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  • 1 allowance

    1) (a fixed sum or quantity given regularly: His father made him an allowance of $20 a month.) pašalpa
    2) (something (usually a quantity) allowed: This dress pattern has a seam allowance of 1 cm.) leidžiamas kiekis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > allowance

  • 2 make allowance for

    (to take into consideration when deciding etc: We've made allowance for the fact that everyone has different tastes.) atsižvelgti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > make allowance for

  • 3 allow

    1) (not to forbid or prevent: He allowed me to enter; Playing football in the street is not allowed.) leisti
    2) ((with for) to take into consideration when judging or deciding: These figures allow for price rises.) numatyti
    3) (to give, especially for a particular purpose or regularly: His father allows him too much money.) duoti
    - make allowance for

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > allow

  • 4 draw

    [dro:] 1. past tense - drew; verb
    1) (to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc: During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?) piešti
    2) (to pull along, out or towards oneself: She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony.) traukti
    3) (to move (towards or away from someone or something): The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer.) trauktis, artėti
    4) (to play (a game) in which neither side wins: The match was drawn / We drew at 1-1.) sužaisti lygiosiomis
    5) (to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc: to draw a pension / an allowance.) gauti
    6) (to open or close (curtains).) atitraukti
    7) (to attract: She was trying to draw my attention to something.) pritraukti
    2. noun
    1) (a drawn game: The match ended in a draw.) lygiosios
    2) (an attraction: The acrobats' act should be a real draw.) atrakcionas
    3) (the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc: a prize draw.) loterijos lošimas, burtų traukimas
    4) (an act of drawing, especially a gun: He's quick on the draw.) traukimas
    - drawn
    - drawback
    - drawbridge
    - drawing-pin
    - drawstring
    - draw a blank
    - draw a conclusion from
    - draw in
    - draw the line
    - draw/cast lots
    - draw off
    - draw on1
    - draw on2
    - draw out
    - draw up
    - long drawn out

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > draw

  • 5 keep back

    1) (not to (allow to) move forward: She kept the child back on the edge of the crowd; Every body keep back from the door!) nesiartinti, pasitraukti, laikyti(s) toliau (nuo)
    2) (not to tell or make known: I feel he's keeping the real story back for some reason.) nutylėti
    3) (not to give or pay out: Part of my allowance is kept back to pay for my meals; Will they keep it back every week?) išskaičiuoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > keep back

  • 6 pocket-money

    noun (money for personal use, especially a child's regular allowance: He gets $2 a week pocket-money.) kišenpinigiai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pocket-money

См. также в других словарях:

  • allowance — al‧low‧ance [əˈlaʊəns] noun 1. [countable] an amount of money that someone is given regularly or for a special reason: • She earns a package worth $1 million, including a $15,000 clothing allowance. ˌcost of ˈliving alˌlowance [countable] HUMAN… …   Financial and business terms

  • Allowance — may refer to: *Allowance (money) *Allowances in accounting, see Accounts receivable *Personal allowance in the United Kingdom s taxing system * Jobseeker s Allowance, a term for unemployment benefit in the United Kingdom * EU Allowances… …   Wikipedia

  • allowance — al·low·ance /ə lau̇ əns/ n 1: an allotted share: as a: a sum granted as a reimbursement or payment for expenses an allowance to support the deceased s family deduction for a moving allowance b: a sum granted as a reduction or increase …   Law dictionary

  • allowance — 1 *ration, dole, pittance Analogous words: allotment, apportionment, assignment (see corresponding verbs at ALLOT): share (see corresponding verb SHARE): grant, *appropriation, subsidy 2 Allowance, concession both signify a change made by way of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • allowance — [ə lou′əns] n. 1. the act of allowing, permitting, admitting, etc. [the allowance of a claim] 2. something allowed as a share; specif., an amount of money, food, etc. given regularly to a child, dependent, etc. or to military personnel for a… …   English World dictionary

  • Allowance — Al*low ance, n. [OF. alouance.] 1. Approval; approbation. [Obs.] Crabbe. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance. [1913 Webster] Without the king s will or the state …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Allowance — Al*low ance, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Allowancing}.] [See {Allowance}, n.] To put upon a fixed allowance (esp. of provisions and drink); to supply in a fixed and limited quantity; as, the captain was obliged to allowance his crew; our provisions were …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • allowance — (n.) late 14c., praise (a sense now obsolete), from O.Fr. aloance allowance, granting, allocation, from alouer (see ALLOW (Cf. allow)). Sense of a sum alloted to meet expenses is from c.1400. In accounts, meaning a sum placed to one s credit is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • allowance — [n1] amount of money or other supply aid, alimony, allocation, allotment, annuity, apportionment, bequest, bite*, bounty, commission, contribution, cut, endowment, fee, fellowship, gift, grant, honorarium, inheritance, interest, legacy, lot,… …   New thesaurus

  • Allowance — Allowance. См. Припуск. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Allowance — (engl., spr. ällaūens, »Erlaubnis«), s. Armenwesen (Abschnitt »England«) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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