Перевод: с английского на чешский

с чешского на английский


  • 21 horn

    1) (a hard object which grows (usually in pairs) on the head of a cow, sheep etc: A ram has horns.) roh
    2) (the material of which this is made: spoons made of horn; ( also adjective) horn spoons.) rohovina; z rohoviny
    3) (something which is made of horn: a shoehorn.) předmět z rohoviny
    4) (something which looks like a horn in shape: a snail's horns.) růžek, roh
    5) (the apparatus in a car etc which gives a warning sound: The driver blew his horn.) klakson
    6) (an instrument, formerly an animal's horn but now made of brass, that is blown to produce a musical sound: a hunting-horn.) (lovecký) roh
    7) ((also French horn) the type of coiled brass horn that is played in orchestras etc.) lesní roh
    - - horned
    - horny
    * * *
    • troubit
    • tykadlo
    • zatroubit
    • roh
    • paroh

    English-Czech dictionary > horn

  • 22 chocolate

    [' okəlit] 1. noun
    1) (a paste made from the seeds of the cacao tree.) čokoláda
    2) (a sweet or drink made from it: Have a chocolate; a cup of chocolate.) čokoláda
    2. adjective
    (of, made from, covered with, chocolate: chocolate ice-cream; chocolate biscuits.) čokoládový
    * * *
    • čokoláda
    • čokoládový

    English-Czech dictionary > chocolate

  • 23 copper

    I 1. ['kopə] noun
    1) (an element, a metal of a brownish-red colour: This pipe is made of copper.) měď
    2) ((a piece of) money made of copper or a substitute: Have you any coppers in your change?) měďák
    2. adjective
    1) (made of copper: a copper pipe.) měděný
    2) ((also copper-coloured) of the colour of copper.) měděné barvy
    II ['kopə] noun
    (a British nickname for a policeman: Run - there's a copper after you!) policajt, polda
    * * *
    • měď

    English-Czech dictionary > copper

  • 24 design

    1. verb
    (to invent and prepare a plan of (something) before it is built or made: A famous architect designed this building.) projektovat
    2. noun
    1) (a sketch or plan produced before something is made: a design for a dress.) návrh, střih
    2) (style; the way in which something has been made or put together: It is very modern in design; I don't like the design of that building.) styl, tvar; provedení
    3) (a pattern etc: The curtains have a flower design on them.) vzorek
    4) (a plan formed in the mind; (an) intention: Our holidays coincided by design and not by accident.) plán, záměr
    - designing
    * * *
    • určit
    • vzor
    • plánovat
    • plán
    • projekt
    • projektovat
    • konstrukce
    • kresba
    • nárys
    • naplánovat
    • náčrt
    • navrhovat
    • návrh
    • navrhnout

    English-Czech dictionary > design

  • 25 linen

    1) (( also adjective) (of) cloth made of flax used to make sheets, tablecloths, tea-towels etc: This handkerchief is made of linen; linen sheets.) len; lněný
    2) (articles made of linen or, now more usually, cotton: table-linen; bed-linen.) (stolní, ložní) prádlo
    * * *
    • plátěný
    • lněné prádlo
    • lněný
    • lněné plátno

    English-Czech dictionary > linen

  • 26 make up

    1) (to invent: He made up the whole story.) vymyslit si
    2) (to compose or be part(s) of: The group was made up of doctors and lawyers.) skládat se
    3) (to complete: We need one more player - will you make up the number(s)?) doplnit
    4) (to apply cosmetics to (the face): I don't like to see women making up (their faces) in public.) líčit se
    5) (to become friends again (after a quarrel etc): They've finally made up (their disagreement).) smířit se
    * * *
    • vymyslet
    • vytvářet v:
    • vymýšlet
    • líčit se

    English-Czech dictionary > make up

  • 27 silk

    1) (very fine, soft threads made by silkworms.) hedvábí
    2) (thread, cloth etc made from this: The dress was made of silk; ( also adjective) a silk dress.) (z) hedvábí
    - silkiness
    - silkworm
    * * *
    • hedvábí
    • hedvábný

    English-Czech dictionary > silk

  • 28 silver

    ['silvə] 1. noun
    1) (an element, a precious grey metal which is used in making jewellery, ornaments etc: The tray was made of solid silver.) stříbro
    2) (anything made of, or looking like, silver especially knives, forks, spoons etc: Burglars broke into the house and stole all our silver.) stříbro
    2. adjective
    1) (made of, of the colour of, or looking like, silver: a silver brooch; silver stars/paint.) stříbrný
    2) ((of a wedding anniversary, jubilee etc) twenty-fifth: We celebrated our silver wedding (anniversary) last month.) stříbrný
    - silver foil/paper
    * * *
    • stříbrný
    • stříbro

    English-Czech dictionary > silver

  • 29 solid

    ['solid] 1. adjective
    1) (not easily changing shape; not in the form of liquid or gas: Water becomes solid when it freezes; solid substances.) pevný
    2) (not hollow: The tyres of the earliest cars were solid.) plný
    3) (firm and strongly made (and therefore sound and reliable): That's a solid piece of furniture; His argument is based on good solid facts/reasoning.) solidní
    4) (completely made of one substance: This bracelet is made of solid gold; We dug till we reached solid rock.) masivní
    5) (without breaks, gaps or flaws: The policemen formed themselves into a solid line; They are solid in their determination to strike.) pevný
    6) (having height, breadth and width: A cube is a solid figure.) pevný
    7) (consecutive; without a pause: I've been working for six solid hours.) plný
    2. adverb
    (without interruption; continuously: She was working for six hours solid.) bez přerušení
    3. noun
    1) (a substance that is solid: Butter is a solid but milk is a liquid.) pevná látka
    2) (a shape that has length, breadth and height.) těleso
    - solidify
    - solidification
    - solidity
    - solidness
    - solidly
    - solid fuel
    * * *
    • tuhý
    • pevný
    • pevná látka
    • spolehlivý
    • těleso
    • solidní
    • čistý

    English-Czech dictionary > solid

  • 30 tin

    [tin] 1. noun
    1) (an element, a silvery white metal: Is that box made of tin or steel?) cín
    2) ((also can) a container, usually for food, made of tin-plate, thin sheets of iron covered with tin or other metal: a tin of fruit; a biscuit-tin.) plechovka
    2. adjective
    (made of tin or tin-plate: a tin plate) cínový
    - tinfoil
    - tin-opener
    * * *
    • plechovka
    • pocínovat
    • plech
    • konzerva
    • konzervovat
    • cín

    English-Czech dictionary > tin

  • 31 make a mess of

    1) (to make dirty, untidy or confused: The heavy rain has made a real mess of the garden.) zaneřádit, zmazat
    2) (to do badly: He made a mess of his essay.) zhudlařit, zbabrat
    3) (to spoil or ruin (eg one's life): He made a mess of his life by drinking too much.) zpackat (si)

    English-Czech dictionary > make a mess of

  • 32 attempt

    [ə'tempt] 1. verb
    (to try: He attempted to reach the dying man, but did not succeed; He did not attempt the last question in the exam.) pokusit se (o), zkusit
    2. noun
    1) (a try: They failed in their attempt to climb the Everest; She made no attempt to run away.) pokus
    2) (an attack: They made an attempt on his life but he survived.) atentát
    * * *
    • zkusit
    • pokusit se
    • pokus
    • pokoušet se

    English-Czech dictionary > attempt

  • 33 blacksmith

    noun (a person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron: The blacksmith made a new shoe for the horse.) kovář
    * * *
    • kovář

    English-Czech dictionary > blacksmith

  • 34 brass

    1) (an alloy of copper and zinc: This plate is made of brass; ( also adjective) a brass door-knocker.) mosaz(ný)
    2) (wind musical instruments which are made of brass or other metal.) plechové (dechové) hudební nástroje
    - brass band
    - brass neck
    - get down to brass tacks
    * * *
    • mosaz

    English-Czech dictionary > brass

  • 35 bronze

    noun, adjective
    1) ((of) an alloy of copper and tin: The medal is (made of) bronze.) bronz(ový)
    2) ((of) its reddish brown colour.) bronzový, bronzové barvy
    3) ((a work of art) made of bronze: an exhibition of bronzes.) bronz
    - bronze medal
    * * *
    • bronz
    • bronzový
    • bronzovat

    English-Czech dictionary > bronze

  • 36 cell

    1) (a small room (especially in a prison or monastery).) cela
    2) (a very small piece of the substance of which all living things are made; the smallest unit of living matter: The human body is made up of cells.) buňka
    3) ((the part containing the electrodes in) an electrical battery.) článek (baterie)
    4) (one of many small compartments making up a structure: the cells of a honeycomb.) buňka, kobka
    - cellphone
    * * *
    • kyveta
    • cela
    • buňka
    • elektrický článek

    English-Czech dictionary > cell

  • 37 cocoa

    1) ((a powder made from) the crushed seeds of the cacao tree, used in making chocolate.) kakao
    2) (a drink made from the powder: a cup of cocoa.) kakao
    * * *
    • kakaovník
    • kakao

    English-Czech dictionary > cocoa

  • 38 coral

    noun, adjective
    1) ((of) a hard substance of various colours, made up of skeletons of a kind of tiny sea animal: a necklace made of coral; a coral reef.) korál
    2) ((of) an orange-pink colour.) korálová barva
    * * *
    • korál
    • korálový

    English-Czech dictionary > coral

  • 39 cotton

    I ['kotn] noun
    1) (a soft substance got from the seeds of the cotton plant, used in making thread or cloth.) bavlna
    2) (the yarn or cloth made from this: a reel of cotton; This shirt is made of cotton; ( also adjective) a cotton shirt.) bavlna; bavlněný
    - cottonwool II ['kotn]
    * * *
    • bavlněný
    • bavlna

    English-Czech dictionary > cotton

  • 40 cowhide

    noun, adjective ((of) the skin of a cow made into leather: a bag made of cowhide; a cowhide bag.) kravská kůže
    * * *
    • hovězí useň

    English-Czech dictionary > cowhide

См. также в других словарях:

  • Made to measure — typically refers to clothing that is sewn from a standard sized base pattern. A tailored suit is a common example of a made to measure garment. The fit of a made to measure garment is expected to be superior to that of a ready to wear garment,… …   Wikipedia

  • Made in German Democratic Republic — Made in Germany (Engl. für Hergestellt in Deutschland) ist ein Qualitätssiegel, das auf vielen Produkten aus Deutschland deren Herkunft angibt. Bereits vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg wurde Made in Germany oder auch nur Germany auf vielen Waren neben… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Made in Heaven — Studioalbum von Queen Veröffentlichung 6. November 1995 Label Parlophone/ …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Made in West Germany — Made in Germany (Engl. für Hergestellt in Deutschland) ist ein Qualitätssiegel, das auf vielen Produkten aus Deutschland deren Herkunft angibt. Bereits vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg wurde Made in Germany oder auch nur Germany auf vielen Waren neben… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Made in the GDR — Made in Germany (Engl. für Hergestellt in Deutschland) ist ein Qualitätssiegel, das auf vielen Produkten aus Deutschland deren Herkunft angibt. Bereits vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg wurde Made in Germany oder auch nur Germany auf vielen Waren neben… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • -made — [meɪd] adjective made in a particular country or type of place: • sales of British made equipment • Using factory made precast sections gives us additional speed in construction. * * * made suffix ► produced in a particular way or place: »On the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Made — or MADE may refer to:*Made is a town in the municipality of Drimmelen in the Netherlands. *Māde (妈的) is a most common Chinese vulgar curse word. *van der Made is a Dutch name derived from the above town. *MADE ClothingLanguage*Being made refers… …   Wikipedia

  • Made in Japan — Livealbum von Veröffentlichung Dezember 1972 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Made in Japan (Ysa Ferrer) — Made in Japan Single par Ysa Ferrer extrait de l’album Imaginaire pur Face A Made in Japan (Radio remix) Sortie 30 juin 2003 Enregistrement 2003 Durée 4:25 Genr …   Wikipédia en Français

  • made — [meıd] v 1.) the past tense and past participle of ↑make 2.) factory made/German made/homemade etc made in a factory, in Germany, at home etc ▪ sales of Japanese made cars 3.) have (got) it made informal to have everything that you need for… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Made in America — may refer to:In film and television: * Made in America (film), a film starring Whoopi Goldberg and Ted Danson *Made in America (documentary film), a documentary film directed by Stacy Peralta and produced by Baron Davis * Made in America ( The… …   Wikipedia

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