1 assets
* * *[aesets]nounplural premoženjsko stanje, aktiva; gotovina, čisto premoženje -
2 actual
['æk uəl](real; existing; not imaginary: In actual fact he is not as stupid as you think he is.) resničen- actually* * *[aektjuəl, aekčuəl]dejanski, pravi; sedanji -
3 asset
['æset](anything useful or valuable; an advantage: He is a great asset to the school.) prednost- assets* * *[aeset]nounpridobitev, prednost, dobiček, obogatitev, opora; commerce aktiva, premoženje -
4 liquid
['likwid] 1. adjective(able to flow; not solid, but not a gas: liquid nitrogen; The ice-cream has become liquid.) tekoč2. noun(a substance which flows, like water: a clear liquid.) tekočina- liquefy- liquidate
- liquidation
- liquidator
- liquidize
- liquidise
- liquidizer
- liquidiser* * *I [líkwid]tekoč, voden; prozoren (zrak), jasen (nebo), bister, vlažen (oči); čist, jasen (glas); tekoč (stih); figuratively nestalen, spremenljiv; economy likviden, plačila zmoženII [líkwid]nountekočina; grammar likvida, jezičnik (l, r, m, n) -
5 marshal
1. noun1) (an official who arranges ceremonies, processions etc.) ceremoniar2) ((American) an official with certain duties in the lawcourts.) šerif3) ((American) the head of a police or fire department.) načelnik (policije, gasilcev)2. verb1) (to arrange (forces, facts, arguments etc) in order: Give me a minute to marshal my thoughts.) urediti2) (to lead or show the way to: We marshalled the whole group into a large room.) usmeriti* * *I [má:šəl]nounmilitary maršalBritish English juridically sodni zapisnikar; American juridically zvezni izvršni uradnik, predstojnik okrajne policije; ceremoniar; history dvorni ceremoniar, maršal; British English knight marshal — dvorni maršalII [má:šəl]1.transitive verb2.intransitive verbrazporediti se, postaviti se v vrsto -
6 real
[riəl] 1. adjective1) (which actually exists: There's a real monster in that cave.) resničen2) (not imitation; genuine: real leather; Is that diamond real?) pravi3) (actual: He may own the factory, but it's his manager who is the real boss.) resničen4) (great: a real surprise/problem.) resničen2. adverb((especially American) very; really: a real nice house.) zares- realist- realism
- realistic
- realistically
- reality
- really 3. interjection(an expression of surprise, protest, doubt etc: `I'm going to be the next manager.' `Oh really?'; Really! You mustn't be so rude!) res- for real
- in reality* * *[ríəl]1.adjectiveresničen, dejanski, stvaren, realen, neizmišljen, objektiven; commerce efektiven, razpoložljiv; pravi, čist, pristen, neponarejen, neumeten; naraven, živ, vzet (črpan) iz življenja; iskren; juridically stvaren, osnoven, temeljni, nepremičninski2.3.adverb(zlasti pred pridevniki) resnično, zares; (zlasti American) zelo, skrajno -
7 realize
1) (to know; to understand: I realize that I can't have everything I want; I realized my mistake.) uvideti, spoznati2) (to make real; to make (something) come true: He realized his ambition to become an astronaut; My worst fears were realized.) izpolniti (se), uresničiti (se)3) (to make (money) by selling something: He realized $60,000 on the sale of his apartment.) ustvariti (dobiček)•- realisation* * *[rí:əlaiz]transitive verburesničiti, realizirati, ostvariti, izvršiti, izvesti, izpolniti; zavedati se, jasno spoznati, uvideti, pojmiti, živo si predstavljati, predočiti si; commerce vnovčiti, doseči ceno (vsoto, vrednost); prodati (kaj); podedovati, dobiti (imetje)do you realize your position (the danger)? — se zavedate svojega položaja (nevarnosti)? -
8 return
[rə'tə:n] 1. verb1) (to come or go back: He returns home tomorrow; He returned to London from Paris yesterday; The pain has returned.) vrniti se2) (to give, send, put etc (something) back where it came from: He returned the book to its shelf; Don't forget to return the books you borrowed.) vrniti3) (I'll return to this topic in a minute.) vrniti se4) (to do (something) which has been done to oneself: She hit him and he returned the blow; He said how nice it was to see her again, and she returned the compliment.) vrniti5) ((of voters) to elect (someone) to Parliament.) voliti6) ((of a jury) to give (a verdict): The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.) izreči7) ((in tennis etc) to hit (a ball) back to one's opponent: She returned his serve.) vrniti2. noun1) (the act of returning: On our return, we found the house had been burgled; ( also adjective) a return journey.) vrnitev2) (especially in United Kingdom, a round-trip ticket, a return ticket: Do you want a single or a return?) povratna vozovnica•- return match
- return ticket
- by return of post
- by return
- in return for
- in return
- many happy returns of the day
- many happy returns* * *I [ritɜ:n]1.nounvrnitev, povratek; povrnitev, ponovitev (bolezni), recidiva; povračilo, plačilo; povratna pošiljka, povraten prevoz, povratna vozovnica; vrnitev ali vračanje denarja, odškodnina, nadomestilo; (uradno) sporočilo, objava vest; plural statistični podatki, izkazi, rezultati; parliament objava rezultatov volitev, parlamentarne volitve; (redko) odgovor; (često plural) dohodek, zaslužek; plural commerce prodaja, (denarni) promet; iztržek, izkupiček, dobiček; vrnjeno blago, uporabljena embalaža; architecture izbočina na pročelju, štrleč vogal, krilo hiše; (mečevanje, tenis) povratni udarec, odboj žoge; plural slab tobak za pipowhat did he get in return for his kindness? — s čim mu je bila povrnjena njegova prijaznost?to owe s.o. a return — biti komu dolžan povračilo2.adjectivepovratenII [ritɜ:n]1.intransitive verbvrniti se; ponovno se pripetiti (zgoditi, nastopiti); ponovno priti; spremeniti sereturn to our muttons! — vrnimo se -- po digresiji -- k (pravemu) predmetu diskusije!2.transitive verbvrniti, nazaj dati, poslati nazaj; odražati, odbijati; odbiti nazaj, vrniti (žogo); vrniti (pozdrav, obisk itd.), ponovno plačati, vrniti (milo za drago); dajati, prinašati (dobiček); (uradno) proglasiti, prijaviti, (uradno) javiti, objaviti; juridically izreči sodbo; glasovati, dati glas; voliti (poslanca); (večinoma v pasivu) oceniti, obvestitito return interest, a profit — dajati, prinašati obresti, dobiček -
9 set off
1) ((sometimes with on) to start a journey: We set off to go to the beach.) kreniti2) (to cause to start doing something: She had almost stopped crying, but his harsh words set her off again.) pripraviti do3) (to explode or ignite: You should let your father set off all the fireworks.) sprožiti (eksplozijo itd.)* * *transitive verb poudariti; razločevati, okrasiti; privesti (pripraviti) do eksplozije; pripraviti do; kompenzirati (pomanjkljivost, izgubo); izravnati; oddeliti, ločiti od; intransitive verb odpraviti se, kreniti, odhiteti; figuratively začetito set s.o. off laughing — spraviti koga v smeh -
10 WAA, W.A.A.
abbreviationAmerican War-Assets Administration
См. также в других словарях:
assets — I noun available means, belongings, bona, capital, chattels, effects, estate, funds, goods, holdings, inventories, money, pecuniary resources, personal effects, personal resources, possessions, principal, property, reserves, resources, riches,… … Law dictionary
Assets — As sets, n. pl. [OF. asez enough, F. assez, fr. L. ad + satis, akin to Gr. ? enough, Goth. saps full. Cf. {Assai}, {Satisfy}.] 1. (Law) (a) Property of a deceased person, subject by law to the payment of his debts and legacies; called assets… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
assets — are every form of property that the debtor owns. They include such intangible things as business goodwill; the right to sue someone; or stock options. The debtor must disclose all of his assets in the bankruptcy schedules; exemptions remove the… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
assets — (n.) 1530s, sufficient estate, from Anglo Fr. asetz (singular), from O.Fr. assez (11c.) sufficiency, satisfaction; compensation, noun use of adverb meaning enough, sufficiently; very much, a great deal, from V.L. *ad satis to sufficiency, from L … Etymology dictionary
assets — /aesets/ Property of all kinds, real and personal, tangible and intangible, including, inter alia, for certain purposes, patents and causes of action which belong to any person including a corporation and the estate of a decedent. The entire… … Black's law dictionary
assets — /aesets/ Property of all kinds, real and personal, tangible and intangible, including, inter alia, for certain purposes, patents and causes of action which belong to any person including a corporation and the estate of a decedent. The entire… … Black's law dictionary
assets — Synonyms and related words: Swiss bank account, accounts, accounts payable, accounts receivable, affluence, assessed valuation, assets and liabilities, available means, balance, bank account, bottom dollar, bottomless purse, budget, budgeting,… … Moby Thesaurus
assets — The property of a natural person or a corporation, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, especially property which is subject to seizure under and sale under process for payment of debts. See admitted assets; assets of a debtor; assets of a … Ballentine's law dictionary
assets — noun anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company • Usage Domain: ↑plural, ↑plural form • Hypernyms: ↑possession • Hyponyms: ↑share, ↑portion, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
assets — n. 1) to realize; unfreeze assets 2) current; financial; frozen; hidden; intangible; liquid; tangible assets * * * financial frozen hidden intangible liquid tangible assets unfreezeassets current … Combinatory dictionary
assets — A firm s productive resources. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Resources owned and controlled by a company. Technically defined as access to future economic benefits as a result of past events or transactions. Assets are shown on a company s… … Financial and business terms