1 algebra
algebra -
2 algebra
algebra -
3 algebra
4 algebra
álgebraEnglish-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > algebra
5 algebra
álgebra -
6 algebra
algebra* * *['æl‹ibrə](a method of calculating using letters and signs to represent numbers.) algebra -
7 algebra
• algebra* * *'æl‹ibrə(a method of calculating using letters and signs to represent numbers.) algebra -
8 algebra
9 algebra
algebra [ˊældʒɪbrə] nа́лгебра -
10 algebra
11 algebra
• algebra; računica -
12 algebra
13 algebra
algebra {fk} -
14 algebra
15 algebra
16 algebra
algebra with minimality condition — алгебра с условием минимальности, алгебра с условием обрыва убывающих цепей
algebra with maximality condition — алгебра с условием максимальности, алгебра с условием обрыва возрастающих цепей
17 algebra
– abstract algebra
– algebra of sets
– algebraic algebra
– annihilator algebra
– associative algebra
– Banach algebra
– Boolean algebra
– Cartan algebra
– central algebra
– circuit algebra
– closure algebra
– commutative algebra
– constraint algebra
– convolution algebra
– current algebra
– derivation algebra
– differential algebra
– division algebra
– elementary algebra
– enveloping algebra
– exterior algebra
– field-like algebra
– free Lie algebra
– higher algebra
– homological algebra
– Lie algebra
– linear algebra
– matrix algebra
– measure algebra
– propositional algebra
– quaternion algebra
– quotient algebra
– relational algebra
– segregated algebra
– simple algebra
– spinor algebra
– switching algebra
– universal algebra
algebra of finite order — <math.> алгебра конечного ранга
generalized uniserial algebra — обобщенно однорядная алгебра
18 algebra
вчт1) алгебра•- algebra of logic
- algebra of manifolds
- algebra of traceless matrices
- abstract algebra
- adjacency algebra
- Banach algebra
- Boolean algebra
- Cayley algebra
- circuit algebra
- dual algebra
- event algebra
- Galois algebra
- graph algebra
- Heisenberg algebra
- higher algebra
- Lie algebra
- linear algebra
- loop algebra
- matrix algebra
- optical algebra
- pair algebra
- polynomial algebra
- quantifier algebra
- quaternion algebra
- relational algebra
- residue algebra
- switching algebra -
19 algebra
вчт.1) алгебра•- adjacency algebra
- algebra of classes
- algebra of logic
- algebra of manifolds
- algebra of traceless matrices
- Banach algebra
- Boolean algebra
- Cayley algebra
- circuit algebra
- dual algebra
- event algebra
- Galois algebra
- graph algebra
- Heisenberg algebra
- higher algebra
- Lie algebra
- linear algebra
- loop algebra
- matrix algebra
- optical algebra
- pair algebra
- polynomial algebra
- quantifier algebra
- quaternion algebra
- relational algebra
- residue algebra
- switching algebraThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > algebra
20 algebra
'æl‹ibrə(a method of calculating using letters and signs to represent numbers.) álgebraalgebra n álgebra
álgebra feminine noun taking masculine article in the singular algebra
álgebra sustantivo femenino algebra ' álgebra' also found in these entries: English: algebratr['ælʤɪbrə]1 álgebraalgebra ['ælʤəbrə] n: álgebra mn.• algebra s.f.• álgebra (Matemática) s.f.'ældʒəbrə, 'ældʒɪbrəmass noun álgebra f‡['ældʒɪbrǝ]N álgebra f* * *['ældʒəbrə, 'ældʒɪbrə]mass noun álgebra f‡
См. также в других словарях:
Algebra — Algebra … Deutsch Wörterbuch
algebră — ALGÉBRĂ s.f. 1. Teorie a operaţiilor privind numerele reale (pozitive ori negative) sau complexe şi rezolvarea ecuaţiilor prin substituirea prin litere a valorilor numerice şi a formulei generale de calcul numeric particular. ♦ Manual şcolar care … Dicționar Român
Algebra — (fra Arabisk al djebr ) er en gren af matematikken der kan beskrives som en genralisering og udvidelse af aritmetikken. Man kan lave en grov inddeling af algebra i disse felter: 10 Elementær algebra hvor man ser på egenskaberne ved de reelle tal … Danske encyklopædi
Algebra — Sf Lehre von den mathematischen Gleichungen (usw.) erw. fach. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ml. algebra, das seinerseits auf arab. al ǧabr zurückgeht. Dieses ist Teil des Titels eines Lehrbuchs des arabischen Mathematikers Al Ḫwārizmī (9. Jh … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Algĕbra — (v. arab., Math.), der Theil der Arithmetik, der sich mit der Lösung solcher Aufgaben beschäftigt, in denen der Werth einer od. mehrerer Zahlen gefunden werden soll, nachdem das Resultat bekannt ist, welches aus irgend welchen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Algebra — »Buchstabenrechnung, Lehre von den mathematischen Gleichungen«: Der Fachausdruck der Mathematik wurde im 15. Jh. aus gleichbed. mlat. algebra, evtl. auch durch roman. Vermittlung (beachte entsprechend span., port. álgebra, it. algebra, frz.… … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
Algebra — Al ge*bra, n. [LL. algebra, fr. Ar. al jebr reduction of parts to a whole, or fractions to whole numbers, fr. jabara to bind together, consolidate; al jebr w almuq[=a]balah reduction and comparison (by equations): cf. F. alg[ e]bre, It. & Sp.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Algebra — statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. algebra vok. Algebra, f rus. алгебра, f pranc. algèbre, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
algebra — statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. algebra vok. Algebra, f rus. алгебра, f pranc. algèbre, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Algebra — statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. algebra vok. Algebra, f rus. алгебра, f pranc. algèbre, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
algebra — statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. algebra vok. Algebra, f rus. алгебра, f pranc. algèbre, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas