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tr[əmɔːtaɪ'zeɪʃən]1 amortización nombre femeninoamortization (US/UK)n.• amortización s.f.[ǝˌmɔːtɪ'zeɪʃǝn]N amortización f -
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amortization [əˏmɔ:taɪˊzeɪʃn] n1) юр. погаше́ние (до́лга); амортиза́ция2) юр. отчужде́ние недви́жимости3) тех. амортиза́ция -
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amortization 1. ACC Abschreibung f, Amortisation f, Amortisierung f, Tilgung f, Rückkauf m; 2. BANK Amortisierung f; 3. FIN Rückfluss m, Rückzahlung f, Schuldentilgung f, Tilgung f, Rückkauf mEnglisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > amortization
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amortization Amortisation fEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > amortization
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Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > amortization
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сущ.тж. amortisation1) учет амортизацияа) (бухгалтерский процесс распределения стоимости долгосрочного актива во времени, при котором стоимость актива на систематической основе списывается в расходы тех отчетных периодов, в которых ожидается получение выгод от использования этого актива)The method and rates of amortization [of capital assets\] will be disclosed in the financial statements.
See:to calculate the amortization of an intangible asset — рассчитать сумму амортизации для нематериального актива
Amortization of the Company's real estate and intangible assets in 2008 increased to $50 million — амортизация [недвижимости компании и ее нематериальных активов\]
Syn:depreciation 3)2) фин. амортизацияа) (процедура корректировки учетной стоимости облигации, купленной по цене выше или ниже номинала, в течение срока владения ею)See:3) учет амортизация (истощение стоимости истощаемых природных ресурсов, напр., нефтяных скважин и месторождений полезных ископаемых)See:4) фин. амортизация [погашение, списание\] долгаа) (выплата долга путем периодических платежей процентов и частей основной суммы долга)Loan amortization shows you how interest and principal are paid off. — Процесс погашения долга показывает, как выплачиваются проценты и основная сумма долга.
б) (величина выплаты в каком-л. периоде)Syn:See:amortization of mortgage, loan amortization, constant-principal payment amortization, effective-interest amortization, level payment amortization, negative amortization, extinguishment of debt, planned amortization class bond, targeted amortization class bond5) юр. (отчуждение земельной собственности по праву "мертвой руки")
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амортизация: 1) бухгалтерская техника ежегодного списания стоимости актива в течение всего срока владения им путем регулярного отнесения части этой стоимости на доходы; в случае фиксированных активов обычно используется термин " depreciation" (см.), а истощимых природных ресурсов - " depletion"; списываться могут и нематериальные активы типа патентов и прав; 2) выплата, погашение кредита путем регулярных платежей кредитору или в фонд погашения по определенному графику; см. sinking fund; 3) амортизация (корректировка) учетной стоимости облигаций, купленных по цене выше номинала в течение срока владения ими (т. е. уменьшение этой стоимости по мере приближения к сроку погашения по номиналу); см. accretion of discount.* * ** * *. Погашение займа в рассрочку . This is similar to straight-line depreciation, allowing a business or individual to write off an expenditure over a number of years. Amortization generally applies to intangible assets. For example, you purchase a business consisting of a machine with a fair market value of $10,000 and goodwill of $15,000. You can't expense (write off) the cost in the year acquired, but you can depreciate the machine using any of several methods, including one that provides greater deductions in the early years. The goodwill can only be amortized over 15 years using a straight-line method, or $1,000 per year. Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *-----Финансы/Кредит/Валюта1. ежегодное списание стоимости актива2. постепенное погашение стоимости кредита-----ср. depreciation -
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[əˌmɔ:tɪˈzeɪʃən]amortization амортизационное списание amortization амортизационные отчисления amortization амортизационный фонд amortization амортизация amortization отчуждение земельной собственности по "праву мертвой руки" amortization отчуждение недвижимости amortization отчуждение недвижимости в пользу корпорации amortization погашение (долга); амортизация amortization погашение долга в рассрочку amortization постепенное создание фонда amortization of a debt погашение долга в рассрочку amortization of goodwill амортизация неосязаемого основного капитала amortization rate of interest процентная ставка при погашении долга в рассрочку annual amortization годовое амортизационное списание depreciation and amortization начисление износа и амортизационные отчисления -
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1. n
- accelerated amortization
- accrued amortization
- accumulated amortization
- capital cost amortization
- emergency amortization
- amortization of a debt
- amortization of fixed assets
- amortization of intangible assets
- amortization of tangible assets
- amortization charged to operation2. attr.English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > amortization
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1. n эк. амортизация, погашение долга в рассрочку2. n эк. амортизационные отчисления; амортизационный фонд3. n эк. юр. отчуждение земельной собственности по «праву мёртвой руки»4. n эк. тех. амортизация, демпфирование; поглощение, смягчение ударов5. n эк. смягчение удара или толчка при приземлении -
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1. n бухг. амортизація; зношення; зношування; знос; 2. фін. погашення боргу на виплат; a амортизаційний1. періодичне зниження вартості нематеріальних активів (intangible assets) протягом часу; ♦ хоча терміни amortization і depreciation вважають замінними, amortization переважно стосується зношення нематеріальних активів, напр. патентів (patent), гудвілу (goodwill), франшиз (franchise), оренд (lease) і т. ін.; 2. процес поступового погашення боргу (debt) або боргового зобов'язання (charge) періодичними платежами; ♦ погашення боргу відбувається, напр., при сплаті основної суми (principal¹) та відсотків (interest)═════════■═════════accelerated amortization прискорена амортизація; capital cost amortization амортизаційне списання вартості капіталу═════════□═════════amortization charged to operations амортизаційні нарахування, що належать до виробничих витрат; amortization of a debt погашення боргу на виплат; amortization schedule план амортизації═════════◇═════════амортизація < нім. amortisieren — ослаблювати; поступово сплачувати борги < фр. amortir — ослабляти, пом'якшувати, глушити < лат. mors — смерть; фіксується в укр. з XVIII ст. (ЕСУМ 1: 68; ЕС-СУМ 1: 59)▹▹ depreciation -
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1) амортизация, снашивание•Intangibles (such as patents and copyrights) are generally amortizable. — Нематериальные активы (такие как патенты и авторские права) обычно подлежат амортизации.
15 amortization
1) амортизация, снашивание2) бухг. амортизационное списание (в течение срока службы основного капитала)3) постепенное погашение долга (в рассрочку из резервного фонда)4) постепенное создание фонда (для погашения долга до наступления срока обязательства)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > amortization
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Fin1. a method of recovering (deducting or writing off) the capital costs of intangible assets over a fixed period of time.EXAMPLEFor tax purposes, the distinction is not always made between amortization and depreciation, yet amortization remains a viable financial accounting concept in its own right.It is computed using the straight-line method of depreciation: divide the initial cost of the intangible asset by the estimated useful life of that asset.Initial cost/useful life = amortization per yearFor example, if it costs $10,000 to acquire a patent and it has an estimated useful life of 10 years, the amortized amount per year is $1,000.$10,000/10 = $1,000 per yearThe amount of amortization accumulated since the asset was acquired appears on the organization’s balance sheet as a deduction under the amortized asset.While that formula is straightforward, amortization can also incorporate a variety of noncash charges to net earnings and/or asset values, such as depletion, write-offs, prepaid expenses, and deferred charges. Accordingly, there are many rules to regulate how these charges appear on financial statements. The rules are different in each country, and are occasionally changed, so it is necessary to stay abreast of them and rely on expert advice.For financial reporting purposes, an intangible asset is amortized over a period of years. The amortizable life—“useful life”—of an intangible asset is the period over which it gives economic benefit.Intangibles that can be amortized can include:Copyrights, based on the amount paid either to purchase them or to develop them internally, plus the costs incurred in producing the work (wages or materials, for example). At present, a copyright is granted to a corporation for 75 years, and to an individual for the life of the author plus 50 years. However, the estimated useful life of a copyright is usually far less than its legal life, and it is generally amortized over a fairly short period;Cost of a franchise, including any fees paid to the franchiser, as well legal costs or expenses incurred in the acquisition. A franchise granted for a limited period should be amortized over its life. If the franchise has an indefinite life, it should be amortized over a reasonable period not to exceed 40 years;Covenants not to compete: an agreement by the seller of a business not to engage in a competing business in a certain area for a specific period of time. The cost of the not-tocompete covenant should be amortized over the period covered by the covenant unless its estimated economic life is expected to be less;Easement costs that grant a right of way may be amortized if there is a limited and specified life; Organization costs incurred when forming a corporation or a partnership, including legal fees, accounting services, incorporation fees, and other related services.Organization costs are usually amortized over 60 months;Patents, both those developed internally and those purchased. If developed internally, a patent’s “amortizable basis” includes legal fees incurred during the application process. A patent should be amortized over its legal life or its economic life, whichever is the shorter;Trademarks, brands, and trade names, which should be written off over a period not to exceed 40 years;Other types of property that may be amortized include certain intangible drilling costs, circulation costs, mine development costs, pollution control facilities, and reforestation expenditures;Certain intangibles cannot be amortized, but may be depreciated using a straight-line approach if they have “determinable” useful life. Because the rules are different in each country and are subject to change, it is essential to rely on specialist advice.2. the repayment of the principal and interest on a loan in equal amounts over a period of time -
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амортизация; амортизационный -
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amor·ti·za·tion[əˌmɔ:tɪˈzeɪʃən, AM æˌmɔ:rˈt̬ə-]\amortization period Tilgungsdauer f* * *[ə"mOːtaI'zeISən]nAmortisation f* * *amortization [əˌmɔː(r)tıˈzeıʃn; ˌæmɔː(r)tıˈz-; -taı-; US besonders ˌæmərtə-] s WIRTSCH Amortisation f:a) (ratenweise) Tilgungb) Abschreibung f:amortization fund Amortisations-, Tilgungsfonds mEBITDA abk earnings before interest, tax, amortization, and depreciation WIRTSCH Betriebsergebnis n vor Zinsen, Steuern, Abschreibungen auf Firmenwert und auf das sonstige Anlagevermögen* * *n.Amortisation f.Tilgung -en f. -
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------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] amortization (of a loan or debt)[Swahili Word] majilipio[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] lipa------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] amortization (of a loan or debt)[Swahili Word] majilipizi[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] lipa------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] amortization (of a loan or debt)[Swahili Word] majilipo[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] lipa------------------------------------------------------------ -
20 amortization
амортизация имя существительное:
См. также в других словарях:
Amortization — or amortisation is the process of decreasing, or accounting for, an amount over a period of time. The word comes from Middle English amortisen to kill, alienate in mortmain, from Anglo French amorteser , alteration of amortir , from Vulgar Latin… … Wikipedia
amortization — I noun clearance, defrayal, defrayment, disbursement, discharge, extinction of a debt, extinguishment of claim, liquidation of a debt, payment, remittance, satisfaction associated concepts: amortization contract, amortization of a mortgage,… … Law dictionary
Amortization — A*mor ti*za tion, n. [LL. amortisatio, admortizatio. See {Amortize}, and cf. {Admortization}.] 1. (Law) The act or right of alienating lands to a corporation, which was considered formerly as transferring them to dead hands, or in mortmain. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amortization — (n.) 1670s, in reference to lands given to religious orders, from M.L. amortizationem (nom. amortizatio), noun of action from pp. stem of amortizare (see AMORTIZE (Cf. amortize)). Of debts, from 1824 … Etymology dictionary
amortization — [ə môr′tiz məntam΄ər ti zā′shən, ə môr΄təzā′shən] n. 1. an amortizing or being amortized 2. money put aside for amortizing a debt, etc.: also amortizement [ə môr′tiz mənt] … English World dictionary
amortization — (1) The process of making regular, periodic decreases in the book or carrying value of an asset. For example, when a bond is purchased at a price above 100, the difference between the purchase price and the par value, the premium, is amortized.… … Financial and business terms
amortization — A cost *allocation method used to record the reduction in value of an asset over time. The classic case of amortization is the matching of the cost of an item of *property, plant, and equipment to its *useful life. Assets generally lose value as… … Auditor's dictionary
amortization — / amortazeyshsn/ In accounting, the allocation (and charge to expense) of the cost or other basis of an intangible asset over its estimated useful life. Intangible assets which have an indefinite life (e.g., goodwill) are not amortizable.… … Black's law dictionary
amortization — / amortazeyshsn/ In accounting, the allocation (and charge to expense) of the cost or other basis of an intangible asset over its estimated useful life. Intangible assets which have an indefinite life (e.g., goodwill) are not amortizable.… … Black's law dictionary
amortization — /am euhr teuh zay sheuhn, euh mawr /, n. 1. an act or instance of amortizing a debt or other obligation. 2. the sums devoted to this purpose. Also, amortizement. [1665 75; < ML a(d)mortization (s. of admortizatio). See AMORTIZE, ATION] * * * In… … Universalium
Amortization — The repayment of a loan by installments. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * amortization a‧mor‧ti‧za‧tion [əˌmɔːtaɪˈzeɪʆn ǁ ˌæmərtə ] also amortisation noun 1. [countable, uncountable] ACCOUNTING … Financial and business terms