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  • 1 nucleus

    nū̆clĕus ( nŭcŭlĕus), i, m. [for nuculeus, from nux], a little nut.
    A nut; applied also to fruits resembling a nut:

    nucleus amygdalae,

    Plin. 15, 13, 12, § 42:


    id. 37, 4, 15, § 56:

    pinearum nucum,

    id. 15, 10, 9, § 35; cf.


    Cels. 2, 22.—Prov.: e nuce nuculeum qui esse vult, frangit nucem, he who would eat the kernel of a nut breaks the nut, i. e. he who desires an advantage should not shun the labor of earning it, Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 55:

    nuculeum amisi, retinui pigneri putamina,

    I have lost the kernel and kept the shell, id. Capt. 3, 4, 122.—
    The hard, uneatable kernel, the stone of fruits:

    nuculei olivarum,

    Plin. 37, 11, 73, § 188:


    id. 23, 7, 67, § 132:


    id. 23, 7, 72, § 141:

    lignosus nucleus,

    id. 13, 19, 34, § 112:


    id. 23, 1, 9, § 13.—
    The kernel, the inner part, inside of a thing:

    nucleus gallae,

    Plin. 24, 4, 5, § 10:


    id. 12, 16, 35, § 70:


    id. 19, 6, 34, § 111:


    pearls, id. 9, 35, 55, § 111.—
    The kernel, i. e. the hardest, firmest, most solid part of a thing:

    pinguitudinis (terrae),

    Plin. 17, 6, 4, § 42:


    id. 34, 14, 41, § 144; 36, 25, 62, § 187:

    insuper ex testā nucleus inducatur,

    Vitr. 7, 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > nucleus

  • 2 nuculeus

    nū̆clĕus ( nŭcŭlĕus), i, m. [for nuculeus, from nux], a little nut.
    A nut; applied also to fruits resembling a nut:

    nucleus amygdalae,

    Plin. 15, 13, 12, § 42:


    id. 37, 4, 15, § 56:

    pinearum nucum,

    id. 15, 10, 9, § 35; cf.


    Cels. 2, 22.—Prov.: e nuce nuculeum qui esse vult, frangit nucem, he who would eat the kernel of a nut breaks the nut, i. e. he who desires an advantage should not shun the labor of earning it, Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 55:

    nuculeum amisi, retinui pigneri putamina,

    I have lost the kernel and kept the shell, id. Capt. 3, 4, 122.—
    The hard, uneatable kernel, the stone of fruits:

    nuculei olivarum,

    Plin. 37, 11, 73, § 188:


    id. 23, 7, 67, § 132:


    id. 23, 7, 72, § 141:

    lignosus nucleus,

    id. 13, 19, 34, § 112:


    id. 23, 1, 9, § 13.—
    The kernel, the inner part, inside of a thing:

    nucleus gallae,

    Plin. 24, 4, 5, § 10:


    id. 12, 16, 35, § 70:


    id. 19, 6, 34, § 111:


    pearls, id. 9, 35, 55, § 111.—
    The kernel, i. e. the hardest, firmest, most solid part of a thing:

    pinguitudinis (terrae),

    Plin. 17, 6, 4, § 42:


    id. 34, 14, 41, § 144; 36, 25, 62, § 187:

    insuper ex testā nucleus inducatur,

    Vitr. 7, 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > nuculeus

  • 3 balanus

        balanus ī, f, βάλανοσ (prop. an acorn; hence), a fragrant nut, ben-nut, H.
    * * *
    acorn; other nuts, chestnut, ben-nut; date; balsam; shell-fish; suppository

    Latin-English dictionary > balanus

  • 4 nux

        nux nucis, f     a nut: Sparge, marite, nuces (a custom at weddings), V.: te cassā nuce pauperet, i. e. the merest trifle, H.: nux ornabat mensas, the dessert, H.: castaneae nuces, chestnuts, V.—A nut- tree: tacta de caelo, L., Iu.— Sing collect.: Hic nux, O.—An almond-tree, V.
    * * *

    Latin-English dictionary > nux

  • 5 nucleus

    nucleus, inside of a nut, kernel; nut; central part; hard round mass/nodule

    Latin-English dictionary > nucleus

  • 6 balanus

    bălănus, i, f. and rarely m. ( masc., [p. 220] Plin. 13, 4, 9, § 48; 15, 23, 25, § 93; Metell. ap. Macr. S. 2, 9; cf. Rudd. I. p. 31), = balanos.
    Lit., an acorn:


    Plin. 16, 6, 8, § 21; 17, 20, 34, § 151; 13, 4, 9, § 42.—
    Any fruit of similar form.
    A kind of large chestnut, Plin. 15, 23, 25, § 93.—
    The Phœnician and Cilician date, Plin. 13, 4, 9, § 48.—
    A nut yielding a balsam; the Arabian behen- or ben-nut:

    Hyperanthera semidecandra, Vahl. (called myrobalanus,

    Plin. 12, 21, 46, § 100; 22, 20, 23, § 49):

    pressa tuis balanus capillis,

    Hor. C. 3, 29, 4.—Also for the tree itself, Plin. 13, 9, 17, § 61.—
    In gen., any object in the form of an acorn.
    Medic. t., a suppository, Plin. 20, 5, 20, § 43; 24, 6, 21, § 31; 26, 8, 34, § 54; Cael. Aur. Acut. 2, 12.—
    A shell-fish, a species cf sea-mussel, Col. 8, 16, 7; Plin. 32, 11, 53, § 145; Plaut. Rud. 2, 1, 8; Metell. ap. Macr. S. 2, 9.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > balanus

  • 7 nucipersicum

    nŭcĭpersĭcum, i, n. [nux-persicum], a peach grafted on a nut-tree, a nut-peach:

    persica, nucipersica,

    Mart. 13, 46 in lemm.

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  • 8 nuciprunum

    nŭcĭprūnum, i, n. [nux-prunus], a plum grafted on a nut-tree, a nut-plum, Plin. 15, 13, 12, § 41.

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  • 9 nux

    nux, nŭcis ( gen. plur. nucerum for nucum, Cael. ap. Charis. p. 40 P.), f. [etym. dub.], a nut. At weddings it was customary to strew nuts on the floor:

    sparge, marite, nuces,

    Verg. E. 8, 30; cf. Varr. ap. Serv. ad E. 8, 30; Paul. ex Fest. p. 173 Müll.; Plin. 15, 22, 24, § 86; Mart. 5, 135. Nutshells were used in coloring the hair:

    viridi cortice tincta nucis,

    Tib. 1, 8, 44. Nuts were strewn at the festival of Ceres, Sinn. Capito ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 177 Müll. Children played with nuts, Suet. Aug. 83; Cat. 61, 131;

    hence, prov.: nuces relinquere,

    to give up childish sports, to betake one's self to the serious business of life, to throw away our rattles, Pers. 1, 10: nux cassa, a nutshell:

    tene amatorem esse inventum inanem quasi cassam nucem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 137.—Fig. of a thing of no value, Hor. S. 2, 5, 36 ( = res vel vilissima); cf.:

    non ego tuam empsim vitam vitiosā nuce,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 45.—
    A fruit with a hard shell or rind:

    nux amara,

    a bitter almond, Cels. 3, 10; so Col. 7, 13; Plin. 15, 7, 7, § 26:

    castaneae nuces,

    chestnuts, Verg. E. 2, 52:

    nux pinea,

    Macr. S. 2, 6, 1; the fruit of the tithymalus, Plin. 26, 8, 40, § 66.—
    A nut-tree:

    inter primas germinant ulmus, salix, nuces,

    Plin. 16, 25, 41, § 97; Liv. 24, 10; Juv. 11, 119.— Poet., an almond-tree, Verg. G. 1, 187.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > nux

  • 10 amygdalum

        amygdalum ī, n, ἀμύγδαλον, an almond, almond kernel, O.
    * * *

    amygdalum amarum -- bitter almond; amygdalum dulce -- sweet almond

    Latin-English dictionary > amygdalum

  • 11 breviter

        breviter adv. with comp. and sup.    [1 brevis], shortly; hence, of style, briefly, in brief, in few words, concisely, summarily: multa breviter dicta: rem breviter cognoscite: respondere: disserere, S.: adfari, V.: brevius dicere (opp. pluribus verbis): omnia Pacuvio breviter dabit ( in a few words), Iu.: agam quam brevissume potero.—Of pronunciation: ‘in’ breviter dicitur, is pronounced short.
    * * *
    brevitius, brevitissime ADV
    shortly, briefly, in a nut shell; quickly; for/within a short distance/time

    Latin-English dictionary > breviter

  • 12 cassus

        cassus adj.    [1 CAR-], empty, void, hollow. nux, a nut-shell, H.: canna, hollow, O.: sanguine, bloodless: lumine, i. e. dead, V.: luminis ensis.— Fig., vain, empty, useless, futile, fruitless: quiddam: vota, V.: fertilitas terrae, O.: in cassum preces mittere, vainly, L.
    * * *
    cassa, cassum ADJ
    hollow/empty/devoid of, lacking; useless/fruitless/vain
    fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate

    Latin-English dictionary > cassus

  • 13 ēnucleō

        ēnucleō —, —, āre    [ex + nucleus]. — Fig., to lay open, explain in detail: haec nunc: argumenta.
    * * *
    enucleare, enucleavi, enucleatus V TRANS
    take out the kernel/nut, shell; explain in detail

    Latin-English dictionary > ēnucleō

  • 14 galla

        galla ae, f    a gall-apple, gall-nut (an excrescence on the oak, caused by insects), V.

    Latin-English dictionary > galla

  • 15 glāns

        glāns glandis, f    [GAL-], an acorn, nut: glande vesci: quae deciderant Iovis arbore glandes, O.: querna, Ta.— An acorn-shaped ball, missile: ex argillā glandes iacere, Cs.: glande pugnare, S.: glande configebantur, L.: glandes plumbi, V.
    * * *
    acorn; beachnut; bullet thrown from a sling

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  • 16 lāmina or lammina or lāmna

        lāmina or lammina or lāmna ae, f    a thin slice, plate, leaf, layer, lamina: cum lamina esset inventa: tigna laminis clavisque religant, Cs.: aenea, L.: Laminae ardentes, red-hot plates (for torture): candens, H.—A blade: argutae lamina serrae, V.: Lamina dissiluit, the blade of the sword, O.—Money, coin: argenti, O.: fulva, a gold piece, O.: inimicus lamnae, foe to money, H.—The tender shell of an unripe nut, O.

    Latin-English dictionary > lāmina or lammina or lāmna

  • 17 ōs

       ōs ōris (no gen plur.), n     the mouth: ad haec omnia percipienda os est aptissimum: tenerum pueri, H.: os loquentis Opprimere, O.: e foliis natos Ore legunt (apes), V.: Gallica Temperat ora frenis, i. e. controls the horses, H.: nidum sibi construit ore, beak, O.: hostilia Ora canum, jaws, O.— Prov.: equi frenato est auris in ore, H.—The organ of speech, mouth, tongue, lips: in orest omni populo, in everybody's mouth, T.: istius nequitiam in ore volgi esse versatam: Postumius in ore erat, was the common talk, L.: consolatio, quam semper in ore habere debemus, to talk of constantly: poscebatur ore volgi dux Agricola, unanimously, Ta.: uno ore dicere, with one consent, T.: Uno ore auctores fuere, ut, etc., unanimously advised, T.: volito vivus per ora virūm, become famous, Enn. ap. C.: in ora hominum pro ludibrio abire, become a by-word of mockery, L.: quasi pleniore ore laudare, with more zest.—The face, countenance, look, expression, features: figura oris, T.: in ore sunt omnia, i. e. everything depends on the expression: concedas hinc aliquo ab ore eorum aliquantisper, leave them alone, T.: ad tribunum ora convertunt, looks, Cs.: agnoscunt ora parentum, V.: ales cristati cantibus oris, O.: coram in os te laudare, to your face, T.: nulli laedere os, insult to his face, T.: qui hodie usque os praebui, exposed myself to insult, T.: ut esset posteris ante os documentum, etc.: ante ora coniugum omnia pati, L.: Ora corticibus horrenda cavatis, masks, V.—As expressing boldness or modesty, the face, cheek, front, brow<*> os durum! brazen cheek! T.: os durissimum, very bold front: quo redibo ore ad eam, with what face? T.: quo ore ostendi posse? etc., L.: in testimonio nihil praeter vocem et os praestare.—Boldness, effrontery, impudence: quod tandem os est eius patroni, qui, etc.: nostis os hominis.—A voice, speech, expression: ora sono discordia signant, V.: ruit profundo Pindarus ore, H.: falsi ambages oris, O.— A mouth, opening, entrance, aperture, orifice, front: ante os ipsum portūs, L.: ingentem lato dedit ore <*>enestram, V.: os atque aditus portūs: Tiberis, L.: per ora novem, etc., sources, V.: ora navium Rostrata, beaks, H.—Fig., a mouth: ex tot<*>us belli ore ac faucibus.
    * * *
    mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation
    bone; (implement, gnawed, dead); kernel (nut); heartwood (tree); stone (fruit)
    bones (pl.); (dead people)

    Latin-English dictionary > ōs

  • 18 os

       os ossis, gen plur. ossium, n     a bone.— Sing: devoratum, Ph.: ferrum ex osse revolsum est, O.: duro sudem vix osse revulsit, O.— Plur: cur hunc dolorem cineri eius atque ossibus inussisti?: ossa legere (after burning a corpse), V.: condere, bury, V.—The marrow, inmost part: exarsit iuveni <*>dolor ossibus ingens, in his bones, V.: per ima cu<*>currit Ossa tremor, V.: tremis ossa pavore, H.— Fig., in plur, the bones, outlines: imitari nec ossa solum, sed etiam sanguinem.
    * * *
    mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation
    bone; (implement, gnawed, dead); kernel (nut); heartwood (tree); stone (fruit)
    bones (pl.); (dead people)

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  • 19 abellana

    filbert, hazel nut

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  • 20 abellanus

    abellana, abellanum ADJ
    filbert/hazel (w/nut); of Abella (town in Campania noted for fruit/filberts)

    Latin-English dictionary > abellanus

См. также в других словарях:

  • Nut (Mythologie) — Nut in Hieroglyphen Ideogramm ausgeschrieben …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nut (Ägyptische Mythologie) — Nut in Hieroglyphen Ideogramm …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nut Tree — sign Nut Tree is a mixed use development in Vacaville, California near the intersection of Interstate 80 and Interstate 505. It opened in 1921 on old U.S. Route 40. It was created by Helen and Ed Bunny Power as a small roadside fruit stand, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Nut — (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nut buoy — Nut Nut (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nut coal — Nut Nut (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nut crab — Nut Nut (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nut grass — Nut Nut (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nut lock — Nut Nut (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nut pine — Nut Nut (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nut rush — Nut Nut (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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