1 bar
адвокатура* * *n. 1. шипка;2. препрека; брана; бариера; a bar to success препрека на среќата;3. табла; a bar of chocolate табла од чоколадо; a bar of soap парче сапун;4. преграда во суд зад која се судиите и обвинетети;5. (legal) the bar адвокатска комора; (Br.) to be called to the bar да се биде признат за адвокат; 6. (mus.) тактна цртичка; 7. (Am., mil. знак на разликување; to get one's bars добивање на чин на потпоручник; 8. (in pl) решетки; prison bars затворски решетки; behind bars зад решетки; bar II a коморски; a bar examination коморски испит; bar III v tr затворање со сурне; to bar a door затворање на врата со резе; all exits are barred сите излези се затворени; bar IV n1.кафеана, бар; he stopped at a bar застанал во некоја кафена;2. шанк; to drink at the bar пиење на шанк; bar V prep (often Br.) see barring; bar none без исклучокn. шипка;2. резе; (прен.) пречка;3. (pl.) решетка;4. плитак, песочен гребен (под вода);5. (the bar) адвокатураv. затвора со резе;2. преградува;3. забранува, исклучува, изостава; пречка;
См. также в других словарях:
behind bars — adjective In jail or prison. There is one kind of prison where the man is behind bars, and everything that he desires is outside; and there is another kind where the things are behind the bars, and the man is outside … Wiktionary
behind bars — In prison • • • Main Entry: ↑bar * * * behind bars phrase in prison The five men could spend up to 12 years behind bars. Thesaurus: spending time in prisonhyponym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
behind bars — {adv. phr.} In jail; in prison. * /He was a pickpocket and had spent many years behind bars./ * /That boy is always in trouble and will end up behind bars./ … Dictionary of American idioms
behind bars — {adv. phr.} In jail; in prison. * /He was a pickpocket and had spent many years behind bars./ * /That boy is always in trouble and will end up behind bars./ … Dictionary of American idioms
behind bars — When someone is behind bars, they are in prison … The small dictionary of idiomes
Prison rape (United States) — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. According to Human Rights Watch, at least 140,000 inmates are raped each year, [cite web url = http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/prison/report.html title … Wikipedia
Prison rape in the United States — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. In 2001, Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 140,000 inmates had been raped while incarcerated. [1] and there is a significant variation in the… … Wikipedia
Prison officer — Finnish Prison Officer Occupation Names Correctional officer, corrections officer, detention officer Activity sectors Law enforcement … Wikipedia
Prison Fellowship International — (PFI) is an international non governmental organisation (NGO) of national Prison Fellowship (PF) organisations from 112 countries. Primary Mission To mobilise and assist the Christian community in its ministry to prisoners, ex prisoners, victims … Wikipedia
behind bars — ► behind bars in prison. Main Entry: ↑bar … English terms dictionary
behind bars — When someone is behind bars, they are in prison. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** Someone who is behind bars is in prison. If you hang around with that gang, you ll find yourself behind bars in no time! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions