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  • 1 पराञ्च्

    mfn. (fr. 2. añc;

    nom. āṅ, ācī, āk, orᅠ āṅ) directed orᅠ going away orᅠ towards some place beyond (opp. to arvāñc);
    turned away, averted, distant, turning from, being beyond orᅠ outside of (abl.), not returning, done away with, gone, departed RV. AV. TS. Br. Up. ;
    having any one behind;
    standing orᅠ going behind one another, following (abl.) ib. ;
    directed outwards orᅠ towards the outer world (as the senses) KaṭhUp. BhP. ;
    n. the body BhP. IV, 11, 10 ;
    (k) ind. away, off KātyṠr. AitUp. ;
    (k orᅠ ), outwards, towards the outer world KaṭhUp. BhP.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पराञ्च्

  • 2 प्रत्यञ्च्

    mfn. (nom. pratyáṅ. pratī́cī, pratīcī́ < andᅠ pratyañcī Vop. >;

    pratyák) turned towards, facing (acc.) RV. AV. VS. ;
    coming (opp. to arvāñc, « going») RV. ;
    being orᅠ coming from behind, turning the back, averted, moving in an opposite direction ib. Br. KātyṠr. ;
    westward, western, occidental, to the west of (abl.) VS. AV. Br. Mn. etc.;
    turned back orᅠ inward, inner, interior Prab. BhP. Vedântas. ;
    equal to, a match for (acc.) AV. ;
    past, gone L. ;
    m. the individual soul Prab. VI, 4/5 ;
    (pratī́cī) f. (with orᅠ scil. diṡ) the west AV. etc. etc.;
    N. of a river BhP. ;
    ( pratyák) ind. backwards, in an opposite direction RV. AV. ;
    behind (abl.) KātyṠr. ;
    down (opp. to ūrdhvam) KaṭhUp. ;
    westward, to the west of (abl.) ṠrS. MBh. BhP. ;
    inwardly, within BhP. Vedântas. ;
    in former times L.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > प्रत्यञ्च्

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