1 дополнительный
1) General subject: accessorial, accessory, add-on, additional, additory, adjunct, adjunctive, adminicular, adscititious, alternate, amplificatory, another, appendant, auxiliary, by, collateral, complementary, contingent, excess, expletive, extra, farther, follow-up, further, in addition, more, new, obverse, occasional, other, plus, second, spare, subsidiary, supererogatory, supernumerary, supplemental, supplementary, attached, (train, plain) back-up3) Medicine: ancillary, assident, succenturiate, subs (subsidiary)4) Colloquial: wildcat (о поезде)5) Obsolete: accessive (Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913))8) Bookish: appendical, epactal9) Chemistry: padding10) Mathematics: adjugate, complement11) Railway term: superposed12) Law: accessary, adjective, collateral, secondary, subsequent13) Linguistics: completive14) Diplomatic term: special (о выборах и т.п.), supporting16) Telecommunications: ext19) Oil: complemental20) Special term: addititious21) Metrology: complimentary22) Business: collateral (об обеспечении и т.п.), incremental, marginal, ministerial, side-line23) Network technologies: piggyback25) Quality control: accidental, false26) Makarov: adventitious, adventive, annex, branch, external, indirect, odd, peripheral, tributary27) SAP.tech. addnl28) General subject: antithetic -
2 расширяющий
1) General subject: amplificatory, dilative2) Geology: reaming3) Naval: developmental4) Chemistry: underreaming5) Construction: dilating, making wider6) Mining: reaming (скважину)7) Programming: extension (напр. о прецеденте)8) Makarov: broadening, broadering, dilatant, expanding, extending -
3 увеличивающий
1) General subject: augmentative, multiplicative2) Aviation: running up3) Rare: amplificatory4) Chemistry: incrementing6) Makarov: broadening, broadering, elevating, expanding, increasing, multiplying, zooming7) SAP.tech. zooming in
См. также в других словарях:
Amplificatory — Am*plif i*ca*to*ry, a. Serving to amplify or enlarge; amplificative. Morell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amplificatory — /am plif i keuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. of the nature of enlargement or extension, as of a statement, narrative, etc. [1840 50; < L amplifica(re) to increase (see AMPLIFY) + TORY1] * * * … Universalium
amplificatory — /am plif i keuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. of the nature of enlargement or extension, as of a statement, narrative, etc. [1840 50; < L amplifica(re) to increase (see AMPLIFY) + TORY1] … Useful english dictionary
am|pli|fi|ca|tive — «AM pluh fuh KAY tihv», adjective. = amplificatory. (Cf. ↑amplificatory) … Useful english dictionary
Amplificative — Am*plif i*ca*tive, a. Amplificatory. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Executive functions — Psychology … Wikipedia
ample — adjective /ˈæmpl/ a) Large; great in size, extent, capacity, or bulk; spacious; roomy; widely extended. b) Fully sufficient; abundant; … Wiktionary
amplification — noun a) the act, or result of amplifying, enlarging, extending or adding to b) the act, or result of independently increasing some quantity, especially voltage, power or current See Also: ample, amplifiable, amplifier, amplificatory … Wiktionary
amplitude — noun a) The measure of somethings size, especially in terms of width or breadth; largeness, magnitude. b) The maximum absolute value of the … Wiktionary
amplifier — noun /ˈæmpləfaɪə,ˈæmpləfaɪɚ/ a) Anything that amplifies, or makes something larger or more intense. b) An appliance or circuit that increases the strength of a weak electrical signal without changing the other characteristics of the signal. See… … Wiktionary
amplify — verb /ˈæmp.lɪ.faɪ/ a) To render larger, more extended, or more intense, and the like; mdash;used especially of loudspeakers, telescopes, microscopes, etc. b) To enlarge by addition or discussion; to treat copiously by adding particulars,… … Wiktionary