1 ascalaphus fly
1) Биология: аскалафы (Ascalaphidae), аскалаф (Ascalaphus)2) Энтомология: аскалаф (лат. Ascalaphus), булавоуска (лат. Ascalaphus) -
2 ascalaphus fly
3 fly, ascalaphus
1. LAT Ascalaphus Fabricius2. RUS булавоуска f аскалаф m3. ENG ascalaphus fly4. DEU Schmetterlingshaft m5. FRA ascalaphe mDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > fly, ascalaphus
4 fly
1) муха; pl мухи ( Muscidae)2) двукрылое•- ant fly
- anthomyiid fly
- anthomyzid fly
- aphid fles
- apple-seed chalcid fly
- armed fly
- ascalaphus fly
- asparagus fly
- assassin flies
- asteiid flies
- azalea fly
- bat flies
- bee flies
- big-eyed flies
- big-headed flies
- black flies
- black scavenger flies
- bluebottle fly
- boat flies
- bomb fly
- bot flies
- bracon flies
- braulid flies
- breeze fly
- brine flies
- bristle fly
- bulb flies
- cabbage root fly
- caddis flies
- carrot rust fly
- chalcid flies
- chamaemyid flies
- chameleon fly
- cheese flies
- cherry fruit fly
- chin fly
- Chinese-candle fly
- chloropid flies
- circular-seamed flies
- clusiid flies
- cluster fly
- common fruit fly
- common house fly
- common yellow dung fly
- crane flies
- cuckoo flies
- currant fruit fly
- dance flies
- demoiselle flies
- drone fly
- dryomyzid fly
- dung flies
- earthworm fly
- ensign flies
- ephemeral flies
- fairy flies
- false crane flies
- false stable fly
- finger-net caddis flies
- fish flies
- flat-footed flies
- flesh flies
- flower flies
- forest fly
- frit fly
- fruit fly
- giant stone flies
- golden-eyed flies
- grape-seed chalcid fly
- green flies
- green stone flies
- green-bottle fly
- green-winged stone flies
- hanging flies
- hanging scorpion flies
- harlequin flies
- harvest fly
- hawk flies
- heel fly
- helomyzid flies
- Hessian fly
- horn fly
- horse bot fly
- house fly
- hover flies
- humpbacked flies
- ichneumon flies
- kelp flies
- lantern flies
- large fruit flies
- latrine fly
- lauxaniid flies
- leaf-miner flies
- lesser bulb fly
- little house fly
- lonchaeid flies
- long-horned flies
- long-legged flies
- louse flies
- manure flies
- March flies
- marsh flies
- May flies
- Mediterranean fruit fly
- megalopteran flies
- melon fly
- microcaddis flies
- moth flies
- muscid flies
- mydas flies
- nest fly
- net-spinning caddis flies
- nostril flies
- odiniid flies
- olive fly
- onion bulb fly
- onion fly
- opomyzid flies
- oriental fruit fly
- otitid flies
- owl flies
- ox warble fly
- palm flies
- peacock fly
- petroleum fly
- phantom crane flies
- phorid flies
- picture-winged flies
- pomace fly
- primitive crane flies
- roachlike stone flies
- robber flies
- rolled-winged stone flies
- root-eating flies
- Russian fly
- rust flies
- sand flies
- scavenger flies
- scorpion flies
- seaweed flies
- serpent flies
- shore flies
- short-horned flies
- skipper flies
- small dung flies
- small winter stone flies
- small-headed flies
- snail-case caddis flies
- snake flies
- snipe flies
- snow fly
- snow scorpion fly
- soldier flies
- Spanish fly
- spear-marked flies
- spear-winged flies
- spider flies
- spiny-legged flies
- spongilla flies
- spring stone flies
- stable fly
- stalk-eyed flies
- stiletto flies
- stilt-legged flies
- stink flies
- stomach bot flies
- stone fly
- straight-seamed flies
- sun flies
- syrphid flies
- tachina flies
- tachinid flies
- tangle-veined flies
- tanypezid flies
- throat fly
- thunder flies
- toad fly
- trumpet-net caddis flies
- tsetse fly
- two-winged flies
- typhoid fly
- vinegar fly
- warble flies
- wasp fly
- white flies
- window flies
- winter crane flies
- winter stone flies* * *• муха• мухи -
5 6271
1. LAT Ascalaphus Fabricius2. RUS булавоуска f аскалаф m3. ENG ascalaphus fly4. DEU Schmetterlingshaft m5. FRA ascalaphe m
См. также в других словарях:
Animals in the Bible — • The sacred books were composed by and for a people almost exclusively given to husbandry and pastoral life, hence in constant communication with nature Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Animals in the Bible Anima … Catholic encyclopedia
List of the animals in the Bible — See main article Animals in the Bible. The following is a list of animals whose name appears in the Bible. Whenever required for the identification, the Hebrew name will be indicated, as well as the specific term used by Zoologists. This list… … Wikipedia
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List of birds of Sudan — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Sudan. The avifauna of Sudan includes a total of 1013 species, of which 3 are endemic, 1 has been introduced by humans, and 4 are rare or accidental. 10 species are globally threatened.This list s… … Wikipedia
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