- laser computer
- linkage computer
- local computer
- logical computer
- logic computer
- logic-controlled sequential computer
- logic-in-memory computer
- low-end computer
- low-profile computer
- low-speed computer
- LSI computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- mechanical computer
- medium computer
- medium-powered computer
- medium-size computer
- medium-speed computer
- medium-to-large scale computer
- mediun-scale computer
- megacycle computer
- megahertz computer
- microprogrammable computer
- microwave computer
- mid-range computer
- molecular computer
- monoprocessor computer
- multiaddress computer
- multi-MIPS computer
- multiple-access computer
- multiple-user computer
- multiprocessor computer
- multiprogrammed computer
- multipurpose computer
- multiradix computer
- navigation computer
- net node computer
- networked computer
- N-node computer
- no-address computer
- node computer
- nonsequential computer
- nonstop computer
- non-von Neumann computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-the-shelf computer
- one-address computer
- one-and-half-address computer
- one-on-one computer
- one-purpose computer
- optical computer
- optical path computer
- original computer
- palm-size computer - parallel-processing computer
- parallel-serial computer
- parametric-electronic computer
- parametron computer
- pen-based computer
- pentop computer
- perihperal support computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pictorial computer
- pipeline computer
- plugboard computer
- plug-compatible computer
- plugged program computer
- pneumatic computer
- pocket computer
- Polish-string computer
- polynomial computer
- portable computer
- process control computer
- production control computer
- professional computer
- professional personal computer
- program-compatible computer
- program-controlled computer
- programmed computer
- punch-card computer
- rack-size computer
- radix two computer
- real-time computer
- recovering computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- reduction computer
- remote computer
- repetitive computer
- RISC computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second-generation computer
- secondhand computer
- self-adapting computer
- self-organizing computer
- self-programming computer
- self-repairing computer
- self-repair computer
- sensor-based computer
- sequence-controlled computer
- sequenced computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- service computer
- service-oriented computer
- SIMD computer
- simultaneous-operation computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-address computer
- single-board computer
- single-purpose computer
- single-user computer
- slave computer
- small computer
- small-powered computer
- small-scale computer
- small-size computer
- soft-compatible computer
- solid-state computer
- SOS computer
- source computer
- space computer
- spaceborne computer
- special-purpose computer
- special computer
- square-root computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standby computer
- statistical computer
- steering computer
- stored-program computer
- subscriber computer
- super computer
- superconductive computer
- superhigh-speed computer
- superpersonal computer
- superspeed computer
- supervisory computer
- switch-control computer
- switching computer
- symbolic computer
- synchronous computer
- synchronous tracking computer
- tagged computer
- talking computer
- target computer
- technical computer
- technical personal computer
- terminal computer
- terminal control computer
- ternary-transfer computer
- tessellated computer
- thermal computer
- thin-film memory computer
- third-generation computer
- three-address computer
- three-dimensional analog computer
- timeshared computer
- top level computer
- top-of-the-line computer
- toy computer
- training computer
- transformation computer
- transistorized computer
- transistor computer
- translating computer
- tridimensional analog computer
- trip computer
- truth-table computer
- Turing-type computer
- two-address computer
- ultrafast computer
- underlying computer
- user computer
- vacuum tube computer
- variable word-length computer
- very-high-speed computer
- video-and-cassette-based computer
- virtual computer
- von Neumann computer
- wearable computer
- weather computer
- wired-program computer
- word-oriented computer
- workgroup computer
- X-computer
- zero-address computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > computer
7 name
вчтимя || присваивать имя- block name
- brand name
- canonical name
- computer name
- data name
- data definition name
- device name
- field name
- file name
- full name
- fully qualified domain name
- login name
- process name
- range name
- record name
- reverse name
- root name
- short Pantone names
- symbolic name
- tag name
- trade name
- user name
- volume name -
8 name
вчт.имя || присваивать имя- block name
- brand name
- canonical name
- computer name
- data definition name
- data name
- device name
- field name
- file name
- full name
- fully qualified domain name
- login name
- process name
- range name
- record name
- reverse name
- root name
- short Pantone names
- symbolic name
- tag name
- trade name
- user name
- volume nameThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > name
9 manufacturer
ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərə сущ.
1) фабрикант, заводчик;
бизнесмен, предприниматель, промышленник Syn: factory-owner, factory owner
2) изготовитель, производитель aircraft manufacturer ≈ производитель самолетов automobile manufacturer амер., motorcar manufacturer брит. ≈ производитель машин clothing manufacturer ≈ производитель одежды computer manufacturer ≈ производитель компьютеров drug manufacturer ≈ производитель лекарств furniture manufacturer ≈ производитель мебели radio manufacturer ≈ производитель радиоприемников shoe manufacturer ≈ производитель обуви television manufacturer ≈ производитель телеаппаратуры фабрикант, заводчик;
промышленник, предприниматель изготовитель, производитель;
поставщик - *'s catalogue фирменный каталог предприятие обрабатывающей промышленности brand name ~ производитель товара с торговым знаком computer ~ вчт. фирма изготовитель ЭВМ large-scale ~ крупная фирма-изготовитель machinery ~ изготовитель оборудования manufacturer изготовитель, производитель ~ компания обрабатывающей промышленности ~ поставщик ~ производитель, предприниматель, фабрикант, заводчик, промышленник ~ фирма-изготовитель original equipment ~ фирма изготовитель комплектного оборудования software ~ вчт. фирма по разработке программного обеспечения sole ~ единственный производительБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > manufacturer
10 manufacturer
[ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərə]brand name manufacturer производитель товара с торговым знаком computer manufacturer вчт. фирма изготовитель ЭВМ large-scale manufacturer крупная фирма-изготовитель machinery manufacturer изготовитель оборудования manufacturer изготовитель, производитель manufacturer компания обрабатывающей промышленности manufacturer поставщик manufacturer производитель, предприниматель, фабрикант, заводчик, промышленник manufacturer фирма-изготовитель original equipment manufacturer фирма изготовитель комплектного оборудования software manufacturer вчт. фирма по разработке программного обеспечения sole manufacturer единственный производитель -
11 NBC
1) Компьютерная техника: No Boot Choice, Non Backwards Compatible2) Военный термин: Navy beach commando, Nuclear/Biological/Chemical, navigation bombing computer, nonbattle casualties, nuclear, biological and chemical, weapon of mass destruction, ОМП, оружие массового поражения3) Техника: nuclear, biological, and chemical environment4) Шутливое выражение: Nearly Bare Competitors, Never Be Current, New Bavarian Conspiracy, New Born Clown, No Body Checking, No Boxing Coverage, Nobody But Clinton, Nobody's Beyond Consideration, Nonexistent Biological And Chemical, Not Broadcasting Cartoons, Not Broadcasting Correctly, Nothing But Cleavage, Nothing But Clinton, Nothing But Commercials, Nothing But Communism, Nothing But Conservatives, Notoriously Biased Coverage, Now Bill Compatible, Now Brooks Company5) Химия: Not Biased Centered6) Ветеринария: National Broiler Council7) Грубое выражение: Nasty Butt Crap, Nothing But Crap8) Кино: Эн-би-си9) Политика: Negative Bush Coverage10) Телекоммуникации: ТВ-компания Эн-Би-Си11) Сокращение: National (US) Broadcasting Company, National Book Council, National Broadcasting Corporation, National Bus Company, Nuclear, Biological & Chemical (warfare), Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (terrorist threat), nuclear, biological and chemical warfare12) Текстиль: Name Brand Clothing13) Электроника: Narrow Band Combiner14) Вычислительная техника: National (US) Broadcasting Company (Corporate name)15) Пищевая промышленность: Nothing But Crabs16) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Nogliki base camp17) Американский английский: Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops18) Сетевые технологии: Net Briefing Center19) Полимеры: nickel dibutyldithiocarbamate20) Макаров: National Broadcasting Company21) Военно-политический термин: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons -
12 nbc
1) Компьютерная техника: No Boot Choice, Non Backwards Compatible2) Военный термин: Navy beach commando, Nuclear/Biological/Chemical, navigation bombing computer, nonbattle casualties, nuclear, biological and chemical, weapon of mass destruction, ОМП, оружие массового поражения3) Техника: nuclear, biological, and chemical environment4) Шутливое выражение: Nearly Bare Competitors, Never Be Current, New Bavarian Conspiracy, New Born Clown, No Body Checking, No Boxing Coverage, Nobody But Clinton, Nobody's Beyond Consideration, Nonexistent Biological And Chemical, Not Broadcasting Cartoons, Not Broadcasting Correctly, Nothing But Cleavage, Nothing But Clinton, Nothing But Commercials, Nothing But Communism, Nothing But Conservatives, Notoriously Biased Coverage, Now Bill Compatible, Now Brooks Company5) Химия: Not Biased Centered6) Ветеринария: National Broiler Council7) Грубое выражение: Nasty Butt Crap, Nothing But Crap8) Кино: Эн-би-си9) Политика: Negative Bush Coverage10) Телекоммуникации: ТВ-компания Эн-Би-Си11) Сокращение: National (US) Broadcasting Company, National Book Council, National Broadcasting Corporation, National Bus Company, Nuclear, Biological & Chemical (warfare), Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (terrorist threat), nuclear, biological and chemical warfare12) Текстиль: Name Brand Clothing13) Электроника: Narrow Band Combiner14) Вычислительная техника: National (US) Broadcasting Company (Corporate name)15) Пищевая промышленность: Nothing But Crabs16) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Nogliki base camp17) Американский английский: Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops18) Сетевые технологии: Net Briefing Center19) Полимеры: nickel dibutyldithiocarbamate20) Макаров: National Broadcasting Company21) Военно-политический термин: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons
См. также в других словарях:
name-brand — ˈname brand adjective [only before a noun] MARKETING a name brand product is made by and sold under the name of a well known company: • Some people will only buy name brand breakfast cereals. * * * name brand UK US adjective [before noun]… … Financial and business terms
Computer-assisted surgery — Intervention ICD 9 CM 00.3 Computer assisted surgery (CAS) represents a surgical concept and set of methods, that use computer technology for presurgical planning, and for guiding or performing surgical interventions. CAS is also known as… … Wikipedia
Computer assisted surgery — (CAS) represents a surgical concept and set of methods, that use computer technology for presurgical planning, and for guiding or performing surgical interventions. CAS is also known as computer aided surgery, computer assisted intervention,… … Wikipedia
Name — For other uses, see Name (disambiguation). Ceremonies, such as baptism, can be used to give names. A name is a word or term used for identification. Names can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a … Wikipedia
computer — computerlike, adj. /keuhm pyooh teuhr/, n. 1. Also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Cf. analog… … Universalium
Computer Lib — {|infobox Book name = Computer Lib / Dream Machines author = Ted Nelson cover artist = country = United States language = English genre = History publisher = Tempus Books of Microsoft Press release date = 1987 (originally 1974) media type = Print … Wikipedia
Name (disambiguation) — A name is a label for a thing, person, place, product (as in a brand name) and even an idea or concept, normally used to distinguish one from another. Contents 1 See particularly 2 Computing 3 Music 4 Other … Wikipedia
Computer City — Former type Subsidiary Fate Closed Founded 1981 Defunct 1998 … Wikipedia
Computer science — or computing science (abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. Computer scientists invent algorithmic… … Wikipedia
Computer Literacy Bookshops — was a local chain of bookstores selling primarily technical oriented books in Northern California. It was founded in 1983 in Sunnyvale, California, where its concentration in technical books fit well with its Silicon Valley customer base.… … Wikipedia
Computer-aided audit tools — Computer assisted audit techniques or computer aided audit tools (CAATS), also known as computer assisted audit tools and techniques (CAATTs), is a growing field within the financial audit profession. CAATTs is the practice of using computers to… … Wikipedia