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astronomy [əˊstrɒnəmɪ] nастроно́мия -
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астрономия; иногда радиоастрономия@amateur astronomyлюбительская астрономия@archaeastronomyархеоастрономия@aviation astronomyавиационная астрономия@balloon astronomyбаллонная астрономия (наблюдения со стратостатов)@classical astronomyклассическая астрономия@cosmic radio astronomyкосмическая радиоастрономия@descriptive astronomyописательная астрономия@dynamical astronomyнебесная механика@ephemerical astronomyэфемеридная астрономия@field astronomyполевая [геодезическая] астрономия@fundamental astronomyфундаментальная астрометрия@galactic radio astronomyгалактическая радиоастрономия@gamma-ray astronomyгамма-астрономия@general astronomyобщая (описательная) астрономия@geodetic astronomyгеодезическая астрономия@ground-based astronomyназемная астрономия@gravitational astronomyнебесная механика@infrared astronomyинфракрасная астрономия@meridian astronomyмеридианная астрономия@meteoric(al) astronomyметеорная астрономия@meteor-radio astronomyметеорная радиоастрономия@microwave astronomyмикроволновая астрономия (1 мм – 6 см)@millimeter-wave astronomyмиллиметровая астрономия@modern astronomyсовременная астрономия@molecular line radio astronomyрадиоастрономия молекулярных линий (в межзвездных облаках)@nautical astronomyмореходная астрономия@observational astronomyнаблюдательная астрономия@optical astronomyоптическая астрономия@physical astronomyастрофизика@planetary astronomyпланетная астрономия@position astronomyпозиционная астрономия@practical astronomyпрактическая астрономия@pre-sent-day astronomyсовременная астрономия@pretelescopic astronomyдотелескопическая астрономия@radar astronomyрадиолокационная астрономия@radio astronomyрадиоастрономия@rocket astronomyракетная астрономия@satellite astronomyспутниковая астрономия@space astronomyкосмическая астрономия@spacecraft astronomyастрономические исследования с космических аппаратов@spherical astronomyсферическая астрономия@stellar astronomyзвездная астрономия@surveying astronomyполевая [геодезическая] астрономия@telescopic astronomyтелескопическая астрономия@television astronomyтелевизионная астрономия@theoretical astronomyтеоретическая астрономия@ultraviolet astronomyультрафиолетовая астрономия@visual astronomyвизуальная астрономия@X-ray astronomyрентгеновская астрономия@ -
4 astronomy
ballon-based astronomy
endoatmospheric astronomy
exoatmospheric astronomy
extraterrestrial astronomy
infrared astronomy
- long-wave infrared astronomy -
nautical astronomy
nonterrestrial astronomy
observation astronomy
radar astronomy
satellite astronomy
space radar astronomy
space station-based astronomy
ultraviolet astronomy
X-ray astronomy -
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The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > astronomy
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n астрономия -
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English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > astronomy
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[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
The science concerned with celestial bodies and the observation and interpretation of the radiation received in the vicinity of the earth from the component parts of the universe. (Source: MGH)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > astronomy
14 astronomy
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > astronomy
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English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > astronomy
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[əsˈtrɔnəmɪ]astronomy астрономия -
19 astronomy
[ə'strɒnəmɪ]1) Астрономия: астрономия2) Телекоммуникации: радиоастрономия3) Электроника: рентгеновская астрономия -
20 astronomy
[əs`trɔnəmɪ]астрономияАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > astronomy
См. также в других словарях:
Astronomy — (from the Greek words astron (ἄστρον), star , and nomos (νόμος), law ) is the scientific study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth s atmosphere (such as the cosmic… … Wikipedia
Astronomy — • Divided into two main branches, astrometry and astrophysics; the former concerned with determining the places of the investigation of the heavenly bodies, the latter, with the investigation of their chemical and physical nature Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
Astronomy — As*tron o*my, n. [OE. astronomie, F. astronomie, L. astronomia, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? astronomer; asth r star + ? to distribute, regulate. See {Star}, and {Nomad}.] 1. Astrology. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck; And yet … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Astronomy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Astronomy, es la octava cancion del primero de dos discos, del album Garage Inc. de la banda californiana de Heavy Thrash Metal, Metallica. La cancion esta basada en la historia de un hombre enamorado hacia una chica … Wikipedia Español
Astronomy — Album par Dragonland Sortie 13 novembre 2006 Enregistrement au Studio Fredman, en Suède Durée 1:00:42 Genre Power metal Metal symphonique Power metal symphoniqu … Wikipédia en Français
Astronomy — was one of the subjects of the medieval *quadrivium. Astronomy then was based upon Ptolemy of Alexandria s * Almagest, written in the second quarter of the 2c. (The Arabic al magest = the greatest.) The text was translated from the Greek into… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
astronomy — (n.) c.1200, from O.Fr. astrenomie, from L. astronomia, from Gk. astronomia, lit. star arrangement, from astron star (see ASTRO (Cf. astro )) + nomos arranging, regulating, related to nemein to deal out (see NUMISMATICS (Cf … Etymology dictionary
astronomy — [n] study of the stars and planets other than Earth astrochemistry, astrography, astrolithology, astrometry, astrophysics, selenology, sky watching, stargazing, uranology; concept 349 … New thesaurus
astronomy — ► NOUN ▪ the science of celestial objects, space, and the physical universe. DERIVATIVES astronomer noun … English terms dictionary
astronomy — [ə strän′ə mē] n. [ME & OFr astronomie < L astronomia < Gr < astron, STAR + nomos, law: see NOMY] 1. the science of the universe in which the stars, planets, etc. are studied, including their origins, evolution, composition, motions,… … English World dictionary
astronomy — /euh stron euh mee/, n. the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth s atmosphere. [1175 1225; ME astronomie ( < AF) < L astronomia < Gk. See ASTRO , NOMY] * * * I Science dealing with the origin, evolution, composition,… … Universalium