1 anthesis
anthesis 1. цветение; 2. пылениеEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > anthesis
2 anthesis
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > anthesis
3 anthesis
[ænʹθi:sıs] n бот.1) цветение, период цветения, полное цветение2) пыление -
4 anthesis
[æn'θiːsɪs]Общая лексика: период цветения, полное цветение, пыление, цветение -
5 anthesis
цветение, антезисАнгло-русский терминологический перечень по культуре тканей растений > anthesis
6 anthesis
7 anthesis
(n) период цветения; полное цветение; пыление; цветение -
8 anthesis
9 anthesis
время цветения, расцветаниеThe English-Russian dictionary of the Pulp and Paper Industry > anthesis
10 anthesis
1. n бот. цветение, период цветения, полное цветение2. n бот. пыление -
11 flush of anthesis
Макаров: волна цветения, разгар цветения
См. также в других словарях:
Anthesis — is the period during which a flower is fully open and functional. It may also refer to the onset of that period.The onset of anthesis is spectacular in some species. In Banksia species, for example, anthesis involves the release of the style end… … Wikipedia
anthesis — (n.) full bloom, 1835, from Gk. anthesis, noun of action from antheein to blossom, from anthos flower, (see ANTHER (Cf. anther)) … Etymology dictionary
anthesis — [an thē′sis] n. [Gr anthēsis < anthein, to bloom < anthos: see ANTHO ] the state of full bloom in a flower … English World dictionary
Anthesis — An*the sis, n. [Gr. ? bloom, fr. anqei^n to bloom, a nqos flower.] (Bot.) The period or state of full expansion in a flower. Gray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anthesis — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Greek anthēsis bloom, from anthein to flower, from anthos Date: circa 1823 the action or period of opening of a flower … New Collegiate Dictionary
anthesis — /an thee sis/, n., pl. antheses / seez/. Bot. the period or act of expansion in flowers, esp. the maturing of the stamens. [1825 35; < NL < Gk ánthesis bloom, equiv. to anthe (verbid s. of antheîn to bloom) + sis SIS] * * * … Universalium
anthesis — [an θi:sɪs] noun Botany the flowering period of a plant, from the opening of the flower bud. Origin C19: from Gk anthēsis flowering … English new terms dictionary
anthesis — an•the•sis [[t]ænˈθi sɪs[/t]] n. pl. ses ( sēz). bot the period of blooming in flowers, esp. the maturing of the stamens • Etymology: 1825–35; < NL < Gk ánthēsis bloom =anthē , var. s. of antheîn to bloom + sis sis … From formal English to slang
anthesis — noun The event of a flower opening … Wiktionary
anthesis — Developmental stage in flowering, in which a flower is at its most receptive state, when the anthers release their pollen and pollination occurs; could also be used to refer to cycad cones that are dehiscing pollen (male cones) or receptive to… … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
anthesis — an·the·sis … English syllables