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  • 21 blackout

    1. [ʹblækaʋt] n
    1. театр. выключение света на сцене ( для эффектного окончания)
    2. 1) затемнение, светомаскировка
    2) временное отсутствие электрического освещения (во время аварии и т. п.)
    3) нарушение связи (тж. radio blackout)
    4) задержка показа телепрограммы (обыкн. спортивной)
    3. 1) временная потеря сознания; провал памяти
    2) временная слепота (лётчика при внезапном повороте и т. п.)
    4. 1) вымарка, исключение из текста
    2) запрет на публикацию сообщений

    there was a complete blackout on today's discussions - на публикацию сообщений о сегодняшних переговорах наложен полный запрет

    3) прекращение, приостановка

    newspaper blackout - невыход газет; забастовка печатников

    5. воен. жарг. чёрный кофе
    6. физ. гашение ( луча)
    2. [ʹblækaʋt] a
    1. затемнённый
    2. амер. засекреченный

    blackout dial - фосфоресцирующий циферблат

    НБАРС > blackout

  • 22 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) strømafbrydelse; mørklægning
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) mørklægning; sendeforbud
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) bevidsthedstab; black out
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) klappen går ned
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) strømafbrydelse
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) lysslukning; black out
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) strømafbrydelse; mørklægning
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) mørklægning; sendeforbud
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) bevidsthedstab; black out
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) klappen går ned
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) strømafbrydelse
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) lysslukning; black out

    English-Danish dictionary > blackout

  • 23 blackout

    n. strömavbrott, avbrott; mörkläggning, släckning; tillfällig medvetslöshet
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) mörkläggning
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) mörkläggning
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) blackout, tillfällig medvetslöshet
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) blackout, tillfällig minnesförlust
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) elavbrott
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) släckning av scenbelysningen

    English-Swedish dictionary > blackout

  • 24 blackout

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > blackout

  • 25 blackout

    гфз. блэкаут, аномальное поглощение волн в ионосфере Земли
    @auroral blackout
    блэкаут зоны полярных сияний
    @polar blackout
    полярный блэкаут
    @polar-cap blackout
    блэкаут полярной шапки

    English-Russian astronomy dictionary > blackout

  • 26 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) myrkvun
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) bann
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) tímabundið óminni
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > blackout

  • 27 blackout

    pillanatnyi eszméletvesztés, elsötétítés
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) elsötétítés
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) hírzárlat
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) eszméletvesztés
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) pillanatnyi memóriazavar v. emlékezetkihagyás
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) áramszünet
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) elsötétítés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > blackout

  • 28 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) quebra de electricidade
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) supressão
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) perda de consciência
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blackout

  • 29 blackout

    n. karartma, kararm; bayılma, kendinden geçme; yayının kesilmesi; örtbas etme, gizli tutma
    v. karartmak, kendinden geçmek, bayılmak, kendini kaybetmek
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) karartma
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) yasaklama
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) bayılma, baygınlık, kendinden geçme
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) hafıza kaybı
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) elektrik kesilmesi
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) sahne ışıklarını söndürme

    English-Turkish dictionary > blackout

  • 30 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) izpad toka, zatemnitev
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) prekinitev
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) globoka nezavest
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) luknja v spominu
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) zatemnitev
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) zatemnitev

    English-Slovenian dictionary > blackout

  • 31 blackout

    • ajatuskatko
    • radiopimennys
    • katkos (ATK)
    • sammutus
    • sähkökatkos
    • pimennys
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) pimennys, katkos
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) pimennys
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) tajunnanmenetys
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > blackout

  • 32 blackout

    ( in wartime) zaciemnienie nt; ( power cut) przerwa f w dostawie energii elektrycznej; (TV, RADIO) zagłuszanie nt; ( faint) (krótkotrwała) utrata f przytomności
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) zaciemnienie
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) zakaz publikacji
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) czasowa utrata przytomności
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) zamroczenie
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) przerwa w dopływie prądu
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) wygaszenie

    English-Polish dictionary > blackout

  • 33 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) aptumšošana
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) (ziņu publicēšanas) aizliegums
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) samaņas zaudēšana
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) (īslaicīga) prāta aptumšošanās
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) elektriskās strāvas izslēgšana (bojājuma dēļ)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) (skatuves gaismu) izslēgšana

    English-Latvian dictionary > blackout

  • 34 blackout

    краткотрајна амнезија, бесвест
    * * *
    n. 1. замрачување; a total blackout тотално замрачување;
    2. (mil.) светлосно маскирање;
    3. прекин на работата на сите радиостаници;
    4. онесвестување; бриши; n 1. замрачување; a total blackout тотално замрачување;
    2. (mil.) светлосно маскирање;
    3. прекин на работата на сите радиостаници;
    4. онесвестување; бриши black

    English-Macedonian dictionary > blackout

  • 35 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) užtemdymas
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) įslaptinimas
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) sąmonės praradimas
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) proto užtemimas
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) elektros srovės nutrūkimas
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) scenos šviesų užgesimas/išjungimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > blackout

  • 36 blackout

    К наиболее известным авариям такого рода относятся:
    1) Авария 9 ноября 1965, в результате которой сначала отключился район г. Нью-Йорка, затем "затемнение" распространилось на весь Северо-Восток США (от г. Вашингтона на север, включая две канадских провинции). Авария, начавшаяся в вечерний час пик, "заперла" на несколько часов несколько десятков людей в лифтах небоскребов [ skyscraper], привела к хаосу в уличном движении. Нью-йоркцы отреагировали на эту аварию, проявив сплоченность и стихийную организованность. Авария породила множество слухов о ее причинах, в том числе о "вмешательстве летающих тарелок"
    тж Great Northeast Blackout of 1965
    2) Авария в жаркий августовский вечер 1977, которая затронула только г. Нью-Йорк, и привела к массовым грабежам магазинов в районах бедноты и прилегающих к ним районах (Южный Бронкс [ South Bronx], Северный Манхэттен [ Upper Manhattan] и Бедфорд-Стайвесант [ Bedford-Stuyvesant] в Бруклине).
    3) Похожая авария имела место во многих штатах Северо-Востока и Канаде 14 августа 2003, но обошлась без паники

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > blackout

  • 37 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) výpadek proudu
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) zastavení, přerušení, zákaz
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) (přechodná) ztráta vědomí
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) (přechodná) ztráta paměti
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) výpadek proudu
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) zhasnutí/vypnutí jeištních světel
    * * *
    • zatemňující
    • zatemnění
    • ztráta vědomí

    English-Czech dictionary > blackout

  • 38 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) výpadok prúdu
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) zákaz
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) strata vedomia
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) krátkodobá strata (vedomia, pamäte), okno
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) dočasné vyradenie z činnosti
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) zhasnutie, vypnutie svetiel na javisku
    * * *
    • zatemnit
    • zatemnenie
    • strata vedomia

    English-Slovak dictionary > blackout

  • 39 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) pană de curent
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) interzicere (a ştirilor)
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) pierdere a cunoştinţei
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > blackout

  • 40 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) συσκότιση
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) απαγόρευση ειδήσεων
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) λιποθυμία
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) σκοτοδίνη
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) διακοπή ρεύματος
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) (στο θέατρο) σβήσιμο των φώτων στο τέλος σκηνής

    English-Greek dictionary > blackout

См. также в других словарях:

  • Blackout — may refer to:Loss of light, power, or communications * Power outage, a large scale disruption in electric power supply * Rolling blackout, an intentionally engineered power outage caused by insufficient resources to meet electricity demands *… …   Wikipedia

  • Blackout! — Studio album by Method Man Redman Released September 28, 1999 …   Wikipedia

  • Blackout — может означать: Авария в энергосистеме (Blackout)  массовое отключение электричества. Blackout  альбом Бритни Спирс (2007). Blackout  альбом X Fusion (2002). Blackout  альбом группы Dominion (1998). Blackout альбом… …   Википедия

  • Blackout — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Blackout puede referirse a: Blackout, un álbum de Britney Spears. Blackout, un álbum de Scorpions. Blackout, una banda de rock chilena. Blackout, una canción de Muse. Blackout, un decepticon de la serie Transformers …   Wikipedia Español

  • Blackout ! 2 — Blackout! 2 Album par Method Man Redman Sortie 19 mai 2009 Enregistrement 2008 2009 Durée 57:48 Genre(s) Rap East Coast …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Blackout ! — Blackout ! Album par Method Man Redman Sortie 28 septembre 1999 Enregistrement 1998 1999 Durée 70:52 Genre Hip Hop East …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Blackout! 2 — Album par Method Man Redman Sortie 19 mai 2009 Enregistrement 2008 2009 Durée 57:48 Genre Rap East Coast Hi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • blackout — lackout n. 1. a suspension of radio or tv broadcasting. [WordNet 1.5] 2. any darkness resulting from the extinction of lights. [WordNet 1.5] 3. the failure of electric power for a general region sufficient to extinguish all normal lighting. Syn …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blackout — UK US /ˈblækaʊt/ noun [C] ► a period of time when a service, product, etc. is not available: »Pay per view returned after a three year blackout. »A media blackout was imposed the day after the riots. → Compare BROWNOUT(Cf. ↑brownout) …   Financial and business terms

  • Blackout — Blackout: Das Substantiv wurde in der 2. Hälfte des 20. Jh.s aus dem Engl. übernommen, wo es zunächst in der Bedeutung »Verdunkelung, besonders als Maßnahme gegen Luftangriffe« (zu black »schwarz« und out »völlig, total«) gebräuchlich ist. In der …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • blackout — ► NOUN 1) a period when all lights must be turned out to prevent them being seen by the enemy during an air raid. 2) a sudden failure or dimming of electric lights. 3) a temporary loss of consciousness. 4) an official suppression of information:… …   English terms dictionary

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