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  • 1 plain sailing

    /'plein'seiliɳ/ * danh từ - sự thuận buồm xuôi gió ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng))

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > plain sailing

  • 2 das Kinderspiel

    - {plain sailing} sự thuận buồm xuôi gió &) = kein Kinderspiel {not a picnic}+ = das ist ein reines Kinderspiel {that's mere child's play}+ = das ist das reinste Kinderspiel {that's mere child's play}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > das Kinderspiel

  • 3 Von wegen!

    - {As if!} = Von jetzt an geht alles glatt. {From now on it's all plain sailing.}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Von wegen!

  • 4 die Aufgabe

    - {abandonment} sự bỏ, sự từ bỏ, sự bỏ rơi, sự ruồng bỏ, tình trạng bị bỏ rơi, tình trạng bị ruồng bỏ, sự phóng túng, sự tự do, sự buông thả - {business} việc buôn bán, việc kinh doanh, việc thương mại, công tác, nghề nghiệp, công việc, nhiệm vụ việc phải làm, quyền, việc khó khăn, tuồm vấn đề, quá trình diễn biến, vấn đề trong chương trình nghị sự - sự giao dịch, phần có tác dụng thực tế, cách diễn xuất, nhuồm khoé, tình trạng bận rộn - {duty} sự tôn kính, lòng kính trọng, bổn phận, nhiệm vụ, trách nhiệm, phận sự, chức vụ, phần việc làm, phiên làm, phiên trực nhật, thuế, công suất - {exercise} sự thi hành, sự thực hiện, sự sử dụng, thể dục, sự rèn luyện thân thể, sự rèn luyện trí óc, bài tập, bài thi diễn thuyết, sự tập luyện, sự tập trận sự diễn tập, thể thao quốc phòng - sự thờ cúng, sự lễ bái, lễ - {lesson} bài học, lời dạy bảo, lời khuyên, lời quở trách, sự trừng phạt, sự cảnh cáo - {mission} sứ mệnh, sự đi công cán, sự đi công tác, phái đoàn, toà công sứ, toà đại sứ, sự truyền giáo, hội truyền giáo, khu vực truyền giáo, trụ sở của hội truyền giáo - {office} sự giúp đỡ, lễ nghi, hình thức thờ phụng, kính - {part} phần, bộ phận, tập, bộ phận cơ thể, phần việc, vai, vai trò, lời nói của một vai kịch, bản chép lời của một vai kịch, nơi, vùng, phía, bè, tài năng - {problem} vấn đề, bài toán, điều khó hiểu, thế cờ, bàn luận đến một vấn đề, có vấn đề, có luận đề - {retirement} sự ẩn dật, nơi hẻo lánh, nơi ẩn dật, sự về hưu, sự thôi, sự rút lui, sự bỏ cuộc, sự rút về, sự không cho lưu hành = die Aufgabe (Brief) {mailing; posting}+ = die Aufgabe (Gepäck) {registering}+ = die Aufgabe [für,zu tun] {task [for,of doing]}+ = die leichte Aufgabe {plain sailing}+ = eine Aufgabe lösen {to solve a problem}+ = die vornehmste Aufgabe {first task; most important task}+ = die schwierige Aufgabe {twister}+ = es ist meine Aufgabe {it lies with me}+ = das gehört zu meiner Aufgabe {that is all part of my job}+ = es ist nicht meine Aufgabe {it isn't my job}+ = sich in eine Aufgabe stürzen {to wade into a thing}+ = sich etwas zur Aufgabe machen {to make something one's business}+ = Er machte es sich zur Aufgabe. {He made it his business.}+ = sich an eine schwierige Aufgabe wagen {to venture on a difficult task}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Aufgabe

  • 5 die Sache

    - {affair} việc, công việc, việc làm, sự vụ, chuyện tình, chuyện yêu đương, chuyện vấn đề, việc buôn bán, việc giao thiệp, cái, thứ, vật, đồ, món, chuyện, trận đánh nhỏ - {artefact} sự giả tạo, giả tượng, đồ tạo tác - {case} trường hợp, cảnh ngộ, hoàn cảnh, tình thế, ca, vụ, việc kiện, việc thưa kiện, kiện, việc tố tụng, cách, hộp, hòm, ngăn, túi, vỏ, hộp chữ in - {cause} nguyên nhân, nguyên do, căn nguyên, lẽ, cớ, lý do, động cơ, mục tiêu, mục đích, sự nghiệp, đại nghĩa, chính nghĩa - {concern} sự liên quan tới, sự dính líu tới, lợi, lợi lộc, phần, cổ phần, chuyện phải lo, sự lo lắng, sự lo âu, sự lo ngại, sự quan tâm, hãng buôn, xí nghiệp, công việc kinh doanh - {matter} chất, vật chất, đề, chủ đề, nội dung, vật phẩm, điều, sự kiện, vấn đề, việc quan trọng, chuyện quan trọng, số ước lượng, khoảng độ, cơ hội, mủ - {thing} thức, sự, đồ dùng, dụng cụ, đồ đạc, quần áo..., sự việc, người, sinh vật, của cải, tài sản, mẫu, vật mẫu, kiểu = zur Sache! {question!}+ = die heiße Sache {hot stuff}+ = die klare Sache {plain sailing}+ = die ganze Sache {the whole issue}+ = die große Sache {do}+ = die Sache ist die {the point is}+ = der Kern der Sache {root of the matter}+ = die wertlose Sache {yellow dog}+ = die riskante Sache {touch-and-go}+ = die verfehlte Sache {failure}+ = das ist deine Sache {it's your funeral; that's your own lookout}+ = das ist meine Sache {that's my affair; that's my business}+ = die unsichere Sache {toss-up}+ = der Sache nachgehen {to go into the matter}+ = eine dumme Sache {an unpleasant business}+ = zur Sache kommen {to come to business; to come to the point; to get down to brass tacks; to touch bottom}+ = die todsichere Sache {dead certainty}+ = die praktische Sache {geegaw}+ = die großartige Sache {ripper; slasher}+ = eine reelle Sache {a square deal}+ = die eigenartige Sache {oddity}+ = die gefährliche Sache {caution}+ = die altmodische Sache {backnumber}+ = die hinderliche Sache {bind}+ = die langweilige Sache {bore}+ = die abgekartete Sache {collusion}+ = einer Sache ähneln {to simulate}+ = die eingebildete Sache {nonentity}+ = die weitbekannte Sache {notoriety}+ = die beschlossene Sache {settled matter}+ = die Sache lohnt nicht. {the game is not worth the candle.}+ = die erstaunliche Sache {knockout}+ = Das ist Ihre Sache! {It's your funeral!}+ = einer Sache entsagen {to renounce}+ = eine Sache verdienen {to be worthy of a thing}+ = einer Sache berauben {to shear of a thing}+ = einer Sache vorbauen {to take precautions against something}+ = der Sache gewachsen sein {to be up to the mark}+ = einer Sache beikommen {to cope with someone}+ = einer Sache wert sein {to be worthy of a thing}+ = eine Sache besprechen {to talk a matter over}+ = einer Sache nachjagen {to hunt for something}+ = bei der Sache bleiben {to stick to the point}+ = eine abgekartete Sache {a piece of jobbery; a put-up job}+ = eine ausgemachte Sache {a foregone conclusion}+ = einer Sache nachspüren {to spy into something}+ = im Verlauf einer Sache {in the course of a thing}+ = einer Sache nachhelfen {to help something along}+ = das gehört nicht zur Sache {that's beside the point}+ = die Sache läßt sich gut an {things are shaping well}+ = einer Sache entsprechen {to measure up to a thing}+ = gemeinsame Sache machen {to pool}+ = um die Sache herumreden {to beat about the bush}+ = sich einer Sache rühmen {to glory}+ = nicht zur Sache gehörig {beside the question; out of court}+ = unbeschadet einer Sache {without prejudice to a thing}+ = das ist eine Sache für sich {that's another story}+ = gemeinsame Sache machen [mit] {to make common cause [with]}+ = jemandes Sache vertreten {to plead to someone's cause}+ = nicht zur Sache gehörend {irrelevant}+ = einer Sache beipflichten {to consent to something}+ = um eine Sache herumreden {to talk round a subject}+ = eine aussichtslose Sache {a lost cause}+ = einer Sache mächtig sein {to master something}+ = die Sache gefällt mir nicht. {I don't like the look of it.}+ = sich einer Sache annehmen {to take care of something}+ = einer Sache untreu werden {to desert a cause}+ = so wie ich die Sache sehe {the way I see it}+ = einer Sache gewärtig sein {to be prepared for something}+ = sich einer Sache hingeben {to addict to a thing}+ = sich einer Sache enthalten {to abstain from a thing}+ = einer Sache habhaft werden {to get hold of something}+ = einer Sache gewachsen sein {to be equal to something; to feel equal to something}+ = eine ganz verfahrene Sache {the devil of a mess}+ = eine rein persönliche Sache {a purely personal matter}+ = einer Sache nicht gewachsen {unequal to something}+ = für eine gute Sache kämpfen {to fight for a good cause}+ = einer Sache ausgesetzt sein {to be liable to something}+ = sich einer Sache entledigen {to acquit oneself of a duty; to get rid of something}+ = du vernebelst die Sache nur {you are clouding the issue}+ = eine Sache überdrüssig sein {to be tired of something}+ = einer Sache angemessen sein {to be suited to something}+ = die ganze Sache ist abgeblasen. {the whole thing is off.}+ = sich einer Sache widersetzen {to fight against something}+ = einer Sache voll bewußt sein {to be awake to something}+ = einer Sache überdrüssig sein {to be out of conceit with something; to be out of love with a thing}+ = er ging die Sache langsam an {he used a low-key approach}+ = einer Sache entgegenarbeiten {to thwart something}+ = damit ist die Sache erledigt {that settles the matter}+ = das ist eine völlig andere Sache {that is quite another matter}+ = Haben Sie die Sache erledigt? {Did you straighten out the matter?}+ = sich hinter eine Sache setzen {to put one's back into something}+ = wie fassen Sie die Sache auf? {what is your version of the matter?}+ = einer Sache genau entsprechen {to check with something}+ = Einblick in eine Sache nehmen {to look into a matter}+ = sich einer Sache verschreiben {to devote oneself to something}+ = Es war eine abgekartete Sache. {It was a put-up affair.}+ = die Sache verhält sich ganz anders {that's an entirely different thing}+ = Er bringt Schwung in die Sache. {He makes things hum.}+ = ein Licht auf eine Sache werfen {to throw a light on the matter}+ = die Sache hat mir gehörig zugesetzt {that affair took it out of me}+ = laßt uns die Sache fertig machen {let's put some meat on the bones}+ = sich einer Sache würdig erweisen {to prove worthy of something}+ = damit ist die Sache nicht abgetan {that doesn't settle the matter}+ = die Sache verhält sich folgendermaßen {things are as follows}+ = die ganze Sache sieht verdächtig aus. {the whole thing looks fishy.}+ = sich einer Sache nicht bewußt sein {to be unconscious of something}+ = jemanden von einer Sache entbinden {to release someone from something}+ = die Sache verhält sich genau umgekehrt {the boot is on the other leg}+ = einer Sache wehrlos gegenüberstehen {to be helpless against something}+ = Ich bin ganz außer mir über die Sache. {I'm quite put out about the matter.}+ = mit Leib und Seele bei einer Sache geben {to do something with heart and soul}+ = eine unangenehme Sache unerledigt weitergeben {to pass the buck}+ = sich der erfolgversprechenden Sache anschließen {to jump on the bandwagon}+ = in dem Bewußtsein, für eine gute Sache zu arbeiten {conscious of working for a good cause}+ = das letzte Wort in dieser Sache ist noch nicht gesprochen {the last word has not yet been said on this matter}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Sache

См. также в других словарях:

  • plain\ sailing — • plain sailing • smooth sailing n. phr. An uncomplicated, unhampered, or easy course. For a graduate of such a famous university as he was, that assignment was plain sailing …   Словарь американских идиом

  • plain sailing — noun uncount something easy to do or achieve: The French won the game, but it wasn t all plain sailing …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • plain sailing — If something is relatively easy and there are no problems doing it, it is plain sailing …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • plain sailing — meaning ‘a straightforward situation or course of action’, is an early 19c alteration of the original (late 17c) phrase plane sailing, which denoted a system of measuring short nautical distances by assuming that the earth s surface is a plane… …   Modern English usage

  • plain sailing — ► NOUN ▪ smooth and easy progress. ORIGIN probably from plane sailing, denoting the practice of determining a ship s position on the theory that it is moving on a plane …   English terms dictionary

  • plain sailing — n. 1. sailing on an unobstructed course 2. a smooth, clear course of action …   English World dictionary

  • Plain Sailing (song) — Infobox Single Name =Plain Sailing Artist = Tracey Thorn from Album = A Distant Shore Released = October 1982 (UK) Format = 7 [ Recorded = ] Genre = Jazz/Rock Length = Label = Cherry Red Writer = Producer = Chart position = Last single = This… …   Wikipedia

  • plain sailing —    If something is relatively easy and there are no problems doing it, it is plain sailing.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    An activity or task that is plain sailing is without difficulty or free from trouble.     Once the plans were… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • plain sailing — /pleɪn ˈseɪlɪŋ/ (say playn sayling) noun 1. Nautical sailing on a plain course, free from obstruction or difficulty. Compare plane sailing. 2. an easy and unhindered course of action: *the leading jockey knows it won t be plain sailing. –aap news …  

  • plain sailing — 1. Navig. sailing on waters that are free of hazards or obstructions. Cf. plane sailing. 2. an easy and unobstructed way, course, or plan: As an heir to a large fortune, he looked forward to financial plain sailing. [1800 10] * * * …   Universalium

  • plain sailing — noun smooth and easy progress: team building was not all plain sailing. Origin C18: prob. a popular use of plane sailing, the practice of determining a ship s position on the theory that it is moving on a plane …   English new terms dictionary

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