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  • 61 nomen

    nōmen, ĭnis (archaic form of gen. sing. NOMINVS, S. C. de Bacch. Corp. Inscr. Lat. 196, 8), n. [for gnōmen, from root gno, whence gnosco, nosco, co-gnosco], a name, appellation (syn. vocabulum).

    nomen est, quod unicuique personae datur, quo suo quaeque proprio et certo vocabulo appellatur,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 24, 134:

    imponere nova rebus nomina,

    id. Fin. 3, 1, 3:

    qui haec rebus nomina posuerunt,

    id. Tusc. 3, 5, 10:

    appellare aliquem nomine,

    id. de Or. 1, 56, 239:

    huic urbi nomen Epidamno inditum est,

    Plaut. Men. 2, 1, 37; cf. Liv. 7, 2, 6:

    Theophrastus divinitate loquendi nomen invenit,

    Cic. Or. 19, 62:

    lituus ab ejus litui, quo canitur, similitudine nomen invenit,

    id. Div. 1, 17, 30:

    ut is locus ex calamitate populi Romani nomen caperet,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 13 et saep.:

    ludi, Pythia de domitae serpentis nomine dicti,

    Ov. M. 1, 447:

    clari nominis vir,

    Vell. 2, 34, 4:

    nominis minoris vir,

    id. 2, 100, 5; cf. id. 2, 112, 2; 2, 103, 1: est mihi nomen, inditur mihi nomen, with nom.:

    cui saltationi Titius nomen est,

    Cic. Brut. 62, 225:

    eique morbo nomen est avaritia,

    id. Tusc. 4, 11, 24:

    canibus pigris... Nomen erit pardus, tigris, leo,

    Juv. 8, 36.—With dat.:

    haec sunt aedes, hic habet: Lesbonico'st nomen,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 110:

    juventus nomen fecit Peniculo mihi,

    id. Men. 1, 1, 1:

    nam mihi est Auxilio nomen,

    id. Cist. 1, 3, 6:

    huic ego die nomen Trinummo facio,

    id. Trin. 4, 2, 1:

    nomen Arcturo est mihi,

    id. Rud. prol. 5:

    cantus cui nomen neniae,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 24, 62:

    puero ab inopiā nomen Egerio est inditum,

    Liv. 1, 34:

    est illis strigibus nomen,

    Ov. F. 6, 139.—With gen.:

    cujus nomen est Viventis,

    Vulg. Gen. 25, 11.—Rarely with ad:

    ut det nomen ad molas coloniam,

    Plaut. Ps. 4, 6, 38.—Nomen dare, edere, profiteri, ad nomina respondere, to give in one's name, be enrolled, enlist; to answer to one's name when summoned to military duty:

    ne nomina darent,

    Liv. 2, 24:

    nomina profiteri,

    id. 2, 24:

    nominis edendi apud consules potestas,

    id. 2, 24:

    virgis caesi, qui ad nomina non respondissent,

    id. 7, 4; also,

    dare nomen in conjurationem,

    to join the conspiracy, Tac. A. 15, 48:

    ab re nomen habet (terra),

    is named for, Liv. 38, 18, 4:

    quae (sapientia) divinarum humanarumque rerum cognitione hoc nomen apud antiquos adsequebatur,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 3, 7:

    dea (Viriplaca) nomen hoc a placandis viris fertur adsecuta,

    Val. Max. 2, 1, 6.—Esp.:

    nomen accipere = nominari: turris quae nomen ab insulā accepit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 112, 1; Quint. 3, 3, 13; Just. 1, 5, 1; Tac. A. 6, 37; 15, 74; Plin. Ep. 2, 10, 8.—
    In partic., the middle name of the three which every freeborn Roman had, as distinguished from the praenomen and cognomen. The nomen distinguished one gens from another, the cognomen one familia from another, and the praenomen one member of the familia from another, Quint. 7, 3, 27.—But sometimes nomen is used in the signif. of praenomen:

    id nomen (sc. Gaja),

    Cic. Mur. 12, 27.—So, too, in the signif. of cognomen:

    Sex. Clodius, cui nomen est Phormio,

    Cic. Caecin. 10, 27; cf.:

    tamquam habeas tria nomina,

    i. e. as if you were a Roman, Juv. 5, 127.—
    Esp. in phrase: sub nomine, under the assumed name:

    qui litteras exitiales Demetrio sub nomine Flaminini adtulerant,

    Liv. 40, 54, 9:

    sub nomine meo,

    Quint. 7, 2, 24:

    carmina sub alieno nomine edere,

    Suet. Aug. 55:

    multa vana sub nomine celebri vulgabantur,

    Tac. A. 6, 12; 13, 25; id. H. 1, 5; cf.:

    rogatio repente sub unius tribuni nomine promulgatur,

    Liv. 43, 16, 6; Suet. Aug. 29; Plin. Pan. 50, 5; cf. also II. B. infra.—
    A title of power or honor:


    Caes. B. C. 2, 32, 14.—
    In gram., a noun, Quint. 1, 4, 18; 1, 5, 42 et saep.—
    Nomen alicu jus deferre, to bring an accusation against, to accuse a person:

    nomen alicujus de parricidio deferre,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 10, 28: nomen recipere, to receive the accusation:

    palam de sellā ac tribunali pronuntiat: si quis absentem Sthenium rei capitalis reum facere vellet, sese ejus nomen recepturum: et simul, ut nomen deferret, etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 38, § 94; cf. context.—
    A bond, note, a demand, claim, a debt: tituli debitorum nomina dicuntur praesertim in iis debitis, in quibus hominum nomina scripta sunt, quibus pecuniae commodatae sunt, Ascon. ap. Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 10, § 28:

    repromittam istoc nomine solutam rem futuram,

    Plaut. As. 2, 4, 48:

    si neque in tuas tabulas ullum nomen referres, cum tot tibi nominibus acceptum Curtii referrent,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 39, § 102:

    qui tibi, ut ais, certis nominibus grandem pecuniam debuit,

    on good bonds, good security, id. Quint. 11, 38; cf.:

    egone hos digitos meos impellere potui, ut falsum perscriberent nomen?

    id. Rosc. Com. 1, 1:

    volo persolvere, ut expungatur nomen, ne quid debeam,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 3, 40; so,


    Cic. Att. 6, 2, 7:

    expedire, exsolvere,

    id. ib. 16, 6, 3:

    nomina sua exigere,

    to collect one's debts, id. Verr. 2, 1, 10, § 28:

    hoc nomen, quod urget, nunc, cum petitur, dissolvere,

    id. Planc. 28, 68:

    transcribere in alium,

    Liv. 35, 7:

    qui venit ad dubium grandi cum codice nomen,

    comes with a huge ledger to sue for a doubtful debt, Juv. 7, 110.—
    Nomina facere, in the case of written obligations, to set down or book the items of debt in the account-book:

    nomina se facturum, qua ego vellem die,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 1:

    emit homo cupidus (Canius) tanti, quanti Pythius voluit et emit instructos: nomina facit (Pythius), negotium conficit,

    id. Off. 3, 14, 59:

    nomina facturi diligenter in patrimonium et vasa debitoris inquirimus,

    Sen. Ben. 1, 1, 2.—
    Nomen locare, to offer as surety, Phaedr. 1, 16, 1 (dub.).—
    Transf., an item of debt; and hence, a debtor:

    hoc sum assecutus, ut bonum nomen existimer,

    i. e. a good payer, Cic. Fam. 5, 6, 2:

    lenta nomina non mala,

    Sen. Ben. 5, 22, 1; cf. id. ib. 7, 29, 2; Col. 1, 7, 2.—
    A family, race, stock, people, nation:

    C. Octavium in familiam nomenque adoptavit,

    Suet. Caes. 83:

    Crispum C. Sallustius in nomen ascivit,

    Tac. A. 3, 30; Luc. 7, 584.—
    With national names: nomen Romanum, whatever is called Roman, i. e. the Roman dominion, nation, power; esp. of the army:

    gens infestissuma nomini Romano,


    concitatis sociis et nomine Latino,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 19, 31; 3, 29, 41:

    ubi deletum omnibus videretur nomen Romanum,

    Liv. 23, 6, 3:

    relicum Romani nominis,

    id. 22, 55, 5; 27, 33, 11; 1, 10, 3; cf. id. 9, 7, 1:

    Aeolio regnatas nomine terras,

    Sil. 14, 70:

    Volscūm nomen prope deletum est,

    Liv. 3, 8, 10:

    nomen Atheniensium tueri,

    Just. 5, 6, 9.—
    A thing:

    infaustum interluit Allia nomen,

    Verg. A. 7, 717.—
    A person:

    popularia nomina Drusos,

    Luc. 6, 759; 1, 311:

    nec fidum femina nomen,

    Tib. 3, 4, 61:

    in diversa trahunt unum duo nomina pectus,

    i. e. the love of a mother and sister, Ov. M. 8, 464; id. H. 8, 30.—
    Name, fame, repute, reputation, renown (syn.:

    existimatio, fama): hujus magnum nomen fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 67, 238:

    nomen habere,

    id. ib. 69, 244:

    magnum in oratoribus nomen habere,

    id. Or. 6, 22:

    officere nomini alicujus, Liv. praef. § 3: et nos aliquod nomenque decusque Gessimus,

    Verg. A. 2, 89:

    nomen gerere,

    Lact. 1, 20, 3; 4, 29, 15 al.:

    multi Lydia nominis Romanā vigui clarior Iliā,

    Hor. C. 3, 9, 7:

    nomen alicujus stringere,

    Ov. Tr. 2, 350:

    homines nonnullius in litteris nominis, Plin Ep. 7, 20, 3: parentes, quorum maximum nomen in civitatibus est suis,

    Liv. 22, 22, 13.—Of ill repute, bad reputation: malum nomen (only rare and late Lat.): magis eligendum in paupertate nomen bonum quam in divitiis nomen pessimum, Hier. Com. Ep. Tit., Paris, 1546, p. 104 H.—
    Of inanimate things:

    ne vinum nomen perdat,

    Cato, R. R. 25:

    nec Baccho genus aut pomis sua nomina servat,

    Verg. G. 2, 240.—
    A title, pretext, pretence, color, excuse, account, sake, reason, authority, behalf, etc.: alio nomine et aliā de causā abstulisse. Cic. Rosc. Com. [p. 1214] 14, 40:

    legis agrariae simulatione atque nomine,

    id. Agr. 2, 6, 15:

    classis nomine pecuniam imperatam queruntur,

    id. Fl. 12, 27:

    haec a te peto amicitiae nostrae nomine,

    id. Fam. 12, 12, 3; 2, 1, 1:

    nomine sceleris conjurationisque damnati,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 5, § 11:

    nomine neglegentiae suspectum esse,

    id. Fam. 2, 1, 1:

    quid exornamus philosophiam, aut quid ejus nomine gloriosi sumus?

    id. Tusc. 2, 14, 33:

    qui cum luxuriose viverent, non reprehenderentur eo nomine,

    id. Fin. 2, 7, 21:

    gratias boni viri agebant et tuo nomine gratulabantur,

    on your account, id. Phil. 1, 12, 30:

    Antonio tuo nomine gratias egi,

    on your behalf, id. Att. 1, 16, 16:

    legationes tuo nomine proficiscentes,

    id. Fam. 3, 8, 2:

    quem quidem tibi etiam suo nomine commendo,

    for his own sake, id. ib. 13, 21, 2:

    meo nomine,

    Tac. H. 1, 29:

    feminarum suarum nomine,

    id. G. 8:

    bellum populo Romano suo nomine indixit,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 6, 14:

    decretae eo nomine supplicationes,

    Tac. A. 14, 59;

    but: acceptā ex aerario pecuniā tuo nomine,

    on your responsibility, Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 7.—
    A name, as opposed to the reality:

    me nomen habere duarum legionum exilium (opp. exercitum habere tantum),

    Cic. Att. 5, 15, 1:

    Campani magis nomen ad praesidium sociorum, quam vires cum attulissent,

    Liv. 7, 29:

    nomen amicitia est, nomen inane fides,

    Ov. A. A. 1, 740.—
    In eccl. Lat.,

    invocavit nomen Domini,

    Vulg. Gen. 13, 4:

    omnipotens nomen ejus,

    ib. Exod. 15, 3:

    psallam nomini Domini,

    ib. Psa. 7, 18:

    blasphemare nomen ejus,

    ib. Apoc. 13, 6.—
    Delegated power:

    in nomine tuo daemones eicimus,

    Vulg. Matt. 7, 22:

    in quo nomine fecistis,

    ib. Act. 4, 7:

    locuti sunt in nomine Domini,

    ib. Jacob. 5, 10.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > nomen

  • 62 вымышленное имя

    1) General subject: feigned name, fictious name (имя вымышленного лица, которое может использоваться в качестве товарного знака или его элемента, если это не делается для введения в заблуждение), alias, assumed name
    3) Jargon: flag
    4) Advertising: fictive name

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > вымышленное имя

  • 63 påtaget

    adj affected ( fx cheerfulness, politeness), put-on ( fx accent),
    F feigned ( fx anger, innocence, surprise), assumed;
    [ under påtaget navn] under an assumed name;
    [ have et påtaget væsen] be affected.

    Danish-English dictionary > påtaget

  • 64 angenommen

    an·ge·nom·men adj
    1) ( zugelegt) assumed;
    unter einem \angenommenen Namen schreiben to write under a pseudonym [or an assumed name];
    2) ( adoptiert) Kind adopted konj assuming;
    \angenommen, [dass]... assuming [that]...

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > angenommen

  • 65 handeln

    I v/i
    1. act; (in Aktion treten) take action; (verfahren) proceed; (sich verhalten) behave; die handelnden Personen in einem Buch, Film etc.: the characters; eigenmächtig / selbstsüchtig etc. handeln act on one’s own authority, take the law into one’s own hands / act selfishly; gut / schlecht etc. an jemandem oder gegen jemanden handeln treat s.o. well / badly, behave well / badly toward(s) s.o.; nicht reden, handeln! stop talking and do something!; sie hat in Notwehr gehandelt she acted in self-defen|ce (Am. -se); rasches Handeln ist nötig swift action is necessary
    2. (Handel treiben) trade ( mit with s.o., in s.th.), deal (in s.th.); (feilschen) bargain (um ein Objekt: for; einen Preis: over), haggle (over) pej.; mit sich handeln lassen be open to offers; fig. be prepared to discuss things, be open to persuasion
    3. handeln von oder über (+ Akk) be about; sachlich: auch deal with
    4. unpers.: es handelt sich um it’s a question ( oder matter) of, it concerns; es handelt sich um Folgendes the thing ( oder situation etc.) is (this); es handelt sich darum, ob / wann etc. the question is whether / where etc.; gerade darum handelt es sich ja that’s (just) the point; wenn es sich darum handelt zu helfen etc. when it comes to helping etc.; worum handelt es sich? bei der Sache etc.: what’s it about?; (was willst du) what’s the problem?
    II v/t: an der Börse gehandelt werden be traded ( oder listed) on the stock exchange; zu oder für 10 Dollar gehandelt werden Waren: be selling for 10 dollars; Aktien: be trading (od. be being traded) at 10 dollars; sie wird als neue Direktorin gehandelt fig. she’s being talked about as the new director, her name is being mentioned in connection with a directorship
    [‘hεnd’ln] v/t Sl.: wie wird das gehandelt? what do you do with it?, how do you use it?; der neue Drucker ist einfach zu handeln the new printer is easy to handle
    * * *
    das Handeln
    * * *
    nt -s,
    no pl
    1) (= Feilschen) bargaining, haggling
    2) (= das Handeltreiben) trading
    3) (= Verhalten) behaviour (Brit), behavior (US)
    4) (= das Tätigwerden) action
    * * *
    1) (to do something: It's time the government acted to lower taxes.) act
    2) (something done: Action, not talking, is necessary if we are to defeat the enemy; Take action immediately; The firemen are ready to go into action.) action
    3) (to argue about or discuss a price etc: I bargained with him and finally got the price down.) bargain
    4) (to do business, especially to buy and sell: I think he deals in stocks and shares.) deal
    5) (activity: In this play there is a lot of discussion but not much movement.) movement
    6) ((often with in or with) to buy and sell: They made a lot of money by trading; They trade in fruit and vegetables.) trade
    7) (to deal or trade in, especially illegally or dishonestly: They were trafficking in smuggled goods.) traffic
    * * *
    1. (Feilschen) haggling
    das \Handeln mit etw dat trading sth
    das \Handeln mit Drogen ist verboten drug trafficking is against the law
    3. (Verhalten) behaviour [or AM -or
    5. JUR (Tun) acting
    \Handeln auf eigene Gefahr acting at one's own risk
    \Handeln im eigenen Namen acting in one's own name
    \Handeln in fremdem Namen acting in the name of another
    \Handeln unter fremdem Namen acting under an assumed name
    \Handeln auf eigene Rechnung trading on one's own account
    \Handeln unter falschem Recht acting under false law
    fahrlässiges/gesetzeswidriges \Handeln acting negligently/unlawfully
    * * *
    1) (das Feilschen) haggling; bargaining
    2) (das Eingreifen) action
    3) (Verhalten) action[s pl.]
    * * *
    A. v/i
    1. act; (in Aktion treten) take action; (verfahren) proceed; (sich verhalten) behave;
    die handelnden Personen in einem Buch, Film etc: the characters;
    eigenmächtig/selbstsüchtig etc
    handeln act on one’s own authority, take the law into one’s own hands/act selfishly;
    gut/schlecht etc
    gegen jemanden handeln treat sb well/badly, behave well/badly toward(s) sb;
    nicht reden, handeln! stop talking and do something!;
    sie hat in Notwehr gehandelt she acted in self-defence (US -se);
    rasches Handeln ist nötig swift action is necessary
    2. (Handel treiben) trade (
    mit with sb, in sth), deal (in sth); (feilschen) bargain (
    um ein Objekt: for; einen Preis: over), haggle (over) pej;
    mit sich handeln lassen be open to offers; fig be prepared to discuss things, be open to persuasion
    über (+akk) be about; sachlich: auch deal with
    4. unpers:
    es handelt sich um it’s a question ( oder matter) of, it concerns;
    es handelt sich um Folgendes the thing ( oder situation etc) is (this);
    es handelt sich darum, ob/wann etc the question is whether/where etc;
    gerade darum handelt es sich ja that’s (just) the point;
    wenn es sich darum handelt zu helfen etc when it comes to helping etc;
    worum handelt es sich? bei der Sache etc: what’s it about?; (was willst du) what’s the problem?
    B. v/t:
    an der Börse gehandelt werden be traded ( oder listed) on the stock exchange;
    zu oder
    für 10 Dollar gehandelt werden Waren: be selling for 10 dollars; Aktien: be trading ( oder be being traded) at 10 dollars;
    sie wird als neue Direktorin gehandelt fig she’s being talked about as the new director, her name is being mentioned in connection with a directorship
    handeln2 [ˈhɛndln] v/t sl:
    wie wird das gehandelt? what do you do with it?, how do you use it?;
    der neue Drucker ist einfach zu handeln the new printer is easy to handle
    * * *
    1) (das Feilschen) haggling; bargaining
    3) (Verhalten) action[s pl.]
    * * *
    (mit) v.
    to do business expr.
    to trade v. (Maßnahmen ergreifen) v.
    to act v.
    to take action expr. v.
    to act v.
    to act in place of expr.
    to deal v.
    to negotiate v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > handeln

  • 66 deknaam

    n. pseudonym, fictitious name; pen name, name used by an author in place of his real name; assumed name

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > deknaam

  • 67 pseudoniem

    n. pseudonym, fictitious name; pen name, name used by an author in place of his real name; assumed name

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > pseudoniem

  • 68 псевдоним

    pseudonym, alias, anonym, nom de guerre, assumed name

    под псевдонимом — under the pseudonym, under the name (of), under a pen-name

    литературный псевдоним, псевдоним писателя — pen-name, nom de plume

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > псевдоним

  • 69 falso

    1 false, fake, dummy, counterfeit.
    2 false, delusory, misleading.
    3 false, liar, deceitful, fake.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: falsar.
    * * *
    1 (no verdadero) false, untrue
    2 (moneda) false, counterfeit; (cuadro, sello) forged
    3 (persona) insincere, false; (sonrisa) false
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 (persona) insincere person
    dar un paso en falso (tropezar) to trip, stumble 2 (cometer un error) to make a mistake, make a wrong move
    en falso (con falsedad) falsely 2 (sin apoyo) without proper support
    jurar en falso to commit perjury
    falsa alarma false alarm
    * * *
    (f. - falsa)
    1) false, untrue
    2) fake
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [acusación, creencia, rumor] false

    falso testimonio — perjury, false testimony

    2) [firma, pasaporte, joya] false, fake; [techo] false; [cuadro] fake; [moneda] counterfeit
    3) (=insincero) [persona] false, insincere; [sonrisa] false
    4) [caballo] vicious

    en falso: coger a algn en falso — to catch sb in a lie

    dar un paso en falso — (lit) to trip; (fig) to take a false step

    SM CAm, Méx false evidence
    * * *
    - sa adjetivo
    a) < billete> counterfeit, forged; < cuadro> forged; < documento> false, forged; <diamante/joya> fake; <cajón/techo> false
    b) ( insincero) < persona> insincere, false; <sonrisa/promesa> false
    a) ( no cierto) <dato/nombre/declaración> false

    eso es falso — that is not true, that is untrue


    en falso: jurar en falso to commit perjury; golpear en falso — to miss the mark

    * * *
    = dummy, false, sham, spurious, unauthentic, faked, untrue, bogus, deceitful, pseudo, fake, two-faced, inauthentic, phony [phoney], meretricious, counterfeit, insincere, hocus pocus, specious, dishonest, mendacious, delusional.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS, therefore, assigns them the dummy master number zero.
    Ex. The concept 'Senses' constitutes a false link in the chain.
    Ex. A sham catalog is a disservice to the user, and participating in the creation of a sham catalog is personally degrading to a professional.
    Ex. Examples would include giving a spurious impression of busyness at the reference desk.
    Ex. So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).
    Ex. Libri was accused of stealing manuscripts of unique importance and rarity from French provincial libraries in the 1840s and inserting faked notes of provenance, substituting Italian place names for French ones.
    Ex. Public library collections are of little use to scholars and have failed to provide the communications links that might prove this hypothesis untrue.
    Ex. The article 'A bogus and dismal science, or the eggplant that ate library schools' discusses the reasons for the perennial professional indentity crisis amongst librarians.
    Ex. Again, on the matter of the sources already consulted by the enquirer, the implication is not that he is unreliable or deceitful, but that in looking up the Encyclopedia Americana he may not be aware of the existence of the index.
    Ex. Sometimes authors write ' pseudo abstracts' to meet deadlines for articles or for talks to be delivered.
    Ex. This article deals with the detection of fake letters and documents.
    Ex. This course looks at this two-faced society with guided field trips to cemeteries and to the architecture of Edinburgh's underworld below the great banks and public buildings.
    Ex. Much of the culture of Western democracies has increasingly become inauthentic or phony.
    Ex. Much of the culture of Western democracies has increasingly become inauthentic or phony.
    Ex. The responsibility of the critic must be to maintain rigorous standards, and strive to alert the public to the implications for the future of a market flooded with meretricious productions.
    Ex. Criminal charges are to be brought against 3 people after the seizure of counterfeit copies of British Telecom's PhoneDisc, a CD-ROM database containing the company's 100 or so telephone directories.
    Ex. There is a point when participation may become mere meddling and insincere.
    Ex. The final section of her paper calls attention to the ' hocus pocus' research conducted on many campuses.
    Ex. This comparative frame of reference is specious and irrelevant on several counts.
    Ex. Mostly facsimiles are made without dishonest intent, although some have certainly been intended to deceive, and the ease with which they can be identified varies with the reproduction process used.
    Ex. I love movies like that -- where slowly, gradually, bit by bit, all the characters realize that the villain was really disastrously mendacious and criminal.
    Ex. Despite what false patriots tell us, we now have a delusional democracy, not one that citizens can trust to serve their interests.
    * abeto falso = spruce.
    * alegación falsa = ipse dixit.
    * charlatanería falsa = cant.
    * crear falsas ilusiones = create + false illusions.
    * dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * dar un paso en falso = make + a false move.
    * democracia falsa = travesty democracy.
    * diamante falso = rhinestone.
    * erradicar falsas ideas = erase + misconceptions.
    * erradicar una falsa idea = dispel + idea.
    * falsa alabanza = lip service.
    * falsa ilusión = delusion.
    * falsa política de integración de minorías = tokenism.
    * falsa pretensión = false pretence.
    * falsa sensación de seguridad = false sense of security.
    * falso pretexto = false pretence.
    * falso testimonio = perjury.
    * hablar en falso = speak with + a split tongue, speak with + a forked tongue, speak with + a twisted tongue.
    * hacer un movimiento en falso = make + a false move.
    * idea falsa = misconception, bogus idea, illusion.
    * movimiento en falso = false move.
    * nivel jerárquico falso = false link.
    * paso en falso = false move.
    * pista falsa = red herring.
    * resultar falso = prove + false.
    * sonar falso = have + a hollow ring.
    * toma falsa = outtake.
    * * *
    - sa adjetivo
    a) < billete> counterfeit, forged; < cuadro> forged; < documento> false, forged; <diamante/joya> fake; <cajón/techo> false
    b) ( insincero) < persona> insincere, false; <sonrisa/promesa> false
    a) ( no cierto) <dato/nombre/declaración> false

    eso es falso — that is not true, that is untrue


    en falso: jurar en falso to commit perjury; golpear en falso — to miss the mark

    * * *
    = dummy, false, sham, spurious, unauthentic, faked, untrue, bogus, deceitful, pseudo, fake, two-faced, inauthentic, phony [phoney], meretricious, counterfeit, insincere, hocus pocus, specious, dishonest, mendacious, delusional.

    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS, therefore, assigns them the dummy master number zero.

    Ex: The concept 'Senses' constitutes a false link in the chain.
    Ex: A sham catalog is a disservice to the user, and participating in the creation of a sham catalog is personally degrading to a professional.
    Ex: Examples would include giving a spurious impression of busyness at the reference desk.
    Ex: So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).
    Ex: Libri was accused of stealing manuscripts of unique importance and rarity from French provincial libraries in the 1840s and inserting faked notes of provenance, substituting Italian place names for French ones.
    Ex: Public library collections are of little use to scholars and have failed to provide the communications links that might prove this hypothesis untrue.
    Ex: The article 'A bogus and dismal science, or the eggplant that ate library schools' discusses the reasons for the perennial professional indentity crisis amongst librarians.
    Ex: Again, on the matter of the sources already consulted by the enquirer, the implication is not that he is unreliable or deceitful, but that in looking up the Encyclopedia Americana he may not be aware of the existence of the index.
    Ex: Sometimes authors write ' pseudo abstracts' to meet deadlines for articles or for talks to be delivered.
    Ex: This article deals with the detection of fake letters and documents.
    Ex: This course looks at this two-faced society with guided field trips to cemeteries and to the architecture of Edinburgh's underworld below the great banks and public buildings.
    Ex: Much of the culture of Western democracies has increasingly become inauthentic or phony.
    Ex: Much of the culture of Western democracies has increasingly become inauthentic or phony.
    Ex: The responsibility of the critic must be to maintain rigorous standards, and strive to alert the public to the implications for the future of a market flooded with meretricious productions.
    Ex: Criminal charges are to be brought against 3 people after the seizure of counterfeit copies of British Telecom's PhoneDisc, a CD-ROM database containing the company's 100 or so telephone directories.
    Ex: There is a point when participation may become mere meddling and insincere.
    Ex: The final section of her paper calls attention to the ' hocus pocus' research conducted on many campuses.
    Ex: This comparative frame of reference is specious and irrelevant on several counts.
    Ex: Mostly facsimiles are made without dishonest intent, although some have certainly been intended to deceive, and the ease with which they can be identified varies with the reproduction process used.
    Ex: I love movies like that -- where slowly, gradually, bit by bit, all the characters realize that the villain was really disastrously mendacious and criminal.
    Ex: Despite what false patriots tell us, we now have a delusional democracy, not one that citizens can trust to serve their interests.
    * abeto falso = spruce.
    * alegación falsa = ipse dixit.
    * charlatanería falsa = cant.
    * crear falsas ilusiones = create + false illusions.
    * dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * dar un paso en falso = make + a false move.
    * democracia falsa = travesty democracy.
    * diamante falso = rhinestone.
    * erradicar falsas ideas = erase + misconceptions.
    * erradicar una falsa idea = dispel + idea.
    * falsa alabanza = lip service.
    * falsa ilusión = delusion.
    * falsa política de integración de minorías = tokenism.
    * falsa pretensión = false pretence.
    * falsa sensación de seguridad = false sense of security.
    * falso pretexto = false pretence.
    * falso testimonio = perjury.
    * hablar en falso = speak with + a split tongue, speak with + a forked tongue, speak with + a twisted tongue.
    * hacer un movimiento en falso = make + a false move.
    * idea falsa = misconception, bogus idea, illusion.
    * movimiento en falso = false move.
    * nivel jerárquico falso = false link.
    * paso en falso = false move.
    * pista falsa = red herring.
    * resultar falso = prove + false.
    * sonar falso = have + a hollow ring.
    * toma falsa = outtake.

    * * *
    falso -sa
    1 ‹billete› counterfeit, forged; ‹cuadro› forged
    2 ‹documento› (copiado) false, forged, fake; (alterado) false, forged
    3 (simulado) ‹diamante/joya› fake; ‹bolsillo/cajón/techo› false
    4 (insincero) ‹persona› insincere, false; ‹sonrisa› false; ‹promesa› false
    1 (no cierto) ‹dato/nombre/declaración› false
    eso es falso, nunca afirmé tal cosa that is not true o that is untrue, I never said such a thing
    en falso: jurar en falso to commit perjury
    golpear en falso to miss the mark
    esta tabla está en falso this board isn't properly supported
    la maleta cerró en falso the suitcase didn't shut properly
    el tornillo giraba en falso the screw wouldn't grip
    paso1 m C 1. (↑ paso (1))
    feminine false alarm
    feminine false modesty
    masculine ( Der) false testimony, perjury
    no levantar falso testimonio ( Relig) thou shalt not bear false witness
    * * *


    ◊ -sa adjetivo

    cuadro forged;
    documento false, forged;
    diamante/joya fake;
    cajón/techo false

    sonrisa/promesa false
    c) ( no cierto) ‹dato/nombre/declaración false;

    eso es falso that is not true o is untrue;

    falsa alarma false alarm;
    falso testimonio sustantivo masculino (Der) false testimony, perjury
    I adjetivo
    1 false: eso que dices es falso, what you're saying is wrong
    había un puerta falsa, there was a false door
    nombre falso, assumed name
    2 (persona) insincere: Juan me parece muy falso, I think Juan is insincere
    3 (falsificado) forged
    dinero falso, counterfeit o bogus money
    II m (persona) insincere person, hypocrit
    ♦ Locuciones: en falso, false: jurar en falso, to commit perjury
    ' falso' also found in these entries:
    - cierto
    - falaz
    - falsa
    - fantasma
    - incierta
    - incierto
    - jurar
    - perjurar
    - testimonio
    - colar
    - supuesto
    - affected
    - bogus
    - counterfeit
    - deceitful
    - disingenuous
    - dud
    - fake
    - false
    - false move
    - faux pas
    - hollow
    - insincere
    - phoney
    - sham
    - slimy
    - spurious
    - two-faced
    - untrue
    - untruthful
    - smooth
    - spruce
    - sycamore
    - trumped-up
    - two
    * * *
    falso, -a
    1. [afirmación, información, rumor] false, untrue;
    eso que dices es falso what you are saying is not true;
    en falso [falsamente] falsely;
    [sin firmeza] unsoundly;
    si haces un movimiento en falso, disparo one false move and I'll shoot;
    dio un paso en falso y se cayó he missed his footing and fell;
    jurar en falso to commit perjury
    falsa alarma false alarm;
    falso testimonio [en juicio] perjury, false evidence;
    dar falso testimonio to give false evidence
    2. [dinero, firma, cuadro] forged;
    [pasaporte] forged, false; [joyas] fake;
    un diamante falso an imitation diamond
    3. [hipócrita] deceitful;
    no soporto a los falsos amigos que te critican a la espalda I can't stand false friends who criticize you behind your back;
    basta ya de falsa simpatía that's enough of you pretending to be nice;
    Fam Hum
    es más falso que Judas he's a real snake in the grass
    Ling falso amigo false friend;
    falsa modestia false modesty
    4. [simulado] false
    falsa costilla false rib;
    falso estuco [en bricolaje] stick-on plasterwork;
    falso muro false wall;
    falso techo false ceiling
    [hipócrita] hypocrite
    * * *
    1 false
    2 joyas fake; documento, firma forged; monedas, billetes counterfeit
    declarar en falso commit perjury
    4 persona false
    * * *
    falso, -sa adj
    1) falaz: false, untrue
    2) : counterfeit, forged
    * * *
    falso adj
    1. (en general) false
    2. (billete, cuadro) forged
    3. (joya) fake
    4. (persona) false / insincere

    Spanish-English dictionary > falso

  • 70 fingido

    phony, feigned, false, affected.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: fingir.
    * * *
    1→ link=fingir fingir
    1 feigned, false
    2 (hipócrita) hypocritical
    nombre fingido false name
    * * *
    (f. - fingida)
    * * *
    ADJ feigned, false

    nombre fingido — assumed name, false name

    * * *
    - da adjetivo hypocritical, false
    * * *
    Ex. Fraktur, cut with a contrived formality that belied its cursive origins, became the most successful of all the gothic types, surviving as a book face in Germany until the mid twentieth century.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo hypocritical, false
    * * *

    Ex: Fraktur, cut with a contrived formality that belied its cursive origins, became the most successful of all the gothic types, surviving as a book face in Germany until the mid twentieth century.

    * * *
    fingido -da
    hypocritical, false
    * * *

    Del verbo fingir: ( conjugate fingir)

    fingido es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    hypocritical, false
    fingir ( conjugate fingir) verbo transitivo
    a)alegría/desinterés to feign, fake;

    b) voz to imitate

    verbo intransitivo
    to pretend
    fingirse verbo pronominal:

    fingido f adj feigned, false
    fingir verbo transitivo to pretend

    ' fingido' also found in these entries:
    - insincere
    - mock
    - sham
    - show
    - pretense
    * * *
    fingido, -a adj
    feigned, apparent
    * * *
    adj false
    * * *
    fingido, -da adj
    : false, feigned

    Spanish-English dictionary > fingido

  • 71 pseudonimo sm

    (gen) assumed name, (di scrittore) pen name, pseudonym, (di attore) stage name

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > pseudonimo sm

  • 72 pseudonimo

    sm [pseu'dɔnimo]
    (gen) assumed name, (di scrittore) pen name, pseudonym, (di attore) stage name

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > pseudonimo

  • 73 фиктивное имя

    1) General subject: prestanombres
    2) Business: assumed name, straw name

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > фиктивное имя

  • 74 Pseudonym

    Pseudonym n 1. COMP, GEN alias; 2. RECHT pseudonym (Deckname)
    * * *
    n 1. <Comp, Geschäft> alias; 2. < Recht> Deckname pseudonym
    * * *
    pseudonym, fictitious (assumed) name, alias, (Schriftsteller) pen name;
    unter einem Pseudonym schreiben to write under a pseudonym.

    Business german-english dictionary > Pseudonym

  • 75 alias

    alias (gen) & (computing).
    alias, otherwise called, otherwise known as, alias dictus.
    m. s.&pl.
    1 alias, assumed name.
    2 code name.
    * * *
    1 alias
    1 alias
    * * *
    ADV SM INV alias
    * * *
    adverbio alias

    Juan Pérez, alias `el Rubio' — Juan Pérez alias `el Rubio'

    masculino (pl alias) alias
    * * *
    = alias, a.k.a. (also known as).
    Ex. Then there was the continual drunkenness at work of the journeyman Hans van Leuven alias Elzevier (who was the father of the founder of the famous Elzevier Press).
    Ex. In this chapter, you're going to learn about what is for most members of the Internet community the most frequently used facility: electronic mail, a.k.a. e-mail.
    * * *
    adverbio alias

    Juan Pérez, alias `el Rubio' — Juan Pérez alias `el Rubio'

    masculino (pl alias) alias
    * * *
    = alias, a.k.a. (also known as).

    Ex: Then there was the continual drunkenness at work of the journeyman Hans van Leuven alias Elzevier (who was the father of the founder of the famous Elzevier Press).

    Ex: In this chapter, you're going to learn about what is for most members of the Internet community the most frequently used facility: electronic mail, a.k.a. e-mail.

    * * *
    Juan Pérez, alias `el Rubio' Juan Pérez alias `el Rubio', Juan Pérez also known as o a.k.a. `el Rubio'
    (pl alias)
    1 (apodo) alias
    2 ( Inf) alias
    * * *

    Del verbo aliar: ( conjugate aliar)

    alías es:

    2ª persona singular (tú) presente indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    alias adverbio
    ■ sustantivo masculino ( pl alias) alias
    alias adverbio & m inv alias
    ' alias' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    Pedro García, alias “el Flaco” Pedro Garcia, alias o a.k.a. “el Flaco”
    nm inv
    1. [apodo] alias
    2. Informát alias
    * * *
    I m inv alias
    II adv alias
    * * *
    alias adv & nm
    : alias

    Spanish-English dictionary > alias

  • 76 fingert navn

    subst. alias, assumed name, false name, pseudonym

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > fingert navn

  • 77 чужой

    1. прил.
    1. ( принадлежащий другим) smb. else's, another's

    на чужой счёт — at smb. else's expense, at the expense of another

    это чужая книга — it is smb. else's book, that book is not mine

    2. ( посторонний) strange, foreign

    чужие края — foreign / strange lands

    чужими руками жар загребать — make* a cat's-paw out of smb.

    2. м. скл. как прил.
    stranger, foreigner

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > чужой

  • 78 pseudônimo

    pseudonym, pen name, alias, assumed name
    * * *

    Dicionário português (brasileiro)-Inglês > pseudônimo

  • 79 별명

    n. alias, assumed name, nickname, name invented for oneself and used on IRC (Internet)

    Korean-English dictionary > 별명

  • 80 Deckname

    Deck·na·me m
    assumed name, code name, alias;
    unter dem \Decknamen „Rudi“ auftreten to go under the alias of ‘Rudi’

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Deckname

См. также в других словарях:

  • assumed name — assumed names N COUNT: usu under N If you do something under an assumed name, you do it using a name that is not your real name. The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge... In Arnham, she and …   English dictionary

  • assumed name — Name used by a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation to conduct business that is different from the legal name of the proprietorship, partnership or corporation. Sometimes an assumed name is prefaced by the initials t/a for trading as or… …   Financial and business terms

  • assumed name — noun 1. a name that has been assumed temporarily • Syn: ↑alias, ↑false name • Hypernyms: ↑name 2. (law) a name under which a corporation conducts business that is not the legal name of the corporation as shown in its articles of incorporation •… …   Useful english dictionary

  • assumed name — UK [əˌsjuːmd ˈneɪm] / US [əˌsumd ˈneɪm] noun [countable] Word forms assumed name : singular assumed name plural assumed names a name someone uses so that no one will know their real name …   English dictionary

  • assumed name — as.sumed name n if you do something under an assumed name, you do it using a name that is not your real name = ↑pseudonym ▪ He s been living in Peru under an assumed name …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • assumed name — as|sumed name [ ə,sumd neım ] noun count a name someone uses so that no one will know their real name: ALIAS …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • assumed name — [əˌsjuːmd ˈneɪm] noun [C] a name that someone uses so that no one will know their real name …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • assumed name — false name, false identity …   English contemporary dictionary

  • assumed name — See ficticious name …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • assumed name — noun An alias, especially one adopted in order to deceive …   Wiktionary

  • assumed name — Alias …   New dictionary of synonyms

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