1 ancient history
ancient history (culture) античная история (культура) -
2 ancient history
история древнего мира, античности; древняя историяto study history — изучать историю ; заниматься историей
3 ancient history
n AmE infmlThat business about joining the army is ancient history — Я уже и думать забыл, что когда-то хотел служить в армии
I never think about him anymore. He's ancient history — Я о нем уже никогда и не вспоминаю. Он для меня пройденный этап
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > ancient history
4 ancient history
старая история, дело прошлоеTyrone: "...all you did was get fired in disgrace from every college you went to!" Jamie: "Oh, for God's sake don't drag up that ancient history!" (E. O'Neill, ‘Long Day's Journey into Night’; act I) — Тайрон: "...ты только и делал, что с позором вылетал из каждого колледжа, куда поступал учиться." Джейми: "Ради всего святого, не поминай прошлого."
Well, that's ancient history. I was using it for an example. (A. Saxton, ‘The Great Midland’, part V, ch. 18) — Ну ладно, это уже дело прошлое. я просто хотел привести пример.
5 ancient history
[͵eınʃ(ə)ntʹhıst(ə)rı]1. история древнего мира, античности; древняя история2. разг. известный факт, что-л. общеизвестное -
6 ancient history
история древнего мираистория древнего мира, античности;
древняя история( разговорное) известный факт, что-л. общеизвестное - her marriage is * now о ее замужестве все уже давно знаютБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ancient history
7 ancient history
n1. история древнего мира;2. известный факт.* * *сущ.1) история древнего мира;2) известный факт. -
8 ancient history
[ˌeɪnʃ(ə)nt'hɪst(ə)rɪ]1) Общая лексика: дело прошлое, древняя история, история древнего мира, античности, пройденный этап2) Разговорное выражение: известный факт, что-л. общеизвестное -
9 ancient history
история древнего мираАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > ancient history
10 ancient history
11 ancient history
12 ancient history
13 Shu Ching (Classic of History, one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, a compilation of documentary records related to events in China's ancient history)
Религия: "Шу цзин"Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Shu Ching (Classic of History, one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, a compilation of documentary records related to events in China's ancient history)
14 Journal of Ancient History
История: Вестник древней историиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Journal of Ancient History
15 be an ardent student of ancient history
Общая лексика: с увлечением изучать историю Древнего мираУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > be an ardent student of ancient history
16 become ancient history
Образное выражение: кануть в прошлоеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > become ancient history
17 her marriage is ancient history now
Общая лексика: о её замужестве все уже давно знаютУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > her marriage is ancient history now
18 that's ancient history
Общая лексика: старо как мир, это дело прошлоеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > that's ancient history
19 this course will hit the high spots of ancient history
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > this course will hit the high spots of ancient history
20 to be an ardent student of ancient history
Общая лексика: с увлечением изучать историю Древнего мираУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > to be an ardent student of ancient history
См. также в других словарях:
Ancient history — Ancient redirects here. For other uses, see Ancient (disambiguation). The times before writing belong either to protohistory or to prehistory. Ancient history is the study of the written past [Crawford, O. G. S. (1927). Antiquity. [Gloucester,… … Wikipedia
ancient history — noun uncount 1. ) the study of the people and way of life that existed a very long time ago, especially in Greece or Rome 2. ) INFORMAL things that happened a long time ago and so are no longer important: You can t still be upset about that it s… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ancient history — n. 1. history from the earliest recorded events to the end of the Western Roman Empire in A.D. 476 2. Informal something of the recent past that is well known or no longer important … English World dictionary
ancient history — 1) N UNCOUNT Ancient history is the history of ancient civilizations, especially Greece and Rome. 2) N UNCOUNT If you describe something as ancient history, you mean that it happened in the past and is no longer relevant to the present. It does… … English dictionary
ancient history — noun 1. a history of the ancient world • Hypernyms: ↑history, ↑account, ↑chronicle, ↑story 2. knowledge of some recent fact or event that has become so commonly known that it has lost its original pertinence • Hypernyms: ↑common knowledge * * * a … Useful english dictionary
ancient history — 1. the study or a course of study of history before the end of the Western Roman Empire A.D. 476. 2. information or an event of the recent past that is common knowledge or is no longer pertinent: Last week s news is ancient history. 3. an event,… … Universalium
ancient history — n. someone or something completely forgotten, especially past romances. (See also history.) □ Bob? I never think about Bob anymore. He’s ancient history. □ That business about joining the army is ancient history … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Ancient history — information or events of the recent past which are common knowledge or are no longer relevant: As far as I m concerned, he s ancient history ; finished or gone irrevocably … Dictionary of Australian slang
ancient history — Australian Slang information or events of the recent past which are common knowledge or are no longer relevant: As far as I m concerned, he s ancient history ; finished or gone irrevocably … English dialects glossary
ancient history — UK / US noun [uncountable] 1) the study of the people and way of life that existed a very long time ago, especially in Greece or Rome 2) informal things that happened a long time ago and so are no longer important You can t still be upset about… … English dictionary
Ancient history of Cyprus — History of Cyprus This article is part of a series Timeline … Wikipedia