1 arpía
adj.ravenous, harpy-like, predatory.f.1 vixen, brawling woman, old hag, shrew.2 harpy.3 Harpy, mythological monster with a woman's head and a bird's body, mythological monster Harpy.* * *1 harpy* * *SF (Mit) harpy; (=mujer) old bag ** * ** * *= dragon lady, harpy, harridan, hag.Ex. The impassive Diane is portrayed early on as the office dragon lady, bossing about her underling.Ex. For years past, the harpies of power have been industriously inculcating the idea that all our difficulties proceed from the impotency of Congress.Ex. The lifestyle of the bachelor is an enviable one: footloose and fancy-free, sailing through life without the constraints of a nagging harridan of a girlfriend.* * ** * *= dragon lady, harpy, harridan, hag.Ex: The impassive Diane is portrayed early on as the office dragon lady, bossing about her underling.
Ex: For years past, the harpies of power have been industriously inculcating the idea that all our difficulties proceed from the impotency of Congress.Ex: The lifestyle of the bachelor is an enviable one: footloose and fancy-free, sailing through life without the constraints of a nagging harridan of a girlfriend.* * ** * *
arpía sustantivo femenino Mit harpy
figurado old witch, old hag
' arpía' also found in these entries:
- hag
- bitch
* * *arpía nf2. [mujer mala] witch* * *f harpy* * *arpía nf: shrew, harpy -
2 arpía
• battle-ax• battle-axe• brawling woman• crone• harpooning• harpy eagle• term which only includes working periods• terminability• vivisection• vixenish -
3 arpía real
• harpsichord• harquebus -
4 arpía real
f.harpy eagle. -
5 bruja
f.1 witch, sorceress.3 vixen, old bag, old hag, bitch.4 crone, harridan.5 barn owl.pres.subj.* * ** * *noun f.* * *1.ADJestar bruja — Caribe, Méx ** to be broke *, be flat (EEUU) *
ando bien bruja — ** I'm skint **
2. SF1) (=hechicera) witch4) (Orn) barn owl* * *1) ( mujer antipática) (fam) witch (colloq), old hag (colloq); ver tb brujo II2) (AmC, Col) (Zool) moth* * *= witch, bitch, dragon lady, shrewish, evil old woman, sorceress, old hag, hag, old bag, old crone, old bat.Ex. Recently parents and concerned citizens have increasingly challenged library books that feature witches, demons and the devil whether in fiction, mythology or mysticism.Ex. Scarlett O'Hara, the main character, is portrayed as both a scheming bitch and hard-nosed survivor.Ex. The impassive Diane is portrayed early on as the office dragon lady, bossing about her underling.Ex. The fear of evil old women flying across the sky on broomsticks and hunting for children still remains today because of the ignorance of humanity.Ex. Its origin is a German folktale in which a beautiful girl with long golden hair is kept imprisoned in a lonely tower by a sorceress.Ex. On the streets of London we meet some of the denizens of the city -- there is the sandwich-board man, a blind old hag, and a lamplighter among them.Ex. Feminists prior to her were the old bags, the women that were so ugly you couldn't stand to look at them.Ex. About this time several of the old crones of the tribe offered their ribald advice on how the new couple should conduct themselves off in the forest together.----* caza de brujas = witch-hunt, witch hunting.* vieja bruja = evil old woman, harridan, hag, old bag, old crone, old bat.* * *1) ( mujer antipática) (fam) witch (colloq), old hag (colloq); ver tb brujo II2) (AmC, Col) (Zool) moth* * *= witch, bitch, dragon lady, shrewish, evil old woman, sorceress, old hag, hag, old bag, old crone, old bat.Ex: Recently parents and concerned citizens have increasingly challenged library books that feature witches, demons and the devil whether in fiction, mythology or mysticism.
Ex: Scarlett O'Hara, the main character, is portrayed as both a scheming bitch and hard-nosed survivor.Ex: The impassive Diane is portrayed early on as the office dragon lady, bossing about her underling.Ex: The fear of evil old women flying across the sky on broomsticks and hunting for children still remains today because of the ignorance of humanity.Ex: Its origin is a German folktale in which a beautiful girl with long golden hair is kept imprisoned in a lonely tower by a sorceress.Ex: On the streets of London we meet some of the denizens of the city -- there is the sandwich-board man, a blind old hag, and a lamplighter among them.Ex: Feminists prior to her were the old bags, the women that were so ugly you couldn't stand to look at them.Ex: About this time several of the old crones of the tribe offered their ribald advice on how the new couple should conduct themselves off in the forest together.* bieja bruja = old hag.* caza de brujas = witch-hunt, witch hunting.* vieja bruja = evil old woman, harridan, hag, old bag, old crone, old bat.* * ** * *
bruja sustantivo femenino
1 witch, sorceress
2 fig (mujer antipática) old bag
' bruja' also found in these entries:
- chicha
- escoba
- cow
- hag
- sorceress
- witch
- change
* * *♦ nf1. [hechicera] witch, sorceress♦ adjCAm, Carib, Méx Fam* * *f1 witch;2 Méx:andar o* * * -
6 figurado
adj.1 figurative.2 figured.past part.* * *► adjetivo1 figurative\en sentido figurado figuratively* * *ADJ figurative* * ** * ** * *figurado -dafigurative* * *
Del verbo figurar: ( conjugate figurar)
figurado es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
figurado◊ -da adjetivo
en sentido figurado in a figurative sense
figurar ( conjugate figurar) verbo intransitivo (en lista, documento) to appear
figurarse verbo pronominal
to imagine;
me figuro que sí I imagine so, I figure she (o he etc) will (AmE);
me figuro que tardaremos una hora I reckon o (AmE) figure that it'll take us one hour;
¡figúrate, tardamos dos horas! just imagine! it took us two hours;
ya me lo figuraba yo I thought as much, so I thought
figurado,-a adjetivo figurative: lo dije en sentido figurado, I was speaking figuratively
I vi (en una lista, en un grupo) to figure [como, as] [entre, among]: no figura entre los seleccionados, she wasn't listed in the selection
II vt to represent
' figurado' also found in these entries:
- abismo
- abrirse
- abuela
- abuelo
- acabar
- acalorarse
- acariciar
- acentuar
- acero
- adelantar
- agriar
- agua
- aguar
- ahogarse
- ahondar
- ajustar
- ajuste
- aleta
- aliento
- altura
- aluvión
- amargar
- ampolla
- anquilosarse
- antesala
- anticiparse
- antológica
- antológico
- aplaudir
- apoderarse
- árida
- aridez
- árido
- arma
- armarse
- arpía
- arraigo
- asada
- asado
- asignatura
- aspereza
- asquerosidad
- atar
- atravesarse
- avinagrada
- avinagrado
- avinagrarse
- bache
- baile
- about-face
- about-turn
- abyss
- account
- act
- add up
- addicted
- advance
- aground
- ahead
- air
- alive
- amount to
- anaemic
- angle
- animal
- animate
- appetite
- astray
- attached
- attack
- avenue
- awake
- back
- backfire
- bail out
- bait
- balance
- bandwagon
- baron
- battle-cry
- beast
- bell
- beneath
- bet
- beyond
- bile
- birth
- blanket
- blaze
- bleary-eyed
- blind
- blitz
- blow
- board
- boat
- boil
- bone
- book
* * *figurado, -a adjfigurative;* * *adj figurative;* * *: figurative -
7 pécora
f.1 head of sheep, head of cattle.2 woman of ill-repute, prostitute.* * ** * ** * *1) ( mujer)mala pécora — bitch (colloq), Jezebel
2) (Per fam) smell of cheesy feet (colloq)* * *1) ( mujer)mala pécora — bitch (colloq), Jezebel
2) (Per fam) smell of cheesy feet (colloq)* * *A* * *
pécora sustantivo femenino su tía es una mala pécora, his aunt is a witch
* * *pécora nf1. Comp* * *f:
См. также в других словарях:
arpía — sustantivo femenino 1. Área: mitología Ser maligno de la mitología griega con rostro de mujer y cuerpo y extremidades de ave de rapiña. 2. Pragmática: insulto. Mujer perversa: Esa mujer es una arpía, siempre está criticando a todo el mundo … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
arpia — /ar pia/ s.f. [dal lat. Harpyiae, plur., gr. Arpýiai le rapaci ]. 1. (mitol.) [mostro della mitologia greca con volto di donna e corpo di rapace]. 2. (fig.) [donna malevola, bisbetica e sim.] ▶◀ (non com.) lamia, megera, strega. ◀▶ angelo … Enciclopedia Italiana
arpía — (Cf. harpía, del lat. harpyia, y este del gr. ῞Αρπυια). 1. f. Ave fabulosa, con rostro de mujer y cuerpo de ave de rapiña. 2. coloq. Persona codiciosa que con arte o maña saca cuanto puede. 3. coloq. Mujer aviesa. 4. coloq. Mujer muy fea y flaca … Diccionario de la lengua española
Arpía — (Del lat. harpyia < gr. harpyia.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 MITOLOGÍA Monstruo fantástico con cara de mujer y cuerpo de ave de rapiña. TAMBIÉN harpía 2 coloquial Mujer que se comporta con maldad: ■ es una arpía que no sabe hacer más que daño.… … Enciclopedia Universal
arpia — ar·pì·a s.f. 1. TS mitol. anche con iniz. maiusc., nella mitologia greca, mostro alato con volto femminile e corpo d uccello, rapitore di bambini e anime 2a. CO fig., donna brutta, bisbetica e malvagia Sinonimi: megera, strega. 2b. CO persona… … Dizionario italiano
arpía — {{#}}{{LM A03365}}{{〓}} {{SynA03440}} {{[}}arpía{{]}} ‹ar·pí·a› (también {{◎}}harpía{{ ̄}}) {{《}}▍ s.f.{{》}} {{<}}1{{>}} {{※}}col.{{¤}} Persona mala o perversa: • No te fíes de ella, porque es una arpía.{{○}} {{<}}2{{>}} {{♂}}En la mitología… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
arpía — mujer maligna; esperpento; cf. bruja, peuca; la vecina es una arpía: siempre anda hablando mal de otros y conspirando , no te vayas a aparecer por la casa de Ricardo: su mujer es una arpía y va a pensar que algún provecho buscas y vas a pasar un… … Diccionario de chileno actual
arpía — sustantivo femenino 1) harpía. Esta es variante ortográfica de arpía. 2) furia, basilisco, bruja*. * * * Sinónimos: ■ bruja, furia, fiera, basilisco, esperpento … Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos
Arpia Hotel — (Каш,Турция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Çukurbağ Yarımadası Fethi Akkoç Sok. No: 2 Kaş Antalya, 0758 … Каталог отелей
arpia — {{hw}}{{arpia}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Mostro mitologico, rappresentato con volto di donna, corpo di vari animali e ali di uccello. 2 (est., fig.) Persona avara e rapace | Donna d aspetto sgradevole e di carattere astioso. ETIMOLOGIA: dal lat. harpyia,… … Enciclopedia di italiano
arpia — pl.f. arpie … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari