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  • block rate — noun 1. : a certain price charged for the first definite number of units (as of electricity) used : a successively lower price for each additional block used 2. : group rate …   Useful english dictionary

  • Block-rate structure —   An electric rates schedule with a provision for charging a different unit cost for various increasing blocks of demand for energy. A reduced rate may be charged on succeeding blocks.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s… …   Energy terms

  • Declining Block Rate —   An electricity supplier rate structure in which the per unit price of electricity decreases as the amount of energy increases. Normally only available to very large consumers …   Energy terms

  • Rate–distortion optimization — (also RDO or RD) is a method of improving video quality in video compression. The name refers to the optimization of the amount of distortion (loss of video quality) against the amount of data required to encode the video, the rate . While it is… …   Wikipedia

  • Block — (bl[o^]k), n. [OE. blok; cf. F. bloc (fr. OHG.), D. & Dan. blok, Sw. & G. block, OHG. bloch. There is also an OHG. bloch, biloh; bi by + the same root as that of E. lock. Cf. {Block}, v. t., {Blockade}, and see {Lock}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A piece… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Block printing — Block Block (bl[o^]k), n. [OE. blok; cf. F. bloc (fr. OHG.), D. & Dan. blok, Sw. & G. block, OHG. bloch. There is also an OHG. bloch, biloh; bi by + the same root as that of E. lock. Cf. {Block}, v. t., {Blockade}, and see {Lock}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Block system — Block Block (bl[o^]k), n. [OE. blok; cf. F. bloc (fr. OHG.), D. & Dan. blok, Sw. & G. block, OHG. bloch. There is also an OHG. bloch, biloh; bi by + the same root as that of E. lock. Cf. {Block}, v. t., {Blockade}, and see {Lock}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Block D — (Блок Д in Russian) is the upper stage of USSR/Russia heavy expendable launch systems, used for the N1 rocket, Proton rocket and Zenit rocket. There were plans to use it for some other rockets as well (project Air Launch).The stage (and its… …   Wikipedia

  • Rate–distortion theory — is a major branch of information theory which provides the theoretical foundations for lossy data compression; it addresses the problem of determining the minimal amount of entropy (or information) R that should be communicated over a channel, so …   Wikipedia

  • Block booking — is a system of selling multiple films to a theater as a unit. Block booking was the prevailing practice among Hollywood s major studios from the turn of the 1930s through the late 1940s, when it was outlawed by a Supreme Court decision. Under… …   Wikipedia

  • Block Error Rate —   [dt. Blockfehlerrate], Fehlerrate …   Universal-Lexikon

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