1 bar
1. noun1) (a rod or oblong piece (especially of a solid substance): a gold bar; a bar of chocolate; iron bars on the windows.) barra; tableta; barrote, reja2) (a broad line or band: The blue material had bars of red running through it.) barra, franja3) (a bolt: a bar on the door.) tranca4) (a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold: a snack bar; Your whisky is on the bar.) barra, mostrador5) (a public house.) bar6) (a measured division in music: Sing the first ten bars.) compás7) (something which prevents (something): His carelessness is a bar to his promotion.) impedimento, obstáculo8) (the rail at which the prisoner stands in court: The prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.) banquillo
2. verb1) (to fasten with a bar: Bar the door.) atrancar2) (to prevent from entering: He's been barred from the club.) prohibir/negar el paso/la entrada, excluir de3) (to prevent (from doing something): My lack of money bars me from going on holiday.) impedir, imposibilitar
3. preposition(except: All bar one of the family had measles.) excepto, con excepción de- barmaid- barman
- bar code
bar1 n1. barra / barrote / tranca2. barra / pastilla / tableta3. barbar2 vb1. atrancar2. bloquear
bar sustantivo masculino ( local) bar; ( mueble) liquor cabinet (AmE), drinks cabinet (BrE)
bar sustantivo masculino bar, pub En el Reino Unido la palabra pub se aplica a cualquier establecimiento autorizado a servir cerveza, vino y otras bebidas alcohólicas. Por tanto, no es necesariamente lo mismo que un pub español y puede traducirse por taberna, bar, etc. Formalmente, es abreviación de public house y en Estados Unidos se llama bar.
' bar' also found in these entries: Spanish: ambientar - ambientada - ambientado - bajar - barra - barrote - cafetería - camarera - camarero - cantina - cervecería - chingana - chocolatina - colegio - compás - doblar - encima - espaciador - ganarse - hispana - hispano - jabón - lingote - listón - lonchería - merendero - mesón - mesonera - mesonero - mostrador - pastilla - pedir - pub - taberna - tablao - tableta - tasca - terraza - topless - tranca - whiskería - animación - atrancar - banco - bodega - boliche - cada - café - casa - céntrico English: association - bar - bar chart - bar code - buffet - colour bar - counter - dive - dump - football - local - lounge bar - overcrowded - people - pub - saloon - saloon bar - snack bar - some - space bar - tatty - topless - watering hole - beer - café - cocktail - cross - inside - liquor - publican - public - rail - rod - scroll - seedy - sleazy - snack - straight - tool - towel - welcoming - winetr[bɑːSMALLr/SMALL]1 (iron, gold) barra2 (prison) barrote nombre masculino3 (soap) pastilla4 (chocolate) tableta5 (on door) tranca6 (gymnastics) barra7 (obstacle) obstáculo, traba8 (counter) barra, mostrador nombre masculino9 (room) bar nombre masculino10 (of colour, light) franja11 (in court) tribunal nombre masculino■ the prisoner at the bar el acusado, la acusada1 (door) atrancar; (road, access) cortar2 (ban) prohibir, vedar; (from a place) excluir, prohibir la entrada3 (prevent) impedir1 excepto, salvo■ they all came, bar his parents acudieron todos, excepto sus padres1 SMALLLAW/SMALL el colegio de abogados\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLbar none sin excepciónbehind bars entre rejasto bar somebody from doing something prohibir a alguien que haga algoto be called to the bar ser admitido,-a al ejercicio de la abogacíato summon to the bar hacer comparecer delante del tribunalasymmetrical bars barras nombre femenino plural asimétricasbar billiards billar nombre masculinobar chart gráfica estadísticabar line (in music) barra1) obstruct: obstruir, bloquear2) exclude: excluir3) prohibit: prohibir4) secure: atrancar, asegurarbar the door!: ¡atranca la puerta!bar n1) : barra f, barrote m (de una ventana), tranca f (de una puerta)2) barrier: barrera f, obstáculo m3) law: abogacía f4) stripe: franja f5) counter: mostrador m, barra f6) tavern: bar m, taberna fbar prep1) : excepto, con excepción de2)bar none : sin excepciónn.• bar s.m.• barra s.f.• batayola s.f.• foro s.m.• impedimento s.m.• mostrador s.m.• reja s.f.• taberna s.f.• tasca s.f.• tranca s.f.• tranquilla s.f.• tribunal s.m.v.• atrancar v.• barrear v.• impedir v.• obstruir v.• prohibir v.• trancar v.
I bɑːr, bɑː(r)1)a) (rod, rail) barra f; (- on cage, window) barrote m, barra f; (- on door) tranca fto put somebody/to be behind bars — meter a alguien/estar* entre rejas
b) ( of electric fire) (BrE) resistencia f2)a) ( Sport) ( crossbar) ( in soccer) larguero m, travesaño m; ( in rugby) travesaño m; ( in high jump) barra f or (Esp) listón m; ( horizontal bar) barra f (fija)b) ( in ballet) barra f3) ( block) barra fbar of chocolate — barra f or tableta f de chocolate
bar of soap — pastilla f or (CS) barra f de jabón
4)a) ( establishment) bar m; ( counter) barra f, mostrador mb) ( stall) puesto mheel bar — (BrE) puesto de reparación rápida de calzado
5) ( Law)a)the Bar — ( legal profession) (AmE) la abogacía; ( barristers) (BrE) el conjunto de barristers
to be called to the Bar — (BrE) obtener* el título de barrister
b) ( in court) banquillo mthe prisoner at the bar — el acusado, la acusada
6) ( Mus) compás m7) ( impediment)bar to something — obstáculo m or impedimento m para algo
8) (band of light, color) franja f
1) ( secure) \<\<door/window\>\> atrancar*, trancar*2) ( block) \<\<path/entrance\>\> bloqueara tree was barring our way — un árbol nos cortaba or bloqueaba or impedía el paso
3) ( prohibit) \<\<smoking/jeans\>\> prohibir*
preposition salvo, excepto, a or con excepción de
I [bɑː(r)]1. N1) (=piece) [of wood, metal] barra f ; [of soap] pastilla f ; [of chocolate] tableta f2) (=lever) palanca f ; (on electric fire) resistencia f ; [of window, cage etc] reja f ; (on door) tranca f3) (=hindrance) obstáculo m (to para)4) (=ban) prohibición f (on de)5) (=pub) bar m, cantina f (esp LAm); (=counter) barra f, mostrador m6) (Jur)the Bar — (=persons) el colegio de abogados; (=profession) la abogacía, la Barra (Mex)
the prisoner at the bar — el/la acusado(-a)
read 2., 4)to be called or (US) admitted to the Bar — recibirse de abogado, ingresar en la abogacía
7) (Brit) (Mus) (=measure, rhythm) compás m2. VT1) (=obstruct) [+ way] obstruir2) (=prevent) [+ progress] impedir4) (=fasten) [+ door, window] atrancar3.CPDbar billiards N — (Brit) billar m americano
bar food N — (=pub food) comida f de pub
bar girl * N — (US) camarera f de barra
bar graph N — (esp US) gráfico m de barras
to go for a bar meal — ir a comer al pub
[bɑː(r)]PREP salvo, con excepción deall bar two — todos salvo or con excepción de dos
it was all over bar the shouting — (fig) en realidad ya estaba concluido el asunto
* * *
I [bɑːr, bɑː(r)]1)a) (rod, rail) barra f; (- on cage, window) barrote m, barra f; (- on door) tranca fto put somebody/to be behind bars — meter a alguien/estar* entre rejas
b) ( of electric fire) (BrE) resistencia f2)a) ( Sport) ( crossbar) ( in soccer) larguero m, travesaño m; ( in rugby) travesaño m; ( in high jump) barra f or (Esp) listón m; ( horizontal bar) barra f (fija)b) ( in ballet) barra f3) ( block) barra fbar of chocolate — barra f or tableta f de chocolate
bar of soap — pastilla f or (CS) barra f de jabón
4)a) ( establishment) bar m; ( counter) barra f, mostrador mb) ( stall) puesto mheel bar — (BrE) puesto de reparación rápida de calzado
5) ( Law)a)the Bar — ( legal profession) (AmE) la abogacía; ( barristers) (BrE) el conjunto de barristers
to be called to the Bar — (BrE) obtener* el título de barrister
b) ( in court) banquillo mthe prisoner at the bar — el acusado, la acusada
6) ( Mus) compás m7) ( impediment)bar to something — obstáculo m or impedimento m para algo
8) (band of light, color) franja f
1) ( secure) \<\<door/window\>\> atrancar*, trancar*2) ( block) \<\<path/entrance\>\> bloqueara tree was barring our way — un árbol nos cortaba or bloqueaba or impedía el paso
3) ( prohibit) \<\<smoking/jeans\>\> prohibir*
preposition salvo, excepto, a or con excepción de
См. также в других словарях:
behind bars — adjective In jail or prison. There is one kind of prison where the man is behind bars, and everything that he desires is outside; and there is another kind where the things are behind the bars, and the man is outside … Wiktionary
behind bars — In prison • • • Main Entry: ↑bar * * * behind bars phrase in prison The five men could spend up to 12 years behind bars. Thesaurus: spending time in prisonhyponym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
behind bars — {adv. phr.} In jail; in prison. * /He was a pickpocket and had spent many years behind bars./ * /That boy is always in trouble and will end up behind bars./ … Dictionary of American idioms
behind bars — {adv. phr.} In jail; in prison. * /He was a pickpocket and had spent many years behind bars./ * /That boy is always in trouble and will end up behind bars./ … Dictionary of American idioms
behind bars — When someone is behind bars, they are in prison … The small dictionary of idiomes
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Prison rape in the United States — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. In 2001, Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 140,000 inmates had been raped while incarcerated. [1] and there is a significant variation in the… … Wikipedia
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behind bars — ► behind bars in prison. Main Entry: ↑bar … English terms dictionary
behind bars — When someone is behind bars, they are in prison. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** Someone who is behind bars is in prison. If you hang around with that gang, you ll find yourself behind bars in no time! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions