Перевод: с арабского на английский

с английского на арабский


  • 101 إصبع

    إِصْبَع \ finger: one of five divisions of the hand: Our thickest finger is called a thumb. key: part of an instrument like a piano or typewriter, that works when pressed with a finger. \ إِصْبَع الإِبْهام \ thumb: the short thick finger separated from the other four on the hand. \ إِصْبَع القَدَم \ toe: one of the five divisions of the foot; the front end of a shoe.

    Arabic-English dictionary > إصبع

  • 102 درجة

    دَرَجَةٌ \ class: (mostly in compounds) a level of quality: I travelled in a second-class carriage. Is that a good-class hotel?. degree: a measure of quality: His work shows a high degree of skill. grade: a step or level, in quality or rank: Aeroplanes use a high grade of petrol. mark: a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school: low marks; full marks; a bad mark. point: a particular position in space or time, or in a course or change: the highest point on the road; the most difficult point in our talks; the boiling point of water. rank: a social or official position of a certain level: He was a nobleman of the highest rank. A captain holds a much lower rank than a general. step: a flat place for one’s foot, when one walks from one level to another: the front doorstep; mind the step. \ See Also فئة (فِئَة)، منزلة (مَنْزِلَة)، مرتبة (مَرْتَبَة)، علامة (علامَة)، نقطة( نقطة)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > درجة

  • 103 صف

    صَفٌّ \ column: a line of soldiers in marching order. file: a line of people. grade: a class or year of a school course: She is in the eighth grade. line: a row: There’s a line of trees along the street. The soldiers stood in (a) line. queue: a line of people who are waiting for their turn (to enter a bus or building, to buy sth., etc.). row: a line of things: the front row of seats in a theatre. side: a group of supporters (in a quarrel, etc.): They fought on our side in the war. They took his side. \ صَفٌّ \ array. \ _(field) Maths. \ See Also مجموعة مرتَّبة، صَفيف \ صَفٌّ \ form: grade a class in school. \ See Also فصلٌ دراسيّ \ صَفُّ بُيُوتٍ ومَحَلاّتٍ تِجَاريَّة مُتَلاصِقَة \ block: the area or building surrounded by four streets in a town. \ صَفُّ جنود (واحد بجانب الآخر)‏ \ rank: a row of soldiers, side by side: The men stood in three ranks. \ صَفُّ مَنَازل متصلة \ terrace: a row of joined houses.

    Arabic-English dictionary > صف

  • 104 قسم

    قِسْم \ department: a division of sth. (shops, business, government, school, etc.). division: a separate part (of an army, a firm, anything arranged in classes, etc.). part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ See Also جزء (جُزْء)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > قسم

  • 105 مدخل

    مَدْخَل \ approach: a way (to a place, of doing sth.): Every approach to the town was guarded. This problem requires a different approach. door, doorway: the entrance to a room or building: My wife came through the door. doorway: the entrance to a room or building. entrance: a way in (door, gate, etc.): He met me at the entrance, gate (also gateway), an opening in a wall or fence, where men or vehicles may enter; the structure round this opening. intake: a place where sth. (water, petrol, air, etc.) enters a pipe or machine. \ مَدْخَل مَسْقُوف \ porch: a roofed entrance, that shelters the front door of a building.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مدخل

  • 106 مصباح

    مِصْبَاح \ lamp: a device for giving light (using oil, gas or electricity). lantern: old use a lamp with a case, for protecting its light from the wind and rain. \ مِصْبَاح إعصاريّ \ hurricane lamp: an oil lamp with a cover that protects the flame from being blown out by the wind. \ مِصْبَاح أماميّ (لِعَرَبة)‏ \ headlight, headlamp: one of a pair of large lamps at the front of a motor vehicle. \ مِصْبَاح ساطِع للتصوير \ flashlight: (also flash) a lamp that flashes for taking photographs. \ مِصْبَاح صغير ببَطّاريّة \ flashlight: a small electric lamp that can be carried in the pocket. \ مِصْبَاح قويّ \ floodlight: a very powerful lamp for use in the open air (e.g. for a football match at night). \ See Also ساطع جدًّا \ مِصْبَاح كَهْرَبَائِيّ (لَمْبَة)‏ \ bulb: the part of an electric lamp that gives light. \ مِصْبَاح كهربائي للجَيْب \ torch, flashlight: a small electric lamp with a dry battery: a pocket torch.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مصباح

  • 107 موضع

    مَوْضِع \ place: a position: He won first place in the race. Everything was in its place (in its correct position). Please keep a place (a seat) for me in the front row. Lay two more places (two more sets of knives, forks, etc.) for our guests. position: the place where sth. is: A ship’s position can be fixed by the stars. The house was in a sheltered position. stand: a position for standing: The guards took their stand by the door. \ See Also مكان (مَكان)، مركز (مَرْكَز)‏ \ مَوْضِع \ foothold: a firm support for a foot, esp. when climbing: He could not get a foothold on the icy slope, and fell over. \ See Also موطِئ، مَمْسَك قَدَم \ مَوْضِع تَسَاؤل \ questionable: adj. (of things) doubtful, needing to be questioned: a questionable explanation. \ See Also شك (شكّ)‏ \ مَوْضِع للاعتراض \ objectionable: causing people to object: an objectionable suggestion. \ مَوْضِع مُجْتَرَف (بِفِعْل الماء)‏ \ wash-out: a place where heavy rain has damaged a road or railway.

    Arabic-English dictionary > موضع

  • 108 class

    دَرَجَةٌ \ class: (mostly in compounds) a level of quality: I travelled in a second-class carriage. Is that a good-class hotel?. degree: a measure of quality: His work shows a high degree of skill. grade: a step or level, in quality or rank: Aeroplanes use a high grade of petrol. mark: a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school: low marks; full marks; a bad mark. point: a particular position in space or time, or in a course or change: the highest point on the road; the most difficult point in our talks; the boiling point of water. rank: a social or official position of a certain level: He was a nobleman of the highest rank. A captain holds a much lower rank than a general. step: a flat place for one’s foot, when one walks from one level to another: the front doorstep; mind the step. \ See Also فئة (فِئَة)، منزلة (مَنْزِلَة)، مرتبة (مَرْتَبَة)، علامة (علامَة)، نقطة (نقطة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > class

  • 109 degree

    دَرَجَةٌ \ class: (mostly in compounds) a level of quality: I travelled in a second-class carriage. Is that a good-class hotel?. degree: a measure of quality: His work shows a high degree of skill. grade: a step or level, in quality or rank: Aeroplanes use a high grade of petrol. mark: a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school: low marks; full marks; a bad mark. point: a particular position in space or time, or in a course or change: the highest point on the road; the most difficult point in our talks; the boiling point of water. rank: a social or official position of a certain level: He was a nobleman of the highest rank. A captain holds a much lower rank than a general. step: a flat place for one’s foot, when one walks from one level to another: the front doorstep; mind the step. \ See Also فئة (فِئَة)، منزلة (مَنْزِلَة)، مرتبة (مَرْتَبَة)، علامة (علامَة)، نقطة (نقطة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > degree

  • 110 grade

    دَرَجَةٌ \ class: (mostly in compounds) a level of quality: I travelled in a second-class carriage. Is that a good-class hotel?. degree: a measure of quality: His work shows a high degree of skill. grade: a step or level, in quality or rank: Aeroplanes use a high grade of petrol. mark: a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school: low marks; full marks; a bad mark. point: a particular position in space or time, or in a course or change: the highest point on the road; the most difficult point in our talks; the boiling point of water. rank: a social or official position of a certain level: He was a nobleman of the highest rank. A captain holds a much lower rank than a general. step: a flat place for one’s foot, when one walks from one level to another: the front doorstep; mind the step. \ See Also فئة (فِئَة)، منزلة (مَنْزِلَة)، مرتبة (مَرْتَبَة)، علامة (علامَة)، نقطة (نقطة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > grade

  • 111 mark

    دَرَجَةٌ \ class: (mostly in compounds) a level of quality: I travelled in a second-class carriage. Is that a good-class hotel?. degree: a measure of quality: His work shows a high degree of skill. grade: a step or level, in quality or rank: Aeroplanes use a high grade of petrol. mark: a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school: low marks; full marks; a bad mark. point: a particular position in space or time, or in a course or change: the highest point on the road; the most difficult point in our talks; the boiling point of water. rank: a social or official position of a certain level: He was a nobleman of the highest rank. A captain holds a much lower rank than a general. step: a flat place for one’s foot, when one walks from one level to another: the front doorstep; mind the step. \ See Also فئة (فِئَة)، منزلة (مَنْزِلَة)، مرتبة (مَرْتَبَة)، علامة (علامَة)، نقطة (نقطة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > mark

  • 112 point

    دَرَجَةٌ \ class: (mostly in compounds) a level of quality: I travelled in a second-class carriage. Is that a good-class hotel?. degree: a measure of quality: His work shows a high degree of skill. grade: a step or level, in quality or rank: Aeroplanes use a high grade of petrol. mark: a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school: low marks; full marks; a bad mark. point: a particular position in space or time, or in a course or change: the highest point on the road; the most difficult point in our talks; the boiling point of water. rank: a social or official position of a certain level: He was a nobleman of the highest rank. A captain holds a much lower rank than a general. step: a flat place for one’s foot, when one walks from one level to another: the front doorstep; mind the step. \ See Also فئة (فِئَة)، منزلة (مَنْزِلَة)، مرتبة (مَرْتَبَة)، علامة (علامَة)، نقطة (نقطة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > point

  • 113 rank

    دَرَجَةٌ \ class: (mostly in compounds) a level of quality: I travelled in a second-class carriage. Is that a good-class hotel?. degree: a measure of quality: His work shows a high degree of skill. grade: a step or level, in quality or rank: Aeroplanes use a high grade of petrol. mark: a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school: low marks; full marks; a bad mark. point: a particular position in space or time, or in a course or change: the highest point on the road; the most difficult point in our talks; the boiling point of water. rank: a social or official position of a certain level: He was a nobleman of the highest rank. A captain holds a much lower rank than a general. step: a flat place for one’s foot, when one walks from one level to another: the front doorstep; mind the step. \ See Also فئة (فِئَة)، منزلة (مَنْزِلَة)، مرتبة (مَرْتَبَة)، علامة (علامَة)، نقطة (نقطة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > rank

  • 114 step

    دَرَجَةٌ \ class: (mostly in compounds) a level of quality: I travelled in a second-class carriage. Is that a good-class hotel?. degree: a measure of quality: His work shows a high degree of skill. grade: a step or level, in quality or rank: Aeroplanes use a high grade of petrol. mark: a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school: low marks; full marks; a bad mark. point: a particular position in space or time, or in a course or change: the highest point on the road; the most difficult point in our talks; the boiling point of water. rank: a social or official position of a certain level: He was a nobleman of the highest rank. A captain holds a much lower rank than a general. step: a flat place for one’s foot, when one walks from one level to another: the front doorstep; mind the step. \ See Also فئة (فِئَة)، منزلة (مَنْزِلَة)، مرتبة (مَرْتَبَة)، علامة (علامَة)، نقطة (نقطة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > step

  • 115 department

    قِسْم \ department: a division of sth. (shops, business, government, school, etc.). division: a separate part (of an army, a firm, anything arranged in classes, etc.). part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ See Also جزء (جُزْء)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > department

  • 116 division

    قِسْم \ department: a division of sth. (shops, business, government, school, etc.). division: a separate part (of an army, a firm, anything arranged in classes, etc.). part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ See Also جزء (جُزْء)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > division

  • 117 part

    قِسْم \ department: a division of sth. (shops, business, government, school, etc.). division: a separate part (of an army, a firm, anything arranged in classes, etc.). part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ See Also جزء (جُزْء)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > part

  • 118 section

    قِسْم \ department: a division of sth. (shops, business, government, school, etc.). division: a separate part (of an army, a firm, anything arranged in classes, etc.). part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ See Also جزء (جُزْء)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > section

  • 119 segment

    قِسْم \ department: a division of sth. (shops, business, government, school, etc.). division: a separate part (of an army, a firm, anything arranged in classes, etc.). part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ See Also جزء (جُزْء)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > segment

  • 120 element

    جُزْء \ element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. fragment: a small part that has been broken off. part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments.

    Arabic-English glossary > element

См. также в других словарях:

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  • The Front Page (film) — may refer to one of two filmed adaptations of the Broadway comedy The Front Page by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur:* The Front Page (1931 film), starring Adolphe Menjou and Pat O Brien * The Front Page (1974 film), directed by Billy Wilder,… …   Wikipedia

  • The Front Page (disambiguation) — The Front Page is a popular stage play. It has spawned several film adaptations:* The Front Page (1931 film), starring Adolphe Menjou and Pat O Brien * The Front Page (1974 film), directed by Billy Wilder and starring Jack Lemmon and Walter… …   Wikipedia

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  • The Front Page — ist: der Titel einer insgesamt viermal verfilmten Komödie von Ben Hecht (1928) der Titel einer auf Hechts Stück basierenden US amerikanische Filmkomödie von Lewis Milestone (1931), siehe The Front Page (Film) der Originaltitel eines auf Hechts… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Front Page (1931 film) — ] The story was adapted for Howard Hawks s 1940 comedy His Girl Friday . A well known 1974 version of The Front Page starred Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau.References …   Wikipedia

  • The Front (The Simpsons) — Infobox Simpsons episode episode name = The Front image caption = Bart and Lisa type up their idea for a cartoon episode no = 78 prod code = 9F16 airdate = April 15, 1993 show runner = Al Jean Mike Reiss writer = Adam I. Lapidus director = Rich… …   Wikipedia

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  • The Front Page — This article refers to the stage play. For other adaptations, see The Front Page (disambiguation) The Front Page was a hit Broadway comedy, written by one time Chicago reporters Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur and first produced in… …   Wikipedia

  • The Front Page (1974 film) — Infobox Film name = The Front Page caption = The theatrical poster. director = Billy Wilder producer = Paul Monash writer = Ben Hecht Charles MacArthur Billy Wilder I. A. L. Diamond narrator = starring = Jack Lemmon Walter Matthau music =… …   Wikipedia

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