Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 1 по сравнению

    compared to, compared with

    it is quite non-negligible compared to unity they are very small compared with the density

    Русско-английский словарь механических и общенаучных терминов > по сравнению

  • 2 по сравнению с

    compared to, compared with

    it is quite non-negligible compared to unity they are very small compared with the density

    Русско-английский словарь механических и общенаучных терминов > по сравнению с

  • 3 сравнивать с землей

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > сравнивать с землей

  • 4 по сравнению с

    Русско-английский словарь по патентам и товарным знакам > по сравнению с

  • 5 по сравнению с

    1) General subject: as compared to, as compared with, as contrasted with, beside, by contrast to, by contrast with, compared to (...) (...), in comparison with, in contrast with, over against, pound for pound (...), vis-а-vis, from (1) In terms of sales revenue, all the numbers are up from last year. 2) Tourist numbers in June are down 5% from last year.), compared with (Port Coquitlam's population is growing more rapidly compared with other municipalities in the region such.), over (Registration for many of the skilled-trades programs have doubled over previous years.), down from, up from, when compared to
    2) Engineering: versus
    4) Psychology: by comparison with
    6) Business: vis-a-vis
    7) Drilling: vs (versus)
    8) Makarov: against, as compared with (to)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > по сравнению с

  • 6 по сравнению с

    Compared to conventional enamels, low-temperature enamels have proper resistance to...

    A reduction in width of the heads standard can produce an increase in noise level.

    Improvements on the original torches concern new types of heat elements.

    Roof bolts have several advantages over other methods of roof support.

    Relative to chemical methods of analysis, chromatographic methods have many unique features.

    Even by comparison with a white dwarf a neutron star is tiny.

    The heat loss through the wall of the oven will be small in relation to the energy-delivery capability of the final control elements.

    When compared to the copper wire in a cable, the cellular core is a poor conductor.

    This volume is small when compared to the volume in cans.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > по сравнению с

  • 7 С-532

    ПО СРАВНЕНИЮ с кем-чем В СРАВНЕНИИ PrepP these forms only Prep the resulting PrepP is adv
    when (a person, thing etc is) compared with (another person, thing etc): (as) compared with (to)
    in comparison with (to) (in limited contexts) by comparison
    (when comparing s.o. or sth. to someone or something else previously encountered) after... Должно быть, слова в старину читались медленнее и произносились значительнее. По сравнению с позднейшей убористой печатью, на странице помещалось мало знаков (Терц 3). In the old days people probably read much more slowly and put much greater meaning into words. Compared to the very close print of a later age, there were fewer letters to a page (3a).
    ...В эту минуту Наполеон казался ему столь маленьким, ничтожным человеком в сравнении с тем, что происходило теперь между его душой и этим высоким, бесконечным небом с бегущими по нбм облаками (Толстой 4)....At that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant creature compared with what was taking place between his soul and that lofty, infinite sky with the clouds sailing over it (4a).
    Нужно сказать, что все события, сопровождавшие выход предыдущих пьес Мольера, решительно померкли по сравнению с тем, что произошло немедленно после премьеры «Школы жен» (Булгаков 5). It must be said that, whatever incidents attended the presentation of Moliere's previous plays, they dimmed to insignificance in comparison with the things that transpired after the premiere of The School for Wives (5a).
    Тесть играл (в бильярд) лучше. Сказывалась многолетняя практика, а Игорь, по сравнению с Александром Ивановичем, был почти совсем новичок, хотя и подающий надежды (Ерофеев 3). His father-in-law was a better (billiard) player. He had many years of practice under his belt, and Igor, by comparison, was a novice, albeit a novice who showed promise (3a).
    (В общежитии) горячей воды... ванной или душа не было. Но всё-таки условия по сравнению с теми, которые мне пришлось испытать до тех пор, были вполне приличными (Войнович 1)....(In the hostel) there was...no hot water, no bath or shower. But after the conditions in which I had been living, these were entirely decent (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-532

  • 8 в сравнении

    [PrepP; these forms only; Prep; the resulting PrepP is adv]
    when (a person, thing etc is) compared with (another person, thing etc):
    - [in limited contexts] by comparison;
    - [when comparing s.o. or sth. to someone or something else previously encountered] after...
         ♦ Должно быть, слова в старину читались медленнее и произносились значительнее. По сравнению с позднейшей убористой печатью, на странице помещалось мало знаков (Терц 3). In the old days people probably read much more slowly and put much greater meaning into words. Compared to the very close print of a later age, there were fewer letters to a page (3a).
         ♦...В эту минуту Наполеон казался ему столь маленьким, ничтожным человеком в сравнении с тем, что происходило теперь между его душой и этим высоким, бесконечным небом с бегущими по нём облаками (Толстой 4)....At that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant creature compared with what was taking place between his soul and that lofty, infinite sky with the clouds sailing over it (4a).
         ♦ Нужно сказать, что все события, сопровождавшие выход предыдущих пьес Мольера, решительно померкли по сравнению с тем, что произошло немедленно после премьеры "Школы жён" (Булгаков 5). It must be said that, whatever incidents attended the presentation of Moliere's previous plays, they dimmed to insignificance in comparison with the things that transpired after the premiere of The School for Wives (5a).
         ♦ Тесть играл [в бильярд] лучше. Сказывалась многолетняя практика, а Игорь, по сравнению с Александром Ивановичем, был почти совсем новичок, хотя и подающий надежды (Ерофеев 3). His father-in-law was a better [billiard] player. He had many years of practice under his belt, and Igor, by comparison, was a novice, albeit a novice who showed promise (3a).
         ♦...[В общежитии] горячей воды... ванной или душа не было. Но всё-таки условия по сравнению с теми, которые мне пришлось испытать до тех пор, были вполне приличными (Войнович 1)....[In the hostel] there was...no hot water, no bath or shower. But after the conditions in which I had been living, these were entirely decent (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в сравнении

  • 9 по сравнению

    [PrepP; these forms only; Prep; the resulting PrepP is adv]
    when (a person, thing etc is) compared with (another person, thing etc):
    - [in limited contexts] by comparison;
    - [when comparing s.o. or sth. to someone or something else previously encountered] after...
         ♦ Должно быть, слова в старину читались медленнее и произносились значительнее. По сравнению с позднейшей убористой печатью, на странице помещалось мало знаков (Терц 3). In the old days people probably read much more slowly and put much greater meaning into words. Compared to the very close print of a later age, there were fewer letters to a page (3a).
         ♦...В эту минуту Наполеон казался ему столь маленьким, ничтожным человеком в сравнении с тем, что происходило теперь между его душой и этим высоким, бесконечным небом с бегущими по нём облаками (Толстой 4)....At that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant creature compared with what was taking place between his soul and that lofty, infinite sky with the clouds sailing over it (4a).
         ♦ Нужно сказать, что все события, сопровождавшие выход предыдущих пьес Мольера, решительно померкли по сравнению с тем, что произошло немедленно после премьеры "Школы жён" (Булгаков 5). It must be said that, whatever incidents attended the presentation of Moliere's previous plays, they dimmed to insignificance in comparison with the things that transpired after the premiere of The School for Wives (5a).
         ♦ Тесть играл [в бильярд] лучше. Сказывалась многолетняя практика, а Игорь, по сравнению с Александром Ивановичем, был почти совсем новичок, хотя и подающий надежды (Ерофеев 3). His father-in-law was a better [billiard] player. He had many years of practice under his belt, and Igor, by comparison, was a novice, albeit a novice who showed promise (3a).
         ♦...[В общежитии] горячей воды... ванной или душа не было. Но всё-таки условия по сравнению с теми, которые мне пришлось испытать до тех пор, были вполне приличными (Войнович 1)....[In the hostel] there was...no hot water, no bath or shower. But after the conditions in which I had been living, these were entirely decent (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > по сравнению

  • 10 по сравнению с

    1. as contrasted with
    2. as against
    3. as compared to
    4. as compared with
    5. as opposed to
    6. by contrast to
    7. by contrast with
    8. compared to
    9. compared with
    10. in comparison to
    11. in comparison with
    12. in contrast with
    13. with comparison to

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > по сравнению с

  • 11 в сравнении с

    * * *
    В сравнении с -- in comparison to, in comparison with; as compared to, compared to; when compared with; versus, vis-a-vis
     This maraging steel offers modestly improved yield and ultimate strengths as compared to a commercial 9 percent Ni steel.
     When compared with normal red phosphorus AMGARD CRT has better flow properties and improved impact resistance.
     The issue of general-purpose versus special-purpose knowledge representations is particularly important in natural language processing.
     Figure presents the hydrodynamics of a starved journal bearing vis-a-vis a full film condition.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > в сравнении с

  • 12 Р-402

    РЯДОМ С кем-чем AdvP Invar Prep the resulting PrepP is adv
    1. in close proximity to
    next to
    alongside (of) (in limited contexts) next door to.
    Рядом с нашей школой есть бассейн. There is a swimming pool next to our school.
    2. when placed side by side (with s.o. or sth.) and observed in relation to him or it
    next to
    in comparison with (as) compared with (to)).
    (Шервинский:) Вы красивая, умная, как говорится, интеллектуально развитая... А он рядом с вами — вешалка, карьерист, штабной момент (Булгаков 4). (Sh.:) You are beautiful, intelligent, intellectually developed, as they say....And compared to you he's a coat rack, a careerist, a headquarters nothing (4a).
    3. at the same time as, together with
    along with.
    Когда я узнал Никиту поближе, я понял, что рядом с детской наивностью в нём живет трезвая расчётливость. When I got to know Nikita better, I understood that along with his childlike naivete he had sober common sense.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-402

  • 13 рядом с

    [AdvP; Invar; Prep; the resulting PrepP is adv]
    1. in close proximity to:
    - [in limited contexts] next door to.
         ♦ Рядом с нашей школой есть бассейн. There is a swimming pool next to our school.
    2. when placed side by side (with s.o. or sth.) and observed in relation to him or it:
    - (as) compared with (to).
         ♦ [Шервинский:] Вы красивая, умная, как говорится, интеллектуально развитая... А он рядом с вами - вешалка, карьерист, штабной момент (Булгаков 4). [Sh.:] You are beautiful, intelligent, intellectually developed, as they say....And compared to you he's a coat rack, a careerist, a headquarters nothing (4a).
    3. at the same time as, together with:
    - along with.
         ♦ Когда я узнал Никиту поближе, я понял, что рядом с детской наивностью в нём живет трезвая расчётливость. When I got to know Nikita better, I understood that along with his childlike naivete he had sober common sense.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > рядом с

  • 14 С-531

    HE ИДТИ В СРАВНЕНИЕ (НИ В КАКОЕ СРАВНЕНИЕ) с кем-чем НЕ ПОДДАВАТЬСЯ НИКАКОМУ СРАВНЕНИЮ НЕ ВЫДЕРЖИВАТЬ (НИКАКОГО) СРАВНЕНИЯ VP subj: any noun the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO
    to be so different from someone or something else that no comparison can be drawn (often because one of the people, things etc is far superior to the other)
    X не идёт ни в какое сравнение с Y-ом = X can't compare with Y
    X is in no way comparable to Y there's no comparing X and Y X is nothing compared with (to) Y X is nothing in comparison with Y.
    ...Девушка не шла ни в какое сравнение с Фаиной... (Битов 2)....The girl couldn't compare with Faina... (2a).
    До этого Сталин был за границей только в Таммерфорсе и Стокгольме. Но те съезды не шли ни в какое сравнение с лондонским, где собралось более трёхсот делегатов... (Рыбаков 2). Until then, Stalin had been abroad only to Party meetings in Tammerfors and Stockholm. But they had been nothing compared to the London congress, where more than three hundred delegates had gathered... (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-531

  • 15 Я-69

    НА ЯТЬ old-fash, coll PrepP Invar
    1. ( subj-compl with copula ( subj: any common noun) or nonagreeing postmodif) very good, excellent in quality, form etc
    with a capital A ( В etc)
    one in a million
    a NP in the finest sense of the word.
    (Шервинский:) Вы красивая, умная, как говорится, интеллектуально развитая. Вообще женщина на ять. Аккомпанируете прекрасно на рояле. А он рядом с вами — вешалка, карьерист, штабной момент (Булгаков 4). (Sh.:) You are beautiful, intelligent, intellectually developed, as they say. In general a woman with a capital UW." You are a fine accompanist on the piano. And compared to you he's a coat rack, a careerist, a headquarters nothing (4a).
    Вы сами видите, что это рояль, как говорится, на ять: и звук прекрасный, и отделка великолепная. You can see for yourself, this piano is, as they say, one in a million: the tone is excellent and the ornamentation extraordinary.
    2. сделать что \Я-69
    (to do sth.) excellently
    to a T
    to perfection perfectly splendidly
    знать что \Я-69 know sth. inside out
    know sth. backward and forward.
    «По сравнению с нынешней мебелью, которая разваливается через год, старая мебель была сработана на ять, - сказал дед. - Этот стул, к примеру, служит уже третьему поколению семьи Афанасьевых». "As compared with furniture of today, which falls apart in a year, old furniture was splendidly crafted," said Grandfather. "This chair, for example, is already serving the third generation of Afanasyevs."

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Я-69

  • 16 не выдерживать никакого сравнения

    [VP; subj: any noun; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    to be so different from someone or something else that no comparison can be drawn (often because one of the people, things etc is far superior to the other):
    - X не идёт ни в какое сравнение с Y-ом X can't compare with Y;
    - X is nothing in comparison with Y.
         ♦...Девушка не шла ни в какое сравнение с Фаиной... (Битов 2)....The girl couldn't compare with Faina... (2a).
         ♦ До этого Сталин был за границей только в Таммерфорсе и Стокгольме. Но те съезды не шли ни в какое сравнение с лондонским, где собралось более трёхсот делегатов... (Рыбаков 2). Until then, Stalin had been abroad only to Party meetings in Tammerfors and Stockholm. But they had been nothing compared to the London congress, where more than three hundred delegates had gathered... (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не выдерживать никакого сравнения

  • 17 не выдерживать сравнения

    [VP; subj: any noun; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    to be so different from someone or something else that no comparison can be drawn (often because one of the people, things etc is far superior to the other):
    - X не идёт ни в какое сравнение с Y-ом X can't compare with Y;
    - X is nothing in comparison with Y.
         ♦...Девушка не шла ни в какое сравнение с Фаиной... (Битов 2)....The girl couldn't compare with Faina... (2a).
         ♦ До этого Сталин был за границей только в Таммерфорсе и Стокгольме. Но те съезды не шли ни в какое сравнение с лондонским, где собралось более трёхсот делегатов... (Рыбаков 2). Until then, Stalin had been abroad only to Party meetings in Tammerfors and Stockholm. But they had been nothing compared to the London congress, where more than three hundred delegates had gathered... (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не выдерживать сравнения

  • 18 не идти в сравнение

    [VP; subj: any noun; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    to be so different from someone or something else that no comparison can be drawn (often because one of the people, things etc is far superior to the other):
    - X не идёт ни в какое сравнение с Y-ом X can't compare with Y;
    - X is nothing in comparison with Y.
         ♦...Девушка не шла ни в какое сравнение с Фаиной... (Битов 2)....The girl couldn't compare with Faina... (2a).
         ♦ До этого Сталин был за границей только в Таммерфорсе и Стокгольме. Но те съезды не шли ни в какое сравнение с лондонским, где собралось более трёхсот делегатов... (Рыбаков 2). Until then, Stalin had been abroad only to Party meetings in Tammerfors and Stockholm. But they had been nothing compared to the London congress, where more than three hundred delegates had gathered... (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не идти в сравнение

  • 19 не идти ни в какое сравнение

    [VP; subj: any noun; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    to be so different from someone or something else that no comparison can be drawn (often because one of the people, things etc is far superior to the other):
    - X не идёт ни в какое сравнение с Y-ом X can't compare with Y;
    - X is nothing in comparison with Y.
         ♦...Девушка не шла ни в какое сравнение с Фаиной... (Битов 2)....The girl couldn't compare with Faina... (2a).
         ♦ До этого Сталин был за границей только в Таммерфорсе и Стокгольме. Но те съезды не шли ни в какое сравнение с лондонским, где собралось более трёхсот делегатов... (Рыбаков 2). Until then, Stalin had been abroad only to Party meetings in Tammerfors and Stockholm. But they had been nothing compared to the London congress, where more than three hundred delegates had gathered... (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не идти ни в какое сравнение

  • 20 не поддаваться никакому сравнению

    [VP; subj: any noun; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    to be so different from someone or something else that no comparison can be drawn (often because one of the people, things etc is far superior to the other):
    - X не идёт ни в какое сравнение с Y-ом X can't compare with Y;
    - X is nothing in comparison with Y.
         ♦...Девушка не шла ни в какое сравнение с Фаиной... (Битов 2)....The girl couldn't compare with Faina... (2a).
         ♦ До этого Сталин был за границей только в Таммерфорсе и Стокгольме. Но те съезды не шли ни в какое сравнение с лондонским, где собралось более трёхсот делегатов... (Рыбаков 2). Until then, Stalin had been abroad only to Party meetings in Tammerfors and Stockholm. But they had been nothing compared to the London congress, where more than three hundred delegates had gathered... (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не поддаваться никакому сравнению

См. также в других словарях:

  • compared with — compared with/​to phrase used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed Profits were good compared with last year. Compared to some of the things she’s said, this was polite. as …   Useful english dictionary

  • compared to — compared with/​to phrase used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed Profits were good compared with last year. Compared to some of the things she’s said, this was polite. as …   Useful english dictionary

  • with — W1S1 [wıð, wıθ] prep [: Old English; Origin: against, from, with ] 1.) used to say that two or more people or things are together in the same place ▪ I saw Bob in town with his girlfriend. ▪ Put this bag with the others. ▪ I always wear these… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Compared — Compare Com*pare , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Compared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Comparing}.] [L.comparare, fr. compar like or equal to another; com + par equal: cf. F. comparer. See {Pair}, {Peer} an equal, and cf. {Compeer}.] 1. To examine the character or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • compared — [[t]kəmpe͟ə(r)d[/t]] ♦♦ 1) PHR PREP If you say, for example, that one thing is large or small compared with another or compared to another, you mean that it is larger or smaller than the other thing. The room was light and lofty compared with our …   English dictionary

  • compared — com|pared [ kəm perd ] adjective compared to/with used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed: The Ohio branch produced 2000 units per month, compared with a national average …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • compared — UK [kəmˈpeə(r)d] / US [kəmˈperd] adjective compared with/to used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed Profits were good compared with last year. Compared to some of the… …   English dictionary

  • compared — [kəmˈpeəd] adj compared with/to used for talking about the ways in which two people or things are different, or about the ways in which someone or something has changed[/ex] Profits were good compared with last year.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • with — /wID, wIT/ preposition 1 near someone or something, or in someone s presence: I saw Bob in town with his girlfriend. | Mix the powder with boiling water. 2 having, possessing, or showing a particular thing, quality or feeling: a book with a green …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • with — [with, with] prep. [ME < OE, orig., against, in opposition to, contr. < or akin to wither, against < IE * witero (< base * wi , asunder, separate + compar. suffix) > Ger wider, against] 1. in opposition to or competition facing;… …   English World dictionary

  • With Apologies to Jesse Jackson — South Park episode Randy on Wheel of Fortune trying to solve the final puzzle …   Wikipedia

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Нажмите правой клавишей мыши и выберите «Копировать ссылку»