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  • 1 balance

    ['bæləns] 1. noun
    1) (a weighing instrument.) ζυγαριά
    2) (a state of physical steadiness: The child was walking along the wall when he lost his balance and fell.) ισορροπία
    3) (state of mental or emotional steadiness: The balance of her mind was disturbed.) ψυχική ισορροπία
    4) (the amount by which the two sides of a financial account (money spent and money received) differ: I have a balance (= amount remaining) of $100 in my bank account; a large bank balance.) υπόλοιπο λογαριασμού, ισοζύγιο
    2. verb
    1) ((of two sides of a financial account) to make or be equal: I can't get these accounts to balance.) ισοσκελίζω
    2) (to make or keep steady: She balanced the jug of water on her head; The girl balanced on her toes.) ισορροπώ
    - in the balance
    - off balance
    - on balance

    English-Greek dictionary > balance

  • 2 Set

    Faction, clique P. and V. στσις, ἡ.
    Arrangement: P. and V. τάξις. ἡ.
    Number: P. and V. ἀριθμός, ὁ.
    Class: P. and V. γένος, τό, εἶδος, τό.
    Set ( of sun): P. and V. δύσις, ἡ, δυσμαί, αἱ; see Sunset.
    Set back, failure: P. πταῖσμα, τό; see Failure.
    Set off: use adj., P. ἀντάξιος; see compensating, under compensate, v.
    Stationary: P. στάσιμος.
    Fixed, appointed: P. and V. προκείμενος.
    Resolute: P.. and V. καρτερός, V. ἔμπεδος.
    Be set on: P. and V. προθυμεῖσθαι (infin.), σπουδάζειν (infin.); see be eager, under Eager.
    Set speech: P. συνεχὴς ῥῆσις, ἡ; see also Harangue.
    On set terms: P. and V. ἐπὶ ῥητοῖς.
    Of set purpose: see on purpose, under Purpose.
    v. trans.
    P. and V. τιθέναι, ἱστναι.
    Make to sit: P. and V. καθίζειν, V. ἵζειν, ἱδρειν, ἐξιδρειν.
    Appoint: P. and V. καθιστναι (or mid.), τάσσειν, προστάσσειν.
    Lay down (limits, etc.): P. and V. ὁρίζειν.
    Fix: P. and V. πηγνύναι.
    Set ( as a task): P. and V. προτιθέναι (τί τινι), προστιθέναι (τί τινι), προστάσσειν (τί τινι), ἐπιτάσσειν (τί τινι), ἐπιβάλλειν (τί τινι), προσβάλλειν (τί τινι).
    Set to music: P. ἐντείνειν (Plat., Prot. 326B).
    Words set to music: P. λόγος δόμενος (Plat., Rep. 398D).
    I set you in the track that is best: V. ἐς τὸ λῷστον ἐμβιβάζω σʼ ἴχνος (Eur., H.F. 856).
    Set an example: P. παράδειγμα διδόναι.
    Set one's heart on: see Desire.
    To obtain that on which you have set your hearts: P. κατασχεῖν ἐφʼ ἃ ὥρμησθε (Thuc. 6, 9).
    V. intrans. Of the sun: P. and V. δύνειν, δύεσθαι (Plat., Pol. 269A), V. φθνειν.
    Becume fixed: P. and V. πήγνυσθαι.
    Set about: P. and V. ἅπτεσθαι (gen.), ἐγχειρεῖν (dat.). ἐπιχειρεῖν (dat.). αἵρεσθαι (acc.), ναιρεῖσθαι (acc.); see Undertake.
    Set against, plant against: P. and V. προσβάλλειν (τί τινι).
    Match one against another: P. and V. ἀντιτάσσειν (τινά τινι, or τινα πρός τινα).
    met., make hostile: P. ἐκπολεμεῖν.
    Set one thing in the balance against another: P. ἀντιτάσσεσθαι (τί τινι, or τι πρός τι), P. and V. ἀντιτιθέναι (τί τινος).
    Set apart: P. and V. ἀπολαμβνειν (Eur., Or. 451); see set aside, separate.
    Set aside: P. χωρὶς τίθεσθαι, ἀποχωρίζειν.
    Except: P. and V. ἐξαιρεῖν; see also Reject, Disregard.
    Set at defiance: see Defy.
    Set at naught: P. and V. μελεῖν (gen.), παραμελεῖν (gen.), καταμελεῖν (gen.), P. παρορᾶν (acc.), ἐν οὐδένι λόγῳ ποιεῖσθαι (acc.), V. διʼ οὐδένος ποιεῖσθαι (acc.), κηδεῖν (gen.); see Disregard.
    Set before: P. and V. προτιθέναι.
    Set on table: Ar. and P. παρατιθέναι.
    Set down: Ar. and P. καταβάλλειν.
    Set down ( to anyone's account): P. and V. ναφέρειν (τί τινι, or τι εἴς τινα); see Impute.
    Set eyes on: see Behold.
    Set foot on: P. and V. ἐμβαίνειν (P. εἰς, acc., V. acc., gen. or dat.), ἐπιβαίνειν (gen.), V. ἐπεμβαίνειν (acc., gen. or dat.), ἐμβατεύειν (acc. or gen.).
    Set forth: P. and V. προτιθέναι.
    Narrate: P. and V. διέρχεσθαι, ἐπεξέρχεσθαι; see narrate; v. intrans.: see set out.
    Set in, begin, v. intrans.: P. and V. ἄρχεσθαι; see Begin.
    Set off, be equivalent to: P. ἀντάξιος εἶναι (gen.); see also Balance.
    Adorn: P. and V. κοσμεῖν; see adorn; v. intrans.: see set out.
    Set on, urge against anyone: P. and V. ἐφιέναι (τί τινι), V. ἐπισείειν (τί τινι), P. ἐπιπέμπειν (τί τινι); see also encourage, launch against.
    Put on: P. and V. ἐφιστναι.
    Set on fire: see Burn.
    Set on foot: P. and V. προτιθέναι; see Institute.
    Begin: P. and V. ἄρχειν (gen.); see Begin.
    Set on table: Ar. and P. παρατιθέναι, V. προτιθέναι (also Ar. in mid.).
    Set out, expose, put out: P. and V. προτιθέναι; v. intrans.: start: P. and V. ὁρμᾶν, ὁρμᾶσθαι, φορμᾶν, φορμᾶσθαι, ἐξορμᾶν, ἐξορμᾶσθαι, παίρειν, V. στέλλεσθαι, ποστέλλεσθαι; see Start.
    Set over: P. and V. ἐφιστναι (τινά τινι).
    Set right: see Correct.
    Set round: P. περιιστάναι.
    Set sail: P. and V. νγεσθαι, ἐξανγεσθαι, παίρειν, P. ἐπανάγεσθαι; see under Sail.
    Set the fashion of, be the first to introduce: P. and V. ἄρχειν (gen.).
    Set to, he set the army to the work of fighting: P. καθίστη εἰς πόλεμον τὸν στρατόν (Thuc. 2, 75).
    The servants all set their hands to work: V. δμῶες πρὸς ἔργον πάντες ἵεσαν χέρας (Eur., El. 799).
    Set to work: P. and V. ἔργου ἔχεσθαι (Thuc. 1, 49); see also Begin.
    Every man set to work: V. πᾶς ἀνὴρ ἔσχεν πόνον (Eur., I.T. 309).
    They set to and fought: P. καταστάντες ἐμάχοντο (Thuc. 1, 49).
    Set up: P. and V. ἱστναι, νιστναι, ὀρθοῦν (rare P.): ( a trophy) P. and V. ἱστναι, νιστναι.
    (Temple, altar, etc.): P. and V. ἱδρειν (or mid.), V. καθιδρύεσθαι.
    Set up in a place: P. and V. ἐγκαθιστναι (τί τινι), V. ἐγκαθιδρειν (τί τινι).
    They are setting up a brazen statue to Philip: P. Φίλιππον χαλκοῦν ἵστασι (Dem. 425).
    Be set up ( of a statue): P. ἀνακεῖσθαι.
    Appoint (as a government, etc.): P. and V. καθιστναι; see Appoint.
    Set up in a place: P. and V. ἐγκαθιστναι (τί τινι).
    Help to set up: P. and V. συγκαθιστναι (acc.).
    Bring forward: P. and V. προτιθέναι; see Introduce.
    Set up a shout: V. κραυγὴν ἱστναι (Eur., Or. 1529), κραυγὴν τιθέναι (Eur., Or. 1510), P. κραυγῇ χρῆσθαι (Thuc. 2, 4).
    Set up as, pretend to be: Ar. and P. προσποιεῖσθαι (infin.).
    Set up in ( business): P. κατασκευάζεσθαι (with acc. of the business).
    Set upon: P. and V. προσβάλλειν (acc. and dat.); see set on.
    Attack: see Attack.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Set

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  • Balance — Bal ance (b[a^]l ans), n. [OE. balaunce, F. balance, fr. L. bilanx, bilancis, having two scales; bis twice (akin to E. two) + lanx plate, scale.] 1. An apparatus for weighing. [1913 Webster] Note: In its simplest form, a balance consists of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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