1 baksheesh
бакшиш имя существительное: -
2 baksheesh
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > baksheesh
3 baksheesh
['bækʃiːʃ]1) Общая лексика: магарыч2) Авиация: вылет без встречи с противником3) Военный термин: нетрудная задача -
4 baksheesh
[`bækʃiːʃ]бакшиш, взятка, чаевыеАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > baksheesh
5 baksheesh
persiannounбакшиш, взятка, чаевые* * *(n) взятка* * *бакшиш, взятка, чаевые* * *[bak·sheesh || 'bækʃiːʃ] n. бакшиш, взятка, чаевые* * *перс.; бакшиш -
6 baksheesh
7 baksheesh
[ʹbækʃi:ʃ,ʹbækʃıʃ] v перс.1. 1) бакшиш; чаевые2) магарыч, взятка2. сл.1) воен. нетрудная задача2) ав. вылет без встречи с противником -
8 baksheesh
бакшиш -
9 baksheesh
10 baksheesh persian
baksheesh persian noun бакшиш, взятка, чаевые -
11 baksheesh bakshish
baksheesh, bakshish
1> _перс. бакшиш; чаевые; магарыч, взятка
2> _сл. -воен нетрудная задача
3> _сл. _ав. вылет без встречи с противником -
12 baksheesh, bakshish
(персидское) бакшиш;
магарыч, взятка (сленг) -воен нетрудная задача( сленг) (авиация) вылет без встречи с противникомБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > baksheesh, bakshish
13 bakhshish
14 bakhshish
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bakhshish
15 bakhshish
[ˈbækʃi:ʃ]bakhshish =baksheesh bakhshish =baksheesh baksheesh: baksheesh перс. бакшиш, взятка, чаевые -
16 gratuity
чаевые имя существительное: -
17 bakshish
бакшиш имя существительное: -
18 douceur
чаевые имя существительное: -
19 бакшиш
20 bakhshish
bakhshish [ˏbækˊʃi:ʃ] = baksheesh
См. также в других словарях:
Baksheesh — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Baksheesh es un término utlizado para referirse al acto de dar caridad, a cierto tipo de corrupción policial, y a los sobornos en medio oriente y el sudeste de Asia Orígenes La palabra baksheesh tiene sus orígenes en … Wikipedia Español
Baksheesh — is a term used to describe tipping, charitable giving, and certain forms of political corruption and bribery in the Middle East and South Asia. OriginsBaksheesh is a Persian word, written fa. بخشش and originating from the Pahlavi (Middle Iranian) … Wikipedia
Baksheesh — Bak sheesh , Bakshish Bak shish , n. Same as {Backsheesh}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
baksheesh — aksheesh n. 1. A relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter). Same as {Backsheesh}. Syn: gratuity, tip, bakshish, bakshis, backsheesh. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
baksheesh — 1620s, in India, Egypt, etc., a tip, from Pers. bakhshish, lit. gift, from verb bakhshidan to give (also to forgive ), from PIE root *bhag to share out, apportion, distribute (see PHAGOUS (Cf. phagous)) … Etymology dictionary
baksheesh — ► NOUN ▪ (in some eastern countries and the Indian subcontinent) a small sum of money given as alms, a tip, or a bribe. ORIGIN Persian … English terms dictionary
baksheesh — [bak′shēsh΄] n. [prob. via Ar baqshīsh or Anglo Ind bucksheesh < Pers baḫšiš < baḫšīdan, to give; akin to Sans bhájah, (he) allots: see PHAGOUS] in Egypt, India, etc., a tip, a gratuity, or alms … English World dictionary
baksheesh — 1. noun /bækˈʃiːʃ/ In the Middle East and southwest Asia, a bribe or tip paid to speed up services. the complex Oriental etiquette which under the name of baksheesh calls for lavish remuneration and bribes, rudely demanded but ever so graciously… … Wiktionary
baksheesh — (BAHK sheesh) [Persian: gift] Money; a tip in cash. With his country on the verge of economic meltdown, he is back in line for American baksheesh … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
baksheesh — /ˈbækʃiʃ / (say baksheesh), /bækˈʃiʃ/ (say bak sheesh) noun 1. (in South and South West Asia) a charitable gift. 2. Colloquial a. a tip or gratuity. b. a bribe. –verb (t) 3. to give a charitable gift or gratuity (to). Also, bakshish …
baksheesh — noun Etymology: Persian bakhshīsh, from bakhshīdan to give; akin to Greek phagein to eat, Sanskrit bhajati he allots Date: circa 1760 payment (as a tip or bribe) to expedite service … New Collegiate Dictionary