1 antiquarian
[ˌæntɪ'kweərɪən] 1.1) (dealer) antiquario m. (-a); (collector) collezionista m. e f. di oggetti antichi2) (scholar) archeologo m. (-a)2.* * *antiquarian /æntɪˈkwɛərɪən/A a.antiquario: antiquarian bookshop, libreria antiquariaB n.antiquarianismn. [u]antiquaria.* * *[ˌæntɪ'kweərɪən] 1.1) (dealer) antiquario m. (-a); (collector) collezionista m. e f. di oggetti antichi2) (scholar) archeologo m. (-a)2. -
2 antiquarian anti·quar·ian
3 antiquarianism
4 antiquary
['æntɪkwərɪ] [AE -kwerɪ]nome antiquario m. (-a)* * *antiquary /ˈæntɪkwərɪ/► antiquarian, B, def. 1.* * *['æntɪkwərɪ] [AE -kwerɪ]nome antiquario m. (-a)
См. также в других словарях:
Antiquarian — An ti*qua ri*an, a. [See {Antiquary}]. Pertaining to antiquaries, or to antiquity; as, antiquarian literature. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
antiquarian — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to the collection or study of antiques, rare books, or antiquities. ► NOUN (also antiquary) ▪ a person who studies or collects antiquarian items. DERIVATIVES antiquarianism noun … English terms dictionary
Antiquarian — An ti*qua ri*an, n. 1. An antiquary. [1913 Webster] 2. A drawing paper of large size. See under {Paper}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
antiquarian — (n.) one who studies or is fond of antiquities, c.1600, from L. antiquarius pertaining to antiquity, from antiquus (see ANTIQUE (Cf. antique)) + AN (Cf. an). As an adjective from 1771 … Etymology dictionary
antiquarian — [adj] old, ancient aged, antique, archaic, hoary, obsolete, primitive, timeworn, venerable; concepts 578,797 Ant. modern, new, young … New thesaurus
antiquarian — [an΄ti kwer′ē ən] adj. 1. of antiques or antiquities 2. of antiquaries 3. of, or dealing in, old books n. an antiquary antiquarianism n … English World dictionary
Antiquarian — An antiquarian or antiquary is one concerned with antiquities or things of the past. Also, and most often in modern usage, an antiquarian is a person who deals with or collects rare and ancient antiquarian books . More narrowly, the term is often … Wikipedia
antiquarian — [[t]æ̱ntɪkwe͟əriən[/t]] antiquarians 1) ADJ: ADJ n Antiquarian means concerned with old and rare objects. ...an antiquarian bookseller. ...antiquarian and second hand books. 2) N COUNT An antiquarian is the same as an antiquary … English dictionary
antiquarian — I UK [ˌæntɪˈkweərɪən] / US [ˌæntɪˈkwerɪən] adjective relating to the study, collection, or sale of historical objects, especially old and rare books II = antiquary antiquarian UK [ˌæntɪˈkweərɪən] / US [ˌæntɪˈkwerɪən] or antiquary UK [ˈæntɪkwərɪ]… … English dictionary
antiquarian — 1. adjective /ˌæn.tɪˈkwɛɹ.i.ən/ Pertaining to antiquaries, or to antiquity; as, antiquarian literature. <! material copied from Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) 2. noun /ˌæn.tɪˈkwɛɹ.i.ən/ A collector, student or expert of… … Wiktionary
antiquarian — an|ti|quar|i|an [ˌæntıˈkweəriən US ˈkwer ] adj [only before noun] an antiquarian bookshop sells old books … Dictionary of contemporary English