1 axis
- axis
- nось
axis lying in the plane of bending — ось, лежащая в плоскости изгиба
- axis of affinity
- axis of channel
- axis of diagram
- axis of gravity
- axis of inertia
- axis of rotation
- axis of symmetry
- axis of revolution
- arch axis
- bending axis
- central axis
- centroidal axis
- coordinate axis
- instrument axis of rotation
- major axis
- neutral axis
- principal axis
- principal axis of inertia
- principal strain axis
- principal stress axis
- reference axis
- shell axis
- zero axis
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 axis
axis 1. ось; 2. эпистрофей, осевой позвонок, второй шейный позвонок; 3. (бот) главный ствол, центральный цилиндрbrain axis ствол мозгаcerebrospinal axis головной и спинной мозгear axis ось колосаelectric(al) axis электрическая ось (сердца)floral axis ось цветкаhypothalamic-hypophysial-ovarian axis система гипоталамус - гипофиз - яичникиintercotyledonary axis жилка семядолиneutral axis головной и спинной мозгpituitary-adrenal axis система гипофиз - надпочечникиpole axis полярная осьEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > axis
3 axis
axis [ˊæksɪs] n (pl axes)ось -
4 axis
AXIS, automatic X-ray inspection systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > AXIS
6 axis
мн. ч. - axes1) ось; осевая линия2) машиностр. (управляемая) координата; координатная ось3) вал•axis of abscissa — ось абсциссaxis of commutation — ось коммутации; нейтральная линия ( коллектора)axis of couple — ось пары силaxis of revolution (of rotation) — ось вращенияaxis of sight — визирная ось; линия визированияaxis of translation — степень подвижности по поступательному движениюactuator axis — вал привода-
antenna axis
beam axis
binary axis
bubble axis
cage rotational axis
centroidal axis
chrominance axis
CNC axis
color axis
cross-sectional axis
cross-section axis
crystallographic axis
cube axis
cutting axis
dc controlled axis
defected axis
deflection axis
diagonal axis
direct axis
docking axis
drive axis
elbow axis
electrical axis
ferroelectric axis
fiber axis
fiducial axis
fixed movement axis
flip axis
guide axis
hinge axis
horizontal deflection axis
imaginary axis
inner race rotational axis
level tube axis
long axis
magnetic axis
major axis
manually set axis
mechanical axis
minor axis
motor axis
neutral axis
non-CNC axis
numerical axis
numeric axis
optical axis
orthogonal controlled axis
outer race rotational axis
pitch axis
pitch-roll axis
pneumatic axis
polar axis
polarization axis
quadrature axis
ray axis
real axis
reference axis
robot's axis
roll axis
screw axis
short axis
simultaneously movable axes
solid axes
solid ax
steering axis
tape-controlled rotary axis
time axis
tube axis
twin axis
vertical deflection axis
wheelhead axis
wrist-rotate axis
wrist-tilt axis
yaw axis
yaw-pitch axis -
7 axis
- axis of n-fold symmetry
- axis of polarization
- axis of precession
- analyzer axis
- antenna axis
- anisotropy axis
- beam axis
- binary axis
- birefringent axis
- boat axis
- cardinal axis
- cavity axis
- celestial axis
- chrominance axis
- color axis
- communication axis
- coordinate axis
- crystal principal axis
- crystallographic axis
- cube axis
- cubic axis
- direct axis
- easiest magnetic axis
- easiest magnetization axis
- easy axis
- eaasy magnetic axis
- electric axis
- Euler axiss
- Fabry-Perot axis
- ferroelectric axis
- fiber axis
- FP axis
- geomagnetic axis
- growing axis
- guide axis
- hardest magnetic axis
- hard magnetic axis
- hexagonal axis
- I-axis
- imaginary axis
- infinite fold symmetry axis
- intermediate magnetic axis
- inversion axis
- laser axis
- lens axis
- local symmetry axis
- magnetic anisotropy axis
- major axis
- maser axis
- mechanical axis
- minor axis
- monopulse null axis
- narrow-band axis
- neutral axis
- n-fold rotation axis
- oblique axis
- optical axis
- piezoelectric axis
- polar axis
- polarizer axis
- principal axis
- propagation axis
- Q-axis
- quadrature axis
- quantization axis
- ray axis
- real axis
- reference axis
- rotation axis
- rotation-inversion axis
- rotation-reflection axis
- rotoflectlon axis
- scan axis
- screw axis
- texture axis
- theta-pinch axis
- transducer principal axis
- twin axis
- wide-band axis
- X-axis
- Y-axis
- Z-axis
- x-axis
- y-axis
- z-axis -
8 axis
- anisotropy axis
- antenna axis
- axis of ecliptic
- axis of n-fold symmetry
- axis of polarization
- axis of precession
- beam axis
- binary axis
- birefringent axis
- boat axis
- cardinal axis
- cavity axis
- celestial axis
- chrominance axis
- color axis
- communication axis
- coordinate axis
- crystal principal axis
- crystallographic axis
- cube axis
- cubic axis
- direct axis
- easiest magnetic axis
- easiest magnetization axis
- easy axis
- easy magnetic axis
- electric axis
- Euler axiss
- Fabry-Perot axis
- ferroelectric axis
- fiber axis
- FP axis
- geomagnetic axis
- growing axis
- guide axis
- hard magnetic axis
- hardest magnetic axis
- hexagonal axis
- I-axis
- imaginary axis
- infinite fold symmetry axis
- intermediate magnetic axis
- inversion axis
- laser axis
- lens axis
- local symmetry axis
- magnetic anisotropy axis
- major axis
- maser axis
- mechanical axis
- minor axis
- monopulse null axis
- narrow-band axis
- neutral axis
- n-fold rotation axis
- oblique axis
- optical axis
- piezoelectric axis
- polar axis
- polarizer axis
- principal axis
- propagation axis
- Q-axis
- quadrature axis
- quantization axis
- ray axis
- real axis
- reference axis
- rotation axis
- rotation-inversion axis
- rotation-reflection axis
- rotoflectlon axis
- scan axis
- screw axis
- texture axis
- theta-pinch axis
- transducer principal axis
- twin axis
- wide-band axis
- X axis
- x-axis
- Y axis
- y-axis
- Z axis
- z-axisThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > axis
9 axis
1) ось2) координата, управляемая координата; координатная ось ( станка с ЧПУ)•- axis of deformation
- axis of finite rotation of rigid body
- axis of freedom
- axis of mass
- axis of motion
- axis of rolling
- axis of rotation
- axis of sensitivity
- axis of thread
- bearing axis
- bend axis
- bending axis
- cage rotational axis
- central axis of system of forces
- central hole axis
- CNC axis
- common axis
- continuously controlled axis
- controllable axis
- controlled axis
- coordinate axis
- cradle axis
- cutter axis
- cutting axis
- digitized axis
- drilling axis
- facing axis
- FB axis
- feed axis
- fixed axis
- fixed movement axis
- fulcrum axis
- gear axis
- gimbal axis
- gravity axis
- imaginary axis
- inner ring axis
- instant axis
- instantaneous axis
- lateral axis
- linear controlled axis
- load axis
- longitudinal axis
- machine center axis
- magnetic axis
- major axis
- manual axis
- manually-set axis
- measuring axis
- minor axis
- NC axis
- non-CNC axis
- orthogonal controlled axis
- outer race rotational axis
- outer ring axis
- output axis
- pitch axis
- pivot axis
- pivotal axis
- pneumatic axis
- position-servoed axis
- principal axis of inertia
- principal axis
- probe's axis
- programmable axis
- pulling chuck hole axis
- real axis
- reference axis
- robot's axis
- roll axis
- rotary controlled axis
- rotary/indexing axis
- rotary/tilt axis
- rotation axis
- rotational axis
- rotative axis
- rotor axis
- screw axis
- secondary axis
- sensitive axis
- servocontrolled axis
- slewing axis
- spin axis
- spindle-positioning C axis
- swivel axis
- symmetry axis
- tape-controlled rotary axis
- tilt axis
- tilting axis
- tipping axis
- tool-spindle axis
- torque axis
- turning axis
- wheelhead axis
- work axis
- worm axis
- yaw axisEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > axis
10 axis
1. ось2. канал < управления>3. степень свободы < тела>axis of buoyancyaxis of maximum moment of inertiaaxis of rotationaxis of twistair-path axisaircraft axis of rotationaircraft reference axisbalance axisbeam axisbending axisbody axiscontrol axiscross-stream axisdegraded axisdirectional axisdrag axisearth axisearth-fixed axiselastic axisfeathering axisflapping axisflexural axisflight axisflight path axisfront-back body axisfuselage axisglideslope axishub axishub plane axisimaginary axislateral axislateral air-path axislateral-directional axislead-lag axisleft-right body axislift axislongitudinal axismeasurement axisneutral axisnormal axisnormal air-path axisoscillation axispitch axispitch-bearing axisprincipal axis of inertiaprincipal axis of least inertiaprincipal axis of maximum inertiaprincipal axis of sectionreal axisreference axisroll axisroll body axisroll stability axisrolling axisrotation axisrotational axissemimajor axissemiminor axisspanwise axisspin axisstability axisthrust axistip-path-plane axistranslational axistransverse axisvelocity vector axis of rotationvertical axisvertical body axisvortex axiswind axiswing pitch axisyaw axisyaw body axisyaw stability axiszero-twist axis -
11 axis
12 axis
axis of arch ось свода
axis of coiling ось завивания
axis of divergence ось дивергенции
axis of elevation ось поднятия
axis of elongation ось удлинения
axis of folding простирание складчатости, ось складчатости
axis of lode ось жилы
axis of rotation ось вращения
axis of shortening ось сокращения
axis of spiral scroll ось завитка (раковины гастропод)
axis of symmetry ось симметрии
axis of tilt ось наклона
axis of vault ось свода
а axis ось а
anticlinal axis ось антиклинали
apical axis апикальная ось
b axis ось b
β axis ось «бета»
с axis ось с
coiling axis ось завивания
collimation axis коллимационная ось
crystal axis 1. кристаллографическая ось 2. ребро элементарной ячейки кристаллической решётки
crystallographic axis кристаллографическая ось
f axis ось f
fabric axis петроструктурная ось
fold axis осевая линия складки, ось складки, шарнир складки; гребень антиклинали
fore-and-aft axis продольная ось
front coordinate axis первая координатная ось
geomagnetic axis геомагнитная ось
ground axis ось плана, ось горизонтального разреза
helical axis of symmetry винтовая ось симметрии, геликогира
horizontal axis горизонтальная ось (теодолита)
lateral axis поперечная ось
least strain axis ось наименьшего напряжения; ось наименьшей деформации
long axis длинная ось антиклинали
longitudinal axis продольная ось
magnetic axis магнитная ось
optic axis оптическая ось
orogenic axis- орогеническая ось
permanent axis постоянная ось
pervalvar axis первальварная ось (диатомовых водорослей)
pi axis ось π, ось «пи»
pitching axis ось погружающейся структуры
pivotal axis ось вращения
polar axis полярная ось
primary optic axis первичная оптическая ось
principal axis крист., стр. геол. главная ось
principal axis of lens ось, перпендикулярная к обеим поверхностям линзы
principal axis of strain главная ось деформации;главная ось напряжения
principal axis of stress главная ось напряжения
reference axis исходная (координатная) ось
rotoinversion axis инверсионная ось симметрии
saddle axis ось седловины
screw axis винтовая ось симметрии
secondary optic axis вторичная оптическая ось
short axis короткая ось антиклинали
solid axis пал. виргула, опорная ось
spreading axis ось спрединга
strain axis ось деформации; ось напряжения
stress axis ось напряжения
surface axis простирание оси
symmetry axis (of rotation) ось симметрии
tectonic axis тектоническая ось
transapical axis трансапикальная ось
trough axis ось прогиба, ось трога; ось синклинали
twinning axis ось двойникования
zone axis крист. ось зоны
* * *• линия, вокруг которой завертывается раковина• ось -
13 axis
1) ось, вал, шпиндель2) ось, осевая линия3) ось координат, координатная ось4) рбт степень подвижности• -
14 axis
ось, луч- axis of guide - axis of imaginaries - axis of rotation - axis of sight - axis of weld - central axis - cotter-pin axis - dead axis - development axis - fixed axis - free axis - geometrical axis - horizontal axis - moment axis - moving axis - optical axis - permanent axis - principal axis of inertia - principal line axis - real axis - safety ring axis - tilting axis - transit axis - view axis* * *ось- axis of affinityaxis lying in the plane of bending — ось, лежащая в плоскости изгиба
- axis of channel
- axis of diagram
- axis of gravity
- axis of inertia
- axis of rotation
- axis of symmetry
- axis of revolution
- arch axis
- bending axis
- central axis
- centroidal axis
- coordinate axis
- instrument axis of rotation
- major axis
- neutral axis
- principal axis
- principal axis of inertia
- principal strain axis
- principal stress axis
- reference axis
- shell axis
- zero axis -
15 axis
- axis drive motor - axis jet - axis of a bar - axis of abscissae - axis of angular inclination - axis of couple - axis of crankshaft - axis of cylinder - axis of inertia - axis of level tube - axis of ordinates - axis of oscillation - axis of rotation - axis of stress - axis of symmetry - axis of torsion - axis of whirl - axis pin - axis-stopping system - centroidal axis - change of axis - coiling axis - conjugate axis - cross-wind axis - datum axis - direct axis - drag axis - false axis - fold axis - fore-and-aft axis - instantaneous axis - lateral axis - longitudinal axis - magnetic axis - major axis - minor axis - neutral axis - optical axis - pitch axis - pivot axis - polar axis - principal axis - reference axis - roll axis - screw axis - secondary axis - semi-axis - sensitive axis - slewing axis - torque axis -
16 axis
1) аксис
2) <tech.> степень подвижности
3) ось координат
4) осевой
– axis line
– axis of abscissae
– axis of buoyancy
– axis of convergence
– axis of homology
– axis of symmetry
– body axis
– circular axis
– conjugate axis
– datum axis
– direction of the axis
– electric axis
– hinge axis
– imaginary axis
– lateral axis
– longitudinal axis
– major axis
– mechanical axis
– minor axis
– neutral axis
– off the axis
– optical axis
– pitch axis
– polar axis
– positive axis
– principal axis
– secondary axis
– sector-scan axis
– semi-major axis
– semi-minor axis
– semi-transverse axis
– single axis
– spin axis
– timing axis
– two axis accelerometer
– vertical axis
– yaw axis
17 Axis
1. n полит. ист. ось Берлин—Рим; гитлеровская Германия и её союзники2. n полит. неодобр. ось, блок; политическая коалицияthe Washington—Bonn axis — ось Вашингтон—Бонн
3. n центральный вопрос, стержень4. n геометрическая ось5. n редк. вал6. n бот. главная или центральная ось растения, главный стебель7. n анат. второй шейный позвонокСинонимический ряд:1. alliance (noun) alliance; coalition; confederation; union2. crux (noun) basis; crux; decisive factor; essence3. pivot (noun) arbor; arbour; axle; dividing line; line of revolution; line of rotation; line of symmetry; pivot; shaft; spindle -
18 axis
axis lying in the plane of bending — ось, лежащая в плоскости изгиба
bending axis — продольная ось балки, лежащая в плоскости нагружения
centroidal axis — центробежная ось; центральная ось
instrument axis of rotation — ось вращения инструмента; вертикальная ось инструмента
19 axis
1. ось2. геол. осевая плоскость складки
* * *
* * *
1) ось•- axis of folding
- axis of offset
- core axis
- borehole axis
- fold axis
- hole axis
- mast pivot axis* * * -
20 axis
ось; направление; линияmain axis (of advance) — направление главного удара; основное направление наступления; главная ось движения
См. также в других словарях:
Axis — Ax is, n.; pl. {Axes}. [L. axis axis, axle. See {Axle}.] A straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body, on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve; a line passing through a body or system around which the parts are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Axis — may refer to:In politics: *A parameter used in describing political spectrum *Axis of evil, U.S. President George W. Bush s description of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea *Axis powers of World War IIIn science: *Axis (anatomy), the second cervical… … Wikipedia
Axis — steht für: Axis (Halswirbel), der zweite Halswirbel Axis (Holzschnitzerei), Kreidegrund auf spätmittelalterlichen Holzplastiken Apache Axis, eine SOAP Engine New Axis Airways, eine französische Fluggesellschaft Axis Allies, ein Brettspiel Axis of … Deutsch Wikipedia
axis — axis1 [ak′sis] n. pl. axes [ak′sēz΄] [L, axle, axis < IE * aks < base * aĝ (see ACT1) > OE eax, ON ǫxull, Gr axōn, L axilla] 1. a real or imaginary straight line on which an object rotates or is regarded as rotating [the axis of a… … English World dictionary
axis — (n.) 1540s, imaginary straight line around which a body (such as the Earth) rotates, from L. axis axle, pivot, axis of the earth or sky, from PIE *aks axis (Cf. O.E. eax, O.H.G. ahsa axle; Gk. axon axis, axle, wagon; Skt. aksah an axle, axis,… … Etymology dictionary
Axis — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término axis puede referirse a: la vértebra cervical axis; el género de ciervos Axis; la ONG peruana AXISPERU el sello discográfico Axis; el grupo de rock mexicano Axis. En servicios web, Apache Axis es una… … Wikipedia Español
axis — ÁXIS s.n. A doua vertebră cervicală, care se articulează cu atlasul1. – Din lat. axis, fr. axis. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 áxis (anat.) s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ÁXIS … Dicționar Român
Axis — Records рекорд лейбл расположенный в Чикаго и специализирующийся на выпуске техно музыки. Основан в 1992 году и принадлежит Джеффу Миллзу (англ. Jeff Mills), который является главным (и практически единственным) артистом выпускающим на … Википедия
axis — m. anat. Segunda vértebra cervical. Su nombre deriva precisamente porque su apófisis odontoides sirve de eje de rotación para los movimientos de la cabeza. Medical Dictionary. 2011. axis … Diccionario médico
axis — UK US /ˈæksɪs/ noun [C] (plural axes /ˈæksiːz/) ► GRAPHS & CHARTS one of two or more fixed lines on a graph: horizontal/vertical axis »We can label the axes time is on the horizontal axis, and the amount (or value) of money is shown on the… … Financial and business terms
axis — 1. (a ksis ) s. m. Terme d anatomie. La seconde vertèbre du cou. Vertèbre ainsi dite parce que l apophyse odontoïde, qui en fait partie, logée entre l arc antérieur de l atlas et le ligament transverse, sert en quelque sorte de pivot aux… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré