1 assets
n. (Accounting) entries on a balance sheet showing tangible and intangible properties and claims against others that can be applied to cover the financial obligations of a business or of a person; complete property that a person owns* * *pasuri; merita -
2 capital assets
['kæpitël 'æset] n. fin. kapital -
3 asset
* * *pasuri; aktiv -
4 capital
capital I ['kæpitël] adj.,n. -adj 1. kapital; (i dënueshëm) me vdekje; capital crime krim i dënueshëm me vdekje; capital sentence dënim me vdekje. 2. i rëndësishëm, kryesor, i dorës së parë. 3. i shkëlqyer; a capital speech fjalim i shkëlqyer. 4. fin. kapital, i kapitalit. 5. e madhe, kapitale(germë) /-n 1. kryeqytet. 2. shkronjë e madhe. 3. fin. kapital. 4. arkit. kapitel* * *kryesor; kapital
См. также в других словарях:
assets — I noun available means, belongings, bona, capital, chattels, effects, estate, funds, goods, holdings, inventories, money, pecuniary resources, personal effects, personal resources, possessions, principal, property, reserves, resources, riches,… … Law dictionary
Assets — As sets, n. pl. [OF. asez enough, F. assez, fr. L. ad + satis, akin to Gr. ? enough, Goth. saps full. Cf. {Assai}, {Satisfy}.] 1. (Law) (a) Property of a deceased person, subject by law to the payment of his debts and legacies; called assets… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
assets — are every form of property that the debtor owns. They include such intangible things as business goodwill; the right to sue someone; or stock options. The debtor must disclose all of his assets in the bankruptcy schedules; exemptions remove the… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
assets — (n.) 1530s, sufficient estate, from Anglo Fr. asetz (singular), from O.Fr. assez (11c.) sufficiency, satisfaction; compensation, noun use of adverb meaning enough, sufficiently; very much, a great deal, from V.L. *ad satis to sufficiency, from L … Etymology dictionary
assets — /aesets/ Property of all kinds, real and personal, tangible and intangible, including, inter alia, for certain purposes, patents and causes of action which belong to any person including a corporation and the estate of a decedent. The entire… … Black's law dictionary
assets — /aesets/ Property of all kinds, real and personal, tangible and intangible, including, inter alia, for certain purposes, patents and causes of action which belong to any person including a corporation and the estate of a decedent. The entire… … Black's law dictionary
assets — Synonyms and related words: Swiss bank account, accounts, accounts payable, accounts receivable, affluence, assessed valuation, assets and liabilities, available means, balance, bank account, bottom dollar, bottomless purse, budget, budgeting,… … Moby Thesaurus
assets — The property of a natural person or a corporation, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, especially property which is subject to seizure under and sale under process for payment of debts. See admitted assets; assets of a debtor; assets of a … Ballentine's law dictionary
assets — noun anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company • Usage Domain: ↑plural, ↑plural form • Hypernyms: ↑possession • Hyponyms: ↑share, ↑portion, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
assets — n. 1) to realize; unfreeze assets 2) current; financial; frozen; hidden; intangible; liquid; tangible assets * * * financial frozen hidden intangible liquid tangible assets unfreezeassets current … Combinatory dictionary
assets — A firm s productive resources. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Resources owned and controlled by a company. Technically defined as access to future economic benefits as a result of past events or transactions. Assets are shown on a company s… … Financial and business terms