1 be
be a threat to a country's economic independence — становити (собою) загрозу економічній незалежності країни, загрожувати економічній незалежності держави
be a threat to a country's sovereignty — становити (собою) загрозу національному суверенітету, загрожувати національному суверенітету
be abdicant of responsibilities — знімати з себе відповідальність; нехтувати своїми обов'язками
be appointed with the advice and consent — (of Parliament, etc.) призначатися за рекомендацією і згодою ( парламенту тощо)
be arrested while in attendance — бути заарештованим за порушення парламентського імунітету під час присутності ( на засіданні законодавчого органу), підлягати арешту на засіданні законодавчого органу
be brought to punishment for crime — = be brought to punishment for one's crime понести покарання за злочин
be brought to punishment for one's crime — = be brought to punishment for crime
be called as a witness for the defence — = be called as a witness for the defense викликатися в якості свідка захисту
be called as a witness for the defense — = be called as a witness for the defence
be disqualified from membership — ( of parliament) лишитися місця ( у парламенті) (про особу), не мати права бути членом ( парламенту)
be elected on the second ballot — = be elected on the second balloting бути обраним у другому турі виборів
be elected on the second balloting — = be elected on the second ballot
be engaged in activities that may endanger national security — займатися діяльність, що становить небезпеку для національної безпеки
be engaged in criminal activity — = be engaged in criminal activities займатися злочинною діяльністю
be engaged in criminal activities — = be engaged in criminal activity
be exempt from the jurisdiction of the receiving state — не підпадати під юрисдикцію держави-господаря
be involved in criminal activity — = be involved in criminal activities займатися злочинною діяльністю
be involved in criminal activities — = be involved in criminal activity
be of a recommendatory character — = be of a recommendatory nature мати рекомендаційний характер
be put in double jeopardy for the same offence — = be put in double jeopardy for the same offense судити двічі за один і той же злочин ( про злочинця)
be put in double jeopardy for the same offense — = be put in double jeopardy for the same offence
be released on an undertaking not to leave — ( a city) звільнятися під підписку про невиїзд ( з міста)
be subject to arbitrary judgement — = be subject to arbitrary judgment піддаватися довільному засудженню
be subject to arbitrary judgment — = be subject to arbitrary judgement
be subject to close control by legislation — = be subject to close control by legislation the courts підлягати суворому контролю з боку законодавчого органу (судів)
be subject to close control by legislation the courts — = be subject to close control by legislation
be subject to mandatory retirement at a fixed age — підлягати обов'язковому виходу у відставку (на пенсію) після досягнення визначеного віку
be subject to the discretion of the court — вирішуватися судом; віддаватися на розсуд суду
be tried twice for the same offence — = be tried twice for the same offence offense судити двічі за один і той же злочин ( про злочинця)
- be brought before a courtbe tried twice for the same offence offense — = be tried twice for the same offence
- be brought before a magistrate
- be effective as law
- be punished on an indictment
- be shaken on cross-examination
- be a fugitive from justice
- be a judge
- be a lawyer
- be a party to a crime
- be a representative
- be a violation
- be about to commit an offence
- be about to commit an offense
- be above the law
- be absent
- be absent from court
- be absent from duty
- be absent from work
- be accountable
- be accused
- be accused of bribe-taking
- be accused of high treason
- be actionable
- be actionable on proof
- be admitted to bail
- be admitted to citizenship
- be admitted to the bar
- be affixed
- be allowed as evidence
- be allowed in evidence
- be ambushed
- be answerable
- be appointed by the president
- be appointed a judge
- be approved by the legislature
- be armed
- be arrested en masse
- be at fault
- be at law
- be at quarrel
- be at the Bar
- be at the crime scene
- be at war
- be authorized by the situation
- be aware
- be aware of a risk
- be aware of one's rights
- be aware of the crime
- be based
- be behind bars
- be beneath one's dignity
- be biased
- be booked for speeding
- be born in lawful wedlock
- be brought to court for trial
- be brought up
- be brought up to one's trial
- be called to the Bar
- be called upon to testify
- be cast in lawsuit
- be censored
- be chairman
- be chairwoman
- be charged
- be charged on the article
- be charged with high treason
- be confirmed
- be considered an authority
- be constitutionally based
- be convicted of murder
- be criminally liable
- be debated
- be deemed harmful to health
- be defeated in elections
- be defined by law
- be deprived
- be deprived of legal validity
- be deprived of privileges
- be detained in one's home
- be discussed
- be dislocated
- be dispossessed
- be divorced
- be down for a speech
- be educated
- be educated in law
- be elected
- be elected by direct ballot
- be elected for a second term
- be elected President
- be eligible
- be eligible for an amnesty
- be eligible for consideration
- be engaged
- be engaged in prostitution
- be entangled by intrigue
- be entitled
- be entitled to an attorney
- be entitled to benefit
- be entitled to speak and vote
- be equal before the law
- be equal in rights
- be equally authentic
- be exact in one's payments
- be exempt from control
- be exempted from taxation
- be expert with a revolver
- be fined for speeding
- be found guilty
- be found guilty on all counts
- be found not guilty
- be free from forced marriage
- be given a clearance
- be given security clearance
- be governed
- be guaranteed against loss
- be guided
- be guilty
- be guilty of murder
- be head
- be heard by counsel
- be heard in one's defence
- be heard in one's defense
- be heavily taxed
- be held legally responsible
- be held liable
- be high on drugs
- be hurtful to the health
- be ignorant
- be immune
- be immune from attachment
- be immune from execution
- be immune from jurisdiction
- be immune from prosecution
- be immune from requisition
- be immune from search
- be implicated in a case
- be implicated in a crime
- be in a mora
- be in abeyance
- be in accordance with the law
- be in arrear
- be in arrears
- be in breach
- be in charge
- be in charge of a department
- be in conference
- be in continuous session
- be in control of one's actions
- be in control of the territory
- be in custody
- be in debt
- be in default
- be in dispute
- be in exile
- be in foster care
- be in hiding
- be in hock
- be in jail
- be in jeopardy
- be in office
- be in on a racket
- be in possession
- be in power
- be in prison
- be in protest
- be in session
- be in the chair
- be in the clear
- be in the committee
- be in the dock
- be in the majority
- be in the minority
- be in the possession
- be in trouble
- be in trouble with the law
- be inaugurated as president
- be incited
- be included in a commission
- be included in the amnesty
- be innocent of the crime
- be inspired
- be instigated
- be instructed in law
- be interdicted by law
- be involved
- be implicated in a case
- be implicated in the crime
- be legally entitled
- be legally obligated
- be legally responsible
- be levied with a tax
- be liable
- be liable to smth.
- be liable civilly
- be liable criminally
- be liable for confiscation
- be liable for punishment
- be liable for tax
- be liable to prosecution
- be made known
- be made widely known
- be morally bankrupt
- be number one on the hit list
- be of a recommendatory nature
- be of counsel
- be of full age
- be of legal age
- be of little legal consequence
- be of provocative character
- be on a death row
- be on a tour of inspection
- be on all fours
- be on charge
- be on duty
- be on leave
- be on one's trail
- be on patrol
- be on picket
- be on remand
- be on the downward path
- be on the floor
- be on the force
- be on the run
- be on the staff
- be on the stakeout
- be on the take
- be on the track
- be on the wanted circular
- be on the wanted list
- be operating illegally
- be out of court
- be out of it
- be out of uniform
- be out of work
- be out
- be outlawed
- be outside the reference
- be outvoted
- be persecuted
- be personally liable
- be placed in the dock
- be placed into the dock
- be placed under surveillance
- be popularly elected
- be prejudiced
- be present at the death
- be present at the hearing
- be privately owned
- be privileged from arrest
- be proctorized
- be prohibited by law
- be proscribed by law
- be prosecutable by law
- be prosecuted
- be proxy
- be pulled in for speeding
- be punishable
- be put in the dock
- be put into the dock
- be put on parole
- be put on trial
- be qualified for membership
- be raised to the bench
- be re-elected
- be received in audience
- be regulated
- be rehabilitated
- be released at large
- be released from prison
- be remiss in duties
- be responsible
- be rounded up
- be seised of an issue
- be sent on an embassy
- be sentenced to death
- be sentenced to life
- be served with a summons
- be sought for murder
- be steeped in crime
- be struck off the list
- be struck off the records
- be subject
- be subject to a rule
- be subject to an interception
- be subject to call
- be subject to control
- be subject to law
- be subject to licence
- be subject to license
- be subject to limitations
- be subject to penalty
- be subject to punishment
- be subject to qualifications
- be subject to ratification
- be subject to review
- be subject to sanction
- be subject to the supervision
- be subject to torture
- be subjected to censorship
- be subjected to discrimination
- be subjected to interrogation
- be subjected to penalty
- be subjected to persecution
- be subjected to reprisals
- be subjected to repressions
- be subjected to victimization
- be subordinate only to the law
- be subversive of discipline
- be sued
- be sued civilly
- be suspected
- be taxed
- be tortured to death
- be trained in law
- be trapped
- be treated as a crime
- be tried
- be under cognizance
- be under a ban
- be under a cloud
- be under a suspicion
- be under accusation
- be under age
- be under an accusation
- be under arrest
- be under constant surveillance
- be under debate
- be under discussion
- be under examination
- be under indictment
- be under investigation
- be under legal age
- be under surveillance
- be under suspicion
- be under the control
- be under the effect of alcohol
- be under the jurisdiction
- be unopposed in the election
- be unopposed in the elections
- be valid
- be valid for a certain period
- be vested in the people
- be vicariously liable
- be victimized
- be well versed in law
- be widely defined
- be within cognizance
- be without appeal
- be without further appeal
- be wrong -
2 land
1) земля (в т. ч. адмін.-терит. одиниця в Австрії і ФРН); країна, держава; земельна власність, нерухомість2) опинятися; спіймати ( злочинця тощо); повертати ( втікача до в'язниці тощо)•- land acquisitionland owned by local authorities — земля, що знаходиться у володінні місцевих властей
- land-agent
- land and buildings
- land assessment
- land bank
- land-based pollution
- land behind bars
- land cadaster
- land cadastre
- land carrier
- land certificate
- land charge
- land charges
- land charges act
- land charges law
- land charges register
- land code
- land contract
- land court
- land damages
- land dispute
- land domain
- land entitlement
- land forces
- land fraud
- land frontier
- land holder
- land in prison
- land jobber
- land law
- land laws
- land-locked
- land-locked country
- land mortgage
- land next to a home
- land office
- land ownership
- land parceling
- land parcelling
- land patent
- land possession
- land power
- land privatization
- land records
- land reform
- land register
- land register number
- land registration
- land registration act
- land registration law
- land registration endorsement
- land registration system
- land registry
- land registry certificate
- land registry office
- land rent
- land speculation
- land speculator
- land surveyor
- land tax
- land taxation
- land tenure
- land tribunal
- land use
- land use map
- land-use system
- land utilization
- land-utilization system
- land valuation
- land valuation officer
- land value
- land value tax
- land value taxation
- land waiter -
3 put
2) робити ( пропозицію); вкладати ( гроші); призначати ( ціну); обкладати ( податком)•put a draft resolution to the vote — ставити проект постанови ( резолюції) на голосування
put a wrong construction on action — = put a wrong construction on smb.'s action неправильно тлумачити вчинок ( когось)
put a wrong construction on smb.'s action — = put a wrong construction on action
put the adversary on his onus probandi — = put the adversary on her onus probandi перекладати тягар доведення на супротивну сторону
put the adversary on her onus probandi — = put the adversary on his onus probandi
- put a law in effect. operationput through a cross-examination — влаштовувати перехресний допит, піддавати перехресному допиту
- put a resolution to vote
- put a stop
- put a straitjacket
- put an action
- put an end
- put an end to repressions
- put an end to reprisals
- put an instrument in suit
- put an obligation
- put an offender away
- put and call
- put and refusal
- put arguments before the court
- put behind bars
- put character in issue
- put difficulties
- put down
- put down a mutiny
- put down a revolt
- put down political opposition
- put down to inexperience
- put forth
- put forth an ultimatum
- put forward
- put forward a draft resolution
- put forward a version
- put forward an argument
- put forward claims
- put forward demands
- put forward political demands
- put forward territorial claims
- put in
- put in a caveat
- put in a claim
- put in a motion
- put in a petition
- put in a plea
- put in a request
- put in a solicitation
- put in an application
- put in danger
- put in double jeopardy
- put in evidence
- put in fear
- put in force
- put in issue
- put in jail
- put in possession
- put in requisition
- put in the dock
- put in the position
- put into a straitjacket
- put into action
- put into jail
- put into prison
- put moratorium
- put obstacles
- put off
- put off election
- put off elections
- put off guard
- put off the final decision
- put on a fizzer
- put on oath
- put on probation
- put on the grill
- put on the stand
- put on trail
- put on trial
- put oneself above the law
- put option
- put out of action
- put out of court
- put pressure on a suspect
- put pressure on a witness
- put pressure upon a witness
- put responsibility
- put signature
- put the blame
- put the law
- put the motion to vote
- put the party under oath
- put the public in fear
- put through the wringer
- put to a claim
- put to death
- put to sleep
- put to smth.
- put to the chair
- put to torture
- put to tortures
- put to trial
- put to use
- put to vote
- put under a ban
- put under an obligation
- put under arrest
- put under observation
- put under recognizance
- put under restraint
- put under surveillance
- put up
- put up armed resistance
- put-up job
- put up resistance
- put up to a crime
- put up to commit a crime
- put upon trial
- put veto
См. также в других словарях:
behind bars — adjective In jail or prison. There is one kind of prison where the man is behind bars, and everything that he desires is outside; and there is another kind where the things are behind the bars, and the man is outside … Wiktionary
behind bars — In prison • • • Main Entry: ↑bar * * * behind bars phrase in prison The five men could spend up to 12 years behind bars. Thesaurus: spending time in prisonhyponym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
behind bars — {adv. phr.} In jail; in prison. * /He was a pickpocket and had spent many years behind bars./ * /That boy is always in trouble and will end up behind bars./ … Dictionary of American idioms
behind bars — {adv. phr.} In jail; in prison. * /He was a pickpocket and had spent many years behind bars./ * /That boy is always in trouble and will end up behind bars./ … Dictionary of American idioms
behind bars — When someone is behind bars, they are in prison … The small dictionary of idiomes
Prison rape (United States) — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. According to Human Rights Watch, at least 140,000 inmates are raped each year, [cite web url = http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/prison/report.html title … Wikipedia
Prison rape in the United States — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. In 2001, Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 140,000 inmates had been raped while incarcerated. [1] and there is a significant variation in the… … Wikipedia
Prison officer — Finnish Prison Officer Occupation Names Correctional officer, corrections officer, detention officer Activity sectors Law enforcement … Wikipedia
Prison Fellowship International — (PFI) is an international non governmental organisation (NGO) of national Prison Fellowship (PF) organisations from 112 countries. Primary Mission To mobilise and assist the Christian community in its ministry to prisoners, ex prisoners, victims … Wikipedia
behind bars — ► behind bars in prison. Main Entry: ↑bar … English terms dictionary
behind bars — When someone is behind bars, they are in prison. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** Someone who is behind bars is in prison. If you hang around with that gang, you ll find yourself behind bars in no time! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions