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  • 1 भ्रातृ _bhrātṛ

    भ्रातृ m. [भ्राज्-तृच् पृषो˚; cf. Uṇ.2.96.]
    1 A brother.
    -2 An intimate friend or relation.
    -3 A near relative in general.
    -4 A term of friendly address (my good friend); भ्रातः कष्टमहो Bh.3.37;2.34; तत्त्वं चिन्तय तदिदं भ्रातः Moha M.3. -Dual. A brother and sister. [cf. L. frater; Zend bratar, Eng. brother.]
    -Comp. -गन्धि, -गन्धिक a. having only the name of a brother, a brother in mere name.
    -गन्धिकः, -गन्धिन् m. a brother in mere name; गत्वा चाह्वय सुग्रीव वालिनं भ्रातृगन्धिनम् Rām.4.12.13.
    -जः a brother's son.
    -जाया (also भ्रातुर्जाया) a brother's wife, a sister-in-law; अव्यापन्नामविहतगतिर्द्रक्ष्यसि भ्रातृजायाम् Me.1.
    -दत्तम् pro- perty given by a brother to a sister at the time of her marriage; मातृकं भ्रातृदत्तं वा स्तेना स्याद्यदि तं हरेत् Ms.9.92.
    -द्वितीया the second day of the bright half of Kārtika (when sisters invite their brothers to their houses and entertain them, who in their turn give them presents; the day seems to have been so called on account of Yamunā having entertained her brother Yama on that day; cf. यमद्वितीया).
    -पुत्रः (also भ्रातुष्पुत्रः) a brother's son. (
    -त्री) a niece.
    -वधूः a brother's wife.
    -भगिन्यौ a brother and sister.
    -श्वशुरः elder brother of the husband.
    -हत्या fratricide.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > भ्रातृ _bhrātṛ

  • 2 भ्रातृ

    m. (connection with bhṛi doubtful) a brother (often used to designate a near relative orᅠ an intimate friend, esp. as a term of friendly address) RV. etc. etc.;

    du. brother andᅠ sister Pāṇ. 1-2, 68. ;
    + cf. Zd. brātar;
    Gk. φράτηρ etc.;
    Lat. frater;
    Lith. broter-êlis;
    Slav. bratrû;
    Goth. brothar;
    Germ. bruoder, Bruder;
    Eng. brother

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > भ्रातृ

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